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Detailed Area Plant List for DeLong Park (City of Golden), Jefferson County, United States.
Edited by Tom Schweich
This list is assembled from personal collections, herbarium vouchers, and published lists. For California, much of the data is provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria as indicated by a single dagger “†.” Their web site is at: (http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/consortium/). For Colorado, much of the data is provided by the Southwest Environmental Information Network as indicated by a double dagger “‡,” which web site is found at (http://swbiodiversity.org). See their respective websites for copyright information and recommended citation formats.
For a complete list of Locations included in this Area List, see the Locations Included section, below.
For a check list, please see: Check List for DeLong Park (City of Golden), Jefferson County, United States.
Juniperus scopulorum Sarg. 'Cologreen'. Cologreen Rocky Mountain Juniper. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 15 gal. planted 2568. 2568. .
Pinus aristata Engelm. Bristlecone Pine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 8 ft. planted 2570. 2570. . .
Pinus heldreichii H. Christ var. leucodermis. Bosnian Pine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 8 ft. planted, nomenclature confused, possibly a subspecies 2569. 2569. .
Conium maculatum L. Common Poison Hemlock. Weed: CO DofA, List: C. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Growing on side of small watercourse, probably pre-dates designation of park and construction.
Colorado Noxious Weed List C.
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2768.
6 May 2022.
Golden s.n. Error 14.6(b)-7c
Achillea millefolium L. (Syn: A. lanulosa Nutt. , A. m. L. var. alpicola (Rydb.) Garrett , A. m. L. var. lanulosa (Nutt.) Piper , A. m. L. var. occidentalis DC. ) Common Yarrow. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
Perennial herb to 50 cm.;; Leaves alternate, tendrils absent, finely dissected, aromatic when fresh; Inflorescence, heads enclosed by an involucre, in flat-topped clusters; Phyllaries in 2+ series; Receptacles bearing scale-like bracts (paleate); Perianth in 2 or more whorls, parts in 5s; Phyllaries in 2+ series, not all subtending ray flowers; Flowers open, bisexual, two kinds, some with strap-shaped corollas; Petals fused into a tube; Ray flowers, white, lobe ovate; Disc flowers, white; Stamens = in number to corolla lobes; Ovary inferior. Pistils, 1 per flower (Described from Coll. No. 482, 30 Nov 2011, and Coll. No. 1023, 24 Jul 2013).
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting),
as Western Yarrow, hydroseeded
Ambrosia acanthicarpa Hook. Flat-Spine Burr-Ragweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed. Native to Colorado, not previously known from Jefferson County.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Not previously collected in or near Golden; unclear whether this Ambrosia was previously here, brought in with the soil amendment, or was a contaminant in the seed mix.
DeLong Park was a private residence that was left fallow for a number of years, then converted to a city park in 2021-2022. Possibly a waif.
In planted native grass beds, along 23rd Street, opposite Vernon Drive, 1.72 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 2908.
18 Aug 2022.
Ambrosia psilostachya DC. Western Ragweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Native to Golden, but may become weedy here. Thin, but not eliminate.
Perennial herb, to 40 cm., woody at base; Leaves opposite below, alternate above, 50 mm. × 22 mm., ovate, pinnately divided; Inflorescence indeterminate, appearing raceme-like, 2 kinds of flowers, pistillate heads many, distal, carpellate heads few, clustered in distal leafy axils; Phyllaries fused into a cup; Receptacle not chaffy; Pappus absent (Described from Coll. No. 1068, 8 Oct 2014).
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Common in all open spaces of Golden including nearby slopes of South Table Mountain; unclear whether this plant was previously here, brought in with the soil amendment, or was a contaminant in the seed mix.
DeLong Park was a private residence that was left fallow for a number of years, then converted to a city park in 2021-2022.
Hydroseeded “native” area, north corner of park on 23rd Street opposite Table Drive, 1.74 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 2916.
15 Sep 2022.
Arctium minus Bernh. Lesser Burdock. Weed: CO DofA, List: C. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. (Syn: Breea arvensis (L.) Lessing ) Canada Thistle. Weed: CO DofA, List: B. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
Annual, to 70 cm., tap-rooted; Leaves, cauline, alternate, sessile but not obviously decurrent, 85 mm. × 20 mm. wide, margin sinuate, spiny, adaxial thinly tomentose, abaxial tomentose; Inflorescence, panicle(?); Heads, many, 30±, 15 mm. × 8 mm. dia., disk flowers only, dioecious, staminate heads, pappus < corolla, pistillate heads, pappus > corolla; Phyllaries, many (6-7) series, outer 3 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide, inner 15 mm. × 1 mm. wide, dark dorsal ridge, tips, spinulose, reflexed; Receptacle, soft bristles, 10 mm.; Pappus, plumose bristles (Described from Coll. No. 1512, 24 July 2016).
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Colorado Noxious Weed List B.
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2773.
6 May 2022.
Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist. (Syn: Erigeron canadensis (L.) Cronquist ) Canadian Horseweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Coreopsis auriculata 'Zampfir'. Fluted Coreopsis. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 1 gal. planted 2553. 2553. . .
Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L.Nesom & G.I.Baird var. graveolens (Nutt.) Reveal & Schuyler. (Syn: E. n. (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L.Nesom & G.I.Baird var. glabrata (Gray) G.L. Nesom & Baird ) Goldy-Locks. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Native to Golden, but may become weedy here. Thin, but not eliminate.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
many seedlings
Tom Schweich 2602.
Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G. I. Nesom & G. I. Baird var. nauseosa. (Syn: Chrysothamnus plattensis Greene ) Rubber Rabbitbush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
iNaturalist Observation 234174316.
Tom Schweich 3820.
Gaillardia aristata Pursh. Blanketflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
Perennial herb, to 40 cm.; Leaves, alternate, entire to toothed; Inflorescence, single heads on peduncles 13-18 cm., flowers of 2 kinds; Phyllaries, 2+ series, 17 mm. × 2.7 mm. wide, lance-linear; Receptacle, epaleate, setae, to 10 mm.; Rays, sterile, corolla, 21 mm. × 10 mm. wide, yellow, deeply 3-lobed; Disk flowers, corolla, 7 mm., purple; Pappus of 6+ aristate scales, 4 mm., awn 2×> body. Described from Coll. No. 1205, 12 Jul 2015.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting),
1 gal. planted
Helianthus pumilus Nutt. Little Sunflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
Perennial herb, to 40 cm.; Leaves, cauline, alternate, occasionally opposite, then bases conjoined, simple, petiole 7-10 mm. + blade 55-86 mm. × 22-30 mm. wide, lanceolate, flat (not folded), margin, entire to lightly toothed, adaxial, pustular strigose, hairs multicellular, crosswalls clear, abaxial, glandular and strigose; Inflorescence, heads single to few on leafy stems, peduncles to 8-10 cm., hairy, glandular; Involucre, 9 mm. × 16 mm. wide; Phyllaries in 2+ series, similar, 6-10 mm. × 2.0-3.5(4) mm. wide, greene erect, ovate, strigose abaxially, margins ciliate, tip acuminate, not as “stiff” or “tough” as those of Coll. No. 1199; Receptacle, slightly convex, paleate; Disk, 17 mm. wide; Palea, 9 mm., tip, glandular, hairy distally; Flowers, 2 kinds; Ray flowers, sterile, #10-12, corolla, 17-25 mm. × (4)6-9 mm. wide, yellow; Disk flowers, corolla, 4-6 mm., yellow, lobes, #5, 1 mm., yellow, anther appendages reddish-brown; Pappus of few long (2.5-4 mm.) aristate scales; Cypsela, 3.5 mm. × 1.4 mm. wide, quadrangular,not laterally compressed black. Described from Coll. No. 1210, 1426, and 1704.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
In bloom.
Likely to be native here, other likely natives seen: Opuntia macrorhiza, Comandra umbellata ssp. pallida and Carex inops ssp. heliophila.
In the natural area of a new city park (construction in 2021 and 2022), up on the slope above Welch Ditch and sidewalk, aligned with extension of 24th Street, 1.39 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 3011.
29 Jun 2023.
Heterotheca villosa (Pursh) Shinners. (Syn: H. v. (Pursh) Shinners var. nana (A. Gray) Semple , H. v. (Pursh) Shinners var. villosa ) Hairy False Goldenaster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Native, likely adventive.
Perennial herb, to 50 cm.; Leaves, cauline alternate, entire, 1-veined, distal perpendicular to stems, hairs > glands; Heads solitary, with both ray and disk flowers; Phyllaries in 2+ series, unequal, to 7 mm.; Rays, 9 mm.; Pappus double, outer narrow scales ≤ 1 mm. (easier to see on mature fruit), inner bristles, 6.5 mm., white; Fruit, disk 3 mm., hairy.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Lactuca serriola L. Prickly Lettuce. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed
Annual herb, Stems erect, Leaves basal 0 at flowering, cauline coarsely lobed, margins prickly-toothed, Fruit beak slender, many-ribbed, ~8 adaxial, ~5 abaxial (Described from Collection No. 911, 4 Oct 2012).
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2778.
6 May 2022.
Onopordum acanthium L. Scotch Cottonthistle. Weed: CO DofA, List: B. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2772.
6 May 2022.
The leaves have been lightly brushed to remove sand, but this has affected the tomentum.
Colorado Noxious Weed List B.
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2776.
6 May 2022.
Osteospermum 'Analanche'. Avalanche White Dwarf Sun Daisy. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 1 gal. planted 2552. 2552. . .
Ratibida columnifera (Nutt.) Woot. & Standl. (Syn: Rudbeckia columnifera Nutt. ) Upright Prairie Coneflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
Perennial herb, to 50 cm., tap-rooted; Leaves, cauline, to 11 cm. × 3 cm. wide, 1-pinnate, pinnae to 39 mm. × 4 mm. wide, some toothed; Inflorescence, single heads per stem, >> leaves; Involucre, 14 mm. diameter; Phyllaries, 1 series, lanceolate, hairy abaxially; Receptacle, cylindric, paleate; Rays, #5, 17 mm., × 13 mm. wide, elliptic-ovate, sterile, corolla yellow; Disk, cylindric, 20-45 mm. × 9-12 mm. wide; Palea, folded around but not enclosing disk flowers; Disk flowers, many, corolla greenish-yellow; Pappus, short crown of scales; Fruit, compressed, but maybe not strongly, ciliate adaxially(!). Described from Coll. No. 1198, 12 July 2015.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting),
as Prairie Coneflower, hydroseeded
Sonchus arvensis L. Field Sowthistle. Weed: CO DofA, List: C. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden), 3877. 9/10/2024. . .
Taraxacum officinale F. H. Wigg. (Syn: T. laevigatum (Willd.) DC. ) Common Dandelion. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Tom Schweich 2579.
Catalpa speciosa Teas. Western Catalpa. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 2.5 gal. planted 2572. 2572. .
Ellisia nyctelea (L.) L. Aunt Lucy. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Adventive native annual. Weed only if it becomes dominant.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Tom Schweich 2601.
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. Shepherd's Purse. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed
Annual, scapose, to 27 cm., hairs, sessile, stellate, 3-4 points, throughout; Leaves, basal, oblanceolate, 55 mm. × 16 mm. wide, deeply lobed, but not all the way to mid-rib; cauline, 4-5 stem leaves, lanceolate, 25 mm. × 10 mm. wide, base sagittate; Flowers, small, petals white; Fruit, obcordate, 4 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide. The single species in this genus; described by some as the second-most common weed on Earth (Described from Coll. No. 1336, 11 May 2016).
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2765.
6 May 2022.
Chorispora tenella (Pall.) DC. Crossflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed
Annual, hairs 0, sparsely stalked-gland-dotted; Leaves basal, withered at flowering, cauline simple, not basally lobed or clasping; Flowers radial; Corolla purple; Stamens 6; Ovary linear when young; Fruit linear, bilateral, to 4 cm, seed in proximal 2.5 cm., tip pointed; Seeds in two rows, brown, 1 mm (Described from Coll. No. 301, 5 Nov 2012).
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Collected to prepare educational materials for City of Golden volunteer weeding program.
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2762.
6 May 2022.
Descurainia incisa (Engelm.) Britton ssp. incisa. (Syn: D. incisa (Engelm.) Britton ssp. viscosa Rydb.) G. Mulligan ) Mountain Tansymustard. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2771.
6 May 2022.
Hesperis matronalis L. Dame's Rocket. Weed: CO DofA, List: B. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
Perennial herb, to 50 cm., hairs, forked on stem, leaf, and sepal, but not fruit; Leaves, basal, withered at flowering, cauline, petiole 3-5 mm. + blade 100 mm. × 35 mm. wide, lanceolate, margin, small-toothed; Inflorescence, raceme; Sepals, #4, 5-6 mm., green, margins purple; Petals, #4, 13 mm. × 4 mm. wide, clawed, purple; Fruit, silique, 40 mm. × 0.6 mm. wide; Seed, 1.7 mm., brown, glabrous (Described from Coll. No. 1441, 15 June 2016).
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Lepidium draba L. (Syn: Cardaria draba (L.) Desv. ) White Top, Hoary Cress. Weed: CO DofA, List: B. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
Perennial, herb, to 45 cm., spreading by rhizomes, hairs simple; Leaves, basal, not seen, cauline, sessile, base auriculate, 36 mm. × 12 mm. wide, oblanceolate, margin irregularly toothed, reduced above; Flowers, petals, white; Style, immature, 1 mm.; Fruit, silicle, immature, 1.3-1.5 mm. × 0.5-1.0 mm. wide, flattened, wings 0, glabrous, reticulate-veined (Described from Coll. No. 1366, 24 May 2016).
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Colorado Noxious Weed List B.
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2766.
6 May 2022.
Opuntia macrorhiza Engelm. Western Pricklypear. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
Perennial cactus, not distinctly mat-forming; Stem, segments, 90 mm. × 60 mm. wide, flattened, bluish-green, areoles, #5-6 per diagonal row, spaced 8-14 mm., proximal, glochids only, distal, glochids and spines, spines, #2, #1, 28 mm., erect, brown to tan at tip, #1, 12 mm., recumbent, nearly white; Flowers, petals, 36 mm. × 22 mm. wide, wedge-shaped, color yellow; Stamens, many, 18 mm., yellow; Style, 20-24 mm., stout; Stigma, lobes, #6-8, 3 mm.; Fruit, 38 mm. × 17 mm. wide, narrow at base, fleshy, green, areoles, mix of glochids and short spines. (Described from Coll. No. 1948, 15 June 2018.)
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
in flower
Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 3321.
Campanula rapunculoides L. Rampion Bellflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Celtis occidentalis L. Western Hackberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 2.5 gal. planted 2571. 2571. .
Knautia macedonica Griesb. Macedonian scabious. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Watch.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden), Probably a garden escapee, now naturalized. In the unreconstructed portion of the park, below the houses on Lookout View Court, 1.81 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2810. 20 Jun 2022. ( KHD00078699‡ ) . .
Lonicera tatarica L. Tatarian Honeysuckle. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
Shrub to small tree, 2 m.; Leaves, opposite, 24 mm. × 17 mm. wide, simple, entire, petiole, 1.5 mm.; Peduncle, 10-13 mm.; Flowers, in pairs, subtended by bracts, bisexual; Bracts, small, at base of calyx; Calyx, tube 2.0 mm. + lobes 0.5-1.0 mm.; Corolla, tube 12.5 mm. + lobes 12 mm., pink, hairy inside; Ovary, inferior; Stamens, #5, exserted, versatile; Style, #1, exserted, hairy; Stigma, capitate. Disturbed places, native to Siberia, sporadic escapee from cultivation, berries possibly toxic. (Described from Coll. No. 1591, 2 May 2017.)
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
With Prunus virginiana.
Widely distributed in Colorado; likely naturalized and no longer just a garden escapee.
EDDMapS Record ID 11653694.
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022), southeastern "natural" area of park, 1.39 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 3017.
29 Jun 2023.
Viburnum dentatum L. Arrowwood Viburnum. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 5 gal. planted 2567. 2567. .
Scabiosa columbaria 'Butterfly Blue'. Blue Pincushion Flower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 1 gal. planted 2554. 2554. .
Chenopodium album L. Lambsquarters. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2769.
6 May 2022.
Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J. M. Coult. Winged-Pigweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Native, but alien to Jefferson County, Weed
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
DeLong Park was a private residence that was left fallow for a number of years, then converted to a city park in 2021-2022. This 2023 collection was made, therefore, in the second growing season after park construction.
Not previously collected in Golden; unclear whether this plant was previously here, brought in with the soil amendment, or was a contaminant in the seed mix.
On the edge of a mowed area, in the hydroseeded native area, north corner of park on 23rd Street opposite Table Drive, 1.74 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden
Tom Schweich 3142.
22 Jul 2023.
Not previously collected in Golden; unclear whether this plant was previously here, brought in with the soil amendment, or was a contaminant in the seed mix.
DeLong Park was a private residence that was left fallow for a number of years, then converted to a city park in 2021-2022.
Hydroseeded “native” area, north corner of park on 23rd Street opposite Table Drive, 1.74 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Laurel Starr 2914.
15 Sep 2022.
Not previously collected in Golden; unclear whether this plant was previously here, brought in with the soil amendment, or was a contaminant in the seed mix.
DeLong Park was a private residence that was left fallow for a number of years, then converted to a city park in 2021-2022.
Hydroseeded “native” area, north corner of park on 23rd Street opposite Table Drive, 1.74 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Laurel Starr 2915.
15 Sep 2022.
Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad. (Syn: Bassia scoparia (L.) A. J. Scott , Bassia sieversiana (Pall.) W. A. Weber ) Common Red Sage. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2775.
6 May 2022.
Salsola tragus L. (Syn: S. australis R. Brown , S. iberica (Sennen & Pau) Botschantzev ex Czerepanov , S. kali , S. kali var. tenuifolia Tausch. , S. pestifer Nels. ) Tumbleweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
seedlings, determination tentative
Tom Schweich 2673.
Cleomella serrulata (Pursh) Roalson & J. C. Hall. (Syn: Cleome serrulata Pursh , Peritoma serrulata (Pursh) DC. ) Rocky Mountain Bee Plant. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting),
as Bee Plant, hydroseeded
Convolvulus arvensis L. Field Bindweed. Weed: CO DofA, List: C. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Colorado Noxious Weed List C.
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2774.
6 May 2022.
Euphorbia esula L. Leafy Spurge. Weed: CO DofA, List: B. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Euphorbia myrsinites L. (Syn: Tithymalus myrsinites (L.) Hill ) Myrtle Spurge. Weed: CO DofA, List: A. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Toxic!
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Known to be in this parcel before construction.
Colorado Noxious Weed List A.
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2767.
6 May 2022.
Gleditsia triacanthos L. var. inermis C. K. Schneid. 'Imperial'. Imperial Honeylocust. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 2.5 gal. planted, nomenclature unclear 2575. 2575. . .
Lathyrus latifolius L. Perennial Pea Vine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Weed
Vine, Stem winged to 3 mm., Leaves pinnate compound, main leaf axis extended as tendril, Leaflets 2, Inflorescence of 9-11 flowers, Sepals fused at base, Flower bilateral, Corolla 20 mm., wing 33 mm. wide, Stamens 10, Filaments top free, bottom 9 fused (Described from Collection No. 884, 17 August 2012).
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Full sun on southwest slope.
EDDSMapS Record Id 11652895.
In the natural area, up on the slope above Welch Ditch and sidewalk, aligned with extension of 24th Street, 1.39 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 3009.
29 Jun 2023.
Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam. Yellow Sweet Clover. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Naturalized in the park, which was fallow for many years and now is being weeded by volunteers to keep the park pesticide-free.
New Golden city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 2973.
15 Jun 2022.
Tom Schweich 3241.
Securigera varia (L.) Lassen. (Syn: Coronilla varia L. ) Purple Crownvetch. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed
Perennial shrub, to 1 m. × 3 m. dia.; Leaves, cauline, alternate, stipules, 3 mm. × 0.6 mm., strap-shaped, sessile or nearly so, compound, leaflets, #21, 9 mm. × 2.7 mm. wide, oblong, tip mucronate; Inflorescence, axillary umbellate clusters, peduncles, 25 mm., Pedicels, 2.5 mm., Calyx, conical, tube 2.5 mm. + lobes 0.5 mm.; Flowers, white to pink, banner 4 mm. + 2 mm., wings, 6 mm., keel, 9 mm.; Fruit, erect, 19 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide, ridged. (Described from Coll. No. 1526, 5 August 2016.)
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
With Bromus inermis and Fraxinus pensylvanica.
There is also a dense infestation in the watercourse parallel to 23rd Street.
EDDMapS Record ID 11652866.
On the bank of the Welch Ditch near the south bridge and stairs down to 24th Street, 1.39 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 3008.
29 Jun 2023.
Trifolium repens L. White Clover. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Naturalized in the park, which was fallow for many years and now is being weeded by volunteers to keep the park pesticide-free.
New Golden city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 2975.
15 Jun 2023.
Quercus bicolor Willd. Swamp White Oak. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 2.5 gal. planted 2573. 2573. . .
Quercus macrocarpa Michx. Bur Oak. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 2.5 gal. planted, nomenclature unclear 2578. 2578. .
Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Her. ex Aiton. Hemlock-leav'd Crane's-bill. Weed: CO DofA, List: C. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Annual or biennial. Colorado Noxious Weed List C.
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2764.
6 May 2022.
Ribes cereum Douglas. Wax Currant. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 3324.
Caryopteris × clandonensis 'Blue Mist'. Blue Mist Spirea. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 5 gal. planted 2566. 2566. . .
Lamium amplexicaule L. Henbit. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed
- DeLong Park (City of Golden), New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2770. 6 May 2022. ( Golden ) . .
Nepeta racemosa Lam. Persian Catmint. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Weed.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden), New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2776.1 6 May 2022. ( Golden ) . .
Salvia × sylvestris 'May Night'. May Night Purple Salvia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 1 gal. planted 2551. 2551. .
Linum L.. Flax. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), as Blue Flax, hydroseeded 2548. 2548. .
Malva neglecta Wallr. Common Mallow. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden), 3931. 3931. .
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall. Green Ash. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Medium-sized trees; probably pre-date the park.
Various Colorado authors disagree about nativity of this tree to Colorado. Earliest collection in 1891 at State Agricultural College, Ft. Collins.
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022), rooted in the bank of the Welch Ditch along the southwest boundary. 1.35 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 3015.
29 Jun 2023.
Syringa vulgaris L. Common Purple Lilac. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 5 gal. planted 2565. 2565. .
Oenothera suffrutescens (Ser.) W. L. Wagner & Hoch. (Syn: Gaura coccinea Pursh , Gaura glabra Lehm. ) Linda Tarde. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
Herbaceous perennial, to 60 cm.; Stipules absent; Leaves alternate, 25 mm. x 5 mm., lanceolate, few toothed; Inflorescence straight, open; Bracts 2-3 mm.; Buds erect; Sepals fused to tip in bud, all coming free, reflexed, 6 mm., not persistent after flowering; Hypanthium 6 mm.; Petals entire; Stamens 8, < stigma; Anthers maturing in unison with stigma; Ovary at flowering > distal internode (ergo infl. "open"); Stigma 4-lobed; Fruit 7 mm., stalk-like base 0, erect, fusiform, gradually wider at middle, puberulent, indehiscent; Seeds few, 2 mm., glabrous, not winged (Decribed from Coll. No. 317, keyed 15 Dec 2012).
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Several plants in south side natural area of park.
iNaturalist Observation 219329726.
Tom Schweich 3557.
Eschscholzia californica Cham. California Poppy. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Weed ? , Not weeding at this time.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2775.1
6 May 2022.
Linaria dalmatica (L.) Mill. (Syn: Linaria dalmatica (L.) Mill. ssp. dalmatica , Linaria genistifolia (L.) Mill. ssp. dalmatica (L.) Maire & Petitm. ) Dalmatian ToadFlax. Weed: CO DofA, List: B. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Penstemon pinifolius Greene. Pine-Needle Beardtongue. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 1 gal. planted 2549. 2549. . .
Plantago lanceolata L. Narrowleaf Plantain. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
Perennial herb, to 55 cm., scapose; Leaves, basal, 22 cm. × 1.5 mm. wide, lance-elliptic, glabrous; Inflorescence, spike, 42 mm. × 6-7 mm. wide, slightly wider at base; Sepals, outer two connate, 3 mm., mid-rib strong green, villous-ciliate distally; Corolla, scarious, lobes, #4, 2 mm. Described from Coll. No. 1217, 16 Jul 2015.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 3323.
Polygonum aviculare L. Prostrate Knotweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Collected to prepare educational materials for City of Golden volunteer weeding program.
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2763.
6 May 2022.
Rumex crispus L. Curley Dock. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2777.
6 May 2022.
Ranunculus testiculatus Crantz. (Syn: Ceratocephala orthoceras DC. ) Bur Buttercup. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Collected to prepare educational materials for City of Golden volunteer weeding program.
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich, with Carol Cameron & David Chavez 2761.
6 May 2022.
Dasiphora fruticosa (L.) Rydb. 'Gold Drop'. Gold Drop Potentilla. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 5 gal. planted 2562. 2562. . .
Fallugia paradoxa (D. Don) Endl. Apache Plume. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting),
5 gal. planted
Rosa 'Knock Out'. Knock Out Rose. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 5 gal. planted 2561. 2561. .
Galium aparine L. (Syn: Galium aparine L. var. echinospermum (Wallr.) Farw. , Galium spurium L. ) Sticky Willy, Cleavers. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed
Annual/perennial unknown, weak-stemmed and scrambling through shrubs and grass; Stem, retrorsely scabrous on angles (but not densely so); Leaves, whorls of 6-8 (more leaves above, fewer below), 46 mm. × 4 mm. wide, oblanceolate, margins retrorsely scabrous, tips with a short spine; Flowers, corolla, greenish-white, lobes 1 mm.; Fruit, 1.3 mm., covered with hooked hairs (Described from Coll. No. 1395, 8 June 2016).
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Tom Schweich, with David Chavex 2577.
Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. ssp. pallida (A. DC.) Piehl. (Syn: Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. var. pallida (A. DC.) M. E. Jones ) Pale Bastard Toadflax. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Many plants on southwest-facing slope.
Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp and David Chavez 2968.
Acer miyabei Maxim. 'Morton'. State Street Maple. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 2.5 gal. planted 2574. 2574. . .
Acer saccharum L. 'JFS-Caddo'. Caddo Sugar Maple. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 2.5 gal. planted, nomenclature unclear 2576. 2576. .
Heuchera villosa × americana 'Berry Smoothie'. Coral Bells 'Berry Smoothie'. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 1 gal. planted 2556. 2556. .
Scrophularia lanceolata Pursh. Lanceleaf Figwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden), Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 3325. 6/29/2023. .
Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. Silverleaf Nightshade. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
one plant, close to the playground, flagged
iNaturalist Observation 238316114.
Tom Schweich, with Cynthia Hastings 3817.
Solanum rostratum Dunal. Buffalo Bur Nightshade. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Native, but very prickly, Weed
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Solanum triflorum Nutt. Cutleaf Nightshade. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Native, but very weedy. Weed
- DeLong Park (City of Golden), 2944. 7/28/2022. .
Ulmus pumila L. Siberian Elm. Weed: CO DofA, List: C. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed, 1000s of seedlings.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden), 2859. 6/30/2022. Tom Schweich 2603. 5/12/2022. .
Verbena bracteata Lag. & Rodr. Large Bract Vervain. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed
Perennial herb, to 15 cm., erect; Leaves, cauline, opposite, petiole 5 mm. + blade 20 mm. × 10 mm. wide, pinnafitid, toothed; Bract, 11 mm. × 2.2 mm. wide, entire; Calyx, 4 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide; Corolla, lobes, #5 tube 4 mm. + throat 1 mm. + lobes 2 mm., limb, 2.5 mm., color blue; Introduced (Described from Coll. No. 1500.2, 13 July 2016). Usually seen as a prostrate trailside herb. However, occasionally growing in grasses and herbs, and forced to adopt an erect habit.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Tribulus terrestris L. Puncture Vine. Weed: CO DofA, List: C. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Carol Cameron 2947.
Hesperaloe parviflora (Torr.) Coult. Red False Yucca. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 5 gal. planted 2563. 2563. .
Kniphofia uvaria (L.) Oken 'Flamenco'. Torch Lily. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 1 gal. planted 2555. 2555. .
Carex inops L.H. Bailey ssp. heliophila (Mack.) Crins. (Syn: C. pensylvanica Lam. ssp. heliophila (Mack.) W. A. Weber ) Sun Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
Perennial herb, to 16 cm., prior year leaves to 23 cm.; Rhizome, 5-10(12) cm.; Culm, 11.5 cm. × 0.6 mm., ±triangular, but obscured by white striations at least when dry; Leaves, 12 cm. × 1.5 mm., ±flat, some folded ≤30°.; Inflorescence, multiple spikes, all approximate, 1-2 pistillate spike(s) below, 1 staminate spike above; Bracts, lowest, blade 8 mm., sheath 4.5 mm., papery; Pistillate spike, peduncled 1.0-1.3 mm., 9 mm., brown (not black); Staminate spike, terminal, 12-16 mm., ovoid (not cylindric), brown (not black); Scales, >perigynum body; Perigynum, pubescent on faces, margin ciliate; Achenes, unknown. Described from Coll. No. 1079, 23 April 2015, and Coll. No. 1568, 3 Apr 2017.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen Stamp & David Chavez 2962.
Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. Crested Wheat Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Unclear whether presence here predates park construction or was brought in with soil amendment.
This area of the park also seriously infested with Lepidium draba.
In the northeast corner of a new city park (construction in 2021 and 2022), along 23rd Street near its intersection with Table Drive, 1.34 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 3011.1
29 Jun 2023.
Andropogon gerardii Vitman. Big Bluestem. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
Perennial, to 85 cm., clumped, rhizomes unknown; Leaves, blade and sheath differentiated; Sheath, 11 cm., open; Ligule, membraneous (though surrounded by hairs), 3 mm., auricles 0; Blade, soft, flat, 27 cm., hairy near ligule; Inflorescence, 80 mm., > leaves, 1-2 per stem, in 5-6 digitate branches, spikelets many; Rachis, soft bristles on margins and at nodes; Disarticulation at nodes of rachis; Spikelets in pairs, Sterile spikelet, 7 mm., pedicel 4.5 mm.; Fertile spikelet, Florets #1, Glumes, awns 0, ±equal, lower keeled, upper flattened and grooved; Lemma, 6 mm., membraneous, rolled, glabrous, tip 2-forked, awn, #1, 13 mm., bent, twisted, attached on back; Stamens, 3; Anthers, yellow; Ovary, glabrous; Stigma, feathery. (Described from Coll. No. 1060, 28 Aug 2014).
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Growing with Coll. No. 3384, Bothriochloa bladhii.
City park on 23rd Street at Vernon Drive, in hydroseeded “native ” area.
Tom Schweich 3360.
13 Aug 2024.
determination tentative
Tom Schweich, with Cynthia Hastings 3818.
Bothriochloa bladhii (Retz.) S.T. Blake. Caucasian Bluestem. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden), Growing with Coll. No. 3360, Andropogon gerardii. This or something similar also seen at New Loveland Mine Park. City park on 23rd Street at Vernon Drive, in hydroseeded “native ” area. Tom Schweich 3384. 24 Sep 2024. . .
Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lag. ex Griffiths. (Syn: Chondrosum gracile Kunth ) Blue Grama. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting),
as Blue Grama, hydroseeded
Bromus japonicus Thunb. Japanese Cheat Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
Coll. No. 1207, 13 Jul 2015, characters observed: Annual grass, to 40 cm.; Leaves, sheath, 60 mm. closed + 12 mm. open, pilose (but not densely so), ligule, membraneous, + some hairs, blade, hairy; Inflorescence, panicle, >leaves; Pedicel, 20 mm.; Spikelets, 1-3 per panicle branch, 22 mm. × 6 mm. wide, elliptical, drooping; Glumes, #2, <lowest floret, lower, 4.5 mm., veins 3, upper, 5.5 mm., veins 5; Rachilla, short hairy; Callus, glabrous; Florets, #12, 2-ranked, closely held hiding rachilla; Disarticulation between florets; Lemma, 8 mm. × 4 mm. wide, margin, hyaline, 0.5 mm., tip bifid, awn, #1, 5-12 mm. long, mid-spikelet awns longest, flattened at base, not twisted, attached near bifid tip. Described from Coll. No. 1207, 13 Jul 2015.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022), northeast of shelter, in "native" beds, 1.33 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 3016.
29 Jun 2023.
Tom Schweich, with John Vickery 3322.
Bromus tectorum L. (Syn: B. tectorum L. var. glabratus Spenn. ) Cheat Grass. Weed: CO DofA, List: C. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
Annual grass, to 30 cm.; Leaves, Sheath, 50 mm., closed proximal ⅔, open distally, Ligule, membraneous, 1 mm.; Blade, 60 mm.; Inflorescence, open panicle, rachis and pedicels short hairy, Spikelets, 1 per node, 15 mm., laterally compressed; Glumes, 2, sparsely hairy, margins scarious, lower, 2.3 mm., veins indistinct, upper, 4.5 mm. Callus, glabrous, very short, Florets, ±6, Lemma, 6.5 mm., 0.7 from mid-vein to margin, back rounded, sparsely hairy, tip, forked, teeth 1 mm., awned from near tip, awn, 5-7 mm.; Anthers, 3, 0.4 mm. Described from Coll. No. 1112, 26 May 2015. Dimensions are small for B. tectorum, perhaps because of the early date of collection.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Tom Schweich 2674.
Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm. (=Bouteloua dactyloides (Nutt.) J.T. Columbus) Buffalo Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting),
as Buffalograss, hydroseeded
Cenchrus longispinus (Hack.) Fern. Longspine Sandbur. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Native, but very prickly, Weed
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Not previously collected in or near Golden; unclear whether this grass was previously here, brought in with the soil amendment, or was a contaminant in the seed mix.
DeLong Park was a private residence that was left fallow for a number of years, then converted to a city park in 2021-2022.
In planted native grass beds, along 23rd Street, opposite Vernon Drive, 1.72 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 2907.
18 Aug 2022.
Not previously collected in or near Golden; unclear whether this grass was previously here, brought in with the soil amendment, or was a contaminant in the seed mix.
DeLong Park was a private residence that was left fallow for a number of years, then converted to a city park in 2021-2022. Native to Colorado, but usually found in sandy habitats.
In planted native grass beds, along 23rd Street, opposite Vernon Drive, 1.72 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 2911.
25 Aug 2022.
Native to Colorado, but usually found in sandy habitats. Not previously collected at any other location in or near Golden; unclear whether this grass was previously here, brought in with the soil amendment, or was a contaminant in the seed mix.
DeLong Park was a private residence that was left fallow for a number of years, then converted to a city park in 2021-2022.
In planted native grass beds, along 23rd Street, opposite Vernon Drive, 1.72 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 3206.5
7 Sep 2023.
Unclear whether this grass was at DeLong Park before park construction, brought in with the soil amendment, or was a contaminant in the seed mix.
First seen in Golden's DeLong Park following construction of the new park in 2022; recently found in New Loveland Mine Park in 2024.
In planted native grass beds, along 23rd Street, opposite Vernon Drive, 1.72 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden. Native to Colorado, but usually found in sandy habitats.
Tom Schweich, with Cynthia Hastings 3358.
30 Jul 2024.
Dactylis glomerata L. Orchard Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Non-native grass, Weed.
Perennial grass, to 1.0-1.2 m.,
not rhizomatous,
basal or subterranean internodes not swollen;
Stem herbaceous;
Sheath open and closed observed, published descriptions are roughly equally divided as to whether the sheath is open or closed,
Ligule membraneous, 5 mm.;
Blade, differentiated from sheath, base not constricted, soft,
25 cm. × 0.7 cm. wide, not sharp-pointed;
Auricle, rounded, <1 mm., generally described as 0;
Infloresence exceeding leaves, 13 cm., panicle, well developed, erect, 1° branches open, branching 4° or 5°;
Spikelets not enclosed in a bur-like involucre,
not subtended by bristles or long silky hairs,
similar throughout plant,
all on one side of rachis,
crowded in dense clusters,
on 2°-4° panicle branches
1 per node,
axis few hairy,
some spikelets appear to be infertile;
Glumes, 2
< lowest floret,
lower, 3.5 mm, smaller and thinner than
upper, 6 mm.,
glabrous to ciliate on keel, else sparsely hairy;
not modified into bulblets
4+ per spikelet ,
have feathery stigma-like material but no ovary (immature?),
uppermost vestigal floret not club-shaped rudiment (as seen in Melica);
lowest largest, 5 mm., reduced above,
keeled, line of hairs on keel,
5 veins,
tip forked,
awn 1.0-1.5 mm.;
light green
with 2 veins
forked at tip.
Described from Collection No. 815, 9 May 2012, Alameda County, CA and
Coll. No. 1111, 26 May 2015, Jefferson County, CO.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Naturalized in the park, which was fallow for many years and now is being weeded by volunteers to keep the park pesticide-free.
New Golden city park (construction in 2021 and 2022) near the intersection of 23rd Street and Vernon Drive, 1.75 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 2974.
15 Jun 2023.
Distichlis spicata (L.) E. Greene. (=Distichlis stricta (Torrey) Rydberg) Saltgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
Perennial, herbaceous, to 20 cm. above ground; Rhizomes, 3-5 mm. dia., scaly when young, buried 15-20 cm. below surface; Stem, cylindric (and don't you forget it!), herbaceous, leafy, unisexual; Leaf differentiated into sheath and blade, arranged in two (not three!) rows, blade 6-7 cm., glabrous, stiff; Ligule soft hairy around exterior; Inflorescence of many crowded spikelets, compressed laterally; Flowers, staminate and pistillate on different stems; Glumes 2, Stigmas 2 per flower; Fruit an achene (Described from Coll. No. 839, 20 Jun 2012).
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting),
as Inland Salt Grass, hydroseeded
Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv. Barnyardgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Non-native grass, Weed.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden), Not previously collected in Golden; unclear whether this grass was previously here, brought in with the soil amendment, or was a contaminant in the seed mix. DeLong Park was a private residence that was left fallow for a number of years, then converted to a city park in 2021-2022. Scattered mainly around the front entrance on 23rd Street, 1.72 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 2913. 8 Sep 2022. ( KHD00078678‡ ) . .
Elymus canadensis L. Canadian Wildrye. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
Perennial grass, to 0.7-1.2 m., non-rhizomatous; Culm, cauline nodes hidden by sheath; Inflorescence, terminal spike, 20 cm. × 1.5 cm. wide, ±erect to curving to drooping; Rachis, mostly glabrous, internodes, 5 mm.; Spikelets, sessile, 2 per node, 15 mm. × 5 mm. wide (excluding awns), ascending; Glumes, #2, 21-25 mm., nearly subulate, flattened and slightly broadened above base, indistinct body 8-10 mm. × 1 mm. wide + awn 14-15 mm., veins 5?, entire, scabrous; Florets, #5, bisexual; Rachilla, short hairy; Callus, glabrous; Lemma, 10-13 mm., veins 5, rounded, hairy, awns, #1, 22-35 mm., curving when dry; Palea, 9.5 mm.; Stamens, #3, 4 mm. Described from Coll. Nos. 1237 and 1699.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Not listed in the original seeding mixture. Unclear whether presence here predates park construction, was brought in with soil amendment, or was a contaminant in original mixture used in seeding the park.
Probably variety canadensis if infraspecific names are to be applied.
Growing on the banks of the watercourse in north-central natural area of the park (construction in 2021 and 2022), along 23rd Street near its intersection with Vernon Drive, 1.33 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 3012.
29 Jun 2023.
Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Vignolo ex Janch. Stinkgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Unclear whether this grass was previously here, brought in with the soil amendment, or was a contaminant in the seed mix.
DeLong Park was a private residence that was left fallow for a number of years, then converted to a city park in 2021-2022.
In planted native grass beds, along 23rd Street, opposite Vernon Drive, 1.72 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 2909.
18 Aug 2022.
Eriocoma hymenoides (Roem. & Schult.) Rydb. (Syn: Achnatherum hymenoides (Roem. & Schult.) Barkworth , Oryzopsis hymenoides (Roem. & Schult.) Ricker , Stipa hymenoides Roem. & Schult. ) Indian Rice Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting),
5 gal. planted, as A. humenoides
Hesperostipa comata (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth. (Syn: Stipa comata Trin. & Rupr. ) Needle and Thread. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
Perennial, 50 cm., clumped, nonrhizomatous; Roots, fibrous; Stem, herbaceous; Leaves, blade and sheath differentiated; Sheath, 100-120 mm., open ≥½, glabrous; Ligule, membranous, length 3.7 mm., lacerate into 2 equal parts, auricles 0; Blade, 60 mm., involute, glabrous; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, >leaves, panicle, 200 mm. × 30 mm. wide; Rachis, not extended, somewhat scabrous throughout; Spikelets, many, similar, borne singly; Compression, unremarkable; Disarticulation, above the glumes; Glumes, lower, 23-34 mm., veins #3, upper, 23-29 mm., veins #5, awl-shaped, rounded, membranous, ±equal, tip, very narrow, not awned; Florets, 1 per spikelet; Callus, 4.5-50 mm., sharp, straight hairs 1.0-1.5 mm., color tan; Lemma, 9.5-10.0 mm., rolled, indurate, straight hairy 0.5 mm., color white-tan, veins #3(?), awns, #1, 125-160 mm., twisted and short straight hairy proximal 45 mm., bent, scabrous distally; Palea, 9 mm., ±lemma, few white hairs on mid-vein; Stamens, #3; Anthers, 6.5 mm. (Described from Coll. No. 1890, 28 May 2018).
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Lolium multiflorum Lam. (Syn: L. perenne L. ssp. multiflorum (Lam.) Husn. ) Annual Ryegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden), This area was re-seeded with native grasses, but this common turf grass probably pre-dates park construction. Characters intermediate with L. perenne; perhaps a hybrid. New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022), just south of bridge along 23rd Street near its intersection with Vernon Drive. 1.32 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich 3014. 29 Jun 2023. ( Golden KHD ‡ ) . .
Nassella viridula (Trin.) Barkworth. (Syn: Stipa viridula Trin. ) Green Needlegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
Perennial grass, 70-100 cm., clumped, non-rhizomatous; Stem, herbaceous; Leaves, cauline, sheath, 17 mm., ligule, 3 mm., membraneous, collar with few hairs at sides, blade, to 30 cm., convolute; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, panicle, 20-25 cm.; Rachis, lightly scabrous, not extended beyond upper spikelet; Compression, unremarkable; Spikelets, 1 per node; Florets, 1 per spikelet, bisexual; Glumes, 2, 8-9 mm., ±equal, rounded, membraneous, colorless, exc. 3 green veins, tip, short (2 mm.) hair-like awn; Disarticulation, above the glumes, Florets, 1 per spikelet; Callus, short; Lemma, 5-6 mm. × 1.2 mm. wide, <glumes, green, hairy, <1 mm., indurate, enclosing grain, awns, #1, 20-25 mm., twisted, bent, short hairy (±0.2 mm.); Palea, 1.5-2.0 mm., <lemma, membraneous, glabrous; Stamens, #3. Described from Colls. No. 1146, 1652, and 1698.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Full sun on southwest slope.
May have been planted during park construction.
In the natural area, up on the slope above Welch Ditch and sidewalk, aligned with extension of 24th Street, 1.39 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 3010.
29 Jun 2023.
Panicum miliaceum L. Proso Millet. Weed: CO DofA, List: C. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Not previously collected in Golden; unclear whether this grass was previously here, brought in with the soil amendment, or was a contaminant in the seed mix.
DeLong Park was a private residence that was left fallow for a number of years, then converted to a city park in 2021-2022. Colorado Noxious Weed List C.
Bottom of watercourse, along 23rd Street, opposite Vernon Drive, 1.72 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 2912.
8 Sep 2022.
Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Á. Löve. (Syn: Agropyron smithii Rydb. ) Western Wheatgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Thin.
Perennial grass, to 75 cm., rhizomes, not seen; Leaves, ligule, short membraneous, auricles, 0, blade revolute; Inflorescence, bilateral spike; Rachis, internodes 6 mm.; Spikelets, 17 mm. × 10 mm. wide × 2 mm., not in capitate clusters, 1 per node, not oriented edgewise to rachis; Glumes, < lowest floret, narrowly lanceolate, slightly asymmetric, lower, 9.5 mm., upper, 10.6 mm.; Florets, #6±; Lemma, 11 mm., awns, 0; Palea, 9 mm.; Anthers, 4.5 mm. Described from Coll. No. 1691, 28 Jun 2017.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting),
as Western Wheatgrass, hydroseeded
Pennisetum alopecuroides (L.) Spreng. 'Hameln'. Dwarf Fountain Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting), 5 gal. planted 2559. 2559. . .
Poa annua L. Annual Blue Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed
Annual, 15-18 cm.; Stem herbaceous; Sheath open; Inflorescence > leaves; Spikelets similar, 1 per node; Glumes lower 2 mm., upper 3 mm., awns 0, < lowest floret; Axis hidden; Florets 4 per spikelet, lowest 3.5 mm, > lowest glume, bisexual; Callus glabrous; Lemma veins 5, awns 0, short hairy; Palea keels hairy; Stamens, early deciduous; Anthers 2, 0.8 mm.; Ovary glabrous (Described from Coll. No. 920, 12 Feb 2012).
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Poa bulbosa L. Bulbous Bluegrass. Weed: CO DofA, List: C. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Secale cereale L. Cereal Rye. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
Annual, erect, 75-100 cm., not rhizomatous; Roots, fibrous; Stem, herbaceous; Nodes, constricted, purple; Leaf, sheath, 115 mm., open, ligule, minimal, membraneous, auricle, 0.6-1.0 mm., blade, 170 mm. × 5 mm. wide, flat, minutely scabrous; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, terminal 2-sided spike, 100-110 mm. × 9 mm. wide; Rachis, nodes 2.0-3.5 mm., bilateral tufts of straight hairs; Spikelets, many, 1 per node, sessile, bases not embedded in rachis; Disarticulation, below the glumes; Glumes, 2, awl-like, 8-9 mm., ±equal, <lowest floret, keeled, purplish distally, appearing to hide the rachis but not the lemmas; Florets 2, appear side-to-side, fertile; Lemma, 12-13 mm., asymmetric in x-section, veins, 5, keeled, keel ciliate, margins, one ciliate, the other less so, awned; Awns, attached end, 11-16 mm., short proximally in the inflorescence, lengthening distally, straight to wavy, some slightly twisted; Palea, 11-12 mm, membraneous (Described from Coll. No. 1110 and 2350).
- DeLong Park (City of Golden),
Not native. Not listed in the original seeding mixture. Unclear whether presence here predates park construction, was brought in with soil amendment, or was a contaminant in original mixture used in seeding the park.
New city park (construction in 2021 and 2022), along the eastern border at watercourse, 1.36 km. southeast of the GNIS location of Golden.
Tom Schweich 3013.
29 Jun 2023.
Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv. Green Bristlegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora. Weed
- DeLong Park (City of Golden), 2943. 8/4/2022. . .
Sporobolus heterolepis (A. Gray) A. Gray. Prairie Drop-seed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
Perennial grass, to 40 cm., caespitose; Leaves, mostly basal, ≥inflorescence; Inflorescence, (immature) 10 cm. × 2 cm. wide, open panicle; Spikelets, 1 per node, 4-5 mm.; Florets, 1 per spikelet; Glumes, #2, awns 0, lower, 4 mm., <lemma, upper, 5 mm., ≥lemma; Lemma, 4 mm., veins 1, awn 0. Described from Coll. No. 1714.
- Delong Park (Horticultural Planting),
5 gal. planted
Triticum aestivum L. Wheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.
- DeLong Park (City of Golden), Tom Schweich 3272. 6/15/2023. .
Total number of taxa: | 113 |
Native Taxa: (serif, italic, bold) | 36 |
Exotic Taxa: (sans-serif, italic) | 74 |
Nativity Undetermined: (default font, italic) | 3 |
Listed Weeds: Identified as Weed | 17 |
† -- Data provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria (ucjeps.berkeley.edu/consortium/).
‡ -- Southwest Environmental Information Network, SEINet. 2009-2014. http//:swbiodiversity.org/seinet/index.php. Accessed from July 2009 to September 2014.
Locations Included in This Area
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Date and time this article was prepared: 2/4/2025 12:04:25 PM.