Eastern Mojave Vegetation | Habit of Coll. No. 2577, Kochia scoparia |
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Photographed 19 Sep 2021.
Coll. No. 2755, 16 Sep 2021, characters observed: Annual, to 1 m., terrestrial, herbaceous, sap clear, not parasitic, not fern-like, without stinging hairs; Stem, with ascending multi-cellular hairs; Leaves, alternate, green, linear, 60 mm. × 6 mm. wide, veins #3 + reticulate, surface, adaxial pubescent, abaxial long silky appressed, margin ciliate, tip acute, no bristle; Inflorescence, bracteate, though some flowers borne singly on the rachis (i.e., not bracted), Bracts, 4 mm. × 1 mm. wide, lanceolate, green, mid-vein green, somewhat obscure, margin long ciliate; Rachis, densely long hairy; Perianth, sepaloid, single whorl, glabrous, not hooked, horizontally winged in fruit; Sepals, #5, fleshy; Stamens, #4; Ovary, enclosing seeds, carpels united; Stigmas, #2; Fruit, not a silicle.
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Other photos about Species or Amaranthaceae Kochia scoparia.
Date and time this page was prepared: 1/5/2025 2:38:58 PM |