![]() | Clear Creek Canyon Park, Jefferson County, Colorado. |
Gazetteer Query: See also: Clear Creek. Clear Creek Canyon. Indian Gulch. Jefferson County Open Space. See also: Welch Ditch.
Refers to Jefferson County Open Space lands designated as Clear Creek Canyon Park.
Small portions of this park are withing the city limits of Golden.
I do not include this location in Golden s.l. because it extended quite some distance, i.e., some 18 km., west of Golden. Places along the Welch Ditch in Clear Creek Canyon Park are indexed under Welch Ditch.
Articles that refer to this location:
Species collected at or near this location. This list summarizes plants collected or observed at this specific, named location. It does not include plants collected or observed at nearby named or unnamed locations. It may be more instructive to use the Area Lists that contain this location.
Anacardiaceae Rhus trilobata Nutt. trilobata. Skunkbush Sumac (TAS) Asteraceae Perityleae Pericome caudata A. Gray. Mountain Tail-Leaf (TAS+Obs) Berberidaceae Berberis repens Lindl. Creeping Barberry (TAS) Betulaceae Betula occidentalis Hook. Water Birch (TAS) Brassicaceae Descurainia incisa (Engelm.) Britton incisa. Mountain Tansymustard (TAS) Erysimum capitatum (Hook.) Greene. Sanddune Wallflower (Obs) Physaria vitulifera Rydb. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 278. 1901. Roundtip Twinpod (TAS+Obs) Cannabaceae Humulus neomexicanus (A. Nelson & Cockerell) Rydb. New Mexican Hops (Obs) Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia esula L. Leafy Spurge (TAS) Fumariaceae Corydalis aurea Willd. Scrambled Eggs (Obs) Grossulariaceae Ribes cereum Douglas. Wax Currant (TAS) Onagraceae Oenothera coronopifolia Torr. & A. Gray. Crownleaf Evening Primrose. Hierba de San Juan. (Obs) Primulaceae Dodecatheon pulchellum (Raf.) Merr. Beautiful Shootingstar (TAS) Rosaceae Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M. Roem. Saskatoon Serviceberry (TAS) Prunus americana Marshall. American Plum (TAS) Prunus virginiana L. Chokecherry (TAS) Rubus deliciosus Torr. Delicious raspberry (TAS) Sapindaceae Acer glabrum Torr. Rocky Mountain Maple (TAS) Saxifragaceae Heuchera bracteata (Torr.) Ser. Bracted Alumroot (Obs) Scrophulariaceae Scrophularia lanceolata Pursh. Lanceleaf Figwort (Obs) Violaceae Viola nuttallii Pursh. Nuttall's Violet (Obs) Anthericeae Leucocrinum montanum Nutt. ex A. Gray. Star Lily (TAS)
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M, Date and time this article was prepared:11:59:02 AM, 2/4/2025. |