Eastern Mojave Vegetation

Detailed Area Plant List for 407 Garden Street, Jefferson County, United States.

Home Page

Edited by Tom Schweich

This list is assembled from personal collections, herbarium vouchers, and published lists. For California, much of the data is provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria as indicated by a single dagger “†.” Their web site is at: (http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/consortium/). For Colorado, much of the data is provided by the Southwest Environmental Information Network as indicated by a double dagger “‡,” which web site is found at (http://swbiodiversity.org). See their respective websites for copyright information and recommended citation formats.

For a complete list of Locations included in this Area List, see the Locations Included section, below.

For a check list, please see: Check List for 407 Garden Street, Jefferson County, United States.


Juniperus L.  Juniper. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, horticultural juniper Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2627. 5/16/2022. . .

Juniperus scopulorum Sarg.  (Syn: Sabina scopulorum Sarg.(Sarg.) Rydb. ) Rocky Mountain Juniper. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2628. 5/16/2022. .


Pinus edulis Engelm.  Pinyon Pine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2630. 5/16/2022. . .

Pinus ponderosa Laws.  Ponderosa Pine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2629. 5/16/2022. .


Rhus trilobata Nutt. var. trilobata.  (Syn: Rhus aromatica Aiton var. trilobata (Nutt.) A. Gray ex S. Watson ) Skunkbush Sumac. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2516. 4/28/2022. .


Asclepias L.  Milkweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2522. 4/28/2022. .


Ambrosia psilostachya DC.  Western Ragweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial herb, to 40 cm., woody at base; Leaves opposite below, alternate above, 50 mm. × 22 mm., ovate, pinnately divided; Inflorescence indeterminate, appearing raceme-like, 2 kinds of flowers, pistillate heads many, distal, carpellate heads few, clustered in distal leafy axils; Phyllaries fused into a cup; Receptacle not chaffy; Pappus absent (Described from Coll. No. 1068, 8 Oct 2014).

- 407 Garden Street, 2948. 9/20/2022. . .

Artemisia absinthium L.  Common Wormwood. Weed: CO DofA, List: B. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Also here: Artemisia ludoviciana, Cirsium arvensis. Ratibida columnifera, Convolvulus arvensis, Linum lewisii, and Elymus repens. Naturalized at edge of residential street, more in nearby yard, but not planted by this homeowner. All removed by homeowner following identification. Colorado Noxious Weed List B. EDDMapS Record ID 10688546. On the shoulder of the road at 407 Garden Street, 1.39 km. north of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2917. 21 Sep 2022. ( KHD00079747 ) . .

Artemisia dracunculus L.  (Syn: Oligosporus dracunculus (L.) Poljakov ssp. glaucis (Pall. ex Willd.) A. Löve & D. Löve ) Tarragon, Dragon Wort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2517. 4/28/2022. . .

Artemisia frigida Willd.  Prairie Sagewort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial herb, to 30 cm., woody at base; Stems many; Leaves alternate, 9 mm., pinnately dissected into 7 parts, silvery hairy; Inflorescence raceme-like, indeterminate, heads 1-3 in axils; Heads have only disk flowers, all alike; Involucre of hairy phyllaries; Phyllaries in 2 series, hairy, not gummy or with tips recurved; Receptacle hairy, not chaffy or bristly; Flowers fertile; Pappus absent; (Described from Coll. No. 1067, 8 Oct 2014).

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2507. 4/28/2022. . .

Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt.  Silver Wormwood. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2482. 4/27/2022. . .

Dieteria bigelovii (A. Gray) D. R. Morgan & R. L. Hartman.  (Syn: Machaeranthera b. (A. Gray) Greene , Machaeranthera varians Greene ) Bigelow's Tansy Aster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial herb, to 60 cm.; Stem erect, stipitate-glandular, more dense above; Leaves, basal, unknown, cauline, alternate, sessile, 50 mm. × 4-5 mm. wide, reduced above, lance-linear, spinulose toothed; Inflorescence, panicle, heads borne singly on pedicels 10-20 mm.; Involucre, 8 mm. × 12 mm. wide; Phyllaries, 5+ series, imbricate, chartaceous below, green and stipitate-glandular above, tips, acuminate, reflexed; Receptacle, epaleate; Flowers of 2 kinds; Rays, fertile, corolla, tube 4.5 mm. + laminae 10 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide, spatulate, blue; Disk flowers, corolla, 6 mm., yellow; Pappus, capillary bristles, 6 mm.; Cypsela, 3 mm., hairy. Described from Coll. No. 1299, 23 Sep 2015.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed, as Machaeranthera bigelovii 2687. 1/1/2019. . .

Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L.Nesom & G.I.Baird var. graveolens (Nutt.) Reveal & Schuyler.  (Syn: E. n. (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L.Nesom & G.I.Baird var. glabrata (Gray) G.L. Nesom & Baird ) Goldy-Locks. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, 2713. 2713. . .

Erigeron tracyi Greene.  (Syn: E. cinereus A. Gray , E. colomexicanus A. Nelson , E. divergens Torrey & A. Gray var. cinereus A. Gray ) Running Fleabane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial herb, 20-25 cm., caudex simple (not stout) non-rhizomatous, hairy throughout, with hairs 0.2-0.4 mm. spreading in all directions, glandular at high magnification; Stem, some with prior year's branches assumed to have been stoloniferous; Leaves, basal and cauline, basal, petiole, to 26 mm. + blade oblanceolate 8-12-20 mm. × 2-4-5.5 mm. wide, short hairy and glandular (especially visible at high magnification), margin entire, tip acute, some withered at flowering time, cauline, ±sessile, reduced or not well-developed above, but up to 32 mm. × 1.8 mm. wide; Peduncle, spreading to descending multicellular hairs with clear crosswalls, slightly pustular (maybe) or glandular at high magnification; Phyllaries, in 2+ ±equal series, but not distinctly imbricate, 3-4.5 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, lanceolate, green center, light margins, spreading hairy; Receptacle epaleate; Flowers, 2 kinds; Ray flowers, cypsela 0.5 mm. + tube 2 mm. + ligule 4 mm. × 0.3-0.6 mm. wide = 6.5-7 mm. × 0.8 mm. wide, fertile, tip rounded, white & pink fading purple; Disk flowers, yellow; Pappus, ray and disk alike, inner, few capillary bristles, 4 mm., outer, short crown of scales, double pappus not particularly disgnostic in Erigeron. The most common form of E. tracyi is perhaps (speculative) a stabilized, apomictic hybrid between E. flagellaris and E. divergens (FNANM). Described from Coll. No. 1133, 9 Jun 2015 and Coll. No. 1337, 11 May 2016.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2631. 5/16/2022. . .

Helianthus annuus L.  Common Sunflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2679. 1/1/2019. WNS seed 2707. 3/21/2019. Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2491. 4/27/2022. . .

Heterotheca villosa (Pursh) Shinners.  (Syn: H. v. (Pursh) Shinners var. nana (A. Gray) Semple , H. v. (Pursh) Shinners var. villosa ) Hairy False Goldenaster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial herb, to 50 cm.; Leaves, cauline alternate, entire, 1-veined, distal perpendicular to stems, hairs > glands; Heads solitary, with both ray and disk flowers; Phyllaries in 2+ series, unequal, to 7 mm.; Rays, 9 mm.; Pappus double, outer narrow scales ≤ 1 mm. (easier to see on mature fruit), inner bristles, 6.5 mm., white; Fruit, disk 3 mm., hairy.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2518. 4/28/2022. . .

Liatris punctata Hook.  Dotted Blazing Star. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial herb, to 32 cm.; Leaves, cauline, alternate, 78 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide, gradually reduced above, linear, glandular punctate, margins, entire, revolute, sparsely hairy; Inflorescence, single heads in axils on short pedicels; Involucre, 16 mm. × 7 mm. wide, ±cylindrical; Phyllaries, in 2+ series, inbricate, 14 mm. × 3.8 mm. wide, glandular-punctate abaxially distally, margin, ciliate, scarious, tip acute; Receptacle, epaleate; Flowers, one kind; Disk flowers; Corolla, tube white 8 mm. + lobes purple 2.5 mm.; Pappus, bristles, one series, 10 mm., plumose; Cypsela, 7 mm., hairy. Described from Coll. No. 1264, 29 Jul 2015.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2680. 1/1/2019. WNS seed 2701. 3/21/2019. 2949. 9/20/2022. Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2497. 4/27/2022. . .

Ratibida columnifera (Nutt.) Woot. & Standl.  (Syn: Rudbeckia columnifera Nutt. ) Upright Prairie Coneflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial herb, to 50 cm., tap-rooted; Leaves, cauline, to 11 cm. × 3 cm. wide, 1-pinnate, pinnae to 39 mm. × 4 mm. wide, some toothed; Inflorescence, single heads per stem, >> leaves; Involucre, 14 mm. diameter; Phyllaries, 1 series, lanceolate, hairy abaxially; Receptacle, cylindric, paleate; Rays, #5, 17 mm., × 13 mm. wide, elliptic-ovate, sterile, corolla yellow; Disk, cylindric, 20-45 mm. × 9-12 mm. wide; Palea, folded around but not enclosing disk flowers; Disk flowers, many, corolla greenish-yellow; Pappus, short crown of scales; Fruit, compressed, but maybe not strongly, ciliate adaxially(!). Described from Coll. No. 1198, 12 July 2015.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2675. 1/1/2019. WNS seed 2705. 3/21/2019. Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2490. 4/27/2022. "Mexican Hat" Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2494. 4/27/2022. . .

Rudbeckia hirta L.  Black-Eyed Susan. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2681. 1/1/2019. WNS seed 2709. 3/21/2019. . .

Scorzonera laciniata L.  (Syn: Podospermum laciniatum (L.) De Candolle ) Cutleaf Vipergrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial herb, to 40 cm., Leaves, basal and cauline, 7-20 cm., pinnately dissected into near-linear lobes, reduced but still well-developed above; Inflorescence, few heads on long stems; Phyllaries, in ±3 series, graduated, 4-13 mm. × 1.5-9 mm. wide, margins chartaceous, tips dark; Receptacle, epaleate; Flowers, ligulate (1 kind, 5-lobed), corolla yellow; Pappus of plumose bristles, Introduced, Europe (Old French: viper) (Described from Coll. No. 1399, 8 June 2016).

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2515. 4/28/2022. . .

Senecio spartioides Torr. & A. Gray.  (Syn: S. multicapitatus Greenm. ex Rydb. ) Broomlike Ragwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial herb, to 50 cm.; Leaves, basal, unknown, cauline, alternate, 90 mm. × 3 mm. wide, narrowly oblanceolate, reduced above to 30 mm. × 1 mm. wide, variously hairy in axils and ±lower surface; Involucre, 12.5 mm. × 6 mm., narrowly campanulate, bractlets not prominent; Phyllaries, 2 series? or 1 series with 2 forms? outer, 7.5 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, all green, inner, 7.5 mm. × 1.3 mm. wide, centrally green with margins chartaceous, all tips dark; Receptacle, epaleate; Rays, fertile, corolla, tube 5 mm. + blade 9 mm. × 2 mm. wide, yellow, lobes 3; Disk flowers, corolla, 6 mm., yellow; Pappus, 1 series of fine capillary bristles, 5 mm.; Cypsela, 4 mm., 5-angled, dark gray, “hirtellous” throughout (not just the angles). Described from Coll. No. 1298, 23 Sep 2015.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2519. 4/28/2022. . .

Solidago L.  Goldenrod. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2520. 4/28/2022. . .

Solidago rigida L. var. humilis Porter.  Stiff Goldenrod. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Herbaceous perennial, to 70 cm., apparently reproducing in part by offsets (“caudices branching”), short spreading hairy throughout; Leaves, basal and cauline, basal, #3-8, petiole, 15 cm., blade, 12.5 cm. × 6 cm. wide, ovate, entire, withered at flowering, cauline, alternate, sessile, 60 mm. × 27 mm. wide, ovate, entire, reduced above; Inflorescence, cymose, heads borne singly on short pedicels; Phyllaries, 2+ series, graduated, largest, 4.5 mm. × 1.3 mm. wide, tip obtuse, veins 3, ciliate distally; Receptacle, convex, epaleate; Flowers of 2 kinds; Rays, fertile, corolla, 5.5 mm. × 0.8 mm. wide, yellow; Disk flowers, corolla, 5 mm., yellow; Pappus, bristles, 1 series; Cypsela, 1 mm., glabrous. Described from Coll. No. 1280, 28 August 2015.

- 407 Garden Street, Determination very tentative. 2950. 9/20/2022. . .

Symphyotrichum ericoides (Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom.  (Syn: Virgulus ericoides (Linnaeus) Reveal & Keener ) White Heath Aster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial, woody at base, stems ascending, to 40 cm., spreading vegetatively, short hairy and minutely glandular throughout; Leaves, alternate, sessile, narrowly lanceolate or oblong, 7-9 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide, entire, strigose, tip, small white spine; Heads, borne singly along stem, occasionally 2 per stem, on leafy pedicels; Flowers, of 2 kinds; Involucre, 4 mm. × 5 mm. wide, bell-shaped; Phyllaries, 2+ series, 3-4 mm. × 0.7-0.8 mm. wide, white below with 1 brown or green vein, rhomboid green above, tip with very small spine; Receptacle, epaleate; Rays, corolla, white, tube 2 mm + ligule 5.0-6.5 mm., fertile; Disc flowers, corolla, yellow, tube 3.5 mm. + lobes 0.5 mm., (some?) lobes reddish; Pappus, bristles, fine, barbelate, 4 mm.; Cypsela, 1 mm. (Described from Coll. No. 1558, 3 September 2016 and Coll. No. 1743.5, 23 August 2017).

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2486. 4/27/2022. . .

Symphyotrichum laeve (L.) Á. Löve & D. Löve var. geyeri (A. Gray) G.L. Nesom.  Smooth Blue Aster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2686. 1/1/2019. WNS seed 2711. 3/21/2019. . .

Tragopogon dubius Scop.  (Syn: Tragopogon dubius Scop. ssp. major (Jacq.) Vollman ) Yellow Salsify. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Peduncle inflated distally, flowers yellow, phyllaries in 1 overlapping series, ligules 3-5 mm. shorter than phyllaries.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2481. 4/27/2022. .


Berberis repens Lindl.  (Syn: Mahonia repens (Lindl.) G. Don ) Creeping Barberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2625. 5/16/2022. .


Lithospermum incisum Lehm.  Narrowleaf Stoneseed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial … cleistogamic flowers present, in fruit usually with recurved pedicels. Flowers monomorphic.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 3555. 5/20/2024. . .

Mertensia lanceolata (Pursh) DC.  Prairie Bluebells. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial herb, with spreading-ascending branches to 20 cm.; Stem, glabrous; Leaves, basal and cauline, basal, petiole 55 mm. + blade 50 mm. × 12.5 mm. wide, lanceolate, distinct lateral veins, papillate adaxially, margin, entire, appressed ciliate; cauline, sessile, 40 mm. × 4 mm. wide, without distinct lateral veins, papillate to strigose (oriented toward apex) adaxially, margin, entire, appressed ciliate; Inflorescence, panicle; Calyx, not divided to base, tube 1.5 mm. + lobes 2-3 mm.; Corolla, tube 4.0-6.5 mm. + lobes 4.5-7.5 mm., free 2.0 mm., limb 5-10 mm., deciduous, blue, small tufts or a ring of hairs near (2.2 mm.) base of throat; Stamens, #5-6, inserted, attached just below (0.5 mm.) throat/fornices; Filaments, 2.0-3.5 mm., strap-shaped, filaments ≥ anthers; Anthers, 1.8-2.3 mm., versatile, yellow; Ovary, 0.7 mm. × 1.3 mm. wide, partially fused to calyx; Style, 7.0-7.5 mm., single, ±≥anthers; Stigma, simple; Fruit, #4 nutlets, 1.7 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide. (Described from Coll. Nos. 1906 & 2035.)

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2632. 5/16/2022. .


Alyssum simplex Rudolphi.  (Syn: Alyssum minus Rothm. , Alyssum parviflorum Fisch. ex M.Bieb. ) European Madwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Annual, tap-rooted, to 12-30 cm., stellate hairy throughout (typically doubly branched and 8-pointed); Stem branched at base, ascending; Leaves basal, withered at flowering, appear compound, cauline, alternate, 14-28 mm. × 3.5-5.0 mm., oblanceolate, margin entire, tip acute, sessile or vaguely short-petioled; Inflorescence not bracted; Pedicels, in fruit, 4.5 mm.; Sepals, 4, 2 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, deciduous in fruit; Petals 2.9-3.0 mm., yellow fading white,clawed, entire to tip slightly notched; Stamens, 2.5-2.6 mm.; Filaments, 2.3 mm., winged proximal 1.5-1.8 mm., not toothed; Style persistent, 1.3 mm., few hairs at base; Fruit round, 3.5-5.0 mm. × 5.6 mm. wide, margin entire, compressed parallel to the replum, hairy, hairs thinning as fruit matures; Ovules, 4 (most keys and descriptions say 2 when they give a specific number, but the genus is described as having 1-2[4] ovules). (Described from Clyde Golden, 25 Jun 2011, Coll. No. 1090, 30 Apr 2015, and Coll. No. 1367, 24 May 2016).

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2483. 4/27/2022. .


Cylindropuntia imbricata (Haw.) F. M. Kunth.  Tree Cholla. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 3236. 6/2/2023. . .

Escobaria missouriensis (Sweet) D.R.Hunt.  (Syn: Coryphantha missouriensis (Sweet) Britton & Rose ) Missouri Foxtail Cactus. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2633. 5/16/2022. . .

Escobaria vivipara (Nutt.) Buxb.  (Syn: Coryphantha vivipara (Nutt.) Britton & Rose , Escobaria vivipara (Nutt.) Buxb. var. deserti (Engelm.) D. R. Hunt , Escobaria vivipara (Nutt.) Buxb. var. rosea (Clokey) D. R. Hunt ) Beehive Cactus. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Check the tops of the tubercles. Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2488. 4/27/2022. . .

Opuntia macrorhiza Engelm.  Western Pricklypear. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial cactus, not distinctly mat-forming; Stem, segments, 90 mm. × 60 mm. wide, flattened, bluish-green, areoles, #5-6 per diagonal row, spaced 8-14 mm., proximal, glochids only, distal, glochids and spines, spines, #2, #1, 28 mm., erect, brown to tan at tip, #1, 12 mm., recumbent, nearly white; Flowers, petals, 36 mm. × 22 mm. wide, wedge-shaped, color yellow; Stamens, many, 18 mm., yellow; Style, 20-24 mm., stout; Stigma, lobes, #6-8, 3 mm.; Fruit, 38 mm. × 17 mm. wide, narrow at base, fleshy, green, areoles, mix of glochids and short spines. (Described from Coll. No. 1948, 15 June 2018.)

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2634. 5/16/2022. . .

Opuntia polyacantha Haw.  Plains Pricklypear. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2502. 4/28/2022. .


Campanula rapunculoides L.  Rampion Bellflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2508. 4/28/2022. .


Celtis reticulata Torr.  (Syn: Celtis laevigata Willd. var. reticulata L. D. Benson ) Net-Leaved Hackberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, with witches broom Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2623. 5/16/2022. .


Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad.  (Syn: Bassia scoparia (L.) A. J. Scott , Bassia sieversiana (Pall.) W. A. Weber ) Common Red Sage. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2509. 4/28/2022. . .

Krascheninnikovia lanata (Pursh) A. D. J. Meeuse & Smit.  (Syn: Diotis lanata Pursh , Eurotia lanata (Pursh) Moquin-Tandon ) Winter Fat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2626. 5/16/2022. .


Cleomella serrulata (Pursh) Roalson & J. C. Hall.  (Syn: Cleome serrulata Pursh , Peritoma serrulata (Pursh) DC. ) Rocky Mountain Bee Plant. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2699. 3/21/2019. 2951. 9/20/2022. Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2496. 4/27/2022. .


Convolvulus arvensis L.  Field Bindweed. Weed: CO DofA, List: C. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2512. 4/28/2022. .


Euphorbia esula L.  Leafy Spurge. Weed: CO DofA, List: B. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2624. 5/16/2022. .


Astragalus drummondii Dougl. ex Hook.  Drummond's Milkvetch. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial herb, to 35 cm., caulescent; Stem, rachis, abaxial leaf surfaces, and calyx spreading hairy, hairs basifixed; Leaves, cauline, compound, odd-pinnate, stipules, 9 mm., free, entire, leaflets, 23-27, 19 mm. × 5.5 mm. wide, wavy hairy abaxially and marginally, ±glabrous adaxially; Calyx, tube 6 mm. + lobes 3 mm. = 9 mm., green at base to cream color at tube and lobes, few dark wavy hairs, persistent; Corolla, 17 mm., color cream, banner, 17 mm., wings, claw 6 mm. + blade 9 mm., tip obtuse, keel, 14 mm., tip purple, Ovary, 9 mm.; Style, 4 mm., glabrous, persistent; Fruit, stalked 12 mm. + body 26 mm. × 4 mm. wide, pendant, smooth, glabrous, not inflated. Described from Coll. No. 1141, 9 Jun 2015.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2484. 4/27/2022. . .

Dalea candida Willd.  White Prairie Clover. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2678. 1/1/2019. WNS seed 2706. 3/21/2019. Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2510. 4/28/2022. . .

Dalea purpurea Vent.  Purple Prairie Clover. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2700. 3/21/2019. Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2493. 4/27/2022. . .

Hedysarum boreale Nutt.  Utah Sweetvetch. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2684. 1/1/2019. . .

Lupinus sericeus Pursh.  Silky Lupine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2708. 3/21/2019. . .

Medicago lupulina L.  Black Medick. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Annual herb, prostrate, to 1 cm. × 50 cm. wide; Leaves, compound, stipules, leaf-like, 6.5 mm., petioles, 11 mm., leaflets, #3, obovate, 5 mm. × 5-6 mm. wide, margin denticulate, middle leaflet extended beyond lateral leaflet on a petiolule; Inflorescence, compact axillary raceme, 8 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide; Sepals, 1 mm.; Flowers, 2 mm., color yellow; Fruit, unknown -- should be curved (Described from Coll. No. 1803, 7 May 2018).

- 407 Garden Street, 2726. 5/26/2022. . .

Medicago sativa L.  Alfalfa. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2498. 4/27/2022. . .

Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam.  Yellow Sweet Clover. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, 2724. 5/26/2022. . .

Oxytropis lambertii Pursh.  Purple Locoweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial herb, acaulescent, mostly dolabriform hairs (one arm much shorter than the other); Leaves, basal, pinnately compound, leaflets #17, terminal leaflet present; Inflorescence, raceme, peduncle 30 cm., pedicels very short; Bracts, 7 mm. × 1.6 mm. wide, green, lanceolate; Calyx, tube 7 mm. + lobes 4 mm. = 11 mm.; Flower, zygomorphic, various shades of magenta to purple, banner, 17 mm., wings, 16 mm., keel, 13 mm., blades united enclosing stamens, recurved beak; Stamens, #10, diadelphous (Described from Coll. No. 1385, 1 June 2016).

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 3232. 6/2/2023. . .

Oxytropis sericea Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray.  White Locoweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2703. 3/21/2019. . .

Pediomelum tenuiflorum (Pursh) A. N. Egan.  (Syn: Psoralea tenuiflora Pursh , Psoralidium tenuiflorum (Pursh) Rydb. ) Slimflower Scurfpea. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2622. 5/16/2022. . .

Robinia pseudoacacia L.  Black Locust. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, 2952. 9/20/2022. .


Quercus gambelii Nutt.  Gambel's oak. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2635. 5/16/2022. .


Fumaria vaillantii Loisel.  Earthsmoke. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, 2725. 5/26/2022. .


Geranium caespitosum James.  Pineywoods Geranium. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, tentative Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2621. 5/16/2022. .


Ribes cereum Douglas.  Wax Currant. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2620. 5/16/2022. .


Hypericum perforatum L.  Common St. John's Wort. Weed: CO DofA, List: C. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Treated in family Clusiaceae by Ackerman (2015). Hypericaceae retained at rank of Family by APG IV.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2503. 4/28/2022. .


Caryopteris × clandonensis 'Blue Mist'.  Blue Mist Spirea. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, 2719. 2719. . .

Lavandula L.  Lavender. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, 2720. 2720. . .

Monarda fistulosa L.  Wild Bergamot. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2685. 1/1/2019. Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2619. 5/16/2022. . .

Perovskia atriplicifolia Benth.  (=Salvia yangii B. T. Drem) Russian Sage. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2501. 4/27/2022. . .

Salvia L.  Sage. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, Clary Sage(?) Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2489. 4/27/2022. .


Linum lewisii Pursh.  (Syn: Adenolinum lewisii (Pursh) A. Löve & D. Löve ) Prairie Blue Flax. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2480. 4/27/2022. . .

Linum perenne L.  (Syn: Adenolinum perenne (L.) Rchb. ) Blue Flax. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Weber & Wittmann (2012) distinguish between L. perenne and L. lewisii with the character of heterostyly in which some plants have styles longer than stamens and others with styles shorter than stamens. They apply homostyly to L. lewisii noting that the styles and stamens are approximately equal. My plants (Coll. No. 1383) consistently have styles longer than stamens. The key in Ackerfield (2015), based on plant structure and overall shape is not helpful because of the range of characters observed with this collection.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed, var. lewisii ? 2677. 1/1/2019. WNS seed, var. lewisii ? 2702. 3/21/2019. .


Mentzelia nuda (Pursh) Torr. & A. Gray.  (Syn: Nuttallia nuda (Pursh) Greene ) Bractless Blazing Star. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2485. 4/27/2022. .


Callirhoe involucrata (Torr. & A. Gray) A. Gray.  Winecups; Purple Poppy Mallow. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, 2953. 9/20/2022. . .

Malva neglecta Wallr.  Common Mallow. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2513. 4/28/2022. . .

Sphaeralcea coccinea (Nutt.) Rydb.  Cowboy's Delight. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2838. 6/17/2022. .


Mirabilis multiflora (Torrey) A. Gray.  Colorado Four O'clock. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2682. 1/1/2019. WNS seed 2710. 3/21/2019. .


Fraxinus .  Horticultural Ash. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2637. 5/16/2022. .


Oenothera suffrutescens (Ser.) W. L. Wagner & Hoch.  (Syn: Gaura coccinea Pursh , Gaura glabra Lehm. ) Linda Tarde. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Herbaceous perennial, to 60 cm.; Stipules absent; Leaves alternate, 25 mm. x 5 mm., lanceolate, few toothed; Inflorescence straight, open; Bracts 2-3 mm.; Buds erect; Sepals fused to tip in bud, all coming free, reflexed, 6 mm., not persistent after flowering; Hypanthium 6 mm.; Petals entire; Stamens 8, < stigma; Anthers maturing in unison with stigma; Ovary at flowering > distal internode (ergo infl. "open"); Stigma 4-lobed; Fruit 7 mm., stalk-like base 0, erect, fusiform, gradually wider at middle, puberulent, indehiscent; Seeds few, 2 mm., glabrous, not winged (Decribed from Coll. No. 317, keyed 15 Dec 2012).

- 407 Garden Street, tentative, seen only in bud Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2618. 5/16/2022. .


Castilleja integra A. Gray.  Wholeleaf Indian Paintbrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, 2954. 9/20/2022. .


Argemone polyanthemos (Fedde) G.B. Ownbey.  Crested Prickly Poppy. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2495. 4/27/2022. .


Linaria dalmatica (L.) Mill.  (Syn: Linaria dalmatica (L.) Mill. ssp. dalmatica , Linaria genistifolia (L.) Mill. ssp. dalmatica (L.) Maire & Petitm. ) Dalmatian ToadFlax. Weed: CO DofA, List: B. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2616. 5/16/2022. . .

Penstemon palmeri A. Gray.  Wild Pink Snapdragon. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 3235. 6/2/2023. . .

Penstemon secundiflorus Benth.  Sidebells Penstemon. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2683. 1/1/2019. WNS seed 2712. 3/21/2019. Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2615. 5/16/2022. . .

Penstemon strictus Benth.  Rocky Mountain Penstemon. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2676. 1/1/2019. WNS seed 2704. 3/21/2019. .


Fallopia convolvulus (L.) A.Löve.  (Syn: Polygonum convolvulus L. ) Black Bindweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, 2728. 5/26/2022. .


Delphinium carolinianum Walter ssp. virescens (Nutt.) R.E. Brooks.  (Syn: D. carolinianum Walter ssp. penardii (Huth) L. M. Perry , Delphinium virescens Nutt. ) Plains Larkspur. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, 2791. 6/7/2022. .


Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M. Roem.  Saskatoon Serviceberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Shrub, to 1 m.; Stems, branches unarmed; Leaves, simple, petiole, 8 mm., blade, 22-32 mm. × 19-32 mm. wide, veins, pinnate, surface, sparsely hairy above, sparsely to moderately hairy below, margin, serrate; Flowers, borne singly, pedicels, 10 mm., petals 9 mm. × 4.5 mm. wide, color cream; Ovary, inferior, tip hairy; Styles, #(4)5 (Described from Coll. No. 1800-1801, 7 May 2018)

- 407 Garden Street, 2718. 2718. . .

Cercocarpus ledifolius Nutt.  Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, 2714. 2714. . .

Cercocarpus montanus Raf.  Alder-Leaf Mountain Mahogany. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Described by Rafinesque from a specimen collected by Edwin James of the Long Expedition, 1820, probably in present Jefferson County, Colorado. Rafinesque was somewhat frustrated by Torrey's reluctance publish a new species name in assigning James' collection to C. fothergillides Humb. Bonpl. And Kunth.

- 407 Garden Street, 2715. 2715. . .

Crataegus Hawthorn. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2638. 5/16/2022. . .

Fallugia paradoxa (D. Don) Endl.  Apache Plume. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, 2716. 2716. . .

Malus L.  Apple. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, horticultural apple, planted Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2613. 5/16/2022. . .

Potentilla fissa Nutt. ex Torr. & A.Gray.  (=Drymocallis fissa (Nutt.) Rydb.) Bigflower Cinquefoil. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial, herb, caespitose, to 20 cm., terrestrial, not stoloniferous, rhizomatous, glandular-hairy throughout; Stem, erect, green, multicellular viscid hairs; Leaves, basal, 58-125 mm. × 16-26 cm. wide, pinnately compound, leaflets, #11; cauline, #3-4 per stem, alternate, stipules, 5 mm. × 2 mm. wide, lanceolate, entire to once shallowly toothed; petiole, 18 mm., prior years remaining on plant (as sometimes described for P. rupincola), multicellular viscid hairs, leaflets, #7-13, 40-51 mm. × 20-22 mm. wide, petiolulate (not decurrent), 12 mm. × 9 mm. wide, viscid hairy, terminal leaflet (8)10 mm. side, margin, flat, serrate, teeth, 4-6 per side, on distal ¾, tip dark reddish; Inflorescence, congested cyme, with 5-7 flowers; Flowers, limb, 15 mm.; Calyx, lobes, #5, 7-11 mm. × 2.7-4.5 mm. wide, fused ±½, viscid hairy, epicalyx bractlets, 3-5 mm. × 0.8-1.3 mm. wide, ±½ sepals; Receptacle, hairy, <1 mm., Petals, 7-9 mm. × 5-9 mm. wide, obovate, color yellow; Stamens, >25; Anthers, 1.4 mm. × 1 mm. wide; Ovaries, many, superior, glabrous; Styles, widest at middle, or thickest at base, tapered from middle, attached laterally below top of ovary; Stigma, #1; Achenes, glabrous. (Described from Coll. No. 1364, 21 May 2016, and Coll. No. 1911, 31 May 2018).

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 3233. 6/2/2023. . .

Prunus americana Marshall.  American Plum. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial woody shrub, spreading, to 2 m., blooming before leafing out; Branches, unarmed, glabrous when young, peeling to brown; Leaves, (immature, at time of flowering), simple, 15-19 mm. × 5.5-8 mm. wide, lanceolate or elliptic-rhomboid, pinnately veined, glabrous, margin toothed, teeth eglandular, base slightly hairy, petiole 3 mm., adaxially hairy; Flowers, in small groups of 2-3; Pedicels, 9-18 mm., glabrous to sparsely hairy; Hypanthium, 2 mm.; Sepals, 2.5-2.8 mm., reflexed, few cobwebby hairs adaxially; Petals, free, white, 5-7 mm. × 2.5-4.5 mm. wide; Stamens, many (30?); Ovary superior; Styles #1, 10 mm.; Fruit unknown (Described from Coll. No. 1093, 30 Apr 2015, and Coll. No. 1819, 16 May 2018).

- 407 Garden Street, 2717. 2717. . .

Prunus virginiana L.  Chokecherry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

The most useful distinction is between chokecherries found east of the Rocky Mountains, var. virginiana and those found from the mountains westward, var. demissa. Plants of the High Plains show intergradation between those of the Rockies and those of the East.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2617. 5/16/2022. . .

Rosa arkansana Porter.  Prairie Rose. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Low-growing perennial, to 20 cm.; Stem, straight slender unequal prickles, present on new growth; Leaves, alternate, compound, leaflets (7)9-11, 20 mm. × 9 mm. wide, serrate, teeth dark-tipped, unclear whether there is glandular exudate, sparsely villous on both sides; Flowers, in clusters of 2-5; Sepals, 16 mm. × 3 mm. wide, abaxial, stalked glandular, adaxial, glandular hairy; Petals, 28 mm. × 21 mm. wide, color pink (Described from Coll. No. 1456, 27 June 2016).

- 407 Garden Street, new growth prickly, long straight prickles, probably R. arkansana Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2611. 5/16/2022. . .

Sanguisorba minor Scop.  Burnet. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, 2727. 5/26/2022. .


Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. ssp. pallida (A. DC.) Piehl.  (Syn: Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. var. pallida (A. DC.) M. E. Jones ) Pale Bastard Toadflax. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2607. 5/16/2022. .


Physalis hispida (Waterf.) Cronquist.  Prairie Ground Cherry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, 2955. 9/20/2022. .


Ulmus pumila L.  Siberian Elm. Weed: CO DofA, List: C. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2614. 5/16/2022. .


Hybanthus verticillatus (Ortega) Baill.  Baby Slippers. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, 2792. 6/7/2022. . .

Viola nuttallii Pursh.  Nuttall's Violet. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 3238. 6/2/2023. .


Yucca glauca Nutt.  Soapweed Yucca. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2604. 5/16/2022. .


Leucocrinum montanum Nutt. ex A. Gray.  Star Lily. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2605. 5/16/2022. .


Tradescantia occidentalis (Britton) Smyth.  Prairie Spiderwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 3240. 6/2/2023. .


Carex inops L.H. Bailey ssp. heliophila (Mack.) Crins.  (Syn: C. pensylvanica Lam. ssp. heliophila (Mack.) W. A. Weber ) Sun Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial herb, to 16 cm., prior year leaves to 23 cm.; Rhizome, 5-10(12) cm.; Culm, 11.5 cm. × 0.6 mm., ±triangular, but obscured by white striations at least when dry; Leaves, 12 cm. × 1.5 mm., ±flat, some folded ≤30°.; Inflorescence, multiple spikes, all approximate, 1-2 pistillate spike(s) below, 1 staminate spike above; Bracts, lowest, blade 8 mm., sheath 4.5 mm., papery; Pistillate spike, peduncled 1.0-1.3 mm., 9 mm., brown (not black); Staminate spike, terminal, 12-16 mm., ovoid (not cylindric), brown (not black); Scales, >perigynum body; Perigynum, pubescent on faces, margin ciliate; Achenes, unknown. Described from Coll. No. 1079, 23 April 2015, and Coll. No. 1568, 3 Apr 2017.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2608. 5/16/2022. .


Iris L.  Horticultural Iris. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2636. 5/16/2022. .


Muscari botryoides (L.) Mill.  Common Grape Hyacinth. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2514. 4/28/2022. .


Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn.  Crested Wheat Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2609. 5/16/2022. . .

Andropogon gerardii Vitman.  Big Bluestem. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial, to 85 cm., clumped, rhizomes unknown; Leaves, blade and sheath differentiated; Sheath, 11 cm., open; Ligule, membraneous (though surrounded by hairs), 3 mm., auricles 0; Blade, soft, flat, 27 cm., hairy near ligule; Inflorescence, 80 mm., > leaves, 1-2 per stem, in 5-6 digitate branches, spikelets many; Rachis, soft bristles on margins and at nodes; Disarticulation at nodes of rachis; Spikelets in pairs, Sterile spikelet, 7 mm., pedicel 4.5 mm.; Fertile spikelet, Florets #1, Glumes, awns 0, ±equal, lower keeled, upper flattened and grooved; Lemma, 6 mm., membraneous, rolled, glabrous, tip 2-forked, awn, #1, 13 mm., bent, twisted, attached on back; Stamens, 3; Anthers, yellow; Ovary, glabrous; Stigma, feathery. (Described from Coll. No. 1060, 28 Aug 2014).

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2698. 3/21/2019. 2956. 9/20/2022. Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2499. 4/27/2022. . .

Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr.  Sideoats Grama. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2688. 3/21/2019. 2957. 9/20/2022. Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2504. 4/28/2022. . .

Bouteloua dactyloides (Nutt.) J.T. Columbus.  (Syn: Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm. ) Buffalo Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 3237. 6/2/2023. . .

Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lag. ex Griffiths.  (Syn: Chondrosum gracile Kunth ) Blue Grama. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2696. 3/21/2019. . .

Bromus inermis Leyss.  (Syn: B. inermis Leyss. ssp. inermis ) Smooth Brome. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial grass to 1 m., rhizomatous; Leaves, sheath, 8-11 cm., closed, ligule, <1 mm., membraneous, blade, 12-17 cm × 0.5 cm., flat, soft, with a distinguishing fold, usually described as an “M” or a “W” that is difficult to see when dry; Inflorescence, panicle, 15 cm. × 4 cm. wide, multiple 1° branches per node, mostly on one side of rachis; Spikelets, 1 per node on 1° and 2° panicle branches, 15-24 mm. × 5 mm. wide, laterally compressed, 2-6 florets per spikelet; Glumes, 2, keeled, glabrous, lower, 7-8 mm., veins 1 upper, 8-10 mm., <lowest floret; Rachilla, sparsely hairy on abaxial side, extended beyond uppermost floret or not; Callus, small, glabrous; Lemma, 11-12 mm., veins, 3, 5, 7, obvious, tip bifid, some awned; Awn (when present), 1.0-1.6 mm., arising near tip of lemma; Palea, 9 mm., veins ciliate. (Described from Coll. No. 1113, 26 May 2014, and Coll. No. 1219, 16 Jul 2015).

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2487. 4/27/2022. . .

Bromus japonicus Thunb.  Japanese Cheat Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Coll. No. 1207, 13 Jul 2015, characters observed: Annual grass, to 40 cm.; Leaves, sheath, 60 mm. closed + 12 mm. open, pilose (but not densely so), ligule, membraneous, + some hairs, blade, hairy; Inflorescence, panicle, >leaves; Pedicel, 20 mm.; Spikelets, 1-3 per panicle branch, 22 mm. × 6 mm. wide, elliptical, drooping; Glumes, #2, <lowest floret, lower, 4.5 mm., veins 3, upper, 5.5 mm., veins 5; Rachilla, short hairy; Callus, glabrous; Florets, #12, 2-ranked, closely held hiding rachilla; Disarticulation between florets; Lemma, 8 mm. × 4 mm. wide, margin, hyaline, 0.5 mm., tip bifid, awn, #1, 5-12 mm. long, mid-spikelet awns longest, flattened at base, not twisted, attached near bifid tip. Described from Coll. No. 1207, 13 Jul 2015.

- 407 Garden Street, 2958. 9/20/2022. . .

Dactylis glomerata L.  Orchard Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial grass, to 1.0-1.2 m., not rhizomatous, basal or subterranean internodes not swollen; Stem herbaceous; Leaf, Sheath open and closed observed, published descriptions are roughly equally divided as to whether the sheath is open or closed, Ligule membraneous, 5 mm.; Blade, differentiated from sheath, base not constricted, soft, 25 cm. × 0.7 cm. wide, not sharp-pointed; Auricle, rounded, <1 mm., generally described as 0; Infloresence exceeding leaves, 13 cm., panicle, well developed, erect, 1° branches open, branching 4° or 5°; Spikelets not enclosed in a bur-like involucre, not subtended by bristles or long silky hairs, similar throughout plant, all on one side of rachis, crowded in dense clusters, on 2°-4° panicle branches 1 per node, axis few hairy, some spikelets appear to be infertile; Glumes, 2 < lowest floret, lower, 3.5 mm, smaller and thinner than upper, 6 mm., keeled, glabrous to ciliate on keel, else sparsely hairy; Florets not modified into bulblets 4+ per spikelet , have feathery stigma-like material but no ovary (immature?), uppermost vestigal floret not club-shaped rudiment (as seen in Melica); Lemma lowest largest, 5 mm., reduced above, keeled, line of hairs on keel, 5 veins, tip forked, awn 1.0-1.5 mm.; Palea light green with 2 veins forked at tip. Described from Collection No. 815, 9 May 2012, Alameda County, CA and Coll. No. 1111, 26 May 2015, Jefferson County, CO.

- 407 Garden Street, Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2505. 4/28/2022. . .

Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey.  (Syn: E. longifolius (J. G. Sm.) Gould , Sitanion hystrix (Nutt.) J. G. Sm. ) Squirreltail Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial grass to 50 cm., clumped; Inflorescence, bilateral spike; Rachis, internodes, 6.4 mm., breaking apart when mature; Spikelets, 2 per node; Glumes, #2, subulate, 62-65 mm.; Florets, #3, lowest 2 fertile, upper sterile; Lemma, 10 mm. + awn 50 mm., veins, #5, converging; Palea, 9 mm., 1 of 2 veins slightly extended as bristle. Variety brevifolius if infraspecific names are to be applied. Described from Coll. No. 1717, 28 July 2017.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2694. 3/21/2019. Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2610. 5/16/2022. . .

Elymus repens (L.) Gould.  (Syn: Elytrigia repens (L.) Desv. ex B. D. Jacks. ) Quack Grass. Weed: CO DofA, List: C. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, Colorado Noxious Weed List C. Private garden on Garden Street, in well of tree, and other slopes, 1.06 km. north of the GNIS location of Golden. Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2842. 4 Jul 2022. ( Golden KHD00079832 ) . .

Elymus trachycaulus (Link) Gould ex Shinners.  Slender Wheatgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial grass, 75-100 cm., probably not rhizomatous, generally glabrous except as noted; Leaves, sheath, 130 mm., open, ligule, membraneous, auricles, small, 0-1 mm., blade, 25-200 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide, green, flat, scabrous; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, bi-lateral spike, 110 mm × 6 mm. wide; Rachis, internode 4.5 mm.; Spikelets, many, mostly 1 per node, about 1/3 have 2 per node, 17-21 mm. × 2.5-3.5 mm. wide, exclusive of awns, compression, weakly lateral; Disarticulation, between the florets; Glumes, #2, ±equal, lower, 11 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide + awns 2.0-2.5 mm., not quite straight, thick, tough, not keeled, veins, 5, prominent, margins, widest at middle, upper, 13 mm. × 1.8 mm. wide + awn 1.8 mm., veins, 7, >lowest floret; Florets, #4-8, lower bisexual, uppermost sterile; Callus, short straight white hairs; Lemma, rolled, 9-10 mm. + awn 3-22 mm., slightly curved, attached, end, longitudinally symetric, tip, bifid; Palea, 9 mm., <lemma, white except veins green and ciliate, tip, bifid, veins, ciliate; Anthers, 3 mm. or shriveled; Achene, 4 mm., green (Described from Coll. No. 1528, 5 August 2016, and Coll. No. 2647, 5 August 2022. See also #3309, 19 July 2024.)

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2690. 3/21/2019. . .

Eriocoma hymenoides (Roem. & Schult.) Rydb.  (Syn: Achnatherum hymenoides (Roem. & Schult.) Barkworth , Oryzopsis hymenoides (Roem. & Schult.) Ricker , Stipa hymenoides Roem. & Schult. ) Indian Rice Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2691. 3/21/2019. . .

Hesperostipa comata (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth.  (Syn: Stipa comata Trin. & Rupr. ) Needle and Thread. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial, 50 cm., clumped, nonrhizomatous; Roots, fibrous; Stem, herbaceous; Leaves, blade and sheath differentiated; Sheath, 100-120 mm., open ≥½, glabrous; Ligule, membranous, length 3.7 mm., lacerate into 2 equal parts, auricles 0; Blade, 60 mm., involute, glabrous; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, >leaves, panicle, 200 mm. × 30 mm. wide; Rachis, not extended, somewhat scabrous throughout; Spikelets, many, similar, borne singly; Compression, unremarkable; Disarticulation, above the glumes; Glumes, lower, 23-34 mm., veins #3, upper, 23-29 mm., veins #5, awl-shaped, rounded, membranous, ±equal, tip, very narrow, not awned; Florets, 1 per spikelet; Callus, 4.5-50 mm., sharp, straight hairs 1.0-1.5 mm., color tan; Lemma, 9.5-10.0 mm., rolled, indurate, straight hairy 0.5 mm., color white-tan, veins #3(?), awns, #1, 125-160 mm., twisted and short straight hairy proximal 45 mm., bent, scabrous distally; Palea, 9 mm., ±lemma, few white hairs on mid-vein; Stamens, #3; Anthers, 6.5 mm. (Described from Coll. No. 1890, 28 May 2018).

- 407 Garden Street, 2959. 9/20/2022. . .

Nassella viridula (Trin.) Barkworth.  (Syn: Stipa viridula Trin. ) Green Needlegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial grass, 70-100 cm., clumped, non-rhizomatous; Stem, herbaceous; Leaves, cauline, sheath, 17 mm., ligule, 3 mm., membraneous, collar with few hairs at sides, blade, to 30 cm., convolute; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, panicle, 20-25 cm.; Rachis, lightly scabrous, not extended beyond upper spikelet; Compression, unremarkable; Spikelets, 1 per node; Florets, 1 per spikelet, bisexual; Glumes, 2, 8-9 mm., ±equal, rounded, membraneous, colorless, exc. 3 green veins, tip, short (2 mm.) hair-like awn; Disarticulation, above the glumes, Florets, 1 per spikelet; Callus, short; Lemma, 5-6 mm. × 1.2 mm. wide, <glumes, green, hairy, <1 mm., indurate, enclosing grain, awns, #1, 20-25 mm., twisted, bent, short hairy (±0.2 mm.); Palea, 1.5-2.0 mm., <lemma, membraneous, glabrous; Stamens, #3. Described from Colls. No. 1146, 1652, and 1698.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2692. 3/21/2019. Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2612. 5/16/2022. . .

Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Á. Löve.  (Syn: Agropyron smithii Rydb. ) Western Wheatgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial grass, to 75 cm., rhizomes, not seen; Leaves, ligule, short membraneous, auricles, 0, blade revolute; Inflorescence, bilateral spike; Rachis, internodes 6 mm.; Spikelets, 17 mm. × 10 mm. wide × 2 mm., not in capitate clusters, 1 per node, not oriented edgewise to rachis; Glumes, < lowest floret, narrowly lanceolate, slightly asymmetric, lower, 9.5 mm., upper, 10.6 mm.; Florets, #6±; Lemma, 11 mm., awns, 0; Palea, 9 mm.; Anthers, 4.5 mm. Described from Coll. No. 1691, 28 Jun 2017.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2689. 3/21/2019. . .

Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash.  Little Bluestem. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2697. 3/21/2019. . .

Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash.  Yellow Indian Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial warm season grass, to 1.2 m.; Inflorescence, panicle, 12 cm., color distinct yellowish; Spikelets, paired (theoretically), sessile spikelet present, pedicellate spikelet absent leaving a hairy pedicel; Compression, ±dorsal (upper glume flattened); Glumes, 6 mm., ±equal, veins 7 prominent green, upper glabrous, lower hairy; Florets, 2 per spikelet, lower floret reduced and sterile, upper floret perfect; Lemma, 4.5 mm., membraneous, apex bifid and awned, awn, 12 mm., twisted, bent once; Palea, reduced or missing; Stamens, 3, 4 mm., yellow; Stigmas, 2, feathery, pink (turning brown?). (Described from Coll. No. 1249, 26 Jul 2015).

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2695. 3/21/2019. Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2500. 4/27/2022. . .

Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) A. Gray.  (Syn: Agrostis cryptandra Torr. ) Sand Drop-seed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial grass, to 50 cm., caespitose; Leaves, cauline, sheath, 45 mm., overlapping about ½, open, ciliate distally; ligule, hairy, 0.5 mm., collar of hairs to 3 mm., blade, 150 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide, rolled to flat; Inflorescence, open panicle, 120 mm, × 45 mm. wide, lower branches included in sheath; Spikelets, 2 mm. × 0.5 mm. wide, crowded on panicle branches, glabrous throughout; Florets, 1 per spikelet, bisexual; Glumes, #2, awns 0, lower, 0.7 mm., upper, 1.8 mm.; Lemma, 2.0 mm., veins, 1, prominent green, awns, 0; Palea, 1.9 mm. Described from Coll. No. 1757, 31 Aug 2017.

- 407 Garden Street, WNS seed 2693. 3/21/2019. Kathy Hansen-Stamp 2506. 4/28/2022. . .

Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth & D.R. Dewey.  (Syn: Elytrigia intermedia (Host) Nevski , Elymus hispidus (Opiz) Melderis ) Intermediate Wheatgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Golden Flora.

Perennial grass, to >1 m., rhizomatous; Leaves, sheath, open, 19 cm., outer margin ciliate proximally, ligules, membraneous, 1 mm., auricles, 0, blade, 24 cm., involute; Inflorescence, 2-sided spike; Spikelets, 1 per node, sessile, ascending; Glumes, ±equal, 7.5-8.0 mm., stiff, veins 5, tip offset mucronate, awn 0, sparsely hairy on veins and margins; Florets per spikelet, 6; Lemma, 9 mm., stiff, veins 5, tip rudimentary awn; Palea, 8.5 mm., robust, fused to grain. Described from Coll. No. 1272, 20 July 2015.

- 407 Garden Street, Tom Schweich, with Cathy Hansen-Stamp 2606. 5/16/2022. .

Total number of taxa: 122
Native Taxa:
(serif, italic, bold)
Exotic Taxa:
(sans-serif, italic)
Nativity Undetermined:
(default font, italic)
Listed Weeds:
Identified as Weed


† -- Data provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria (ucjeps.berkeley.edu/consortium/).
‡ -- Southwest Environmental Information Network, SEINet. 2009-2014. http//:swbiodiversity.org/seinet/index.php. Accessed from July 2009 to September 2014.

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Date and time this article was prepared: 2/22/2025 5:12:26 PM.