Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Weber & Wittmann (2012, p. 338) accept only Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maximovicz and include H. dumosus and H. microphyllus therein.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Ackerfield (2015) accepts only Holodiscus dumosus (Nutt. ex Hook.) A. Heller.
Literature Cited:
- Lis, Richard, 2015.
Lis (2015) accepts the following names in Holodiscus ...
- Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maximowicz
- Holodiscus discolor var. discolor
- Holodiscus discolor var. dumosus (S. Watson) Maximowicz ex J. M. Coulter
- Holodiscus microphyllus Rydberg
- Holodiscus microphyllus var. glabrescens (Greenman) F. A. Ley
- Holodiscus microphyllus var. microphyllus
- Holodiscus microphyllus var. sericeus F. A. Ley
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Malus pumila;
Malus pumila Mill. “Common Apple; Crabapple”
Physocarpus Maxim.
Literature Cited:
- Maximowicz, C. J., 1879.
Maximowicz (1879, p. 219) is credited with publishing Physocarpus,
though he credits "Camb." for the name,
and notes Neilliae sectio Physocarpus Hook. F. Gen. pl. I 612.
Names published were Ph. opulifolia L. Cod. 3724. (sub Spiraea),
Ph. Torrey Wats., and Ph. Amurensis Maxim.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Physocarpus monogynus;
Physocarpus monogynus (Torr.) J.M. Coult. “Mountain Ninebark”
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John G., 1828.
Torrey (1828, p. 194) describes ...
Original Text
119. S. monogyna,
foliis lato-ovatis, subtrilobis, inciso-serratis, glabris ;
floribus corymboso-umbellatis, monogynis ;
pedicellis glabris ;
calycis lobis erecto-patentibus, ovariis villosis.
Branches alternate, covered with a loose bark as in S. opulifolia.
Leaves roundish-ovate, broad and subcordate at the base, somewhat 3-lobed,
incisely toothed, slightly pubescent beneath, smooth above ;
petioles without stipules.
Umbels corymbose, few-flowered, on short peduncles ;
pedicels filiform, about half an inch long.
Flowers perfect.
Calyx campanulate, 5-lobed ; lobes ovate-obtuse, somewhat spreading, pubescent.
Petals —.
Stamens 20 ;
filaments inserted on a torus, which is free at the margin.
Germen solitary, stipulate, ovate, compressed, villous, 3-seeded,
acuminate with the persistent filiform style ;
stigma small, capitate.
Hab. On the Rocky Mountains.
This species, so far as I have examined it, is constantly monogynous.
In many respects if resembles the genus Neillia of Don prod. fl. Nep.
Literature Cited:
- Maximowicz, C. J., 1879.
Maximowicz (1879, p. 219) ... chooses to use Watson's name over Torrey's basionym.
2 Ph. Torreyi Wats. in Proceed. Amer. Acad. New ser. XI.
136. (sub Neillia). Foliis parvulis obtuse trilobis; corymbis plurifloris;
staminibus 30 petala glabra, carpellis 1-2 stellatotomentosis calycem
vix superantibus.
Spiraea monogyna Torr. in Ann. Lyc. N. Y. II. 194.
S. opulifolia var. γ. pauciflora Torr. et Gray l. c.
Hab in America boreali occidentali : montibus Colorado et occidentem
versus ad Sierram Nevadam, ex Watson. Vidi specc. Fendler pl.
Neo-Mexic. n. 187. et Parry pl. Colorado .207
Staminum circiter 30 series 3 : 10 per paria sepalis, 10 paulo
breviora petalis et sepalis opposita, cum praecedentibus igitur alterna, 40
intima omnium breviora cum serie secunda alternantia. Ovula suturae
ventrali prope apicem inserta, summa horizontalis, infima pendula.
Literature Cited:
- Coulter, John M., 1891.
John M. Coulter (1891, p. 104) published P. monogyna from the
Guadalupe Mountains of west Texas.
Original Text
Diffuse shrubs, with palmately lobed leaves, corymbose flowers,
and 1 to 5 divergent inflated membranaceous dehiscent 2 to several-seeded carpels.
1. P. monogyna.
A small shrub :
leaves ovate or often cordate, 3-lobed and toothed, sometimes densely white-tomentose beneath :
flowers on short pedicels in simple umbel-like corymbs :
ovaries densely tomentose and but 1 or 2.
(Spiraea monogyna Torr.
Neillia Torreyi Watson.
Physocarpus Torreyi Maxim.)
In the Guadalupe Mountains.
Literature Cited:
- Oh, Sang-Hun, and Daniel Potter, 2005.
“ … in Physocarpus one dispersal event from western North America to eastern Asia occurred.”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Potentilla fissa;
Potentilla fissa Nutt. ex Torr. & A.Gray. “Bigflower Cinquefoil”
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1838-1843.
Torrey & A. Gray (1838, v. 1, 446) published Potentilla fissa from Nuttall and Wyeth collections
on the plains of the Rocky Mountains towards Oregon.
Original Text
34. P. fissa (Nutt.! mss.):
“viscidly pubescent ;
stem erect, branching, leafy ;
leaves pinnately 9-11-foliolate, on shory petioles ;
leaflets unequal, roundish or oval,
deeply incised or incisely toothed, the teeth entire ;
stipules entire or toothed ;
flowers rather crowded ; segments of the calys ovate,
acute, shorter than the roundish (sulphur-yellow) petals.”
β. major : larger in all its parts ; flowers more crowded.
P. arguta, Nutt.! in jour. acad. Philad. 7.
p. 21, not of Pursh.
P. glutinosa, Nutt.! July.
Plains of the Rocky Mountains towards the Oregon, Nuttall! July.
β Headwaters of the Oregon, Capt. Wyeth!
“Stem about a span high.
Leaflets small, the lower ones roundish ;
those of the upper cauline leaves ovate.
External sepals much smaller, often toothed.
Flowers rather large.” Nutt.
The plant which we have joined as a variety of this species seems to be
a larger plant, and bears more resemblance to P. arguta.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Potentilla gracilis;
Potentilla gracilis Hook. “Slender Cinquefoil”
Literature Cited:
- Hooker, William J., 1830a.
Hooker's Plate 2984 of Potentilla gracilis
Hooker (1830, v. 57, t. 2984) ...
( 2984 )
Class and Order.
Icosandria Polygynia.
( Nat. Ord. — Rosaceae. )
Generic Character.
Cal. 10-fidus, laciniis alternis minoribus. Pet. 5.
Caryopses nudae, plurimae, in receptaculo sicco, saepe piloso.
Specific Character and Synonym.
Potentilla gracilis ; caule erecto elato superne
corymboso-paniculato molliter hirsuto, foliis longe petiolatis
5-natis superioribus solummodo sessilibus, foliolis
lanceolatis profunde pinnatifido-serratis subtus
albo-tomentosis, stipulis magnis lanceolatis, calyce senceo
petalis obcordatis longiore.
Potentilla gracilis. Douglas MSS.
Root perennial, with many brown scales at its
summit, from which arises a stem, a foot to a foot and a
half high, rounded and slender in the wild specimens, more
robust when cultivated, every where clothed with rather
long, more or less patent, soft and silky hairs, pamculato-
corymbose upwards. Leaves few upon the stem, the upper
ones sessile and ternate, the uppermost ones laciniated
and bracteiform, the rest, and especially the radical ones,
upon long hairy stalks, quinate : the leaflets three to tour
inches long, cut into very deep pinnatifid segments or
serratures, pointing upwards, varying somewhat in breadth,
dark green above with a few scattered hairs, beneath
clothed with a dense, white, somewhat downy substance,
mixed with silky hairs. The stipules are particularly large,
lanceolate, acuminate, hairy, especially at the margin and
beneath, where they are whitish. Flowers in the wild state
almost corymbose, in the cultivated plant paniculated, but
still nearly level-topped, peduncles forked, with generally
a single flower between the forks. Cal. of five
broadly-lanceolate, and five alternate, smaller, almost subulate
segments, all of them clothed with rather long and silky
hairs. Petals broadly obcordate, wavy, longer than the
This is a handsome, and, in our gardens, a strong-growing
species of the Genus, but much better deserving the
name of gracilis, as seen on the banks of the Columbia and
the plains of the Multnomah rivers, where it was discovered
by Mr. Douglas, than as it appears after cultivation. I
cannot refer it to any described species, nor does it appear to
have been gathered by any other Naturalist, except by Dr.
Scouler, who accompanied Mr. Douglas as far as Fort
Vancouver ; unless it be the same as a Rocky Mountain
species, collected by Mr. Drummond, as I suspect it will
prove to be.
The seeds were introduced to the Horticultural Society,
and the plants, from which the annexed figure was taken,
flowered there in the month of July, 1829.
Fig. 1. A Panicle, with the upper part of the Stem. 2. An upper Stem-leaf.
3. A radical Leaf, nat. size. 4. Petal, and 5. Calyx. — Slightly magnified.
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1838-1843.
Torrey & Gray (1838-1840, v. 1, p. 440) ...
13. P. fastigiata (Nutt. ! mss.) : “canescently silky-tomentose ; stem
erect, leafy ; leaves palmately 5-7-foliolate ; leaflets cuneate-oblong,
incisely or pinnatifid-serrate ; stipules mostly entire ; flowers crowded,
fastigiate ; segments of the calyx lanceolate, the outer ones much smaller ;
petals obovate, a little longer than the calyx ; achenia smooth.
&beta. “larger, more densely clothed with soft silky hairs.
“Plains of the Rocky Mountains. — Plant 7-8 inches high. Flowers
much smaller than in P. rigida.” Nuttall.
Literature Cited:
- Watson, Sereno, 1873.
Watson (1873, v. 8, p. 557) ...
15. P. gracilis, Dougl. (P. Blaschkeana, Turcz.) Villous and
more or less tomentose ; stems 2-3° high ; stipules ovate or lanceolate,
entire or subincised ; leaflets mostly 7, sometimes 5, very rarely
but 3, cuneate-oblong, obtuse, incisely serrate or pinnatifid, tomentose
beneath, green above and subvillous or appressed-silky, 1 - 2½' long ;
flowers in a loose subfastigiate cyme, the pedicels at length elongated
and slender ; calyx with the narrow bractlets shorter than the broad
acute or lanceolate sepals ; petals broadly obcordate, 3 - 4" long, a
little exceeding the calyx; carpels very numerous (40 or more). —
From the Saskatchewan to Southern Alaska, and southward to New
Mexico, Utah, and California. The leaflets occasionally show a tendency
to a pinnate arrangement, and the species is distinguishable from
the digitate form of P. Hippiana, var. pulcherrima, only by the more
numerous carpels and the usually fewer and more deeply incised leaflets.
Specimens like 159 Hall & Harbour tend to unite the two
Var. fastigiata (P. fastigiata, Nutt., P. olopetala, Lehm.) is a
form, often low, with a shorter and more crowded cyme, the pubescence
more dense and silky, especially upon the calyx and short pedicels.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Potentilla norvegica;
Potentilla norvegica L. “Norwegian Cinquefoil”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Potentilla pensylvanica;
Potentilla pensylvanica L. “Prairie Cinquefoil”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Potentilla recta;
Potentilla recta L. “Sulphur Cinquefoil”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Potentilla rivalis;
Potentilla rivalis Nutt. “Brook Cinquefoil”
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1838-1843.
Coll. No. 1682.1, Potentilla rivalis
Ternate leaf of Coll. No. 1682.1, Potentilla rivalis
Torrey & A. Gray (1838, v. 1, p. 437) published P. rivalis from a Nuttall manuscript.
Original Text
2. P. rivalis (Nutt.! mss.) :
“clothed with soft somewhat viscous pubescence ;
stem erect, much branched ;
radical leaves pinnately 5-foliate ;
the leaflets crowded, and the 3 upper ones confluent ;
those of the cauline leaves 3, often confluent, oblong, cuneiform at the base,
coarsely serrate ;
stipules ovate, nearly entire ;
flowers numerous, small, on rather short pedicels ;
calyx-segments acute ;
petals inconspicuous;
achenia smooth and even.
“In alluvial soil along the Lewis River.&rdquo
A very distinct species, allied to P. Norvegica.
Cauline leaves small.
Flowers inconspicuous.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Prunus americana;
• Field Notes:
Coll. No. 2443, 4 Sep 2020;
Coll. No. 2443, Prunus americana
Coll. No. 2443, Prunus americana
Prunus americana Marshall. “American Plum”
 Coll. No. 2443, Prunus americana |
Literature Cited:
- Marshall, Humphry, 1785.
Marshall (1785, p. 111) ...
1. Prunus americana. Large Yellow Sweet Plumb.
This generally rifes to the height of twelve or fifteen
feet, fpreading into many ftiff branches. The
leaves are oblong, oval, acute pointed, fharpiy fawed
on their edges and much veined. The flowers
generally come out very thick round the branches,
often upon thick fhort fpurs; and are fucceeded by
large oval fruit, with a fweet fucculent pulp. We
have a great variety of thefe, growing naturally in
a good, moift foil, with reddifh and yellowifhi fruit,
but differing much in fize, tafte, and confiftence.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Prunus domestica;
Prunus domestica L. “European Plum”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Prunus pensylvanica;
Prunus pensylvanica L. f. “Pin Cherry”
(Syn: Cerasus pensylvanica (L. f.) Loiseleur)
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1782.
Linnaeus (1782, p.252-253) ...
Original Text
Penfylva- nica.
PRUNUS umbellis feffilibus, foliis ovato-lanceolatis, ramulis pallide punctatis.
Habitat in America feptentrionali. ♄. H. U.
Facies P. Cerali, fed ramuli punctis albidis adfperli, up in P. Virginiana.
Folia P. Cerafi, lanceolato-ovata, ferrulata, laevia, bafi glandulus duabus, faepe rubris.
Umbellae feffiles.
Flores P. Cerafi minores.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Prunus virginiana;
Prunus virginiana L. “Chokecherry”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Rosa acicularis ssp. sayi;
Rosa acicularis Lindl. ssp. sayi (Schwein.) W. H. Lewis “Say's Acicular Rose”
(Syn: Rosa acicularis Lindl., Rosa sayi Schweinitz )
Literature Cited:
- Schweinitz, Lewis D., 1824.
- Schweinitz, Lewis D. de, 1824.
Schweinitz (1824, pp. 388-389) ...
50. Rosa *Sayi, L. v. Schw.
This appears to me a Rose quite distinct from any
American one, although it is past flowering; the germen
being manifestly not globose, (which is the case with all
the rest except laevigata,) nor do I find any European
one sufficiently agreeing. I describe it thus:
Germen oblong ovate, perfectly smooth, and proportionably
large, crowned by erect calyx leaves, exceeding
it in length, which are villous, and expand at summit.
Peduncle smooth, or somewhat glandularly hispid, rigid.
Common petiole villous and aculeate on the back, with
three pairs of ovate, sessile, deeply serrate, small leaflets,
and a single one on the lengthened petiole, furnished at
base with clasping, glandulosely villous stipules. Upper
side of the leaflets smooth, the underside glaucously villous.
The young branches thickly set with thin, unequal,
hispid spines.
Literature Cited:
- Lewis, Walter H., 1959.
Rosa acicularis subsp. sayi (Schwein.) W.H.Lewis, Brittonia 11(1): 19 (1959).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Rosa arkansana;
Rosa arkansana Porter “Prairie Rose”
Literature Cited:
- Porter, Thomas C., and John M. Coulter, 1874.
Porter & Coulter (1874, p. 38) ...
Rosa Arkansana, Porter (n. sp.) Stem stout, erect, leafy, 1° high,
glabrous and glaucous, armed with weak, deciduous, bristly prickles ;
leaflets 9-11, ovate and oblong-ovate, 1' or more in length, acute or obtuse,
glabrous, sharply serrate; midrib and long stiipules somewhat prickly
and minutely glandular; flowers numerous, termmal, corymbed, on
peduncles about 1' long; fruit globose, smooth, glaucous; calyx-segments
ovate, reflexed in fruit, with terminal and sometimes lateral
appendages, more or less glandular and tomentose pubescent on the
margins; petals broadly obcordate or emarginate, longer than the
calyx-segments, rose-color; flowers 2' in diameter.
This rose may possibly be an extreme form of R. blanda,
but it differs in so many points that I have ventured to describe it as new.
Banks of the Arkansas near Cañon City, Brandegee.
Raton Mountains, Dr. Bell.
Texas, Wright.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Rosa woodsii;
Rosa woodsii Lindl. “Mountain Rose”
Literature Cited:
- Lindley, John, 1820.
Lindley (1820, pp. 21-22) ...
14. ROSA Woodsii.
R. stipulis sepalisque conniventibus, foliolis oblongis obtusis glabris.
R. lutea nigra Promv. nomencl. 24.
Hab. juxta flumen Missouri Americae septentrionalis (v. v. c hort. Sabine.)
In honorem cel. Josephi Woods qui primus veris Rosarum
characteribus ad species distinguendas usus est.
A low shrub with upright, dull, dark branches,
having very numerous, straight, slender, scattered
prickles, with a few setae at their base, the former becoming
stipulary towards the extremities ; branchlets
often unarmed. Leaves without pubescence ; stipules
very narrow and acute, convolute and fringed with
glands ; stalks armed with straight unequal prickles ;
leaflets 7-9, shaped like those of R. rubella, shining,
flat, simply serrated, paler beneath. Flowers pink,
appearing in the spring. Fruit naked, ovate, with
short, connivent, entire sepals which are free from
glands as is the peduncle.
As it is scarcely probable that any new British rose
will be detected, worthy of bearing the name of Mr.
Woods, of whose high merit I have already had occasion
to speak, the present species has been selected by
Mr. Sabine and myself for that purpose. That it is
essentially distinct from every other is very evident
even from the incomplete account I have been able to
give of it. I first saw it growing in Mr. Sabine's garden
at North Mimms late in the month of November ;
most of the leaves had fallen, but a few heps still remained
on the bush. Its habit without foliage bears
more resemblance to that of a stunted cinnamomea than
to any thing else. In character it approaches R. carolina,
particularly in the remarkable convolution of stipulae.
From this its numerous ramifications, weak
prickles and short shining leaves sufficiently distinguish
it. It moreover flowers in the spring and has naked
fruit with conniving sepals.
I am assured by Mr. Sabine that this is the plant
which was sent to France from a nursery here as a new
American Rose with black and yellow flowers, and noticed
as such in Promvillie's book.
Said to be a native of the country near the Missouri.
| |
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Rubus deliciosus;
Rubus deliciosus Torr. “Delicious Raspberry”
(Syn: Oreobatus deliciosus Torr. (E. James ex Torr.) Rydb.)
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John G., 1828.
Torrey (1828, v. 2, p. 196) ...
125. R. deliciosus, caule fruticoso, ramosissimo, inermi;
ramis petiolisque pubescentibus; foliis simplicibus, rotundato-cordatis,
breve 3-5-lobis, villoso-pubescentibus, rugosis; bracteis
lanceolatis, unidentatis ; floribus subcorymbosis, terminalibus ;
laciniis calycinis ovato-oblongis, acuminatis, apice foliaceis,
petalis brevioribus.
Shrub much branched ; branches flexuous, terete, pubescent.
Leaves suborbicular-cordate, 2-2½ inches in diameter, villously pubescent,
rugous beneath, 3-5-lobed and serrate ; texture firm; petioles half an inch
in length, terete, pubescent ; stipules lanceolate, acuminate, shorter than
the petioles, with a single tooth near the base.
Flowers 4-6 in a terminal corymbose panicle, rather smaller than those of R. odoratus, purple.
Pedicels 6-8 lines long, not glandular.
Calyx about two-thirds as long as the corolla, pubescent ;
sepals ovate-oblong, acuminate, somewhat foliaceous at the extremity.
Petals ovate, obtuse.
Hab. On the Rocky Mountains.
Obs. This species resembles R. odoratus, but is more
nearly allied to R. nutkanus. It differs from the latter, particularly
in not being glutinous, and in the smooth calyx,
which is longer than the petals. Dr. James states, that the
fruit is large and delicious.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Rubus idaeus var. strigosus;
Rubus idaeus L. var. strigosus (Michx.) Maxim. “American Red Raspberry”
Rubus strigosus Michx., Fl. Bor.-Amer. (Michaux) 1: 297 (1803).
Rubus idaeus var. strigosus (Michx.) Maxim., Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg 17: 161 (1872).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Sanguisorba minor;
Sanguisorba minor Scop. “Burnet”
Literature Cited:
- Scopoli, Giovanni Antonio, 1772.
Scopoli (1772, t. 1, p. 110-111) ...
168. Sanguisorba Minor.
Sanguiforba fpicis fubrotundis ; floribus polygamis. Fl. Carniol. p. 279. n. 1.
Ptterium inerme caulibus fubangulofis. LINN. Syft. Nat. p. 629. Spec. Plant. p. 994. n. 1.
Pimpinella polyftemon. HALL. Hift. n. 706.
Sanguiforba polyanthera, foliis ovatis ; fpica brevi. BOEHM> Lipf. 17.
Pimpinella fanguiforba, minor. MATTHIOL. Diofc. p. 657.
Diagn. Spicae fubrotundae. Flores polygami, polyandri, digyni.
Habitat in aridis et apricis.
Pinnarum paria (ad 12).
Flores feminei fuperiores digyni.
Hermaphrodidi plures, ftaminibus longis (ad 40), pariter digyni.
His addit HAMMERUS Mafculos, etiam a me vifos.
| |
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Sorbus aucuparia;
Sorbus aucuparia L. “European Mountain Ash”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, p. 477) ...
Original Text
1. SORBUS foliis pinnatis utrinque glabris.
Hall. helv. 250.
Sorbus foliis pinnatis.
Hort. cliff. 188.
Fl. fuec. 400.
Mat. med. 235.
Roy. lugdb. 274.
Sorbus fylvefttis (sic), foliis domefticae fimilis.
Bauh. pin. 415.
Sorbus fylveftris.
Cam. epit. 161.
Habitat in Europae frigidioribus.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Astragalus agrestis;
Astragalus agrestis Douglas ex G. Don. “Purple Milkvetch”
Literature Cited:
- Don, George, 1831-1838.
Don, George [1798-1856]
A general history of the dichlamydeous plants :comprising complete descriptions of the different orders...the whole arranged according to the natural system.
London : J.G. and F. Rivington, 1831-1838.
p. 258
64. A. agrestis (Dougl. mss.) stem erect, smooth ;
leaflets ovate-lanceolate, obtuse, beset with adpressed hairs ;
peduncles elongated, longer than the leaves ;
spikes of flowers capitate ; calyx villous ;
breacteas lnceolate, not half so long as the calyx.
Native of North America, near the Columbia river in fields.
Flowers purple.
Field Milk-Vetch.
Pl. 1 foot.
H. = Hardy
♃. = Perennial herbaceous.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Astragalus crassicarpus;
Astragalus crassicarpus Nutt. “Groundplum Milkvetch”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1813.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Fraser's Catalogue, publication details;
Nuttall (1813, No. 6) published his Astragalus crassicarpus ...
Original Text
6. * Astragalus crassicarpus. ‡
Fruit about the size and form of A. physodes,
but thick and succulent.
Collected above the River Platte.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Astragalus drummondii;
Astragalus drummondii Dougl. ex Hook. “Drummond's Milkvetch”
Literature Cited:
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson, 1829-1840.
Hooker (1831) 1(3): 153-4 ...
Original Text
16. A. Drummondii ; elatus, erectus, caulibus sulcatis foliisque subtus pedunculisque
valde molliter hirsutis, stipulis ovatis valde acuminatis, foliolis 13-15-jugis liueari-oblongis
oblongisve obtusis basi in petiolulum perbrevem attenuatis, pedunculis folio
longioribus, racemis elongatis laxis, bracteis subulatis pedicello longioribus, floribus
pendulis, calycibus nigro-hirsutis, legumiuibus stipltatis subsecundis cylindraceis glabris
paululum falcatis semibilocularibus, sutura superiore obtusa, inferiore introflexa
profunde canaliculata. (Tab. LVII.) — Douglas, MSS. in Herb. Hert. Soc.
Longer Latin diagnosis omitted.
Hab. First, I believe, gathered by Mr. Wright, very many years ago, in Hudson's Bay. (Herb. nostr.)
Eagle and Red-Deer Hills of the Saskatchawan. Douglas.
Carlton-House. Dr. Richardson.
The present
very fine species, which Mr. Douglas wishes should bear the name of the indefatigable Drummond, has been
long known to me from a specimen gathered more than thirty years ago, by Mr. Wright, son of the late
eminent Dr. Wright of Edinburgh, in Hudson's Bay, but which, from its habit, (and being destitute of
fruit,) I was led to refer to the genus Phaca.
Its nearest affinity seems to be with the A. galegoides, Nutt.,
(A. racemosus, Pursh and De Cand.) : but that, besides being an inhabitant of more southern latitudes, is
described as only subpubescent, whereas our plant is so remarkable for its hairiness, that Mr. Douglas
in his MSS. has aptly compared it to the Oxytropis pilosa of the Old Worid.*
Tab. LVII Astragalus Drummondii. Fig. 1, Flower; fig. 2, Alae and carina, including the stamens and
pistil; fig. 3, Pistil ; fig. 4, Raceme, with fruit: —natural size. Fig, 5, Section of a legume; fig. 6, Seed :
— all but fig. 4 more or less magnified.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Astragalus flexuosus;
Astragalus flexuosus G. Don “Flexible Milkvetch”
Literature Cited:
- Don, George, 1831-1838.
George Don (1832, v. 2, p. 256) ...
Original Text
33. A. flexuosus (Doug. mss.) plant erect, flexuous, downy
in a young state ; stipulas distinct ; leaflets distant, linear, obtuse,
beset with close-pressed hairs beneath ; flowers distant, racemose;
calyx smoothish ; beateas not much longer than the pedicels.
Native of North America, near the Columbia river.
Flowers purple.
Plant with the habit of Vicia cracca.
Var. β, alba (Dougl. mss.) flowers white.
Flexuous-stemmed Milk-Vetch.
Pl. 1 foot.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Astragalus laxmannii robustior;
Astragalus laxmannii Jacq. var. robustior (Hook.) Barneby & S. L. Welsh “Prairie Milkvetch”
Literature Cited:
- Jacquin, Nicolaus Joseph van, 1776.
Jacquin, Nicolaus(Nicolaas) Joseph von (1727-1817), Hort. Bot. Vindob. 3: 22 (t. 37) (1776).
[Botanical Garden of Vienna.]
Original Text
| Comments
Plate Thurty Seven
Astragalus Laxmanni
Numerofas inter planta Imperii Ruffici, quas hortus acceptas referre debet liberalitati
illuftris Erici Laxmanni, etiam hicce Altragalus eft, ex feminibus Sibiricis enatus.
Ex radice perenni ... [Latin diagnosis omitted] ... nitida. Floret Junio & Julio.
Ad latus feorfim vexillum, ala, carina, legumen & femen fifuntur.
Among the numerous plants of the Russian Empire,
these gardens must be appreciated for your generosity
the illustrious Eric Laxmannus, who is also here Astragalus,
sprung from the seeds of the Siberians.
Perennial root ... [Latin diagnosis omitted] ... sharp.
Flowers June & July.
The flag, wing, keel, pod and seed are presented separately.
Other articles:
• Glossary:
(Syn: Astragalus adsurgens Pall. )
Pallas, Peter Simon von, 1800-1803,
Species Astragalorum Descriptae et Iconibus Coloratis Illustratae a P. S. Pallas, Eq... cum Appendice.
Lipsiae [Leipzig].
p. 40. and Tab XXXI.
Original Text
| Translation
XLIV. ASTRAGALUS adfurgens. Tab. XXXI.
XLIV. ASTRAGALUS adsurgens. Tab. XXXI.
Latin diagnosis omitted. I don't see any reference to attachment of the hairs,
i.e., dolabriform or medifixed.
Crefcit hic Aftragalus tantun in regionibus Trans-Baicalenfibus, cim A. Laxmanni promifcue,
frequens ad Selengam, Ononem, circa Tarei-noor
et ufque in Mongoliae defertum.
Planta tota, etiam foliis, duriufcula, ut Glycirrhizae, minunque tenera cum generibus plerisque.
Astragalus grows here only in the regions of the Trans-Baicalans,
and promiscuously to[with] A. Laxmannus,
frequent to the Selengam, Ononem, around the Tarei-noor,
and it was carried all the way into Mongolia.
The whole plant, including its leaves, is quite hard, as in most species of Glycirrhiza and less tender.
Transbaikal, Trans-Baikal, Transbaikalia, or Dauria is a mountainous region to the east of or "beyond" (trans-) Lake Baikal in Far Eastern Russia.
Literature Cited:
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson, 1829-1840.
Hooker (1831, v. 1, -. 149-150) ... publication of vaeirty robustior
Original Text
† Leguminibus rectis.
4. A, adsurgens; elongatus, adscendens vel prostratus, glabriusculus, foliolis 8-12-jugis
oblongis, stipulis ovatis acuminatis membranaceis, pedunculis folio longioribus, spicis
oblongis ovatis rotundatisve, floribus densis erectis, vexillo alis vix 1-3 longiore,
leguminibus erectis compactis oblongis subtriquetris hinc sulcatis appresso-pubescentibus vix
calyce nigro-hirsuto longioribus.
“Pall. Astr. n. 44. t 31.”
De Cand, Prodr, v. 2. p. 287.
A. Laxmanni. Pall. Astr. t. 30? (fide DC.)
Jacq. Hort. Vind. v. 3. t 37? (sed spicis elongatis et foliolis angustioribus.)
De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 287.
β. robustior ;
calycibus albido-pilosis, pilis nigris perpaucis.
A. nitidus. Douglas, MSS. in Herb. Hort. Soc.
α. Plains of the Assinaboin and Saskatchawan Rivers, as for as the mountains.
Dr. Richardson; Drummond; Douglas.
β. Common in the mountain-vallies, from the Kettle Falls to the sources of the
Columbia, on the West side of the Rocky Mountains. Douglas.
l possess the Asiatic A. adsurgens and A. Laxmanni from Dr. Fischer and Mr. Prescott ;
but I am unable to distinguish them specifically.
Our specimens from America seem to be identical with them.
Flowers purple-blue.
Literature Cited:
- Barneby, R. C. and S. L. Welsh, 1996.
Astragalus laxmannii Jacq.(1776) has priority over A. adsurgens Pall. (1800),
Barneby and Welsh (1996) published the required name to recognize this:
Original Text
Astragalus laxmannii var. robustior (Hooker) Barneby & Welsh, comb. nov.,
based on A. adsurgens var. robustior Hooker, Fl. Bor.-Amer. 1:149. 1831.
Astragalus nitidus var. robustior (Hooker) M. E. Jones, Contr. W. Bot. 10:64. 1902.
Astragalus adsurgens ssp. robustior (Hooker) Welsh, Iowa State J. Sci. 37: 357. 1963.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Astragalus parryi;
Astragalus parryi A. Gray “Parry's Milkvetch”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Astragalus shortianus;
Astragalus shortianus Torr. & A. Gray “Short's Milkvetch”
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1838-1843.
Torrey & A. Gray (1840, v. 1, p. 331) ...
Original Text
12. A. Shortianus (Nutt. m.s.): “ " stemless, canescent with appressed shining hairs;
leaflets 5-7 pairs, roundish-elliptical or ovate, very obtuse ; stipules
ovate, obtuse; peduncles shorter than the leaves ; raceme oblong ; calyx
clothed with white hairs, with rather long subulate teeth ; legume large and
turgid, cymbiform, with a short curved point, black and tranversely wrinkled.
“Rocky Mountains, towards the plains of the Oregon.
Almost entirely
silvery white. Leaflets nearly as broad as long, twice as large as in the preceding
species, which it nearly resembles. Flowers ochroleucous ?” Nuttall.
Named for Charles Wilkins Short, friend of Nuttall and Gray (Weber & Wittmann, 2012).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Colutea arborescens;
Colutea arborescens L. “Bladder Senna”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 2, p. 723) ...
Original Text
1. COLUTEA arborea, foliolis obcordatis.
Hort. cliff. 365.
Roy. lugdb. 374.
Sauv. monfp. 238.
Colutea veficaria.
Bauh. pin. 396.
Dod. pempt. 784.
β. Colutea africana, fenne foliis, flore fangvineo.
Comm. rar. 11. t. 11.
Habitat in Auftria, G. Narbonenfi, Italia praecipue ad Vefuzium.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Dalea candida;
Dalea candida Willd. “White Prairie Clover”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Dalea purpurea;
Dalea purpurea Vent. “Purple Prairie Clover”
Literature Cited:
- Ventenat, Etienne P., Jacques M. Cels, and Henri J. Redoute, 1801.
Described by Ventenat (1800, Pl. 40) ...
Original Text (Short excerpt.)
| Interpretation
Plante herbacee, vivace, remarquable par l'elegance de son port et par l'eclat de ses fleurs,
decouverte par Michaux dans le pays des Illinois.
Elle a ete introduite chez Cels en l'an 5, et elle fleurit en fructidor.
Herbaceous plant, perennial, remarkable for the elegance of its habit and the brilliance of its flowers,
discovered by Michaux in the Illinois country.
It was introduced to the garden of J. M. Cels in year 5 [1794?],
and it flowers in Fructidor [late August to early September].
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Glycyrrhiza lepidota;
Glycyrrhiza lepidota Pursh “American Licorice”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1813.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Fraser's Catalogue, publication details;
Nuttall (1813) writing in Fraser's Catalogue
Original Text
45 *Liquiritia lepidota.
Met from the source to the confluence of the Missourie ;
and is probably the liquorice mentioned by Sir Alexander M'Kenzie,
as found on the coasts of the North Pacific Ocean.
IPNI (2021) annotates this name as nom. inval.
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Pursh, 1814, publication details;
Pursh (1814, v. 2., p. 480) validly published Glycyrrhiza lepidota
indicating Fraser's Catalogue as a source of the name
and that he had seen it dried, alive, and in flower.
Original Text
| Comments
579. GLYCYRRHIZA. Gen. pl. 1197.
1. G. foliolis oblongis acutis sericeo-villosis,
leguminibus racemosis oblongis hispidis.
Fraser. catal.
On the banks of the Missouri.
July, Aug.
v. s. v. v. s. fl.
I have seen it dry; I have seen it alive or in flower.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
• Glossary:
Nuttall (1818, v. 2, p. 106) also published Glycyrrhiza lepidota.
He does not indicate it is a new name.
Nevertheless, it is treated as an isonym.
Nuttall does give credit to Bradbury for first detecting the species around St. Louis.
Original Text
Calix mostly bilabiate, gibbous at the base.
Vexillum including the wings and carina.
Legume subovate or oblong, compressed, and mostly hispid, 2 to 6-seeded.
Herbaceous; leaves pinnate, stipules cauline; flowers capitate, spiked or racemose.
1. G. lepidota. T. N. in Fras. Catal. Ph. 2, p. 480.
Leaflets oblong-lanceolate, acute, everywhere squamulose, under surface covered with glandulose atoms;
spikes axillary, acute, flowers crowded;
legume oblong, many-seeded, echinate, setæ uncinate.
Abundant around St. Louis, where it was first detected by Mr. John Bradbury, F. L. S.;
it is also common on the alluvial banks of the Missouri to the Mountains,
and is in all probablity the Liquorice mentioned by Sir A. Mackenzie
as indigenous to the coasts of the North Pacific Ocean.
Roots flagelliform, creeping, and very long,
possessing in no inconsiderable degree the taste of liquorice.
Stem erect, 3 to 5 feet high;
spikes pedunculate; flowers whitish, dense, sessile;
calix almost equally 5-parted, segments subulate.
Vexillum ovate-oblong, nearly straight.
Legume oblong, compressed, hispid, 5 or 6-seeded,
much resembling the fruit of Xanthium spinulosum,
not spontaneously opening.
Nearly allied to G. foetida,
and like that species emitting a somewhat disagreeable resinous odor.
This plant appears to destroy the artificial distinction
by which Glycyrrhiza and Liquiritia have been separated;
as it can be equally referred to either one or the other.
The South of Europe, Tartary and the Levant furnish the other 6 species of this genus.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Hedysarum boreale;
Hedysarum boreale Nutt. “Utah Sweetvetch”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Calix 5-cleft.
Carina transversely obtuse.
Loment of several articulations: joints i-seeded,
compressed, and mostly hispid.
Herbaceous or suffruticose; leaves simple, ternate, or
pinnate; stipules cauline, often bath general and partial;
flowers mosth racemose, rarely solitary, racemes axillary
or terminal, often paniculate; flowers (in all the North
American species) by pairs, or by 3's, each pair or aggregate
subtendtd by 3 unequal and deciduous bractes, the
2 lateral ones minute, calix naked at the base, the lowest
segment of the border often elongated; flowers violaceous,
rarely, white, the carina often expanding and ejecting
the stamina; the leaves in a few species exhibit a
spontaneous motion.
18. * boreale. Caulescent, subdecumbent, leaves pinnate
(7 or 8 pair), leaflets oblong-obovate, partly villous;
racemes long pedunculate, axillary, stipules sheathing,
subulate; articulations of the loment nearly round, and
rugose. H. alpinum? Mich. Fl. Am. 2. p. 74.
Hab. In arid and denudated soils around Fort Mandan, on the
banks of the Missouri. Flowering in June and July.
Flowers of a fine red and numerous; common petiole very
short; calix subulate, wings of the corolla short.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Ladeania lanceolata;
Ladeania lanceolata (Pursh) A. N. Egan & Reveal “Dune Scurfpea”
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Syn: Psoralea lanceolata Pursh (1814, v. 2, p. 475) ...
Original Text
4. P. pubescens ; foliis ternatis : foliolis elongato-lanceolatis,
petiolis crassis, spicis axillaribus folio vix longioribus densifloris,
floribus pedicellatis, bracteis pedicello vix longioribus, dentibus calycis coloratis.
On the banks of the Missouri.
July, Aug.
v. s.
Flowers bright blue, small.
“Collected at an unknown place and date, probably on the Missouri River (Moulton, 1999).”
Literature Cited:
- Rydberg, Per Axel, 1915.
Syn: Psoralidium lanceolatum (Pursh) Rydberg (1919, v. 24, p. 13)
Original Text
1. Psoralidium lanceolatum (Pursh) Rydberg.
Psoralea lanccolata Pursh. Fl. Am. Sept. 475. 1814
Psoralea elliptica Pursh. Fl. Am. Sept. 741. 1814.
Psoralea arenaria Nutt. Gen. 2: 103. 1818.
Psoralea laxiflora Nutt.; T. & G. Fl. N. Am. 1: 299. 1838.
? Psoralea scabra Nutt.; T. & G. Fl. N. Am. 1: 300. 1838.
Lotodes ellipticum Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 193. 1891.
Lotodes ellipticum angustissimum Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 193. 1891.
A perennial, with a creeping branched rootstock; stem 1.5-4 dm. high, aromatic, glandular-
punctate throughout, sparingly strigose; leaves palmately 3-foliolate; stipules linear-lanceolate
to subulate, 3-10 mm. long; petioles 1-2 cm. long; leaflets 1-4 cm. long, oblanceolate to linear
or those of the earlier leaves obovate-oblanceolate, acute to rounded and mucronate at the apex,
sparingly strigose, especially along the veins beneath, and conspicuously punctate; peduncles
2-5 cm. long; racemes short, 1-2.5 cm. long; bracts minute; calyx campanulate, sparingly
strigose, 2 mm. long; lobes nearly equal, obtuse, glandular-punctate; corolla white or slightly
purple-tinged, 5-6 mm. long; banner almost orbicular; blades of the wings obliquely oblong-
oblanceolate; keel-petals scarcely lobed at the base and usually purple-tipped; stigma capitate;
pod globose, 5 mm. long, conspicuously glandular-warty, sparingly strigose or glabrate, the
beak short, erect.
Type locality: Banks of the Missouri [probably Montana]
Distribution: Missouri to Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Arizona
Illustrations: Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. pl. 51; Britt. & Brown, Ill. Fl. f. 2086; ed. 2. f. 2491.
Literature Cited:
- Egan, Ashley N., and James L. Reveal, 2009.
Egan & Reveal (2009, v. 19, p. 310-314) ...
1. Ladeania lanceolata (Pursh) A. N. Egan & Reveal, comb. nov.
Basionym: Psoralea lanceolata Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 475. 1814 [actual date, Dec. 1813].
Psoralidium lanceolatum (Pursh) Rydbergm N. Amer. Fl. 24: 13. 1919.
TYPE. U. S. A. Along the Missouri River, 1811, T. Nuttall s.n. (lectotype, designated by Grimes, 1989:
22, PH-LC 182; duplicate, NY [PH-LC fragm.]). Figure 1.
Although traditionally the type was considered to have been collected by Meriwether Lewis in 1804,
Reveal et al. (1999:42) showed that this sheet could only have been gathered by Thomas Nuttall in 1811.
If indeed Pursh had Lewis 42 prior to 1813,
that specimen is now lost and Grimes' typification is an effective lectotypification (Barbeby, 1989).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lathyrus eucosmus;
Lathyrus eucosmus Butters & H. St. John “Bush Vetchling”
Literature Cited:
- Butters, Freferick K., and Harold St. John, 1917.
Butters, Frederick K., and Harold St. John,
Studies in certain North American Species of Lathyrus
Rhodora. 19(224): 156-163. August, 1917.
Lathyrus eucosmus, n. sp. — L. polymorphus of Torrey and Gray
in part, and of later American authors, not of Nuttall; L. decaphyllus
of Britton, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club. v. 207 (1894), not of Pursh or
Hooker — humilis, ramosus saepe decumbens pilosus vel saepius basim
versus glabratus, 1.5-3.5 dm. altus; caule 1-3 mm. crasso striato
4-angulato haud alato; stipulis lineari-lanceolatis attenuatis semi-
sagittatis 5-22 mm. longis, 1-4 mm. latis, nervosis; foliolis 4-12
subalternis elliptico-lanceolatis mucronatis 1.5-6 cm. longis, 3-13 mm.
latis, nervosis; cirrhis simplicibus vel 2-3-fidis; ramis cum pedunculis
1-3 folia superantibus 2-5-floriferis instructis; floribus magnis pulchris
purpureis 1.8-3 cm. longis; calyce campanulato oblique 5-dentato,
dentibus superioribus brevibus adscendentibus, inferioribus
attenuatis patentibus.
Plant low and branching, often decumbent, pilose, or more frequently
glabrate towards the base, 1.5-3.5 dm. tall: stem striate and
4-angled, not at all winged, 1-3 mm. in thickness: stipules linear-
lanceolate, attenuate semisagittate, 5-22 mm. in length, 1-4 mm. in
breadth, with prominent raised nerves; leaflets 4-12 in number,
sub-alternate, elliptic-lanceolate and mucronate, the longitudinal
nerves raised and prominent, leaflets 1.5-6 cm. long, 3-13 mm. wide;
tendrils unbranched, or 2-3-parted: branches of the stem bearing
1-3 peduncles, which are 2-5-flowered, and exceed the leaves : flowers
beautiful, large and purple, 1.8-3 cm. long; calyx campanulate
obliquely 5-toothed, the upper teeth short and ascending, the lower
elongate and divergent.
Specimens examined: Colorado: Rocky Mountains, 1862, E.
Hall & J. P. Harbour, no. 111; low lands by streams on the plains,
Golden City etc., May 25, 1870, E. L. Greene, no. 94; Gunnison,
altitude 7680 ft., July 7, 1901, C. F. Baker, no. 355; Sapinero, altitude
7250 ft., June 19, 1901, C. F. Baker, no. 181; clay hillside, altitude
5400 ft. Naturita, May 16, 1914, Edwin Payson, no. 312; Gato,
June 18, 1899, C. F. Baker, no. 432; roadsides below Mancos, July 8,
1898, C. F. Baker, F. S. Earle and S. M. Tracy, no. 413; collected on
Long's 1st expedition, Dr. James. New Mexico: altitude 7044 ft.,
Santa Fe, June, 1874, J. T. Rothrock, no. 3; altitude 7200 ft., Santa
Fe, May 4, 1897, A. A. & E. Gertrude Heller, no. 3658 (type in
Gray Herb.); 1847, A. Fendler, no. 115; Gray, altitude 6000 ft., June
13, 1898, Josephine Skehan, no. 24; Fort Wingate, 1882, W. Matthews,
no. 18. Arizona: Little Colorado, Dr. Newberry; 1880, Mr. & Mrs.
J. G. Lemmon.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lathyrus lanszwertii;
Lathyrus lanszwertii Kellogg “Lanszwert's Pea”
Lathyrus lanszwertii Kellogg, Proceedings of the California Academy of Natural Sciences,
v. 2, p. 150 (1863).
Note the title of this journal includes “Natural” which was dropped in 1869.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lupinus argenteus;
Lupinus argenteus Pursh “Loosely Flowered Silver Lupine”
Harrington (1954) and Ackerfield (2015) neither use keel decoration as a key character nor do they describe the decoration of the keel.
California floras, e.g., Munz (1965) and Baldwin (2012), use a ciliate keel, as a key character to identify L. argenteus.
Welch, et al. (1993) note that the keel can be glabrous or variously ciliate.
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814, v. 2, p. 468) ...
Original Text
4. L. perennis ; foliis digitatis : foliolis (5-7) lineari-lanceolatis
acutis supra glabris subtus argenteo-sericeis,
calycibus alternis inappendiculatis :
lapio superiore ontusa ;
inferiore integro.
On the banks of the Kooskoosky.
M. Lewis.
June, July.
v. s. in Herb. Lambert.
Flowers small, cream-coloured.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lupinus caudatus;
Lupinus caudatus Kellogg “Kellogg's Spurred Lupine”
Of those collections of Lupinus caudatus in Jefferson County determined to an infraspecific name,
nearly all are determined var. argophyllus.
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1849.
The first use of the name argophyllus was by Gray (1848) in Plantae Fendlerianae Novi-Mexicanae.
Original Text
166. Lupinus decumbens, Torr. in Ann. Lyc. New York, 2. p. 191.
Var. argophyllus;
caule foliisque argyreo-sericeis, supra viridiusculis.
A foot high, a silvery white species;
more so than in the original specimens of L. decumbens, which imperfect as they are,
I am confident belong to the same species with ours.
It is a very handsome plant, with flowers as large as in L. perennis, and apparently light blue.
A characteristic of the species is the saccate, almost spurred base of the calyx,
which is quite a conspicuous as in L. laxiflorus, next to which it should be placed.
The same plant was gathered near the sources of the Platte in the first expedition of Col. Fremont,
and forms part of what was called L. ornatus in the Botanical catalogue of that expedition.
Literature Cited:
- Kellogg, Albert, 1863.
Kellogg, Albert. 1863.
Lupinus caudatus.
Proceedings of the California Academy of Natural Sciences.
v. 2 (1858-1862), p. 197.
Original Text
Lupinus caudatus (Kellogg). Fig. 61.
Stem persistent, somewhat decumbent ; leafy and branching,
silvery or satiny, appressed pubescent throughout.
Leaflets five to seven, linear-lanceolate, acute, mucronate,
narrowed towards the base, about as long as the petiole.
Stipules persistent, small lance-acumuinte.
Flowers blue, scattered and sub-verticillate, floral portion about
twice the length of the peduncle, or two or three times the length
of the petioles.
Bracts caducous, twice the length of the pedicels ; calyx tubular
campanulate, upper lip straight, two-toothed, (not colored) short
and somewhat subulately spurred at the base, (spur erect nearly
half the length of the pedicel) ; lower lip entire, elongated, carinate ;
linear bracts conspicuous ; banner satiny pubescent on the
back, chiefly along the middle portion ; wings with an erect claw.
Keel, silky-ciliate.
Stigma, naked.
Legumes (embryo) linear, silky ; seeded.
Closely allied to L. calcaratus (Kellogg). But the general
appearance is quite distinct, being very silvery sericeous, with blue
flowers. The calyx is not colored ; the upper lip straight ; the spur
short, sharp and erect ; the leaflets straight and radiating, only
five or six in number ; the flowers also fewer, and the spike less
crowded. Found in the same localities, but more rare.
Literature Cited:
- Cockerell, T. D. A., 1902.
Cockerell, T. D. A., 1902.
Notes on Southwestern Plants.
Torreya. v. 2, n. 3 (March 1902)
Original Text
Lupinus Helleri Greene, Pittonia, 4 : 1 34. Santa Fe, N. M.
This name may be objected to on account of the prior L. Hellerae
Heller, though I do not consider the names identical. However,
it appears to me that L. Helleri is L. decumbens argophyllus, A.
Gray (Pl. Fendl. 37. 1849), so its proper name will be Lupinus
argophyllus. The type locality of argophyllus is “around Santa
Fe,” where, in fact, it is abundant.
Literature Cited:
- Welsh, Stanley L., 1978.
Lupinus caudatus var. argophyllus (A.Gray) S.L.Welsh, Great Basin Naturalist 38(3): 327 (1978).
Original Text
Three rather weak varieties are known from Utah.
They are separable only arbitrarily, but seem to represent at least trends within variation.
Var. argophyllus (A. Gray) Welsh stat. nov. based on
Lupinus decumbens var. argophyllus A. Gray Mem. Amer. Acad. 4:37. 1849.
[L. caudatus ssp. argophyllus (A. Gray) Phillips;
L. argophyllus (A. Gray) Cockerell;
L. laxiflorus var. argophyllus (A. Gray) M. E. Jones;
L. helleri Greene;
L. aduncus Greene].
Pinyon-juniper, mountain brush, ponderosa pine, and grassland communities at 1570 to 2430 feet
in Beaver, Garfield, Kane, and San Juan cos.; Wyoming south to New Mexico; 7 (iii).
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Weber & Wittmann (2012) do not accept infraspecific names for Lupinus caudatus Kellogg.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Ackerfield (2015) accepts two varieties of Lupinus caudatus in Colorado:
var. argophyllus (A. Gray) L. Philips (sic), and
var. utahensis (S. Watson) S. L. Welsh.
The Jepson Manual of California treats Lupinus caudatus as a synonym of L. argenteus var. heteranthus.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Medicago L.
Please summarize the phylogeny of medicago and the development of alfalfa as an agricultural crop.
Medicago is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae, which includes more than 80 species, some of which are used as forage crops. Alfalfa, also known as lucerne, is the most widely cultivated species in the genus and is a major forage crop in many parts of the world.
Alfalfa is believed to have originated in central Asia, and its cultivation dates back at least 2,000 years. It was introduced to Europe by the Arabs in the eighth century and was later brought to the Americas by Spanish colonizers in the sixteenth century. The plant was valued for its high protein content, drought tolerance, and ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, making it an important crop in areas with poor soils.
In terms of phylogeny, Medicago is a member of the tribe Trifolieae, which also includes clovers and other forage legumes. Molecular phylogenetic studies suggest that the genus Medicago is monophyletic, meaning that all species in the genus share a common ancestor, and that it is most closely related to the genus Melilotus.
Alfalfa is a tetraploid species, meaning that it has four sets of chromosomes, and its genome is quite large, with an estimated size of around 800 million base pairs. This complexity has made genetic improvement of alfalfa a challenge, but recent advances in genomics and molecular breeding techniques are helping to overcome some of these difficulties.
Overall, the development of alfalfa as an agricultural crop has been a long and complex process, but the plant's many useful characteristics have made it an important component of many farming systems around the world.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Medicago lupulina;
Medicago lupulina L. “Black Medick”
Medicago lupulina L. “Black Medick” is a common little weed
found on North and South Table Mountains and Tin Cup Ridge.
It is also adventive in gardens.
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 2, p. 779) ...
Original Text
7. MEDICAGO fpicis ovalibus, leguminibus reniformibus monofpermis,
caule procumbente.
Fl. fuec. 621.
Dalib. parif. 281.
Trifolium leguminibus fpicatis reniformibus nudis monofpermis,
caule procumbente.
Hort. cliff. 375.
Roy. lugdb. 380.
Trifolium pratenfe luteum, capitulo breviore.
Bauh. pin. 328.
Trifolium pratenfe luteum.
Fuchf. hift. 819.
Habitat in Europae pratis.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Medicago sativa;
Medicago sativa L. “Alfalfa”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 2, p. 778) ...
Original Text
5. MEDICAGO pedunculis racemofis, leguminibus contortis, caule erecto glabro.
Hort. cliff. 377.
Roy. lugdb. 281.
Medica legitima.
Cluf. hift. 2. p. 242.
Medica fativa.
Morif. hift. 2. p. 150. f. 2. t. 16. f. 2.
Foenum burgundicum.
Lob. ic. 2. p. 36.
Habitat in Hifpaniae, Galliae apricis.
Literature Cited:
- Prosperi, Jean-Marie, Eric Jenczewski, Marie-Helene Muller, Stephane Fourtier, Jean-Paul Sampoux, and Joelle Ronfort, 2014.
Prosperi, et al., 2014 summarize current thought on the domestication of alfalfa.
It is difficult to identify the first traces of
alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) domestication.
Different authors suggested that alfalfa was
cultivated 9,000 years ago in some rare
locations in its centre of origin (Near East to
Central Asia). Sinskaya in 1950 suggested
that its distribution spread throughout the
Middle East by 1,000 BC, and from there, to
China and India. But actually, we have no
element to validate these assumptions. The
first written references mentioned the
introduction of alfalfa to Greece by the
Medes armies, its spread into Italy and then
all over the Roman Empire in Europe.
During the Middle Ages, the interest in
alfalfa regressed considerably in Europe.
Alfalfa was reintroduced into Spain through
North Africa with the Moors. It then crossed
the Pyrenees around the fifteenth century.
Thereafter, it was introduced to South
America (Mexico, Peru, Chile) by the
Spanish in the sixteenth century, and then to
the United States through California at the
beginning of the nineteenth century as
“Chilean clover.”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Melilotus albus;
Melilotus albus Medik. “White Sweet Clover”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 2, p. 765) ...
Original Text
| Interpretation
* Meliloti leguminibus nudis polyfpermis.
4. TRIFOLIUM leguminibus racemofis nudis difpermis, caule erecto.
Hort. cliff. 376.
Hort. upf. 223.
Fl. fuec. 619.
Mat. med. 355.
Roy. lugdb. 223.
Dalib. parif. 225.
M. officinalis.
Trifolium odoratum f. Melilotus.
Dod. pempt. 567.
Melilotus officinarum germaniae.
Bauh. pin. 331.
γ. Melilotus officinarum germaniae, flore alba.
Tournef. inft. 407.
The Greek letter “γ” corresponds to the letter “c” in the excerpt from Medikis (1786), below.
Lotus fylveftris, flore albo.
Tabern. hift. 893.
Habitat in Europae campeftribus.
Literature Cited:
- Medikus, Friedrich Kasimir, 1786.
Page from Medikus (1786) publishing Melilotus albus.
Medikus, Friedrich Kasimir (1736-1808), [May] 1786.
Versuch einer neuen Lehrart die Pflanzen nach zwei Methoden zugleich, nehmlich nach der künstlichen und natürlichen, zu ordnen, durch ein Beispiel einer natürlichen Familie erörtert.
[Attempt at a new method of classifying plants according to two methods at the same time, namely according to the artificial and the natural, explained by an example of a natural family.]
Vorlesungen der Churpfälzischen physicalisch-öconomischen Gesellschaft.
[Lectures of the Churpfälzische Physical-Economic Society.]
Mannheim. 2: 382 (1787).
The following excerpt is taken from the image at left.
4. Melilotus albus.
Trifolium M. officinalis c L.
The German letter “c” in the text at left corresponds with the Greek letter “γ” in the Linnean description above.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Melilotus officinalis;
Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam. “Yellow Sweet Clover”
Literature Cited:
- Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de, 1778.
Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam., Flore Françoise, ou Descriptions Succinctes de Toutes les Plantes qui Croissent Naturellement en France...Paris (Lamarck) 2: 595 (1779).
Original Text
III. Epi de fleurs pointu , lache , & ayant un ponce ou plus de longueur.
Melilot officinal. Melilotus officinalis.
Melilotus officinarum germaniae. Tournef. 407.
β Melilotus vulgaris altiffima frutefcens flore albo. Ibid.
Sa tige eft haute de deux pieds , dure & rameufe ; fes
feuilles font petiolees , compofees de trois folioles glabres,
ovales-oblongues , quelquefois un peu etroites & dentees
dans leur partie fuperieure. Les fleurs font petites, de couleur
jaune ou blanche, pendantes & difpofees fur des epis greles ,
laches & affez longs. Il leur fuccede des legumes courts ,
pendans , un peu rides, & qui renferment une on deux
femences. La variete β s'eleve jufqu'a fix pieds , & porte
des epis greles & fort longs. Cette plante croit dans les
champs & fur le bord des hales , © ou a* ; fes feuilles &
fes fleurs font refolutives , emollientes & anodines.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Oxytropis lambertii;
Oxytropis lambertii Pursh “Purple Locoweed”
Oxytropis DC., Astragologia 24, 66 (ed. qto.); 19, 53 (ed. fol.) (1802), nom. cons., includes 606 accepted species.
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814, v. 2, addendum, p. 740) ...
Original Text
| Comments
Oxytropis Lambertii.
O. acaulis, sericeo pilosa ; foliolis
(19) lanceolato-ellipticis utrinque acutis, scapis folia
aequantibus, spicis capitatis, bracteis linearibus longitudine calycis.
On the Missouri.
Aug. Sept.
v. v. in Hort. Lambert.
Flowers a beautiful purple. It approaches near to O. argentata and setosa.
Literature Cited:
- Welsh, Stanley L., 1991.
Other articles:
• Glossary:
Original Text
The porrect beak of the keel is diagnostic for the genus,
even though some species of Astragalus have extended keel apices;
none are truly porrect.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Oxytropis sericea;
Oxytropis sericea Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray “White Locoweed”
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1838-1843.
Torrey & Gray (1838, v. 1, p. 339) ...
Original Text
6. O. sericea (Nutt. ! mss.): “stemless, somewhat caespitose, shining and
whitish with appressed silky hairs; leaflets linear-oblong or lanceolate (those
of the primary leaves elliptical and obtuse) ; scapes longer than the leaves;
spikes short, elongated in fruit ; bracts lanceolate, acuminate, shorter than
the calyx; teeth of the calyx short and subulate ; legumes somewhat cylindrical,
acuminate, 2-celled, canescently pubescent.”
Rocky Mountains. Nuttall! — Leaflets about ¾ of an inch long. Wings
emarginate. Scapes stout and rigid in fruit. Legumes (including the beak)
nearly an inch long, coriaceous, compressed contrary to the sutures.
Nearly related to O. Lamberti.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Pediomelum tenuiflorum;
Pediomelum tenuiflorum (Pursh) A. N. Egan “Slimflower Scurfpea”
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
(Syn: Psoralea tenuiflora Pursh)
Pursh (1814, v. 2, p. 475) ....
Original Text
3. P. pubescens, ramosissima; foliis ternatis; foliolis ellipticis
utrinque rugoso-punctatis, pedunculis axillaribus folio
longioribus sub-3-floris.
On the banks of the Missouri. M. Lewis. ♃ Sept.
v. s. in Herb. Lewis. Flowers very small, pale blue.
Literature Cited:
- Egan, Ashley N., and James L. Reveal, 2009.
Egan, Ashley N., and James L. Reveal (2009, v. 19, 310-314) ...
Original Text
Psoralidium tenuiflorum (Pursh) Rydberg was first
collected on the historical expedition of Meriwether
Lewis and William Clark on 21 September 1804 at the
Big Bend of the Missouri River, which would later become
Lyman County, South Dakota, U.S.A. (Moulton, 1999).
Frederick Pursh (1813) later described it as
Psoralea tenuiflora Pursh. Since then, the species has
experienced a murky taxonomic history. Rydberg
(1919) designated Psoralea tenuiflora as the type of a
new genus, Psoralidium Rydberg, wherein he
recognized 14 species.
… the variation across this species is great,
but with no distinct segregation as
to definitely allow specific designation, an ascentainment
that the authors of this paper share.
Pediomelum tenuiflorum (Pursh) A. N. Egan, comb. nov.
Basionym: Psoralea tenuiflora Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 2: 475. Dec. 1813.
Lotodes tenuiflorum (Pursh) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 194. 1891, nom illeg.
Psoralidium tenuiflorum (Pursh) Rydberg. N. Amer. Fl. 24: 15. 1919.
TYPE: U.S.A. South Dakota: Lyman Co., Big Bend of the Missouri River, 21 Sep. 1804, M. Lewis s.n. (lectotype, designated by Grimes, 1990: 36, PH-LC 184; duplicated, NY [fragm.], PH-LC 183).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Robinia pseudoacacia;
Robinia pseudoacacia L. “Black Locust”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 2, p. 722) ...
Original Text
1. ROBINIA pedunculis racemofis, foliis impari-pinnatis.
Hort. upf. 212.
Robinia aculeis geminatis.
Hort. Cliff. 354.
Gron. virg. 82.
Roy. lugdb. 372.
Acacia americana, filiquis glabris.
Raj. hift. 1719.
Acaciae affinis virginiana fpinofa, filiqua membranacea plana.
Pluk. alm. 6. p. 73. 4. 4.
Habitat in Virginia. ♄
Conf. Pfeudo-Acacia hifpida, floribus rofeis.
Catesb. car. 3. p. 20. t. 20.
POWO (2022) states the tree is native to Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Vermont; not Virginia. Of course at Linnaeus' time, Virginia was a colony, not a state. USDA Plants maps its nativity as US.
Literature Cited:
- Burns, Russell M., and Barbara H. Honkala, 1990.
Black locust has a disjunct original range, the extent of which is not accurately known.
The eastern section is centered in the Appalachian Mountains and ranges from central Pennsylvania and southern Ohio, south to northeastern Alabama, northern Georgia, and northwestern South Carolina.
The western section includes the Ozark Plateau of southern Missouri, northern Arkansas, and northeastern Oklahoma, and the Ouachita Mountains of
central Arkansas and southeastern Oklahoma
(, 16 March 2022).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Securigera varia;
Securigera varia (L.) Lassen “Purple Crownvetch”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Thermopsis rhombifolia var. divaricarpa;
Thermopsis rhombifolia var. divaricarpa (A. Nelson) Isely. “Spreadfruit Goldenbanner”
Literature Cited:
- Fraser, John, 1813.
Fraser's (1813) Catalogue, most likely written by Nuttall, is the first reference to T. rhombifolia.
Original Text
| Comments
26. *Cytisus rhombifolius. ‡ Fl. not seen.
I am a little surprised this is not marked by an “M” from the Missouri
because in Nuttall (1818), two paragraphs down, Nuttall will tell us that he collected this plant at Fort Mandan.
Symbols used by Fraser (Nuttall).
* – New Species.
‡ – Perennial.
M. – from the Missourie.
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1816.
Pursh (1814) published Cytisus rhombifolia in the supplement to Vol. 2 of his Flora Americae Septentrionalis.
Many of the entries in the supplement were Bradbury collections or from Nuttall descriptions in Fraser's Catalogue.
Original Text
Cytisus rhombifolius
C. pubescens ;
racemis terminalibus erectis,
leguminibus falcatis subarticulatis,
foliolis oblongo-rhomboideis obtusis,
stipulus rotundato-ovatis obliquis.
C. rhombifolius. Fraser. Catal. 1813.
In Upper Louisiana.
Bradbury. v. s. in Herb. Bradbury.
The stipulae are large and foliaceous ;
the specimen I have seen was in fruit,
and Mr. Bradbury has seen only one plant in flower.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Glossary:
Nuttall (1818) published it as Thermia rhombifolia eschewing the
Thermopsis of R. Brown.
Original Text
401.THERMIA. Thermopsis. R. Brown. Hort. Kew. 3. p. 3.
Calix subcampanulate, half 4-cleft, the supper segment truncate and emarginate.
Corolla papilionaceous, petals nearly equal in length;
vexillum reflected at the sides;
carina obtuse.
Legume compressed and falcate, attenuated at the base, many-seeded.
Herbaceous; leaves ternate petiolate,
stipules large and foliaceous;
spikes terminal, interrupted, subverticillate, erect; flowers yellow.
Very distinct in habit from Cytisus but requires further comparison with that genus?
1. *rhombifolia.
Leaflets rhombi-ovate …
… raceme interrupted.
Cytisus rhombifolius T. N. in Fras Catal. 1813.
Pursh, Flor. Am. Sept. 2. p. 741. Suppl.
Obs. Roots perennial …
On denudated argillaceous hills near Fort Mandan.
This plant is very closely allied to Sophora lupinoides of Pallas,
Thermopsis lanceolata of Brown,
and they appear inseparable in genus,
that species when in perfection produces a long verticillated spike of flowers;
some of Pallas's specimens, however, in the herbarium of A. B. Lambert, Esq.,
have a single verticill of flowers only as in the starved specimen
figured in the Botanical Magazine,
in this species the leaves are on both sides closely covered with a silky villous;
the primary leaves it appears occur sometimes simple
but always accompanied by the stipules after the manner of Baptisia.
Literature Cited:
- Richardson, John, 1823.
Richardson (1823) wrote the botanical appendix for Franklin's (1823)
report of the voyage to the polar sea.
Original Text
| Comments
No. VII.
The collections of Pallas and Pursh,
now belonging to Mr. Lambert,
rendered the power of referring to his valuable Herbarium
an object of the utmost importance to me ;
and the desire of promoting the science,
whoch so eminently distinguishes his character,
induced him cheerfully to accord it.
I include this note because it confirms that Lambert had collections made by Pallas.
Pallas and Lambert must have been frequent correspondents.
This is possibly relevant to explanation of how a Pallas'
manuscript describing Chrysocoma nauseosa might have been seen
by Pursh.
137. Thermopsis rhombifolia: Nuttall. Am. 1. p. 282. (C.)
(C.) Denotes the sandy plains in the neighborhood of Carlton,
strongly resembling the plains of the Missouri,
upon which the American botanists have lately made extensive collections.
Literature Cited:
- Nelson A., 1898.
Nelson (1898) ...
Original Text
| Comments
The species of this region, as they now appear to be,
are T. montana, T. rhombifolia, and the two proposed species.
The fruits of these are very characteristic,
a fact shown in the accompanying plate.
The four fruiting racemes are all from the Wyoming material,
are mature and typical each of its species
They were photographed on one plate,
hence the size is relatively correct (about one-third natural size).
Thermopsis rhombifolia n. sp.
… …
It is found near streams, preferring the moist, rich soil among the open underbrush.
Type specimens in Herb. Univ. of Wyo., no. 3424 by Elias Nelson, Pole creek, July 22, 1897 ;
and no. 3903 by the writer, Johnson's ranch, Big Laramie river, August 8, 1897.
Literature Cited:
- Harrington, H. D., 1964, 2nd ed..
Harrington (1964, 2nd ed.) treated the Colorado taxa at the rank of species, saying, “… The mature or nearly mature fruit is necessary to be sure of the species. Even then some intergradations occur in Colorado plants.”
Literature Cited:
- Isely, Duane, 1978.
Isely (1978) proposed var. divaricarpa despite recognizing
that infraspecific divisions and those with T. macrocarpa
are not that well-defined.
Original Text
| Comments
Thermopsis rhombifolia var. divaricarpa (A. Nels.) Isely, Comb. Nov.
Thermopsis divaricarpa A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 25:275. 1898.
Type: United States. Wyoming, Albany Co.: Johnson Ranch, 8 Aug 1897, A. Nelson 3902
(Holotype: RM!; Isotypes: GH!, NY!).
I view Thermopsis of the western states as one vast complex,
but have divided it into two “convenience” species,
T. macrophylla of the Pacific states,
and T. rhombifolia, which extends east to the high plains.
These combinations provide the needed names.
Isely also proposed var. montana based on a Nuttall type, and
var. ovata based on T. ovata Robinson ex Piper.
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Weber & Wittman (2012) treat Thermopsis rhombifolia, T. montana, and T. divaricarpa at the rank of species.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Ackerfield (2015) ...
Original Text
| Comments
This is a polymorphic species with considerable variation
and is often divided into three species (T, divaricarpa, T. montana, and T. rhombifolia).
However, when one examines all three species together,
considerable overlap in morphology is evident.
Intermediates between all three taxa can be seen where their ranges overlap.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Trifolium hybridum;
Trifolium hybridum L. “Alsike Clover”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Vicia americana;
Vicia americana Willd. “American Vetch”
Vicia americana Muhl. ex Willd., Sp. Pl., ed. 4 [Willdenow] 3(2): 1096 (1802).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Vicia ludoviciana;
Vicia ludoviciana Nutt. “Louisiana Vetch”
There is one collection of Vicia ludoviciana in Golden s.l. that was made under the south side of Castle Rock.
In Jefferson County, there is just one other collection, from Chatfield Farms.
Otherwise, in Colorado there are collections along the northern Front Range,
along the Arkansas River between Canon City and Pueblo,
and then in scattered locations in other parts of Colorado.
The flowers of Vicia ludoviciana are quite small, (4.5)6-8(9) mm., and mostly white,
compared to those of V. americana that are (12)15-22(25) mm. and mostly colored.
Literature Cited:
- Graustein, Jeannette E., 1967.
Nuttall left Philadelphia on 2 October 1818, arriving at Fort Smith 24 April 1819.
In mid-May he set off with a small Army detachment and several Cherokees for the Red River,
traveling up the Poteau River and down the Kiamichi River.
Nuttall collected on the Red River for three full days before time for the detachment to return to Fort Smith.
He lost his companions and stayed in the area until mid-June.
During this time he made many collections of new species, including Vicia americana
(Graustein, 1967, p. 144).
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1838-1843.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Torrey & A. Gray, 1838-1843, publication details;
Torrey & A. Gray (1838, v. 1, p. 271) ...
Original Text
8. V. Ludoviciana (Nutt. mss.):
glabrous (except the young shoots) ;
leaflets 10-12, elliptical or obovate, obtuse or emarginate ;
stipules subulate, simple or semisagittate ;
peduncle 2-6-flowered, at length longer than the leaves ;
flowers (minute) closely approximated ;
teeth of the calyx broad, acuminate, shorter than the tube ;
legume broadly sabre-shaped, glabrous, 5-6-seeded ;
seeds compressed, dark brown.
Grassy places on the Red River, and in Texas, Dr. Leavenworth !
“In Louisiana, Mr. Tainturuer,” Nuttall.
Stem 2-3 feet long, rather stout, strongly angled, climbing.
Leaflets 6-8 lines long, 2 lines wide, commonly emarginate.
Stipules very small.
Flowers blue, smaller than in V. Cracca, rarely solitary, often 2-6 on a peduncle.
Legume ¾ of an inch long and 3 lines wide.
Mr. Nuttall in his manuscript describes the peduncles as 1-2-flowered,
which is the case in some of our specimens ;
but the peduncles are more commonly at least 4-flowered.
Literature Cited:
- Roth, Albrecht Wilhelm, 1788-1800.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Vicia villosa;
Vicia villosa Roth “Hairy Vetch”
Roth, Albrecht Wilhelm, 1757-1834
Tentamen florae Germanicae; continens enumerationem plantarum in Germania sponte nascentium.
[The German flora containing a listing of plants that grow naturally in Germany.]
Lipsiae, In Bibliopolio I.G. Mlleriano, 1788-1800.
Volume 2, part 2, page 186.
“In locis limosis prope Vegesack ante aliquot annos inveni plantam, quae quotannis in horto sterilliori culta non mutavit habitum.
[A few years ago I found a plant in muddy areas near Vegesack,
which has not changed its habit of being cultivated every year in a more sterile garden.]&rduo;
Vegesack is located about 20 km (12 mi) north from the centre of Bremen-city at the mouth of the river Lesum.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Erodium cicutarium;
Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Her. ex Aiton “Redstem Stork's Bill”
Literature Cited:
- Aiton, William, 1789.
Aiton (1789, v. 2, p. 414) ...
Original Text
3. E. pedunculis multifloris, foliis pinnatis :
foliolis feffilibus pinnatifidis.
L' Herit. n. 12.
Geranium cicutarium.
Sp. pl. 951.
Curtis lond.
Hemlock-leav'd Crane's-bill.
Nat. of Britain.
Fl. April-September.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Geranium caespitosum;
Geranium caespitosum James “Pineywoods Geranium”
Literature Cited:
- James, Edwin, ed., 1823.
James (1823, v. 2, p. 3) ...
Original Text
| Interpretation and Comments
About the sandstone ledges we collected a geranium † intermediate
between the crane's bill and herb robert,
the beautiful calochortus, [C. elegans, Ph.] and a few other valuable plants.
The party was at the mouth of Platte Canyon.
† G. caespitose, sub-erect, pubescent, sparingly branched above.
Radical leaves reniform deeply 5-7 cleft.
The flower is a little larger than that of G. robertianum,
and similarly coloured,
having whitish lines towards the base of the corrolla.
We also saw here the Campanula decipiens. Pers. Lysimachia ciliata, Ph.
Troximon glaucum, N. with two or three belinging to genera
with which we were unacquainted.
Campanula decipiens = ?, maybe Campanula rotundifolia L
Lysimachia ciliata Ph. !, except author was L.
Troximon glaucum N[utt.] = Agoseris glauca (Pursh) Raf.
Literature Cited:
- Aedo, Carlos, 2001.
- Goodman, George J., and Cheryl A. Lawson, 1995.
Goodman and Lawson (1995, p. 199-201) have a long account about this specimen
and its proper name, reaching the conclusion that it should be G. intermedium James.
Aedo (2001) acknowledges the name but accepts our G. caespitosum James.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Geranium richardsonii;
Geranium richardsonii Fisch. & Trautv. “Richardson's Geranium”
Literature Cited:
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson, 1829-1840.
Hooker (1840, v. 1, p. 116) … Parts 2 and 3, pages 49-144 of Hooker's Flora of North America were issued in 1830, so even though the flora was not sonsidered complete until 1840, the pages including G. albiflorum Hook. were published in 1830.
Meanwhile G. albiflorum Ledeb., of the Russian flora, was published in 1829, giving it priority.
Original Text
2. G. albiflorum ; caule subangulato erecto dichotomo inferne glabro superne piloso-
glanduloso, foliis profunde 5-partitis ovato-acuminatis inciso-subpinnatifidis subpilosis,
radicalibus longe petiolatis, superioribus oppositis breve petiolatis 3-partitis magis acurainatis,
calycibus glanduloso-pilosis, petalis integris (albis) intus filamentis que basi hirsutis, (Tab. XL.)
Long Latin description omitted.
Hab. Vallies in the Rocky Mountains. Drummond. — This fine species of Geranium seems to hold a
middle rank between the American G. maculatum and the Europaean G. pratense: yet it is, I feel assured,
truly distinct from both. In the former, G. maculatum, the leaves are much less divided, the segments
broader, and the peduncles are quite destitute of glandular hairs : in the latter, the leaves are much more
deeply divided, the segments greatly narrower, and more truly pinnatifid. In both, the blossoms are purple ;
in ours, the flowers are constantly white, even when cultivated, as the plant is in our gardens, and of a firmer
texture. The G. longipes of De Candolle, according to his description, also approaches our plant.
Tab. XL. Fig. 1, Root-leaf: — natural size. Fig. 2, Petal; fig. 3, Stamen; fig. 4, Calyx and pistil, with
the filaments of the stamens : — slightly magnified.
Parts 2 and 3, pages 49-144 of Hooker's Flora of North America were issued in 1830.
Literature Cited:
- Fischer, F. E. T., and Ernst Rudolph von Trautvetter, 1838.
Fischer & Trautvetter (1838, p. 37) …
Original Text
| Translation and Comments
948. Geranium Richardsonii Fisch., Trautv.
G. albiflorum Hook. fl. bor. amer. tab. 40, Bot. mag. tab. 3124. (non Ledeb.).
Nomen erat mutandum ob G. albiflorum Ledeb.
“The name was to be changed because of G. albiflorum Ledeb.”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Oxalis stricta;
Oxalis stricta L. “Common Yellow Oxalis”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Linum lewisii;
Linum lewisii Pursh “Prairie Blue Flax”
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814, v. 1, p. 210) ...
Original Text
2. L. foliolis calycinis ovatis acuminatis, petalis cuneatis apice rotundatis,
foliis sparsis lanceolato-linearibus mucronatis, caulibus altis numerosis.
In the valleys of the Rocky-mountains and on the banks of the Missouri.
M. Lewis.
v. v.
Flowers large, blue; a very good perennial,
and it probably might become an useful plant if cultivated.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Linum perenne;
Linum perenne L. “Blue Flax”
(Syn: Adenolinum perenne (L.) Rchb. )
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, p. 277) ...
Original Text
2. LINUM calycibus capfulisque obtufis, foliis alternis lanceolatis integerrimis.
Linum foliis alternis lanceolatis integerrimis, calycibus apice obtifus, capfulis muticis.
Hort. upf. 72.
Linum perenne, ramis foliisque alternis lineari-lanceolatis.
Hort. cliff. 114. Roy. lugdb. 434. Sauv. monfp. 53.
Linum perenne majus caeruleum, calitulo majore.
Morif. hift. 2. p. 573.
Linum fylvestre caeruleum perenne erectus, flore & capitula majore.
Raj. angl. 3. p. 362.
Habitat in Sibiria et Cantabrigiae.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Tribulus terrestris;
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Chamaesyce fendleri;
Chamaesyce fendleri (Torr. & A.Gray) Small “Fendler's Sandmat”
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1857b.
Big Spring.
Torrey & Gray (1857) described Euphorbia fendleri in their report on the botany of the Pacific Railroad Survey.
The collector was Dr. J. M. Bigelow.
Dr. Gray, though, had already seen this plant among Fendler's collections.
Original Text
| Comments
Euphorbia Fendleri, (n. sp.): branching and diffuse from a somewhat woody caudex. smooth ;
leaves stipulate, opposite, broadly ovate or orbicular-ovate, on very short petioles, subcordate
and oblique at the base; involucres solitary, on short peduncles; gland transversely oval, with
a narrow entire somewhat 2-lobed border; capsule smooth; seeds obovate, a little rugose transversely,
gelatinous when moistened. Big Springs of the Colorado; April. This species is No.
800 of Fendler's New Mexican collection. It is a small plant, throwing off many branches that
spread on the ground, forming a little patch from three to six inches in diameter. The leaves
are 3-4 lines long, and are often of a purplish tinge, especially underneath.
Big Springs of the Colorado is now Big Spring, Howard County, Texas. The creek is now called Beals Creek, and
it joins the Colorado River some 35 miles to the southeast.
Literature Cited:
- Small, John Kunkel, and Per Axel Rydberg, 1903.
Small (1903) made some nomenclatural changes without comment.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Chamaesyce glyptosperma;
Chamaesyce glyptosperma (Engelm.) Small “Ribseed Sand Mat”
Literature Cited:
- Torrey John, 1859.
In Torrey, John (1859), the section on Euphorbiaceae was written by George Engelmann, M.D.
That would explain why Dr. Engelmann is considered the author of a name published by Dr. Torrey.
The botanist on the Mexican Boundary Commission was Dr. Charles Parry.
Original Text
Euphorbia glyptosperma (nov. spec.) : erecto patula seu demum decumbens ; foliis e basi
valde obliqua (latere inferiore producta) aequilatis oblongis s. oblongo-linearibns obtusis versus
apicem subserratis s. integriusculus ; stipulis setaceis laciniatis, anthodiis alaribus demum in
glomerulos laxos laterales confertig ; appendiculis brevibus integris seu crenatis ; stylis brevibus
apice bilobis, stigmatibus subglobosis ; seminibus ovatis argute rugosis ad angulos acutos
crenatis. E. polygonifolia, Hook. FL Bar, Am. fide spec. auctoris non Linn.
β. tenerrima : foliis parvulis angustis apice vix crenulatis ; involucri minuti glandulis vix
seu non appendiculatis. On the Rio Grande ; also on the Arkansas, and extending to the
upper Missouri. (No. 1853, 1855, and 1856, Wright.) From a few inches to a foot high. The
larger northern forms have leaves 3 to 6 lines long and 1 to 2 lines wide. In β the leaves are
1 to 3 lines long and ½ to 1 line wide ; involucrum in the latter only 0.3 line long. Seed very
sharply cross-ribbed, similar to that of E. prostrata, and notched at the angles.
Wright is Charles Wright, a friend of Asa Gray, who collected in Texas and New Mexico in 1849 and 1851-53.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Euphorbia myrsinites;
Euphorbia esula;
Non-Native Euphorbia L. — Spurge
Several of our non-native Euphorbias as noxious weeds, e.g., E. myrsinites and E. esula, and are discussed among the Noxious Weeds, above.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Euphorbia brachycera;
Euphorbia brachycera Engelm. “Horned Spurge”
Literature Cited:
- Torrey John, 1859.
George Engelmann described E. brachycera in Torrey (1859) citing a collection by Charles Wright
in western New Mexico.
Original Text
Euphorbia brachycera (nov. spec.): annua (?), multicaulis, ramosa, erecta, glaberrima; foliis
in petiolum brevissimum angustatis lanceolatis seu lineari-lanceolatis acutis mucronatis ; umbella
3-fida seu rare 4-5-fida; ramis pluries bifidis; bracteis inferioribus ovato-Ianceolatis superioribus
rhombeo-orbiculatis mucronatis; glandulis brevissime obtuseque cornutis; seminibus majusculis
ovatis maculis irregularibus saepe confluentibus leviter impressis. Western New Mexico; Wright,
(No. 1821.) Many stems a foot high from a stout but apparently annual or biennial root;
leaves 6-9 lines long, about 2 lines wide, patulous (not erect as in E. esulaeformis) regularly
lanceolate ; upper part of the stem quite ramose ; horns shorter than in any of our species, and
sometimes almost rudimentary. Seed 1 line in length, similar to those of E. esulaeformis,
montana and Roemeriana.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Euphorbia esula;
Euphorbia esula L. “Leafy Spurge”
This plant has low severity poison characteristics. The sap contains diterpine esters in milky latex which is toxic on ingestion and highly irritant externally, causing photosensitive skin reactions and severe inflammation, especially on contact with eyes or open cuts. The toxicity can remain high even in dried plant material. Prolonged and regular contact with the sap is inadvisable because of its carcinogenic nature.
Linnaeus (v. 1, p. 461) notes that the plant is native to Germany, Belgium, and France.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Euphorbia marginata;
Euphorbia marginata Pursh “Snow on the Mountain”
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814, v. 2, p. 607) ...
Original Text
14. E. umbella 3-fida: bis dichotoma, involucro foliiforme,
involucellis oblongis cordatis margine membranaceis
coloratis, foliis lanceolato-oblongis subcordato-amplexicaulibus
acutis glaucescentibus glabris, appendicibus
calycinis petaloideis subrotundis, capsulis pilosis.
| marginata.
On the Yellow-stone river. M. Lewis. ☉. July.
v. s. in Herb. Lewis.
A very handsome species ;
the white margin of the involucre and white petal-like appendices
have a fine contrast with the elegant soft green leaves.
Euphorbia myrsinites L. “Myrtle Spurge”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Euphorbia myrsinites;
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, p. 461-462) ...
Original Text
50. EUPHORBIA umbella fuboctifida :
bifida, involucellis fubovatis,
foliis fpathulatis patentibus carnofis mucronatis margine fcabris.
Diff. euph. 52.
Euphorbia inermis, foliis fuperioribus reflexis latioribus lanceolatis,
umbella univerfali trifida ,
partialibus bifidis.
Hort. cliff. 199.
Hort. upf. 141.
Euphorbia inermis, foliis ligulatis fpinula terminatis,
ad umbellam duodenis.
bracteis trigonis fpinula terminatis.
Sauv. monfp. 51.
Tithymalus myrfinites latifolius. Bauh. pin. 296.
Tithymalus myrfinites legittimus. Cluf. hift. 2. p. 189.
Habitat in Calabria, Monfpelli.
Caules multi, pedales, diflexi, virides, inferme a cafu foliorum cicatrifati.
Folia alterna, fpathulata, coriacea, concava, glauco-viridia, patentia,
mucronata, margine fubscabra, fuperiora reflexa.
Umbella 7-9 fida radiis femel bifidis.
Involucrum univerfale foliolis 7-9, ovatis, tenuioribus, acutis ;
Involucella diphylla, fubcordata, lariora, concava, acuta, margine fubfcabra.
Flores intrainvolucella primaria & fecundaria mafculi, reliqui hermaphroditi.
Calyces ore ferrati.
Petala 4, flava, bicornia apicibus teretibus nitentia.
Capufulae glabrae.
Linnaeus does not mention toxicity of the species.
Locations given by Linnaeus are Calabria (Italy) and Montpellier (France).
POWO shows the native distribution to be Italy south and east to Iran. Nativity or distribution in France is not mentioned.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Euphorbia peplus;
Euphorbia peplus L. “Petty Spurge”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Euphorbia spathulata;
Euphorbia spathulata Lam. “Warty Spurge” or “Spoonleaf Spurge”
Online (SEINet and CCH2) records contain determinations of the following synonyms:
- Euphorbia arkansana
- Euphorbia arkansana var. atrosemina
- Euphorbia dictyosperma
- Euphorbia obtusata
- Tithymalus mexicanus
- Tithymalus missouriensis
- Tithymalus spathulatus
Literature Cited:
- Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 1786.
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de [1744-1829]
Jean-Louis-Marie Poiret, Jean-Louis-Marie [1755-1834],
Encyclopédie méthodique. Botanique .
Paris,Liège : Panckoucke;Plomteux, 1783-1808.
Original Text
| Translation
56. Euphorbe fpatule,
Euphorbia fpathulata. Euphorbia umbella trifida , dichotoma : foliis alternis oblongo-fpathulatis fubferratis. N.
56. Euphorbe spatule,
Euphorbia spatulata. Euphorbia umbellum trifid, dichotomous: leaves alternate oblong-spathulate with subserrate. N
Euphorbia caule dichotomo , foliis ovato-oblongis , floribus fingularibus in fingulo dichotomiae finu feffilibus.
Commerf. Herb.
Euphorbia dichotomous stem , ovate-oblong leaves, flowers singular in each dichotomous branch, sessile.
Plante glabre , dont les tiges hautes d'un pied ou un peu plus ,
font munies de rameaux petits & alternes.
Ses feuilles font aiternes , feffiles , oblongues-fpatulees , legerement dentelees , glabres , & a peine longues d'un pouce.
L'ombelle eft compofee de trois rayons deux ou trois fois bifides.
Les trois folioles de la collerette font ovales-oblongues ; les bractees leur reffemblent ,
mais elles font un peu plus petites & asuminees.
Les capfules font glabres.
M. Commerfon a trouve cette plante pres de Monte-Video.
Elle paroit herbacee.
( v. f. )
Hairless plant, whose stems a foot or a little more high,
are provided with small & alternate branches.
Its leaves are alternate, thin, oblong-spatulate, slightly serrated, glabrous, and barely an inch long.
The umbel is composed of three rays two or three times bifid.
The three leaflets of the collar are oval-oblong; the bracts resemble them,
but they are a little smaller & asuminees.
The capsules are glabrous.
Mr. Commerfon found this plant near Monte-Video.
(Seen in the dried state.)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Edwin James collections;
Tragia ramosa;
Tragia ramosa Torr. “Branched Noseburn”
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John G., 1828.
Torrey (1828, v. 2, p. 245) ...
Original Text
407. Tragia ramosa, caule herbaceo, piloso, ramosissimo ;
foliis petiolatis, ovato-lanceolatis, argute serratis, subtus
hirsutis, basi subcordatis ; racemis ♂ filiformibus, paucifloris, basi ♀
Desc. Stem about a span high, much branched, slender, hairy.
Leaves alternate, ovate-lanceolate, coarsely serrate, with acuminate serratures,
base acute or subcordate ; under surface hirsute, upper with a few appressed hairs;
petioles one-third of an inch long, with subulate stipules at the base.
Racemes axillary towards the upper part of the stem.
Sterile flowers superior, 6-8, on short, filiform, bracteate pedicels.
Calyx 4-parted, segments lanceolate, recurved, apex inflexed.
Stamens 4.
Pistil abortive.
Fertile flowers.
Calyx 5-parted.
Stigmas 3, large, recurved.
Capsule tricoccous, hispid.
Seeds perfectly spherical, smooth.
Hab. Sources of the Canadian?
Obs. Resembles T. urticifolia, but differs in its narrow
leaves, much branched, and smoother stem.
| |
Literature Cited:
- Torrey John, 1859.
Torrey (1859, v. 2, pt. 1, p. 200-201) ...
TRAGA RAMOSA, Torr. in Ann. Lyc. New York, 2, p. 245.
T. angustifolia, Nutt. l. c.
T. scutellariaefolia, Scheele^ l. c. Gravelly hiills of the Limpio; Bigelow.
Ravines of the Organ mountains, April ; Parry.
On the upper Rio Grande, New Mexico; Fendler, No. 776.
Perhaps only a var, of the last. It differs chiefly in being much smaller and erect, with the leaves
scarcely at all cordate. Var.? leptophylla : foliis linearibus integris vel remote denticulatis. —
Near Howard's Springs; Bigelow; No. 1796, Wright. Plant woody at the base, about a span
high, and branched from the base. Stem and branches sparingly hirsute. Leaves 1-1¼ inch
long and 1-2 lines wide. Spikes few-flowered ; the lowest flowers fertile. Flowers as in T.
ramosa, etc.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Rhus glabra;
Rhus glabra L. “Smooth Sumac”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Rhus trilobata;
Rhus trilobata at the southern end of the Survey Field.
Rhus trilobata Nutt. Squawbush.
Rhus L. is a Linnean name published in his Species plantarum in 1753,
although the name had been previously used in six other works that Linnaeus cites.
The genus is native to temperate and tropical Asia, Europe, Africa, the Pacific region, and North and South America.
There are ten other names that are synonyms for Rhus including Lobadium Raf.
that is now treated as a group within Rhus and contains our R. trilobata.
Literature Cited:
- Aiton, William, 1789.
Other articles:
• Glossary:
Aiton (1789) description of Rhus aromatica
Since Rhus trilobata is sometimes reduced to the rank of variety or subspecies under Rhus aromatica Ait. we need to understand the source of that name and its distribution.
R. aromatica was described from a plant growing in the Kew Gardens, in 1789.
The plant was provided to the garden in 1772 by John Bartram.
The source of the plant was “Carolina,” which we now separate into North and South Carolina.
Aiton's description is:
Mixed Latin and English
My Interpretation of the Mixed Latin and English
11. R. foliis ternatis :
foliolis sessilibus ovato-rhombeis inciso-serratis pilosiusculis.
Aromatic Sumach.
Nat. of Carolina. Mr. John Bartram.
Introd. 1772.
Fl. May. H. ♄.
aromati- cum.
| 11. R[hus] leaves in three parts : leaflets sessile, ovate-rhomboid, serrate, puberulent(?).
Aromatic Sumac.
Native to Carolina. [Collected by] Mr. John Bartram.
Introduced (to Kew Garden) in 1772.
Flowers in May. Hardy. Shrubby.
| aromatica
As was common at the time, Aiton used the astrological sign for Saturn to indicate shrubby plants.
 Abbreviations used by Aiton (1789) |
Literature Cited:
- Graustein, Jeannette E., 1967.
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1838-1843.
Nuttall's description of Rhus trilobata in Torrey & Gray (1838).
Rhus trilobata was published by Torrey & Gray (1838-1843) from a manuscript written by Nuttall.
From the location “Rocky Mountains” and the date of publication — 1838 —
it is likely Nuttall made his collection on the Nathaniel Wyeth expedition of 1834-1836 (Graustein, 1967, pp. 277-304).
It seems as though the author should be “Nutt. ex Torrey & A. Gray,”
but no one seems to spell it out that way.
§ 3.
Flowers dioecious or polygamous :
disk glandular, deeply 5-lobed (lobes opposite the petals) :
drupe globose, villous :
nut smooth, compressed:
flowers in short aments, preceding the leaves.
Leaves 3-foliolate.
— Lobadium, Raf.
8. R. aromatica (Ait.) …
9. R. trilobata (Nutt ! Mss.) :
“leaves glabrous, small ;
lateral leaflets obovate, obtuse, 3-lobed at the apex or nearly entire ;
terminal leaflet cuneiform, 3-lobed at the summit, the middle lobe sometimes 3-toothed.
“In the central chain of the Rocky Mountains.
A low leafy shrub ;
the leaves much smaller than in R. aromatica :
terminal leaflet broad, ½–1 inch in length ;
lateral ones smaller.
Drupes scarlet, acid ;
the nut flat, scarcely striate.”
Graustein (1967), Nuttall's biographer, does not mention Rhus trilobata or Nuttall's collection of it.
Literature Cited:
- Watson, Sereno, 1871.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Rhus trilobata, Barkley, 1937;
Raft River Mountains.
Salt Lake Valley.
The Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel was a geological survey made by order of the Secretary of War
under the direction of Brig. and Bvt. Major General A. A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers, by Clarence King, U. S. geologist.
More commonly known as the Fortieth Parallel Survey, the survey conducted field work from 1867 to 1872, exploring the area along the fortieth parallel north from northeastern California, through Nevada, to eastern Wyoming.
Volume 5, Botany, was written by Sereno Watson (1871) with the assistance of Drs. Gray and Torrey and others.
Asa Gray reduced R. trilobata to the rank of variety, which was published in this volume by Watson.
Rhus aromatica, Ait., Var. trilobata, Gray.
(R. trilobata, Nutt.)
Leaves small, rarely exceeding 1' in length, usually glabrous ; leaflets lobed, the divisions entire or sparingly crenate.
Growing in dense leafy clumps, 3-6° high, and having a heavy disagreeable odor,
It is the prevalent western form, extending from Western Texas to Southern California,
and throughout the Rocky Mountains to the Upper Missouri.
Found on the foot-hills around Salt Lake Valley and at the north base of the Raft River Mountains, Utah. (219.)
The Raft River Mountains are just northwest of the Great Salt Lake. The number (219) is the collection number that Watson applied when he distributed the specimens.
 Gray's description of Rhus aromatica var. trilobata in Watson (1871). |
Literature Cited:
- Barkley, Fred Alexander, 1937.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Rhus aromatica var. trilobata, Watson, 1871;
Barkley (1937) treats both Rhus aromatica and R. trilobata at the species rank.
R. aromatica var. trilobata Gray (in Watson, 1871) is placed in synonomy with R. trilobata.
No comment is made regarding the treatment of either species, except that R. trilobata is an
... extremely variable assemblage of plants probably best treated taxonomically as a single polymorphic species running into
several more or less consistent geographic variations…
Barkley also recognizes eight varieties of R. trilobata.
Literature Cited:
- Harrington, H. D., 1964, 2nd ed..
Harrington (1964, 2nd ed.) accepts Rhus trilobata Nutt. Ex T. & G. and one variety, var. simplicifolia (Greene) Barkley.
Literature Cited:
- Weber, W.A., B.C. Johnston, and R. Whittmann., 1981.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Rhus aromatica ssp. trilobata, Weber, 1989;
Weber, et al. (1981) published Rhus aromatica Ait. subsp. pilosissima (Engelm.) W. A. Weber,
without the similar new combination for R. trilobata.
This will be corrected in Weber (1989).
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., 1989.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Rhus aromatica, Weber, et al., 1981;
Rhus aromatica Ait. Subsp. trilobata (Nutt.) W.A. Weber was published in Weber (1989) with the following explanation:
This is a combination inadvertantly omitted from an earlier treatment of Rhus (Weber, et al. 1981).
Neither publication gives any hint of why Weber reduces R. trilobata to a variety of Rhus aromatica
Literature Cited:
- Welsh, Stanley L., N. Duane Atwood, Sherel Goodrich, and Larry C. Higgins, 1993.
Welsh et al. (1993) accept R. aromatica var. trilobata, and one variety, var. simplicifolia (Greene) Conq.
Literature Cited:
- Miller, Allison J., David A. Young, and Jun Wen, 2001.
Miller, et al. (2001) paper about the phylogeny and biogeography of Rhus based on ITS sequence data
is hidden behind a paywall.
Rhus L. (sensu lato) has been considered the largest and most widespread genus in the Anacardiaceae.
Controversy has surrounded the delimitation of the genus.
Historically, seven segregate genera have been recognized:
Actinocheita, Cotinus, Malosma, Melanococca, Metopium, Searsia, and Toxicodendron.
These genera, together with Rhus s.str., are commonly referred to as the Rhus complex.
Rhus s.str. Includes two subgenera, Lobadium (ca. 25 spp.) and Rhus (ca. 10 spp.).
Sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA were employed to examine the monophyly of Rhus s.str.
And to provide insight into the phylogenetic and biogeographic history of the genus.
The ITS data set indicates that Rhus s.str. Is monophyletic.
Actinocheita, Cotinus, Malosma, Searsia, and Toxicodendron are distinct from Rhus s.str.,
although the relationships among these genera of the Rhus complex are not well resolved.
Rhus subgenus Rhus is paraphyletic; the monophyletic subgenus Lobadium is nested within it.
The ITS data set indicates that, for Rhus, the Madro-Tertiary floristic element (subgenus Lobadium) had a single origin within the Arcto-Tertiary floristic element (subgenus Rhus).
Literature Cited:
- Yi Tingshuang, Allison J. Miller, and Jun Wen, 2004.
- Yi, Tingshuang, Allison J. Miller, and Jun Wen, 2004.
Phylogenetic and biogeographic diversification of Rhus (Anacardiaceae) in the Northern Hemisphere
Literature Cited:
- Yi, Tingshuang, Allison J. Miller, and Jun Wen, 2007.
Yi, et al. (2007) published a similar paper on phylogeny of Rhus based on sequences of nuclear and chloroplast genetics found that
(1)Species of Rhus form a monophyletic group … (9) R. aromatica and R. trilobata are sister taxa.
With two notable exceptions … species of subgen. Lobadium were resolved into two clades: …
and (2) R. aromatica–R. trilobata and R. integrifolia–R. ovata.
The present distributions of R. microphylla, R. aromatica–R. trilobata, R. lanceolata, and R. copallina
indicate that the opportunity for hybridization between some or all of these species exist (and likely existed)
in the southwestern U. S. and northern Mexico.
This is one of several phylogeny of Rhus papers that treat both R. aromatica and R. trilobata at the rank of species,
although the relative rank of those two entities is not central to the purpose of those papers.
Literature Cited:
- Andres-Hernandez, A. R., and T. Terrazas, 2009.
Andres-Hernandez (2009) published their analysis of leaf architecture of Rhus.
This was part of their PhD thesis, and will be integral to a later paper (2014) on phylogeny of Rhus
using structural and molecular data.
Literature Cited:
- Schalau, Jeff, and Gene Rwaronite, 2010.
In their publication on wildfire risk reduction in Arizona's interior chaparral, Schalau & Twaronite (2010) list Rhus trilobata as suitable for use in eildfire survivable space.
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Weber & Wittmann (2012) accept R. aromatica Aiton ssp. trilobata (Nuttall) W. A. Weber,
which Weber published in 1989,
and one subspecies, ssp. pilosissima (Engelmann) W. A. Weber,
which Weber published in 1981.
Literature Cited:
- Andres-Hernandez, Agustina Rosa, Teresa Terrazas, Gerardo Salazar, and Helga Ochoterena, 2014.
For R. aromatica, the leaf texture is described as membraneous and the aureole is described as imperfect.
For R. trilobata, the leaf texture is described as chartaceous and the aureole is described as incomplete.
This is another of several phylogeny of Rhus papers that treat both R. aromatica and R. trilobata at the rank of species,
although the relative rank of those two entities is not central to the purpose of those papers.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Ackerfield (2015) accepts Rhus trilobata Nutt.,
placing R. aromatica Aiton in synonomy,
and accepts three varieties: var. simplicifolia (Greene) Barkl., var. pilosissima Engelm., and var. trilobata.
Literature Cited:
- Idaho Firewise, 2017.
Idaho Firewise (2017) lists Rhus trilobata as one of the best shrubs for Zones 1 and 2.
Kuhns & Daniels (2018) list Rhus trilobata as a recommended firewise shrub for Utah.
Toxicodendron Mill.
Literature Cited:
- Miller, Philip, 1754.
Original Text
TOXICODENDRON, Poifon-tree, vulgo.
The Characters are ;
The Flower confifts of five Leaves,
which are placed orbicularly, and expand
in form of a Rofe ; out of whofe
Flower-cup rifes the Pointal, which
afterward becomes a roundifh, dry,
and, for the moft part, furrowed
Fruit, in which is contained one comprefs'd Seed.
The Species are ;
1. Toxicodendron triphyllum
glabrum. Tourn. Three - leav'd
fmooth Poifon-tree.
2. Toxicodendron triphyllum,
folio finuato pubefcente. Tourn. Three-
leav'd Poifon-tree, with a finuated
hairy Leaf.
3. Toxicodendron rectum, foliis
minoribus glabris. Hort. Elth.
Upright Poifon-tree, with fmaller
fmooth Leaves.
4. Toxicodendron rectum pentaphyllum
glabrum, foliis latioribus.
Smooth five-leav'd upright Poifon-tree,
with broader Leaves.
5. Toxicodendron amplexicaule,
foliis minoribus glabris. Hort. Elth.
Climbing Poifon-tree, with fmaller
fmooth Leaves.
6 Toxicodendron foliis alatis,
fructu rhomboide. Hort. Elth. Poifon-tree
with wing'd Leaves, and a Fruit
fhap'd like a Rhombus.
The two firft Species were brought
from Virginia, many Years fince,
where they grow in great Plenty, as
it is probable they do in moft other
Northern Parts of America. The
firft Sort feldom advances in Height ;
but the Branches trail upon the
Ground, and fend forth Roots, by
which they propagate in great Plenty.
The fecond Sort will grow upright,
and make a Shrub about four
or five Feet high, but rarely exceeds
that in this Country. This may be
propagated by Layers, and is equally
as hardy as the former.
The third Sort here mention'd
grows erect to the Height of five or
fix Feet : the Leaves of this Kind are
much fmaller, than thofe of the
common Poifon-oak ; but the Branches
of this are flexible, fo that it
will never make a Shrub of any great
Height or Strength.
The fourth Sort was found in
Maryland, from whence the Seeds
were fent to England. This grows
more upright than the former, and
by the Appearance of the young
Plants, feems to be a Shrub of much
larger Growth.
The fifth Sort is a Native of Virginia,
from whence I received the
Seeds : this puts out Roots from the
Branches, which faften themfelves
to the Stems of Trees, or the Joints
of Walls, by which the Branches
are fupported.
The fixth Sort is a low Shrub,
feldom rifing more than five Feet
high. All the Sorts of Toxicodendron
differ in Sex, the Male never
producing any Fruit, having fmall
herbaceous Flowers, without any
Thefe Plants are preferv'd by the
Curious in Botany, for the fake of
Variety ; but as there is little Beauty
in them, they are not much cultivated
in England. The Wood of thefe
Trees, when burnt, emits a noxious
Fume, which will fuffocate Animals
when they are fhut up in a Room
where it is burnt : an Inftance of
this is mention'd in the Philofophical
Tranfactions by Dr. William Sherard,
which was communicated to him in
a Letter from New-England by Mr.
Moore, in which he mentions fome
People who had cut fome of this
Wood for Fuel, which they were
burning, and in a fhort time they
loft the Ufe of their Limbs, and became
ftupid ; fo that if a Neighbour
had not accidentally open'd the
Door, and feen them in that Condition,
it is generally believ'd they
would foon have perifh'd. This
fhould caution People from making
ufe of this Wood.
All thefe Sorts are hardy Plants,
which will thrive in the open Air in
this Country ; but they love a moift
Soil, and fhuld be planted under
Trees in Wilderneffes, where they
will thrive very well, and endure the
Cold better than where they have a
more open Expofure. They may
be propagated by Seeds, or from
Suckers, which fome of the Sorts
fend forth in plenty, or by laying
down the Branches of thofe Sorts
which do not put forth Suckers ;
which in one Seafon will be fufficiently
rooted to tranfplant ; when
they mould be planted where they
are defign'd to remain. The beft
Time to remove thefe Shrubs is in
March, becaufe then there will be
no Danger of their fuffering by
When a Perfon is poifoned by
handling this Wood, in a few Hours
he feels an itching Pain, which
provokes a Scratching, which is followed
by an Inflammation and Swelling.
Sometimes a Perfon has had his Legs
poifon'd, which have run with Water.
Some of the Inhabitants of
America affirm, they can diftinguifh
this Wood by the Touch in the
Dark, from its extreme Coldnefs,
which is like Ice : but what is mention'd
of this poifonous Quality, is
applicable to the fixth Sort here
mention'd ; which, by the Defcription,
agrees with this Species.
This Sort of Poifon-tree is not only
a Native of America, but grows
plentifully on the Mountains in Japan,
where it is called Fafi No Ki ;
and from this Tree they extract one
Sort of their Varnifh or Lacca, which
they ufe for japanning their Utenfils :
but this is not their beft Kind of Varnifh,
that being made of the Juice of
another Tree, which is alfo very
poifonous, and nearly allied to this ;
and from which fome Writers think
it differs only by Culture.
The Juice of this Tree is milky,
when it lffues oat of the wounded
Part ; but foon after it is expofed to
the Air, it turns black, and has a very
ftrong fetid Scent, and is corrodeing :
for I have obferved, on cutting
off a fmall Branch from one of thefe
Shrubs, that the Blade of the Knife
has been changed black in a Moment's
time, fo far as the Juice had
fpread over it ; which I could not get
off without grinding the Knife.
As this Tree is very common in
Virginia, Carolina, and New-England,
it would be well worth the Inhabitants
Trial, to make this Varnifh.
Literature Cited:
- Greene, Edward L., 1905.
Greene (1905, p. 114) segregated Toxicodendron from Rhus, again.
Segregates of the Genus Rhus
No taxonomic problem is easier, no fact more thoroughly
established, than the identity of the original species, i.e., the
type species of the genus Rhus ; because during more than a
dozen centuries before even Tournefort, the species was but one,
and that familiar to all writers about plants as the variously
useful shrub of the whole Mediterranean region commonly
called Rhus, but also long before Linnaeus written of under the
binary name of Rhus coriaria, which name he also adopted.
The genus was all this while supposed to be monotypical ;
Rhus coriaria, the only Rhus. This fact is so easily apparent
in bibliography, that there is no room for any controversy as to
what is the type of the genus; and neither Tournefort nor
Linnaeus, with the genus in view, could well have done otherwise
than they did in placing it first in the list of species ; placing
it as the type.
In the seventeenth century the genus received two indubitable
accessions from North America in the shrubs now known as
Rhus hirta and R glabra. Nobody questioned or doubted that
these were of that genus. But along with these importations
from our shores came the Poison Ivy ; a type which no authority
did at first, or for a long time after, think of as possibly to
be associated with Rhus congenerically.
Tournefort, before the end of the seventeenth century, proposed
for the two forms known to him the rank of a genus,
which he very fitly named Toxicodendron. Linnaeus suppressed
the genus; but Philip Miller promptly restored it; and several
more since Miller's time have insisted on its validity as a proper
genus, so that now it bids fair for permanent recognition in the
taxonomy of coming years.
A recension of the species of Toxicodendron is no easy
task; so far from easy, I find it one of the most difficult I have
hitherto undertaken. The best treatment of the genus extant,
as to the early and typical species, is that of Dillenius in 1732.
Linnaeus twenty years later, as his custom was, reduced the
genus to Rhus and confused the species. Philip Miller sixteen
years after this restored the genus, and also the Dillenian
species of it, adding excellent descriptions of two or three new
ones. In these two classic revisions of Tournefort's
Toxicodendron, and not at all in Linnaeus, lie the means of
identifying all the species early recognized.
The following represents my present understanding of the
names and principal syonymy of the known species.
Greene goes on to nominate T. vulgare Mill. as the type of Toxicodendron.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Toxicodendron rydbergii;
Toxicodendron rydbergii (Small ex Rydb.) Greene “Western Poison Ivy”
Literature Cited:
- Rydberg, Per Axel, 1900a.
Rydberg (1900, pp. 268-269) first recognized Western Poison Ivy as a distinct species in his
Catalogue of the Flora of Montana and Yellowstone National Park.
* Rhus Rydbergii Small.
A single-stemmed shrub, less than a meter high, with grayish,
somewhat striate bark ; leaves pinnately 3-foliolate with petioles
6-12 dm. long; leaflets 3-10 cm. long, broadly ovate, often somewhat
rhomboid, rather thick, bright green, strongly veined beneath,
glabrous except the veins on the lower surface, with wavy or sinuately
toothed margins ; flowers in small conical axillary panicles,
which are much shorter than the petioles, their branches short ;
flowers yellow; petals about 3 mm. long, ovate, whitish yellow with
greenish streaks; fruit when ripe white and shining,' a little
depressed-globular, 5-6 mm. in diameter.
It has been invariably mistaken for R. Toxicodendron, which has
pubescent sinuatelv lobed leaflets, and is confined to the southeastern
United States. From R. radicans (R. Toxicodendron var. radicans),
it differs in never being a climber, but always an erect shrub, in the
thicker, somewhat glaucous leaves, the smaller and denser panicles,
and the larger flowers and fruit. Both grow together in Nebraska,
and they always remain distinct. The present species occurs on hillsides
and in open woods, from Kansas to Arizona and British Columbia.
Montana: Great Falls, 1885, R. S. Williams, 291;
northern Montana, F. W. Anderson.
Literature Cited:
- Greene, Edward L., 1905.
Greene (1905, p. 117) provided a name for Rhus Rydbergii in Toxicodendron.
Original Text
T. Rydbergii. Rhus Rydbergii, Small, in Rydb. Fl. Mont.
268, in part. Well distinguished by Mr. Small, for the plant
of Montana, occurring in Wyoming, mountain districts of Colorado,
southward even to New Mexico, apparently, but hardly
including that of Washington and Oregon.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Acer glabrum;
Acer glabrum Torr. Rocky Mountain Maple.
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John G., 1828.
Torrey (1828, p. 172) ...
Original Text
48. Acer glabrum,
foliis subrotundis, 5-7-lobis, basi truncatis, lobis acute dentatis, utrinque glabris ;
corymbis pedunculatis ;
fructibus glabris, alis divergentibus, lato-ovatus.
Hab. On the Rocky Mountains.
Leaves in long petioles, green on both sides,
very smooth on every part, slightly cordate at the base, 5-7-lobed ;
the sinuses acute.
Umbels on peduncles about a half an inch long.
Fruit with very broad diverging wings.
There was but one specimen of this plant in the collection,
which was in fruit.
The flowers remain to be examined.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Acer negundo L. “Box Elder Maple”;
Acer negundo L. “Box Elder Maple”
(Syn: Acer negundo L. var. interius (Britton) Sarg., Negundo aceroides (L.) Moench )
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, vol. 2, p. 1056) ...
9. ACER foliis compofitis, floribus racemofis.
Hort. cliff. 144.
Gron. virg. 154.
Roy. lugdb.460.
Acer maximum, foliis trifidis & quinquefidis, virginianum
Pluk. alm. 7. t. 123. f. 45.
Habitat in Virginia.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Xanthoceras sorbifolium;
Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge
First published as Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge, although the current preferred orthography is X. sorbifolium Bunge,
probably something to do with proper Latin.
Literature Cited:
- Bunge, Alexander von, 1835.
Bunge (1835, p. 85) ...
65 Xanthoceras Bge.
Char. gen.
Flores abortu polygamo-monoici.
Sepala quinque subaequalia obtusa.
Petala quinque hypogyna basi villosa.
Glandulae quinque petalis alternae lingulatae reflexae.
Stamina octo hypogyna.
Antherae apice glandula auctae biloculares intus dehiscentes.
Ovarium globosum triloculare, loculis octo-ovulatis.
Stylus simplex crassus.
Stigma capitatum trilobum.
Capsula corticata trilocularis trivalvis, valvis medio septiferis, dehiscens, polysperma.
Semina magna obovato-subglobosa, compressa.
Affinitas. Ab omnibus Sapindaceis loculis fructus multiovulatis differt.
Nomen a glandulis inter petala sitis cornuformibus flavis desumptum.
Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bge.
Hab. In montosis Chinae borealis rarior.
Floret Aprili; Junio Julioque fructus maturat.
Arbor 10-15 pedes alta, foliis impari-pinnatis, foliolis serratis ;
floribus terminalibus gemmaceis, racemosis, albis.
Capsula magnitudine mali, trigono-subglobosa.
Semina magna, nitida, nigra.
ChatGPT rewrote my prose above as follows:
“In a quiet alley of Golden, Colorado, nestled between a fence post and a telephone pole,
lies a wondrous collection of Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge, more commonly known as the "Yellowhorn" tree. The remarkable discovery of this tree was made in 2023, despite it being several years old. The homeowner was surprised to find it there, as they had not planted it themselves nor were they even aware of its existence.
“Interestingly, this particular Yellowhorn tree is not the only one of its kind in Colorado. Two other collections have been reported in Logan County, one dating back to 1960 and the other all the way back to 1919. Furthermore, the Denver Botanic Garden is home to several specimens of the tree, including a hardy cultivar known as "'Psgan' Clear Creek," which was developed at Green Acres Nursery in Golden, Colorado.
“The name "Yellowhorn" is derived from the large orange nectaries found inside the base of the flower, and the leaves bear a striking resemblance to the "Mountain ash" of the Sorbus family. However, this beautiful tree has been given many other common names, including "Chinese Flowering Chestnut," "Flowering Yellowhorn," "Tree Goldenhorn," "Popcorn Shrub," and "Shiny Leaf Yellowhorn."
“Initially classified in the Sapinadaceae, or Soapberry Family, the Yellowhorn tree was later discovered to be a sister group to Sapindaceae s.l. after a recent phylogenetic analysis. This led to the suggestion that it should be placed in its own monotypic family, Xanthoceraceae. However, the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group currently places the tree in its own subfamily, Xanthoceratoideae Thorne & Reveal, within the Sapindaceae family. Despite some disagreements over its classification, one thing is certain: the Yellowhorn tree is a remarkable and fascinating species that continues to captivate botanists and nature lovers alike.”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Ceanothus fendleri;
Ceanothus fendleri A. Gray “Fendler's Ceanothus”
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1849.
Ceanothus fendleri A.Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts 29 (1849).
106. Ceanothus Fendleri (sp. nov.) : intricato-ramosissimus ; ramis ramulisque
teretibus gracilibus saepe spinescentibus cinereo-puberulis demum glabratis laevibus ; foliis
parentis (⅓-½ unc. longis) ovalibus scu ellipticis obtusis integerrimis eglandulosis
trinerviis subtus sericeo-canescentibus supra glabriusculis viridibus ;
glomerulis densis sessilibus ; floribus glabris albis.
Mountains east of Santa Fe, in sunny places ; June (in
flower), and July, in fruit. Shrub about a foot and a half high and two feet in diameter.
Allied to C. depressus, Benth. Pl. Hartw. no. 29; but much more slender, the
Thyme-shaped leaves smaller and not glandular, &c. Fruit about as large as in C.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Ceanothus herbaceus;
Ceanothus herbaceus Raf. “Jersey Tea”
Literature Cited:
- Rafinesque, C. S., 1808.
Ceanothus herbaceus Raf., Med. Repos. 5: 360 (1808).
19. Canothus herbaceus ; stem annual ; leaves ovate
semi-serrated smooth, flowers in a terminal thyrsus ;
grows near the falls of the Potowmack, between the rocks.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Rhamnus cathartica;
Rhamnus cathartica L. “European Buckthorn”
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, 1824.
Torrey (1824) knew of the plant, and thought it to be introduced to America.
2. R. catharticus L. : spines terminal ; flowers generally
4-cleft, polygamo-dioecious ; leaves ovate ; stem erect ;
berries 4-seeded. Willd. Spec. I. p. 1093.
Smith Fl. Brit. I. p. 263.
Eng. Bot. t. 1629.
Roem. & Schult. V. p. 276.
A small tree or large shrub, with spreading branches and grayish
Leaves fasciculate and opposite, on petioles one-third
their length, nervose, an inch and a half long ; margin
erosely denticulate.
Flowers clustered, on short axillary pedicels.
Segments of the calyx lanceolate, recurved.
Petals very small, yellowish-green.
Stamens 4, a little longer than
the flowers ; anthers didymous, oblong.
Stigma 4-cleft.
Berries black, nauseous and cathartic.
Hab. On mountains and in woods. Abundant in Williamstown,
and other parts of New-England, apparently indigenous.
Dewey. In the most retired parts of the Highlands of New-York. Barratt.
I suspect this plant has been introduced into this country at
an early period, and that it is not really indigenous.
Dr. Barratt informs me, that the old inhabitants of the Highlands remember
to have seen it in gardens before it appeared in the woods.
Literature Cited:
- Knight, Kathleen S., Jessica S. Kurylo, Anton G. Endress, J. Ryan Stewart, and Peter B. Reich, 2007.
Knight, et al. (2007) reviewed the characteristics of R. cathartica.
Physiological studies have uncovered traits
including shade tolerance, rapid growth, high
photosynthetic rates, a wide tolerance of moisture
and drought, and an unusual phenology that may
give R. cathartica an advantage in the environments
it invades. Its high fecundity, bird-dispersed
fruit, high germination rates, seedling
success in disturbed conditions, and secondary
metabolite production may also contribute to its
ability to rapidly increase in abundance and
impact ecosystems. R. cathartica impacts ecosystems
through changes in soil N, elimination of the
leaf litter layer, possible facilitation of earthworm
invasions, unsubstantiated effects on native plants
through allelopathy or competition, and effects
on animals that may or may not be able to use it
for food or habitat.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Parthenocissus quinquefolia;
Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch. “Virginia Creeper”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Parthenocissus vitacea;
Parthenocissus vitacea (Knerr) Hitchcock “Woodbine, Thicket Creeper”
Literature Cited:
- Knerr, E. B., 1893.
Knerr (1893, v. 18, 1893) ...
Notes on a variety of Ampelopsis quinquefolia— For the past ten
years I have been observing a variety of the Virginia creeper that is
quite marked by characteristic points of difference from the type
species. Other students of botany must have noticed this variation
and it is strange if nothing has been published upon the subject, but
thus far I have failed to find anything1 . My attention was first called
to the variation by neighbors who had transplanted the Virginia
creeper from the woods but complained that it failed to cling to the
side of the house. That was in the Miami valley in Ohio. I have
since observed it in southern Iowa and in eastern Kansas. It does
seem to me that the peculiarities are sufficient to distinguish it as
permanent variety and it should be so recognized in our manuals.
In the first place the habit of growth is quite different from the type
species. As is well known this latter climbs by clinging very closely
to its support whether that be a tree or a wall. The variety does not
cling so closely to its support. In fact it is'impossible for it to cling to
a wall or even a tree unless the bark be very rough, owing to the
structure of its tendrils. It climbs more like the grape and the
clematis by trailing over low shrubbery to that which is higher, until it
may reach the lower branches of a tree when it may rise to a considerable
able height by reaching from branch to branch rather than by clinging
close to the body of the tree and larger branches.
Sometimes in transplanting the Virginia creeper this variety is hit
upon and the unobserving wonder why it fails to cling to the side of
the house. On examination the tendrils will be found to be more like
grape tendrils, long curling and grasping by recurved tips, rather
than short, digitate and clinging by disk-like expansions as in the case
of the typical species. The leaves also differ quite perceptibly, being
much larger for the same age in the variation, and having longer
petioles both for the leaf proper and for the leaflets. The margins
are more distinctly serrate with larger teeth. The internodes of the
stem are much longer in the variety, causing the leaves to be fewer and
more scattered. The nodes are more swollen as are the leaf petioles
at the base, making a much larger leaf scar, but the axillary buds are
The stem of the type species is quite rough, furrowed and warty
especially as it grows older, while the variety is much smoother. The
fruit ot the variety is more abundant, berries larger and in more open
In short the whole aspect of the variety is more grape-like and for
this reason I suggest the name A. quinquefolia, var. vitacea.
E. B. Knerr, Midland College, Atchison, Kansas.
1[See W. R. Lazenby in this journal xiii 233 and xv 233. —Eds.]
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Vitis riparia;
Vitis riparia Michx. “Riverbank Grape”
Literature Cited:
- Hitchcock, A. S., 1894.
Hitchcock (1894, p. 26) ...
Calyx shortly -5 toothed. Petals expanding.
Leaves palmately compound.
P. quinquefolia, (L.) Planch. Leaflets 5, clinging to rough supports
by disk-like terminations. Woods, common. The older parts provided
with aerial rootlets.
P. vitacea, (Knerr) Hitchc. Differs from the above in having no
aerial rootlets; the canes smooth, and lighter colored; the tendrils dichotomous
like the grape, and usually without disks; the inflorescence dichotomous
rather than pinnate as in the former; flowering about two weeks
earlier; the fruit maturing earlier and considerably larger. Woods,
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Malva neglecta;
Malva neglecta Wallr. “Common Mallow”
Literature Cited:
- Wallroth, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm, 1824.
Wallroth (1824, v. 1, p. 140) ...
Original Text
| Comments and Interpretation
1. Malva neglecta Wallr.
Char. spec. M. seminum arillis pubescentibus
immarginatis dorso latusculisque laevigatis ,
calyculi foliolis linearibus , laciniis
calycinis ovatis corolla duplo breviotibus
receptaculum lenticulare attingentibus ,
pedunculis fructiferis declinatis , foliis suborbiculatis
obsolete - 5 angularibus , caule diffuse
Flor. Dan. t. 721. Schk. t. 192. (opt.), Engl. bot. t. 1092.
M. rotundifolia Linn. sp. pl. ex synon.
Bauh. nec flor. suec. et herb.
Poll. Leyss. Hoffm. Leers . Willd. Schk. Roth. Spr. et
omnium auct. Fl. germ. exclus. syn. Linn.
M. sylvestris perennis decumbens, flore minore
albo, folio rotundo Moris. hist. s. v. 521. t. 17. f. 7.
M. sylv. folio rotundo C. Bauh. pin. 314. cum synonym.
Patria: In suburbiorum areis desertis , juxta
plateas spurcas , parietes , sepes , in quibus assurgit ,
in sterquiliniis et ruderibus abundat cum
Lappis, Chenopodiis et Polygonis. Fl. Junio
inde per totam aestatem.
Hometown: In the deserted areas of outlying islands
filthy streets , walls , hedges on which it rises,
he abounds in manure and rubble
Lappis, Chenopodius and Polygonis. Fl. June
thence throughout the summer.
Descriptio: ... [omitted.]
Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Wallroth (13 March 1792 in Breitenstein, Saxony-Anhalt – 22 March 1857 in Nordhausen) was a German botanist. His name is abbreviated Wallr. as a taxon authority.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Sphaeralcea coccinea;
Sphaeralcea coccinea (Nutt.) Rydb. “Scarlet Globemallow”
Literature Cited:
- Moulton, Gary E., 1999.
Marias River.
Moulton (1999) presents two vouchers of Sphaeralcea coccinea from the Lewis & Clark herbarium.
Both were of the same collection dated July 20, 1806, on the Marias River, Toole County, Montana.
The material was separated and some stayed at the Americal Philosophical Society,
while some was taken by Pursh to England and ended up in the Lambert Herbarium,
which Pursh (1814) cited.
Literature Cited:
- Fraser, John, 1813.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Fraser's Catalogue, publication details;
Fraser's (1813) Catalogue, with at least some entries written by Nuttall, is the first publication of S. coccinea.
Original Text
| Comments
51 *Malva coccinea. ‡
Flowers scarlet, produced in dense spikes.
Met with from the river Platte to the Rocky Mountains.
The double dagger (‡) indicates that the plant is a perennial.
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1816.
Pursh (Vol. 2, 1814, p. 453-4) describes Cristaria coccinea from
Fraser's (1813) Catalogue
and the Lewis herbarium.
Original Text
553. CRISTARIA. Cavan. ic. 5. p 10.
1. C. undique cano-tomentosa et pilis stellatis obsita ;
foliis 3-5-fidis, laciniis incisis acutis, racemis terminalibus,
caule diffuso.
Malva coccinea. Fraser. Catal.
On the dry prairies and extensive plains of the Missouri.
Aug. Sept.
v. v. ; v. s. in Herb. Lewis.
Flowers scarlet.
Caluis teres, subpedalis, ramosus, ramis diffusis, tomentosis, pilis stellatis distinctis obsitis, uti tota planta.
Folia alterna, petiolata, palmato 3-5 partita: laciniis sub-pinnatifida-incisis, lobis sinubusque acutis.
Petioli teretes, longitudine folii.
Stipulae lineares, erectae, marcescentes.
Flores terminales, racemosi, coccinei, diametro pollicari.
Calyx 5-fidus, laciniis lanceolatis acutis.
Petala 5. oblique cuneato-obcordata, subunguiculata, ad ungues fasciculata-villosa, calyce duplo longiora.
Filamenta monadelpha, numerosa, in columnam brevem connata, superne libera, patentia.
Styli circiter 10.
Fructus orbiculatus.
The singularly stellated fasciculi of hair, placed in the close tomentum,
and its bright scarlet flowers, make this plant particularly interesting.
Pursh doesn't tell us where he saw this plant in the live condition, but we can guess that he saw it in Fraser's garden
or that his benefactor, A. B. Lambert, was growing specimens obtained from Fraser's garden.
We wil
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
Original Text
478. MALVA. L. (Mallow.)
Calix double; the exterior mostly 3-leaved.
Petals 5.
Capsules many, 1-seeded, disposed orbicularly.
Shrubby or herbaceous;
leaves alternate and stipulate, undivided, or palmately lobed;
flowers axillary or terminal, solitary,
more or less aggregated or racemose.
(Pubescence stellate.)
1. M. abutiloides.
2. caroliniana. A Sida?
3. rotundifolia Introduced.
4. triloba. In Carolina.
5. * coccinea. T. N. in Fras. Catal. 1813.
A very beautiful species with scarlet flowers disposed in dense recemes (sic);
outer calix wanting, leaves mostly trifid, canescently tomentose.
From the confluence of the river Platte and the Missouri,
often extending over the plains in such quantities as to communicate a brilliant redness to thousands of acres.
This plant has no sort of affinity to Cristaria,
and by the fruit is a genuine Malva.
A genus of more than 60 species,
many of them indigenous to tropical America,
to the Cape of Good Hope,
and some to Europe.
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1849.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Gray, 1849, publication details;
Original Text
81, 82. Malvastrum coccineum :
humilis, incanum ;
cailibus e basi sublignosa ramosis diffusis ;
foliis trisectis tripartitisva, segmentis lateralibus saepius bipartis intermedio trifido, lobis oblongis linearibusve integris seu paucidentatis ;
floribus inferioribus solitariis rariusve geminis in axillis foliorum, sperioiribus in racemum strictum digestis ;
bracteis subulatis deciduis ;
bracteolis involucelli 1-2 setaceis fugacibus ;
coccis 9-12 clausis dorso subtiberculatis cano-tomentosis.
Gray, Gen. Ill. t. 219.
Cristaria coccinea, Pursh ! Fl. 2. p. 453.
Malva coccinea, Nutt. ! Gen. 2. p. 81 ; Bot. Mag. t. 1643.
Sida coccinea. DC. Prodr. 1. p. 465 ;
Hook. Fl. Bor.-Am. 1. p. 109;
Torr. & Gray ! Fl. 1. p. 235.
Var. β dissectum : nanum ;
foliis 3-5-partitis,
segmentis 3-5-fidis lobisque anguste linearibus.
Sida dissecta, Nutt. ! in Torr. & Gray, l. c.;
Hook. & Arn. ! Bot. Beech. Suppl. p. 327.
Plains, &c., Santa Fe, and East to Rock Creek and Poñi Creek of the Canadian ; June to September.
In flower and fine fruit.
Some varying forms as to foliage are distributed under these numbers ;
under one of them there are a few specimens of the var. dissecta,
or of forms that evidently collect the Sida dissecta of Nuttall with the S. coccinea.
I have for several years cultivated this species,
from seed brought from the Upper Missouri by Mr. Sprague,
and had ascertained that its radicle is inferior, as in Malva.
An account of the genus, of which this is one of the typical species,
is given in the subjoined revision of the genera allied to Malva.
Literature Cited:
- Rydberg, Per Axel, 1913.
Rydberg (1913) argued that Gray's (1849) Malvastrum should be merged into Sphaeralcea.,
Original Text
Sphaeralcea coccinea (Nutt.) Rydb.
Malva coccinea Nutt. Fras. Cat. 1813.
Cristaria coccinea Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 454. 1814.
Sida coccinea DC. Prod. 1: 465. 1824.
Malvastrum coccineum A. Gray, Mem. Am. Acad. 4: 21. 1849
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Hypericum perforatum;
Hypericum perforatum L. “Common St. John's Wort”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 2, p. 785) …
Original Text
14. HYPERICUM floribus trigynis, caule ancipiti, foliis obtufis pellucido-punctatis.
Hort. cliff. 380. Fl. fucc. 635. Mat. med. 368. Roy. lugdb. 474.
Hall. helv. 630. Dalib. parif. 233.
Hypericum vulgare. Bauh. pin. 279.
Hypericon. Dod. pempt. 76.
Habitat in Europae pratis. ♃
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Hybanthus verticillatus;
Hybanthus verticillatus (Ortega) Baill. “Baby Slippers”
Literature Cited:
- Ortega, Casmiro Gomez, 1797.
Ortega (1797, 4, p. 50) described Viola verticillata from plants grown at the Royal Gardens of Madrid
from seeds sent from Mexico by D. Sesse.
Original Text
| Comments
Habitat in Nova Hispania.
Habitat in Mexico.
Floret mense Septembri in Horto Reg. Matrit. e seminibus missis per D. Sesse.
Flowers in Septermber in the Royal Garden of Madrid from seeds sent by D. Sesse.
Literature Cited:
- Baillon, Henri, 1867-95.
Henri Baillon (1867-95, v. 4 [1873], pp.344-345) writing about the Violet family – Violacees &ndash places a group of plants with similar characteristics in Hybanthus.
Original Text
| Comments
Les propriétés des plantes de cette famillle sont assez homogenes.
Leurs racines sont vomitives, à un faible degre dans les especes europeennes,
a un degre assez prononce dans les especes de l'Amerique australe,
pour qu'on les ait souvent employees comme Faux-Ipecacuanhas.
La plus célèbre, a cet égard, est la plante qui donne le Faux-Ipecacuanha
du Brésil et de la Guyane, médicament très-employé dans
som pays natal aux memes usages 6 que les vrais Ipecacuanhas,
auxquels on le substitute frequemment ;
cette espece devra sans doute prendre le num d'Hybanthus Ipecacuanha
La racine de Cuichunchilli ou Cuchunchully du Perou,
autre vomitif puissant, appartient a une seconda espece du meme genre,
l'H. microphyllus8
The properties of the plants of this family are quite homogeneous.
Their roots are emetic, to a low degree in European species,
to a fairly pronounced degree in species from southern America,
so that they were often used as Faux-Ipecacuanhas.
The most famous, in this respect, is the plant which gives the False-Ipecacuanha
from Brazil and Guyana, a drug widely used in
his native country with the same 6 uses as the real Ipecacuanhas,
to which it is frequently substituted;
this species will undoubtedly have to take the name of Hybanthus Ipecacuanha
The root of Cuichunchilli or Cuchunchully from Peru,
another powerful vomit, belongs to a second species of the same genus,
l H. microphyllus 8
[p. 344, Footnote 6]
6. Evacuant, vomitif, purgatif, antidysenterique, etc.; il renferme de l'emetine.
6. Evacuating, emetic, purgative, anti-dysentery, etc .; it contains ememetine.
Les H. scandens, … verticillatus1 …
quoique moins connus,
aont autant d'especes decrites comme appartenant au genre Ionidium,
et qui,
possedant des proprietes vomitives plus ou moins accentuees,
sont employees comme Ipecachuanhas faux ou blancs dans les regions
les plus chaudes de l'Amerique.
The H. scandens , … verticillatus 1 …
although less known,
have as many species described as belonging to the genus Ionidium ,
and that,
possessing more or less accentuated emetic properties,
are employed as false or white Ipecachuanhas in the hottest regions
of America.
[p. 345, Footnote 1]
1. Viola verticillata Orteg., Dec., IV, 50
— Solea verticillata Spreng., in Schrad. Journ., II (1800), 190, t. 6.
— Ionidium polygalaefolium Vent., Malmais., t. 27.
— DC., Prodr., a. 13.
— H. B. K., Nov. gen. et spec., V, 376, t. 496
(Mexique et Antilles).
| |
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Viola canadensis;
Viola canadensis L. “Canadian White Violet”
(Syn: Viola rydbergii Greene, Viola scopulorum (A. Gray) Greene)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Viola nuttallii;
Viola nuttallii Pursh “Nuttall's Violet”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Viola odorata;
Viola odorata L. “Common Sweet Violet”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Viola pedatifida;
Viola pedatifida G. Don “ Prairie Violet”
Literature Cited:
- Don, George, 1831-1838.
Don, George (1831, v. 1, p. 320) ...
3. V. pedati'fida : leaves pedately 3-parted, middle partition trifid, lateral ones all bifid, all lobed.
Very like V. pedata, but differs in the two lateral petals being bearded.
♄ H. Native of North America. Flowers beautiful blue.
Pedatifid-leaved Violet. Fl. May, June. Clt. 1826. Pl. ¼ ft.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Mentzelia albicaulis;
Mentzelia albicaulis (Douglas ex Hook.) Douglas ex Torr. & A. Gray “White-Stem Blazing Star”
Literature Cited:
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson, 1829-1840.
Hooker (1834, v. 1, p. 222) …
Original Text
3. B[artonia] albicaulis; petalis 5 obovatis (parvis), staminibus petaloideis nullis, bracteis nullis,
caule laevissimo nitido albo. Douglas, MSS. apud Hort Soc. Lond. — Mentzelia albicaulis.
Douglas, in Herb. nostr.
Long Latin description omitted.
Hab. On arid sandy plains of the river Columbia, under the shade of Purshia tridentata. Douglas. —
Mr. Douglas seemed to be doubtful whether this new plant should be referred to Bartonia or Mentzelia,
It partakes, indeed, in some characters of the one, and some of the other. Mr. Nuttall, who has perhaps
alone of any living Botanist had the opportunity of examining both Bartonia and Mentzelia in a recent
state, and who may be considered to have established the former genus, says that “ nothing essential
separates Bartonia from Mentzelia, except the augmentation of petals, and the structure of the capsules
and seeds.” In regard to the augmentation of petals, Mr. Nuttall himself observes that in Bartonia their
number varies from ten to fifteen. We have shown in the two preceding species, that it is reduced to five,
but with five petaloid stamens, or imperfect petals. In the present plant, the petaloid stamens are wanting ;
and the number of petals exactly accords with Mentzelia. Again, in Bartonia, the seeds ought to be,
according to Nuttall, “ numerous, arranged horizontally in a double series ;” in Mentzelia, the “ seeds are
3-6, longitudinally arranged.” In our plant, the seeds are numerous (25-40, Douglas), placed in a single
series. — For a knowledge of the structure of the flowers and seeds of this plant, I am indebted to a beautiful
drawing which accompanied the specimen lent to me by Professor Lindley, and made by that admirable
| |
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1838-1843.
Torrey & A. Gray (1840, v. 1, p. 534) ...
Original Text
6. M. albicaulis (Dougl. mss.) : low, branching from the base; stem
white and polished and nearly glabrous below ; leaves lanceolate, remote,
deeply sinuate-pinnatifid, sessile, scabrous ; flowers (small) solitary or mostly
in loose clusters, not bracteolate ; petals obovate, scarcely exceeding the
short subulate-lanceolate calyx-segments ; filaments (20-30) all subulate-filiform ;
capsules cylindrical, narrow, elongated ; seeds 20-40.
Bartonia albicaulis, Hook. ! fl. Bor.-Am. 1. p. 222.
Trachyphytum albicaulis & T. gracile ! Nutt. mss.
Arid sandy plains of the Oregon, under the shade of Purshia tridentata,
Douglas. Plains of the Oregon and Rocky Mountains, Nuttall ! June.
Stem 6-10 inches high. Petals about 2 lines in length, yellow.
The pubescence, although less in degree, is of two kinds, like that of M. Lindleyi, &c.
| |
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Mentzelia dispersa;
Mentzelia dispersa S. Watson “Bushy Blazing Star”
Watson (1871, v. 5, p. 114) ...
Original Text
Var. integrifolia. Usually branched ; leaves ovate, oblong or oblong-
lanceolate, entire or sinuately toothed or pinnatifid ; flowers and fruit as in the
ordinary M. albicaulis, but the seeds rather few (6—20) and some of the 15-20
filaments occasionally petaloid. — There seems very little to separate this from
M. micrantha, H. & A., which has the same habit and foliage and is by no
means constant in having a 3-seeded capside, having sometimes half-a-dozen
or more seeds. This is 663 Geyer, 571 Hall & Harbour, and 195 Vasey.
East Humboldt Mountains, Nevada, and Antelope Island and the Wahsatch,
Utah; 4,500-0,000 feet altitude ; June, July. (430.)
Literature Cited:
- Watson, Sereno, 1871.
- Watson, Sereno, 1876.
Watson (1876, v. 11, n.s., v. 3, p. 137) ...
Original Text
Mentzelia dispersa. A slender annual, usually about a foot
high ; leaves narrowly lanceolate, sinuate-toothed or sometimes entire,
rarely pinnatifid, the uppermost often ovate: flowers small, mostly
approximate near the ends of the branches; calyx-lobes a line long, little
shorter than the five spatulate or obovate petals : filaments not dilated :
capsule narrowly linear-clavate, six to nine lines long : seeds very
often in a single row, angular and somewhat rhombohedral, more or less
grooved upon the angles, very nearly smooth, half a line long. — M.
albicaulis, var. integrifolia, Watson, Bot. King's Rep. 114. From
Washington Territory to Colorado and southward, frequent ;
Yosemite Valley, Bolander ; Guadalupe Island, Palmer. Much resembling
M. albicaulis, Dougl., with which it has been confounded almost from
the first, but which is distinguished by its more pinnatifid leaves and
slightly larger flowers, and especially by its rather strongly tuberculate
seeds, irregularly angled with obtuse margins. The rarer allied
species M. micrantha differs in its more leafy habit and small ovate
leaves, and in its shorter, broader and few-seeded capsules, the seeds a
line long.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Mentzelia multiflora;
Mentzelia multiflora (Nutt.) A. Gray. “Adonis Blazing Star”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1848b.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1848, publication details;
Nuttall (1848, p. 180) plants collected by William Gambel.
Original Text
B. *multiflora.
Biennial ? Stem smooth, white and shining, corymbosely branched ;
leaves narrow-lanceolate, sinuate, pinnatifid, attenuated below and sessile ;
flowers subtended by one or two linear bractes;
petals 10, oblong-oval, obtuse;
capsule urceolate, with three to four valves ;
segments of the calyx long and subulate ;
seeds in a double series, winged.
Sandy hills along the borders of the Rio del Norte.
Santa Fe, (Mexico.)
Flowering in August.
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1849.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Gray, 1849, publication details;
Gray (1849) placed the plant in Mentzelia in his Plantae Fendleriana.
Original Text
242. M. multiflora.
Nutt. Pl. Gamb. in Jour, Acad, Philad. n. ser. 1. p. 180? under Bartonia.
Santa Fe ; June, July.
Flower seldom open in the day-time.
Also along the Arkansas near Bent's Fort ; Sept.
(I have not seen the latter specimens.)
The specimens are a foot of more in height,
with most of the leaves rather deeply pinnatifid,
and flowers about one fourth larger than those of an original specimen of Nuttall's Bartonia pumila in Dr. Torrey's herbarium.
with which, except in the greater size, they accord tolerably well.
The stems become bright white with age, as in other species.
The petals apparently straw-color, perhaps white,
are one half or one third of an inch in length, obovate or spatulate and rather obtuse,
except with age, exceeding the subulate calyx-segments, and longer than the ovary.
The outer filaments are conspicuously dilated.
In have the same species, apparently, from Coulter's Californian collection,
but with rather larger flowers, and mire interruptedly pinnatifid leaves.
In Dr. Torrey's herbarium I notice specimens, for the most part imperfect,
referable either to this plant or to M. pumila itself,
gathered on the Upper Platte or Arkansas by Dr. James in Long's expedition,
and in the valley of the Rio del Norte, New Mexico, by Lieut. Emory.
I can hardly doubt that it is the Bartonia multiflora of Nuttall,
although the petals are not quite so large as he describes them.
There is a related species in Texas, which I have also flowered in cultivation.*
This last species is M. wrightii A. Gray s. nov., which Gray goes on to describe.
Literature Cited:
- Hufford, Larry, John J. Schenk, and Joshua M. Brokaw, 2017.
Hufford, et al. (2017) retain all of Mentzelia s.l. in a single genus, and place M. multiflora in section Bartonia.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Mentzelia nuda;
Mentzelia nuda (Pursh) Torr. & A. Gray “Bractless Blazing Star”
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814, v. 1, p. 328) …
Original Text
2. B. germine nudo, seminibus alatis. Sims l. c.
On the banks of the Missouri. Nuttall. ♂.
July, Aug. v. v.
This species has smaller flowers, and the leaves are not so glaucous as the foregoing :
in every other respect the above description is applicable to the present one, with little deviation.
The number of petals is variable, from to to fifteen.
The “foregoing” is Bartonia ornata Pursh.
Pursh placed B. decapetala Sims in synonomy, which we now know as Mentzelia decapetala (Sims) Urb.
M. decapetala is not known from Jefferson County; collections are from Boulder to the north and east,
and Colorado Springs to the south and east.
Pursh's Index Auctorum has two entries for Sims.
- Annals of bot. — Annals of Botany, by C. Konig and J. Sims. 2 vols. London, 1805, 1806. 8vo.
- Bot. mag. — Curtis's Botanical Magazine, continued by J. Sims. London, 1801 et seq. 8vo.
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1838-1843.
Torrey & Gray (1838, v. 1, p. 535) ...
Original Text
9. M. nuda : rough with a minute barbed pubescence ; leaves somewhat
lanceolate, interruptedly pinnatifid, the segments obtuse ; flowers (large)
terminating the branches, not bracteolate ; petals 10; stamens very numerous;
the exterior filaments petaloid and often sterile, the others filiformn ; capsules
3-valved at the summit ; seeds numerous, winged. — Bartonia nuda, Nutt
l. c. ; Pursh, Fl. 1. p. 328, & 2. p. 749 ; DC. I. c.
Gravelly hills of the Missouri, near the Great Bend, Nuttall, Dr. .James !
July-Aug. — We have drawn up the character of this, as well as of the preceding
species, wholly from the excellent and complete description of Nuttall,
as we possess only an imperfect specimen collected by Dr. James. The
flowers are about half the size of those of M. ornata ; and the root, Mr. Nuttall
thinks, is triennial or perhaps perennial.
The preceding was M. ornata now treated as a synonym of M. decapetala.
Literature Cited:
- Osterhout, George F., 1901b.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Mentzelia speciosa;
Mentzelia speciosa Osterh. “Plains Blazing Star”
Literature Cited:
- Osterhout, George F., 1901a.
Osterhout (1901, v. 28, n. 11, p. 644) ...
Original Text
Mentzelia aurea
Perennial, the stem whitish, rather stout, finely pubescent,
glandular on the pedicels and ovary ; corymbosely branched from
near the base, the leaves linear to oblong, sinuate-dentate to
sinuate-pinnatifid, the lower including the narrowly winged petiole,
10 to 15 cm. long, hispid on both sides : flowers numerous, vespertine,
the earlier ones sessile, the others on pedicels 1-2 cm. long :
petals 10, the five outer ones whitish on the outside, 2 cm. long
and 8 mm. wide at the widest portion, narrowed to a claw which is
nearly half the length of the whole petal ; the five inner ones narrow
and not more than half the size of the outer, a number of the outer
filaments also petaloid : the capsule a little more than 2 cm. long,
striate: the seeds round, winged, mature ones smooth, i. e., not
Type specimens collected in Estes Park, Larimer county,
Colorado, July 18, 1900, no. 2203. A. showy plant, ranging from the
edge of the foothills to an altitude of 7000 feet. Before the flowers
open they appear to be white on account of the whitish outside of
the petals, but when open they are golden yellow.
Osterhout (1901, v. 28, n. 12, p. 689) ...
Original Text
A corrected Name
Mentzelia speciosa
Mentzelia aurea Osterhout, Bull. Torr. Club, 28 : 544.
Not Mentzelia aurea Nutt. Gen. 1 : 300 which is now a synonym
Mentzelia oligosperma Nutt.
George E. Osterhout.
The 5 in the page number 544 has been crossed out and a 6 pencilled in.
Coryphantha (Engelm.) Lem.
Literature Cited:
- Engelmann, George, 1856.
Engelmann, George. 1856. Synopsis of the Cactaceae of the Territory of the
United States and Adjacent Regions. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. v. 3 (1852-1857), p. 259-314.
p. 260
p. 260
Tribus I. TUBULISAE, Miquel.
p. 260
Subtrib. 1. Parallelae.
Cotyledones margine hilum versus spectantes, lateribus seminis parallelae.
p. 264
Subgen. 2. Coryphantha
Flores e basi tuberculorum hornotinorum
aculeiferorum sulcatorum, vel in vertice ipso oriundi :
ovarium emersum.
Flowers from the base of hornet's tubers
of the prickly furrows, or at the very top of the rising :
ovary emerged.
p. 264
§ 2. Flaviflorae.
p. 264
* Laxiflorae. (The originally central flowers are pushed aside by the continuous development of new tubercles.)
p. 264
15. M. Nuttallii, E.; [Latin diagnosis …]
p. 264
Var. α borealis (M. Nuttallii, E. l. c.
Cactus mamillaris, Nutt. Gen., non Linn.):
subsimplex ; aculeis setaceis 13-17 cum centrali saepe deficiente puberulis ;
stigmatibus 2-5 ;
baccis seminibusque minoribus.
p. 268
§ 3. Rubriflorae.
p. 268
* * Sepalis fimbriatis
p. 269
28. M. vivipara, Haw. …
Literature Cited:
- Lemaire, (Antoine) Charles, 1868.
Lemaire (1868) elevated Engelmann's subgenus of Coryphantha to genus.
3e Genre. — Les Coryphanthes (Coryphantha).
3rd Kind. — The Coryphanthes (Coryphantha)
Coryphè, tête, sommet; anthè, fleur, allusion à l’insertion des fleurs.
Coryphe, head, apex; anthè, flower, allusion to the insertion of flowers.
Sous ce nom, l’excellent cactographe, M. Engelmann,
a séparé du genre Mamillaria, en en faisant un sous-genre,
les espèces pourvues sur les podaires (en dessus)
d’une fossule longitudinale plus ou moins profonde, à la
base de laquelle naissent les fleurs. Ce caractère, qui
ne se remarque plus que chez les Echinocactes, ainsi
que ceux que nous allons énumérer, nous ont engagé à
admettre le Coryphantha, comme suffisamment distinct
du Mamillaria.
Under this name, the excellent cactographer, Mr. Engelmann,
separated from the genus Mamillaria, making it a subgenus,
the species provided on the pods (above)
a more or less deep longitudinal fossula, at the
base from which the flowers are born. This character, which
is no longer noticeable except in the Echinocacti, thus
that those we are going to enumerate, have committed us to
admit the Coryphantha, as sufficiently distinct
of Mamillaria.
Echinocereus Engelm. “Hedgehog Cactus”
Literature Cited:
- Engelmann, George, 1848.
Engelmann(1848, p. 91) published echinocereus ....
Original Text
In the prairies about Wolf creek, in an elevation of between 6,000 and
7,000 feet, the smallest of a tribe of cactaceae was discovered, numerous
species of which were found in the course of the journey south and southeast
several others have also been discovered in Texas. I mean those
dwarfish Cerei, some of which have been described with the South American
genus Echinopsis, or have been referred alternately to Cereus or Echinocactus,
and which I propose to distinguish from all these under the name
of Echinocereus,7 indicating their intermediate position between Cereus
and Echinocactus: they approach more closely to Cereus, in which genus
they, as well as the genus Echinopsis, should perhaps be included as subgenera.
7 Echinocereus, n. gen. Perigonii tubus ultra germen productus ...
[... Latin diagnosis omitted ...]
Globose, or mostly ovate; simple, or mostly branching from the base or
cespitose; tubercles, forming few or mostly a great many ribs; bunches of
short or long spines, distant or approximate, often very crowded; vertex
never woolly; flowers lateral, produced from last year's growth, opening
only in sunshine, but for two or three days in succession; closed at
night, or in dark weather.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Echinocereus viridiflorus;
Echinocereus viridiflorus Engelm. “Nylon Hedgehog Cactus”
Literature Cited:
- Engelmann, George, 1848.
Wolf Creek.
Engelmann then proposed E. viridiflorus ...
Original Text
The species mentioned above is distinguished from all others known to
me by its yellowish green flowers, the others having crimson or purple
flowers. I have named it, therefore, Echinocereus viridiflorus.8
8 Echinocereus viridiflorus, n. sp. ovato-globusus, humilis, …
[… Latin diagnosis omitted …]
Prairies on Wolf creek, flowers in June; Santa Fe, flowers in May,
(Fendler.) Body 1 to 1½ inch high, oval; spines 1 or 1½ to 3 lines long;
central spine when present 6 to 7 lines long; flower 1 inch long and wide,
outside green brown, inside yellowish green; petals only 2 lines wide, being
about 5 lines long.
Literature Cited:
- Sanchez, Daiel, Balbina Vazquez-Benitez, Monserrat Vaquez-Sanchez, David Aquino, Salvador Aria, 2022.
Escobaria Britton & Rose
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Escobaria Britton & Rose
Literature Cited:
- Britton, Nathaniel Lord, and J. N. Rose, 1919-1923.
Britton & Rose (1919-1923, v. 4, p. 53) published the genus Escobaria
to distinguish the cacti from the Coryphtanthae.
8. ESCOBARIA gen. nov.
Globose or cylindric, usually cespitose cacti, never milky;
tubercles grooved abve,
persisting as knobs at the base of old plants after the spines have fallen;
spines both central and radial, never hooked;
flowers small, regular, appearing from the top of plant at bottom of groove of young tubercles;
stamens and style included;
fruit red, naked (or with one scale), indehiscent, globular to oblong, crowned by the withering perianth;
seeds brown to black; aril basal or subventral, oval.
Type species: Mammillaria tuberculosa Engelmann.
The two species of this genus known to Schumann were placed by him in the subgenus Escobaria of Mammilaria;
they are like the Escobariae in having groved flower-bearing tubercles,
but are otherwise different, especially in the flowers, fruit, and seeds.
Eight species are known from northern Mexico and southern Texas.
The genus commerated the work of two distinguished Mexicans,
the Escobar brothers, Romulo and Numa, of Mexico City and Juarez.
However, they did not put our two local Escobaria, E. missouriensis and E. vivipara, in the new genus.
Literature Cited:
- Sanchez, Daiel, Balbina Vazquez-Benitez, Monserrat Vaquez-Sanchez, David Aquino, Salvador Aria, 2022.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Escobaria missouriensis;
Escobaria missouriensis (Sweet) D. R. Hunt “Missouri Foxtail Cactus”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
The first name that was applied to this cactus was Cactus mamillaris (Nuttall, 1818, v. 1, p. 295).
This was an existing name applied by Linnaeus to Mammillaria mammillaris (L.) H. Karst,
a native of Columbia and Venezuela (Linnaeus, 1753, v. 1, p. 466).
Note that Mammillaria was spelled with two “m”s.
Original Text
† Melocactus. roundish.
Species. 1. C. mamillaris. Tubercles ovate terete,
bearded; flowers scarcely exserted; berries scarlet about
equal with the tubercles. — On the high hills of the
Missouri probably to the mountains. A species which
was hitherto supposed solely indigenous to the tropical
parts of America. It appears to be smaller than the West
India plant.
This cactus was not listed in Fraser's catalogue. Why did Nuttall not indicate it was a new name with an asterisk?
It turns out that Cactus mamillaris is a Linnaean (1753) name, but Nuttall does not indicate so.
C. mamillaris L. is a synonym of Mammillaria mammillaris (L.) H. Karst.
So either Nuttall failed to recognize a new species or applied an illegitimate name to the new species.
Literature Cited:
- Sweet, Robert, 1826.
Sweet (1826, p. 171) in a catalogue of plants raised in gardens of England placed our species in Mamillaria
and gave it the specific epithet of missouriensis.
Original Text
MAMMILLARIA. H.S. Mammillaria. Icosandria Monogynia.
[Specific Epithet]
[Common Name]
[Location Found]
[Bloom Month]
G. ♄
Cactus mamillaris N. nec aliorum.
“G. ♄” indicates that the plants are grown in a greenhouse
and they are shrubby.
The phrase “nec aliorum” literally translates to “no other.”
Does that mean there are no other names to be placed in synonomy?
Or does it mean that … what?
Literature Cited:
- Britton, Nathaniel Lord, and J. N. Rose, 1919-1923.
Britton & Rose (1919-1923, v. 4, p. 53) treated our plant as Neobesseya missouriensis (Sweet).
Literature Cited:
- Harrington, H. D., 1954.
Harrington (1954 & 1964 2ed.) treated our cactus as Mamillaria missouriensis Sweet, Hort. Brit. 171. 1827. Synonyms given were M. similis Engelm., Coryphantha missouriensis (Sweet) Britton & Rose, C. similis (Engelm.) Britton & Rose, Cactus similis Britton & Rose, C. missouriensis (Sweet) Kuntze, and Neobesseya missouriensis (Sweet) Britton & Rose. “Reported as occurring throughout Colorado but our few records from the western and southern parts at 4500-7500 feet.
Hunt (1978, p. 13) placed Neobesseya missouriensis (Sweet) Britton & Rose into Escobaria Britton & Rose, saying in part,
The justification for combining Escobaria and Neobesseya was
(i) that the two genera possess, in common grooved tubercles and pitted seeds; and
(ii) the existence of the intermediate species such as Escobaria duncanii, ...
Though my generic concept is broader than that of Britton & Rose
and many subsequent students of the Cactaceae,
is not as broad, in this instance, as that of Professor Lyman Benson,
who includes Escobaria and Neobesseya in oryphantha (Engelm.) Lem.
My view accords with the belief, earlier expressed by Buxbaum,
that Escobaria (with Neobesseya) represent an evolutionary lineage independent of Coryphantha,
that it to saythey are distinct phyletic groups at approximate analogous stage. ...
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Weber & Wittmann (2012, p. 148) treat this cactus as Coryphantha missouriensis (Sweet) Britton & Rose, noting “… very inconspicuous and probably infrequent, plains and outwash mesas …”
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Ackerfield (2015, p. 256) treated our plant as Coryphantha missouriensis (Sweet) Britton & Rose.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2022.
Ackerfield (2022, p. 276) treats our plant as Escobaria missouriensis (Sweet) D. R. Hunt
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Escobaria vivipara;
Escobaria vivipara (Nutt.) Buxb. “Beehive Cactus”
Literature Cited:
- Fraser, John, 1813.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Fraser's Catalogue, publication details;
The first publication of Escobaria vivipara was in Fraser's Catalogue (Nuttall, 1813).
Original Text
| Comments
22 *Cactus viviparus.
This species has much the appearance of C. mamillaris,
but produces a red flower,
like C. Flagelliformis,
and a greenish edible fruit,
about the size of a grape.
Collected near the Mandan towns on the Missourie: lat. near 49°.
The Cactus mamillaris that Nuttall refers to will eventually become E. missouriensis.
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814, v. 2, p. 735) ...
Cactus viviparus. —
C. subrotundus multiplex, tuberculis cylindraceis barbatis supra sulca exaratis proliferis.
p. 327.
C. viviparus. Fraser. catal. 1813.
In Upper Louisiana.
v. v. s. fl. In Hort. Lambert.
Resembles C. mammillaris ; the flowers are large and red;
the fruit the size of a grape, green and eatable.
In the same collection are also two other species
mentioned in Fraser's Catalogue ; but only seeing the
plants without flowers, I could not define their characters.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Nuttall's Genera of North American Plants (1818, v. 1, pp. 295-296) description of Cactus viviparus.
2. * viviparus.
Cespitose; glomeruli subglobose;
tubercles cylindric-ovate, bearded, marked above with a proliferous groove;
flowers central large and exserted;
exterior segments of the calix, ciliate;
fruit ficiform, greenish.
With the above [E. missouriensis], on the summits of gravelly hills;
flowering from June to August;
flowers large and bright-red, almost similar to those of C. flagelliformis.
Nearly allied to the preceding in habit,
but differing probably from every other species of this section by the remarkable proliferous tendency of its leaves.
Which not unfrequently multiply to the destruction of the parent plant,
it consequently never becomes so large as C. mamillaris;
inhabiting a climate which is scarcely temperate,
from the great elevation of the land above the level of the sea,
these 2 species in this country produce long and somewhat fusiform roots,
penetrating deep into the earth;
towards the approach of winter the upper part of the plant becomes dry,
excessively spiny, and almost juiceless,
in the spring numerous shoots issue from the root,
and those glomeruli which have withstood the intensity of the frost,
thus the plants becomes cespitose,
forming masses sometimes of 2 or 3 feet in breadth.
In spite of its armature the wild antelope of the plains finds means to
render it subservient to its wants by cutting it up with his hooves.
The flowers are generally central,
more than an inch in length;
segments of the calix linear,
exterior ones revolute with a fringed margin;
petals numerous, narrow, linear and acuminate;
berry about the size of grape, smooth and eatable;
seed small, cotyledones none,
(in the seeds which germinated with me,
merely a tubercle similar to those of the parent plant.)
Literature Cited:
- Haworth, Adrian Hardy, 1819.
Haworth (1819, pp. 72-73) ...
M. (Viviparous) subrotunda multiplex tuberculis
cylindraceis barbatis supra sulco exaratis proliferis.
Cactus viviparus. Pursh. americ. 2. 785.
Habitat in Louisiana Superiore.
Introd. 1813 a D. Frazer. G. H. ♃
Flores magni rubri.
Fructus magnitudine fructus vitis viniferae, viridis edulis.
Pursh. l. c. — Nuttall's gen. n. amer. p. 295.
Spinae plerumque niveae, at 1-3 in singulo fasciculo majores quam ceteris, atro-purpureae.
Obs. 2.
Mr. Nuttall (p. 295.) says this plant, and
another, which he (perhaps wrongly) supposes
the same as the West Indian Cactus mammillaris
of authors, inhabit the summits of gravelly
hills near the Missouri, probably to the mountains,
and that the flowers of viviparus from
June to August are large, bright red, and almost
similar to those of C. flagelliformis.
| |
Literature Cited:
- Britton, Nathaniel Lord, and J. N. Rose, 1919-1923.
- Wikipedia contributors, 2020a.
Britton & Rose (1919-1923, 4 vols.)
The Cactaceae is a monograph on plants of the cactus family written
by the American botanists Nathaniel Lord Britton and Joseph Nelson Rose
and published in multiple volumes between 1919 and 1923.
It was landmark study that extensively reorganized cactus taxonomy and is still considered a cornerstone of the field.
It was illustrated with drawings and color plates principally by the British botanical artist Mary Emily Eaton as well as with black-and-white photographs.
A black-and-white reprint of the second (1937) edition of The Cactaceae was published by Dover Publications in 1963.
In 2006, Daniel Schweich undertook a project to digitize the entire book, and all four volumes can now be downloaded in full color
(WikiPedia contributors, 2020a).
Original Text
31. Escobaria vivipara (Nuttall) Britton and Rose in Britton and Brown, Illustr. Fl. Ed. 2. 2: 571. 1913.
Cactus viviparus Nuttall, Fraser's Cat. No. 22. 1813.
Mammillaria vivipara Haworth, Suppl. Pl. Succ. 72. 1819
Mammillaria radiosa Engelmann, Bost. Journ. Nat, Hist. 6: 196 1850
Echinocactus radiosus Poselger, Allg. Gartenz. 21: 107. 1853.
Echinocactus viviparus Poselger, Allg. Gartenz. 21: 107. 1853
Mammillaria vivipara vera Engelmann, Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 269. 1856.
Mammillaria vivipara radiosa Engelmann, Proc. Amer. Acad. 3; 269. 1856.
Mammillaria vivipara radiosa Engelmann, Cact. Mex, Bound. 15. 1859, as subspecies.
[Description not reproduced.]
Type locality: “Near the Mandan towns on the Missouri, lat. Near 49°.”
Distribution: Manitoba to Alberta, Kansas, south to northern Texas and Colorado.
The group to which Escobaria vivipara belongs has always been very puzzling.
Dr. Engelmann, our greatest suthority on this group,
was sometimes of one opinion and sometimes of another.
Schumann rejected the specific name vivipara of Haworth
for this plant since he thought that it was not the same as the vivipara of Engelmann,
but in this he must be wrong,
for Mammillaria vivipara Haworth was based upon Cactus viviparus Pursh,
a name previously used by Nuttall,
and both Pursh's and Nuttall's descriptions were based on the
specimens collected by Nuttall in “Upper Louisiana” in 1812.
This is undoubtedly the plant which Engelmann had in mind
and which he called the variety vera.
We have not seen the type,
but Pursh stated that he had seen flowers in Lambert's Garden.
Engelmann's remakrs regarding the variability of the species are interesting.
In the Proceedings of the American Academy (3: 269) he says:
“The extreme forms are certainly very unlike one another,
but the transitions are so gradual that I can not draw strict limits between them.”
Escobaria vivipara and the three following species are closely related.
They are C. neo-mexicana,
C. arizonica, and
C. deserti.
This plant is a day bloomer, and according to Engelmann
the flowers become fully expanded about one o'clock in the afternoon.
Hooker in Curtis's Botanical Magazine (pl. 7718) figures and describes
a plant purchased from D. M. Andrews of Boulder, Colorado,
in which all the spines are brown, the flower is rose-red,
and the stigma-lobes are linear and white.
[A list of illustrations by others is not reproduced.]
Britton & Rose (1919-1923, v. 4, p. 43-44) treat our plant as Coryphantha vivipara (Nutt.) Britton & Rose, in Britton & Brown Illustr. Fl. ed. 2. 2: 571. 1913.
Literature Cited:
- Buxbaum, Franz, 1951.
Buxbaum (1951) placed E. vivipara in Escobaria. While early volumes of the publication, Österreichische botanische Zeitschrift are available on Biodiversity Heritage Library, the subject volume (v. 98, 1951) is not available.
Literature Cited:
- Harrington, H. D., 1954.
Harrington (1954 & 1964 2ed.) treats our cactus as Mamillaria vivipara (Nutt.) Haw., Syn. Pl. Succ. Supp. 72. 1819. Synonyms listed are Coryphantha radiosa (Engelm.) Rydb., C. vivipara (Nutt.) Britton & Rose, and Cactus viviparus Nutt.
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Weber & Wittmann (2012, p. 148) treated our plant as Coryphantha vivipara (Nutt.) Britton & Rose var. vivipara, noting that it is common on the plains and in the San Luis Valley, very rarely in the outer foothills.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Ackerfield (2015, p. 256) treated our plant as Coryphantha vivipara (Nutt.) Britton & Rose.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2022.
Ackerfield (2022, p. 276) treats our plant as Escobaria vivipara (Nutt.) Buxb.
Opuntia (L.) Mill.
Literature Cited:
- Majure, Lucas C., Paul Puente, M. Patrick Griffith, Walter S. Judd, Pamela S. Soltis, and Douglas E. Soltis, 2012.
Literature Cited:
- Roskov Y., Abucay L., Orrell T., Nicolson D., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., DeWalt R.E., Decock W., De Wever A., Nieukerken E. van, Zarucchi J., Penev L., eds., 2018.
Literature Cited:
- Allred, Kelly W., 2020.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2022.
- Engelmann, George, 1850.
- Engelmann, Georg, and John M. Bigelow, 1856.
- Ferguson, David J., 1987.
- Pinkava, Donald J., 2003.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Opuntia cymochila, Engelmann & Bigelow, 1856;
Notes on Opuntia cymochila, Ferguson, 1987;
Notes on Opuntia macrorhiza, Pinkava, 2003;
Notes on Opuntia macrorhiza, Ackerfield, 2022;
Notes on Opuntia tortispina, Engelmann & Bigelow, 1856;
Notes on Opuntia tortispina, Pinkava, 2003;
Comparison of Selected Taxa of Opuntia
| Opuntia macrorhiza Engelm.
| Opuntia tortispina Engelm. & J. M. Bigelow 1
| Opuntia cymochila Englem. & J. M. Bigelow
| Engelmann, 1850
| FNANM, Pinkava, 2003
| Ferguson 1987
| Ackerfield, 2022
| Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow, 1856
| FNANM, Pinkava, 2003
| Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow, 1856 2
| Ferguson, 1987
Growth Form
Shrubs, forming clumps, 7.5–16 cm, sometimes from tuberlike rootstocks
Plants 0.8-3 dm. [8-30 cm.]
Shrubs, low, to 0.4 m [40 cm.], creeping from clumps, sometimes from thickened rootstocks.
commonly forms clumps up to five or six feet [1.5 or 1.8 m.] across,
rarely to a foot [30 cm.] in height,
joints rooting where they touch the soil.
Root a large and fleshy tuber, sometimes 2 or 3 inches [5 to 8 cm.] in diameter;
joints 3-4 inches long, about 2½-3½ wide, hardly attenuate at the base.
Areolae ¾ — 1 inch distant, more crowded toward the base and on the edges:
Stem segments not easily detached, dark dull green, often cross wrinkled when stressed, flattened,
obovate to circular, 5–11 × 3.5–7.5 cm, fleshy (to flabby and cross wrinkled when stressed),
tuberculate, glaucous; areoles 5–6(–8) per diagonal row across midstem segment, oval to subcircular,
2–4 mm diam.; wool tan.
segments 5-11 × 3.5-7.5 cm.,
5-7 areoles per diagonal row across the midstem segment
Joints rounded, 6-8 inches long ;
Stem segments not easily detached, pale green to deep green, graying with age,
wrinkled when stressed, flattened, broadly obovate to ovate, 6.5–15 × 4–10 cm, tuberculate, glossy, glabrous;
areoles 6–9 per diagonal row across midstem segment, oval, obovate, or subcircular,
2.5–5 × 1.5–4 mm; wool tan, aging brown.
Joints 2½-3 inches in diameter, orbicular or very slightly obovate pulvillis 6-8 lines apart;
… joints typically a deep, oftern dull green, shrivelling and turning purplish in winter dormancy,
when they lie prostrate on the ground …
rounded and about 2.5-4 inches (6-10 cm) in length
spines (often wanting) 1 inch long, the smaller 4-6 lines long.
Spines (0–)1–4 per areole, usually in distal areoles, erect to spreading, white to red-brown,
acicular, straight, terete or 1 flattened, ± stout (0.5 mm diam. At base), longest to 60 mm.
Key: few spines per areole in few areoles;
spines (0) 1-4 per areole, to 60 mm long
pulvilli 1-1½ inches apart; bristles short, except on the edges, where they are 2-3 lines long, but rather slender ;
spines more numerous than in any other of our species, with juicy fruit, often 6-8, lower smaller ones ?-l inch,
larger ones 1½-2½ inches long, entirely white or yellowish horn-colored at base and tip ;
on the upper areolae one erect spine, the others spreading in different directions, lower ones deflexed.
Spines 1–9 on most areoles to only on distal 1/2 of stem segment,
white to gray with pale brown tips and bases, sometimes brown throughout;
central spines 1–3, all deflexed or 1–2 porrect or ascending, terete or flattened,
occasionally spirally twisted, 25–70 mm;
small spines (2–)3–6(–8) strongly deflexed, usually slender, even bristlelike, 5–15 mm.
the very light yellowish-brown bristles numerous, and conspicuous only on the older joints;
only the lowest pulvilli of a joint unarmed, upper ones with 2-5 spines, 2 or 3 larger ones,
often reddish-brown at lower half, 1-2 inches long, lower, smaller, paler ones 3-9 lines long.
Key: several spines per areole in most areoles
Desc: several spines per areole,
1-4, often flattened, main spines which mostly spread downward, but one or two may project upward or outward …
1 to several smaller, thin, short downward radiating spines …
typically whitish, sometimes with yellowish or more often brownish bases …
occasionally may be mostly browh or even blackish.
Glochids in dense tuft, pale yellow, tan to red-brown, aging brown, to 5 mm.
glochids in a dense tuft, to 5 mm;
Glochids forming a well developed adaxial tuft, yellow to brownish white, to 6 mm.
glochids are yellow to reddish-brown
Leaves subulate, about 5 lines long.
usually green,
mostly under 1/4 inch (7 mm) long
Flower 3 inches in diameter: ovary 1¼ inch long: petals 1 inch wide, 1½ inch long, pale yellow, red at the base.
Flowers: inner tepals yellow with red basal portions, 25–40 mm; filaments pale yellow; anthers yellow;
style white; stigma lobes cream to yellowish.
Key: flowers yellow, but often red centers, stigma lobes pale whitish or yellowish
flowers yellow, 25-45 mm long; filaments yellow;
Flowers: inner tepals yellow to gold, commonly darker to red near base,
broadly spatulate, 30–40 mm, apiculate;
filaments usually pale yellow; anthers yellow; style whitish to pale green; stigma lobes greenish.
Key: flowers yellow, rarely with red centers, with stigma lobes usually rich green.
Desc: 2.5 to 3 inches (6.5-8 cm) across, with many ruffled yellow petals …
toward base orangey or rarely bright orange or red
stigma lobes typically rich dark green, but may vary to pale
Fruit 1½ inches long;
Fruits green to yellowish to dull red, stipitate, elongate-obovoid, 25–40 × 15–28 mm, fleshy, glabrous;
areoles 16–28.
fruit fleshy, green to yellow or reddish, 25-40 mm long.
Fruit similar to that of last species, large, oval, not contracted at base,
perhaps less juicy and with a somewhat smaller and deeper umbilicus, 1¾- 2 inches long, 1-1¼ in diameter.
Fruits purple-red, oval to broadly ovate, subspheric or short ovoid, bases not narrowed, 30 × 20–25 mm, fleshy, base not narrowed, glabrous, spineless or nearly so; umbilicus deep; areoles 18–30.
Fruit oval, 1-1¼ inches long, about 10 lines in diameter, purplish, pulpy, sweet, and edible,
less contracted at base than O. Rafinesquii; [=O. compressa]
mostly ovoid and narrowed below the apex …
areoles usually prominent with obvious glochids and often a few short spines
dull purplish red (almost brown) …
pulp juicy and purple
(among the sweetest and tastiest prickly pear fruits,
but are rather small and most of the volume is taken up by the seeds)
the strongly margined seeds comparatively few, 2½ lines in diameter.
Seeds tan, subcircular, 4–5 mm, thickish, warped; girdle broad, protruding to 0.5 mm.
Seeds 2-3 lines across, thick and quite regular, with a very slight indentation at the hilum.
Seeds whitish to tan, irregularly shaped, flattened, 4–6 × 3–4 mm; girdle protruding 1–2 mm.
seed remarkably irregular and twisted, 2½ lines in diameter, with a wavy or twisted very sharp rim,
whence the name which indicates the undulated border.
mostly about 3/8 inch (5-6 mm) in diameter,
regularly discoid, pale tan in color, with a broud prominent rim
2n = 44.
2n = 44, 66.
Dry, open places, 3600-7000 ft. May-Aug. (plate 39)
dry grasslands,
in stable, fairly heavy soils,
but westward, where it is drier, they often favor sandy soil.
Key: Mostly in tall-grass prairie (esp. sandy areas) from Texas and the Midwest to the Rocky Mountains,
and west across N. New Mexico and into SW. Colorado.
Key: Mostly in short grassland on the Great Plains and west across New Mexico.
Desc: Widespread from the Front Range in northern Colorado eastward into western and southern Nebraska4
| |
Opuntia tortispina is a highly variable taxon that has risen from hybridization
of O. macrorhiza with O. polyacantha.
Opuntia tortispina has greenish to yellow-green stigma lobes and white to pale green styles,
while O. macrorhiza has yellowish stigma lobes and white styles and fruit that are narrowed at the base.
It is not recognized as distinct here, but is in the Flora of North America treatment.
Ackerfield, 2022, p. 277.
Treated as a form of O. rafinesqueii by Engelmann & Bigelow, 1856
One plant with deep pink flowers was found in ne. Colorado;
probably resulting from hybridization with O. polyacantha.
… [thence] southward from there into central Texas and southern New Mexico.
It ranges westward through much of New Mexico to near the Arizona border.
I have also seen specimens from Santee, northeastern Nebraska,
and the species might be expected in short grass areas across Nebraska,
perhaps into southern South Dakota.
Plants from the Rio Grande drainage are somewhat distinctive and may deserve varietal status.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Opuntia macrorhiza;
Notes on Opuntia tortispina;
Opuntia cymochila Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow
Literature Cited:
- Engelmann, Georg, and John M. Bigelow, 1856.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Descr. Cact. [G. Engelmann & J. Bigelow] iv. 42 (1856);
Notes on Opuntia, comparison;
Engelmann, George, M. D. and John M. Bigelow, M. D. (1856, pp. 42-43) described O. cymochila as a form of O. rafinesquei that was subsequently determined to a a superfluous name and a synonym of O. cespitosa.
O. cymochila :
diffusa articulis orbiculatis pulvillis subremotis griseo-tomentosis stramineo
s. fulvo-setosis, plerisque armatis ; aculeis 1-3 robustioribus elongatis teretibus s. subcompressis
tortisque albidis basi saepe rufescentibus, patulis deflexisve, additis saepe 2-3 gracilioribus
radiatim deflexis ; flore? Stigmatibus 8; bacca obovata umbilico plano s. parum depresso
pulvillis 20-24 griseo-tomentosis parce setulosis, demum nudatis; seminibus irregularibns angulosis
margine undulato acuto. (Plate XII, fig. 1-3.)
On the Camanche plains east of the Llaño Estacado, near the 100th degree of longitude, and
from there to Tucumcari hill, 80 miles east of the Pecos. Joints 2½4-3 inches in diameter,
orbicular or very slightly obovate pulvillis 6-8 lines apart; the very light yellowish-brown
bristles numerous, and conspicuous only on the older joints; only the lowest pulvilli of a joint
unarmed, upper ones with 2-5 spines, 2 or 3 larger ones, often reddish-brown at lower half, 1-2
inches long, lower, smaller, paler ones 3-9 lines long. Fruit oval, 1-1¼ inches long, about
10 lines in diameter, purplish, pulpy, sweet, and edible, less contracted at base than O. Rafinesquii;
seed remarkably irregular and twisted, 2½ lines in diameter, with a wavy or twisted
very sharp rim, whence the name which indicates the undulated border.
The orbicular joints, the numerous spines, the oval not clavate fruit, and curiously twisted
seed, seem to distinguish this form sufficiently from O. Rafinesquii, but these characters may
not be sufficiently constant or important to constitute specific difference. The characters of
Opuntiae are not yet sufficently studied to permit us to form satisfactory conclusions about their
diagnostic importance ; so we find a form collected on the Sandia mountains, near Albuquerque,
which, in habit and appearance, does not differ from the common form of O. Rafinesquii, but
which has the seeds of O. cymochila.
O. cymochila, β. Montana : articulis orbiculatis majoribus inermibus s. margine superiore
solum aculeatis; pulvillis remotis stramineo-setosis ; aculeis singulis binisve validis albidis
infra fuscis ; bacca obovata subclavata seminibus irregularibus acute undulateque marginatis.
Joints 3-4½ inches in diameter, pulvilli 9-12 lines apart, spines 12-18, smaller ones 4-6 lines
long, on some plants entirely wanting. Fruit 1½ inches long, much contracted at base, with a
much depressed, almost funnel-shaped, umbilicus. Seeds cannot be distinguished from those of
the plant of the plains.
Literature Cited:
- Ferguson, David J., 1987.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Opuntia, comparison;
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Opuntia macrorhiza;
Notes on Opuntia cymochila;
Notes on Opuntia tortispina;
Opuntia macrorhiza Engelm. “Western Pricklypear”
Literature Cited:
- Engelmann, George, 1850.
Guadalupe River.
Engelmann (1850, v. 6, p. 206) ...
Original Text
| Interpretation and Comments
O. macrorhiza (n. sp.) :
prostrata ; articulis obovato-orbiculatis planiusculis ;
pulvillis setis fuscis et saepe aculeis
singulis binisve instructis ; aculeis teretibus validis porrectis s.
paulo deflexis basi apiceque fuscis ceterum albidis cum
adventitio inferiore graciliore reflexo saepe deficiente ;
floribus sulphureis basi intus rubellis ; ovario sepalis subulatis
deciduis 13 in axillis setulas fuscas brevissimas gerentibus
stipato; sepalis interioribus 15-18 subulatis et (internis)
ovatis acuminato-cuspidatis ; petalis 8 sepala superantibus
late obovato-spathu.latis obtusis cuspidatis eroso-denticulatis ;
stigmatibus 5 obtusis, adpressis, stamina numerosa
aequantibus ; bacca subpulposa clavata glabrata ; seminibus
Naked, sterile, rocky places on the Upper
Guadaloupe. Flowers (in St. Louis) in June. Root a large
and fleshy tuber, sometimes 2 or 3 inches in diameter; joints
3-4 inches long, about 2½-3½ wide, hardly attenuate at the
base. Leaves subulate, about 5 lines long. Areolae ¾ — 1
inch distant, more crowded toward the base and on the
edges: spines (often wanting) 1 inch long, the smaller 4-6
lines long. Flower 3 inches in diameter: ovary 1¼ inch long:
petals 1 inch wide, 1½ inch long, pale yellow, red at the base.
Fruit 1½ inches long; the strongly margined seeds comparatively
few, 2½ lines in diameter.
I have found the same plant
in similar situations in Western Arkansas ; and it is possible
that it may be one of Nuttall's new species (O. mesacantha,
O. caespitosa, or O. humifusa) of which I cannot find a
description. — Nearly related to O. vulgaris.
Literature Cited:
- Pinkava, Donald J., 2003.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Opuntia, comparison;
Literature Cited:
- Majure, Lucas C., Paul Puente, M. Patrick Griffith, Walter S. Judd, Pamela S. Soltis, and Douglas E. Soltis, 2012.
Placed in Section Humifusa by Majure et al. (2012) along with O. tortispina and O. cymochila.
O. tortispina is not usually accepted by Colorado authors,
as it is thought to be a hybrid of O. macrorhiza and O. polyacantha.
Most sources treat O. cymochila as a synonym of O. tortispina.
Literature Cited:
- Kilburn, Paul D., and Sally L. White, 1992.
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
- Zeise, Larry Steven, 1976.
Observations of cacti identified as Opuntia compressa (Zeise, 1976 and Kilburn and White, 1992) have been assumed to be O. macrorhiza per Weber & Wittman (2012).
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2022.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Opuntia, comparison;
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Opuntia polyacantha;
Opuntia polyacantha Haw. “Plains Pricklypear”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Nuttall (1818, v. 1, p. 296) published Cactus ferox,
which he placed in the group Opuntiæ of Cactus L.,
apparently unaware that Willdenow (1814) published the same name for
a cactus occurring in Cuba.
Original Text
| Interpretation and Comments
4. * ferox.
Articulately proliferous; articulations larger,
nearly circular and very spiny; spines double, larger
spines radiate persistent; flowers numerous; fruit dry and
spiny. Hab. In arid situations on the plains of the Missouri,
common. Obs. A much larger plant than C. opuntia
to which it is nearly allied; exterior spines radiate,
with one of them central, solitary and erect; flowers aggregated,
marginal, dilute sulphur yellow, rosaceous towards the base;
petals subemarginate. Style thick, stigmas 8 to 10 greenish.
Colytedones 2, distinct. Flowering in July.
Upon this species I found the Coccus coccinelliferus.
“ferox” means fierce,
a reference to the spiny plants.
Coccus coccinelliferus is a synonym for
Dactylopius coccus, a scale insect from which cochineal dye is derived.
This insect, a primarily sessile parasite, lives on cacti from the genus Opuntia,
feeding on moisture and nutrients in the cactus sap.
The insect produces carminic acid, which deters predation by other insects.
The carminic acid can be extracted from the insect's body and eggs to make the red dye.
Literature Cited:
- Haworth, Adrian Hardy, 1819.
Haworth (1819, p. 82) ...
Original Text
| Interpretation and Comments
O. (Many-spined) articulis compressis obretuso-
rotundatis, spinis horridis variabilibus albis,
2-3 senectis subuncialibus divaricato-deflexis.
Cactus ferox, Nuttall gen. n. americ. 296, nec Willd.
Habitat prope flumen Missouri, in America Boreali,
in aridis locis.
Cult. in hort. Chels. A.D. 1814. H. ♄
Affinis O. spinosissimae, at longe distincta,
et aere aperto viget.
“… to Mr Anderson the excellent Curator of the Physic Garden at Chelsea, which have not heretofore been cultivated in England;
and which Mr. Anderson, with his usual zeal in favour of science,
has afforded me every opporunity of examining and describing.”
Literature Cited:
- Majure, Lucas C., Paul Puente, M. Patrick Griffith, Walter S. Judd, Pamela S. Soltis, and Douglas E. Soltis, 2012.
Placed in Section Xerocarpa by Majure et al. (2012) along with O. basilaris, O. erinacea, and O. fragilis.
Our other Opuntia, O. macrorhiza, was placed in Section Humifusa along with O. tortispina
and O. cymochila.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Opuntia cymochila;
Notes on Opuntia macrorhiza;
Opuntia tortispina G. Engelmann & J. M. Bigelow
Literature Cited:
- Engelmann, Georg, and John M. Bigelow, 1856.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Descr. Cact. [G. Engelmann & J. Bigelow] iv. 42 (1856);
Notes on Opuntia, comparison;
Engelmann, George, M. D. and John M. Bigelow, M. D. (1856, pp. 41)
9. Op. tortispina (sp. nov.): prostrata articulis majusculis adscendentibus obovato-orbiculatis
pulvillis subremotis stramineo s. fulvo-setosis ; aculeis 3-5 majoribus compressis angulatis
subinde canaliculatis smpe spiraliter tortis, albis basi apiceque saepe corneis, adjectis infra
aculeolis 2-3 gracilibus albis ; flore ------ ; bacca ovata areolis sub-20 parvulis notata, late
umbilicata, seminibus mujusculis regularibus crassis. (Plate V, fig 2-3.)
On the Camanche plains, near the Canadian river, east of the plateau of the Llaño Estacado.
Similar in growth to the more western O. Camanchica. Joints rounded, 6-8 inches long ;
pulvilli 1-1½ inches apart; bristles short, except on the edges, where they are 2-3 lines long,
but rather slender ; spines more numerous than in any other of our species, with juicy fruit,
often 6-8, lower smaller ones ⅓-l inch, larger ones 1½-2½ inches long, entirely white or yellowish
horn-colored at base and tip ; on the upper areolae one erect spine, the others spreading
in different directions, lower ones deflexed. Fruit similar to that of last species, large, oval,
not contracted at base, perhaps less juicy and with a somewhat smaller and deeper umbilicus,
1¾- 2 inches long, 1-1¼ in diameter. Seeds 2-3 lines across, thick and quite regular, with a
very slight indentation at the hilum.
I had observed that sometimes 2 plants are produced from the same seed ; this I found to be
the case occasionally with Opuntia occidentalis, Engelmanni and dulcis, one of the young
plants always much larger and more vigorous than the other. In examining different seeds of
this speceis (sic), I succeeded in finding one with two embryos (see figure), one spirally coiled
around the other, both together appearing like one large one.
Literature Cited:
- Pinkava, Donald J., 2003.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Opuntia, comparison;
Literature Cited:
- Britton, Nathaniel Lord, and Addison Brown, 1913.
Pediocactus Britton & Rose
Original Text
2. PEDIOCACTUS Britton & Rose.
Stems globose, leafless, tubercled, the tubercles arranged in spiral rows bearing clusters
of spines arising from areolae. Flowers borne on the tubercles, at or near areolae from which
spines are developed. Calyx-tube prolonged beyond the ovary, its tube funnelform, bearing a
few scales. Petals numerous, similar to the inner sepals, but larger, pinkish. Stamens numer-
ous, borne on the tube of the calyx. Ovary green, globose; style columnar. Berry irregularly
bursting, with a terminal scar, nearly or quite scaleless. Seeds tubercled, with a large sub-
basal hilum. [Greek, Plains-cactus.]
Three species, natives of central and western North America, the following typical.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Pediocactus simpsonii;
Pediocactus simpsonii (Engelm.) Britton & Rose “Mountain Ball Cactus”
Literature Cited:
- Engelmann, George, 1863.
Mount Vernon.
Engelmann (1863, p. 197) published an account of a new cactus in “Additions to the Cactus-Flora of the Territory of the United States” in
Transactions of the Academy of St. Louis.
Original Text
2. Echinocactus Simpsoni, spec, nov. : e basi turbinata …
[… Latin diagnosis omitted …]
Butte Valley, in the Utah Desert, and Kobe Valley, farther
west; var. β in Colorado Territory, e. g. in coarse gravel or
in crevices of rocks, abundant near Mount Vernon, at the base
of the mountains, Parry, Hall & Harbour ; fl. in May, fr. in
July and August. With the New Mexican E. papyracanthus,*
the Mexican E. horripilus, Lem., and perhaps the South
American E. Odierii, Lem., and E. Cummingii, Salm, this
species forms a small section of Echinocacti with the appearance
of Mamillariae, named by Prince Salm, (Hort. Dyck.,
1849, p. 31,) Theloidei. Through the Escobariae they are
nearly allied to Mamillaria, while our species at least, (the
fructification of the others not being known,) by its dry fruit,
its black tuberculated seeds, and especially the large and
curved embryo and the presence of an albumen, proves itself
a true Echinocactus, very closely connected with the regularly
ribbed E. intertextus, Eng. Cact., Mex. Bound, t. 34.
The similarity in all essential organs of these two species is
such that no system ought to separate them, proving again of
how little essential importance among Cactacese the external
form must be regarded; another striking example, among
many, is the rat-tail Cereus tuberosus, and its globular or oval
allies, C. caespitosus, etc.
[… Additional description omitted …]
Literature Cited:
- Simpson, Captain J. H., 1876.
Butte Valley.
Kobeh Valley.
The cactus George Engelmann (1863) described was collected
by his brother Henry Engelmann on an 1859 expedition across the Great Basin
led by Captain Simpson.
However, the expedition report was not published until 1876 (Simpson, 1876).
At the time, “Territory of Utah” included all of the present-day State of Utah,
most of the present-day state of Nevada, much of present-day western Colorado,
and the extreme southwest corner of present-day Wyoming.
The Butte Valley of Simpson's report is the present-day Butte Valley of White Pine and Elko Counties, Nevada.
The Ko-Bah Valley is present-day Kobeh Valley, Eureka County, Nevada, along US Highway 50 northwest of Eureka.
The Var. β. minor, was collected near Mount Vernon, by Parry, Hall & Harbour (1862)
making it a Jefferson County plant.
Literature Cited:
- Britton, Nathaniel Lord, and Addison Brown, 1913.
Original Text
I. Pediocactus Simpsoni (Engelm.) Britton & Rose. Simpson's Cactus. Hedge-hog-thistle.
Echinocactus Simpsoni Engelm. Trans. St. Louis Acad. 2 : 197. 1863.
Stems single, globose or with a narrowed base,
3'-6' high, 3'-4' in diameter. Tubercles ovoid,
somewhat 4-sided at base, 6"-8" long, arranged
in spirals; central spines yellowish below, nearly
black above, 5"-7" long, the exterior ones slightly
shorter, whitish; flowers greenish pink, 8"-10"
long and about as broad, borne to one side at the
ends of the tubercles; petals oblong, crenulate
and cuspidate at the apex ; berry dry, 3"-3½" in
diameter, bearing near its summit 2-3 scales
which sometimes have short spines in their axils.
Kansas (according to B. B. Smyth) ; Colorado to
Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico and Nevada.
Elaeagnus angustifolia L. “Russian Olive”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Original Text
1. ELAEAGNUS foliis lanceolatis.
Roy. lugdb. 250.
Hort. upf. 31.
Cam. epit. 106.
Hort. cliff. 38.
Olea fylveftris , folio mollii incano.
Bauh. pin. 473.
Habitat in Bohemia, Hifpania, Syria, Cappadocia.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lythrum salicaria;
Lythrum salicaria L. “Purple Loosetrife”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Chamerion angustifolium;
Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub. “Fireweed”
(Syn: Epilobium a. L , Epilobium angustifolium L var. intermedium)
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, p. 347) ...
Original Text
1. EPILOBIUM foliis fparfis lineari-lanceolatis.
Epilobium floribus difformibus , piftillo declinato. Fl. fuec. 304.
Epilobium foliis lanceolatis integerrimis. Fl. lapp. 146.
Hort. cliff. 154. Roy. lugdb. 250.
Lyfimachia Chamaenerion dicta anguftifolia. Bauh. pin. 245.
β. Lyfimachia Chamaenerion dicta latifolia. Bauh. pin.245.
γ. Lyfimachia Chamaenerion dicta alpina.
Bauh. pin. 245. prodr. 116.
Habitat in Europa boreali. ♃
Literature Cited:
- Holub, Josef, 1972.
Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub, Folia Geobotanica & Phytotaxonomica. Prague. 7: 86 (1972).
… unable to penetrate paywall.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Circaea alpina;
Circaea alpina L. “Small Enchanter's Nightshade”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, p. 9) ...
Original Text
| Translation and Comments
2. CIRCAEA caule adfcendente, racemo unico.
Circaea calyce colorato. Fl. lapp. 3.
Solanifolia Circaea alpina. Bauh. pin. 168.
Habitat ad redices montium in frigidis Europae. ♃
“She lives in the cold mountains of Europe.”
Planta vix digiti longitudine, magis procumbens, calyce colorado, uti corolla;
differt quidem a priori , attamen nimim affinis.
“The plant is scarcely an inch in length, rather stooping down, the calyx colored as the corolla;
it differs indeed from the former, but is very closely related.” The former was
C. lutetiana canadensis.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Epilobium L.
Epilobium (from the Greek) Willow-Herb It is the largest in the family and contains the great majority of species of Onagraceae found in the Old World. Most of the species are somewhat mesophytic in habitat preference. In this genus, the mode of vegetative propagation is variable, some species having above-ground stolons. Those of Iraq have below ground level, either turions (fleshy overwintering buds), soboles (pale elongate shoots) or leafy rosettes which are ± erect.
The genus name derives from the Greek words "epi" meaning "upon" and "lobos" meaning "lobe", with reference to position of the petals above the ovary.
Perennial herbs, rarely annuals or woody at base.
Leaves usually opposite, at least below, and alternate above or in the inflorescence, rarely in whorls of 3.
Flowers epigynous or calyx tube absent.
Sepals 4, deciduous in fruit.
Petals 4, purplish or white, usually deeply notched at the apex.
Stamens 8, the epipetalous shorter.
Stigma 4-lobed or entire.
Ovary 4-locular, with numerous ovules.
Capsule slender, elongate, dehiscing loculicidally into 4 valves; seeds with a chalazal tuft of long hairs, wind-borne.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Epilobium brachycarpum;
Epilobium brachycarpum C. Presl “Autumn Willow Herb”
Literature Cited:
- Presl, Carl B., 1830-1835.
Presl (1835, t. 2, p. 30) ...
E. caule erecto glabro apice paniculato pubescente,
foliis alternis petiolatis lineari-lanceolatis acutis remote
et argute dentieulatis aveniis, spicis elongatis,
bracteis pedicello fructifero longioribus , petalis obcordatis, stigmate indiviso.
Habitat in Mexico. ♃.
Long Latin description omitted.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Epilobium ciliatum;
Epilobium ciliatum Raf. “Fringed Willowherb”
Epilobium ciliatum Raf., Medical Repository. New York II. v. (1808) 361.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Epilobium hirsutum;
Epilobium hirsutum L. “Hairy Willowherb”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, p.347-8) ...
Original Text
3. EPILOBIUM foliis oppofitis lanceolatis ferratis.
Hort. cliff. 145.
Fl. fuec. 305.
Gron. virg. 154.
Roy. lugdb. 251.
Lyfimachia filiquofa hirfuta magno flore.
Bauh. pin. 245.
Lyfimachia purpurea.
Fuchf. hift. 491.
β. Lyfimachia filiquofa hirfuta, parvo flore.
Bauh. pin. 245. prodr. 116.
Habitat in Europae humidiufculis.
Oenothera L.
- Oenothera sect. Kleinia Munz, N. Amer Fl. ser. 2, 5: 110. 1965
— Type: Oenothera albicaulis Pursh
- O. albicaulis Pursh “Whitest Evening Primrose” Type.
- O. coronopifolia Torrey & A. Gray “Crownleaf Evening Primrose”
- Oenothera sect. Anogra (Spach) W. L. Wagner & Hoch, comb. nov.
Anogra Spach, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 2, 4: 164. Sep 1835.
Baumannia Spach, Hist. nat. veg. 4: 351. Apr 1835, non Baumannia DC., 1834.
Oenothera [unranked] Anogra (Spach) Endlicher, Gen. pl. 1190. 1840.
Oenothera subg. Anogra (Spach) Reichenbach, Deut. Bot. Herb.-Buch. 170. 1841.
— Lectotype, designated by Pfeiffer, Nomencl. Bot. 1(1): 200. 1872:
Anogra douglasiana Spach [=Oenothera pallida Lindley].
- O. nuttallii Sweet “Nuttall's Evening Primrose”
- Oenothera sect. Oenothera
- Oenothera sect. Oenothera subsect. Oenothera
Onosuris Rafinesque, Fl. Ludov. 95. 1817. — Type: Onosuris acuminata Rafinesque [=Oenothera biennis L.].
Pseudo-oenothera Ruprecht, Fl. Ingr. 365. 1860.
— Type: Pseudo-oenothera virginiana Reprecht [=Oenothera biennis L.].
- O. biennis L. “King's-Cureall”
- O. villosa Thunb. “Hairy Evening Primrose”
- Oenothera sect. Pachylophus (Spach) W. L. Wagner, Syst. Bot. 30: 340. 2005.
Pachylophus Spach, Hist. nat. veg. 4: 365. 1835.
Oenothera [unranked] Pachylophus (Spach) Endlicher, Gen. pl. 1190. 1840.
Oenothera subg. Pachylophus (Spach) Reichenbach, Dwut. Bot. Herb.-Buch. 170. 1841 (as “Pachylophis”).
— Type: Pachylophus nuttallii Spach [=Oenothera cespitosa Nuttall].
- O. cespitosa Nutt. Tufted Evening Primrose.
- Oenothera sect. Megapterium (Spach) W. L. Wagner & Hoch, comb. nov.
Megapterium Spach, Hist. nat. veg. 4: 363. 1835.
Oenothera [unranked] Megapterium (Spach0 Endlicher. Gen. pl. 1190. 1840.
Oenothera subg. Megapterium (Spach) Reichenbach, Deut. Bot. Herb.-Buch. 170. 1841.
— Lectotype, designated by Britton & Broan, Ill. fl. n. U.s., ed. 2, 2: 605. 1913:
Megapterium nuttallianum Spach [=Oenothera macrocarpa Nuttall].
- O. brachycarpa A. Gray. Short-Fruit Evening Primrose.
- O. howardii (A. Nels.) W. L. Wagner “Howard's Evening Primrose”
- Oenothera sect. Gaura (L.) W. L. Wagner & Hoch, comb nov. Gaura L., Sp. pl. 347. 1753
— Type: Gaura biennis L. [=Oenothera gaura W. L. Wagner & Hoch].
- Oenothera sect. Gaura subsect. Schizocarya (Spach) W. L. Wagner & Hoch, comb. et stat. nov.
Schizocarya Spach, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., ser. 2, 4: 170. 1835.
Gaura [unranked] Schizocarya (Spach) Endlicher, Gen. pl. 1195. 1840.
Gaura sect. Schizocarya (Spach) P. H. Raven & D. P. Gregory, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 23: 23. 1973 ["1972"].
— Lectotype, designated by Raven and Gregory, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 23: 23. 1973. ["1972"]:
Schizocarya micrantha Spach [=Oenothera curtiflora W. L. Wagner & Hoch].
- O. curtiflora W.L. Wagner & Hoch.
(Syn: Gaura mollis James, nom. rej., Gaura parviflora Douglas ex Lehm. ) Velvet Butterfly-Weed.
- Oenothera sect. Gaura subsect. Campogaura (P. H. Raven & D. P. Gregory) W. L. Wagner & Hoch, comb nov.
Gaura sect. Campogaura P. H. Raven & D. P. Gregory, Mem.Torrey Bot. Club 23: 27. 1973 ["1972"]
— Type: Gaura coccinea Pursh [=Oenothera suffrutescens (Seringe) W. L. Wagner & Hoch].
- O. suffrutescens (Ser.) W. L. Wagner & Hoch. (Syn: Gaura coccinea Pursh, Gaura glabra Lehm.) Linda Tarde.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Oenothera albicaulis;
Notes on Oenothera nuttallii;
Oenothera albicaulis Pursh “Whitest Evening Primrose”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1813.
54 * ________ albicaulis. ‡ M.
Nuttall's (1813) publication of Oenothera albicaulis is nom. inval. because there is no description.
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814, v. 2, Supplementum, p. 733-4) ...
Original Text
Oenothera albicaulis.
O. tenuissime pubescens ; caule nervisque foliorum albidis, foliis pinnatifidis,
laciniis divaricatis, floribus subspicatis, germinibus sessilibus cylindraceis,
staminibus corolla brevioribus, petalis obcordatis.
O. albicaulis. Fraser. catal. 1813.
In Upper Louisiana. Bradbury. ♂.
v. s. in Herb. Bradbury.
Not above four inches high ; flowers large, white.
This species is intermediate between O. tetraptera and O. sinuata.
Generally, the symbol of Mars “♂” denotes a biennial.
Pursh's listing of “O. albicaulis Fraser catal. 1813” was an error on Pursh's part since he and Nuttall were looking at different plants.
Pursh's O. albicaulis is an accepted name for a caespitose plant,
whereas Nuttall's name would be replaced by O. nuttallii Sweet for a caulescent plant.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
- Sweet, Robert, 1830, 2nd ed..
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Oenothera nuttallii, Sweet, 1830;
Nuttall (1818, v. 1, p. 245) ...
Original Text
7. * albicaulis. Perennial; stem simple, erect, white and
polished, upper part branching; leaves linear-sublanceolate,
rarely subserrulate, under side a little villous; flowers
axillary, middle-sized, white; capsule prismatic; petals
entire. — Oe. albicaulis. Fras. Catal. 1813. Pursh's
synonym wrong, 2. p. 734. See the Herbarium of A. B.
Lambert, esq. Hab. From the river Platte to the Northern Andes.
Flowering in July and August. Stem about
3 feet high, calix somewhat villous; capsule about an inch long.
This is considered nom. illeg. because it was previously validly
published by Pursh (1814).
Note also that the plant being described by Nuttall has a stem to 3 feet tall.
Sweet (1830) would apply O. nuttallii to Nuttall's O. albicaulis separating it from Pursh's O. albicaulis.
See the paragraph for O. nuttallii, below.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Oenothera biennis;
Oenothera biennis L. “King's-Cureall”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, p. 346>
Original Text
| Translation and Comments
1. OENOTHERA foliis ovato-lanceolatis planis.
Vir. cliff. 33. Hort. upf. 94 Gron. virg. 254.
Roy. lugdb. 251. Gort. gelr. 78.
Oenothera foliis ovato-lanceolatis denticulatis, floribus lateralibus in fummo caulis. Hort. cliff. 144.
Lyfimachia lutea corniculata. Bauh. pin. 245. 516. *
Morif. hift. 2. p. 271. f. 3. t. 11. f. 7.
Habitat in Virginia unde 1614, nunc vulgaris Europae. ♂
“The plant lives in Virginia from whence it was imported in 1614, is now a common European plant.”
O. biennis is native to the lower 48 states and the southern Canadian provinces,
except for the southern Rocky Mountain states.
Literature Cited:
- Walter, Thomas, 1788.
Oenothera biennis Walter, Fl. Carol. [Walter] 129 (1788). Listed in Walter (1788) in his Flora Caroliniana with a description but no distribution or ecological comments.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Oenothera brachycarpa;
Gray, 1852-1853, Plantæ Wrightianæ;
Oenothera brachycarpa A. Gray “Short-Fruit Evening Primrose”
Gray (1852, pt. 1, p. 70) ...
Original Text
† Œ. (Lavauxia) brachycarpa (sp. nov.): acaulescens, pube brevi cinerea ;
caudice incrassato ; foliis primariis ovatis oblongisve subintegerrimis, sequentibus
lyrato-pinnatifidis lobo terminali oblongo-lanceolato vel lineari-lanceolato ; tubo
calycis prselongo ; capsulis sessilibus ovatis tetragono-alatis lignescentibus laevibus ;
seminibus angulatis testa suberosa incrassata. — Between Western Texas and El Paso ;
in fruit. Also in the collection of 1851, in flower, and with a few capsules of the
preceding year. — The branching, creeping caudex is from one third to half an
inch in diameter. Leaves crowded, cinereous or canescent with a fine and close
pubescence, glabrate above with age, petioled ; the earlier ones (as seen in the coll.
of 1851) mostly entire or repand, with the lamina two inches or less in length and
sometimes an inch wide ; the succeeding ones narrower and mostly pinnatifid ; the
entire or toothed terminal lobe prolonged, 2-4 inches in length. Tube of the
calyx 5 or 6 inches long, rather stout, much as in the section Pachylophis, as
likewise, apparently, is the flower; except that the petals (18 lines long) seem to have
been pale yellow, changing to rose-color in fading. Capsules closely sessile on the
caudex, from half to three quarters of an inch in length, and nearly half an inch in
diameter, of a thick, crustaceous texture, acute, but blunt at the apex, scarcely if
at all reticulated, the sides broad and not at all ridged, the narrow wings or
wing-like angles perfectly smooth and even, thickish, loculicidally 4-valved at the
apex, the valves not pointed. Seeds numerous, large, closely packed in two rows in
each cell, which they entirely fill, strongly angled by mutual pressure ; the testa
very thick and corky, especially toward the chalaza ; Avhere in the young seeds is
seen a sort of thick double crest with a denticulate edge, which is nearly
obliterated when mature.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Oenothera cespitosa;
Oenothera cespitosa Nutt. “Tufted Evening Primrose”
Literature Cited:
- Moulton, Gary E., 1999.
Great Falls.
First collected July 17, 1806, by Lewis & Clark near the Great Falls of the Missouri, Cascade County, Montana (Moulton, 1999).
However, the delay in publishing the results of this expedition until 1814 will leave an opening for other explorers.
Thomas Nuttall ascended the Missouri River from Saint Louis in 1811, traveling at least as far as Fort Mandan,
and possibly as far as the junction of the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers.
He collected Oenothera cespitosa, which he took back to England with him, leaving from New Orleans in December, 1811.
It would seem that the primary material Nuttall took with him to England in 1811
were seeds that were grown in Fraser's garden.
Those seeds became the source of the plants for sale in Fraser's Catalogue (Nuttall, 1813).
Literature Cited:
- Fraser, John, 1813.
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Fraser's Catalogue, publication details;
Fort Mandan Historical Site.
White River.
Nuttall (1813) first published Oenothera cespitosa in Fraser's (1813) Catalogue.
Presumably, these were the only plants grown from seeds collected in 1811 along the Missouri River between the White River and Fort Mandan.
Original Text
53 *Oenothera cespitosa.
This species is more perfectly stemless than OE. acaulis
of Cavanilles, from which it is distinct.
Flowers very large and white, with dilated obcordate petals.
Note that Nuttall, as the author of Fraser's (1813) Catalogue
spelled the specific epithet “cespitosa” and not “caespitosa.”
Indeed some authors use caespitosa, such as Weber & Wittmann (2012), whereas others, such as Ackerfield (2015) use cespitosa.
It is probably better Latin to use caespitosa.
On the other hand, we could just treat the author's epithet cespitosa as valid, and caespitosa as an orthographic variant.
Literature Cited:
- Sims, John, M.D., 1814.
Sims, No. 1593, Oenothera caespitosa.
Sims (1814, no. 1593) published an image and description of Oenothera cespitosa,
noting that it was illustrated from a plant from Fraser's nursery,
and probably originating from Thomas Nuttall.
[ 1593 ]
Œnothera cæspitosa. Matted Evening Primrose.
Clafs and Order.
Octandra Monogynia.
Generic Character.
Cal. 4-fidis, tubulofus.
Petala 4.
Capf. 4-locularis, 4-valvis, infera.
Sem. nuda.
Specific Character.
Œnothera cæfpitofa ; acaulis, foliis lanceolatis incifo-dentatis,
dentatis, capfulis feffilibus, calycis tubo longiffimo, petalis bilobis diftantibus
At firft fight, this fpecies appears to have a near affinity with
Œnothera tetraptera (No. 468).
The flowers, as in that, are
perfectly white on their firft expanfion, and change in fading to a
purplifh red. But the germens in this are feffile, not obovate, and
nearly cylindrical, with fmall undulated wings at the four angles ;
the tube of the calyx is three times longer than the petals,
refembling in this refpect longiflora, No. 365. Root perennial
In the evening Œnothera cæfpitofa is a beautiful flower,
and agreeably fcented. Native of Upper Louifiana in North-America :
difcovered we believe by Mr. Nuttall. Our
drawing was taken from a plant communicated by Meffrs. Fraser,
of the Sloane-Square Nurfery. Flowers in June.
Has not, we believe, been defcribed before.
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
- Sims, John, M.D., 1814.
Great Falls.
Pursh (1814, v. 1, p. 263) first described our plant as Oenothera scapigera
from a collection made by M. Lewis at the falls of the Missouri.
14. O. scapis radicalibus uniflorus, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis
repando-denticulatis decurrentibus, petalis obcordatis,
staminibus corolla brevioribus.
On the falls of the Missouri.
M. Lewis.
v. s.
Flowers large, purple, with dark veins :
resembles O. acaulis Cavanill
All the species, excepting the last one, have yellow flowers.
Pursh (1814, v. 2, Supplementum, p. 735) revises his description of our taxon,
crediting the illustrations in Sims, Curtis's Botanical Magazine.
Oenothera caespitosa. — O. acaulis ; foliis lanceolatis inciso-dentatis,
capsulis oblongis sessilibus, calycis tubo longissimo,
petalis bilobis distantibus.
Sims in Bot. mag. 1593.
p. 263.
O. scapigera. Fl. Amer. Sept. 1. p. 263.
On the banks of the Missouri.
June. July.
v. v. in Hort. Fraser ; v. s. specimen imperfectum in Herb. Lewis.
This singular species resembles O. acaule of Cavanilles.
The flowers open in the evening, are white, changing to red, and of an agreeable scent.
The erroneous description given in the place above quoted was owing to a very imperfect
specimen in the Lewisian collection.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Fort Mandan Historical Site.
White River.
Nuttall (1818) included his OE. cespitosa in his Gen. Am.
noting the locations of the banks of the Missouri River from the White River north to Fort Mandan.
Nuttall does not acknowledge Pursh's (1814) OE. scapigera.
9. * cæspitosa
Cespitose and stemless; leaves lanceolate,
sinuately or repandly toothed, smooth, petals very large,
dilatedly subbilobed; tube of the calix very long; capsule
subconic-oblong, sessile, margin of the valves cristately
On denudated and arid argillaceous hills
on the banks of the Missouri, from White river to the
Mandans, and in all probability to the commencement of
the mountains.
Segments of the calix carinate, appearing prismatic before flowering;
seeds cylindric-ovate;
plant 3 or 4 inches high, tube of the calix two and a half
inches, flower often 3 inches in diameter. This species
is considerably allied to Œ acaulis,
which produces pinnatifid leaves and alated capsules,
in this the leaves are entire,
and the capsules considerable like those of
Œ. biennis, cylindric-conic, and tuberculately crested
along the margins of the valves; the flowers are white, of
uncommon magnitude, and become tinged with red in
withering: where its duration is long continued it
produces numerous cespitose tufts, but from appearances of
this kind its existence is seldom continued through more
than 5 or 7 years.
There is a Nuttall voucher in the British Museum (BM001024304) that is determined O. caespitosa Gill ex Hook & Arn.
The voucher is annotated as a lectotype of Oenothera caespitosa Nutt. subsp. caespitosa
with a synonym of Oenothera montana Nutt. in Torr. & A. Gray Fl. N. Amer. 1:500. 1840.
This strongly implies to me that the collection was made on Nuttall's 1834 trip across the continent,
rather than his 1811 trip up the Missouri River.
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1838-1843.
23. Œ. cæspitosa (Nutt.) : almost stemless, caespitose; leaves lanceolate,
acute, repandiy toothed or nearly entire, attenuate into a long margined
petiole, nearly glabrous; tube of fhe calyx 4 times the length of the carinate
acuminate segments ; petals (very large) deeply obcordate, longer than the
declined stamens and style; anthers as long as the filaments; capsules,
nearly sessile, oblong-conical, somewhat 4-angled ; the margin of the valves
Nutt. ! in Fraser, cat. ; Bot. mag. t. 1593 ; Pursh, fl.
2. p. 735 ; Nutt. ! gen. 1. p. 246. Œ. scapigera, Pursh, fl. 1. p. 263.
Pachylophis Nuttallii, Spach, Onagr. p. 36, t. 30, f. 1.
Dry and denuded argillaceous hills, on the banks of the Missouri and
Platte, Lewis, Nuttall ! June-July. — Root very large- and succulent.
Corolla often 3 inches in diameter : the petals very broad, white,
with yellowish veins, reddish in withering. Seeds cylindric-ovate. (Nutt.)
24. Œ. montana (Nutt. ! mss.) : “ stemless, somewhat cæspitose ; leaves
broadly lanceolate, sinuate-toothed, pubescent on the margins, tapering into
a short petiole ; tube of the calyx about twice the length of the linear-lanceolate
acute (scarcely carinate) segments ; petals (large) broadly obcordate ;
capsules sessile, cylindrical, conic, striated, even.
“Plains of the Platte in the Rocky Mountains. — Nearly allied to Œ cæspitosa ;
but the petioles and margin of tlie leaves pubescent, the capsules
not muricate, &c. Tube of the calyxabout the length of the leaves.”
Literature Cited:
- Munz, Philip A., 1931.
Munx (1931) is the earliest reference I have seen to treat Oe. montana Nutt. ex Torrey & Gray as a synonym of Oe. cespitosa Nutt.
Literature Cited:
- Wagner, Warren L., Robert E. Stockhouse, and William M. Klein, 1985.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Oenothera coronopifolia;
Oenothera coronopifolia Torr. & A. Gray “Crownleaf Evening Primrose”
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1838-1843.
Torrey & Gray (1840, v. 1, p. 495) ...
Original Text
10. Œ. coronopifolia : perennial? minutely pubescent and strigose; stem
ascending or erect ; leaves pectinate-pinnatifid, with linear acute segments ;
the lowermost somewhat entire ; flowers (small) axillary; tube of the calyx
filiform, abruptly dilated at the summit, villous in the throat ; the segments
linear-lanceolate, shorter than the tube, longer than the entire roundish petals ;
stamens shorter than the petals ; style exserted ; stigmas rather short
and thick ; ovaries hirsute. — Œ. pinnatifida, Torr. ! in ann. lyc. New York,
2. p. 201, not of Nutt.
Forks of the Platte, Dr. James! — Leaves crowded. Corolla about an inch
broad when expanded. Fruit unknown.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Oenothera curtiflora;
Oenothera curtiflora W.L. Wagner & Hoch “Velvet Butterfly-Weed”
Literature Cited:
- James, Edwin, ed., 1823.
James (1823, v. 2, p. 77) ...
Original Text
* A large undescribed species of Gaura is common about the banks of
all the creeks we had seen since leaving the Arkansa. It attains,
ordinarily, the size of G. biennis, but is clearly distinct both from that and all
other North American species. It has a broader leaf than any other species
of the genus met with in this country. The flowers are small, of a
purple colour, and incline to form a terminal spike. The whole plant is
covered with a dense silky pubescence, and is remarkably soft to the touch.
We propose to call it Gaura mollis.
Gaura parviflora Douglas ex Lehm., Nov. Stirp. Pug. [Lehmann] 2: 15 (1830).
Literature Cited:
- Wagner, Warren L., Peter C. Hoch, and Peter H. Raven, 2007.
Oenothera curtiflora W.L.Wagner & Hoch, Syst. Bot. Monogr. 83: 211 (2007).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Oenothera howardii;
Oenothera howardii (A. Nels.) W. L. Wagner “Howard's Evening Primrose”
Literature Cited:
- Jones, Marcus E., 1893.
Jones (1893, v. 3, n. 4, p. 301) ...
Original Text
Œnothera Johnsoni Parry Am. Nat. 9, p. 270. This very
poorly described plant is said to have elongated stigmas, petals an
inch long, calyx tube not shorter than the leaves, capsules 9 to 12
lines long, somewhat 4-angled, strongly nerved, not crested, and
to resemble Œ. primiveris, and to be very common at St. George,
Southern Utah. The species which I have collected abundantly in
Western Utah and Eastern Nevada is perennial, caespitose from a
many-branched root, which is covered at the summit with the dead
petioles of former leaves, acaulescent or stems an inch or two long;
leaves lanceolate, gradually decurrent into the petiole, which is i
to 3 inches long, and never more than ½ the length of the blade;
blade entire or undulate, or irregularly and sparsely dentate with
sharp teeth; whole plant hoary with a dense, soft, and very short
pubescence; calyx tips free in the bud; calyx splitting on one side
and reflexed in flower, lobes 1 to 1½ inches long, tube 3 to 5 inches
long and erect, with 8 striae; petals rhomboidal, entire or slightly
lacerate on the edge; 2 to 3 inches wide, and 2 to 2½ long, golden
yellow, palmately veined with 3 very prominent and several intermediate
veins, each feather veined in addition; the petals, in drying
and fading, turn red, and resemble the meshes in the web of a frog's
foot; stamens ½ line wide and 6 lines long, versatile, yellow; stigma
lobes 4 to 6 lines long, ¼ line wide; capsule ovate, broadly winged,
not nerved or veined, less than an inch long, not crested, hoary
white; calyx also with scattered, fine, long, white hairs.
This grows on sunny southern slopes In very dry places, blossoms
in June, and is by far the handsomest species of the genus. It is
vespertine. Rather common in Western Utah and Eastern Nevada
at 6,000 feet altitude. Should it prove to be new, I name it Œnothera
Howardi, after Mr. A. M. Howard, the gentleman in my party
who saw it first.
Literature Cited:
- Nelson, Aven, 1902.
Lavauxia howardii A.Nelson, Bot. Gaz. 34(5): 368 (-369) (1902).
Nelson (1902, v. 34, p. 368) …
Original Text
Lavauxia Howardi (Jones), n. comb. — Oenothera Howardi
Jones, Zoe 3: 301. — For some reason this species has been completely
ignored by recent writers on the allies of Oenothera, as
has also Oenothera Johnsoni Parry, Am. Naturalist 9: 270. Jones
suggests the possibility that the species he describes is O. Johnsoni,
but at the same time points out characters that unmistakably
distinguish the two. While the description of O. Johnsoni is
very meager, yet in so essential a matter as the character of the
capsule it is very explicit. Certainly no observer, least of all
Parry, would have compared a large perennial such as Lavauxia
Howardi with the small annual Lavauxia priminervis (Gray)
Small, which has a capsule similar to that attributed to O. Johnsoni.
The species to which Lavauxia Howardi is closely allied is L.
brachycarpa (Gray) Britton Mem. Torr. Club 5: 235; Oenothera
brachycarpa Gray, Pl. Wright 1 : 70, and Coulter, Contrib. U. S.
Nat. Herb. 2: 116; but here again the character of the capsule
serves to distinguish these two. In the latter it is smooth and
acute, with narrow wings ; while in the former it is larger, oblong-obtuse,
broadly winged, and cinereous pubescent. The leaves
also are all oblanceolate, tapering into the petiole, from entire to
coarsely and irregularly toothed, therefore the lamina continuous
and not distinguished into lateral and terminal lobes.
The species occurs on arid denudated hills from northern
Colorado through Utah to Nevada.
Literature Cited:
- Wagner, Warren L., 1983.
Wagner, Warren L.
New Species and Combinations in the Genus Oenothera (Onagraceae)
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden
v. 70,
p. 194-196.
Original Text
Oenothera howardii (A. Nels.) W. L. Wagner, comb. nov.
Lavauxia howardii A. Nels., Bot. Gaz. (Crawfordsville) 34:368. 1902, non M. E. Jones, Zoe 3:301. 1893.
Type: “In clay, Vermillion,” Sevier Co., Utah, 1,600 m., 16 July 1894,
M. E. Jones 5631c (RM-13996, lectotype here designated; BM, G,
MO 2 sheets, MSC, NY, POM, UC, US, isolectotypes).
Jones' publication of the name Oenothera howardii is invalid since he peoposed the name
in anticipation of its future acceptance (Art. 34.1b International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, 1978).
He placed his discussion of “Oenothera howardii” under the name
Oenothera johnsonii Parry (=O. primiveris A. Gray) and stated tha should the
entoty prove distince he named it O. howardii.
Thus the first valid publication of the epithet was by Aven Nelson as Lavauxia howardii.
I am grateful to Dan Nicolson for his helpful comments on this situation.
Oenothera brachycarpa sensu Munz, Amer. J. Bot. 17: 367. 1930, proparte.
Plants from Hamilton Co., Kansas, eastern Colorado, Utah, and Nevada formerly included in
Oenothera brachycarpa are segregated here as O. howardii.
This species if quite distinct from O. brachycarpa in its brilliant yellow petals that dry reddish brown,
floral tubes 4.3-11 (12.5) cm long and in that in consists of entirely tetraploid,
hexaploid, and octoploid plants whereas O. brachycarpa from west Texas
to southeastern Arizona and northern Mexico has pale yellow petals that dry lavender,
floral tubes (10.5-)12-22 cm long and is entirely diploid, n =7.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Oenothera nuttallii;
Notes on Oenothera albicaulis;
Oenothera nuttallii Sweet “Nuttall's Evening Primrose”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1813.
Nuttall (1813, item 54) listed Oenothera albicaulis in Fraser's Catalogue.
Original Text
54 *[Oenothera] albicaulis. ‡ M.
This is considered nom. inval because there is no description or other means to
distinguish this plant from any others.
Pursh (1814) published O. albicaulis for a different plant, but included Nuttall's albicaulis as a synonym.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Nuttall (1818, v. 1, p. 245) ...
Original Text
7. * albicaulis. Perennial; stem simple, erect, white and
polished, upper part branching; leaves linear-sublanceolate,
rarely subserrulate, under side a little villous; flowers
axillary, middle-sized, white; capsule prismatic; petals
entire. — Oe. albicaulis. Fras. Catal. 1813. Pursh's
synonym wrong, 2. p. 734. See the Herbarium of A. B.
Lambert, esq. Hab. From the river Platte to the Northern Andes.
Flowering in July and August. Stem about
3 feet high, calix somewhat villous; capsule about an inch long.
This is considered nom. illeg. because it was previously validly
published by Pursh (1814).
Note also that the plant being described by Nuttall has a stem to 3 feet tall.
Sweet (1830) would apply O. nuttallii to Nuttall's O. albicaulis separating it from Pursh's O. albicaulis,
which I guess is implied in the string “albicaulis, n. non Pursh.”
Literature Cited:
- Sweet, Robert, 1830, 2nd ed..
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Oenothera albicaulis, Nuttall, 1818;
Sweet (1830, 2ed, p. 199) published O. nuttallii noting that it is not the same as O. albicaulis Pursh.
Syst. Name.
Eng. Name.
Ref. to Figures.
N. America.
5, 8.
albicaulis. N. non Pursh.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Oenothera suffrutescens;
Oenothera suffrutescens (Ser.) W. L. Wagner & Hoch “Linda Tarde”
(Syn: Gaura coccinea Pursh , Gaura glabra Lehm. )
Nuttall (1813, p. 2) ...
39 *Gaura coccinea. ‡ M.
* New Species.
‡ Perennial.
M. from the Missourie.
Since there was no description or identifying information this name is not validly published.
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814, v. 2, p. 733) ...
Gaura coccinea.
G. sericeo-pubescens ; foliis lineari-lanceolatis subdenticulatis, spica conferta,
petalis longitudine calycis, stigmate subintegro.
G. coccinea. Fraser. catal. 1813.
In Upper Louisiana Bradbury. v. s. in Herb. Bradbury.
About a span high ; flowers smaller than G. biennis, scarlet.
In the Catalogue quoted this plant is marked as a perennial, but by the
appearance of the specimen I should take it to be only annual.
Literature Cited:
- Wagner, Warren L., Peter C. Hoch, and Peter H. Raven, 2007.
Wagner, et al. (2007, p. 214) ...
Oenothera suffrutescens (Seringe) W. L. Wagner & Hoch, comb. nov.
Gaura ? suffrutescens Seringe in DC, Prodr. 3: 45. 1828.
Type: Fl. Mex. Icon. t. 374 (holotype: G-DC).
[This plate is a copy of no. 0717 in the Torner Collection of Sessé
and Mociño Biological Illustrations at the Hunt Institute (McVaugh 2000).]
Gaura coccinea Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 2: 733. 1814.
Type: U.S.A. North Dakota: Morton Co., near Mandan, [22 Jun to 5 Jul 1811],
J. Bradbury s.n. (holotype: PH).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Oenothera villosa;
Oenothera villosa Thunb. “Hairy Evening Primrose”
Literature Cited:
- Thunberg, Carl Peter, 1794-1800.
Thunberg (1794, v. 1, p. 75) ...
O. foliis lanceolatis villofis , caule angulato hirfuto.
Literature Cited:
- Frean, Millicent, Kevin Balkwill, Cindy Gold, and Sharon Burt, 1997.
Frean (1997, v. 63, n. 6, p. 451) …
O. villosa subsp. villosa … was the first taxon of the
genus to be collected in southern Africa. It was collected by
Thunberg between 1772 and 1775 and
now shows scattered local distribution …
in Free State, … Kwa-Zulu-Natal and … Western Cape.
This scattered distribution
suggests that natural dispersal is unlikely and human intervention
is probably responsible for its dispersal from the Cape.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Aralia nudicaulis;
Aralia nudicaulis L. “Wild Sarsaparilla”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Original Text
4. ARALIA caule nudo. Hort. cliff. 113. Gron. virg. 34. Roy. lugdb. 94.
Aralia caule nuda, redice repente. Cold. noveb. 66.
Chriftophoriana virginia, zarzae radicibus furculofis & fungofis. Pluk. alm. 98. t. 238. f. 5.
Habitat in Virginia, simillina (forte eadem) in Iava. ♄
Literature Cited:
- Sun, Feng-Jie, and Stephen R. Downie, 2010.
Apiaceae Apioidae
Some current phylogenetic analysis (Sun & Downie, 2010) shows that among the western American Apioideae
including Aletes, Cymopteris, Lomatium, and Musineon are highly polyphyletic
and therefore likely to be significantly reorganized in the coming years.
Aegopodium podagraria L. “Bishops Goutweed”
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, p. 265) ...
1. ÆGOPODIUM foliis caulinis fummis ternatis.
Hort. cliff. 107.
Fl. fuec. 247.
Roy. lugdb. 115.
Angelica fylveftris minor. f. erratica.
Bauh. pin. 155.
Herba gerardi. Dod. pempt. 320.
Habitat in Europa ad fepes inque pomariis.
Linnaeus (1753) says, “It lives in Europe in pastures and orchards.”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Aletes acaulis;
Aletes acaulis (Torr.) J.M. Coult. & Rose “Stemless Indian Parsley”
Literature Cited:
- Coulter, John M., and Joseph N. Rose, 1888.
Original Text
48. ALETES. — An acaulescent glabrous perennial, with
pinnate leaves, broad sharply toothed or cut rather distant leaflets,
mostly no involucre, and involucels of lanceolate bractlets about
equalling the yellow flowers.
1. A. acaulis.
Cespitose, with peduncles 4 to 10 inches
high, often much longer than the leaves: leaflets ovate, irregularly
toothed and cut, sometimes almost pinnatifid: umbel 8 to 15-rayed;
rays 5 to 10 lines long; fruit almost sessile, 1½ lines long.
(Fig. 147.)
Deweya (?) acaulis Torrey, Pacif. R. Rep. iv. 94.
Oreosciadium acaule Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. vii. 343.
Seseli Hallii Gray, 1. c. viii. 288.
Musenium Greenei Gray, 1. c. 387.
Carum (?) Hallii Watson, Bibl. Index. Polypet. 416.
Zizia Hallii C. & R. Bot. Gazette, xii. 137, foot-note.
In the foot-hills of Colorado and New Mexico. Fl. May.
The history of this species has been somewhat remarkable. Not only has
it been referred to six genera, but it has stood under three of them at the
same time. Referred first doubtfuliy to Deweya by Torrey in 1856, it was
transferred by Gray to Oreosciadium in 1868. It then turned up in the Hall
& Harbour collection and was described as Seseli Hallii Gray in 1870.
A year or two later it was sent to Dr. Gray by E. L. Greene, and appeared in
1872 as a new species of Musenium, M. Greenei Gray.
At this time the same plant was appearing in our publications under three names,
Oreosciadium acaule, Seseli Hallii, and Musenium Greenei, all of Gray.
In his Bibliographical Index, Watson referred it doubtfully to Carum, as C. (?)
Hallii, at the same time recognizing the identity of Seseli Hallii and
Musenium Greenei, and quoting them as synonyms.
In 1887, however, in
Proc. Am. Acad. xxii. 475, Watson records the identity of Oreosciadium
acaule with his Carum (?) Hallii, and so the names were at last reduced to
The fruit characters are those of Zizia, and if they are to dominate
over every other consideration this piant must be a Zizia, as we suggested
in Bot. Gazette, xii. 137.
But no character should be used too arbitrarily,
and the complete disimilarity of habit between the recognized species of
Zizia and this species seems something that cannot be neglected.
If such a thing is to be neglected in this ease,
consistency would demand a consolidation of genera such as we are not at present disposed to accept.
If this plant, then, is not a Zizia,
nor any of the numerous genera proposed for it, a genus must be made for it,
for surely, if a plant does not satisfy any genus, it must be sui generis.
That it does not satisfy the demands of any recognized genus is to be inferred
from its strange history; but it may be proper to point out a few of the
reasons why it cannot belong to any of the genera heretofore proposed for it.
It is hardly necessary to show why it cannot be a Veloea (Deweya).
From Oreosciadium it differs in its prominent calyx-teeth, pinnate leaves,
and yellow flowers; from Seseli in its laterally flattened fruit, yellow flowers,
and whole habit; from Musenium in its much more prominent ribs,
strengthening cells, solitary oil-tubes, almost plane seed-face, and simpler
leaves; from Carum in its depressed stylopodium, yellow flowers, and its
general habit. Taking its habit and fruit both into consideration it is more
nearly related to Musenium than any other genus. For the reasons given,
we propose for it a new genus, the name of which indicates its changing history.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Berula erecta;
Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville “Cut-Leaf Water Parsnip”
Literature Cited:
- Hudson, William, 1762.
3. SIUM foliis pinnatis, umbellis axillaribus pedunculatis, involucro univerfali pinnatifido.
Sium five apium paluftre foliis oblongis.
Bauh. pin. 154. R. syn. 211.
Sium majus anguftifolium. Ger. Em. 256.
Sium minus alterum. Park. 1241.
Sium erectum foliis ferratis, D. Doody. R. Syn. 211.
Anglis, upright Water Parfenep.
Habitat in foffis, rivulus et ad ripas fluviorum. ♃ VIII.
Literature Cited:
- Coville Frederick V., 1893.
Coville (1893, p. 115) described Berula erecta, noting
“The Umbelliferae have been determined by Dr. J. N. Rose.”
Berula erecta (Huds.) Fl. Angl. 103 (1762), under Sium.
This is Berula angustifolia (L.) Koch.
It was recorded at Resting Springs (No. 271), Winters's ranch, Pahrump Valley,
Ash Meadows, Cottonwood Spring, Vegas Ranch,
and at several points between Lone Pine and Indian Wells.
The plant is one of common occurrence in rivulets of fresh water
throughout the desert and within the Larrea belt.
Conium maculatum L. “Common Poison Hemlock”
Literature Cited:
- Riley, Charles V., ed., 1870.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Conium maculatum;
“At Walcott, in this county, on Monday evening,
Harry, aged 5 1/2 years, son of Dr. T. Byrnes,
and Willie, aged 7 years, son of Mr. Barche, died
from eating the poisonous root known as wild
parsnip or Hemlock. The children were playmates,
and about six o’clock took a walk along
the railroad track, where they discovered the
plant, of which they ate. The first intimation
any one had of anything being wrong was about
seven o’clock, when little Harry came home and
told his mother that his playmate, Willie Barche,
was down there (pointing to the railroad) sick.
He said, ‘ Willie staggers like a drunken man,
and he is sick, Mam, he is real sick; and I feel
sick, too.’ Dr. Byrnes, who was at home, over-
heard the remark, and, on looking, saw Willie
lying down upon the ground. He immediately
requested Mr. Peck, station agent, to bring the
child to the house. This was done, but the poor
little fellow was then in a state of collapse, and
soon went into violent convulsions, and died in
half an hour. Mrs. Byrnes, when apprised by
her little son that he was sick, consulted her hus-
band, and a strong emetic was given the child.
Being asked what he had eaten, he said, ‘Only
two little roots about as big as my finger.’ The
child continued to grow worse, and in a short
time was seized with convulsions, and, despite
al] remedies, died at midnight.”— Davenport
Gazette, April 20.
It is now an appropriate time to give a word
of warning respecting poisonous plants. Every
spring we find such accounts as the above in the
public prints, of cases of poisoning from the use —
of roots which are mistaken for those of esculent
A few years ago, we knew a strong, healthy
young Norwegian, who, having found some roots
just beginning to develop leaves, ate two or
three of them, under the belief that they were
parsnips. In an hour or two he was seized with
pain and vomiting, and before medical aid was
procured he was dead. The roots were those of
the Spotted Cowbane (Cicuta maculata, L.), a
plant which occurs all over the country in low
moist grounds, and has been the occasion of
many cases of poisoning.
Two years ago, several children near Centralia,
Ill., were poisoned from eating the roots of an-
other plant, which grows in the southern part of
the States of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, in
similar situations with the preceding, and is
botanically called Eulophus Americanus, Nutt.
[=Perideridia americana (Nutt. ex DC.) Rchb. ex Steud.]
It has no definite common name so far as we
These two plants belong to the Natural Order
Umbelliferae, or to the same family as the Caraway,
Parsley, Carrot, Parsnip, &c. It embraces
many poisonous plants, among them the Poison
Hemlock (Conium maculatum, L.), the juice of —
which, it is supposed, was employed by the
ancients in the execution of criminals.
Children should be cautioned against eating
any wild roots without the sanction of those who
are acquainted with them and know what they
are. We shall hereafter give some illustrations
of these poisonous plants.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Harbouria trachypleura;
Harbouria trachypleura (A. Gray) J.M. Coult. & Rose “Whiskbroom Parsley”
Literature Cited:
- Coulter, John M., and Joseph N. Rose, 1888.
Coulter & Rose (1888, p. 125) proposed Harbouria trachypleura.
Original Text
Glabrous perennials, with 1 to 3
leaves which are ternately decompound and with narrowly linear
or filiform segments, involucre and involucels of few subulate
bracts, and long-peduncled umbels (mostly in pairs) of yellow
Hall & Harbour, to the latter of whom it is dedicated,
as the name Hallia is preoccupied.
H. trachypleura. A foot or more high: leaf-segments
mucronulate: umbels (mostly 2 long-peduncled ones) 15 to 25-rayed ;
rays an inch long; pedicels 2 to 3 lines long: fruit 2 lines long.
(Fig. 146.)
Thaspium trachypleurum Gray, Proc. Acad. Philad. 1863, 63.
Cicuta (?) trachyplera Watson, Ribl. Index. Polypet. 417.
Hall & Harbour 215,
Parry 159, etc., etc.) to New Mexico (Fendler 277).
Fl. May to July.
Thaspium and Cicuta. Its position in Thaspium must have been among
the so-called "apterous" forms, which we have referred to Zizia, from
which genus it is plainly separated by its much more prominent corky ribs,
narrow and prominently corky-thickened commissural face, and whole
general habit. It is distinct from Cicnta not only in these same characters,
but also in its more laterally flattened fruit, equal ribs, yellow flowers. and habitat.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Ligusticum porteri;
Ligusticum porteri J.M. Coult. & Rose “Porter's Licorice-Root”
Literature Cited:
- Coulter, John M., and Joseph N. Rose, 1888.
4. L. Porteri. Rather stout, 2 to 8 feet high, more leafy,
with glabrous or puberulent inflorescence: leaves large, biternate
then bipinnate; the numerous rather crowded segments lanceolate
to lanceolate-ovate, laciniately pinnatifid, toothed or entire: umbel
of numerous rays, mostly with neither involuere nor involucels;
rays (fruiting) 1 to 2 inches long; pedicels 3 to 4 lines long;
flowers white or pinkish: fruit (immature) oblong-ovate, 2 lines
long, with more prominent winged ribs than in other species: oil-tubes
4 to 6 in the intervals, 8 to 10 on the commissural side: seed
somewhat dorsally flattened, with very sharply angled back, and
face with a broad shallow concavity and central longitudinal ridge.
In the mountains and foothills of Colorado, Bear Creek (Vasey 223, in
1868), headwaters of Platte River (Coulter, in 1873, distribed (sic)
as L. apiifolium,
and described as such in Fl. Colorado); Arizona (Palmer 176, in 1877),
Huachuca Mts. (Pringle, in 1884, distributed as L. filicinum); New Mexico,
mountains near Las Vegas (G. R. Vasey, in 1881, distributed as L. apiifolium),
near top of mesa, Raton (Tracy 52, in 1887).
Fl. June and July.
This is also the Colorado form referred doubtfully to L. apiifolium by
Brewer & Watson in Bot. Calif, i. 264. It is a curious fact that this species
has always been referred to L. apiifolium or L. filicinum, two species with
which it cannot be confounded, and has never been referred to L. scopulorum,
to which it is most nearly allied. It differs from that species chiefly
in its more leafy habit, more numerous crowded smaller and narrower leaf-segments,
naked often glabrous umbels, more ovate fruit, which is more
prominently winged than in any other species, more numerous oil-tubes,
and seed with a very sharply angled back.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lomatium orientale;
Lomatium orientale J.M. Coult. & Rose “Salt-and-Pepper”
Literature Cited:
- Coulter, John M., and J. N. Rose, 1900.
- Moulton, Gary E., 1999.
Coulter & Rose (1900, v. 7, n. 1, p. 220) in their
Monograph of North American Umbelliferae
published Lomatium orientale.
Original Text
| Comments and Interpretation
20. Lomatium orientale C. & R. sp. nov,
Peucedanum nudicaule Nutt. in great part, and of all later authors.
Acaulescent or shortly caulescent, with short And soft pubescence,
peduncles 1 to 3 cm. high, and a thick elongated root (often swollen in
places); leaves bipinnate, the small oblong segments entire or toothed;
umbel unequally 5 to 8-rayed, with involucels of scarious-margined
(often purplish) lanceolate distinct bractlets; rays 1 to 3.5 cm. long;
pedicels glabrous, 5 to 7 mm. long; flowers white or pinkish, with
glabrous ovaries; fruit almost round, emarginate at base, glabrous, 5 mm.
long, 4 mm. broad, with wings not as broad as body, and indistinct
or obsolete dorsal and intermediate ribs; oil tubes solitary in the
intervals (rarely 2 in the lateral intervals), 4 on the commissural side;
seed face plane.
Type locality, plains around Denver, Colo.; collected by Bethel,
May, 1895; type in U. S. Nat. Herb.
Ellsworth Bethel (1863-1925) came to Colorado in 1888 and until 1914 was a teacher in th Denver High Schools.
Receiving a Masters degree, in 1917 he started a new career as a plant pathologist.
There are 16 collections attributed to Bethel from Golden s.l.
On the plains from North Dakota to Kansas, and west to Arizona and Washington.
Specimens examined:
Kansas: Western Kansas, Herb. State Agric. Coll.
Nebraska: Wilcox, in 1887; Long Pine, Brown County, Rutter, June 1, 1893.
South Dakota: Aurora County, Wilcox, May 20, 1892.
Montana: Blankinship, May 3-4, 1890; Warm Peak, Bear Lodge,
V. Bailey, June 8, 1894.
Wyoming: Fort Russell, Ruby, in 1885;
Cheyenne, Havard, in 1893;
Laramie plains, Nelson, May, 1893 and 1894.
Colorado: Hall & Harbour 212, in 1862;
Palmer Lake, Alice Eastwood, May 25, 1890;
Cache la Poudre, Cowen, May 23, 1891;
foothills, altitude 1,800 to 1,950 meters, Crandall, May, 1893 and 1894;
near Windsor, Osterhout, May, 1894;
plains about Denver, Bethel, May, 1895;
Log Canyon and Rist Canyon, Holzinger 3, May 31, 1896.
New Mexico: Mangus Springs, Rusby 148, February 25, 1S80.
Arizona: MacDougal 5, June, 1891 ;
Flagstaff, altitude 1,650 meters, MacDougal 5, May 31, 1898;
Clifton, Davidson, in 1899.
Utah: Palmer 181, in 1877.
Idaho: Allen, in 1873;
boundary of Idaho and Washington, Canby, in 1891.
In 1818 Nuttall transferred Pursh's Smyrnium nudicaule to Ferula, and cited with
the type of Pursh (a Lewis & Clark plant from the Columbia River) a more eastern
plant, “on the high plains of the Missouri, commencing about the confluence of the
river Jauk [Jaune= Yellowstone or Jacque= Dakota],” a plant said by Nuttall to
be associated on the eastern plains with L. foeniculaceum. Since then the name
nudicaulis has been associated with the plant of the eastern plains. It was a puzzle to
us to find that the type locality of Smyrnium nudicaule was entirely to the west of its
present range, but Messrs. Robinson and Greenman have cleared up the matter
by examining Pursh's type, and discovering that it is the same as the abundant Seseli
leiocarpum of Hooker, from the same region. This leaves the eastern plant without
a name.
The Lewis & Clark collection that Coulter & Rose refer to is currently determined Lomatium nudicaule (Pursh) Coulter & Rose
and is showin as f. 96 in Moulton (1999).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Musineon divaricatum;
Musineon divaricatum (Pursh) Raf. “Leafy Wildparsley”
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1816.
Pursh (v. 2, supplement, p. 732) adds S. divaricatum to Seseli
on page 197, which heretofore contained only S. triternatum
(=Lomatium triternatum (Pursh) J.M.Coult. & Rose)
from the Lewis & Clark herbarium.
Original Text
p. 197
Seseli divaricatum.
S. caule ramosissimo divaricato, foliis
bipinnatifidis, laciniis lanceolatis incisis, involucris nullis,
involucellis linearibus.
In Upper Louisiana. Bradbury, v. s. in Herb. Bradbury.
Resembles S. tortuosum very much.
Literature Cited:
- Rafinesque, C. S., 1819.
Rafinesque (1819, p. 101) published Marathrum divaricatum based upon Seseli divaricatum Pursh.
Original Text
| Translation
22. Marathrum. (Ombellif.)
Fleurs hermaphrodites a involucelles, sans involucres.
Calice ovale 5-dente.
5 petales obcordes.
5 etamines longues.
2 longs styles caducs.
Semences ovales, a dos convexe ou gibbeaux, legerement anguleux.
Feuilles pinnatifides , involucelles polyphylles ,
fleurs jaunes.
Le type de ce genre est le Sesili divaricatum de Pursh et Nuttall ;
mais il fiddere evidemment du genre Seseli par son dente, ses petales obcordes,
ses semences anguleuses et ses fleurs jaunes.
22. Marathrum. (Umbellif.)
Hermaphroditic to involucral flowers, without involucres.
Calyx oval 5-toothed.
5 obcorded petals.
5 long stamens.
2 long obsolete styles.
Seeds oval, with convex or gibbeau back, slightly angular.
Pinnatifid leaves, polyphylous involucelles,
yellow flowers.
& mdash;
The type of this genus is the Sesili divaricatum of Pursh and Nuttall;
but it evidently belongs to the Seseli kind by his teeth, his obcorded petals,
its angular seeds and yellow flowers.
This turned out to be an unavailable name because Matathrum was unavailable having been previously used by Robert Brown.
Literature Cited:
- Rafinesque, C. S., 1820.
Rafinesque (1820, p. 71) published a correction for his previously published Marathrum.
Original Text
| Translation
1. Dans le prodrome de 50 nouveaux genres de plantes d'Amerique,
j'ai decrit deaux nouveaux genres sous les noms de marathrum et de pythagorea ;
je me suis apercu depuis lors, que ces noms avaient deja ete employes,
le premier par Robert Brown, le second par Louriero; et comme je suis convaincu de l'importance
et de la necessite d'eviter des doubles emplois en Botanique, je m'empresse de rectifer cette
erreur, et de proposer les noms suivans en place.
1. In the prodrome of 50 new genera of plants from America,
I have described new genera under the names of marathrum and pythagorea;
I have noticed since then that these names had already been used,
the first by Robert Brown, the second by Louriero; and as I am convinced of the importance
and the need to avoid duplication in Botany, I hasten to correct this error,
and propose the following names in place.
Mon G. marathrum devra se nommer musineon.
Ces deux noms sont des synonymes de fenouil.
My genus marathrum should be called musineon.
These two names are synonyms for fennel.
Torrey & Gray (1838, v. 1, pt. 4, p. 642) published Musenium
and species from a manuscript by Nuttall.
Original Text
47. MUSENIUM. Nutt. mss.
“Margin of the calyx 5-toothed ; the teeth persistent. Petals obovate ; the
point inflexed. Styles slender, reflexed, rather long. Fruit ovate or ovate-oblong,
laterally compressed. Carpels more or less minutely scabrous, with
5 filiform acute slightly prominent ribs. Intervals with 2-3 vittae.
Commissure with 4 vittae. Carpophore 2-cleft. Seed with the sides moderately
incurved. Perennial dwarf rather foetid resiniferous (North American) herbs,
with fusiform roots, and a short caudex, or branching dichotomously from the
base. Leaves 2-3-pinnatifid. Involucre none. Involucels unilateral, of a
few rather rigid narrow leaflets. Flowers yellow or white.” Nutt.
§ 1. Stem dichotomous : flowers yellow.
1. M. divaricatum (Nutt. ! mss.) : decumbent ; stem short, dichotomously
branching from the base ; leaves bipinnatifid ; divisions confluent with the
winged rachis ; segments short, rather acutely toothed ; fruit somewhat glabrous.
Seseli divaricatum, Pursh, fl. 2. p. 732? ;
Nutt. gen. 1. p. 194 ;
DC. prodr. 4. p. 146.
β Hookeri : rachis narrow ; fruit scabrous, with elevated points.
M. Hookeri, Nutt.! mss.
Seseli divaricatum, Hook.! fl. Bor.-Am. 1. p. 264 ;
Sims, bot. mag t. 1742. (ex Hook.)
Naked and arid hills and plains of the Upper Missouri, Nuttall !
β. Plains of the Upper Platte, near the Rocky Mountains, Nuttall !
On the Saskatchawan, Drummond! Douglas.
Plant about a span long. Leaves all,
except the radical ones, opposite, glabrous and shining : petiole and rachis
distinctly winged : lamina with an ovate outline ; primary and secondary
divisions 3-4 pairs ; the segments about one-third of an inch long, 3-4-toothed.
Peduncles 4-5 inches long, scabrous, naked, rigid, stout. Umbels
10-20-rayed ; the rays (in fruit) about half an inch long. Fruit 2 lines long,
oblong-ovate : pericarp thin : vittae filled with a strong terebinthine oil.
The plant exudes small drops of resin spontaneously.
| |
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Cornus sericea;
Cornus sericea L. “Creek Dogwood”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1771.
- Plukenet, Leonard, 1696.
Original Text
| Comments and Interpretation
CORNUS arborea, cymis nudis, foliis fubtus fericeis.
Cornus femina laurifolia, fructu nigro-caeruleo, officulo compreffo.
Pluk, alm. r 21, t. 169. f. 3.
Leonard Plukenet (1641-1706) Almagestum botanicum. 1696, 1705. One of several pre-Linnean checklists.
Habitat in America feptentrionali. ♄. H. U.
Frutex altior : Ramis rubicundis . laevibus.
Ramuli ultimi obfolete ancipites , a Petioli dorfo , vix manifefto , decurrente.
Folia oppofita (nec bifaria) , ovata . plicato - lineata ; fubius alba (non pallide viridia) , fericeo-nitentia.
Cymae terminales, folio breviores.
Petala ovata f. oblongiufcula , alba , patentia.
Stamina alba , corolla duplo longiora.
Receptaculum purpurafens.
Simillima C. fanguineae et albae , at difficile diftinguatur , fed Baccae atro-purpureae.
“Similar to C. sanguineae and C. alba, but difficult to distinguish, except for black-purple berries.”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi;
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Sprengel “Bearberry”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Original Text
4. ARBUTUS caulibus procumbentibus, foliis integerrimis.
Fl. lapp. 162. t. 6. f. 3.
Fl. fuec. 339.
Mat. med. 211.
Hort. cliff. 163.
Roy. lugdb. 440.
Hall. helv. 415.
Uva urfi
Uva urfi.
Cluf. hift. 1. p. 63.
Radix idaea putata & Uva urfi.
Bauh. hift. 1. p. 524.
Arbutus noveboracentibus Bearberry.
Cold. nov. 104.
Habitat in Europa frigida, Canada.
Literature Cited:
- Sprengel, Curt Polycarp Joachim, 1826.
Sprengel 1825, v. 2., p. 287 ...
Original Text
1542. Arctostaphylos Adanf.
Uva urfi*
1. A. caule procumbenta fruticofo,
foliis obovatis integerrimis coriaceis nitidis,
floribus fafciculatis.
Europ. et Amer. bor.
(Arbutus L.)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Orthilia secunda;
Orthilia secunda (L.) House “Sidebells Wintergreen”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Original Text
3. PYROLA racemo unilaterali.
Fl. fuec. 332.
Pyrola floribus uno verfu fparfis.
Fl. lapp. 168.
Pyrola folio mucronato ferrato.
Bauh. pin. 181.
Pyrola 2 tenerior.
Cluf. pan. 506.
Habitat in Enropae (sic) borealis fylvis.
Literature Cited:
- House, Homer D., 1921.
House (1921) moved our plant to Orthilia Raf. from Pyrola without comment.
Original Text
Orthilia Raf. Aut. Bot. 103. 1840
Ramischia Opiz, Seznam 82. 1852.
Actinocyclus Klotzsch,, Akad. Monats Berlin (1857): 14. 1857.
Orthilia secunda (L.) House, comb. nov.
Pyrola secunda L. Sp. Pl. 396. 1753.
R. secundiflora Opiz, l. c.
Actinocyclus secundus Klotzsch, l. c.
R. secunda Garcke, Fl. Deuts. Ed. 4, 222. 1858.
O. parvifolia Raf., l. c.
In our northern swamps, merging into the var. obtusata
(Turcz.) House, comb. nov. (pyrola secunda var. obtusata
Turcz.), originally described from northern Asia and Europe,
but which appears to be practically the same as described by
Paine (Cat. Pl. Oneida County 135. 1865), as var. pumila.
All intermediate forms between the typical species and the
var. obtusata, occur in a swam near Newcomb, New York.
An Additional species of this genus occurs in Mexico.
Orthilia Elatior (Lang) House, comb. nov.
(Actinocyclus secundus elatior Lange; Ramischia elatior Rydberg).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Pyrola asarifolia;
Pyrola asarifolia Michx. “Liverleaf Wintergreen”
There is a collection of P. asarifolia from “draw W of Little Scraggy Peak,” Philip V. Woodhead, #20-W, 29 June 1916, RM402926.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Androsace occidentalis Pursh “Western Rockjasmine”;
Androsace occidentalis Pursh “Western Rockjasmine”
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814, v. 1, p. 137) ...
Original Text
1. A[ndrosace] tenuissime pubescens ; coliis involucrisive olongo-spathulatis
integerrimis, perianthiis angulatis, capsulis calyce brevioribus.
On the banks of the Missouri. Nuttall. ☉ v. s. in Herb. Nuttall.
Approaches near to A. elongata, according to specimens of Pallas's in the
Herbarium of A. B. Lambert, Esq.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Androsace septentrionalis;
Androsace septentrionalis L. “Pygmyflower Rockjasmine”
(Syn: Androsace septentrionalis L. ssp. subumbellata (A. Nelson) G. T. Robbins)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Dodecatheon pulchellum;
Dodecatheon pulchellum (Raf.) Merr. “Beautiful Shootingstar”
(Syn: Exinia pulchella Raf. , Primula pauciflora (Greene) Mast & Reveal )
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lysimachia ciliata;
Lysimachia ciliata L. “Fringed Loosestrife”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Habitat in Virginia, Canada (Linnaeus, 1753, v. 1, p. 147).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Fraxinus americana;
Fraxinus americana L. “White Ash”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Ligustrum vulgare;
Ligustrum vulgare L. “Privet”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Eustoma grandiflorum;
Eustoma grandiflorum (Raf.) Shinners “Showy Prairie Gentian”
Literature Cited:
- Shinners, Lloyd H., 1957.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Frasera speciosa;
Frasera speciosa Griseb. “Elkweed”
Literature Cited:
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson, 1829-1840.
Hooker's illustration of Frasera speciosa.
Hooker, William Jackson, Sir, 1785-1865
Flora boreali-americana, or, the botany of the northern parts of British America : compiled principally from the plants collected by Dr. Richardson & Mr. Drummond on the late northern expeditions, under command of Captain Sir John Franklin, R.N. To which are added (by permission of the Horticultural society of London,) those of Mr. Douglas, from north-west America, and of other naturalists
v. 2, p. 66.
The Gentianaceae was authored by Dr. Grisebach, see footnote on page 54.
Original Text
2. F. speciosa (Dougl. ms.); caule erecto tereti sulcato glabro, foliis quaternis oblongo-linearibus
acutiusculis, racemo elongato densifloro, calyce corollam aequante, foveis elliptico-oblongis
binis. (Tab. CLIII.)
Longer Latin description omitted.
Hab. On the low hills near Spokan and Salmon Rivers and subalpine parts of the Blue Mountains,
near the Kooskooska River, N.W.C. Douglas.
[This is quite distinct from the preceding (F. carolinensis), much larger in
every part, with longer petals and constantly 2 oblong foveae upon each of them. — Hook.]
Tab. CLIII. — Fig. 1, Flower; fig. 2, Petal: – magnified.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Apocynum cannabinum;
Apocynum cannabinum L. “Indian Hemp”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Apocynum ×floribundum;
Apocynum ×floribundum Greene “Dogbane”
Greene (1893, p. 151) published A. floribundum without mention of
it being a hybrid.
Original Text
Apocynum floribundum. Glabrous, pallid and glaucous,
2 feet high, with numerous ascending and somewhat fastigiate
branches rising to about the same level, each ending in a
cyme: leaves about 2 inches long, from ovate to elliptical,
mucronate, the margins sparsely serrulate-scabrous: cymes
not dense, many-flowered, erect: corollas erect, lurid-purplish,
nearly cylindrical, the lobes erect, or only a little spreading.
Dry ground bordering pine woods, in the higher mountains
west of the Mohave Desert, in Kern Co., Calif., 1889.
Nearest A. cannabinum, but of very different habit; the
fastigiate branches, each with its own many-flowered cyme,
uniting to form a compound corymb often a foot broad.
A. cannabinum, common in many parts of California, was
found in wet ground by streamlets, in the same region, and
true to its character, the dense terminal cyme of small
greenish flowers, being greatly surpassed by those of the
single pair of lateral branches.
Literature Cited:
- Johnson, Samuel A., Leo P. Bruederle, and Diana F. Tomback, 1998.
Johnson, et al. (1998) confirmed that A. ×floribundum is a hybrid and that the occurrences they examined were clonal.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Asclepias speciosa;
Asclepias speciosa Torr. “Showy Milkweed”
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John G., 1828.
Torrey (1828, p. 218-219) described James' collection as A. speciosa ...
Original Text
260. A. speciosa, tota planta tenuiter tomentosa ; foliis
ovato-cordatis obtusis, oppositis, brevi-petiolatis ; umbellis
axillaribus, terminalibusque solitariis ; coronae foliolis erectis,
lanceolatis, antheridiis triplo longioribus, basi intus obtuse
Desc. Stem erect, branched ? LeavesUmbels axillary and terminal,
pedicels white-lanuginous, thick. Flowers twice as large as in A. syriaca.
Calyx woolly ; segments lanceolate, spreading. Corolla pale purple ?
Segments reflexed, oblong, obtuse. Leaflets of the nectary lanceolate,
erect, straight, acute. Horn short, incurved, compressed. Fruit not seen.
Hab. On the Canadian ?
Obs. Flowers larger than in any other North American
species of this genus.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Asclepias incarnata;
Asclepias incarnata L. “Swamp Milkweed”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Original Text
8. ASCLEPIAS foliis lanceolatis, caule fuperne divifo,
umbellis terminalibus congeftis.
Afclepias caule erecto ramofo annuo, foliis lanceolatis,
umbellis terminalibus erectis pluribus. Vir. clif. 20.
hort. cliff. 78. Roy. lugdb. 411. Gron. virg. 27.
Apocynum minus rectum canadenfe. Corn. canad. 9. t. 93.
Barr. rar. 8. t. 72. Raj. hift. 1089.
Habitat in Canada, Virginia. ♃
Caulis ubi dividitur folia e regione tria producit.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Asclepias pumila;
Asclepias pumila (A. Gray) Vail “Plains Milkweed”
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1876a.
Gray (1876a, p. 70) in an extended footnote revising Asclepias
published Asclepias pumila as a variety of A. verticillata.
Original Text
A. verticillata, L.
A widely distributed species, including A. galioides, HBK.,
of Mexico.
Var. pumila is a singularly dwarf or depauperate form, of
the western dry plains, from Nebraska to New Mexico.
Var. subverticillata
(A. verticillata var. galioides, Torr. Bot. Mex. Bound. 164, chiefly), is a marked
form, with single stems, simple or branched, the leaves mostly in pairs and
threes, and their margins little revolute, the horns of the hoods rather less exserted.
Decaisne's A. verticillata var. linifolia may include this ; but it is evidently
a mixture of A. verticillata (to which the specimens from "Florida and
Georgia" may belong) ; of A. virgata, Lag. (A. angustifolia, Roem. & Schult. &c.),
which, from Kunth's character of opposite leaves and little exserted horn, may
be A. linifolia, HBK.; and of A. Mexicana, Cav. (from which may come the
character of leaves 4-6-nate), which must be identical with A. fascicularis of
Decaisne. Here also A. linearis, Scheele in Linntea, xxi.
Literature Cited:
- Britton, Nathaniel Lord, and Addison Brown, 1898.
Britton & Brown (1898, v. 3, p. 12) published Asclepias pumila as an isonym.
Text of the section on Asclepiadaceae was revised by Miss Anna Murray Vail.
Original Text
22. Asclepias pumila (A. Gray) Vail. Low Milkweed. (Fig. 2921.)
Asclepias verticillata var. pumila A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 12: 71. 1876.
Stems 4'-10' high, tufted from a woody
root. Leaves very numerous, crowded,
sometimes obscurely whorled, filiform-linear, 1'-2'
long, smooth or minutely roughened, the margins
revolute; umbels 2-several, short-peduncled,
few-flowered; pedicels filiform, puberulent,
3"-4" long; corolla greenish white, its
segments oblong, 1½"-2" long; column short;
hoods white, erect, oblong, entire, equalling
the anthers, shorter than the slender incurred
horn; follicles erect on erect fruiting pedicels,
narrowly spindle-shaped, l½'-2' long, finely
Dry plains. South Dakota to Arkansas, Colorado and New Mexico.
Anna Murray Vail (January 7, 1863 – December 18, 1955) was an American botanist and first librarian of the New York Botanical Garden. She was a student of the Columbia University botanist and geologist Nathaniel Lord Britton, with whom she helped to found the New York Botanical Garden.
In her Wikipedia entry are three links to her studies in the Asclepiadaceae,
which may show her original publication of Asclepias pumila
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Asclepias stenophylla;
Asclepias stenophylla A. Gray “Narrow-leaved Milkweed”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1834b.
Nuttall (1834b, p. 201) ... Proposed Polyotus angustifolius noting that Acerates Elliott was already employed for another genus … some sources, IPNI in particular, show the publication date as 1836.
4. P. *angustifolius. Caule erecto, foliis linearibus sub-oppositis,
umbellis caulinis subsessilibus; lepanthium antheridio sublongius,
sessile, foliolis apice tridentatis.
Descript. Perennial. Stem simple, herbaceous and slender, the
lower part naked, about eighteen inches high ; leaves very long, narrow
and acute, somewhat revolute and scabrous on the margin, one to one
and a half lines wide, opposite and alternate, nerves confluent below
the margin ; umbells globular, small, three or four to eight ; pedicells
about the length of the flowers ; flowers greenish, with a mixture of
white ; segments of the corolla oblong, reflected ; lepanthium sessile,
divisions linear, longer than the antheridium, tridentate above, the
central denture minute, concave and auriculate below; clefts of the
antheridium salient from the base to the summit; cusps broad and
membranaceous, concealing the stigma; follicles two.
In dry
prairies from Fort Smith to Red river. Flowering in June.
This species appears to be very nearly related to Gomphocarpus, and
also very nearly to Asclepias, particularly A. cinerea, from which it
merely differs in the absence of the short internal awn ; it may,
however, be considered as present in the central, acute and shorter third
denture of the segments of the lepanthium.
Literature Cited:
- DeCandolle, Augustus Pyramus, 1844.
DeCandolle in his Prodromus vol. 8 (1844, p. 522-523) ... proposed Acerates angustifolia ...
the chapter on Order Asclepiadeae was written by J. Decaisne.
9. A. angustifolia, caule erecto, foliis suboppositis linearibus acutis interdum
marginibus anguste revolutis scabrisque, umbellis multifloris globosis subsessilibus,
coroll. laciniis oblongis reflexis, cucullis gynostegio sublongioribus
apice tridentatis. ♃ in Am. sept. graminosis prope Fort Smith ad Red-River.
Species habitu Asclep. cinerae ex cl. Nutt. Polyotus angustifolius Nutt. Trans. phil. am. vol. 5, p. 201.
From Wikipedia:
Joseph Decaisne (7 March 1807 – 8 January 1882) was a French botanist and agronomist. He became an aide-naturaliste to Adrien-Henri de Jussieu (1797-1853), who served as the chair of rural botany. It was during this time that he began to study plants brought back by various travelers like those of Victor Jacquemont (1801-1832) from Asia. Decaisne used applied research, most notably on the agronomy of the madder, the yam and the ramie. He was also interested in algae.
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1876a.
Gray (1876a, p. 72) …
A. stenophylla.
Polyotus angustifolius, Nutt. in Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. v. 201.
Acerates angustifolia, Decaisne in DC. l. c.
Nuttall noted the clear transition to Asclepias.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Asclepias viridiflora;
Asclepias viridiflora Raf. “Green Comet Milkweed”
Literature Cited:
- Rafinesque, C. S., 1808.
Original Text
18. Asclepias viridiflora green flowered asclepias ;
leaves lanceolated, obtuse, hirsute, umbells axillar,
bending down, corniculas, without appendices.
I have found it in several parts of Maryland and Pennsylvania,
mostly in fields.
Pursh (1814, v. 1, p. 181) also published A. viridiflora,
though his name is considered illegitimate because it was previously
published by Rafinesque (1808).
I think it more likely that Pursh chose Rafinesque's name but
failed cite Rafinesque by oversight or intent.
We'll never really know.
Pursh does tell us that he had seen the plant alive (“v. v.”)
Original Text
9. A. caule simplici erecto hirsuto, foliis lanceolato-oblongis
obtusiusculis subsessilibus utrinque tomentoso-hirsutis,
umbellus lateralibus solitariis subsessilibus nutantibus
subgloboso-densifloris, appendicibus nullis
In dry fields : Pensylvania to Virginia.
June, July.
v. v.
Flowers green.
| viridiflora.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Convolvulus arvensis;
Convolvulus arvensis L. “Field Bindweed”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
1. CONVOLVULUS foliis fagittatis utrinque acutis, pedunculis unifloris.
Fl. fuec.. 173. Dalib. parif. 65.
Convolvulus foliis fagitatis utrinque acutis.
Hort. cliff. 66. Roy. lugdb. 427.
Convolvulus minor arvenfis.
Bauh. pin. 294.
Habitat in Europæ agris.
Collected by J. H. Redfiels near Canyon City, 22 July 1872. Determined Convolvulus incanus Vahl. NY 3503017.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Evolvulus nuttallianus;
• Field Notes:
Coll. No. 2319, 6 Jun 2020;
Flower of Coll. No. 2319, Evolvulus nuttallianus
Coll. No. 2319, Evolvulus nuttallianus
Evolvulus nuttallianus Roem. & Schult. “Shaggy Dwarf Morning Glory”
Evolvulus nuttallianus is native to Colorado and is found from Montana and North Dakota south to Texas and Arizona.
It is usually described as occuring on sandy and rocky prairies and plains, chaparral, pinyon-juniper and oak woodlands.
It has also been found on limestone glades and bald knobs in the Ozark region of Missouri.
It is a non-vining morning glory-like perennial that grows as a densely hairy subshrub to 20” tall with prostrate to decumbent stems that root at the nodes as they go.
It has very small, bell-shaped, lavender to blue morning glories (to 1/2” across)
from spring to mid-summer on stems
with oblanceolate, hairy, silvery-green leaves (to 1” long).
Flowers usually close up at night and on cloudy days.
There is some confusion in the taxonomy of the genus Evolvulus.
This species is sometimes listed as synonymous with E. pilosus.
The genus name comes from the Latin word “evolvo”
meaning to untwist or unravel because this genus does not twine like many species in the
Convolvulus family.
The specific epithet honors British botanist Thomas Nuttall (1786-1839) who traveled extensively in the U.S., as discussed below.
For gardeners, E. nuttallianus is winter hardy to USDA Zone 4.
It is easily grown in organically rich, consistently moist,
well-drained soils in full sun to part shade.
It also performs well in sandy soils with good drainage.
But they may be difficult to find in commerce.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1813.
Published in Fraser's Catalogue as:
32 *Evolvulus sessiliflorus. ‡ M.
However, this is nomen nudum because it has no description.
Literature Cited:
- Graustein, Jeannette E., 1967.
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Other articles:
• Glossary:
v. s.;
Thomas Nuttall traveled up the Missouri in 1811, partially duplicating the trip of Lewis and Clark,
spending the summer in and around Fort Mandan (Graustein, 1967).
I have been unable to determine where Nuttall's collection of E. nuttallianus is located.
Graustein notes that many of Nuttall's collections are in the British Museum,
and few of their holdings are available online.
Regardless, Pursh (1814) published the first description in his Flora of North America.
Pursh arrived in London in November 1811.
Nuttall and Pursh met in London in the spring of 1812.
Nuttall must have had his collections with him.
Pursh (1814) described Nuttall's morning-glory as E. argenteus.
| My Interpretation
230. EVOLVULUS. Gen Pl. 524.
| 230. EVOLVULUS. Gen Pl. 524.
1. E. erectus ; foliis oblongis utrinque sericeo-tomentosis, pedunculis unifloribus brevibus.
| argenteus.
| 1. Evolvulus that is erect, leaves oblong silky-felted both sides,
peduncles short with a single flower.
| argenteus.
On the banks of the Missouri. Nuttall. v. s. Flowers yellow.
| On the banks of the Missouri. Nuttall. In have seen it in the dried condition. Flowers yellow.
 Pursh desription of Evolvulus argenteus |
The name E. argenteus was unavailable because is was previously used by Robert Brown, 1810.
Pursh notes that he saw the collection “v. s.”
but it was not in the Lambert herbarium.
Pursh characterizes the flowers as yellow, but since he worked from dried material,
the blue to purple color may have faded.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Nuttall (1818) description of Evolvulus nuttallianus.
Nuttall (1818) published his own description of E. nuttallianus in his Genera of North American Plants.
He writes both Pursh's name argenteus and his own name of pilosus.
Calix 5-parted.
Corolla rotate-campanulate; lobes subemarginate.
Styles 2, deeply bifid; segments capillary and divergent.
Stigma simple.
Capsule 2-celled, 4-valved, 2 to 4 seeded.
Stem creeping, procumbent, or erect.
Leaves alternate entire; flowers pedunculate, small;
peduncles solitary, bibracteate, capsule perfecting 1, 2, or 4 seeds.
Species. …
3. argenteus, Ph. (pilosus.)
Perennial; stems simple, erect, and low, many from the same root:
the whole plant densely hairy and shining:
leaves cuneate-oblong, acute, crowded;
peduncles l-flowered, subsessile; bibracteate, bractes sessile in the axill;
segments of the calix linear. —
Obs. Allied to E. Commersoni. Stems 4 to 6 inches high;
leaves 6 to 8 lines long, 2 to 4 wide, extremely hairy as well as the stem;
flowers solitary, appearing sessile, purple, edge of the plaits hairy,
capsule 4-valved, often perfecting only a single seed.
— Hab. On arid gravelly hills near the confluence of Rapid river and the Missouri;
flowering in May.
This genus, with the above exceptions,
exists exclusively within the tropical regions of India, Australia, and America.
By current standards of publication, one would think that Nuttall was putting his pilosus in synonomy with Pursh's argenteus.
Literature Cited:
- Ro¨mer, Johann Jacob, Joseph August Schultes, Julius Hermann Schultes, Jurt Polycarp Joachim Sprengel, and J. G. Cotta, 1820.
Roemer & Schultes description of Evolvulus nuttallianus
In the meantime, Roemer and Schultes (1820) published the first valid name for Nuttall's collection.
Latin | My Interpretation |
18. E. Nuttallianus; erectus, foliis onlongis utrinque sericeo-tomentosis,
pedunculis unifloris brevibus.
E. argenteus Pursh Fl. Sept. Americ. I. p. 187.
Flores flavi. Ad ripas Missouri. Nuttall.
Obs. Nomen mutandum orat, cum sit antiquior argenteus R. Brown.
| 18. Evolvulus nuttallianus; erect, leaves oblong silky-felted,
single flowers on short pedicels.
(E. argenteus Pursh Fl. Sept. Americ. I. p. 187.)
Flowers yellow. On the banks of the Missouri River. Nuttall.
The name was changed, because argenteus was used earlier by R. Brown.
This was just a name change because Pursh's proposed E. argenteus was previously used by R. Brown (1810).
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1834b.
Nuttall (1834) description of E. pilosus
Then, in 1834, Nuttall first publishes his name of E. pilosus in his descriptions of plants of Arkansas territory.
2. E. pilosus.
Erectus, foliis lineari-oblongis utrinque sericeo-pilosis, pedunculis uniflorus brevibus.
Nuttall's Gen. Am. Pl. 1, p. 174
(E. Nuttallianus, erectus, foliis oblongis utrinque sericeo-tomentosis,
pedunculis unifloris brevibus. Schultes, Syst. Veg. vol. 6, p. 198;
E. argenteus, Pursh, 1, 187).
Obs. Flowers purplish, coming out in the middle of the stem;
peduncle shorter than the calix;
calix segments partly linear and acuminate.
Hab. On the high hills of Red river near Kiamesha,
This name is, of course, superfluous and therefore illegitimate because Roemer and Schultes previously validly published nuttallianus.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Aliciella pinnatifida;
Aliciella pinnatifida (Nutt. ex A.Gray) J.M.Porter. “Sticky Gilia”
Literature Cited:
- Don, George, 1831-1838.
G. Don (1831-1838, v. 4., p. 245) …
Original Text
| Comments
7 G Se'ssei; stem dwarf, branched, clothed with glandular down ;
leaves pinnatifid ;
segments cuneated, with pointed teeth ;
brecteas ovate-lanceolate, mucronatem longer than the calyx ;
corolla with a filiform tube, double the length of the calyx ;
flowers faccicled.
(.) [circle with a dot inside. H.
Native of Mexico.
Gilia pinnatifida, Sesse et Mocino, in herb. Lamb.
Stamens inclosed.
Sesse's Gilia.
Pl. ¼ foot.
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1863.
Other articles:
• Glossary:
Gray (1863) Enumeration of the Plants Collected by Parry, Hall, and Harbour notes Gilia pinnatifida ined. I assume it was ined. in Gray's hands as he published it in a revision of Polemoniaceae (Gray, 1870).
Original Text
| Comments
456. Gilia pinnatifida, Nutt. ined.
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1870.
Original Text
| Comments
3. GILIA, Ruiz & Pav.
48. G. Pinnatifida, Nutt. In herb.;
Gray Enum. Pl. Parry.
… [Latin diagnosis not reproduced] …
N. New Mexico and Colorado to Snake River, &c.,
in or near the Rocky Mountains, Nuttall, Fendler, and various collectors.
A part of Geyer's 42 and 25, referred to G. inconspicus,
much exserted stamens three lines long.
Seeds with a close coat, wholly unchanged when wetted.
Literature Cited:
- Porter, J. Mark, 1998.
Porter (1998) recircumscribed Aliciella and placed G. pinnatifida in that group.
Original Text
| Comments
1. Aliciella pinnatifida (Nutt. ex Gray) J. M. Porter, comb. nov.
Gilia pinnatifida Nutt. ex Gray,
Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 8: 276. 1870, (basionym).
Navarretia pinnatifida (A. Gray) Kuntze, Revisio, Gen. Pl. 2: 433. 1891
Gilia vixcosa Woot. & Standl, Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 16; 161, 1913.
U.S.A. New Mexico: (without location, but presumably near Santa Fe) 1847, A. Fendler 655 [lectotype: (here designated) GH!].
Although the Nuttall collection [as a candidate for lectotype]
may seem a logical choice, it presents problems because it lacks flowers,
a diagnostic feature of this species.
In addition, the collection locality is vague (Lewis River),
referring to three different rivers in the mid 1800s.
By contrast, the Fendler collection is clearly consistent with Gray's description,
posessing flowers, fruit, and a basal rosette.
… also the collection locality of the Fendler collection is less ambiguous.
Literature Cited:
- Porter J. Mark, and Leigh A. Johnson, 2000.
Original Text
| Comments
Formerly included in Gilia
... [See publications by Grant] ...
Aliciella is more closely related to Loeselia
and Ipomopsis than to Gilia
... [See publications by Johnson and Porter] ...,
based on DNA sequence data.
Morphologically, too, Aliciella differs from Gilia
in chromosome number
(most, but not all, species of Aliciella are N = 8)
and seed morphology
(seeds do not produce copious mucilage;
large seeded species tend to have an irregular wing).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Collomia linearis;
Collomia linearis Nutt. “Tiny Trumpet”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
Cheyenne River.
Nuttall (1818) described a new genus Collomia and placed C. linearis therein.
Original Text
194. *COLLOMIA. †
Calix Cyathiform, rather large, border 5-cleft, acute.
Corolla funnelform, 5-lobed, lobes oval-oblong, very short, tube straight, long, and slender.
Capsule 3-cornered, 3-celled, 3-valved, 3-seeded, valves obcordate.
Seed oblong, angular, enveloped by a tenacious mucilaginous integument, (visible when moistened.)
Annual, leaves alternate, simple, and entire;
flowers small and inconspicuous, conglomerated in a terminal fascicle,
resembling a capitulum, subtended by several bractes which are broader than the leaves.
A genus appertaining to the Natural Order Polemonideae and intermediate with Phlox and Polemonium
1. C. linearis.
Minutely and pulverulently pubescent;
leaves oblong-linear, or sublanceolate;
involucrate leaves, ovate-lanceolate, acute;
bractes and calix viscid.
Phlox linearis? Cavan. __ 6. p. 17. t. 527.
... [Long description not reproduced] ...
Near the banks of the Missouri, about the confluence of Shian river,
and in the vicinity of the Arikaree village, in moist places.
Flowering in June; flower violaceous.
It appears to be the same plant figured by Cavanilles, and first discovered in Chili.
In upper Louisiana, or above the confluence of the Platte and the Missouri,
we no longer meet with any species of Phlox.
To this genus probably also belongs Phlox biflora of Chili,
which is also annual, but the habit appears to be different.
| |
I think the “Shian river” is the Cheyenne River.
 Coll. No. 713, Collomia linearis |
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Gilia ophthalmoides;
Gilia ophthalmoides Brand “Pinyon Gilia”
Literature Cited:
- Brand, A., 1907.
Gold Mountain.
A. Brand.
IV. 250 Polemoniaceae.
Heft 27, in
Engler, Adolf, 1844-1930
Das Pflanzenreich: regni vegetablilis conspectus
Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann.
pg. 108.
30. G. ophthalmoides Brand n. sp. — Caulis
e basi ramosissimus, parce glandulosus, 25 cm altus.
Folia radicalia subrosulala, pinnatifida, segmentis
brevibus ovatis mucronulatis; caulina minima, trifida.
Flores numerosi, sparsi, pedicellati, pedicellis
terminalibus calyce longioribus, axillaribus et lateralibus
multo minoribus; calyx campanulatus, glaber,
dentibus subulatis tubo subbrevioribus; corolla (ex
sicco) lilacina, ad faucem 5 oculis obscuris ornata,
1 2 mm longa, calyce triplo longior, tubiformis, fauce
tubo duplo breviore; stamina sinubus affixa lobis
corollae breviora; Stylus longitudine corollae; ovarium
ovoideum, loculis 3 — 4-ovulatis. Capsula ovoidea,
longitudine calycis ; semina parva, orbicularia,
alata, sub aqua dense mucilaginosa.
Nevada: Washes-Gold Mt. 2000 m (Purpus
n. 5990, Herb. San Francisco).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Gilia sinuata;
Gilia sinuata Benth. “Rosy Gilia”
(Syn: Gilia inconspicua (Sm.) Sweet var. sinuata (Douglas ex Benth.) A. Gray)
Literature Cited:
- Bentham, George, 1845.
Douglas ex Bentham in DeCandolle (1845, v. 9, p. 313) ...
19? G. sinuata ( Dougl.! mss. ), erecta glaberrima superne viscida , foliis
linearibus pinnatifidis laciniis brevibus paucis, floribus pedicellatis dissitis numerosis,
corolla calyce pubescente duplo v. triplo longioie tubo breviter exserto.
(I) in arenosis aridis pr. Oakanagon ad flum. Columbia Americae boreali-occid.
(Douglas!). Herba pedalis multicaulis ramosa, hinc G. inconspicuae ,
illinc G. tenuiflorae affinis et cum priore confusa. Cor. infundibuliformes 5 lin.
longae , laciniis ovatis. ( v. s. )
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Ipomopsis aggregata aggregata;
Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V. E. Grant ssp. aggregata
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814, v. 1, p. 147) ...
Original Text
2. C[antua] pubescens ; foliis tenuissime pinnatifidis, floribus terminalibus
lateralibusque aggregato-subcapitatis subsessilibus, laciniis corollae angustatis
oblongis sensim acutis, stylo incluso brevissimo.
On the banks of the Mississippi. M. Lewis. ♂. June.
v. s. in Herb. Lewis. Flowers scarlet, more slender than
the former species : the segment of the corolla not spreading,
but erect, and small in proportion to the tube.
Literature Cited:
- Grant, Verne, 1956.
Grant (1956) published our new combination without comment.
Literature Cited:
- Moulton, Gary E., 1999.
Moulton (1999) notes that Lewis' collection of I. aggregata occurred in Hungery Creek, Lolo Trail, Idaho County, Idaho, June 26, 1806.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Ipomopsis aggregata candida;
Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V. E. Grant ssp. candida (Rydb.) V. E. Grant & A. D. Grant “Scarlet Gilia”
Literature Cited:
- Rydberg, Per Axel, 1901a.
La Veta.
Rydberg (1901, v. 28, p. 29-30) ...
Gilia candida sp. nov.
A glandular perennial with short caudex.
Stems often more
than one, ascending or erect, simple, 4-6 dm. high, leafy : leaves
rather fleshy, divided into linear-filiform, spinulose-tipped segments ;
the upper gradually smaller : inflorescence a very narrow
panicle : branches usually very short and few-flowered : flowers
subsessile : calyx glandular-pubescent, about 8 mm. long ; its lobes
lanceolate, bristle-tipped : corolla white, or rarely pale pink, 2-3
cm. long, salverform : its lobes oval or obovate, obtuse : stamens
inserted unequally below the throat, included.
This species is nearest related to G. aggregata ; but differs in
the white corolla and its rounded obtuse lobes. It is also lower
and the upper leaves more reduced. It grows on dry hillsides at
an altitude of 2000-2700 m.
Colorado : Mesas near La Veta, 1900, F. K. Vreeland, 602
(type); Veta Pass, 1900, Rydberg & Vreeland, 5730 ; Calham,
1893, De A. Saunders.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Ipomopsis spicata;
Ipomopsis spicata (Nutt.) V.E. Grant. “Spiked Ipomopsis”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1848b.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1848, publication details;
Scotts Bluff.
Nuttall (1848) described some of his own collections along the Platte River while describing Gambel's collections.
Original Text
| Comments
Perennials or biennials,
with the leaves often sparingly pinnatifid towards the extremity, or entire and linear, fleshy.
Flowers in condensed clusters, capitate or in spikes, generally white.
Corolla tubular, with a deeply 5-cleft, spreading border.
Stamens shortly exserted or even with the summit of the tube.
Stigmas very short.
Ovaries 2 to 4 in a cell, rarely 1.
G. *spicata.
Perennial ;
leaves linear, fleshy ;
flowers in clusters, spiked ;
stem and calyx lanuginous, segments of the calyx linear acute and ciscid ;
tube of the corolla exserted ;
stamens at the summit of the tube.
On the hills near Scott's Bluffs of the Platte.
Flowers white, segments oblong.
G. *trifida.
Biennial ;
radical leaves linear ;
cauline trifid towards the extremity, fleshy and smooth ;
flowers clustered in spikes ;
stem and calyx pubescent, segments of the calyx linear and very acute ;
tube of the corolla exserted ;
stamens at the summit of the tube.
With the above, which it greatly resembles, except in the leaves ;
cells of the capsule each with three or four ovules.
About a span high.
Literature Cited:
- Grant, Verne, 1956.
Grant (1956) separated Ipomopsis from Gilia and placed I. spicata into section Microgilia (Benth.) V. Grant.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Microsteris gracilis;
Microsteris gracilis (Douglas ex Hook.) Greene “Slender Phlox”
Literature Cited:
- Greene, Edward L., 1898b.
Greene (1898, v. 3, n. 18, p. 300) ...
Small much branched annuals, with entire leaves, all except
the floral ones opposite. Flowers minute, scattered,
singly or in pairs in the axils of the raraeal alternate leaves.
Calyx, corolla, stamens and capsule wholly as in Phlox.
Seeds few, large, the coat when moistened developing a this glutinous mass, this not spirilliferous.
1. M. gracilis.
Collomia gracilis, Dougl. in Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 2924 (1829),
and Gilia gracilis, Hook. l. c.
Phlox gracilis, Greene, Pitt. i. 141 (1887). That this, as published by
Hooker, was an aggregate, is apparent from the fact that, in
the Flora Boreali-Americana, he prints as synonyms of this,
two species which Douglas had segregated and named in
manuscript.1 In other words, Douglas had made out three
species, which Hooker, in publishing, merged in one ; merely
printing the other two names as synonyms. The figure in
the Botanical Magazine appears to represent altogether only
one of Douglas's three, and this must accepted as the type
of the species. This type came from the Spokane River region,
and is beautifully represented in several herbaria by
specimens which Mr.Leiberg distributed in 1891, from Lake
Pend d'Oreille, under n. 119. Heller's n. 3278 is also the
same. Mr. Leiberg has also collected in the same region a
second species, the distinctness of which he has insisted upon.
I have no doubt that this is one of Douglas' segregates, and
I take up the name which he assigned it.
1 See Hook. Fl. ii. 76.
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Original Text
5a. Stems solitary or a few together,
never forming mats;
leaves usually over 2.5 cm long; flowers distinctly pedicelled.
P. longifolia Nuttall. Dry Grasslands and sagebrush, lower Arkansas Valley drainage;
North Park.
5b. Stems numerous from a stout taproot, forming mats;
leaves less than 2 cm. long; flowers without obvious pedicels. ... (6)
6b. Leaves not at all glandular. ... (7)
7b. Leaves not especially short or imbricate,
nor prominently ciliate;
not in alkaline soils. ... (8)
8b. Inflorescence glabrous or ±
pubescent, but not [with long crinkly hairs].
P. multiflora A. Nelson.
Common in forested areas from the foothills to the montane.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Original Text
1a. Flowers 3-12 in a cyme, on conspicuous, spelder pedicels;
stems with well-developed internodes, the longer ones well over 10 mm long;
leaves mostly over 20 .. long;
plants erect to tufted but not mat- or cushion-forming,
usually over 10 cm tall ... 2
2a. Hyaline membranes between the calyx lobes carinate,
forming a distinct raised ridge, bulging towards the base;
plants glabrous or often glandular-hairy, especially in the in florescence;
flowers pink to white;
not restricted to southwestern counties ... P. longifolia
1b. Flowers 1-3(5), sessile or short pedicellate (on pedicels 3-10 mm long) at the ends of stems;
stems with shorter internodes often hidden by the leaves, the longer ones to 10 mm long;
leaves mostly 2-30 mm long;
plants caespitose, often mat- or cushion-forming, usually to 10 cm above the ground ...3
3b. Leaves glabrous, granular-scabrid, glandular, or arachnoid-pubescent with tangled hairs,
but not stiffly ciliate or sometimes ciliate on the margins but also arachnoid-pubescent at the base or granular-scabrid throughout;
calyx glabrous or villous- to arachnoid-tomentose;
plants variously distributed, usually below 9500 ft in elevation (but up to 10,500 ft) ... 6
6b. Calyx 5-15 mm long;
leaves linear to lance-subulate, 2-30 mm long, less crowded and spreading;
plants forming loose to dense mats,
sparsely arachnoid-pubescent in the leaf axils or on the calyx to glabrous or granular-scabrid,
the plants green or sometimes grayish;
corolla lobes 4-11 mm long ... 7
7b. Hyaline membranes between the calyx lobes flat, not carinate and forming a ridge;
plants of the eastern or western slope ... 8
8b. Leaves 10-30 mm long and 1-2 mm wide; internodes usualllt visible;
leaf axils arachnoid-woolly or not;
calyx 6-15 mm long, arachnoid-pubescent or not;
style 5-9 mm long;
flowers sessile to shortly pedicellate on pedicels 3-10 mm long ... 9
9b. Plants above 6000 ft, variously distributed but absent from the northeastern plains;
calyx 10-15 mm long, glabrous or sparsely hairy but the hairs not tangled;
flowers white, pink, or bluish ... P. multiflora
Literature Cited:
- SEINet, 2019+.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Phlox longifolia;
Phlox longifolia, Nuttall, 1834;
Phlox longifolia Nutt. “Longleaf Phlox”
There were two Phlox — Phloxes ? — that were reported for Golden s.l.
They are Phlox longifolia Nutt. ldquo;Longleaf Phlox” and P. multiflora A. Nelson “Mountain Phlox.”
As it happened, both were found only on the north slopes of North Table Mountain.
And with two doubtful exceptions, these are the only Phlox collected in Jefferson County.
See collection data in SEINet (2019+).
The first exception is an undated collection of Phlox caespitosa by E. S. Greene on “… barren ground above trees … Golden” (PAC29495)
If this collection was truly above the trees, as P. caespitosa often is, then it was collected at higher elevations, west of and outside Golden s.l.
The collector was more likely E. L. Greene.
The second exception is a collection by C. S. Crandall, #1589, May 19, 1894, Platte Canyon, Jefferson County, some distance south of Golden s.l.
One voucher (RM16725) is determined P. patula A. Nelson.
A second voucher (CS16725 -- the same ascension number at two herbaria also seems suspicious) is determined P. multiflora A. Nelson.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1834a.
- SEINet, 2019+.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1834a, publication details;
Notes on Phlox longifolia;
• U. S. Highway 20:
at ID 33 W;
• Wyoming Highway 354:
at Old Ft Bonneville;
Henrys Fork.
Old Fort Bonneville Site.
Historically, Phlox longifolia was described by Thomas Nuttall (1834a) from plants collected by Nathaniel Wyeth
in July 1833 between the Henry Fork of the Snake River and and Bonneville's Fort at the junction of Horse Creek and the Green River.
The plant is widely distributed in the American Cordillera.
Original Text
| Comments
73. Phlox *longifolia.
foliis subulatis longissimis angustissimis glabrus,
cauliculi pauciflori brevissimi puberuli irregulariter trichotomi,
pudunculis filifornibus elongatis,
laciniis calycinis acuminatis,
corollae laciniis oblongo-cuneatis integris.
The stems almost a span high,
many from the same root,
clothed below with the withered vestiges of former leaves.
The leaves smooth, and narrow as threads,
two and a half or so inches in length,
those of the sterile branches extending nearly the length of the short and slender flower stems;
peduncles very long and slender.
Flowers apparently white.
Allied to P. Hoodii, but very distinct.
In the valleys of the Rocky Mountains generally,
flowering for the most part of the summer.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Phlox multiflora;
Phlox multiflora A. Nelson. “Mountain Phlox”
Literature Cited:
- Nelson, Aven, 1898a.
Nelson (1898a, p. 278) described Phlox multiflora as a segregate from P. longifolia when describing new plants from Wyoming.
Original Text
| Comments
Phlox multiflora
Suffrutescent as to the caespitose,
much branched,
prostrate base,
the numerous herbaceous stems nearly erect, 6-10 cm. high
the annual branches simple, one-flowered ;
leaves broadly linear, glabrous, apiculate, 1-2 dm. long, opposite of fascicled ;
peduncles finely pubescept, 1-3 cm. long ;
calyx angled by the prominent midrib of the lobes,
membranous in the sinus only, lobes linear-spiculate, equalling the tube ;
tube of the corolla exceeding the calyx, lobes obovate, entire, 1 cm. long ;
style equalling the calyx.
The affinities of this plant are with the P. longifolia group.
It has been distributed under no. 182 from Laramie Hills,
mostly as P. longifolia Nutt, but from which, I now think,
it is wholly distinct.
Its more caespitose growth, shorter broader leaves,
simple branches,
less membranous calyx and numerous flowers easilt separate it.
It is very abundant on the moister slopes and valleys of the Laramie Hills
at 8000 to 9000 ft.,
flowering from late May till late June.
Type specimen in Herb. University of Wyoming, no. 3175, June 16, 1897.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Polemonium foliosissimum;
Polemonium foliosissimum A. Gray “Towering Jacob's Ladder”
Literature Cited:
- Bentham, George, 1845.
Bentham in DeCandolle (1845, v. 9, p. 317) ....
δ? pterosperma , seminibus apice et basi latiscule membranaceo-alatis.
In montibus Americae boreali-occidentalis (Drummond !). An sp. propria ? (v. s.)
δ? pterosperma , seeds laterally membraneous-winged at apex and base.
In northwestern American mountains (according to Drummond).
It own species ?
I have seen a dried specimen.
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1870.
Gray (1870, p. 281) ...
2. P. caeruleum, L. Common from the arctic regions and Alaska
to California and through the Rocky Mountains, also through Northern
Asia to Europe; very rare eastward (in New York and New Jersey).
— P. acutiflorum, Willd., which is reduced by Ledebour to a variety
of this species, is an Alaskan form, with ovate acute lobes to the corolla
(Pallas, Chamisso, &c). All the North American, like the Himalayan,
forms of this species incline to have wing-angled seeds, —
quite as much so as in
Var. foliosissimum (P. caeruleum, var. pterosperma, Benth. in DC.
Prodr.). Valde viscido-pubescens ; caulibus bipedalibus usque ad
apicem cum ramis floridis corymbo-is foliosissimis; foliolis in rhachin
alato-marginatam saepe confluentibus ; floribus minoribus; staminibus
styloque corolla (calycem 2 - 3-plo superante) saepius brevioribus. —
Through the Rocky Mountain region, Geyer, Fendler, Parry, Vasey,
Watson, &c. This approaches
3. P. Mexicanum, Cerv. (Mexico ?) This is distinguished by its …
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1878-1895.
Gray (1878, v. 2, pt. 1, p. 151) elevated our plant to rank of species ...
P. foliosissimum. Very viscid-pubescent throughout and strong-scented : stem a foot
or more high, very leafy throughout; leaflets from lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate (seldom
an inch long) : flowers corymbose-cymose, smaller than those of the preceding : corolla
commonly white or cream-color, sometimes violet, twice the length of the calyx, which is
5-cleft to or beyond the middle: style and stamens not protruding. — P. caeruleum, var.?
pterosperma, Benth. in DC. Prodr. ix. 317; but the seeds, as in P. caeruleum, are either
marginless or wing-margined. P. carruleum, var. foliosissimum. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. viii. 281. —
Rocky Mountains of New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming, and west to Utah and Idaho.
Some forms approaching the preceding species [P. caeruleum] ; but it is more like P. Mexicanum, Cerv.,
which is loosely branched, and has the violet corolla little exceeding the calyx, the lobes of
the latter barely half the length of the tube.
→ → Ovules only 3 or 4 in each cell : stem lax or with diffuse branches and open corymbiform or
paniculate inflorescence: leaflets fewer (5 to 15) and rather large, membranaceous, only the ultimate
at all confluent: herbage glabrous or slightly pubescent, neither viscid nor glandular: style
and stamens rather shorter than the corolla.
Literature Cited:
- Greene, Edward L., 1887.
In a footnote to his “Some North American Asperifoliae,”
Greene (1887) explains about his use of the name
for a family we now universally call Boraginaceae
Original Text
Ordinal names in botany, no less than the generic and specific ought,
it seems to us, to be received according to priority. The one here written
was proposed by Haller, accepted by his contemporaries, including
unch men as Dillenius, and has never yet been quite displaced by the
more recent Jussiaean name Borragineae ; for even that most eminent
writer on the order, Lehmann, continued always to use the older name,
notwithstanding that the DeCandolles in their great general work,
destined to wield such wide and lasting influence, chose to support the
more modern one. I am glad that, among contemporary authorities, one
of Baron von Muller's great fame adopts the original and, I may add,
the most appropriate and convenient ordinal appellative for these plants.
It is one which, like Cruciferae, Compositae and others, has the literary
advantage of not ending in that awkward combination of successive
vowles which is a serious objection against many of the names of
comparatively recent date.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Asperugo procumbens;
Asperugo procumbens L. “German Madwort”
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, p. 138) ...
Original Text
| Interpretation
Fl. lapp. 76.
Fl. fuec. 159.
Hort. cliff. 44.
Roy. lugdb. 404.
Hall. helv. 522.
Dalib. parif. 61
Bugloffum fylveftre, caulibus procumbentibus.
Bauh. pin. 257.
Morif. hift. 3. p. 439. f. 11. t. 26. f. 13.
Habitat in Europae ruderatis pingvibus.
| It lives in fertile waste places. Annual.
Literature Cited:
- Gmelin, Johann Friedrich, 1788-1793.
- Walter, Thomas, 1788.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Lithospermum incisum, Pursh, 1814;
Batschia J. F. Gmel.
Gmelin (1791, t. 2(1), p. 315) published Batschia and B. carolinensis
in his 13th edition of Linneaus' Systema Naturae
Original Text
| Translation and Comments
Cor. hypocrateriformis: tubo baft lanofo.
Stigma capitatum.
Nuces? 4 imperforatae, fubovatae, arcuatae, acuminatae.
Corolla hypocrateriform [salverform] : tube base lanose.
Stigma capitate.
Seeds 4, imperforate, subovate, arcuate, acuminate.
1. Batschia.
Walt. flor. Carol. p. 91.
1. Batschia.
Walter, Thomas. 1788. Flora Caroliniana. London: 1788. p. 91.
Batschia caroliniensis was first published as Anonymos caroliniensis by Walter (1788).
We now treat B. caroliniensis as Lithospermum caroliniense (J.F.Gmel.) MacMill.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Cryptantha virgata;
Cryptantha virgata (Porter) Payson “Miner's Candle”
Literature Cited:
- Porter, Thomas C., 1870.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Hayden Report;
Porter (1870, pp. 479-480) … in what is generally known as the “Hayden Report” …
Eritrichium virgatum, sp. nov. Sesquipedale, hispidissimum ; caule
simplici tereti erecto; foliis radicalibus oblongo-spathulatis, caulinis
linearibus; cymis plurimis in axillis foliorum conglomeratis pedunculatis
superne subsessilibus confertisque ; calycis 5-partiti segmentis lanceolatis
tubum corollae aequantibus ; nuculis 4-ovatis dorso infra partem
mediam convexo supra lateribus depresso laevibus nitidis.
Near Denver, Colorado Territory, 1869, B. H. Smith. The stout virgate spike
made up of numerous glomerate cymes, crowded in the axils of the
linear cauline leaves, which much exceed them in length. Limb of the
corolla 4 lines in diameter, its lobes rounded. Nutlets smooth and
shining, the lower half of the back convex, the upper depressed on the
sides, leaving a central vertical ridge. According to Dr. Gray this plant
is the same as Parry's 288, and Hall and Harbour's 438 (in part.) It
has passed for a form of E. glomeratum, DC, but seems more nearly
allied in its fruit and habit of growth to E. leucophaeum, A. DC.
(Myosotis leucoplicea, Dougl., in Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2. p. 82. t. 163,)
and I have ventured to give it a name.
Literature Cited:
- Porter, Thomas C., and John M. Coulter, 1874.
Other articles:
• Glossary:
Clear Creek Canyon.
Colorado Springs.
Ute Pass.
Porter & Coulter (1874, p. 102-103) in their Synopsis of the flora of Colorado treated our plant as a variety of Eritrichium glomeratum.
Original Text
| Comments
Var. VIRGATUM, Porter, (E. virgatum, Porter, Hayden's Rep. 1870, p.
479.) Stout; stem erect, 2°-3° high, very hispid; inflorescence much
elongated, virgate, spike-like, 1°-2° in length; cymes many, conglomeated,
few-flowered, lower ones short-peduncled, upper ones sessile, very
much shorter than the long, spreading, bracteal leaves, which become
narrowly linear above.
This variety is verv common on the plains at
the base of the monutains and among the foot-hills.
Colorado Springs, Monument Park, and Ute Pass, Porter.
Clear Creek Cañon, Coulter.
There are five locations known as Ute Pass in Colorado.
Assuming this collection was made in Teller County at the town now known as Divide.
There are three Monument Parks in Colorado.
It will be necessary to trace out the route of Hayden's party to narrow down which park they were in which Porter made his collection.
Coulter's s.n. collection in Clear Creek Canyon is NY3224955, an image of which is available via SEINet.
The elevation is given as 9000 ft., so the collection was probably made well above Golden s.l.
Literature Cited:
- Payson, Edwin Blake, 1927.
Payson (1927, p. 270) published Cryptantha virgata new comb. While the material is copywrited, it is licensed by Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). The description is lengthy (2½ pages) and informative parts are reproduced here. Payson (1927, v. 14, p. 270-272) …
Original Text
13. C. virgata (Porter) new comb. Plate 26, figs. 32-34
Eritrichium virgatum Porter, Hayden Rept. 479. 1870.
E. glomeratum var. virgatum Porter in Porter & Coulter, Syn. Fl. Colo. 102. 1874.
Krynitzkia virgata (Porter) Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 20: 279. 1885.
Oreocarya virgata (Porter) Greene, Pittonia 1: 58. 1887.
O. spicata Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 36: 678. 1909.
(Type: Artist's Glen, Pikes Peak, Colorado, Aug. 1, 1901, Clements 102.)
O. virgata forma spicata (Rydb.) Macbr. Proc. Am. Acad. 51:546. 1916.
[Description omitted.]
Distribution: Transition Zone, eastern foothills of the Rocky
Mountains, southeastern Wyoming to south-central Colorado;
also in North Park, Colorado. Type: "near Denver, Colorado
Territory, 1869," B. H. Smith.
Specimens examined: … [Omitted]
C. virgata is one of the most conspicuous herbaceous plants on
the eastern foothills of the Rocky Mountains in eastern Colorado.
The strictly erect, rod-like stems with the closely set white flowers
are unique. The numerous elongated leaf-like bracts of the in-
florescence add to the peculiar appearance and serve to separate
the species from its relatives. Its relationship to C. setosissima
is decidedly problematical. Although it was for a time held to
be a variety of Bradburiana there is no reason to believe it is
really related to that plant.
Additional evidence is at hand to support Macbride's contention
(Proc. Am. Acad. 51: 546. 1916) that O. spicata Rydb. is
not even deserving of varietal rank. It is simply to be regarded
as a form of virgata. Thanks to the help of Mr. W. T. Penfound,
of the Alpine Laboratory on Pikes Peak, specimens have been
examined that prove the existence of typical virgata from that
region as well as the smooth-fruited form.
Literature Cited:
- Mabry, Makenzie E., and Michael G. Simpson, 2018.
Mabry & Simpson (2018) found continued phylogenetic support for treatment of Oreocarya at the rank of genus,
separate from Cryptantha s.l.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Cynoglossum officinale;
Cynoglossum officinale L. “Gypsyflower” or “Houndstongue”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, p. 134) ...
Original text
| Comments
1. CYNOGLOSSUM flaminibus corolla brevioribus,
foliis lato-lanceolatis tomentofis feffilibus.
Cynoglofum foliis lanceolato-ovatis, corollis calycem aequantibus.
Roy. lugdb. 406.
Fl. fuec. 154.
Mat. med. 154.
Cynoglofum foliis ovato-lanceolatis.
Hort. cliff. 47.
Cynoglofum majus vulgare.
Bauh. pin. 25.
Habitat in Europae ruderatis.
The Latin “ruderatis” literally translates to “rubbish.”
It probably means “waste places” in this context.
This suggests it was recognized as weedy in its native habitat.
POWO states the plant is native is Europe, to west and south Siberia, and Iran.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Ellisia nyctelea;
Ellisia nyctelea (L.) L. “Aunt Lucy”
Literature Cited:
- Gronovius, Jan Frederik, and John Clayton, 1738-1743.
Linnaeus (1752, v. 1, p. 160) ...
Original Text
| Translation and Comments
2. IPOMOEA foliis pinnatifidis finuatis acutis.
Habitat in Virginia.
D. Gronovius.
Gronovius, Jan Frederik, and John Clayton. 1738-1743. Flora Virginica. 2 vols.
I do not see our plant in Gronovius's volume.
Linnaeus (1762, v. 1, p. 232) ...
Original Text
| Translation and Comments
5. POLEMONIUM ? foliis pinnatifidis acutis dentatis, caule diffufo.
Ipomoea Nyctelea. Sp. pl. 1. p. 160.
Scorpiurus humilis virginianus , foliis rutaceis.
Morif. hift. 3. p. 451. f. 11. t. 28. f. 3.
Habitat in Virginia.
Caulis herbaceus, dochotomus, angulatus, diffufus.
Folia alterna, petiolata, pinnatifida, fere Hydrophylli:
lacinis acutis, utrinque dente angulatis.
Pedunculi oppofitifolii, uniflori, pubefentes, elongati.
Calyx monophyllus, quinquefidus ultra medium, acutus, corolla longior, patens.
Corolla monopetala, campanulata, quinquefida.
Stamina 5.
Pistillum 1.
Fructus fphaericus.
Facies Solani peruviani f. radicantis, fed corolla campanulata;
forte proprii generis planta.
| Nyctelea.
| Perhaps its own genus.
Literature Cited:
- Linne, Carl von, and Lars Salvius, 1763.
Linnaeus (1763, v. 2, Appendix, p. 1662) ...
Original Text
| Translation and Comments
271. ELLISIA. (Pentandra, Monogyna)
Polemonium Nyctelea. Sp. pl. 2. p. 231.
Proprii generis planta eft.
| This plant in the correct genus.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Heliotropium curassavicum;
Heliotropium curassavicum L. “Seaside Heliotrope”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Hydrophyllum fendleri;
Hydrophyllum fendleri (A. Gray) A. Heller “Fendler's Waterleaf”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lappula occidentalis;
Lappula occidentalis (S. Watson) Greene “Flatspine Stickseed”
Literature Cited:
- Watson, Sereno, 1871.
Watson (1871, v. 5, p. 246)
Original Text
Echinospermum Redowskii, Lehm. DC. Prodr. 10. l37. Stem erect,
pubescent, paniculately branched; leaves linear or sublanceolate, hoary with
spreading hairs; calyx-lobes narrow-linear, equaling the corolla-tube; nutlets
compressed, surrounded by a single row of barbed prickles, muriculate-rugose
upon the back and sides, shorter than the enlarged calyx. Var. occidentale.
(E. Redowskii, Gray.) The tubercles, which are irregularly and thickly
scattered over the faces of the nutlet, very sharply acute instead of rounded-
obtuse as in Asiatic specimens. — Quite variable in its habit ; from 3'— 2° high,
much branched at base and ascending, or with a single erect virgate stem;
leaves and brads usually linear-oblong, not unfrequently ovate-oblong or spatulate,
always obtuse: flowers small, but little exceeding the calyx, blue; the
prickly margin more or less contracted over the back of the nutlet, and the
prickles more or less confluent. E. patulum, Lehm., of Western Asia, to
which this plant was at first referred, differs from E. Redowskii (as shown by
specimen's in Herb. Gray.) only in the tuberculations upon the fruit, which
in the former species are few in number, arranged regularly in longitudinal
rows upon the back and upon the outer edge of the sides, and armed with
curved points. The differences are represented with tolerable accuracy in
the plate. From Western Texas to Arizona and northward to the Saskatchewan,
Bear Lake and Fort Youkon. Frequent in the valleys and on the
mountains from the Sierras to the Wahsatch ; 4-8,000 feet altitude ; May-July.
Plate XXIII. Figs. 9, 10. Achenium of E. Redowskii, Var. occidentale.
Figs. 11, 12. Achenium from Asiatic specimen of E. Redowskii. Figs.
13, 14. Achenium of E. patulum ; all enlarged eight diameters. (861.)
Var. strictum. (E. strictum, Nees., App. Neuwied's Trav. 17; not of
Ledebour.) The prickles united over the back into a strongly inflexed
border. — An extreme state, but various intermediate forms are frequent.
New Mexico to Colorado and westward. Valleys and foot-hills of Western
Nevada, with the last. (S62.)
Literature Cited:
- Greene, Edward L., 1899.
Greene (1899, v. VI, p. 97) in a review of western aAmerican Asperifoliae (Boraginaceae),
Original Text
In naming and defining the following species of Lappula,
several of which are of what may be called the cupulate
group, I make no attempt to continue in use Gray's varietal
name cupulatum, for that was made to include, as one variety
of L. Redowskii, a number of easily definable species; and
there is no determining to what one of the segregate species
the name should be applied rather than to another. Moreover,
the earliest known cupulate species obtained specific
rank far anteriorly to the publication of L. Redowskii, var.
cupulatum ; I refer to
... [Seven species descriptions omitted.] ...
L. occidentalis.
Echinospermum Redowskii, var. occidentale, Wats. Bot. King Exp. 246,
in part at least. This is very
widely dispersed from toward the Rocky Mountains almost
to the Pacific coast ; is well marked among the species here
defined by its 7 to 11 strongly developed marginal prickles
usually of triangular-subulate form, lightly or not at all
connected at base, and, I believe always, grooved or channeled
down the whole inner face ; the surface of the nutlet
being tuberculate, not muricate.
There is no evidence of the occurrence, anywhere in
America, of the true L. Redowskii.
Literature Cited:
- Baldwin, Bruce G., Douglas H. Goldman, David J. Keil, Robert Patterson, and Thomas J. Rosatti, 2012.
Baldwin, et al. (2012) in The Jepson Manual: Vascular Plants of California, Second Edition
treat our plants as varieties of Lappula redowskii,
and my collections from California continue to reflect that treatment.
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Weber & Wittmann (2012) treat our plant as L. redowskii without infraspecific nomenclature.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Ackerfield (2015) treats our plant as L. occidentalis with infraspecific names of
occidentalis and cupulata.
Literature Cited:
- Khoshsokhan-Mozaffar, Maryam, Mahboubeh Sherafati, and Shahrokh Kazempour-Osaloo, 2018.
Khoshsokhan-Mozaffar, et al. (2018) prepared a molecular phylogeny of the tribe Rochelieae
with special reference to Lappula.
Their text does not specifically mention the relationship between Lappula occidentalis and L. redowskii.
However, their trees place the North American Lappula in their own clade including L. occidentalis,
separate from the Asian clades including L. redowskii.
Literature Cited:
- POWO, 2021 - 2025.
Plants of the World (2021) treats L. occidentalis at the specific level, with varieties occidentalis and cupulata.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lithospermum arvense;
Lithospermum arvense L. “Corn Gromwell”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, p. 132) ...
Original Text
| Comments
2. LITHOSPERMUM feminibus rugofis, corollis vix calycem fuperantibus.
Hort cliff. 46.
Fl. fuec. 152.
Roy. lugdb. 405.
Hall. helv. 518.
Dalib. parif. 59.
Lithofpermum arvenfe, radice rubra.
Bauh. pin. 258.
Fl. lapp. 73.
Habitat in Eurpoae agris & arvis.
Habitat in European fields and countryside.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lithospermum incisum;
Lithospermum incisum Lehm. “Narrowleaf Stoneseed”
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Batschia, Gmelin, 1791;
Pursh (1814, v. 1, p. 132) published the first name for our plant, Batschia longiflora.
Original Text
| Translation
3. B. sericeo-villosa ;
foliis linearibus, calycibus longis linearibus,
laciniis corollae crenato-incisis, tubo elongato.
On the banks of the Missouri.
v. s. in Herb. Nuttall.
Flowers yellow.
3. Batschia sericeous-villous ;
leaves linear, calyx long linear,
corolla tube elongated, lobes crenate and incised.
On the banks of the Missouri.
Flowers July.
I have seen it dried in Nuttall's Herbarium.
Flowers yellow.
Unfortunately, the specific epithet longiflora will not be available in Lithospermum
having been previously used by Salisbury (1786).
Literature Cited:
- Lehman, Johann G. C., 1818.
Lehman (1818, v. 2, 303) …
Original Text
| Translation
L. caule herbaceo, foliis linearibus sericeo-villosis,
corollae tubo elongato, limbi laciniis crenatopincisis.
Lithospermum with herbaceous stems, leaves linear silky-villous,
tube of the corolla elongated, lobes crenate-incised.
Batschia (longiflora) sericeo-villosa, foliis linearibus,
calycibus lingis linearibus, laciniis corollae crenato-incisis,
tubo elongato.
Pursh. Fl. Americae septentr. Vol. 1. pag. 132.
Batschia ( longiflora ) silky-villous leaves are linear,
ealyx lobes linear, corolla lobes crenate and cut,
the tube elongated.
Pursh. Fl. Americae septentr. Vol. 1. pag. 132.
Habitat ad Missuri fluvium Americae borealis.
Lives along the Missouri River of North America.
Ab omnibus satis distincta videtur corollis crenato-incisis.
Speciei nomen longuflorae mutandum esse putavi,
quum nunc ad Lithospermorum genus relatae flores habeant longiasimos.
It seems quite distinct from all pale crenato-serratum saplings.
Longuflorae type a name change to be expected.
[Because it was previously used by Salisbury in 1786. — Ed.]
Lithospermum kind of in a manner related to the flowers when they have a longiasimos now.
Lithospermum incisum Lehm., Pl. Asperif. Nucif. 2: 303 (1818). Plantae e Familiae Asperifoliarum Nuciferae
Replaced synonym
Batschia longiflora Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. (Pursh) 1: 132 (1813).
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Prairie du Chien.
Nuttall (1818, v. 1, p. 113-114) …
Original Text
171. BATSCHIA. Gmelin. Michaux.
Calix 5-parted.
Corolla salverform, rather large, tube straight,
much longer than the calix,
closed at the base by a bearded ring;
orifice naked or partially closed;
border orbiculate, nearly flat, segments rounded.
Seed indurated, shining,
(as in Lithospermum.)
Flowers yellow or fulvous, axillary, almost fastigiate,
in short bracleate spikes; leaves narrow, without collateral
1. B. Gmelini.
2. canescens. Flowers fulvous.
3. *longiflora.
Hirsutely villous, erect; leaves approximating,
long and linear, margin reflected; flowers in a
fastigiate fascicle; tube of the corolla somewhat pentangular,
(often from 10 to 15 lines long) border flat,
segments fimbriate-crenate.
Flowers sulphur yellow.
In open plains; around the Prairie du Chien, Missisippi, and
on the banks of the Missouri to its sources.
4. *decumbens.
Hirsutely villous; stem decumbent; segments of the calix
and leaves linear; flowers scattered; lobes of the corolla
fimbriate-crenate, shorter than the tube.
Around the Mandan village.
Nearly allied to the preceding.
In both these species the orifice is partly closed by 5 arched protuberances.
All the species of this genus afford a crimson lac from the root.
Prairie du Chien is on the Mississippi River in southwest Wisconsin.
Batschia decumbens is now treated as a synonym of Lithospermum incisum Lehm.
I would hazard a guess that Nuttall actually first applied the name B. longiflora to our plant,
but that Pursh (1814) beat him into print.
In the meantime, Lehman (1818) of the Hamburg Botanical Garden published L. incisum without stating whether he had seen the plant or not.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lithospermum occidentale;
Lithospermum occidentale (Mack.) Weakley, Witsell & D. Estes “Western Gromwell” nee “Marbleseed”
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1878-1895.
Gray (1878, v. 2(1), p. 206) published O. Carolianum var. molle …
Original Text
O. Carolinianum, DC,, l. c. Stout, 2 or 3 feet high, shaggy-hispid :
leaves ovate-lanceolate and oblong-lanceolate, acute, 5-9-ribbed, generally hairy both sides :
flowers nearly sessile :
corolla short (4 or 5 lines long), yellowish-white, oblong-funnelform ;
its ovate-triangular acute lobes very hairy outside, and nearly half the length of the tube.
Lithospermum Carolinianum, Lam. Ill. & Diet. Suppl. ii. 837.
Purshia mollis, Lehm. Asper. 383.
Alluvial grounds, Upper Canada to Georgia and Texas.
Var. molle.
A foot or two high ;
the pubescence shorter and less spreading or appressed :
leaves mostly smaller (about 2 inches long),
when young softly strigose-canescent beneath.
Onosmodium molle, Michx. Fl. i. 133, t. 15 ;
Gray, Man. ed. 5, 362.
Purshia mollis, Lehm. Asper. 382.
— Illinois to Saskatchewan, Utah, and Texas.
Literature Cited:
- Mackenzie, Kenneth Kent, 1905.
Kenneth Kent Mackenzie (1905, v. 32, p. 502-3) published what is now the basionym of
Lithospermum occidentale.
Original Text
5. Onosmodium occidentale nom. nov.
Onosmodium carolimaniun molle A. Gray, Syn, Fl. 21 : 205. 1878,
and later American authors; not Onosmodium molle Michx.,
vide supra.
Usually only 3-6 dm. tall, but occasionally 10-12 dm., branching
above or often from near the base, the branches spreading or
almost erect ; plant clothed all over with a silvery-white or
sometimes a slightly yellowish appressed or more or less spreading
canescent pubescence (in northern and mountain plants sometimes
quite green and noticeably spreading) usually not exceeding 2
mm. in length, the pubescence of the branches and leaves usually
appressed: leaves typically about 5 cm. long and 1.5 cm. wide,
acutish, prominently 5-7-nerved on both surfaces, the pubescence
sometimes strongly spreading and papillose, but most typically
soft, appressed and hardly papillose : bracts 6-24 mm. long, often
2-ranked, resembling the leaves in outline : fruiting pedicels from
very short to 6 mm. long : calyx-lobes lanceolate, acute, acutish
or obtusish, rarely linear-oblong, 6- [2 mm. long, canescent or
with somewhat spreading hairs; corolla 12-20 mm. long, canescent
all over outside, the broadly triangular acute lobes (3-4 mm.
long) usually with apical tuft of hairs not strongly noticeable:
nutlets 3.5-4 mm. long, ovoid, acutish or acute, not constricted
at base, dull in color, little if at all pitted.
This is the common Onosmodium of the western part of the
country and the most common species in herbaria. It has
heretofore been referred to O. molle Michx., a species which as already
related I believe to be distinct. It ranges from Illinois to Athabasca,
Alberta, Montana, New Mexico and Texas, and seems to
be a fairly common plant in all this vast extent of country.
Specimens examined. [Reduced to Colorado specimens only. — Ed.]
Hulse, 1870;
Britton, 8 October 1882, Golden ;
Osterhout 2461, 25 June 1901, Boulder ;
J. H. Cowen, 10 July 1S93, Ft, Collins ;
Jones, 12 June 1878, Platte River, Denver ;
Engelmann, 6 August 1874, Empire ;
Brandegee 9 July 1873, Cañon City ;
Cowen, 25 June 1895.
O. molle Michx. var. occidentale (Mack.) I. M. Johnston
I. M. Johnston (1924, v. 70, p. 18) published O. molle var. occidentale ...
Original Text
7. O. molle Michx. Fl. Am. Bor. i. 133, t. 15 (1803);
Mack. Bull. Torr. Bot. Cl. xxxii. 499 (1905).
Lithospermum molle Muhl. Cat. 19 (1813).
Purshia mollis Lehm. Asperif. ii. 383 (1818).
O. cariolinianum, var. molle Gray, Synop. Fl. N. A. ii, pt. 1, 206 (1878).
In its extreme form known only from the vicinity of Nashville, Tenn.
7a. O. molle, var. occidentale (Mack.), comb. nov.
O. occidentale Mack. Bull. Torr. Bot. Cl. xxxii. 502 (1905).
O. occidentale, var. sylvestre Mack. l. c. 504.
Minnesota and Illinois, westward to Texas,
New Mexico, Utah, and Saskatchewan.
This is the common Onosmodium west of the Mississippi River.
The plant is not accorded
specific rank due to the material from Illinois which shows repeated
tendencies to intergrade with O. molle. The variety usually differs
from the typical form of the species in its coarser stems, rough
spreading pubescence, larger calyces (8-12 mm. long), and unpitted
non-constricted nutlets, but these characters and their complements
occur in various combinations in the collections from Illinois.
Literature Cited:
- Harrington, H. D., 1964, 2nd ed..
Harrington (2nd ed., 1964) treats our plant as Onosmodium molle Michx. var. occidentalis (Mack.) Johnston.
Literature Cited:
- Cochrane, Theodore S., 1976.
O. molle subsp. occidentale (DC.) Cochrane
Onosmodium molle subsp. occidentale (DC.) Cochrane, Michigan Bot. 15: 104 (1976).
Literature Cited:
- Turner, Billie L., 1995.
O. bejariense A. DC. var. occidentale (Mack.) B. L. Turner
B. L. Turner (1995, v. 78, p. 46-47) ...
Original Text
Onosmodium occidentale Mack., Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 32:502. 1905.
Onosmodium molle Michx. var. occidentale (Mack.) I.M. Johnst., Contr. Gray Herb. n.s. 70:18. 1924.
Onosmodium molle Michx. subsp. occidentale (Mack.) Cochrane, Michigan Bot. 15:104. 1976.
TYPE: U.S.A. Nebraska: Kearney Co., "Prairie", 13 Jun 1891, P.A. Rydberg s.n.
(LECTOTYPE: NY!, selected by T. Barkley but first published here).
My concept of this taxon is essentially the same as that of Das (1976).
It occurs in the drier, more northwestern regions of the broad distribution of
Onosmodium bejariense. Var. occidentale appears to intergrade into the
bejariense in northcentral Texas, central Oklahoma, western Arkansas, northern
Missouri, Illinois, and Minnesota.
REPRESENTATIVE SPECIMENS: This variety, for the most part, is
well-marked; in Texas, it is known only from Wichita and Tarrant counties
(cf. discussion under var. bejariense).
DISTRIBUTION (Figure 2) AND ECOLOGY: Northcentral Texas westwards
to Colorado, Montana, and Canada, eastwards to Illinois and Wisconsin,
mostly silty-clay or sandy soils; flowering May- July.
Literature Cited:
- Weigend, M., M. Gottschlinf, F. Selvi, and H. H. Hilger, 2009.
Weigend, et al. (2009) placed all the Onosmodium in Lithospermum to make that group monophyletic.
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Weber & Wittmann (2012) treat our plant as Onosmodium molle Michaux subsp. occidentale (Mackenzie) Cochrane.
Ackerfield (2015) treats our plant as Onosmodium bejariense DC. ex A. DC. var. occidentale (Mack.) B. L. Turner (Syn: Onosmodium molle Michx. var. occidentale (Mack.) I. M. Johnst.)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Mertensia lanceolata;
Mertensia lanceolata (Pursh) DC. “Prairie Bluebells”
Pursh (v. 2, Supplementum, p. 729) ...
Original Text
Pulmonaria lanceolata.
P. glabra, erects ;
foliis radicalibus longissime pedicellatis lanceolatis,
caulinis linearipoblongis, floribus subpaniculatis,
calycibus abbreviatis.
In Upper Louisiana.
v. s. in Herb. Bradbury.
Flowers small, resembling those of P. paniculata.
| p. 131.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Nuttall (1818, v. 1. p. 115) ...
Original Text
173. PULMONARIA. L. (Lungwort.)
Calix prismatic-pentagonal.
Corolla funnel-formed, somewhat 5-lobed, orifice open.
Stigma emarginate.
Flowers almost disposed in terminal corymbs, sometimes racemose.
Leaves in the American species and in
the P. maritima smooth and glaucous, calix short, about
half the length of the corolla tube. (Mertensia Persoon.)
Species. 1. P. virginica. 2. paniculata. 3. *marginata.
Small, glabrous, erect; leaves hispid on the margin, on the
lower part of the stem oblong'-spalhulate or oblong-ovate,
upper leaves ovate, acute, semiamplexicaule; flowers
subpaniculate; fasciculi few-flowered, axillary and terminal;
calix acute, about half ihe length of the corollii tube.
P. lanceolata. Pursh, Flor. Am. 2. p. 729.
Perennial. Stem nearly erect, and somewhat branched,
scarcely a foot high. Radical leaves petiolate, stem leaves
sessile, uppermost semiamplexicaule, all glabrous, glaucous,
and somewhat carnose. Fascicles or ramuli, pedicellate,
a little longer than the leaves, 4, 5, 8, or more
flowered. Calix 5-parted, smooth, acute, segments somewhat
hispid on the margin. Corolla funnel-formed, much
like that of P. virginica, and of the same colour, but
smaller, lobes entire. Stamina seated around the orifice
of the tube.
Nearly allied to P. virginica, and also probably to the P.
paniculata, but the leaves are never acuminated or hairy,
but perfectly smooth, except on the margin where there
are a few scattered hooked, hispid hairs, often only visible
in a dried state. The name of lanceolata is so very
inapplicable that it appeared to me necessary to alter it.
On arid hills near the confluence of Teeton river, Missouri. Flowering in June.
4. paniculata. 5. sibirica.
The only 3 genuine species of Pulmonaria described
are confined to Europe; the American species all arrange
under the subdivision Mertensia of Persoon.
Literature Cited:
- DeCandolle, Augustus Pyramus, 1836.
DeCandolle (1846, v. 10, p. 88) ...
Original Text
2? M. lanceolata (DC. mss.) , caule erecto glabro , foliis glaucescentibus carnosulis
ciliatis , iaferioribus oblongo-spathulatis vel oblongo-ovatis , sup. ovatis
acutis semi-amplexicaulibus , raoemis 4-8-floris subfasciculatis folio sublongioribus,
calyce 5-partito ciliato lobis acutis, corolla infundibuliformi tubo calycem
duplo superante.
in Missouri (Nutt.), Louisiana sup. (Pursh) et frequens ad
Oregon (Dougl.).
Pulmonaria lanceolata Pursh fl. 2. p. 729.
Pulmonaria marginata Nutt. gen. 1. p. 115.
Lithospermum marginatum Spreng. syst. 1. p. 547.
Hook. et Arn. fl. n. Amer. 2. p. 86.
Casselia lanceolata Dumort. obs. p. 24.
Caulis vix pedalis.
Flores pedicellati.
Corolla colore et fere forma corollae M. Virginicae.
Stamina fauci inserta.
Nomen specif. mutavit cl. Nutt. quia folia non lanceolata , sed non melius marginata
( nempe margine revoluta aut nervosa)
et lobi calycis fere lanceolati videntur.
(Alph. DC. ex auot. oit.)
Literature Cited:
- DeCandolle, Augustus Pyramus, 1836.
Onosmodium bejariense DC.
A. P. Decandolle (1846, v,. 10, p. 70) ... described O. bejariense from a manuscript by his uncle(?)
Original Text
| Translation and Comments
§ 2. Flores minores. Filamenta gracilia glabra anthera multo breviora.
Antherae glabrae, lobis divergentibus. Styli longius exserti.
… [Description of O. Virginianum omitted.] …
4. O. Bejariense (DC. mss.),
caule pilis patentibus hispido ,
foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acutiusculis supra strigillosis subtus pilis brevissimis adpressis
pubescentibus , nervis pinnatis utrinque 3 ,
lobis calycinis linearibus obtusius-culis pilis subpatentibus hispidis corolla duplo fere
brevioribus ,
corolla adpresse villosa, tubo ad spicem dilatato , lobis lanceolatis acutis.
♃ in Mexico boreali prope Bejar ad Rio de la Trinidad (Berlandier pl. exs. n. 1681 ! ).
Folia 2½ poll. longa 6-7 lin. lata.
Bracteae longe ciliatae.
Corolla 4 lin. longa.
Nuces juniores rugulosse, adultse ovoideae laeves albae nitidae hinc inde punctatae.
(v. s.)
There are two records of Berlandier no. 1681 in SEINet.
One from GH described the collecting locality as “[San Antonio] de Bejar al Rio de la Trinidad [San Antonio to the Trinity River]”
and therefore anywhere in between those two endpoints.
Annotated, “Collected in May of 1828 at Trinity River crossing in eastern Texas. B. L. Turner, 1994.”
The other, from F, appears to be an image of a voucher containing two specimens, one of which is Berlandier's no. 1681,
from the herbarium of Moïse-Étienne Moricand, a Swiss botanist and malacologist (1779–1854).
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1878-1895.
Gray (1878, v. 2(1), p. 206) accepted DeCandolle's O. bejariense ...
Original Text
O. Bejariense, DC. Stems 1 to 3 feet high, rather stout, hispid with spreading bristles :
leaves oblong-lanceolate, 5-7-ribbed (the lower obtuse, upper acutish); upper surface
appressed strigose-hispid, the lower more or less canescent with fine and soft pubescence :
flowers short-pedicelled : corolla funnelform (6 to 9 lines long), about twice the length of
the calyx, white; the greenish ovate-triangular acuminate lobes about one quarter the
length of the tube, minutely pubescent externally and with some long hirsute hairs.
Prodr. x. 70.
O. Carolinianum, Torr. Bot. Mex. Bound. l. c, not DC.
Border of thickets, nearly throughout Texas ; first coll. by Berlandier.
Literature Cited:
- Michaux, Andre, 1803.
Onosmodium molle Michx.
Michaux (1803, v. 1, p. 132) ...
Original Text
Herbae foliis nervosis , nervis sublongitudinalibus.
Cal. profunde 5-partitus : laciniis erectis , angusto-linearibus.
Cor. oblongiuscule subcampanulata ; fauce nuda :
limbo ventricoso , semi-5-fido ;
laciniis erecto-conniventibus , subsemilanceolatis, acutis ;
harum et incisurarum margine inflexo.
Stam. antherae sessiles , inclusae , sagittatae , acutae.
Pist. Onosmae ; stylo promisse exerto.
Obs. Genus affine Onosmae :
differt corolla multo breviore ;
limbo profundius et acute diviso , connivente :
antheris sessilibus nec ita mucronatis.
[Describes O. hispidum with synonym of Lithopsermum virginianum L.]
tab. 15
O. molliter candicanti-villosum :
foliis oblongo-ovalibus , subtriplinerviis , ferre tomentosis :
corolla laciniis subovalibus.
Hab. in Tennassee, circa Nashville.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Phacelia heterophylla;
Phacelia hastata Dougl. ex Lehm.“Silverleaf Phacelia”
Literature Cited:
- Lehman, Johann G. C., 1828-1857.
Lehman (1830, v. 2. p. 21) describes P. hastata in great detail from Douglas' manuscript,
though he gives no information about when and where Douglas saw the plant.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Phacelia heterophylla;
Phacelia heterophylla Pursh “Varileaf Phacelia”
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814, v. 1, p. 140) ...
Original Text
2. P. erecta, hispida ; foliis petiolatis pinnatifidis, laciniis
lanceolatis integerrimiis nervosis : impari elongata :
floralibus simplicibus lanceolatis petiolatis, racemiis bifidis densifloris,
laciniis corollae integerrimis.
On dry hills on the banks of the Kooskoosky.
M. Lewis.
June, July.
v. s. in Herb. Lewis.
Flowers pale blue.
Caulis erectus, ramosus : rami elongati.
Folia petiolata : inferiora pinnarifida : laciniis lateralibus lanceolatis,
1-2-jugis : lacinia terminali longo-lanceolata ;
superiora et ramea simplicia, lanceolata.
Petioli marginati.
Racemi terminales pedunculati dichotomi, spirales, secundi.
Pedicelli brevissimi.
Calyx laciniis linearibus.
Corolla subcampanulata, calyce duplo longior: laciniis oblongis, obtusis, integerrimis.
Filamenta corollae duplo longiora.
Sylus staminibus longior, bifidus.
P. heterophylla and P. hastata clustered into a megellanica/humiles complex
alon with P. imbricata, nemoralis, egena, californica, breweri, humilis, divaricata, and douglasii.
Ackerfield (2015, p. 503) notes that P. hastata and P. heterophylla
“… belong to a large polyploid complex and might be better treated as a single species [P. magellanica (Lam.) Cov.] with many infraspecific taxa.”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Plagiobothrys scouleri hispidulus;
Plagiobothrys scouleri (Hook. & Arn.) I.M. Johnst. var. hispidulus (Greene) Dorn “Scouler's popcornflower”
Found only in emphemeral ponds on North and South Table Mountains, Plagiobothrys scouleri (Hook. & Arn.) I.M. Johnst. var. hispidulus (Greene) Dorn “Scouler's popcornflower”
is common along drying pond margins or in moist muddy soil in open meadows.
The only other Jefferson County collection is at Ranson/Edwards Homestead Open Space by the author.
Colorado collections are mostly west of the Front Range wherever suitable habitat is found.
Literature Cited:
- Greene, Edward L., 1887.
Greene (1887, v. 1, p. 17) ...
Original Text
10. A. HISPIDULA. Diffusely branching, 4 — 8 inches high,
canescent with a short, setose-hispid pubescence ; racemes
naked or leafy-bracted : calyx not accrescent: akenes ovate,
opaque, ¾-line long, carinate on both sides, the back very
lightly so and beset with a minute muriculation, the transverse
rugulae few and not prominent ; scar almost basal,
From the San Bernardino Mountains, Cal. (Parish, No.
1470) northward to Oregon (T. J. Howell), referred to
“Eritrichium Californicum” from which plant it differs in its rough
pubescence, and muriculate rather tlian granulate akenes.
Plagiobothrys scouleri var. hispidulus (Greene) Dorn, Vasc. Pl. Wyoming 295 (1988): (1988).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Phyla cuneifolia;
Phyla cuneifolia (Torr.) Greene “Wedgeleaf”
Literature Cited:
- Greene, Edward L., 1899b.
Greene (1899, v. 4, p. 47) ...
P. cuneifolia. Zapania cuneifolia, Torr. Ann. N. Y. Lyc.
ii. 234 (1826). Lippia cuneifolia, Steud. Nom. ii. 54 (1841),
Torr. Marcy's Report 261, t. 17. A very strongly marked
halophilous species, common on moist subsaline or alkaline
plains of the Rocky Mountain region, ranging westward to
California, southward to Arizona and perhaps Mexico, and
with a near relative or two in South America.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Verbena aristigera;
Verbena aristigera S. Moore “Moss Verbena”
Verbena aristigera (syns. Glandularia aristigera and Verbena tenuisecta),
variously called the moss verbena, desert verbena, fine leafed verbena, wild verbena, tuber vervain, South American mock vervain,
Mayne's curse and Mayne's pest, is a species of flowering plant in the family Verbenaceae.
It is native to Bolivia, southern Brazil, northern Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.
It has been widely introduced to the rest of the world's drier tropics and subtropics, including California, Guatemala, Honduras,
Nicaragua, Venezuela, Greece, Nigeria, eastern and southern Africa, India, and all of Australia except Tasmania.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Verbena bracteata;
Verbena bracteata Lag. & Rodr. “Large Bract Vervain”
Literature Cited:
- Lagasca, Mariano, and Joseph Rodriguez, 1801.
Described by Lagasca & Rodriguez (1801) who say, “Se ignora su patria …[Homeland is unknown].”
Literature Cited:
- Perry, Lily M., 1933.
Literature Cited:
- O'Leary, N., M. E. Mulgura, & O. Morrone, 2010.
O'Leary, et al. (2010, pp. 369-371) ...
Distribucion y ecologia.
Especie muy ampliamente
distribuida en Estados Unidos de America, principalmente
en los estados del sudoeste como Arizona,
Nevada y Colorado; tambien en Mexico (Perry, 1933).
Se la encuentra en campos abiertos y tambien en orillas
de rios, formando grandes matas que se esparcen sobre
la tierra alrededor de 1 m de distancia.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Verbena hastata;
Verbena hastata L. “Swamp Verbena”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Dracocephalum parviflorum Nutt. “American Dragonhead. ”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
Nuttall (1818) described D. parviflorum from material seen at Fort Mandan.
I have not found any reference to his material, such as a type.
Original Text
5. * parviflorum.
Flowers verticillate, subcapitate;
leaves ovate-lanceolate, deeply serrate, and petiolate, bractes foliaceous, ovate, ciliate, and serrate, serratures conspicuously mucronate;
upper segment of the calix much larger than the rest;
flower scarcely longer than the calix.
Around Fort Mandan, on the Missouri; on the borders of thickets.
nearly smooth, stem and petiole a little pubescent;
flowers almost imbricated in a leafy capitulum, very small, and nearly white;
calix awned, arid and membranaceous, semiquinquefid;
bractes divaricately awned;
upper lip of the corolla emarginate, arched;
lower 3-lobed, central lobe subcrenate.
Flowering time, July.
Apparently allied to D. Moldavica,
but the leaves are entirely destitute of punctures:
scarcely a congener with D. virginianum,
and closely allied to Melissa.
Principally a Siberian genus.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lamium amplexicaule;
Lamium amplexicaule L. “Henbit”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 2, p. 579) ...
Original Text
| Translation and Comments
3. LAMIUM foliis floralibus feffilibus amplexicaulibus obtufis.
Hort. cliff. 314. Fl. fuec 495. Roy. lugdb. 319.
Gron, virg. 66. Dalib. parif. 179.
Lamium, folio caulem ambiente, minus. Bauh. pin. 231.
Morfus gallinae, folio hederulae, alternum. Lob. ic. 463.
“The bite of a hen is an alternative to the leaf of the ivy.”
β Lamium, folio caulem ambiente, majus. Bauh. pin. 231.
Habitat in Europae cultis. ☉.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lycopus americanus;
Lycopus americanus W. P. C. Barton “American Bugleweed”
Literature Cited:
- Muhlenberg, Henry, 1813.
Muhlenberg (1813) listing of Lycopus americanus.
Lycopus americanus Muhl., Cat. Pl. Amer. Sept. 3 (1813), nom. inval.
Muhlenberg (1813) listed the name, but gave to way to distinguish from L. virginicus this rendering his name invalid.
Literature Cited:
- Barton, William P. C., 1815.
Barton (1815) publication of Lycopus americanus
Lycopus americanus Muhl. ex W.P.C.Barton, Fl. Philadelph. Prodr. 15 (1815).
Barton (1815) again listed the name again,
citing Muhlenberg (1813)
this time with some characters for diagnosis,
specifically “Very closely related to Mentha, but no odor;
leaves sinuate-serrate, apendiculate.”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Marrubium vulgare;
Marrubium vulgare L. “Horehound”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 2, p. 583) ...
Original Text
5. MARRUBIUM dentibus calycinis fetaceis uncinatis.
Hort. cliff. 342. Fl. fuec. 485. Mat. med. 305.
Roy. lugdb. 315. Hall. helv. 648. Dalib. parif. 182.
Marrubium album vulgare. Bauh. pin. 230.
Marrubium vulgare. Cluf. hift. 2. p. 34.
Habitat in Europae borealioris ruderatis.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Mentha arvensis;
Mentha arvensis L. “Wild Mint”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 2, p. 577) ...
Original Text
6. MENTHA floribus verticillatis, foliis ovatis acutis ferratis, ftaminibus corollam aequantibus.
Hort. cliff. 307. Fl. fuec. 481. Roy. lugdb 326. Hall. helv. 658. Dalib. parif. 178.
Mentha arvenfis verticillata procumbens.
Morif. hift. 3. p. 369. f. 11. t. 7. f. 5.
Calamintha arvenfis verticillata.Bauh. pin. 229.
Habitat in Europae agris frequens poft meffem.
Caules diffufi; Verticilli laterales; Planta tota hirta;
Stamina corollae limbo longitudine aequalia.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Mentha spicata;
Mentha spicata L. “Spearmint”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Monarda fistulosa;
Monarda fistulosa L. “Wild Bergamot”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, p. 22) ...
Original Text
1. MONARDA capitulis terminalibus, caule obtuf-angulo. Hort. upf. 12.
Monarda floribus capitatis, caule obtufo.
Vir. cliff. 3. Roy. lugdb. 313.
Monarda. Hort. cliff. 11.
Origanum fiftulofum canadenfe.
Corn. canad. 13. t. 14.
Habitat in Canada. ♃
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Monarda pectinata;
Monarda pectinata Nutt. “Plains Beebalm”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1848b.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1848, publication details;
Nuttall (1848) described Monarda pectinata from a collection
by William Gambel.
Original Text
M. *pectinata.
Biennial ?
slightly pubescent ;
leaves oblong-lanceolate, denticulate, shortly petiolate ;
capituli proliferous, rather small, subtended by herbaceous,
some of them purplish, ovate-acute, strongly ciliated, as well as the elongated,
setaceous teeth of the calyx;
corolla widely ringent,
the tube scarcely exserted beyond the calyx.
Near Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nepeta cataria;
Nepeta cataria L. “Catnip”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Prunella vulgaris;
Prunella vulgaris L. “Common Selfheal”
Linnaeus (1753, v. 2, p. 600) …
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Salvia pratensis;
Salvia pratensis L. “Meadow Clary”
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, p. 25) …
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Salvia reflexa;
Salvia reflexa Hornemann “Lanceleaf Sage”
(Syn: S. lanceolata Rydb. [unpub.] , S. lanceolata Willd. [illeg.] , S. trichostemmoides Pursh )
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Scutellaria brittonii;
Scutellaria brittonii Porter “Britton's Skullcap”
Isotype: NY415671, T. C. Porter, s.n., Colorado, Clear Creek Canyon, 9000 ft, June 15, 1873. The 9000 ft elevation in Clear Creek Canyon is just below Silver Plume.
Literature Cited:
- Porter, Thomas C., 1894.
Scutellaria resinosa Torr., Porter (1894, v. 21, p. 177).
Original Text
Scutellaria resinosa Torr.
If the description of the species
given under this name in Dr. Gray's Synoptical Flora (p. 381) be
compared with the references there cited, it will be found that they
do not agree. The true S. resinosa of Torrey, collected during Long's
First Expedition and published in the Annals of the New York
Lyceum (2 ; 232) and by Bentham, in D.C. Prodr. (12 : 427), is beyond
question nothing else than S. Wrightii K. Gray, published long after
(Feb. 1872) in the Proceedings of the American Academy. This
is clear both from the descriptions and the type specimen in the
Torrey Herbarium, It differs from the Colorado plant in its
strong woody root, branching stems, round leaves, smaller flowers
and shorter corolla-tubes. Its range extends from Kansas to
Texas and thence westward to the Huachuca Mountains of Arizona.
The other species is most common in the Rocky Mountains of
Colorado and being thus deprived of the name resinosa I bestow
on it that of Scutellaria Brittonii
Thos. C. Porter.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Datura wrightii;
Datura wrightii Regel “Sacred Datura”
Literature Cited:
- Regel, Eduard, 1850.
Regel (1859, v. 8, pp. 193-194) ...
Diese neue Datura ward aus Californien
durch das Haus Vilmorin Andrieux
et Comp, in Cultur gebracht und unter
dem Namen D. meteloides D. C. verbreitet.
Herr Ortgies, der die beistehende
Tafel nach einer Pflanze anfertigen
Hess, die im Botanischen Garten
zu Zürich zur Blüthe kam, machte uns
darauf aufmerksam, dass die von Vilmorin
verbreitete Pflanze mit der Beschreibung ,
wie solche sich im 13. Bande
von DeCandolle's Prodromus findet,
nicht übereinstimmt.
This new Datura was from California
by the House of Vilmorin-Andrieux
& Co., brought into culture and under
known as D. meteloides D.C.
Mr. Ortgies, who
made a plate based on a plant
Hess [grew] in the botanical garden
[and] came to bloom in Zurich, made us
[aware] that the common plant described by Vilmorin
does not match that shown in the 13th volume
of DeCandolle's Prodromus.
Literature Cited:
- Barkley, Arthus S., 1959.
Arthur S. Barclay. 1959.
New Considerations in an Old Genus: Datura.
Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University.
v. 18, No. 6, pp. 245- January 16, 1959.
Barclay (1959, v. 18, n. 6., pp. 245-) ....
In 1855, a new Datura was brought into cultivation
by the French horticulturist M. Louis Vilmorin from
seeds sent him bv Asa Gray who had obtained them from
a collection made by Charles Wright (no. 526) in western
Texas in 1849. This plant was cultivated and distributed
under the name of Datura meteloides (Ewan, 1944).
M. Ortgies, an employee of the Vilmorin Co. of France,
noticed the discrepancy between de Candolle's description
of D. meteloides and the plant cultivated under the
same name and brought it to the attention of the German
botanist, Dr. Eduard von Regel. As a result, a new species,
D. Wrightii, was published by Regel (1859).
Gray (1878) considered the southwestern perennial
species of the United States to represent Datura meteloides
and relegated D. Wrightii to synonymy handling
the obvious lack of agreement between the two descriptions
with the following comment : “ ... Dunal in DC.
Prodr. l.c. 544 (the descr. and drawing of Mocino and
Sesse wrong as to 10-dentate corolla).” This erroneous
interpretation was adopted by Safford (1921) who apparently
followed Gray.
Lycium L.
Literature Cited:
- Levin, Rachel A., and Jill S. Miller, 2023.
Levin & Miller (2023) distinguish between Lycium chinense and L. barbarum using dimensions of the corolla and the attachment of the leaves to stems.
16 (15) Corolla lobes equaling or longer than tube; leaves subsessile ... 15 Lycium chinense
+ Corolla lobes shorter than or equaling tube; leaves petiolate ... 16 Lycium barbarum
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lycium barbarum L. “Matrimony Vine”;
Lycium barbarum L. “Matrimony Vine”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lycium chinense;
Coll. No. 2486, Lycium chinense
Flower of Coll. No. 2486, Lycium chinense
Lycium chinense Mill. “Chinese Desert-Thorn”
Literature Cited:
- Miller, Philip, 1768.
5. LYCIUM (Chinenfe) foliis ovato-lanceolatis, ramis difufis,
floribus folitariis patentibus alaribus, ftylo longiori.
Boxthorn with oval fpear-fhaped leaves, diffufed branches,
and fingle fpreading flowers proceeding from
the fides of the branches, with a longer ftyle.
The fifth fort grows naturally in China, from whence
the feeds were brought to England a few years paft,
and the plants were raifed in feveral gardens, and by
fome were thought to be the Thea. This rifes with
weak, irregular, dilffufed branches to a great height,
but require fupport, otherwife they will trail upon
the ground : I have meafured fome of thefe branches,
which in one year has been upward of twelve feet
long : the lower leaves are more than four inches
long, and three broad in the middle : they are of a
light green and a thin confiftence, placed without order
on every fide the branches ; as the fhoots advance
in length, fo the fize of the leaves diminifh, and toward
the upper part they are not more than an inch
long, and a quarter of an inch broad ; they fit clofe to
the ftalks on every fide. The flowers come out fingly
at every joint toward the upper part of the branches,
ftanding upon fhort flender foot-ftalks ; they are of a
pale colour, with fhot tubes ; the brims are fpread
open broader than either of the former forts, and the
ftyle is confiderably longer than the tube of the
flower. This fort flowers in Auguft, September, and
October; the plant is very hardy, and retains its
leaves till November before they dcay. It propagates
faft enough by its creeping roots, which fend
out fuckers at a great diftance, and the cuttings
thruft into the ground will take root as freely as
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Physalis hederifolia var. comata;
Physalis hederifolia A. Gray var. comata (Rydb.) Waterfall “Ivy-Leaved Ground Cherry”
Literature Cited:
- Rydberg, Per Axel, 1895.
Rydberg (1895, v. 22, pp. 306-307) ...
Physalis comata n. sp.
Perennial, erect, about 0.5 metre high; pubescence fine and
short, that on the calyx, pedicels and upper branches mixed with
long white flat jointed hairs ; like P. heterophylla Nees (P. Virginiana
Gray, not L.), but leaves smaller, blade not over 0.5 decimetre long,
rounded, ovate, scarcely at all cordate at the base, about 5 centimetres
long, thin, somewhat repand-dentate or nearly entire; petioles
as long as the leaves; corolla greenish-yellow with brown
centre; fruiting calyx as in P. Hederaefolia Gray, but of thinner
The validity of this as a species may be doubted. It is intermediate
between P. Heterophylla and P. Hederaefolia and might be
placed as a variety of either with about equal right. It, perhaps,
most resembles the latter, but differs in the thinner texture of the
leaves and the fruiting calyx, in the larger flower and in the long
white hairs.
The following localities are recorded :
Nebraska: P. A. Rydberg, No. 269, 1891 (type).
Kansas: E. Bartholomew, No. 2, 1892; E. A, Popenoe, 1875.
Texes(sic) : G. Jermy, No. 618, 1890.
| |
Literature Cited:
- Waterfall, Umaldy T., 1950.
Waterfall (1950, v. 52, n. 619, p. 171) ...
Physalis hederaefolia Gray, var. comata (Rydb.), stat. nov.
(P. comata Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Cl. 22: 306. 1895).
In the western part of the Oklahoma panhandle we have a Physalis that
looks like P. hederaefolia, but has long (1-2 mm.) flat jointed
hairs scattered on the stem, leaves and calyces among the abundant
viscid capitate hairs. These plants the author is referring to
var. comata. Typical P. hederaefolia may have a villous pubescence,
of somewhat jointed hairs (up to half as long as in var.
comata) mixed with the short capitate glandular hairs, but the
pubescence seems to be denser and shorter. Referred to var.
comata are: Waterfall 7867, 14 miles east of Hooker, Texas
County, June 11, 1948; Waterfall 7445, plains north of the Black
Mesa, north of Kenton, Cimarron County, July 9, 1947;
Waterfall 9240, northeast slopes of the Black Mesa, 3 miles north and 1
east of Kenton, Cimarron County, August 10, 1949.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Physalis hispida;
Physalis hispida (Waterf.) Cronquist “Prairie Ground Cherry”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Physalis longifolia;
Physalis longifolia Nutt. “Longleaf Groundcherry”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1834b.
Original Text
3. *longifolia.
Glaberrima, caule angulata erecto,
foliis soltariis ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis sinuato-dentatis longe pedunculatis,
floribus solitariis pendulis.
Herbaceous ; root perennial ;
stem angular, about eighteen inches high, and branching above ;
leaves smooth, four to five inches long, irregularly,
sparingly and sinuously toothed ;
flowers, as usual, yellowish, with five brown blotches towards the base;
calix muxh larger than the berry.
It bears much the aspect of Capiscum annuum, and, from the diagnosis,
appears allied to P. chenopodifolia.
On the sandy banks of the Arkansas, near Belle Point.
Flowering in June.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Physalis virginiana;
Physalis virginiana Mill. “Virginia Groundcherry”
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Ackerfield (2015) comments on determinations of P. virginiana
and P. longifolia.
Original Text
Most specimens originally identified as P. virginiana actually
belong to P. longifolia.
Physalis virginiana appears to be restricted to the base
of the northern Front Range in Colorado.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Solanum dulcamara;
Solanum dulcamara L. “Climbing Nightshade”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Solanum physalifolium;
Solanum physalifolium Rusby “Hoe Nightshade”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Solanum rostratum;
Solanum rostratum Dunal “Buffalo Bur Nightshade”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Solanum triflorum;
Solanum triflorum Nutt. “Cutleaf Nightshade”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
Nuttall (1818) described the Solanum of North America
and included a review of Solanum and related taxa, their origins and uses.
Original Text
| Comments
6. *triflorum.
Stem unarmed, herbaceous and procumbent;
leaves dentately-pinnatifid, smooth, segments acute, somewhat undulated, with the margin more or less revolute;
peduncles opposite the leaves, 2 or 3-flowered.
Flowers small and white, revolute;
fruit about the size of a cherry, green when ripe.
Stem a little hirsute, spreading and procumbent, about a foot long;
leaves somewhat runcinate.
This species, though very distinct, appears to have some affinity with the S. runcinatum of Peru and Chili (sic).
As a weed in and about the gardens of the Mandans and Minitarees,
and in no other situations.
Near Fort Mandan.
Flowering from June to August.
This is followed by a several paragraph review of Solanum
and related species, their origins and uses.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Limosella aquatica;
Limosella aquatica L. “Water Mudwort”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Scrophularia lanceolata;
Scrophularia lanceolata Pursh “Lanceleaf Figwort”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Verbascum blattaria;
Verbascum blattaria L. “Moth Mullein”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Verbascum phlomoides;
Verbascum phlomoides L. “Orange Mullein”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Castilleja integra;
• Field Notes:
Coll. No. 1143, 15 Jun 2015;
Coll. No. 1379, 29 May 2016;
Coll. No. 1614, 15 May 2017;
Coll. No. 1865, 23 May 2018;
Castilleja integra A. Gray “Wholeleaf Indian Paintbrush”
A very common paintbrush in Golden s.l.,
Castilleja integra A. Gray “Wholeleaf Indian Paintbrush”
is found in all the open spaces.
Jefferson County collections are mainly in the northern part of the county, on the plains and up in the foothills.
Most of the Colorado state collections are in the Rocky Mountains and adjacent plains from Denver south.
The name was applied by A. Gray (1859) in “Pacific Railroad Reports” while citing a number of contemporary collections in the southwest.
In 1849, he joined an army expedition (with Gray's help) through Texas,
botanising from Galveston to San Antonio and then on to El Paso.
But he had to walk most of the 673 miles, (which took over 104 days effort).
He collected seeds of Penstemon baccharifolius (Hook.), between Texas and El Paso,
which were later given to William Hooker.
Also, Castilleja lanata (found near the Rio Grande) and Castilleja integra (found in the Organ Mountains, near El Paso)
(Pennell, 1935).
In the spring of 1851, he joined the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey (also with Gray's help). (Wikipedia)
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1849.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Gray, 1849, publication details;
Castilleja integra is not listed in Gray (1849) Plantae Fendlerianae Novi-Mexicanae.
Although, a good part of the report is "… to be continued."
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1852-1853.
Gray (1952) does not mention any Wright collections in the Scrophulariaceae
Literature Cited:
- Torrey John, 1859.
Emory, William H., 1859.
Report on the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey.
Volume II.
Torrey, John, 1859.
Part I. Botany of the Boundary
Washington, 1859.
p. 119
Castilleja integra (sp. nov.): perennis; caule stricto tomentoso;
foliis linearibus integerrimis subtus tomentulosis, floralibus oblongis obocatisque integerrimis coloratis (paniceis);;
spica conferta;
calyce aequaliter vel postice profundius bifido,
lobis bifidis lanceolatis obtusiusculis labium inferius galea multoties brevius adaequantibus.
Organ mountains, east of El Paso;
Wright, (undistributed,)
Guadaloupe cañon, Sonora;
Capt. E. K. Smith.
Also gathered in the Rocky Mountains further north by Dr. Kreuzfeldt, in Gunnison's expedition.
Stem one or two feet high, mostly simple, rigid;
leaves 1½ to 3 inches long, 2 to 3 lines wide, entire;
most of the floral ones almost wholly petaloid, ample, shorted than the fully developed flowers.
Calyx 8 or 12 lines long, red or reddish;
“corolla reddish green;”
glaea 6 to 8 lines long;
the lower lip very short.
Apparently a well marked new species of the section Callichroma.
It is No. 584 of Fendler's New Mexican collection; and Dr. Bigelow gathered specimens in Whipple's expedition on the Llano Estacado.
Literature Cited:
- Parry, Charles C., 1862.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Parry, 1861;
Parry, 1862b, Publication details;
Castilleja integra was among Parry's 1861 collections.
Parry's collection (GH1877286) is probably the first and oldest collection of the taxon from Colorado.
Location data is the typical “From the head-waters of Clear Creek, and the alpine ridges lying east of "Middle Park,"
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1863.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Parry, Hall & Harbour, 1862;
Castilleja integra was among the collections of Parry, Hall, and Harbour, but Gray (1863) gives no location data.
There are two vouchers from 1862 in herbaria, PBRU44553, and COLO744060, neither with locality data.
Literature Cited:
- Pennell, Francis W., 1935.
Pennell, Francis W. [Curator of Botany, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia]
The Scrophulariaceae of Eastern Temperate North America
The Academy of Natural Sciences
Monographs, Number 1
Philadelphia, 1935.
p. 533
9. Castilleja integra Gray
Castilleja integra A. Gray, in Torrey, Bot. Mex. Bound. 119. 1859.
“Organ mountains, east of El Paso; Wright …, Bigelow.
Guadaloupe canon, Sonora; Capt. E. K. Smith."
Bracts red. Flowering from May to August.
Gravelly soil, plains and hills, Colorado to Texas, Chihuahua and Arizona.
Known in our territory from a single record along the Rio grande.
Texas. Valverde: bluffs of Devils R., Havard (U).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Orobanche fasciculata;
Orobanche fasciculata Nutt. “Clustered Broomrape”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Described by Nuttall (1818, v. 2, p. 58-59) in a new section named Gymnocaulis
as Oronanche fasciculata,
with calyx and corolla almost equally 5-cleft.
Original Text
| Comments
448. OROBANCHE. L. (Broomrape.)
Calix 4 or 5-cleft, segments often unequal.
Corolla ringent.
Capsule ovate, acute, 1-celled, 2-valved; seeds numerous.
A gland beneath the base of the germ.
[Description of the genus omitted.]
[Description of O. americana. omitted.]
* Gymnocaulis.
Calix and corolla almost equally 5-cleft.
Assumed to be a new section name.
3. * fasciculata.
Stem short and simple;
peduncles many, naked, nearly terminal, and about the length of the stem;
lobes of the corolla very short, rounded, and naked on the margin.
With the above.
Flowering in June and July.
Very nearly allied to the following.
The above is O. ludoviciana,
which was “… in sandy alluvial soils, around Fort Mandan …”
The following is O. biflora.
Handwritten note, “primarily Artemisia.”
Obs. 4 or 5
inches high, densely and pulverulently pubescent. Stem
angular, with few scales, terminating in 6 or more naked
filiform peduncles, 2 to 2 1-2 inches in length. Calix
campanulate, semiquinquefid, segments sublanceolate, acute,
little more than one-third the length of the corolla.
Corolla curved, tubular, dilute purple; segments of the border
scarcely more than a line long; lower lip producing a
grooved palate. Stamina smooth, lobes of the anthers
acute below, opening marginally and longitudinally, the
lobes being parallel. Capsule 1-celled, ovate, acuminate.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Orobanche uniflora;
Orobanche uniflora L. “Naked Broomrape”
(Syn: Aphyllon uniflorum (L.) Torr. & A. Gray , Orobanche uniflora L. var. uniflora )
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 2, p. 633) ...
Original Text
5. OROBANCHE caule unifloro.
Orobanche aut Helleborine affinis marilandica, caule nudo,
unico in fummitate flore. Raj. fuppl. 595.
Dentariae f. Anblato cordi affinis, flore pallide caeruleo.
Gron. virg. 70.
Gentiana minor aureo, flore fimplici amplo deflexo pallide flavefcente.
Pluk. mant. 89. t. 348 f. 3.
Aphyllon. Mitch. 25.
Habitat in Virginia.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Orthocarpus luteus;
Orthocarpus luteus Nutt. “Yellow Owls Clover”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
Nuttall (1818, v. 2, p. 57) described a new genus Orthocarpus and added O. luteus to it.
Original Text
| Comments
Calix tubular, semiquadrifid.
Corolla bilabiate, closed; upper lip smaller, compressed, with the margin inflected;
lower concave, obsoletely 3-toothed, unexpanded.
Anthers unconnected; lobes unequal, divaricate.
Capsule straight, elliptic-ovate, 2-celled, 2-valved, many-seeded, opening on both sides;
dissepiment transverse.
Seeds small, alated lunate margin.
Annual; stem simple; leaves alternate, entire;
flowers axillary, alternate, sessile, and bracteate;
bractes divaricately trifid.
Species. 1. O. luteus.
Root tortuous, perpendicular, and fibrous.
Stem simple, hirsutely pilose, terete.
Leaves increasing in size upwards, alternate, sessile, lanceolate-linear,
acute, entire, opaque, and as will as the bractes and calix shortly and somewhat viscidly pubescent,
margins scabrous;
bractes cuneate, divaricately trifid, about an inch long and the same in width,
Calix much shorted than the bractes, partly compressed, striated,
subcampanulate, segments linear-lanceolate, acute.
Corolla yellow, smooth;
tube slender, about the length of the calix;
both of the lips concave, inflected, and closed,
the lower somewhat plaited and terminated by 3 minute dentures,
so inconspicuous as the give the corolla the appearance of being destitute of an under lip.
Stamina 4, small;
filaments capillary, ingrafted upon the upper lip a little below the orifice,
approximating by pairs unde the same lip;
anthers pale, unusually small, 2-celled, distinctly and separately 2-lobed,
lobes pubescent, not parallel,
one acute-angularly diverging from below the summit of the other,
almost exactly similar to the small lamdba (sic) of the Greek alphabet (λ).
Style filiform, stigma simple, minute.
Capsule elliptic ovate, obtuse, staight (sic) and pubescent,
included within the calix, 2-celled, 2-valved, many-seeded,
margins of the valves partly inflected;
dissepiment transverse,
or origining from the middle of the valves and seminiferous.
Seeds small, more than 10, having an alated interrupted margin.
Cotyledones 2, very small, upon the growing plant, oval.
In humid situations on the plains of the Missouri, near Fort Mandan;
very local.
Flowering in July and August.
Height about 12 or 14 inches.
Growing in quantities.
Flowers of a bright and uniform yellow,
almost of the size and form of the common species of Melampyrum at first sight.
In point of affinity it cannot be compared with any other genus,
notwithstanding its marked distinction.
† The straightness of the fruit,
readily distinguishing this genus from Melampyrum.
Melampyrum is a genus of about 20 species of herbaceous flowering plants in the family Orobanchaceae known commonly as cow wheat.
They are native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, though not found in Colorado.
They are hemiparasites on other plants, obtaining water and nutrients from host plants,
though they are able to survive on their own without parasitising other plants.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Erythranthe floribunda;
Erythranthe floribunda (Douglas ex Lindl.) G. L. Nesom “Many Flowered Monkey Flower”
(Syn: Mimulus floribundus Lindl. )
Literature Cited:
- Lindley, John, 1827.
Lindley (1827, v. 13, t. 1125) ...
A neat hardy annual, found by Mr. Douglas on moist rocks in the interior of the districts of the river Columbia.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Erythranthe glabrata;
Erythranthe glabrata (Kunth) G. L. Nesom “Roundleaf Monkeyflower”
(Syn: Mimulus glabratus Kunth)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Collinsia Nutt.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1817.
Nuttall (1817, v. 1, pt. 1, p. 189) ...
Description of Collinsia, a new genus of plants.
By Thomas Nuttall.
In the spring of 1810, during the course of an extensive
journey into the north-western interior of the territories of
the United States, I first became acquainted with the very
singular and interesting plant which forms the subject of the
present memoir. The specimens which I then obtained on
the alluvial soils of the Alleghany and on the borders of lake
Erie were finally lost. On arriving at St. Louis, near the
confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers, I found
that Mr. John Bradbury, a botanist, had also detected this
plant about the same time, on the banks of the Missouri
and Mississippi, but I saw no specimen. In the spring
of last year (1816), having undertaken a tour to the western
states, I determined, if possible, again to collect this
neglected plant, but after a journey of more than a hundred
miles, for scarcely any other purpose, I arrived at
Pittsburgh disappointed of my object. On descending
the Ohio, however, nearly to Galiopolis, I at last recognised
it on the more open alluvions of the river, withered
and nearly past affording seed, accompanied by the
Hesperis pinnatifida and the interesting Phalangium
esculentum: from these seeds I have been at last fortunate enough
to obtain the plant from which the accompanying drawing
was taken by my friend, Mr. C. A. Le Sueur. This plant
has for several years been known to Dr. Drake of Cincinati,
in whose collection I saw specimens of it, and
also with Dr. Short of Lexington, Kentucky, two gentlemen,
who, amidst the avocations of an irksome profession,
have still found leisure to cultivate some of the branches
of natural science.
I have dedicated this genus to the name of Zaccheus
Collins, Esq. of Philadelphia, a gentleman, whose talents
as a botanist and a mineralogist are deservedly acknowledged.
The article goes on to a formal description of Collinsia verna and includes a black and white drawing.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Collinsia parviflora;
Collinsia parviflora Lindl. “Maiden Blue-eyed Mary”
Literature Cited:
- Lindley, John, 1827.
“Received by the Horticultural Society from Mr. David Douglas, in 1827, by whome it was found in the vicinity of the river Columbia (Lindley, 1827).”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Gratiola neglecta;
Gratiola neglecta Torr. “Clammy Hedge Hyssop”
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, 1819.
Torrey (1819, p. 10 & 89) ...
Original Text
9. Gratiola. L. Hedge Hyssop.
1 aurea. Muhl. (Golden-Pert.) In sandy woods in moist
places. New-Jersey. Long-Island, &c. ♃. Aug. yellow.
2 Virginica. L.
officinalis. Mx.
B. Caroliniensis. Pers.
In inundated and moist places (rare.) ♃. Aug.
3. neglecta. Sp. nov. In similar situations. (common.) July-Aug.
♃. white and yellow.
Page 10. Gratiola neglecta, nobis : G. caule pubescente assurgente
tereti ; foliis glabris lanceolatis pauci-dentato-serratis
basi attenuatis connatisque : calycis foliolis aequalibus ; filamenta sterilia nulla.
Root fibrous, perenial. Stem about six inches, branched
at the base, round ; leaves broad-lanceolate, narrowed at the
base and a little connate, smooth, rather obtuse. Peduncles
varying in length, some of them shorter, and some longer
than the leaves, the upper ones opposite. Calyx with obtuse
lanceolate segments a little more than one third the length of
the corolla ; bracts longer than the calyx, beset with glanduliferous
hairs. Corolla with divisions rounded, the upper segment
longer, and all of them emarginate ; limb white ; tube
yellow, bent obliquely, smooth ; throat hairy. Filaments
shorter than the tube. Stigma oblique, compressed.
Capsule ovate, acutish, and about the length of the calyx.
This species approaches very near to G. Virginica, and
may be the plant which Pursh has described as such. From
the G. Virginica of Elliott it differs in several circumstances.
Particularly in having a pubescent stem, and in the absence
of abortive stamina. It has great affinity to Gratiola sphaerocarpa. Ell.
Linaria canadensis (L.) Dum.-Cours. var. texana (Scheele) Pennell “Blue Toadflax, Texas Toadflax”
Literature Cited:
- Pennell, Francis W., 1921.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Linaria canadensis texana;
Pennell (1921, p. 502) ...
Original Text
1a. Linaria canadensis texana (Scheele) Pennell, comb. nov.
Linaria texana Scheele, in Linnaea 21: 4761. 1848. “Zwischen Houston
and Austin [Texas] haufig:” Romer." Description sufficiently distinctive.
Here distinguished primarily by roughness of seeds, which however
varies from a few roughenings on the side to densely tuberculate.
The wealth of Texan material at my disposal shows that
each character of the contrasts previously outlined (in Contrib.
U. S. Nat. Herb. 20: 323. 1920, and Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.
71 : 258. 1920) between this and Linaria canadensis breaks down
in numerous instances through the area where the two overlap.
Consequently it seems more rational to consider texana a variety,
its range and relation to the species roughly paralleling that of
Veronica peregrina xalapensis (H. B. K.) Pennell. For an
excellent illustration of Linaria candensis texana see the Botanical
Magazine 63: pi. 3473. 1836.
Open sand or sandy loam, frequently or usually a weed, common
through the Coastal Plain, chiefly westward; occasional and probably
introduced inland. Ranges widely through western North
America, and into South America.
List of specimens examined from Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Texas omitted.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Linaria dalmatica;
Linaria dalmatica (L.) Mill. “Dalmatian ToadFlax”
(Syn: Linaria dalmatica (L.) Mill. ssp. dalmatica, Linaria genistifolia (L.) Mill. ssp. dalmatica (L.) Maire & Petitm.)
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 2, p. 616) ...
Original Text
18. ANTIRRHINUM foliis lanceolatis alternis, caule fruticofo.
Linaria latifolia dalmatica, magno flore. Bauh. pin. 212. prodr. 106.
Linaria maxima, folio lauri. Bauh. hift. 3. p. 458.
Habitat in Creta. ♄.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Penstemon secundiflorus;
Penstemon secundiflorus Benth. “Sidebells Penstemon”
Found in every Golden s.l. open space.
Jefferson County collections along the base of the Front Range and barely into the foothills,
with just a few in the interior of southern county.
Most collections along the Front Range and interior valleys.
Name applied by Bentham (1846) to a specimen seen in Torrey's herbarium, possibly a Fremont collection.
Literature Cited:
- Bentham, George, 1846.
Bentham in DeCandolle (1846, v. 10, p.325) ...
25. P. secundiflorus, erectus, foliis radicalibus petiolatis ellipticis lanceolatisve acutis,
superioribus anguste lanceolatis, panicula angusta, pedunculis
erectis plurifloris secundis, calycis segmentis ovali-oblongis acutis margine
membranaceis, corollae tubo superne ampliato, antheris glabris, filamento
sterili apice dilato barbato. ♃ in montibus scopulosis (Fremont !). Hinc
P. nitido, illinc P. coeruleo affines. Caules 9-10-pollicares. Cymae laxiusculae,
superiores 1-3-florae, inferiores sub-5-florae. (v. in herb. Torrey).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Penstemon strictus;
Penstemon strictus Benth. “Rocky Mountain Penstemon”
Literature Cited:
- Bentham, George, 1846.
Bentham in DeCandolle (1846, v. 10, p. 324) ...
Original Text
| Translation and Interpretation
24. P. strictus, rigidus, subglaucus, foliis imis oblongo-spathulatis petiolatis,
caulinis lineari-lancelatis, panicula elongata angusta virgata , pedunculis
brevibus plurifloris , calycis segmentis ovali-oblongis obtusis margine membranaceis,
antheris parce piloso-lanatis , filamento sterili superne dilatato subnudo.
in montibus Scopulosis ad fontes fl. Sweetwater (Fremont !).
P. micranthus Torr. in Frem. rep. p. 89, non Nutt.
Specimen vidi unicum sesquipedale.
Folia quam in P. coeruloa angustiosa.
Corollae imperfectae iis P. coerulei subsimiles videntur.
Antherarum pili pauci, longi, molles (v. in herb. Torrey.)
24. P. tight, rigid, subglaucous, the lower leaves oblong-spathulate, petiolate,
of a linear-lanceolate cauline, elongated panicle, narrow striped peduncles
calyx with short, numerous, oval-oblong segments, obtuse with membranous margin,
anthers sparsely hairy, woolly, with a sterile filament enlarged above, I subdo.
In the Rocky Mountains at the Sweetwater River Springs (Fremont!).
P. micranthus Torr. in Frem. rep. p. 89, non Nutt.
I saw only one foot and a half specimen.
Leaves as in P. coeruloa angustiosa.
The imperfect corolla appear to be similar to those of P. coerulei
Anther hairs few, long, soft (seen in Torrey herbarium).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Penstemon virens;
Penstemon virens Pennell ex Rydb. “Front Range Beardtongue”
The name P. virens was applied by Rydberg (1917) apparently at the suggestion of Pennell who collected the
The type locality is the general area of Red Rocks Amphitheater though the amphitheater did not exist at the time.
As an entity it was known well before then, as early as Nuttall's 1834 trip to Oregon Territory,
and by Parry's collection, and Hall & Harbour collections.
However, it was treated as a form of P. pubescens until treated as P. humilis Gray (1862),
of which part was segregated into P. virens Rydberg (1917) based upon Pennell's type.
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1862.
Gray (1862, p. 69-70) ...
43. P. humilis, Nutt. in herb. Acad. Philad. P. gracili Nutt. (P.
pubescenti var. gracili supra) maxime affinis, sed vulgo humilior
(3-9-pollicaris), foliis pallidioribus, thyrso etiam strictiore, corolla saturate
caerulea breviore (haud ultra-semipollicari) fauce satis ampliata
hiante plicis sub labio inferiore obsoletis. — Rocky Mountains, Nuttall
(a very depauperate doubtless alpine specimen in herb. Acad. Philad.) ;
common about Pike's Peak and vicinity, Parry, no. 257 (Enum. p. 27),
Mr. Howard, and in taller specimens than before seen, Hall and Harbour,
1862, no. 387, on low mountains, “an early and very pretty
species,” confirming its close relationship with P. gracilis.
Yet this cannot be regarded as a variety of P. pubescens.
Literature Cited:
- Rydberg, Per Axel, 1917.
Rydberg (1917, p. 773 and 1066) ...
60. P. virens Pennell. Stem 1-3 dm. high, glabrous up to the inflorescence;
leaves glabrous, glaucescent, the lower petioled; blades 2—4 cm. long; upper stem
leaves lanceolate or oblong, usually denticulate; calyx 4 mm. long; corolla deep
blue, 15 mm. long, funnelform; lower lip slightly bearded; sterile stamen yellow
bearded on the spatulate tip. P. humilis A. Gray, mainly, not Nutt.
Plains and hills: Alta. — Colo. — Nev. Plain — Mont. Je-Au.
New Genera and Species
Pentstemon virens Pennell.
Type: Stony hillsides, foothills north of Morrison, Colo., 1915, Pennell 5821 (N.Y.).
P. humile A. Gray, Am. Jour. Sci. II, 34: 253. 1862. Not Nutt.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Penstemon virgatus var. asa-grayi;
Penstemon virgatus A. Gray var. asa-grayi (Crosswh.) Dorn “Upright Blue Beardtongue”
Literature Cited:
- Crosswhite, Frank S., 1965.
Crosswhite (1965, p. 318) ...
I have recently
concluded that the plant called “P. unilateralis” by authors is nothing more than a
well-marked subspecies of P. virgatus A. Gray (in N+bot. Mex. Bound. surv. 113.
1859; isotype seen). Dr. William T. Penland has provided the only description of
the subspecies in H. D. Harrington's Manual of the Plants of Colorado (Sage Books,
Denver, 1954). In recognition of the excellence of Gray's revisions of the genus, this
previously nameless Penstemon is here designated Penstemon virgatus ssp.
Asa-Grayii Crosswhite, ssp. nov. — foliis radicalis oblanceolatis; a ssp. virgatus caulibus
glabrus differt: typus: H. N. Patterson 258 (PH, isotypes NY, US, WIS) Empire,
Clear Creek Co., Colo., Jul. 13, 1892. Mounted with this flowering material, in all 4
herbaria cited, is fruiting material collected in Sept. of the same year. &Mdash; Frank S.
Crosswhite, Herbarium, Universoty of Wisconsin, Madison, 53706.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Plantago major;
Plantago major L. “Common Plantain”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1., p. 112-113) ...
Original Text
1. PLANTAGO foliis ovatis glabris, nudo fcapo tereti, fpica flofculis imbricatis.
Plantago foliis ovatis glabris. Hort. cliff. 43. Fl. fuec. 122.
Mat. med. 49. Roy. lugdb. 401. Hall. helv. 470.
Dalib. parif. 50.
Plantago fcapo fpicato, foliis ovatis. Fl. lapp. 62.
Plantago latifolia finuata. Bauh. pin. 189.
Plantago major. Cam. epit. 261.
β. Plantago latifolia glabra minor. Bauh. pin. 189.
γ. Plantago latifolia rofea, floribus quafi in fpica difpofitis.
Bauh. pin. 189. Hort. upf. 29.
δ. Plantago latifolia rofea, flore expanfo. Bauh. pin. 189.
ε. Plantago latifolia, fpica multiplici fparfa. Bauh. pin. 189.
Habitat in Europa ad vias. ♃.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Plantago patagonica;
Plantago patagonica Jacq. “Woolly Plantain”
Jacquin (1793, v. 2., p. 9) short description with a reference to Jacq. coll. vol. 5. [Collectaneorum supplementum, where there is a longer description and a collecting locality.]
and Jacquin (1793, v. 2, t.(plate) 306.
Literature Cited:
- Jacquin, Nikolaus Joseph, 1796.
Jacquin (1796, p. 35) ...
Original Text
| Translation and Comments
Crefcit ad Champion-River in Patagonia.
Grows at Champion-River in Patagonia.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Veronica americana;
Veronica americana Schwein. ex Benth. “American Speedwell”
Literature Cited:
- Bentham, George, 1846.
Bentham in DeCandolle (1846, v. 10, p. 468) ...
Original Text
47. V. Americana (Schweinitz! mss.), glabra, basi decumbens , superne erecta,
foliis plerisque petiolatis ovatis oblongisve acutis vel obtusiusculis serratis
crassiusculis basi truncato-subcordatis, capsula subrotunda turgida emarginata.
♃ in America boreali a Canada et Carolina usque ad flum. Oregon et in ins.
Sitcha. V. Anagallis auct. plur. amer. non Linn. Species inter V. Anagallidem
et V. Beccabungam fere media. Habitus potius prioris sed folia pleraque petiolata,
breviora, latiora. Capsula et semina V. Beccabungae. Folia nunc vix semi-pollicaria,
nunc 1-2poll. longa. (v. s. )
Bentham wrote the section on Scrophulariaceae.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Veronica anagallis-aquatica;
Veronica anagallis-aquatica L. “Water Speedwell”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
- Stearn, William T., 2004.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, p. 12) ...
Anagall. ᐁ
15. VERONICA racemis lateralibus, foliis lanceolatis ferratis, caule erecto.
Fl. fuec. 10. Dalib. parif. 7.
Veronica foliis oppofitis laevibus crenatis, floribus laxe fpicatis ex alis. Gron. virg. 4.
Veronica aquatica major, folio oblongo. Bauh. pin. 252.
Habitat in Europa ad foffas. ☉
The upside-down triangle (ᐁ) is a symbol for water, or aquatica, e.g., Anagall. ᐁ = Anagallis-aquatica (Stearn, 2004).
Linneaus (1753) used symbols forming part of a specific epithet under Alisma, Campanula, Cotyledon, Scandix, Sysimbrium, and Veronica.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Ackerfield (2015) treats V. anagallis-aquatica as a native, and places V. catenata in synonomy.
Literature Cited:
- POWO, 2021 - 2025.
Kew POWO maps V. anagallis-aquatica as introduced to Colorado.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Veronica arvensis;
Veronica arvensis L. “Corn Speedwell”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, p. 13) ...
Original Text
21. VERONICA floribus folitariis, foliis cordatis incifis pedunculo longioribus.
Fl. fuec. 16. Dalib. parif. 5.
Veronica foliis oppofitis cordatis crenatis, floribus folitariis feffilibus.
Hort. cliff. 9. Gron. virg. 4. Roy. lugdb. 303.
Alfine veronicae foliis, flofculis cauliculis adhaerentibus.
Bauh. pin. 250.
Habitat in Europae arvis, cultis. ☉.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Veronica biloba;
Veronica biloba L. “Twolobe Speedwell”
(Syn: Pocilla biloba (L.) W. A. Weber)
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1771.
Linnaeus (1771, p. 172) ...
Original Text
| Translation and Interpretation
Habitat inter Cappadociae fegetes. D. Schreber. ☉.
She lives among the crops of Cappadocia [central Turkey]. D. Schreber. Annual.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Veronica catenata;
Veronica catenata Pennell “Water Speedwell”
Literature Cited:
- Pennell, Francis W., 1921b.
Pennell (1921, v. 23, n. 266, p. 37) ...
Original Text
27. Veronica catenata Pennell, sp. nov.
Flowering stem 1-3 dm. long, glabrous throughout. Leaves
lanceolate, acute or acutish, crenate to nearly entire, 3-5 cm. long,
1 cm. wide, all clasping, when submersed elongating and reaching
12 cm. long and 2 cm. wide. Racemes axillary to the upper leaves,
6-12 cm. long, 15-25-flowered. Bracts narrowly lanceolate, 4-5 mm.
long. Pedicels 3-5 mm. long, glabrous. Sepals 3-3.5 mm. long,
lance-ovate, obtusish. Corolla-lobes pale-blue. Style 1.2-1.7 mm.
long. Capsule 3 mm. long, 3.5 mm. wide, broad-globose, decidedly
emarginate. Seeds 0.5 mm. long, yellow-brown.
Type, Hot Springs, South Dakota, collected in flower and fruit
June 16, 1892, P. A. Rydberg 926, in Herb. New York Botanical
Garden. Named from the chain-like aspect of the long racemes of
short-pedicelled flowers.
Slow-flowing streams, plains, from North Dakota and Saskatchewan
to Kansas and New Mexico, southward west to Nevada and
southern California.
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Accepted by Weber & Wittmann (2012) in a paragraph that also mentions V. anagallis-aquatica noting that it is closely related.
V. catenata is not identified as alien.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Treated by Ackerfield as a synonym of V. anagallis-aquatica.
Literature Cited:
- POWO, 2021 - 2025.
Kew Plants of the World Online accepts both V. anagallis-aquatica and V. catenata.
According to Kew POWO, V. catenata does not occur in Colorado, and V. anagallis-aquatica is introduced to Colorado.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Veronica peregrina ssp. xalapensis;
Veronica peregrina L. ssp. xalapensis (Kunth) Pennell “Neckweed”
(Syn: Veronica xalapensis Kunth, V. peregrina L. var. xalapensis> (Kunth) H.St.John )
Literature Cited:
- Kunth, Carol Sigismund, 1815-1825.
Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. [H.B.K.] 2(pt. 8): 389 (ed. qto.) (1818).
2. VERONICA xalapensis. †
2. VERONICA xalapensis. nov. sp.
V. caule erecto , pubescente ; foliis oblongis , cernulatis ;
floribus axillaribus , solitariis , breviter pedunculatis , folio brevioribus ;
laciniis calycinis oblongis , erectis.
Veronica stems erect, pubescent leaves oblong, cerulate;
flowers axillary, solitary, short pedunculate, shorter than leaves;
calyx lobes oblong, erect.
Crescit in Regno Mexicano prope Xalapa (alt. 630 hex.), in nemoribus Liquidambaris
Styracifluae. ☉ Floret Febrruario.
He grows in the Mexican kingdom near Xalapa (alt. 630 fathoms [=3780 ft.]), in the woods of the Liquidambar styracifluae [American sweetgum]. Annual. It blooms in February.
Longer Latin description omitted.
Differt a Veronica peregrina ; cui simillima, caule pubescente, foliis latioribus ,
floribus pedunculatis laciniisque calycinis latioribus.
It differs from Veronica peregrina; which it most resembles, the stem is pubescent,
the leaves wider, flowers pedunculate, with broad calyx lobes.
Literature Cited:
- Pennell, Francis W., 1919c.
Pennell (1919, v. 19, n. 9, p. 167) ...
7a. Veronica peregrina xalapensis (H. B. K.) Pennell, comb. nov.
Veronica xalapensis H. B. K., Nov. Gen. et Sp. 2: 389.
1817. “Crescit in Regno Mexicano prope Xalapa
(alt. 630 hex.), in nemoribus Liquidambaris Styracifluae.”
Occasional in cultivated soil. In the western half of the continent
this glandular-pubescent plant completely replaces true
peregrina. In the east it is only occasionally seen, and that
probably as an introduction. Intergradation to the species
seems to be complete.
| |
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Galium aparine;
Galium aparine L. “Sticky Willy, Cleavers”
Galium aparine L., Sp. Pl. 1: 108 (1753).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Galium boreale;
Galium boreale S. Watson “Bedstraw”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Galium triflorum;
Galium triflorum Michx. “Fragrant Bedstraw”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Non-native Caprifoliaceae;
Caprifoliaceae in the Golden Flora
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Dipsacus fullonum;
“Fuller's Teasel” at Tin Cup Ridge, Coll. No. 2677.
Coll. No. 2677, Dipsacus fullonum
Dipsacus fullonum L. “Fuller's Teasel”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Original Text
1. DIPSACUS foliis feffilibus ferratis.
Dipfacus foliis connato-perfoliatis,
Hort. upf. 25.
ariftis fructus rectis.
Sauv. monfp. 156.
Dipfacus capitulis florum conicis.
Hort. cliff. 29.
Gron. virg. 15.
Roy. lugdb. 188.
Dalib. parif. 44.
Dipfacus fylveftris aut Virga Paftoris major.
Bauh. pin. 385.
Dipfacus fylveftris.
Dod. pempt. 735.
β Dipfacus fativus.
Bauh. pin. 385.
ariftis fructus hamatis.
Sauv. monfp. 156.
Habitat in Gallia, Anglia, Italia.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Dipsacus laciniatus;
Dipsacus laciniatus L. “Cutleaf Teasel”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Original Text
2. DIPSACUS foliis connatis finuatis.
Dipfacus folio laciniato.
Hauh. pin. 385.
Morif. hift. 3. p. 158. f. 7, t. 36. f. 4,
Habitat in Alfatia, Azow.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Knautia macedonica;
Knautia macedonica Griesb. “Macedonian scabious”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lonicera morrowii;
Lonicera morrowii A. Gray “Morrow's honeysuckle”
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1856.
Gray (1856, p. 305) in his preface to the list of plants collected in Japan ...
Original Text
This collection, hastily made as their small opportunities permitted, by Dr. Morrow and my
early friend, Mr. Williams, of the American Mission at Macao, has proved a very interesting
one, as might have been expected. No part of the world beyond his own country offers, as to
its vegetation, a greater interest to the botanist of the United States than Japan. This is not
the place to dwell upon the very remarkable relations which subsist between the Flora of Japan
and that of the United States, which have been more or less noticed ever since Thunberg's Flora
Japonica was published. As the present collection was principally made in the northern part of
Japan, it was naturally anticipated that it would add to the Japanese Flora a considerable
number of species identical with, or closely allied to, those already known to inhabit Kamtschatka
and Northwest America. This proves to be the case ; and at the same time it has brought to
view an equal number of Eastern United States forms, no insignificant portion of which are
specifically identical. These interesting facts will arrest the botanist's attention as he turns
over these pages. I refrain from commenting upon these relations until another and perhaps a
larger collection of Japanese plants shall be made known, namely, that made by that excellent
and most assiduous collector, Mr. Charles Wright, in the North Pacific Exploring Expedition,
under Commodore Rodgers.
The present collection makes known nearly forty new species and one new genus ; a very
considerable number under the circumstances of the case. Thirteen of these are Carices ; but
as most of these were gathered too early in the season, it is probable that the number will be
somewhat reduced when they are better known. I have to thank my excellent friend, Dr.
Boott, of London, the most learned Caricologist of the age, for having studied the specimens of
this genus, and furnished the descriptions for this report. I have also to thank my promising
young friend, Mr. Daniel C. Eaton, for having studied the Ferns of the collection, a department
of botany to which he devotes special attention. Mr. Sullivant has obligingly determined the
Mosses, and Prof. Harvey, of Dublin, the Algas of the collection.
Gray (1856, p. 313) describes our plant ...
Original Text
Lonicera (Xylosteum) Morrowi (n. sp.) ; erecta, molliter tomentosa; foliis oblongis basi rotundata
vel subcordata supra pubescentibus subtus canescenti-tomentosis ; pedunculis folio dimidio
brevioribus flores longitudine asquantibus ; bracteis lanceolatis vel spathulatis ovariis plerumque
discretis duplo quadruplove longioribus ; corolla ultra medium fissa basi hinc gibbosa ; filamentis
basi styloque hirsutis.
Hakodadi, on hill-sides.
Whole plant soft-downy, except the upper
surface of the leaves. These are about an inch and a half long, by three-fourths of an inch in
width, and on petioles a line and a half long. Corolla whitish ? somewhat pubescent ; the
lobes narrowly oblong. Bracts variable in size, sometimes five lines long, foliaceous. The
pubescence, and especially the long peduncles, must distinguish this from L. brachypoda, DC.
The specific name is a deserved compliment to one of the collectors.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lonicera tatarica;
Lonicera tatarica L. “Tatarian Honeysuckle”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
- Stearn, William T., 2004.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, p. 173-174) ...
Original Text
5. LONICERA pedunculis bifloris, bassis diftinctis, foliis cordatis obtufis.
Hort. npf. 42.
Chamaecerafus fructu gemino rubro, foliis glabris cordatis.
Amm. ruth. 184.
Habitat in Tataria.
In Linnaeus' time, “Tataria” referred to Central Asia and European Russia east of the river Don (Stearn, 1992).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Symphoricarpos occidentalis;
Symphoricarpos occidentalis Hook. “Western Snowberry”
Literature Cited:
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson, 1829-1840.
Hooker (1840, v. 1, p. 285), volume 1 being concluded in 1834. IPNI shows the date of publication to be 1833.
Original Text
2. S. occidentalis ; spicis densis terminalibus axillaribusque nutantibus,
corolla intus laciniisque dense barbatis,
stylo staminibusque subexsertis.
Rich. in Frankl. 1st Journ. ed. 2. App. p. 6.
Hab. Woody country, between lat. 54° and 64°,
and known under tbe name of “Wolf-berry.” Dr. Richardson.
Abundant about the Saskatchawan and Red River. Drummond. Douglas.
Fort Vancouver, on tbe Columbia. Douglas.
Dr. Richardson has justly remarked of this plant “S. racemosi proximus:”
and among the numerous specimens in the Herbarium,
are some which appear almost as much allied to the
one species as tbe other.
But the majority of individuals of the two species are readily enough distinguished ;
those belonging to the S. occidentalis, by their larger, less glaucous, more rigid, and denser foliage,
(some of tbe leaves being two and a half inches long,)
by the flowers arranged in dense drooping spikes, larger than in S. racemosus,
and by the prominent style and stamens.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Symphoricarpos rotundifolius;
Symphoricarpos rotundifolius A. Gray “Roundleaf Snowberry”
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1852-1853.
Gray (1853, v. 5, p. 66) writing in Plantae Wrightianae described S. rotundifolius
Symphoricarpos rotundifolius (sp. nov.) : foliis orbiculatis seu ovato-rotundis
parvulis ramulisque molliter pubescentibus ; floribus axillaribus solitariis ; bracteolis
ovario brevioribus dentibusque calycis cyathiformis ovatis obtusis glabris ; corolla
infundibuliformi intus glabra, lobis stamina superantibus.
Sides of mountains
around the copper mines, New Mexico ; Aug. (1388.)
Stems 3 or 4 feet high,
much branched. Leaves 5 to 9 lines long and 4 to 9 wide, softly and finely pubescent
above, and finely tomentose underneath, entire, or the larger often repand ; the
petiole a line or less in length. Flowers almost sessile in the axils of the upper
leaves. Calyx with the ovary a line and a half long, its lobes slightly if at all
ciliate. Corolla 3 lines long, tubular-funnelform. Fruit not seen.
The leaves
are rounded and more downy than in Nuttall's S. mollis, and the inflorescence as
well as the shape of the corolla is entirely different. The flowers are more like
those of S. glaucescens and S. montanus, but only half as large ; and they, as well
as the leaves, are larger than in S. microphyllus (as described by Kunth), with
which in other particulars its characters do not accord.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Viburnum lantana;
Viburnum lantana L. “Wayfaringtree”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, p. 268) ...
Original Text
5. VIBURNUM foliis ovatis ferratis venofis fubtus tomentofis
Vir. cliff. 25.
Hort. upf. 68
Roy. lugdb. 242.
Sauv. monfp. 136.
Viburnum. Hort. cliff. 107.
Viburnum vulgo. Bauh. pin. 249.
Lantana. Dod. pempt. 701.
Habitat in Europae auftralioris fepibus afgillosis.
[He lives on the hedges of the south of Europe.]
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Sambucus canadensis;
Sambucus canadensis L. “American Black Elderberry”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Campanula glomerata;
Schweich Hill.
Campanula glomerata L. “Dane's Blood”
There is one collection of “Dane's Blood” — Campanula glomerata L. —
in Golden s.l. that was made on Schweich Hill.
It is not really a garden escapee, since it was clearly thrown or dumped in the open space, i.e., it did not escape a garden on its own.
Perhaps the correct term is that it was “yeeted” into the open space.
It is the only collection from Jefferson County.
There are three other collections scattered around Colorado, all of which appear to be garden escapees.
It is one of four unrelated taxa known commonly as “Dane's Blood,” having in folklore sprung up in fields where Danes were slaughtered.
The plant was described by Linnaeus (1753) who noted that it lived in England, France, and Sweden.
 Coll. No. 1982, Campanula glomerata |
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, 166-167) ...
Original Text
19. CAMPANULA caule angulato finplici floribus
feffilibus, capitulo terminali.
Vir. cliff. 16.
Fl.fuec. 188.
it. gotl. 196.
it. fcan. 306.
Roy. lugdb. 245.
Dalib. parif. 67.
Campanula foliis lanceolato-ovatis crenatis, ramis
capitulo florali terminatis.
Hort. cliff. 64.
Campanula pratenfis, flore conglomerato.
Bauh. pin. 94.
Trachelium alpinum, floribus conglomeratis, foliis
afarinae rigidis & hirfutis.
Herm. par. 235. t. 235.
Habitat in Angliae, Galliae, Sueciae pratis aridis.
Folia ovato-oblinga, seffilia, obtufiufcula.
Flores 3, fesfiles in alis foliorum;
captiulum terminale.
Campanula petiolata A. DC. “Western Harebell”
Literature Cited:
- Candolle, Alphonse de, 1830.
C. glaberrima simplex pauciflora , foliis radicalibus longé petiolatis cordatis rotundatis dentatis ,
petiolis marginatis , caulinis inferioribus lanceolatis remotè dentatis petiolatis , superioribus linearibus
integris , lobis calycinis erectis subulatis corollâ campanulatâ duplò brevioribus.
C. glaberrima simplex pauciflora,
radical leaves with long petioles, cordate, round, toothed, marginate petioles,
lower stems, lanceolate, remotely toothed, upper ones, linear, entire,
erect calyx lobes subtended by corolla, campanulate, double shorter.
Habitat in Americâ boreali propè lacum dictum Slave-Lake. (Vid. in herb. Hook. )
He lives in North America near the lake called Slave-Lake.
(I have seen it in the herbarium of Hooker.)
Planta habitus C. rotundifoliæ. Radix tenuis. Caules pedales , erecti , simplices , cylindrici ,
teretes , ut tota planta glaberrimi. Folia radicalia parùm numerosa, magna, longè petiolata ,
petiolis 1-2 poll. longis , sæpè marginatis , supernè latis , in limbos ovato-rotundatos , subcordatos ,
remotè dentatos vel subintegros , semipollicem latos , expansis : caulina inferiora ovata et lanceolata ,
lata , serrata , petiolata , supernè magis ac magis angustiora , linearia et integra , ut in vulgari
C. rotundifoliá. Flores 3-5 circiter, apice plantæ , pedicellati , pedicellis unifloris, erectis
post anthesin incurvatis. Calyx 5-fidus , glaber, tubo obconico ; lobis subulatis, erectis, 3 lin.
longis. Corolla cærulea ; campanulata, lobis calycinis duplo longior. Stylus ut in C. rotundifoliá.
Capsula nutans , ovoidea , 3 lin. longa , lobis calycinis erectis terminata.
Plant habitus C. rotundifoliae. The root is thin. Stems pedal, erect, simple, cylindrical, smooth, like the whole plant very glabrous.
Radical leaves few in number, large, long petiolate, petioles 1-2 inch. long, often emarginate, uppermost broad, in ovate-rounded limbs, subcordate,
remotely toothed or subentire, half an inch wide, spreading:
lower stem ovate and lanceolate, broad, serrated, petiolate, uppermost more and more narrow, linear and entire, as in vulgaris C. rotundifolia.
Flowers about 3-5, at the apex of the plant, pedicellate, single-flowered pedicels, erect and curved after anthesis.
Calyx 5-fidus, glabrous, obconic tube; lobes subulates, erect, 3 lin. long
Corolla blue; bell-shaped, twice as long as the lobes of the calyx.
Style as in C. rotundifoliá.
Capsule nodding, ovoid, 3 lin. long, terminated by erect lobes of the calyx.
Doct. Richardson in peregrinatione trans Americani borealem propè laçum Servi (Slave-Lake)
detexit. Affinis est C. rotundifoliæ , sed ab eâ differt , foliis radicalibus majoribus limbo minùs
dentato-crenato , petiolo supernè marginato. A C. linifoliâ iisdem characteribus et floribus minoribus ,
foliisque radicalibus magìs cordatis. Parùm distat à varietate Langsdorffianâ , illius
speciei, in eisdem regionibus habitante. Florem similem habet, et caulem ut in eâ rectum et
pauciflorum ; sed planta hic descripta foliis radicalibus majoribus , dentatis , cordatis , petiolis
marginatis, ab eâ varietate vel specie tamen aliquatenùs differt.
Dr. Richardson, in his travels across America, discovered the boreal lake near Slave-Lake.
It is related to C. rotundifoliae, but it differs from it, with larger radical leaves, a smaller toothed-crenate margin, and a marginate upper petiole.
A C. linifolia with the same characters and smaller flowers, and more cordate radical leaves.
It is a little distant from the Langsdorffian variety, of that species, inhabiting the same regions.
It has a similar flower, and a stem that is straight and few-flowered;
but the plant here described, with larger radical leaves, toothed, cordate, and margined petioles, differs somewhat from that variety or species.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Campanula rapunculoides;
Campanula rapunculoides L. “Rampion Bellflower”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, 165) ...
Original Text
14. CAMPANULA foliis cordato-lanceolatis, cauleramofo,
floribus fecundis fparfis.
Vir. cliff. 17.
Roy. lugdb. 246.
Dalib. parif. 66.
Campanula foliis ovatis crenatis, floribus per caulem
uno verfu fparfis.
Hort. cliff. 64.
Campanula hortenfis, rapunculi radice.
Bauh. pin. 94.
Morif. hift. 2. p.f. 5. t. 3. f. 32.
Habitat in Helvetia, Gallia.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Campanula rotundifolia;
Campanula rotundifolia L. “Harebell”
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, p. 163) ...
Original Text
3. CAMPANULA foliis radicalibus reniformibus,
caulinis linearibus.
Fl. lapp. 83.
Fl. fuec. 176
Hort. upf. 65.
Roy. lugdb. 247.
Dalib. parif. 66.
Campanula minor rotundifolia vulgaris.
Bauh. pin. 93.
β Campanula minor rotundifolia alpina.
Bauh. pin. 93.
prodr. 34. t. 34.
γ Campanula alpina linifolia caerulea.
Bauh. pin. 93.
Fl. lapp. 84.
it. gotl. 229.
Habitat in Europae pafcuis.
Literature Cited:
- Sutherland, Brittany L., and Laura F. Galloway, 2018.
In a paper designed to explore the roles that glaciation and whole genome duplication may have played in the evolution of C rotundifolia, Sutherland & Galloway (2018) constructed a chloroplast phylogeny of 37 populations that spanned the range of the C. rotundifolia complex.
While they showed two European clades and one North American clade were likely genetically isolated from each other, and that the North Amrican clade was likely sourced from a glacial refugium in midwestern North America.
To date, this is the only paper I have found showing how the North American members of the C. rotundifolia complex are sufficiently phylogenetically distinct to justify taxonomically isolating them at the species rank, i.e., as C. petiolata.
Literature Cited:
- Herrando-Moraira, Sonia, et al., 2019.
Tribe Cardueae
“Thistles” in the broad sense are in the
tribe Cardueae Cassini, J. Phys. Chim. Hist. Nat. Arts. 88: 155. 1819 .
Tribe Cynareae Lam. & DC. would seem to have precedence over Cardueae by nearly a decade.
The North American representatives of Tribue Cardueae accepted by FNANM are as follows.
Taxa found in Colorado are shown in bold.
- Leaves spiny
- Carduus L. Plumeless Thistle.
- Carlina L. Carline Thistle.
- Carthamus L. Distaff Thistle.
- Cirsium Mill. Thistle.
All the native thistles in Colorado ae in the genus Cirsium Mill.
In addition there are two non-native thistles that are also noxious weeds:
C. arvense and C. vulgare.
- Echinops L. Globe Thistle.
- Onopordum L. Cotton Thistle.
- Silybum Adans. Milkthistle.
Not listed for Colorado in Weber & Wittmann (2012) or Ackerfield (2015).
There are two collections of Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. “Blessed Milk-thistle”,
one from Larimer County and one from Saguache County.
- Leaves not spiny
- Acroptilon Cass. Hardheads.
- Amberboa (Pers.) Less. Sweet Sultan.
- Arctium L. Burdock.
- Centaurea L. Knapweed.
Eight species of Centaurea are known from Colorado,
all of which are non-native.
- Crupina (Pers.) DC. Crupina.
- Cynara L. Cynara.
C. scolymus L. is the Globe Artichoke.
- Mantisalca Cass. Mantisalca.
- Plectocephalus D. Don in R. Sweet. Basketflower.
- Saussurea. Saw Wort.
- Volutaria Cass.
There is a more recent paper (Herrando-Moraira, Sonia, et al. 2019) describing the phylogeny of Cardueae using Hyb-Seq data.
It is, however, behind a paywall until August 1, 2020, and we eagerly await its unveiling.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Achillea millefolium;
Achillea millefolium L. “Common Yarrow”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v.2, p. 899) published Achillea millefolium without mention of
habitat in North America.
Original Text
| Interpretation and Comments
14. ACHILLEA foliis bipinnatis nudis:
laciniis linearibus dentatis.
Hort. cliff. 413.
Fl. fuec. 705.
Mat. med. 397.
Roy. lugdb. 175.
Gron. virg. 101.
Dalib. parif. 263.
Achillea foliis pinnato-pinnatis. Fl. lapp. 311.
Millefolium vulgare album. Banh. pin. 140.
β. Millefolium purpureum. Tabern hift. 130.
Habitat in Europæ pascuis pratisque.
| Millefolium.
| Habitat in European meadows and pastures.
Literature Cited:
- Kalm, Pehr, 1762.
Kalm (1762) mention of Achillea millefolium in Montreal, Canada.
Kalm (1762, v. III., p. 499) notes presence in Montreal, Canada,
of A. millefolium, in addition to Prunella vulgaris, Oenothera biennis,
Viola canadensis, and others.
There might be additional information but I struggle to read Swedish in the old font
used in the report.
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814, v. 2, p. 563) thought that Achillea millifolium
may have been introduced from Europe.
Original Text
| Interpretation and Comments
3. A. foliis bipinnatifidis pilosis linearibus dentatis mucronatis,
caulibus sulcatis.
Smith fl. brit. 2. p. 908.
Willd. sp. pl. 3. p. 2208.
Icon. Fl. dan. 737.
Engl. bot. 758.
In fields an on road sides ; common.
v. v.
Probably introduced from Europe.
Flowers white or rose-coloured.
| Millefolium.
Probably need to see what Willdenow says about A. millefolium, i.e., does he mention North American occurrence?
However, when I checked (11 May 2021),
the Real Jardin Botanico (Madrid) server was not working.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Nuttall (1818, v. 2, p. 171) also thought that A. millefolium was naturalized in North America.
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1838-1843.
Torrey & Gray (1841-1843, v. 2, p. 409) recognized that A. millefolium occurred throughout North America, but also noted it was introduced from Europe into pastures, &c.
Agoseris sp., “Goat-Chicory”
[Greek agos, leader, and seris, chicory; allusion unclear]
Agoseris has a New World, amphitropical distribution.
All of the species are restricted to North America except A. coronopifolia (D’Urville) K. L. Chambers,
which is found in temperate regions of southern South America.
The South American disjunction appears to be the result of long-distance dispersal from North America (K. L. Chambers 1963).
Literature Cited:
- Schreber, Johann Christian Daniel van, 1791.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Schreber, 1789-1791, publication details;
Schreber (1789-1791) published edition 8a of Linnaeus' Species Plantarum.
In the second volume he described Krigia Schred.
The volume is not available online, so I am unable to read the description.
Publication of this volume preceeded the publication of Troximon by Gaertner.
How much it preceeded Gaertner's publication, I don't know.
But it was enough to give Krigia priority over Troximon.
Literature Cited:
- Robin, C. C. (Charles-Ce´sar), 1817.
C. C. Robin published an account of his travels in Louisiana, West Florida and the West Indies from 1802 to 1806.
He included descriptions of plants observed in Louisiana.
Rafinesque undertook to translate, revise, and improve (as he says!) the plant list, and to see it published in New York.
Original Text
| English Translation
| Comments
180. Troximon odoratum Raf.
Hispidum, ramis fastigiatis, foliis sessilibus ovato-oblongis acutis integris ciliatis scabris,
floribus racemosis nudis, perianthis pilosis 8 partitis, sub 12 floris Raf.
Chicoracee fenouillette Rob. P. 425.
Stems four feet high, round milky;
leaves a little thick,
flowers pale yellow,
ligules five-toothed, anthers and stigmas very projecting, deep yellow ;
seeds oblong compressed striated with a thick long down.
This species together with Tr. Virginicum, Tr. Pallidum and Tr. Bulbosum
will form the genus Troximon ;
the other species which are acaules and with an embricated calyx,
must form a peculiar genus which I shall call Agoseris. Raf.
Found in woods.
| The way I read this, Rafinesque has validly published Agoseris
by saying that it is like Troximon that is
acaulescent and has an imbricated calyx (or the involucral bracts are imbricated).
Rafinesque gets/takes credit for the name Agoseris.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Troximon glaucum, Nuttall, 1841;
Agoseris parviflora, Nuttall, 1841;
• Glossary:
Original Text
| Comments
TROXIMON. (Nutt. Gen. Am., non Gaertner)
Capitulum many-flowered.
Involucrum imbricate, subcampanulate, divisions lanceolate, distinct, or united at base.
Receptacle naked, punctate.
Achenium subterete, with ten obtuse ribs, attentuated above into a somewhat similarly
striated, and rather short, thick rostrum.
Pappus copious, setaceous, persistent, widest at base, longer than the achenium,
and scarcely scabrous.
Stemless perennials, with fusiform roots, and mostly entire, linear, smooth,
sublanceolate leaves.
Scapes terete, exserted, one-flowered; flowers yellow or rose-coloured.
OBS. The only species of this genus known to Gaertner, T. lanatum,
is now referred to Scorzonera,
the name thus unoccupied may, therefore, still be retained for the American species.
The question is: was Troximon really available?
Or, was Troximon illegitimate because Krigia had priority?
Nuttall then goes on to propose Troximon glaucum (=Agoseris glauca)
and T. parviflorum sp. Nov. (=A. parviflorum).
Literature Cited:
- Lee, Joongku, Bruce G. Baldwin, and L. D. Gottlieb, 2003.
Phylogenetic analysis of relationships in the Cichorieae place Agoseris in the Microseris clade along with Nothocalais, Uropappus, and Stebbinsoseris.
Krigia (and Glyptopleura) was not placed in any major clade.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Agoseris glauca;
Agoseris glauca (Pursh) Raf. “Pale Goat-Chicory”
Troximon glaucum Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. (Pursh) 2: 505 (1813).
Literature Cited:
- Moulton, Gary E., 1999.
- Pursh, Frederick, 1816.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Pursh, 1814, publication details;
Pale Goat-Chicory was first published by Frederick Pursh in Volume 2 of his Flora Americae Septentrionalis.
Original Text
| Translation and Interpretation
| Comments
604. TROXIMON. Gaert. Carp. P. 360. Pers. Syn. 2 p. 360
1. T. scapo unifloro, calycinis foliolis imbricatis cuspidatis,
foliis linearibus integerrimis utrinque glaucis.
| Troximon with single-flowered scape, involucre with imbricate bracts with acute tips, green leaves are linear with entire margins.
| glaucum.
On the banks of the Missouri.
v. s. ;
v. v. in Hortis.
Flowers bright yellow.
On the banks of the Missouri.
I have seen it dried.
I have seen it live in gardens.
Flowers bright Yellow.
| Pursh doesn't tell us whose dried collection he saw.
It could have been a Bradley collection.
It probably was not a Lewis & Clark collection because Moulton (1999) does not list an Agoseris collection in the
Lewis & Clark herbarium.
What we now consider to be a male symbol – ♂ – probably means the plant is biennial.
Agoseris glauca (Pursh) Raf., Atlantic J. 6: 39 (1833).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1841, publication details;
Troximon, Nuttall, 1841;
• Glossary:
Original Text
| Comments
Achenium terete, shortly rostrate, with obtuse ribs
This is the first section of Nuttall's Troximon and will contain T. glaucum [=Agoseris glauca].
T. parviflora [=A. parviflora] will be segregated into the second section that has a distinct rostrum (beak).
Troximon glaucum.
The involucrum is usually smooth,
the divisions in about three series,
the outer shorter, all of them lanceolate and acute.
HAB. On the plains of the Platte, and Missouri, about the Great Bend.
Literature Cited:
- Dietrich, David Nathaniel Friedrich, 1847.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Dietrich, 1847, publication details;
Though Rafinisque published Agoseris in 1817,
it wasn't until 1847 that D. Dietrich placed Pursh's Troximon glaucum in Agoseris.
3606. AGOSERIS Rafin. (1817).
(Troximon Nutt.)
2. A. cuspidata; …
2. A. glauca;
fol. lineari-lanceolatis acutus integris scapoque glabriusculis;
setis pappi capillaribus rigidis.
Troximon Nutt. B. M. T, 1667.
β dasycephalum Torr. Et Gray.
T. glaucum α Hook. B. M. t 3462.
Ammogeton scorzonerifolium Schrad. In Amer. Bor.
3 A. parviflora (Troximon Nutt.): …
4. A. rosea …
5. A. taraxacifolia; …
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Agoseris parviflora;
Coll. No. 1101, Agoseris parviflora
Agoseris parviflora (Nutt.) D. Dietr. “Steppe Goat-Chicory”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1841, publication details;
Troximon, Nuttall, 1841;
Nuttall (1841) described a new species of Troximon, T. parviflorum in describing the plants from his travels along the
Oregon Trail in 1834 and 1835.
It will become our current Agoseris parviflora.
Original Text
| Comments
†† Achenium compressed, with ten shallow, acute ribs, and attenuated into a distinct rostrum,
shorter than the long and bristly pappus.
Involucrum ovate, in about three series of unequal, lanceolate sepals.
This is the second section of Nuttall's Troximon and it has a “distinct rostrum” or beak.
The section starts off with Nuttall's new species T. parviflorum [=Agoseris parviflora].
Troximon * parviflorum;
leaves linear-lanceolate, acuminate, smooth or pubescent,
often runcinately denticulate towards the base;
scape pubescent at the summit, lanuginous;
sepals nearly smooth, in three unequal series, lanceolate, acuminate;
flowers yellow.
Hab. On the plains of the Platte to the Rocky Mountains.
About four or five inches high.
The leaves about two lines wide, acuminated at each end.
Pappus minutely scabrous;
the outermost divisions of the involucrum only about half the length of the inner.
Literature Cited:
- Dietrich, David Nathaniel Friedrich, 1847.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Dietrich, 1847, publication details;
Dietrich (1847) in his Synopsis Plantarum placed the North American Troximon into Agoseris Raf.
3606. AGOSERIS Rafin. (1817).
(Troximon Nutt.)
. A. cuspidata; …
2. A. glauca; …
3 A. parviflora (Troximon Nutt.):
fol. Anguste lanceolato-linearibus acute asuminatis integris subretrorsp-denticulatis;
pappo capillari rigido.
In mont. Rocky.
4. A. rosea …
5. A. taraxacifolia; …
| |
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Ambrosia acanthicarpa;
Ambrosia acanthicarpa Hook. “Flat-Spine Burr-Ragweed”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Ambrosia artemisiifolia;
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. “Annual Ragweed”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Ambrosia psilostachya;
Ambrosia psilostachya DC. “Western Ragweed”
Literature Cited:
- DeCandolle, Augustus Pyramus, 1836.
DeCandolle (1836, v. 5, p. 526) published A. psilostachya
from a collection by Berlander in Mexico.
Original Text
9. A. psilostachya,
caule herbaceo erecto tereti paniculato-ramoso foliisque
scabridis, foliis subsessilibus pinnatipartitis lobis lineari-lanceolatis acnminatis
hinc inde pinnatim incisis, racemis plurimis gracilibus inter capitula mascula
remota ebracteatis, fructibus infra apicem tuberculis obtusis 5-6 onustis apice
conico elongato.
in Mexico inter San-Fernarido et Matamoros legit cl.
Berlandier (pl. exs. n. 2280!).
Fructus plurimi parvi in invol. foem. Capitula
masc. pubero-scabrida parva. (v. s.)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Ambrosia tomentosa;
Ambrosia tomentosa Nutt. “Ragweed”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
603. AMBROSIA. L. (Bitter-weed.)
Monoicous (sic).
Calix 1-leaved.
Anthers approximate, but not united.
Receptacle naked.
Calix 1-leaved,
entire or 5-toothed,
Corolla none.
Nut formed from the indurated calix, 1-seeded.
Tall herbaceous and mostly annual plants;
leaves rough, the lower most opposite, the upper alternate,
bipinnatifid, trifid, or rarely entire;
flowers in long terminal and proximately axillar spikes,
upper flowers masculine numerous,
the lower fewer, feminine, glomerated, clusters 2 to 5-flowered, tribracteate.
1. A. integrifolia.
2. bidentata.
3. trifida.
4. elatior.
5. artemisifolia.
6. paniculata.
7. heterophylla.
8. * tomentosa.
Perennial; stem low;
leaves bipinnatifid, upper side white and tomentose;
spikes solitary.
In Upper Louisiana on the banks of the Missouri; rare.
Only 1 or 2 feet high.
A North American genus, with the exception of 1 species in Peru
and another indigenous to the sea-coasts of the Levant.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1841, publication details;
Franseria * bipinnatifida; ...
Franseria * pumila; ...
Franseria * discolor;
♃, root creeping;
leaves ubterruptedly bipinnatifid,
above nearly smooth, canescently and closely tomentose,
segments subovate, acute, confluent in the wide rachis;
stem short, with the lateral branched decumbent.
In the Rocky Mountains, neat the Colorado of the West.
A very remarkable and distinct, as well as elegant species.
Stem about a span long, slightly pubescent;
leaves on long petioles, with a lanceolate outline, acute,
about six inches lone, white beneath, green above,
the pinnatifid segments lanceolate, the rachis incisely toothed.
Male florets rather numerous;
receptacle with narrow, pubescent palea;
involucrum about five or six-toothed;
female flowers few, fruit spiny.
Franseria * cuneifolia; ...
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Ambrosia trifida;
Ambrosia trifida L. “Giant Ragweed”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Anaphalis margaritacea;
Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) Bentham & Hooker “Western Pearly Everlasting”
Linnaeus (1753, v. 2, p. 850) was fairly clear that G. margaritaceum
was native to North America.
Original Text
margaritace- um.
3. GNAPHALIUM foliis lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis
alternis, caule fuperne ramofo, corymbis faftigiatis.
Hort. cliff. 401.
Hort. upf. 255.
Gmel. fib. 2. p. 107.
Gnaphalium latifolium americanum. Bauh. pin. 263.
Gnaphalium americanum. Clif. hift. 1. p. 327.
Habitat in America feptentrionali, kamtfchatca.
Literature Cited:
- DeCandolle, Augustus Pyramus, 1836.
DeCandolle (1837, v. 6, p. 271) published Anaphalis, but he placed our margaritacea in Antennaria Sect. II. Margaripes.
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Weber & Wittman (2012) state that Anaphalis is an anagram of Gnaphalium.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Antennaria parvifolia;
Habitat of Coll. No. 1128, Antennaria parvifolia
Coll. No. 1909, Antennaria parvifolia
Antennaria parvifolia Nutt. “Small-Leaf Pussytoes”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1841, publication details;
• Glossary:
Nuttall (1841) first described A. parvifolia collected on his trip on the Oregon Trail with the Wyeth expedition.
Original Text
Antennaria * parvifolia;
subcaespitose, with procumbent sarments;
stem simple;
lower leaves spathulate, or spathulate-linear, the upper linear, all whitely tomentose;
flowers conglomerate;
scales of the involucrum oblong-ovate, eroded, yellow.
On the Black Hills and plains of the upper part of the Platte.
A dwarf species, spreading out in canescent tufts with very small leaves,
which are about half or three quarters of an inch long, and about two or three lines wide;
the flowers in an irregular, somewhat round mass, not a circular corymb,
with the scales of the corynb sulphur yellow, and very conspicuous.
Radical leaves somewhat rhomboidally spathulate.
The pappus of the male flower is very conspicuously clavellate:
the female flower has purple oblong-lanceolate scales to the involucrum,
and a filiform pappus.
A specimen of this sex from Altai has a near resemblance to our plant,
but is larger in all its parts,
and is the A. hyperborea of Don.
Literature Cited:
- Bayer, Randall J., 1990.
Randal J. Bayer, who wrote the treatment of Antennaria for the Flora of North America
published a cladistic analysis (Bayer, 1990) of the sexually reproducing Antennaria.
However, A. parvifolia is not one of them because some individuals are dioecious and others are apomictic.
The article is behind a paywall.
I thought this was interesting, “ … polyploidy and two asexual means of reproduction, agamospermy and horizontal stolons,
have evolved in the more specialized groups, the Pulcherrimae and Catipes … ”
This would imply to me that A. parvifolia would be a member of one of those two groups.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Antennaria rosea;
Antennaria rosea Greene “Rosy Pussytoes”
Literature Cited:
- Greene, Edward L., 1898.
Greene (1898, p. 281) in his “Sect. 2. Some northern species of Antennaria”
described a new Antennaria.
Original Text
A. rosea. A. dioica, var. rosea, Eaton, Bot. King Exp. 186.
A. parvifolia, var. rosea, Greene, p. 175 supra.
A. parvifolia, Nutt. in small part, but not of spec. char. Plant by
no means small, often 12, sometimes 14 or 15 inches high,
yet frequently only 6 or 8 inches: leaves comparatively
small, of the thinnest, as to texture, only canescently tomentose,
but permanently so on both faces, the quite gradually
dilated upper portion acute; cauline long and narrow, acute
or acuminate: heads small, closely compacted
pound cymose rounded cluster: bracts of the involucre
pluriserial, their basal part concealed by wool, the tips from
broad and obtuse in the outer series to narrow and acute
in the inner, all rose-red.
Of this only the female plant is known to me; which is
the more remarkable in view of the fact that no other
north-western Antennaria so abounds in every large herbarium.
It is a dry-ground species of subalpine habitat, with either
short or elongated slender dry and subligneous stolons; in
this quite unlike the true A. parvifolia. From A. hyperborea
more difficult to distinguish it, except by the looser
inflorescence, longer heads, less woolly involucre, and fewer
paler narrower bracts of the last named. I give the following
rather copious list of localities for A. rosea.
North Park, Colorado, Chas. S. Sheldon, n. 128 ;
Yellowstone Park, Frank Tweedy, n. 728;
mountain meadows in Kootenai Co., Idaho, J. B. Leiberg, n. 646 ;
Nez Perces Co., Idaho, Heller, n. 3441 ;
Salmon River, British Columbia, Dawson (Can. Surv. n. 11281);
Spence's Bridge, B. C, Macoun, n. 11282;
summit of Mt. Arrowsmith, Vancouver Island, Macoun, n. 11279;
pine woods near Spokane, Washington, C. V. Piper, n. 2273;
Mt. Hood, Oregon, Thos. Howell;
Crooked Creek, southeastern Oregon, and
Warner Range, northeastern California, Mrs. Austin.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Arnica cordifolia;
Arnica cordifolia Hook. “Heart-Leaf Leopardbane”
Literature Cited:
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson, 1829-1840.
Hooker (1834, v. 1, p. 334) described A. cordifolia from
collections by Drummond in the Rocky Mountains and by Douglas along the Columbia River in Washington Territory.
Original Text
| Comments and Interpretation
4. A. cordifolia ; caule elato,
foliis cordatis glabriusculis basi sinu distincto,
inferioribus longe petiolatis pari supremo solummodo sessili,
panicula 1-3-flora.
Hab. Alpine woods of the Rocky Mountains, on the east side, Drummond ;
and on the west side,
in mountain woods between the Kettle Falls and Spokan River,
and in the Blue Mountains. Douglas.
This appears quite distinct from the preceding,
and is very constant in the shape and petiolation of its leaves.
The preceding was A. menziesii.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Arnica fulgens;
Arnica fulgens Pursh “Shining Leopardbane”
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814, v. 2, p. 527) published A. fulgens
from an unidentified collection on the banks of the Missouri.
There is no Lewis & Clark collection of this taxon,
so it may have been an unattributed Bradbury or Nuttall collection.
Original Text
| Comments
3. A. pubescens ; foliis radicalibus lanceolatis obtusiusculis
basi attenuatis petiolatis trinervibus, caulinis oppositis
remotis linearibus, caule unifloro.
On the banks of the Missouri.
v. s. About a foot
or more high, very slender ; leaves on the stem generally
two pairs ; flowers somewhat smaller than the
preceding, of a very deep and beautiful yellow.
| fulgens.
Pursh has seen a dried specimen, but does not say whose specimen or where he saw it.
The preceding was A. plantaginea which Nuttall will reduce to a variety of A. fulgens.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Nuttall (1818, v. 2, p. 164) treated A. fulgens
as a variety of A. montana.
Original Text
563. ARNICA. L.
Calix hemispherical, leaflets equal, mostly in
a simple series? Radial florets often producing
5 filaments destitute of anthers. Receptacle naked.
Pappus simple, scabrous.
A polymorphous and divided genus? Some of the species
caulescent and also shrubby; those of Europe and
North America, with a few others, often scapigerous,
scapes 1-flowered, sometimes producing 1 or 2 pair of
opposite leaves; flowers mostly yellow.
Species. 1. A. montana. β fulgens.
A. fulgens. Ph. 2. p. 527.
Scarcely dissimilar to specimens of the alpine
variety in the Banksian herbarium.
Hab. On the margins
of marshy springs and in depressed situations, from the
Arikarees to Fort Mandan, and probably as far as the
Mountains. Flowering in July. Flowers bright yellow.
Obs. Minutely pubescent. Scape about 12 inches high,
mostly with 2 pair of leaves, terminated by 1 rarely 3
flowers. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, 3 to 5 nerved; summit
of the caudex tomentose. Calix a simple series of
leaflets, somewhat hirsute. Tube of the florets pilose;
rays without filaments; seed hirsute, slender.
A. plantaginea, of Pursh from the specimen
which I have seen, appears also a mere variety of the above.
2. Doronicum. 3. nudicaule. Doroonicum nudicaule. Mich.
2. p. 121. A. Claytoni. PH. 4. maritima.
A genus principally indigenous to Europe and the Cape
of Good Hope, there are also 2 species in South America,
2 in Japan, 1 in Arabia Felix, and a shrubby species, or
something else, in New Zealand.
Riddell (1835, p. 52) ...
848. Arnica fulgens, Pursh.
Variety of A. montana, Nutt. Leopard's bane.
Jul. y. 1 f.
Margins of Marshy springs. Mo. Ter. Nutt.
Stimulant, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, &c.
Wood and Bache. 108.
Artemisia L.
Artemisia L. is the largest genus of family Asteraceae, comprising about 350–500 diverse species. Artemisia has two basic chromosome numbers, with ploidy levels x=9 and x=8. Chromosome number in diploid is most often 2n=18 or 16. The genus is divided into five large groups Absinthium DC., Artemisia L., Dracunculus Besser, Seriphidium Besser and Tridantatae (Rydb.) McArthur. Its phylogeny was based on the two hypothesized evolutionary trends, loss of fertility in the disc florets and loss of ray florets.
Artemisia Linnaeus subg. Absinthium DC.
Four taxa of Artemisia within subgroup Absinthium are recognized by Ackerfield (2015).
- A. absinthium, non-native
- A. frigida Willd., native, E. Europe to Temp. Asia, N. America.
- A. pattersonii A. Gray, native, =Delwiensia pattersonii (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & R. C. Wittmann, not universally accepted, native from Wyoming to New Mexico,
- A. scopulorum, native, high altitude, e.g., Mt. Evans, west central United States.
One taxon in Artemisia subgroup Absinthium is not recognized by Ackerfield (2015)
- A. rupestris L., non-native, Europe to Siberia and Afghanistan.
Artemisia Linnaeus subg. Dracunculus Besser, Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou. 1: 223. 1829.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Four species of Artemisia within subgroup dracunculus are recognized by Ackerfield (2015).
- A. campestris, 493 collections,
widely distributed except northwest Colorado,
including 20 in Jefferson County.
- A. dracunculus, 691 collections, including 27 in Jefferson County.
- A. filifolia, 247 collections,
mostly eastern Colorado, esp., out on the plains,
not in Jefferson County.
- A. pedatifida, 12 collections, mostly Moffatt County, none in Jefferson County.
Five secies are not recognized by Ackerfield (2015):
- A. aleutica, no collections.
- A. borealis, 191 collections in Colorado,
widely scattered in the mountains,
treated by Ackerfield (2015) as A campestris var. purshii.
The count of collections is not included in the count of A. campestris above.
- A. porteri, no collections in Colorado.
- A. pycnocephala, no collections in Colorado.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Artemisia absinthium;
Artemisia absinthium L. “Common Wormwood”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
12. ARTEMISIA foliis conpofitis multifidis, floribus
fubglobofis pendulis: receptaculo villofo.
Hort. cliff. 404.
Fl. fuec. 670, mat. med. 386. Roy. lugdb. 153.
Abfinthium incanum, foliis compofitis latiufcule multifidis,
floribus fubglobofis pendulis.
Gmel. fib. 3. p. 129. t. 63.
Abfinthium ponticum f. romanum, officinarum f. diofcoridis.
Bauh. pin. 138.
Abfinthium. Cam. epit. 452.
Habitat in Europae ruderatis aridis. ♃
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Artemisia campestris;
Notes on Artemisia dracunculus, Linnaeus, 1753;
Artemisia campestris L. “Field Sagewort”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 2, p. 846) published A. campestris stating that its habitat was dry, sunny fields in Europe.
Original Text
| Comments and Interpretation
4. ARTEMISIA foliis multifidis linearibus,
caulibus procumbentibus virgatis.
Hort. cliff. 403.
Fl. fuec. 668.
Roy. lugdb. 154.
Gmel. fib. 2. p. 117.
Abrotanum campeftre. Bauh. pin. 136.
Ambrofia altera. Cam. epit. 597.
Habitat in Europæ campis apricis, aridis.
Habitat in sunny, dry European fields.
Literature Cited:
- Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds., 2006.
The Flora of North America (Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds., 2006) was written by Leila M. Shultz.
There is a local connection in that many collections at Rocky Flats were made by Ms. Shultz, who was working with G. Kunkel.
In her description of A. campestris, Ms. Shultz states that the species varies, and that each morphological form grades into another.
Taking a conservative approach, she recognizes three subspecies: subsp. pacifica (Nuttall) H. M. Hall & Clements, subsp. canadensis (Michaux) Scoggan, and subsp. caudata (Michaux) H. M. Hall & Clements.
Subspecies caudata and pacifica are known to occur in Colorado.
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Oligosporus, Cassini, 1817;
Weber & Wittmann (2012, p. 104) do not accept presence of A. campestris L.
in Colorado.
Instead, they accept Oligosporus caudatus (Michx.) Poljakov
and O. pacificus (Nutt.) Poljakov.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Ackerfield (2015, p. 121) accepts three varieties of A. campestris L.
in Colorado, variety purshii (Hook.) Cronquist, variety caudata (Michx.) Palmer & Steyerm., and variety pacifica (Nutt.) M. Peck.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Artemisia dracunculus L.;
Artemisia dracunculus L. “Tarragon, Dragon Wort”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Artemisia campestris;
Linnaeus (1753, v. 2, p. 849) ....
Original Text
16. ARTEMISIA foliis lanceolatis glabris integerrimis.
Hort. cliff. 403.
Hort. upf. 256.
Gmel.fib. 2. p. 126. t. 59. & 60. f. 1.
Abrotanum lini folio acriori & odorato. Tournef. inft. 459.
Dracunculus hortenfis. Bauh. pin. 98.
Draco herba. Dod. pempt. 709.
Habitat in Sibiria, Tataria.
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Oligosporus, Cassini, 1817;
Weber & Wittman (2015, p. 103) recognize
Oligosporus dracunculus (L.) Poljakov subsp. glaucus (Pallas) Löve & Löve for
our Artemisia dracunculus.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Ackerfield (2015, p. 121) accepts A. dracunculus without infraspecific taxa.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Artemisia filifolia;
Artemisia filifolia Torrey “Sand Sage, Old-Man Sagebrush”
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John G., 1828.
In describing the collections of Edwin James, MD, John Torrey (1828, v. 2, p. 211) informally “published” A. filifolia.
Original Text
210. Artemisia ludoviciana, Nutt. gen. ii. p. 143.
Arid plains of the Platte, with all the following of Nuttall :
A. Serrata, columbiensis, longifolia,
cernua, and canadensis.
Obs. Besides the above six species, Dr. James found another,
which appears to be new, but the specimen is without
lower leaves, and cannot, therefore, be certainly determined.
Artemisia filifolia, caule herbaceo ? ramoso ?
foliis canescenti-pubescentibus ; superioribus simplicibus, filiformibus,
et subpinnatifidis, semiteretibus ; floribus conglomeratis.
Literature Cited:
- Goodman, George J., and Cheryl A. Lawson, 1995.
Goodman & Lawson (1995, p. 159) note that James could have collected A. filifolia in any one of five states the expedition passed through, and that the species occurs abundantly in the Texas panhandle which is perhaps the most likely collecting site.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Artemisia frigida;
Artemisia frigida Willd. “Prairie Sagewort”
Literature Cited:
- Stearn, William T., 2004.
- Willdenow, Carl L., 1797-1830.
Willdenow (1803v. 3, pt. 3, p. 1838) published A. fridiga ...
Original Text
*51. ARTEMISIA frigida. W.
A. foliis incanis pinnatis , pinnis tripartitis linearibus
acutis, floralibus pinnatis tripartitisve, caule adfcendente,
floribus globofis nutantibus. W.
Kalter Beyfus. W.
Habitat in aridis frigidis Dauuriae.
Habitu praecedenti quoad Jiguram Gmelini aliquatenus
affinis fed toto coelo diverfa.
Caules adfceudentes
femipedales vel pedales ramofi, inferne glabri, fuperne
Folia incana, caulina pinnata, foliolis
tripartitis linearibus acutis, quadrantem pollicis
longa fesfilia; radicalia petiolata ejusdem formae et
magnitudinis , floralia triplo minora pinnata vel tantum
tripartita fesflia.
Panicula fimplex, ramis fimplicibus longis erectis.
Flores globoji breve pedunculati nutantes maguitudine Abfinthii.
Receptaculum villofum. W.
I think the location of “Dauuriae” is likely equivalent to
“Dauria,” “Dahuria,” or “Davuria,” which Stearn (2004) cites as a name for a region of
southeast Siberia.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Artemisia ludoviciana;
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
• Glossary:
Coll. No. 1281, Artemisia ludoviciana
Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. “Silver Wormwood”
553. ARTEMISIA. L. (Wormwood, Southern-wood, &c.)
Calix imbricated, scales rounded, connivent.
Rays of the corolla none.
Receptacle subvillous, or nearly naked.
Pappus none.
Shrubby or herbaceous; leaves mostly multifid, flowers often racemose.
1. Leaves simple.
1. A * longifolia. ...
2. * serrata. ...
3. * columbiensis. ...
4. * Gnaphaloides. ...
5. * ludoviciana.
Stem simple and herbaceous;
lower leaves incise, subpinnatifid, the upper lanceolate and en- entire(sic),
on both sides pubescent, beneath tomentose;
flowers ovate, erect and sessile;
calix pubescent, panicle simple.
On the banks of the Missisippi, near St. Louis;
also on the alluvial plains of the Missouri.
Stem about 2 feet high.
Lower stem leaves lanceolate,
irregularly and divaricately laciniate, segments entire,
oblong-lanceolate and acute.
6. * cernua. ...
7. chinensis ...
§ ii. Leaves compound; stem paniculate.
8. Sontonia? Ph. 9. sericea. …
The specific epithet “ludoviciana” is a Latinization of “Louisiana.”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Bahia dissecta;
Bahia dissecta (A. Gray) Britton “Ragleaf Bahia”
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1849.
Mora River.
Gray (1849, p. 104) was unsure what name to apply to Fendler's and Fremont's specimens because they were incomplete.
† 425. Amauria ? dissecta (sp. nov.) : hierbacea, puberula ; caule adscendente apice
corymbosi-polycephalo ; foliis alternis petiolatis biternatisectis segmentis cuneiformibus
vel sublincaribus saepius 2-3-fidis, summis parvis ; pedunculis glandulosis ; involucri
squamis oblongo-lanceolatis subtriseriatis, intimis subscariosis ; receptaculo convexo ;
ligulis circiter 16; styli ramis fl. disci cono brevissimo truncati-capitatis ; acheniis ad
angulos laevibus.
A few miles east of Mora River ; Aug. (537.) Also gathered in
Fremont's third expedition, probably towards the head-waters of the Arkansas.
Stem 12 or 15 inches high, apparently from a perennial root. Leaves about an inch in diameter,
cut into narrow divisions. Peduncles clothed both with viscous and capitate-glandular hairs.
Involucre herbaceous, more or less viscous, a third of an inch in diameter.
Receptacle entirely destitute of chaff. Flowers all yellow: rays linear-oblong, 2-3-toothed ;
the tube very glandular. Disk-corollas with the slender tube extremely
glandular, the expanded 5-cleft limb slightly so. Branches of the style short, flattish-semiterete,
capitate with a very short and flattish obtuse cone. Achenia cuneate-linear,
slender, compressed-quadrangular, smooth ; the ovary sprinkled with sparse and minute
hairs. Pappus none.
The specimen of Fendler has not matured fruit ; and the stamens
are abortive in all the disk-flowers. The specimen from Fremont's collection,
communicated by Dr. Torrey, is very imperfect, but has ripe achenia. From the character
of the Californian genus Amauria, Benth. in Bot. Voy. Sulph. p. 31, this plant differs very
essentially in the styles, and in the convex receptacle. But I am unwilling to constitute
it a distinct genus upon the present imperfect materials.*
Literature Cited:
- Britton, Nathaniel Lord, 1889.
Britton (1889, p. 68) published Bahia dissecta from collections by Dr. E. A. Mearns, in the Mongollon and San Francisco Mountains, Arizona.
Original Text
| Comments
Bahia dissecta (Gray). Amauria (?) dissecta, Gray. Mem. Amer.
Acad. iv. 104 (1849); Villanova chrysanthemoides, Gray,
Smithsonian Contr. v. 96 (1853); Bahia chrysanthemoides,
Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. xix. 28 (1883). Copper Cañon.
A form with involucral scales not acuminate (183).
It is unclear which Copper Cañon this might be.
There is no Copper Cañon contained within the current named San Francisco Mountains or the Mongollon Rim.
The closest might be Copper Canyon along US Interstate 17 near Camp Verde.
Literature Cited:
- Rydberg, Per Axel, 1915.
Mora River.
Rydberg (1915, v. 34, pt. 1 [1914]) published Amauriopsis with A. dissecta being the type species.
Original Text
| Comments
28. AMAURIOPSIS Rydberg, gen. nov.
Glandular-pubescent annuals. Leaves alternate, twice or thrice ternately divided.
Heads in leafy corymbs, radiate. Involucre hemispheric; bracts 16-20, herbaceous, oblanceolate
in about 3 series. Receptacle fiat, alveolate. Ray-flowers 16-20, pistillate, fertile; ligules
cuneate, 3-cleft. Disk-flowers numerous, hermaphrodite and fertile; corolla-tube densely
glandular, longer than the funnelform throat; teeth lanceolate, longer than the throat.
Achenes elongate and narrowly obpyramidal, 4-angled, striate, rounded at the apex. Pappus
Type species, Amauria dissecta A. Gray.
1. Amauriopsis dissecta (A. Gray) Rydberg.
Amauria dissecta A. Gray, Mem. Am. Acad. II. 4: 104. 1849.
Villanova chrysanthemoides A. Gray, PI. Wright. 2: 96. 1853.
Bahia chrysanthemoides A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 19: 28. 1883.
Bahia dissecta Britten, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 8: 68. 1888.
Eriophyllum chrysanthemoides Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 307. 1891.
Villanova dissecta Rydb. Bull. Torrey Club 37: 333. 1910.
A tall annual; stems 3-6 dm. high, puberulent and glandular, especially above; leaves
1-3 times ternately divided into obovate, oblong, or oblanceolate toothed divisions, puberulent;
involucre hemispheric, 6 mm. high, 10-13 mm. broad; bracts oblanceolate, acuminate.
glandular-hirsute; ligules spatulate, 6-8 mm. long, 3-cleft with rounded teeth; disk-corollas 3
mm. long; achenes narrowly obpyramidal, 4 mm. long, 0.5 mm. thick, glandular-puberulent,
Type locality: A few miles east of Mora River [New Mexico].
Distribution: Wyoming to New Mexico, Arizona, and Chihuahua.
Illustration: Clements, Rocky Mt. Fl. pl. 41, f. 1.
Literature Cited:
- Baldwin, Bruce G., and Kenneth R, Wood, 2916.
- Baldwin, Bruce G., and Kenneth R. Wood, 2016.
Baldwin and Wood (2016) examined phyllotaxy within the Bahia alliance and, among other findings,
showed that merger of Amauriopsis and Hymenothrix into a common,
monophyletic genus within the Bahia alliance would simplify the taxonomy.
Hymenothrix has priority for such a group,
which is characterized
in part by alternate leaves, obtuse to acute style-branch apices,
often zygomorphic disc corollas (of outer florets), and pappus
scales generally ≥ 10 or absent.
Literature Cited:
- SEINet, 2019+.
The SEINet taxon tree treats Amauriopsis dissecta (syn: Bahia dissecta) separatelty from Hymenothrix dissecta. Therefore, it is necessary to search for both when searching for either.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Balsamorhiza sagittata;
Balsamorhiza sagittata (Pursh) Nutt. “Arrow-Leaf Balsam Root”
Other articles:
• Tin Cup Ridge (social trail):
at Coll. 1109;
• Field Notes:
Coll. No. 1109, 14 May 2015;
Coll. No. 1109, Balsamorhiza sagittata
How the heck did it get to Tin Cup Ridge?
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1816.
Original Text
649. BUPHTHALMUM. Gen. pl. 1231.
3. B. tomentosum ; foliis radicalibus longissime petiolatis oblongis sagittatis integerrimus subtrinervibus,
caulinis oblongis in petiolum attenuatis,
caule subtrifloro,
calycinis foliolis exterioribus disco longioribus.
On dry barren hills, in the Rocky-mountains.
M. Lewis. ♃ June, July. v. s. in Herb. Lewis.
Flowers large, yellow.
The natives eat the young stems as they spring up, raw.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1834a.
From Nuttall's (1834a) catalogue of plants collected by Nathaniel Wyeth.
Original Text
ESPELETIA, Humb. and Bonpl.
Calyx imbricatus, subsquarrosus, foliaceus.
Colollulae radii femineae, vix dentatae.
Receptaculum planum paleaceum.
Pappus nullus.
Semina compressa planiascula, subquadrangulata.
Herba perennis, pumila, grandiflora.
Helianthi facie ; radix resinosa.
This genus has also been proposed by Dr. Hooker in his Flora Boreali-Americana,
under the name of Balsamorhiza,
for a species of Heliopsis there described.
66. ESPELETIA sagittata.
Tomentosa, incana, foliis radicalibus longe petiolatis cordato-hastatis
integris acutis,
caulinis paucis lineari-oblongis in periolum attenuatis,
caule subtrifloro pumilo,
calicibus foliosis squarrosis, pl. 4.
BUPHTHALMUM sagittatum, Ph. 2, p. 564.
With a large yellowish root like a dock.
Radical leaves about the length of the stem,
seven or eight inches,
softly and copiously tomentose, hoary.
The stem also downy, resembling a scape,
with about two or three small leaves like bracts on its upper part.
Calyx very white and softly tomentose, leafy,
the inner leaves linear-lanceolate and somewhat acute.
Rays bright yellow, very large, from sixteen to eighteen,
bidentate at the tips.
Seed flattish, elliptic, very smooth,
and wholly devoid of any vestige of pappus.
On the borders of Flat-Head river.
Flowering in June.
The root of this plant also, when fermented a day or two in the ground,
in a hole made for the purpose,
and heated with hot stones,
is then eaten and possesses an agreeable saccharine taste.
The stems are never employed for food.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
Original Text
Leaves entire, deltoid or cordate;
involucrum very leafy at base; rays numerous.
Receptacle flat.
Balsamorhiza sagittata.
Buphthalmum sagittatum? Pursh, Vol. II., p. 564.
Espeltia sagittata; Nutt. in Journ, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., Vol. VII., p. 39.
Canescently tomentose;
stem low, about one to three flowered;
radical leaves cordate-ovate, entire, somethat three-nerved at base;
cauline leaves linear, attenuated below;
external leaves of the involucrum longer than the inner, spreading, lanceolate, densely tomentose;
rays numerous, (twenty to twenty-four.)
In the Rocky Mountains, by Flat-Head River, towards the sources of the Oregon.
Flower large and showy,
about three to four inches in diameter,
while the scapoid stem is not more than a span high.
Stigmas very hirsute, filiform.
Rays feminine, with infertile filaments.
| |
Literature Cited:
- Elliott, Stephen, 1821-1824.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Elliott, 1821-1824, publication details;
Brickellia Elliot
Elliott (1823) published the name Brickellia in his Sketch of the Botany of South Carolina and Georgia.
Involucrum polyphyllum, inbricatum.
Semina sub glabra, 10 striata.
Pappus pilosus sive scaber.
Receptaculum nudum, punctatum.
Involucrum many leaved, imbricate.
Seed nearly glabrous, 10 streaked.
Pappus hairy or scabrous.
Receptacle naked, dotted.
1. Cordifolia. E. …
This plant which in its artificial characters is closely allied to the Eupatorium,
differing principally in size and number, in its general aspect,
bear more resemblance to the Vernonia.
I have named it in commemoration of Dr. John Brickell, of Savannah,
who at one period of his life paid much attention to the botany of this country,
and made known to Dr. Muhlenberg, Fraser and others, many of its undescribed plants.
The name is conserved against Brickellia Raf., Med. Repos. Ser. 2, 5:353 (1808), nom. Illeg. Nom rej., which turns out to be a synonym of Gilia Ruiz & Pav.
Literature Cited:
- Schilling, Edward, Randall W. Scott, and Jose L. Panero, 2015.
Schilling, et al., 2015, infrageneric classification for Brickellia is behind a paywall, but available through Sci-Hub.
Key to the Sections of Brickellia
1 Cypselae with 4–6 ribs, sometimes obcompressed; plants annual or
perennial ...... 2
- Cypselae with 8–10 ribs, prismatic; plants
perennial ...... 3
2 Leaves setose, with prickles at tips of lobes; corollas
tubular .......................................................................... 1. B. sect. Barroetea
- Leaves not setose, lacking prickles at tips of lobes; corollas funnelform …… 8. B. sect. Phanerostylis
3 Inflorescence axis with few to numerous small, undeveloped heads (the crowded short phyllaries giving the appearance of gemmae)
interspersed with fully developed flowering heads …… 4. B. sect. Gemmipedium
- Inflorescence with all heads developing fully …… 4
4 Pappus bristles usually plumose; plants herbaceous perennials,
with usually alternate leaves and few-flowered (8–10) heads ……. 5. B. sect. Kuhnia
- Pappus not plumose, usually barbellate; plants herbaceous or shrubby, leaves alternate or opposite,
heads with few to many flowers …… 5
5 Larger leaves with naked basal veins,
the lateral veins marginal at the point of divergence from the midrib (Fig. 1) …… 2. B. sect. Brickellia
- Larger leaves with the first pair of lateral veins diverging from the midrib above the leaf margin …… 6
6 Plants annuals or weak perennials; heads 11–14 flowered; if perennial, leaves hastately toothed or lobed,
petioles 2–3.5 cm long …… 6. B. sect. Leptanthodium
- Plants perennials, herbaceous or shrubby; heads (3–)11–100-flowered;
if leaves hastately toothed or lobed, heads usually more
than 15-flowered or petioles less than 2 cm long …… 7
7 Leaves sessile or short-petiolate; plants usually shrubs; heads erect; corollas funnelform …… 7. B. sect. Microphyllae
- Leaves usually petiolate; plants shrubs or perennial herbs; heads erect or nodding;
corollas funnelform or tubular …… 8
8 Leaves usually cuneate at base; heads usually with 13–25 flowers;
involucral bracts usually weakly imbricate; pappus length
usually 6 mm or less; pappus bristles usually fewer than 40 …… 8. B. sect. Xerobrickellia
- Leaves usually truncate or cordate at base;
heads with (15)25–100 flowers; involucral bracts strongly imbricate; pappus length
usually 6 mm or more; pappus bristles usually more than 40 …… 3. B. sect. Coleosanthus
2. Brickellia sect. Brickellia.
Species: — Brickellia cordifolia Elliott; … B. grandiflora Nutt.; …
Morphological trends:—Perennial herbs or subshrubs; leaves mostly opposite, mostly ovate, cordate to truncate,
larger leaves with naked basal veins, the lateral veins marginal at the point of divergence from the base of the midrib,
mostly petiolate; heads nodding (except for B. cordifolia and B. jaliscensis; these two species are also the exceptions
to the correlation of species from pine-oak forests having nodding heads); heads with numerous flowers, 25+, except
for B. jaliscensis 10–20.
5. Brickellia sect. Kuhnia (L.) E.E. Schill. & R. Scott, stat. nov. Kuhnia Linnaeus (1763: 1661).
Type: — Kuhnia eupatorioides L. [= Brickellia eupatorioides (L.) Shinners].
Species: — … ; B. eupatorioides (L.) Shinners; …
Morphological trends: — Herbaceous perennials, leaves usually alternate, linear to broadly lanceolate, involucre
strongly imbricate, bracts apices often densely glandular, heads with 8–12 flowers, pappus bristles usually plumose,
but barbellate in B. scoparia.
Taxonomic issues: — The wide-ranging B. eupatorioides is quite variable morphologically, and the status of its
named varieties, notably B. eupatorioides var. floridana (B. mosieri) needs to be evaluated.
9. Brickellia sect. Xerobrickellia Robinson (1917: 31).
Lectotype (here chosen): — Brickellia longifolia S. Watson.
Species: — … ; B. californica A. Gray; …
Morphological trends:
The leaves are petiolate, but the species of drier and lower elevations have shorter petioles.
The leaves ovate-rhomboid, becoming narrower and smaller in species of drier and lower regions; larger leaves have
the first pair of lateral veins diverging from the midrib above the leaf margin.
Flower number per head is 50–60 in B. cardiophylla and B. rhomboidea and 28–30 in B. brandegeei,
but fewer (13–ca. 25) in most other species (3–7 in B. longifolia; 8–12 in B. desertorum)
that are often found in somewhat lower and drier habitats.
Pendulous heads arose twice: once in the common ancestor of B. rusbyi and B. floribunda and,
again, in B. baccharidea and B. californica.
Taxonomic issues:
The widespread and variable B. californica and its relationship with B. desertorum remain in need of study.
Literature Cited:
- Schilling, Edward E., Jose L. Panero, Bonnie S. Crozier, Randall W. Scott, and Patricia Davila, 2015.
Schilling, et al., 2015a, also behind a paywall, results supported the hypothesis that Brickellia is monophyletic and showed Barroetea, Phanerostylis, and Kuhnia all embedded within the genus.
Literature Cited:
- Nesom, Guy L., 2022.
Nesom (2022) revised Brickellia section Kuhnia, replacing our B. eupatorioides with B. suaveolens and B. leptophylla.
Key to USA species of Brickellia section Kuhnia After Neson (2022)
1. Florets 6–15 per head.
2. Outer and middle phyllaries often nearly equalling the inner in length, with apices long-attenuate
into falcate or twisted, filiform tips …… Brickellia ozarkana
2. Outer and middle phyllaries graduate in length, with apices apices appressed, acute to short-
acuminate, similar to the inner.
3. Leaves (all of the stem) linear, 6–18(–25) mm long, 1–2(–3) mm wide ……. Brickellia mosieri
3. Leaves (below the inflorescence) lanceolate-ovate to lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, mostly
25–100 mm long, 5–40 mm wide, rarely linear as populational variants, if linear (as in var.
gracilis-Fig. 0 and Anderson 20487-Fig. 0) then 15–30 mm long, 2–3 mm wide
…… Brickellia eupatorioides sensu stricto
1. Florets (12–)14–35 per head.
4. Leaves linear; florets 15–35 per head …… Brickellia leptophylla
4. Leaves broader; florets (12–)14–24 (–29) per head
5. Outer and middle phyllaries often nearly equalling the inner in length, with apices long-
attenuate into loose and spreading, falcate or twisted, filiform tips …… Brickellia macranthra
5. Outer and middle phyllaries graduate in length, with apices appressed, acute to short-
acuminate, caveat …… Brickellia suaveolens
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Brickellia californica;
Brickellia californica (Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray. “California Brickelbush”
Literature Cited:
- DeCandolle, Augustus Pyramus, 1836.
- Gray, Asa, 1849.
- Kunth, Karl Sigismund, 1833-1850.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Gray, 1849, publication details;
Mora River.
Gray (1849) describes B. californica in his Plantae Fendlerianae Novi-Mexicanae.
Original Text
| Comments
308. B. (Bulbostylis) Californica, Torr. & Gray, Fl. 2. p. 79 :
var. foliis plerisque subcordatis.
Rocky hill-side on the Mora River, and eight miles eastward, in bottom land;
Aug. (346.)
The cauline leaves are mostly cordate,
and with rather longer petioles than in the Californian specimens collected by Douglas ;
but the plant of Hartweg's recent collection is wholly intermediate.
Mr. Bentham (in Bot. Voy. Sulph.) has very properly carried out the intimation given in the
Flora of North America, and annexed Bulbostylis to Brickellia.
The pappus is so strongly barbellate-denticulate in some species
(as in the original B. cordifolia and especially in B. cylindracea, Gray & Engelm.,
from Texas, and an undescribed Mexican species found by Dr. Wislizenus *)
that Clavigera is separated by a merely arbitary character.†
I almost fell off my chair to see that Torrey & Gray applied Bulbostylis DC. to our Brickellia.
DeCandolle (1836) did in fact propose it for a group in the Eupatorieae.
That name is now considered illegitimate
and the name in Cyperaceae, which would appear to be Bulbostylem Kunth, is a conserved name (Kunth, 1833-1850, v. 2, pg. 205).
The undescribed Mexican species is Brickellia wislizeni A.Gray, an accepted species that
occurs only in Mexico.
The dagger (†) refers to an undescribed Stevia in Coulter's Mexican collection.
Literature Cited:
- Schilling, Edward, Randall W. Scott, and Jose L. Panero, 2015.
Unfortunately, B. californica is not among the taxa studied by Schilling, et al., 2015.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Brickellia eupatorioides;
Brickellia eupatorioides (L.) Shinners. “False Boneset”
Literature Cited:
- Linne, Carl von, and Lars Salvius, 1763.
Linnaeus (1763) publication of Kuhnia eupatorioides from a collection in Pensylvania by Adam Kuhn.
Original Text
289. KUHNIA. (Pentandra, Monogyna.)
Eupatoria conyzoides odorata, folio crenato molli fubincano. Pluk. alm. 140. t. 87. f. 2?
Habitat in Penfylvania , unde vivam attulit Adam Kuhn. ♃
Caules fesquioedales, erecti, laeves, rigiduli.
Folia alterna, petiolata, lato-lanceolata, nuda, fubrugefa, fubtus venofa, fusdentata ferraturis mediis majoribus.
Rami alterni, e medio caule.
Corymbi parvi, terminales & etiam fape ramorum lateralium.
Corollae albe.
Stamina albo-flavefcentia.
Planta refert Eupatorium, fed Piftilla clavata, &
Antherae diftinctae, cylindricaw, apice labio dehifcentes, absque exemplo in alio Compofits flore.
| |
Immediately above this entry is one for Ellisia nyctelea.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Brickellia grandiflora;
Brickellia grandiflora (Hook.) Nutt. “Tasselflower Brickellbush”
Literature Cited:
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson, 1829-1840.
Hooker (1840) described a single spcimen collected by Douglas.
Original Text
Post Eupatorium occidentale, v. 1. p. 305, adde
5.* Eupatorium? grandiflorum;
foliis alternis petiolatis cordato-triangularibus acuminatis grosse serratis venosis,
paniculae floribus glomeratis,
incolucri foliolis multiserialibus lineari-oblongis acutis striatis exterioribus e lata basi subulatis subsquarrosis,
acheniis cylindraceis striatis scabridis.
On the low hills betweeb the north and south branches of Lewis and Clarke's River, in stony places.
Three to four feet high, herbaceous.
Stem rounded.
Flowers large, white, clustered.
The leaves bear a considerable resemblance to those of E. occidentale,
but the flowers are totally different, larger than is usual in this Genus,
each of many florets, and with the stigmas less exserted than usual.
I possess only a solitary specimen.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
Nuttall (1841) described Brickellia grandiflora from collections on his trip with the Wyeth expedition,
citing Eupatorium grandiflorum Hook. as a synonym.
Original Text
Brickellia grandiflora,
leaves alternate, deltoid-cordate, acuminate, incisely dentate towards the base,
entire at the point, smooth on both surfaces, and covered beneath with resinous atoms;
flowers in fastigiate clusters, the upper part of the stem branching;
inner scales of the involucrum linear-lanceolate, acute;
pappus white, achenia smooth.
Eupatorium? grandiflorum.
Hook. Flor. Am., Vol. II., p. 26.
In the Rocky Mountain range, by streams, in gravelly places, and west,
to the lower falls of the Columbia.
Stems many from the same root,
about twelve to fifteen inches high.
The whole plant almost perfectly glabrous.
Leaves alternate, sometimes almost opposite, approximate,
on longish petioles, deltoid-cordate, acuminate, coarsely and deeply toothed towards the base,
smooth and green, but shhining, aith a coating of yellow resinous atoms having a heavy aromatic scent;
stem branching above;
branches terminating in corymbulose clusters of subsessile flowers,
about five capituli in each.
Florets straw-yellow, inclining to white, cylindric and smooth,
the border connivent.
Stigmas exserted, smooth, thicker toward the extremity.
Achenium cylindric, ten-striate.
Pappus of a single series of twenty to twenty-four scabrous hairs.
Receptacle naked, flat.
Centaurea L “Knapweed”
Literature Cited:
- Hilpold, Andreas, et al., 2014.
The virtual absence of congruence between morphology and
molecular data suggests that the morphological characters that
have been used taxonomically are not reliable with respect to
the true relationships.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Centaurea diffusa;
Centaurea diffusa Lam. “White Knapweed”
Literature Cited:
- Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 1783.
Lamarck (1783, t. 1, p. 675-676) ...
Original Text
| Translation and Comments
70. Centauree diffufe ,
Centaurea diffufa.
Centaurea calycibus coliato-fpinulofis exiguis,
foliis radicalibus lyratis,
caulinis anguftis fubintefris ;
caule ramofiffimo paniculato diffufo.
Carduus orientalis calcitrapae folio, flore monimo.
Tourn. Cor. 31.
70. Centauree diffuse
Carex diffused.
Carex ealycibus coliato-spinulosis small;
Radical leaves lyratis,
caulinis tightened subintefris;
Stem ramosissimo paniculato abroad.
Eastern calcitrapae thistle leaf, flower Monimum.
Tournefort Cor. 31.
Cette plante reffemble beaucoup à la Centaurée
panicuîee no. 36 , & pariot n'en différer efientîellement
que par les pointes de fes écailles calîcinales ,
qui font très-aiguës , roides & un peu
épineufes. La tige eft menue , anguleufe , légèrement
cotonneule , haute de près d'un pied, extrêmeraent rameufe ,
panîculée , & diffure, Ses
feuilles inférieures font en lyre; toutes les autres
font petites , étroites , la plupart fimples , &
linéaires. Les fleurs font très-petites , extremement
nombreufes , & à écailles calicinales-lancéolces ,
ciliées , & terminées par une pointe un peu épijieufe.
Cette plante croît dans le Levant, (v. f.)
This plant looks a lot like Knapweed
panicuîee no. 36, & pariot actually differ
than by the points of the calicinal scales,
which are very sharp, stiff & a little
thorns. The stem is slender, angular, slightly
cotton, nearly a foot high, extremely branched,
panicle, & diffure, Its
lower leaves are lyre-shaped; all the others
are small, narrow, mostly fimple, &
linear. The flowers are very small, extremely
numerous, with calicinal-lanceolate scales,
ciliate, & terminated by a somewhat epijieuve point.
This plant grows in the Levant.
(Seen in the dried state.)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Centaurea stoebe;
Centaurea stoebe L. “Spotted Knapweed”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 2, p. 914) ...
Original Text
23 CENTAUREA calycibus ciliatis oblongis,
foliis pinnatifidis linearibus integerrimis.
Roy. lugdb. 140.
Stœbe incana, cyano fimilis, tenuifolia. Bauh. pin. 273.
Stœbe auftriaca humilis. Cluf. hift. 2. p. 10.
Habitat in Auftria.
The genus name Stœbe now applies to a mainly south African Gnaphalieae.
At the time this was published, Austria included all of Hungary, Transylvania, Galicia, Bohemia, and Lombardy.
Literature Cited:
- Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 1783.
Lamarck (1783, t. 1, p. 669) published C. maculosa ...
Original Text
| Translation and Comments
35. Centauree mouchetee ,
Centaurea maculofa.
Centaurea calycibus ciliatis ovato-fubrotundis pulchre maculofis ,
foliis tenuibus bipinnatidifis , caule fubpaniculato.
N. Centaurea , no. 79 & 80. Gmel. Sib. 2. p. 99. Tab. 44. f. 1. 2.
Cette Centauree fe diftingue aifement de la
fuivante par fes feuilles decoupees tres-menu ,
& par fes fleurs , qui font au moins une fois plus
groffes , & ont leur calice agreablement mouchete.
Sa tige eft haute de huit a dix pouces ,
ftriee , blanchatre, & un peu paniculee vers fon
fommet. Ses feuilles font blanchatres . a decoupures
menues & pointues ; les inferieures font
oblongues & bipinnatifides ; les fuperieures font
plus petites , fimplement pinnees , & a decoupures
lineaires. Les fleurs font purpurines & remarquables
par leur calice gros, court, mouchete par
les taches bbrunes qui font au fomment de fes ecailles.
Nous avons obferve cette plante en Auvergne ,
aux environs de Clermont , fur le puits de Crouel.
( v.v. )
We have obtained this plant in Auvergne,
near Clermont, on Puy de Crouel (a small local hill).
Auvergne is a historical region in central France,
and is now part of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
( I have seen it live. )
135. Ochsmann, Jorg. 2001. On the taxonomy of spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe L.). In: Smith, Lincoln, ed. Proceedings, 1st international knapweed symposium of the 21st century; 2001 March 15-16; Coeur d'Alene, ID. Albany, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service: 33-41. [37829]
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Treated by Weber & Wittmann (2012) as Acosta maculosa (Lamarck) Holub.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Treated by Ackerfield (2015) as C. stoebe ssp. micranthos (S. G. Gmelin ex Gugler) Hayek.
| (2021) says this ...
Original Text
Most of the North American plants called Centaurea maculosa are perennial, polycarpic and tetraploid (2n = 36).
However, there have been multiple introductions, and some infestations might be diploid.
Diploids can be identified by genetic analysis and growth habit,
because they flower once and die after 2 years (Smith, 2001).
Ochsmann (2001b) cites evidence of hybridization between spotted knapweed
and diffuse knapweed (Centaurea diffusa) in at least seven US states.
The hybrid is named Centaurea ×psammogena.
I'd like to give credit and copyright information.
However, any attempt to find out more about fails with a 504 Gateway Time-out.
Also it would be really helpful to find a copy of the Ochsmann (2001) paper
because many sources of information refer to it.
Literature Cited:
- Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds., 1993+.
FNANM (2021) says this ...
Original Text
Recent studies have shown that the American plants are identical with plants introduced
to the whole of Europe (J. Ochsmann 2001).
Subsp. micranthos, a tetraploid perennial, is clearly distinct from the diploid,
biennial plants native to central Europe known as C. stoebe Linnaeus subsp. stoebe,
C. rhenana Boreau, or C. maculosa Lamarck.
In most American literature the name Centaurea maculosa Lamarck has been misapplied to
C. stoebe subsp. micranthos.
W. A. Weber (1987, 1990) treated this taxon as Acosta maculosa (Lamarck) Holub.
The treatment of about 100 species of Centaurea sect. Acrolophus Cassini
as the genus Acosta by J. Holub (1972) and others is supported
by neither morphologic nor molecular characters and is not widely accepted in Europe.
Literature Cited:
- POWO, 2021 - 2025.
Plants of the World (2021)does not accept subsp. micranthos (Gugler) Hayek.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Cirsium Mill. Thistle.
Twenty species of Cirsium “Thistle” are found in Colorado (Ackerfield, 2015). Eighteen of them are native, while two are introduced: C. arvense and C. vulgare. There are two endemic thistles: C. osterhoutii and C. perplexans.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Cirsium ochrocentrum;
Cirsium ochrocentrum A. Gray “Yellowspine Thistle”
Literature Cited:
- Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds., 1993+.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Cirsium undulatum;
Distribution of collections of Cirsium undulatum
Cirsium undulatum (Nutt.) Spreng. “Wavy Leaved Thistle”
Cirsium undulatum is widely distributed in the wstern half of North America
from the dry plains and plateaus of the Pacific Northwest eastward across the Great Plains
to Manitoba and the Dakotas and south to Texas, New Mexico, and northwestern Mexico.
It occurs in scattered localities in the Rocky Mountains and northeastern Great Basin region.
At least some of the few widely scattered records from the eastern United States are probably introductions.
Cirsium undulatum is both widespread and variable.
Plants of the Great Plains region tend to be low-growing with a few large heads and elongate corollas.
Plants of the Pacific Northwest are usually taller and produce smaller, more numerous heads with shorter corollas.
A detailed study of this species might reveal races worthy of recognition as infraspecific taxa.
Wavyleaf thistle is listed by California as a noxious weed.
However, most reports of Cirsium undulatum in California are based upon misidentifications of C. canescens.
Cirsium undulatum is known to hybridize with C. flodmanii, C. hookerianum,
and C. scariosum var. coloradense.
J. T. Howell (1960b) reported that C. undulatum was suspected to hybridize with C. brevifolium in the Pacific Northwest.
— David J. Keil in Flora of North America (vol. 19, 20 and 21)
Literature Cited:
- Miller, Philip, 1754.
The genus Cirsium was first proposed by Miller (1754) in his Gardener's Dictionary.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
• Glossary:
Nuttall (1818) published his Carduus undulatus in his Genera of North American Plants,
in the section Cnicus because the pappus is plumose.
He saw the plant on Lake Huron and in the upper Louisiana Territory.
I have not found a type specimen, but saw a note that the material might be in the Gray Herbarium.
538. CARDUUS. L. (Thistle.)
Calix ventricose, imbricate, scales spiny.
Receptacle villous.
Pappus pilose or plumose, deciduous.
§ II. CNICUS. Pappus plimose
11. * undulatus.
Stem low and few-flowered;
leaves amplexicaule, pinnatifidly sinuate, and plicately undulated, on both sides tomentose, but beneath white, lobes bifid and spiny;
calix subglobose, scales lanceolate, eredt and mucronate.
On the calcareous islands of lake Huron, and on the plains of Upper Louisiana.
Leaves almost like some species of Cynara, but not remarkably large, moreslenderly tomentose on the upper side;
stem often 1,2, or few-flowered, and 1 to 2 feet high.
Flowers large, reddish purple.
Literature Cited:
- Sprengel, Curt Polycarp Joachim, 1826.
Original Text
| Translation
45. C. caule humili paucifloro,
foliis amplexicaulibus finuato-pinnatifidis undulato-plicatus utrinque tomentofis,
laciniis 2fidis fpinofis,
fquamis anthodii lanceolatis erectis mucronatis.
In infulis lacus Huronum et Louifiana fuper.
(Cnicus Nutt.)
| *
Cirsium [with] short few-flowered stems,
leaves amplexicaul curved-pinnatifid undulate-plicate both sides hairy,
lobes divided spiny scales anthodii laneeolatis putting pointed.
The islands of Lake Huron and upper Louisiana.
Literature Cited:
- Frankton, C., and R. J. Moore, 1961.
Frankton and Moore (1961) compare and contrast of Cirsium undulatum and C. flodmanii, both of which are known to occur in Colorado is behind a paywall, so I have reproduced the abstract here.
The morphology and specific differences of Cirsium undulatum (Nutt.) Spreng. And of C. flodmanii (Rydb.) Arthur
are described and their Canadian distributions are reported in detail.
The chromosome numbers are C. undulatum f. undulatum and f. album Farwell, 2n = 26;
C. flodmanii f. flodmanii and f. albiflorum D. Löve, 2n = 22.
The origin of four North American species of Cirsium that do not follow the world-wide base number 17 is discussed;
it is postulated that reduction in number has occurred by translocations.
The chromosomes of species with reduced numbers are larger than those of the unreduced species
but the total length of the chromosomes of both groups is approximately the same.
Literature Cited:
- Häffner, Eva, and Frank H. Hellwig, 1999.
Haffner and Hellwig (1999) investigated relationships within tribe Cardueae using ITS sequence data. The sole North American Cirsium in their study was C. texanum which does not occur in Colorado.
Literature Cited:
- Garcia-Jacas, Nuria, Teresa Garnatje, Alfoonso Susanna, and Rosier Vilatersana, 2002.
Garcia-Jacas, et al. (2002) worked on tribal and subtribal delimitation of the Cardueae, unfortunately without any North American specimens.
Literature Cited:
- Kelch, Dean G., and Bruce G. Baldwin, 2003.
Kelch and Baldwin (2003) studied historical biogeography and ecology of true thistles (Cirsium, Cardueae, Compositae) in the New World.
Unfortunately, their sample of thistles did not include Cirsium undulatum.
However, three other native thistles, C. muticum, C. discolor, and C. rhaphilepis,
that commonly cluster with C. undulatum and did in fact cluster together in this study.
Literature Cited:
- Bodo Slotto, Tracey A., David P. Horvath, and Michael E. Foley, 2012.
Abstract. Weedy invasive Cirsium spp. are widespread in temperate regions of North America and some of their biological control agents have attacked native Cirsium spp. A phylogenetic tree was developed from DNA sequences for the internal transcribed spacer and external transcribed spacer regions from native and non-native Great Plains Cirsium spp. And other thistles to determine if host specificity follows phylogeny. The monophyly of Cirsium spp. And Carduus within the tribe Cardinae was confirmed with native North American and European lineages of the Cirsium spp. Examined. We did not detect interspecific hybridization between the introduced invasive and the native North American Cirsium spp. Selected host-biological control agent interactions were mapped onto the phylogenic tree derived by maximum likelihood analysis to examine the co-occurrence of known hosts with biological control agents. Within Cirsium-Cardueae, the insect biological control agents do not associate with host phylogenetic lines. Thus, more comprehensive testing of species in host-specificity trials, rather than relying on a single representative of a given clade may be necessary; because the assumption that host-specificity follows phylogeny does not necessarily hold. Since the assumption does not always hold, it will also be important to evaluate ecological factors to provide better cues for host specificity.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Conyza canadensis;
Conyza canadensis L.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Coreopsis tinctoria;
Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. “Golden Tickseed”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1821.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1821, publication details;
Nuttall (1821, v. 2, p. 114) described a plant he found in the Arkansa Territory and introduced into the gardens of Philadelphia.
Original Text
1. COREOPSIS * tinctoria,
foliis radicalibus pseudobipinnatis,
foliolis subovalibus integris glabris,
superioribus pseudopinnatis laciniis linearibus;
floribus binatis ternatisve;
calcibus exterioribus brevissimis;
radiis bicoloribus;
seminibus nudis immarginatis.
Throughout the Arkansa territory to the banks of Red River,
chiefly in the prairies which are subject to temporary inundation.
Flowering, from June to October.
Annual and biennial, stem erect, smooth, and much branched,
extremely variable in magnitude,
being from one to five feet high.
The leaves, in common with the genus,
are somewhat think and succulent,
the primary ones simple,
radical pseudobipinnate, the segments also occasionally pinnate,
oblong-oval, commonly smooth, and entire,
the ultimate divisions largest.
Flowers often terminating the branchlets by pairs,
with the peduncles unusually short.
Exterior calix, minute, much shorter than the interior,
and in common with it.
And the number of rays mostly eight-leaved.
Rays three-lobed at the extremity,
of a bright orpiment yellow and brown towards the base;
disk brown, and rather small.
Receptable paleaceous, the leaflets deciduous.
Seed small, blackish, immarginate,
curved and naked at the summit.
Economical Use.
The flowers of this species afford a yellow dye,
in common with those of the C. senifolia.
As an ornamental plant, of easy culture and uncommon brilliance,
it promises to become the favourite
of every garden where it is introduced.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Crepis occidentalis;
Nuttall, 1834a, publication details;
Crepis occidentalis Nutt. “Largeflower Hawksbeard”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1834a.
Nuttall (1834a, v. 7, p. 29) described Crepis occidentalis
from a collection by Nathaniel Wyeth in 1833 between the Falls of the Columbia and the first navigable waters of the Missouri.
50. Crepis *Occidentalis.
Canescente-pubescens, pumila, foliis sessilibus,
runcinato-pinnatisentis, laciniis linearibus,
acutis subdenticulatis, floribus paucis fastigiatis.
About a span high, covered with a close very short whitish pubescence,
The leaves runcinate and acute,
about two on the spem,
greatly resembling those of the common Shepard's purse ;
above, beneath the ultimate flowers,
diminishing into simple undivided bracts.
Flowers (in the only specimen before me) three,
axillary and terminal,
all attaining nearly the same height on the stem.
Calyx slightly caliculate,
the larger leaves of it disposed in a single series,
the divisions linear and rather obtuse.
Flowers bright yellow, rather large,
about the size and appearance of those of Apargia autumnalis ;
liguli five-toothed ;
the anthers simple, the style bifid,
deeply and far exserted.
Pappus pilose,
somewhat scabrous through a lens,
the hairs more than twenty,
not dilated at base,
or in any way distinguishable from those of Hieracium,
nor are they all stipitate.
Seed smooth, brown.
Probably the Hymenonema laciniatum of Hooker,
in Flor. Boreal. Amer. L. c.
Common on the borders and in the vicinity of the river Columbia.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1841, publication details;
• Glossary:
In his Descriptions of new Species and Genera of Plants … Nuttall (1841) proposed Psilochenia occidentalis for his
previously published Crepis occidentalis Nutt.
Original Text
but with the achenium cylindric, curved, narrower above,
and without any visible striae, the testa indurated, and, when mature, black ;
an abortive outer series of florets, with the achenium empty.
Pappus copious, slenderly pilose, scabrous, and yellowish white,
about the length of the achenium.
Receptable naked, alveolate, the alveoles minutely fringed.
A low perennial herb; stem dichotomous and corymbose.
Leaves lanceolate, runcinately pinnatifid,
and, as well as the somewhat hirsute involucrum,
cinereously and closely lanuginous;
flowers yellow, rather large.
Psilochenia * occidentalis. Crepis occidentalis, Nutt.
In Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., Vol. VII., p. 29.
On the plains of the Platte, towards the Rocky Mountains.
The whole plant more or less canescently pubescent.
Stem about six or seven inches high, forked and corymbose at the summit.
Leaves about an inch wide, four or five inches long,
deeply and runcinately pinnatifid,
the segments linear-lanceolate and denticulate, uppermost leaves linear.
Involucrum campanulate;
sepals about twelve to fifteen in a single series, linear and somewhat acute;
involucel or bractes four or five, small and subulate:
there are blackish hairs mixed with the hoary pubescence of the sepals.
Florets about twelve, yellow, exserted.
Literature Cited:
- Babcock, E. B., and G. Ledyard Stebbins, 1938.
Original Text
The first record of the occurrence of Crepis in North America
(outside of the arctic regions)
was made by Hooker in his “Flora Boreali-Americani” (1834, vol. 1, p. 297),
in which he identified as the European C. biennis James's Hieracium runcinatum.
In the same year Nuttall published his C. occidentalis,
and seven years later (1841),
in describing the plants collected on a tour to the Pacific
added another species, C. acuminata.
In this publication he created a new genus, Psilochenia,
for C. occidentalis,
and another, Crepidium,
for Hieracium runcinatum (Hooker's “C. biennis” of America),
and placed Crepis acuminata in a new sub-genus, Leptotheca.
Two new species, Crepidium glaucum and C. caulescens, were also described.
Two years later Torrey and Gray (1843) reduced Nuttall's two genera to Crepis,
and recognized, in addition to the arctic-alpine C. nana Richards.,
and C. elegans Hook., four species,
C. runcinata, C. glauca, C. occidentalis, and C. acuminata.
For the next fifty-three years the group received little attention,
although a few species and varieties were described by Gray and others.
In his “Syntopical Flora of North America” (1876) Gray recognized,
in addition to the six species included in his earlier work, two more,
C. Andersonii Gray and C. intermedia Gray,
and listed two varieties under the latter and three under C.occidentalis.
With the heading of the section including C. occidentalis, intermedia,
and acuminata he made the terse comment “species difficult,”
an opinion with which all later workers on the group,
including the present writers, are inclined to agree.
Coville (1896) was the first to make a monographic study of any of the American species.
Omitting the arctic-alpine species and the group of C. runcinata,
as well as C. acuminata and C. intermedia,
which latter he considered to be not well enough understood,
he included seven species, four of which,
C. monticola, C. scopulorum, C. rostrata, and C. barbigera,
were described as new.
His treatment, although well worked out according to the knowledge then available,
was based on a relatively meager series of specimens,
and included little information on the interrelationships of the species,
while their distribution could be stated only in relatively broad terms.
Since the work of Coville,
no particular attention has been paid to the genus in North America,
except for the description of numerous new “species,”
mostly of the group of C. runcinata,
by Greene, Rydberg, and others.
These were published without consideration of the group as a whole,
were based on fickle characters such as leaf shape and pubescence,
and none of them are considered valid by the present writers.
Meanwhile in the affinity of C. occidentalis and
C. acuminata the species were variously interpreted by the writers
of the different floras, the keys to them varied considerably,
while the identification of the ever increasing number of collections
by various students of the western flora bore out Gray's opinion,
“species difficult.”
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., 1983.
Original Text
The American species of Crepis were treated in a now classic
monograph by Babcock & Stebbins (Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 504. 1938).
The authors seem to have been preoccupied with the species alone,
and unfortunately they did not discuss the significance of
their cytological findings as having a bearing on the generic level,
even though Nuttall (1841) had proposed the name
Psilochenia for the American species.
All of the native American species of Crepis,
with the exception of two Old World species (C. elegans and C. nana),
representing an ancient Tertiary extension of the genus onto western North America,
have the chromosome base number x=11.
“This is in striking contrast to the Old World species of Crepis,
whose basic haploid numbers range from x=3 to x=7,
4 and 5 being much the most common" (Babcock & Stebbins, op. cit.).
The authors went on to postulate that the American species
may have arisen by amphidiploidy from a cross involving
Crepis species with x=4 and x=7.
Whether or not this can ever be substantiated,
the fact remains that the American species of Crepis
form an indisputably monophyletic line,
spatially and genetically isolated from the Old World species.
Recently Love (1982, p. 360) transferred Crepis runcinata
to Nuttall's genus Psilochenia because of this evidence.
but among the rest of the species, only the type,
Psilochenia occidentalis Nuttall, has a name in that genus.
The following combinations are needed.
Weber then goes to to propose 23 new combinations in Psilochenia.
Literature Cited:
- Enke, Neela, 2009.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Crepis occidentalis, Weber & Wittman, 2012;
Enke (2009) is one of several papers by Enke and others exploring the genomics of the genus Crepis.
Unfortunately their data includes only one representative of the indigenous North American Crepis
— C. acuminata — which, I think, resulted in their results being somewhat unclear
with regard to that group.
Nevertheless, their data supports the maintenance of section Psilochenia within Crepis and
does not rule out elevation of the section to the rank of genus as Weber (1983) has proposed.
Original Text
Crepis acuminata differs from all other species of clade V in morphology, karyology and geographic distribution.
As all members of sect. Psilochaenia it occurs exclusively in North America,
is polyploid and has a basic chromosome number of x=11.
The singularity of these features within Crepis s.str. Support the maintenance of sect. Psilochaenia.
Original Text
Crepis sect. Psilochenia (Nutt.) Babc. (1947) ≡ Psilochenia Nutt. (1841).
— Type: C. occidentalis Nutt.
Note. — The North American species of Crepis sect. Psilochaenia are polyploid
and their placement within the genus remains unlcear at present.
*C. acuminata Nutt.
?C. atribarba A. Heller
?C. bakeri Greene
?C. barbigera Coville
?C. intermedia A. Gray
?C. modocensis Greene
?C. monticola Coville
?C. occidentalis Nutt.
?C. pleurocarpa A. Gray
?C. runcinata (E. James) Torr. & A. Gray
Literature Cited:
- Babcock, E. B., and G. Ledyard Stebbins, 1938.
- Weber, William A., 1983.
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Crepis occidentalis, Enke, 2009;
Solidago nana, Nuttall, 1841;
Weber & Wittmann (2012) place the indigenous North American Crepis in Psilochenia also spelled Psilochaenia saying,
Original Text
The genus Psilochenia encompasses the indigenous North American species of Crepis
(with the exception of the Old World taxa C. elegans and C. nana,
which represent a Tertiary extension).
The chromosome base number x=11 is unknown in Eruasia.
See Babcock & Stebbins 1938, Weber 1983.
The FNA ignores Psilochenia altogether.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Ackerfield retains our Largeflower Hawksbeard in Crepis as C. occidentalis Nutt.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Cyclachaena xanthifolia;
Cyclachaena xanthifolia (Nutt.) Fresen. “Carelessweed”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
Nuttall (1818, v. 2, p. 185) described his Iva xanthiifolia from a collection made near Fort Mandan.
Fort Mandan was the name of the encampment which the Lewis and Clark Expedition built for wintering over in 1804-1805.
The encampment was located on now-private land on the Missouri River approximately twelve miles from the site of present-day Washburn, North Dakota, which developed later.
The exact location is unknown and may be partially submerged by the river.
602. IVA. L.
Calix about 5-leaved, or 5-parted.
Feminine florets of the ray 5, naked.
Receptacle setosely paleaceous.
Seed obovate, naked.
Herbaceous or shrubby;
leaves 3-nerved, mostly carneous, opposite and alternate;
flowers spiked or paniculated, axillar and terminal.
1. ciliata. ...
2. * xanthiifolia.
leaves opposite, petiolate, cordate-ovate, acuminated, douply serrate,
softly villous, beneath canescent;
spikes paniculated, naked;
calix 5-cleft.
In arid soils, near Fort Mandan, &c. on the banks of the Missouri.
Plant very large, 5 or 6 feet high,
with leaves nearly of the size and form of Xanthium Strumarium,
but covered with a soft and almost velvet-like villus;
upper leaves ovate;
flowers extremely numerous, in a diffuse panicle.
Calix 5-cleft, divisions ovate-lanceolate, acuminate.
Style of the discal florets simple;
stigma subcapitate.
Fertile florets 5, naked.
Receptacle subsetaceous.
Flowering in August.
3. imbricata. ... 4. axillaris. ... &c.
A North American genus with the exception of I. annua
indigenous to the tropical regions of the same continent.
There is a collection of Iva xanthiifolia attributed to Nuttall with a location of Upper Louisiana at the Harvard University Herbaria,
though there is no image and the type status is not indicated in the data record.
Literature Cited:
- Fresenius, Georg, 1836.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Fresenius, 1836, publication details;
Footnotes from Index Seminum in which Cyclachaena is proposed
Georg Fresenius is the apparent author of Index Seminum. Frankfort am Main, a list of seeds available from the Senckenberg Herbarium in Frankfort am Main.
In the 1836 Index, seeds are available for Cyclachaena xanthiifolia Fresen.
Footnote 4 in that document proposes Cyclachaena as a new genus.
However, there is no reference to Iva xanthiifolia Nutt. As the basionym.
Although no basionym reference was given Art. 41.4 (Melbourne Code) applies,
41.4. If, for a name of a genus or taxon of lower rank published before
1 January 1953, no reference to a basionym is given but the conditions for
its valid publication as the name of a new taxon or replacement name are
fulfilled, that name is nevertheless treated as a new combination or name
at new rank when this was the author’s presumed intent and a potential
basionym (Art. 6.10) applying to the same taxon exists.
— International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants, 2012
— Melbourne Code text: © 2012, IAPT
— web-edition: © 2014, Paul van Rijckevorsel (all rights reserved)
Iva xanthiifolia Nutt., Gen. N. Amer. Pl. [Nuttall]. 2: 185 (1818).
 Page 1 from Index Seminum Frankfort/Am Main |
Literature Cited:
- Miao, Bomao, Billie L. Turner, and Tom Mabry, 1995.
Results support the dismemberment of Iva s.l. and recognition of Iva s. str., largely because Iva s. l. is shown to be paraphyletic. Most members of the section Cyclachaena were found to have relatively close interspecific relationships. Nevertheless cpDNA data strongly support two lineages within Cyclachaena. One lineage, including I. xanthiifolia, I. acerosa, I. nevadensis, and I. dealbata, has a close relationship with genus Euphrosyne.
Literature Cited:
- Flann, C (ed), 2009+.
The Global Composite Checklist treats Iva xanthiifolia as an accepted name, and Cyclachaena xanthiifolia (Nutt.) Fresen. as a synonym. Plants of the World (Kew) does not follow their lead and accepts Cyclachaena xanthiifolia (Nutt.) Fresen..
Dieteria Nutt.
Sometimes placed in Aster, Dieteria, or Macheranthera.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
Dieteria Nuttall
Nuttall (1841, p. 300) proposed a new genus Dieteria without identifying a
type, the concept of which was lacking at the time.
I suspect that D. canescens (syn: Aster canescens Pursh)
is probably the closest thing we have to a type.
Flower radiate, rays styliferous, fertile? liguli one or two series, broadish, those
of the disk hermaphrodite, fertile. Stigma filiform, hirsute and exserted.
Sepals of the involucrum, for the most part, closely imbricated in two to four
series, scariose and carinate, the tips usually reflected and herbaceous.
Receptacle flat or convex, alveolate, the alveolae deep, with toothed and
lacerated margins. Achenium obovate, subcylindric, ten to fifteen striate, pubescent.
Pappus of several series, scabrous and unequal, that of the ray shorter
and less copious.
Annual or biennial, (in one anomalous species perennial,)
divaricately branching herbs, more or less pubescent; leaves nearly entire,
incisely serrate or pinnatifid, the points often pungently mucronulate.
Flowers fastigiate. The disk yellow. Liguli red or purple.
Allied to Aster,
but with the involucrum regular; the achenia convex, distinctly striate
when ripe ; the receptacle deeply alveolate ; the pappus of the ray different
from that of the disk; the leaves incise or pinnatifid, and the duration only
to the first period of flowering. They are also allied to the first section of
Heterotheca by the deficient pappus of the ray, but that of the disk is simple,
and the rays are purple. The whole plant bitter to the taste.
(So called from their biennial duration.)
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
Nuttall(1840, p. 300) in describing his plants from trip to the Oregon Territory, described a new genus for a subset of Asters.
Original Text
Flower radiate, rays styliferous, fertile ? liguli one or two series, boradish, those of the disk hermaphrodite, fertile.
Stigma filiform, hirsute and exserted.
Sepals of the involucrum, for the most part, closely imbricated in two to four series, scariose and carinate, the tips usually reflected and herbaceous.
Receptacle flat or convex, alveolate, the alveolæ deep, with toothed and lacerated margins.
Achenium obovate, subcylindric, ten to fifteen striate, pubescent.
Pappus of several series, scabrous and unequal, that of the ray shorter and less copious.
Annual or biennial, (in one anomalous species perennial,)
divaricately branching herbs, more or less pubescent;
leaves nearly entire, incisely serrate or pinnatifid, the points often pungently mucronulate.
Flowers fastigiate.
The disk yellow.
Liguli red or purple.
Allied to Aster, but with the involucrum regular;
the achenia convex, distinctly striate when ripe;
the receptacle deeply alveolate;
the pappus of the ray different from that of the disk;
the leaves incise or pinnatifid, and the duration only to the first period of flowering.
They are also allied to te first section of Heterotheca
by the deficient pappus of the ray, but that of the disk is simple,
and the rays are purple.
The while olant bitter to the taste.
(So called from their biennial duration.)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Dieteria bigelovii;
Sandia Mountains.
Dieteria bigelovii (A. Gray) D. R. Morgan & R. L. Hartman “Bigelow's Tansy Aster”
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, 1857.
Gray, in Torrey (1857, p. [97] 41)
Original Text
Aster Bigelovii (sp. nov,) :
ramis viscido-hirsutis ad apicem usque foiiosis; ramulis corymbosis monocephalis ;
foliis membranaceis oblongo-lanceolatis semiamplexicaulibus grosseserratis
fenuiter triplinerviis hirto-puberulis glabratis ; capitulis magnis globosis ;
involucri pluriserialis squamis attenuato-subulatis basi appressis superne longe caudato-appendiculatis
squarroso-recurvis glanduloso-viscidis ; acheniis glaberrimis.
Arroyos in the Sandia mountains ;
A wholly new and most remarkable Aster, of the Grandiflori group ; but the apparently
showy heads larger than those of A. grandiflorus, being an inch in diameter, and the numerous
(blue and violet) rays an inch long. It is probably a tall plant ;
but the base of the stem was not collected.
Cauline leaves two or three inches long, coarsely dentate-serrate throughout ;
the uppermost, and those of the short branchlets, smaller and less toothed.
Scales of the imbricated involucre half an inch long when extended, very slender ;
the long and almost filiform appendicular portion recurved, spreading and very glandular.
Receptacle flat, alveolate ; the alveolae short and entire.
Achenia perfectly glabrous, linear, compressed, three lines long.
Pappus not abundant, nearly in a single series.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Dieteria canescens;
Dieteria canescens (Pursh) Nutt. “Hoary Tansyaster”
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814, v. 2., p. 547) ... Aster canescens ...
Original Text
636. ASTER. Gen. pl. 1291.
* Foliis integerrimis.>
17. A. cano-pubescens ;
foliis linearibus, panicula corymbosa ramisissima foliosa,
calycibus imbricatis acutissimus disco longioribus.
On the banks of the Missouri.
v. s.
Flowers the size of a daisy, rays pale purple.
Seen by Pursh in the dried state, but neither the collector nor the herbarium is identified.
Probably was not Lewis & Clark, because their single specimen was collected on the Columbia River and first thought to be Aplopappus sp.
More likely a Nuttall collection, though Bradbury cannot be ruled out.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
Nuttall (1840, p. 300) published Dieteria and placed Aster canescens Pursh in it.
Original Text
† Involucrum subovate, of three or four series of scales.
Dieteria canescens;
leaves entire, linear, sessile, radical spathulate;
stem low and much branched, canescently villous, as well as the involucrum;
flowers fastigiate;
rays about eighteen to twenty; pappus very slender.
On the denuded banks of the Missouri.
Aster canescens, Pursh, Bor. Am., Vol. II., p. 547.
Not in the least allied to Aster multiflorus.
A. biennis, Nutt. Gen. Am., Vol.II., p. 155.
I doubt if the leaves are always entire,
a fact so contrary to all the rest of the genus to which it is,
in all other respects, so intimately allied.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Dyssodia papposa;
Dyssodia papposa (Vent.) Hitchc. “Fetid Marigold”
Literature Cited:
- Ventenat, Etienne P., Jacques M. Cels, and Henri J. Redoute, 1801.
Jacques Philippe Martin Cels (1740–1806) was a French botanist specializing in horticulture.
He started a botanical garden in which he cultivated foreign plants for sale, contributing to the growing public appetite for exotic flowers. He received and acclimatized numerous North American plants brought back by André Michaux and Louis-Augustin Bosc d'Antic. He strove to introduce many exotic species into France. The species in his garden were described by the botanist Étienne Pierre Ventenat (1757–1808) and illustrated by Pierre-Joseph Redouté (1759–1840) in Description des plantes nouvelles et peu connues, cultivées dans le jardin de J.-M. Cels, published in Paris in 1799 (WikiPedia, 2021).
Ventenat's (1801) description of Tagetes papposa states that it was discovered by A. Michaux in the countryside of Illinois.
Literature Cited:
- Hitchcock, A. S., 1891.
Hitchcock (1891, p. 503) moved our plant to Dyssodia papposa
in a catalogue of plants in Ames, Iowa.
Original Text
Dysodia papposa, (Vent.)
Tagetes papposa, Vent. Hort. Cels. 1800.
D. chrysanthemoides, Lag. Nov. Gen. & Spec. 1816.
Sterile soil; frequent.
The pappus consists of “scales dissected into britles”
instead of “capillary bristles,” as it may at first appear.
Other articles:
• How did rubber rabbitbrush get that long scientific name?:
Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L.Nesom & G.I.Baird var. graveolens (Nutt.) Reveal & Schuyler
- How did we get to the name of Ericameria nauseosa var. graveolens?
- What is the history of the genus name Chrysothamnus?
- What is the history of the name Ericameria nauseosa?
- What is the history of the name ____ graveolens? And how did it become a variety of Ericameria nauseosa?
See my page about Ericameria nauseosa var. graveolens or “How did rubber rabbitbrush get that long scientific name?”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Ericameria nauseosa nauseosa;
Habitat of Coll. No. 2440, Ericameria nauseosa var. nauseosa
Coll. No. 2440, Ericameria nauseosa var. nauseosa
Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G. I. Nesom & G. I. Baird var. nauseosa. “Rubber Rabbitbush”
Literature Cited:
- Hall, Harvey M., and Frederick E. Clements, 1923.
Hall & Clements (1923) Plate 34 of Ericameria nauseosa nauseosa.
Hall & Clements, 1923
Literature Cited:
- Nesom, Guy L., 2008.
Erigeron L. “Fleabane; Daisy”
The Erigerons that are known from collections in Golden s.l. are shown below, and are placed in taxonomic groups of Nesom (2008).
- 20. Sect. Olygotrichum Nutt., Trans Amer. Philos. Soc. ser. 2, 7: 311. 1841. Type: Erigeron divergens Torr. & A. Gray
- Erigeron divergens Torr. & A. Gray.
Spreading Fleabane.
- Erigeron flagellaris A. Gray.
Trailing Fleabane.
- Erigeron tracyi Greene.
(Syn: Erigeron cinereus A. Gray,
Erigeron colomexicanus A. Nelson,
Erigeron divergens Torrey & A. Gray var. cinereus A. Gray)
Running Fleabane.
- 23. Sect. Phalacroloma (Cass.) Torr. & A. Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2(1): 175. 1841.
Phalacroloma Cass., Dict. Sci. Nat. 39: 404. 1826.
Type: Erigeron strigosus Muhlenb. ex Willd.
- Erigeron strigosus Muhl. ex Willd.
(Syn: Stenactis strigosa (Muhl. ex Willd.) DC.)
Prairie Fleabane.
- 31. Sect. Stenactis Torr. & A. Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2(1): 172. 1841. Lectotype: (Nesom 1989c): Erigeron pumilus Nutt.
- Erigeron pumilus Nutt.
Shaggy Fleabane.
- Erigeron vetensis Rydb.
Early Bluetop Fleabane.
- 33. Sect. Tridactylia Nutt., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. ser. 2, 7: 310. 1841. Type: Erigeron compositus Pursh.
- Erigeron compositus Pursh.
(Syn: Erigeron compositus Pursh var. discoideus A. Gray,
Erigeron compositus Pursh var. glabratus Macoun)
Cutleaf Daisy.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Erigeron compositus;
Erigeron compositus Pursh “Cutleaf Daisy”
There are two collections of “Cutleaf Daisy” — Erigeron compositus Pursh —
made on the higher edges of Golden s.l. of Lookout Mountain.
This is consistent with other collections made in Jefferson County, and throughout Colorado,
with a few collections made on the higher plains, such as the Palmer Divide,
but generally in the foothills and higher mountain ranges.
The species was described by Pursh (1814) from Lewis & Clark collections on the Kooskoosky (Clearwater) River.
Literature Cited:
- Moulton, Gary E., 1999.
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Kooskoosky River.
Of the western Erigerons found in Golden s.l. the first to be described was E. compositus Pursh.
The holotype was collected by Meriwether Lewis on the Kooskoosky (Clearwater) River, date unknown, and the voucher is now at ANS.
Pursh (1814) described it as follows:
Syngenesia Superflua. Erigeron |
535 |
| E. pilosum, subacaule; foliis radicalibus longe petiolatis
laciniis linearibus divaricatis,
caulinis linearibus plerumque indivisibus,
caule superne nudo unifloro.
| compositum
| On the banks of the Kooskoosky.
M. Lewis.
July, Aug. v. s.; v. v. cultum.
Not above a span high;
flowers resembling a daisy exceedingly;
they change during their flowering,
from white to a lively pale red.
My collection of this taxon was made as Little Scraggy Peak, (Buffalo Creek Recreation Area), Jefferson County, Colorado.
 Coll. No. 1901, Erigeron compositus |
A. Gray (1862) proposed variety discoideus. The name is now treated as a synonym of the species.
Macoun (1884) proposed variety glabratus, but the name is not now recognized. The name is now treated as a synonym of the species.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Erigeron divergens;
Erigeron divergens Torr. & A. Gray. Spreading Fleabane.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
Other articles:
• Glossary:
Coll. No. 2092, Erigeron divergens
The first publication of the entity we now call Erigeron divergens was by Nuttall (1840).
Erigeron *divaricatum;
hirsute, stem branching from base;
branchlets one-flowered, rather naked, fastigiate;
radical leaves spathulate, the rest linear, sessile, acute, attenuated below, all entire;
inner pappus of about eight setæ
rays nery numerous, narrow, white.
Hab. In the Rocky Mountains and the plains of Oregon.
About one foot high, at length very much branched,
the leaves an inch or more long, about a line wide.
Pappus double in ray and disk,
the inner of remarkably few rays, very deciduous.
It might be helpful to remember that the plains of Oregon would include a good part of southwest Wyoming.
The name E. divericatum had been previously used by Michaux (1803) and was not available for use by Nuttall.
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1838-1843.
Other articles:
• Field Notes:
Torrey & Gray, 1841;
Torrey & Gray (1841, p. 175) in Flora of North America
proposed Erigeron divergens for the small fleabane that
was previously illegimately published by Nuttall as E. divaricatuum.
26. E. divergens:
somewhat hoary with a minute hirsute pubescence,
diffusely branched from the base;
leaves small, entire, acute;
the radical somewhat spatulate, narrowed into a short petiole;
the cauline scattered, sessile, linear, narrowed at the base;
heads (small) mostly solitary terminating the naked branchlets or pecuncles;
rays very narrow and numerous, twice the length of the hirsute involucre;
inner pappus of few (8-12) very slender and deciduous bristles.
Erigeron (Oligotrichum) divaricatum, Nutt. ! In trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. (n. ser.) 7. p. 311, not of Michx.
Rocky Mountains, and plains of the interior of Oregon, Nuttall !
— ①
Stems about a foot high, diffuse, ascending, slender, at length much branched.
Leaves half an inch to an inch long, 1 to 2 lines wide, mucronate-acute.
Heads rather smaller than in E. tenue; the rays (white, Nutt.) nearly similar;
the exterior pappus shorter.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Erigeron flagellaris;
Erigeron flagellaris A. Gray. Trailing Fleabane.
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1849.
Other articles:
• Field Notes:
Gray, A., 1849;
Santa Fe River.
Gray (1849, p. 68) described E. flagellare from a Fendler collection along Santa Fe Creek.
334. E. flagellare (sp. nov.):
bienne? striguloso-puberulum, pumilum;
caulibus gracillimis e basi ramosis,
floriferis seu primariis simplicibus superne aphyllis monocephalis, sterilibus patentibus flagelliformibus;
foliis spathulatis mucronulatis inferioribus in petiolum attenuatis integris seu radicalibus parce inciso-lobatus,
ramealibus parvulis sublinearibus sessilibus;
ligulis numerosis gracilibus (albis purpureo tinctis) involucrum hirsutum duplo superantibus;
pappo radii et discii conformiduplici,
exteriore coroni-forme-squamellato conspicuo, interiore e setis sub-20 fragilibus.
Low, moist places, along Santa Fe Creek; May, June.
Root slender.
Flowering stems 5 to 7 inches high, very slender, few-leaved below the middle, naked, and pedunculiform above;
the head rather than the preceding species;
the involucre, &c., similar.
Lower leaves one to two inches long, including the slender petiole;
those of the runner-like sterile branches decreasing to 2 or 3 lines in length.
This species should rank next to the foregoing.*
The “preceding species” and “foregoing” was Erigeron cinereum (sp. nov.),
now treated as a synonym of E. tracyi Greene.
The head was described as “… as large as those on Bellis perennis …”
and the involucre was described as “… hirsutum duplo superantibus …”
[… coarse erect or ascending hairs doubly … ??? ]
The asterisk “*” refers to some collections sent by Mr. Spaulding from Oregon,
which I don't think are particularly relevant to E. flagellaris.
Other articles:
• Plainview Road:
near coll loc;
• Field Notes:
Coll. No. 1116, 28 May 2015;
Coll. No. 1829, 16 May 2018;
Coll. No. 1116, Erigeron flagellaris
Coll. No. 1829, Erigeron flagellaris
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
Erigeron pumilus Nutt. Shaggy Fleabane.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
Nuttall (1818) described E. pumilum found on the plains of the Missouri.
Original Text
| Comments
2. *pumilum.
stems aggregated, 1-flowered, leaves obling-linear, entire and sessile;
flower large and hemispherical, before flowering nutant;
calix very hirsute.
On the plains of the Missouri.
Flowering in May.
E. hisutum. Ph. 2. Suppl. p. 742.
but this name has been previously employed for another species.
Stems several from the same root, often, indeed, connected at the base,
4 or 5 inches high, 1-flowered.
Leaves 2 inches, more or less, nearly linear, more or less, nearly linear,
attenuated downwards, scarcely 2 lines wide.
Flower naked, (or pedunculate) white, and large as a Daisy;
rays as long as the calix, narrow and numerous.
Pappus double, internal short, about 12-rayed.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Erigeron pumilis;
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
• Glossary:
Syngenesia. Superflua. 147
557. ERIGERON. L. (Flea-bane.)
Calix imbricated, subhemispherical, in fruit often reflected.
Rays of the corolla linear, very narrow, and numerous.
Receptacle naked.
Pappus double, exterior minute, interior pilose, of few rays. (12 to 25?)
stems simple or branched, flowers solitary, axillary and terminal, subcorymbose or fastigiately paniculate;
radii white, or purplish, rarely destiture of pappus.
Seed very small, rather smooth, oblong, and compressed;
pappus simply pilose, deciduous, not much longer than the seed,
exterior pappus minute and paleaceous.
§ I. Stem simple
1. E. alpinum.
2. * pumilum.
stems aggregated, 1-flowered, leaves oblong-linear, entire and sessile;
flower large and hemispherical, before flowering nutant;
calyx very hirsute.
On the plains of the Missouri.
Flowering in May.
E. hirsutum.
Ph. 2. Suppl. p. 742.
but this name has been previously employed for another species.
Stems several from the same root, often, indeed, connected at the base, 4 or 5 inches high,
Leaves 2 inches, more or less, nearly linear, attenuated downwards, scarcely 2 lines wide.
Flower naked, (or pedunculate) white, and large as a Daisy;
rays as long as the calix, narrow and numerous.
Pappus double, internal short, about 12-rayed.
“nutant”, adj., drooping or nodding.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Erigeron strigosus;
Erigeron strigosus Muhl. ex Willd. Prairie Fleabane.
Literature Cited:
- Willdenow, Carl L., 1797-1830.
The first of the Erigeron found in the Golden, Colorado area was described from a collection made in Pensylvania.
Willdenow (1803) published the name from a description written by Mühlenberg.
11. ERIGERON ʃtrigoʃum.
E. foliis lanceolatis utrinque attenuatis ſubdentatis ſtrigoſo-piloſis,
floribus corymboſo-paniculatis. W.
Erigeron ſtrigoſum. Mühlenb. In litt.
Behaartes Berufungskraut. W.
Habitat in Penſylvania. (v. ʃ.)
Caulis erectus ʃtriatus, pilis ʃparʃis albis obʃitus.
Folia alterna lanceolata baʃ et apice attenuata, utrinque oilis copioʃis adpresʃis obʃita,
integerrima, vel medio utrunque ʃerraturis 2. ʃ. 3 inʃtructa.
Flores corymboʃo-paniculati.
Radius copioʃus filiformis albus. W.
| |
Literature Cited:
- DeCandolle, Augustus Pyramus, 1836.
DeCandolle (1836) proposed Stenactis strigosa DC.
5. S. strigosa,
caule erecto sparse et patentim piloso,
foliis lanceolatis utrinque stteniatis dentatis strigoso-hispodid, capitulis laxe corymboso-paniculatis,
invol. Glaberrimo, ligulis numerosis filiformibus.
② ? In Pensylvania (Muhl.),
Noveboraco (Torrey!).
Erigeron strigosum Muhl. In Willd. Sp. 3. p. 1956.
Erig. Australe Horn. Ex Spreng.
An Erig. Strigosun Ell. Sketch 2. p. 394 et Doronicum ramosum Walt. Fl. Car. 206 in Carolina cresc. Ad hanc speciem referenda?
(v. s. comm. A cl. Torr.)
Literature Cited:
- Nesom, Guy L., 2008.
Stenactis is currently treated as a section of Erigeron (Nesom, 2008).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Erigeron tracyi;
Erigeron tracyi Greene. Running Fleabane.
Some of the current synonyms for E. tracyi are:
- Erigeron cinereus A. Gray
- Erigeron cinereus var. cinereus
- Erigeron cinereus var. aridus M. E. Jones
- Erigeron colomexicanus A. Nelson
- Erigeron commixtus Greene
- Erigeron dicladus Greene
- Erigeron divergens Torrey & A. Gray var. cinereus A. Gray
- Erigeron tephroides Greene
- Erigeron williamsii Phil. The Plant List and the Global Composite Checklist each give E. williamsii Phil as a synonym of E. tracyi. does not. I suspect that E. williamsii is a valid name for a South American species, and does not apply to E. tracyi.
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1849.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Gray, 1849, publication details;
The first known description of the taxon we now call E. tracyi was by A. Gray (1849) in Plantae Fendlerianae Novi-Mexicanae, a description of plants collected by Augustus Fendler in New Mexico in 1841
333. E. cinereum (sp. Nov.):
Undique molliter cinereo-pilosum:
caule e basi ramoso;
ramis adsurgentibus apice longe nudis monocephalis;
foliis spathulatis vel lineari-oblongis basi attenuatis integerrimis seu radicalibus paucidentatis incisisve;
ligulus numerosissimis gracilibus (albis nunc purpureo tinctis) involucrum hirsutum duplo superantibus;
pappo radii et disci conformi duplici, exteriore coroniformi-squamellato,
interiore e setis sub-20 fragilibus deciduis.
Var. a. Is a dwarf, vernal form, only a span high, quite hoary, the primary flowering stems erect and almost scapiform
(no. 374 of the distribution).
Dry, exposed places around Santa Fe; May.
Var. ß has taller and more diffuse stems (10 inches high),
the leaves almost lanceolate, entire, the lower tapering into slender petioles.
Low, sandy banks of the Rio del Norte and of Santa Fe Creek; May to June. (380.)
Var. ? is a larger, coarser, and much more leafy state;
from the valley of Santa Fe Creek, near irrigating ditches; May to July. (385.)
The heads are as large as those of Bellis perennis, solitary on peduncles, or the naked summit of the stems,
of from 2 to 4 inches in length.
The species belongs to the first division of the section Phalacroloma, Torr. & Gray, l. c. †
Some forms of this, or of an allied species (possibly E. affine, DC.),
with rather less numerous and white rays, and either entire or incised leaves,
were gathered at Buena Vista and Encantada by Dr. Gregg.
Unfortunately, the name was unavailable, having been previously used by Hooker and Arnold for their E. cinereus, a native of Chile.
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, and Charles Wright, 1852.
Gray (1852, pt. 1, p. 91) places his E. cinereum as a variety of E. divergens in Plantae Wrightinae.
He make no comments that describe his thinking.
268. E. divergens, var. cinereum.
E. cinereum, Gray, Pl. Fendl. p. 68.
New Mexico; the locality not recorded.
Gray (1852, pt. 2 p. 77) also places his E. cinereum as a variety of E. divergens in Plantae Wrightinae, part 2.
E. divergens, var. cinereum, Gray, Pl. Wright, l. c.
Moutains, around the copper mines; Oct: a late, much-branched state. (1169)
Hills near El Paso; March, April: the early normal form (1398.)
This placement is still accepted by Harrington one hundred years later (Harrington, 1954, 1964 2nd ed.).
Literature Cited:
- Buckley, S. B., 1861.
These plants were collected by the author while engaged in the State Geological Survey of Texas, during 1860 and '61.
Specimens of them are in the herbarium of the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia,
and also in the herbarium of Elias Durand, Esq.
Erigeron (Eurigera) nudiflorum, s. n.
Hirsutum pumilum, ramosum;
foliis lineari-oblongis, integris, sentis, confertissimis;
ramis apice longe nudis, monocephalis;
ligulis albis, plurimis, subuniseriatis, involucrum duplo excidentibus, acheniis oblongis glabris vel parum pilosis;
pappo radii et disci conformi, duplici;
exteriore breve setacea.
Northern Texas. May.
Very much branched from the root.
Stems erect, 4-6 inches high;
leaves numerous near the root and upwards on the stems about 3 inches;
the upper stems, two inches below the flowers, naked;
whole plant strigose hirsute, the white hairs not appressed;
flowers about 1/4 of an inch in diameter;
leaves 1/2 - 1 inch long and a little more than a line wide.
Literature Cited:
- Greene, Edward Lee, 1902a.
Other articles:
• Field Notes:
Greene, E. L., 1902;
E. L. Greene (1902) then published two names for what we now treat as a single species.
The names he published were: Erigeron commixtus and E. tracyi.
Erigeron commixtus.
With the habit of E. flagellaris, smaller, less stoloniferous,
the leaves relativelt broader, some entire,
others with one or more conspicuous lobes at base of the blade,
the whole plant almost hoary with stiffly hirsute pubescence,
this spreading on the leaves and petioles, retrorse on the stems and peduncles:
heads, rays, achenes, etc., much as in E. flagellaris.
Cañon of the Limpia, mountains of western Texas, 26 April 1902, S. M. Tracy and F. S. Earle;
also collected by the present writer, in the same general region,
namely in the mountains near Silver City, New Mexico, 18 May 1880, and distributed for E. flagellaris.
The species last named has a rather obscure, fine closely appressed hairiness.
That of the new one is so extremely different,
that were the plants the size of a Sunflower or Goldenrod,
no botanist would confuse them as one species,
were the pubescence the only character.
I may remark that true E. flagellaris reaches the mountains of even southern New Mexico,
where, however, it occurs only in a more elevated biological zone
Literature Cited:
- Greene, Edward Lee, 1902a.
- Nesom, Guy L., 2004.
Erigeron Tracyi.
Allied to the last (Erigeron commixtus — Ed.) but dwarf,
only 2 or 3 inches high, densely leafy at base and with no stolons (at least at flowering time):
petioles of the spatulate-lanceolate entire leaves shorter than the blade or obsolete;
the whole herbage silvery-hoary with a fine dense strigulose pubescence,
or this more sparse and spreading on the solitary scapiform peduncle:
involucre hispidulous:
outer pappus very conspicuous though consisting of only shorter and setiform hairs,
the inner of a few very delicate capillary ones.
Davis Mountains, western Texas, Tracy and Earle, 28 April 1902.
E. commixtus was published before E. tracyi, quite literally a matter of a few inches.
It would therefore seem to have priority over E. tracyi.
Samuel Mills Tracy (1847-1920) was the first Director of the Mississippi Experiment Station.
Tracy is well known for his work in the taxonomy of various grasses, plant breeds,
and for adapting numerous forage plants to the biomes of the Southern United States.
He is perhaps best known for his work, Flora of Missouri, which was published in 1886.
Franklin Sumner Earle (1856-1929), served as the superintendent of the Mississippi Agriculture Experiment Station (1892–1895).
Soon after that Earle worked as a biologist and horticulturist of the Alabama Agriculture Experiment Station (1895–1900).
Tracy and Earle to not appear to be part of any particular expedition.
Perhaps, they were just two old botanists out for some fun field work.
Literature Cited:
- Coulter, John M., and Aven Nelson, 1909.
Other articles:
• Glossary:
33. Erigeron colo-mexicanus A. Nels.
Stems few to several from s slender annual taproot, ascending,
naked pedunculiform above the middle,
very leafy, flowering when very short, the later heads on stems 7-15 cm. long:
leaves mostly linear-spatulate to linear, the basal sometimes oblanceolate and 3-lobed at apex,
all softly cinereous-pubescent:
heads musc as in E. divergens.
(E cinereus Gray, Pl. Fendl. 68. 1848; not E. cinereus H. & A. Comp. Bot. Mag. 2: 50. 1836)
Southern Colorado and New Mexico.
It is interesting to me that A. Nelson does not mention Greene's (1902) publication of Erigeron tracyi, whereas other names of Greene are acknowledged.
Literature Cited:
- Rydberg, Per Axel, 1910.
Erigeron commixtus Greene, Pittonia 5: 58. 1902
E. cinereus A. Gray, Mem. Am. Acad. 4: 68. 1849. Not E.cinereus H. & A. 1836.
E. colo-mexicanus A. Nels,; Coult. & Nels. New Man. Cent. Rocky Mts. 529. 1909.
Another specific name proposed by Professor Nelson, Erigeron colo-mexicanus,
to replace the untenable E. cinereus A. Gray,
is in my opinion rather distasteful.
Fortunately I do not need to use the name,
as the same species has been described by Dr. Greene under the name E. commixtus.
Literature Cited:
- Tidestrom, Ivar, 1925.
Tidestrom (1925) recognizes Buckley's E. nudiflorus.
7. Erigeron nudiflorus Buckley, Proc. Acad. Phil. 1861. 456. 1862.
Erigeron cinereus A. Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. n. ser. 4: 68. 1849. Not E. cinereus Hook. & Arn. 1836
Erigeron divergens cinereus A. Gray, Pl. Wright. 1: 91. 1852.
E. commixtus Greene, Pittonia 5: 58.1902.
Erigeron colo-mexicanus A. Nels. in Coulter, New Man. Rocky Mount. 529. 1909.
Artemisia, pinyon and yellow pine belts; Utah and Colorado to Mexico.
The author also recognizes E. divergens Torr. & Gray, and E. flagellaris Gray.
Literature Cited:
- Tidestrom, Ivar, and Sister Teresita Kittel, 1941.
Tidestrom and Kittell (1941) recognize Buckley's E. nudiflorus.
9. Erigeron nudiflorus Buckley, Proc. Acad. Phil. 1861. 456. 1862.
E. commixtus Greene, Pittonia 5: 58.1902.
Artemisia, Pinyon and Yellow Pine belts; Utah and Colorado southward to Mexico.
The authors also recognize E. divergens Torr. & Gray, and E. flagellaris Gray.
Literature Cited:
- Cronquist, Arthur, 1947.
- Gray, Asa, and Charles Wright, 1852.
Cronquist (1947) accepts Grays (1852) treatment of E. tracyi as a variety of E. divergens.
Along the way his key uses arrangement of hairs on stems as as a character to distinguish between E. divergens and E. flagelaris:
6. Some or all of the hairs of the stem appressed or closely ascending, or the stem glabrous.
which leads to E. flagellaris. The other half of the couplet:
6. Hairs of the stem all spreading.
leads to E. divergens where E. tracyi is treated as a variety.
Key to the varieties of Erigeron divergens
1. Earliest heads on leafy peduncles; plant without long stoloniform branches.
| A. var. typicus.
1. Earliest heads on long naked peduncles; plant later producing long leafy stolons or stoloniform branches.
| B. var. cinereus.
112B. Erigeron divergens var. cinereus A. Gray, Pl. Wright. 1: 91. 1852.
E. cinereus A. Gray, Mem. Am. Acad. II 4:68. 1849. Not H. & A. 1836.
E. nudiflorus Buckl. Prec. Acad. Phil. 1861: 456. 1862.
E. commixtus Greene, Pittonia 5:58. 1902.
E. tracyi Greene. Pittonia 5: 59. 1902.
E. divergens nudiflorus A. Nels. Man. Bot. Rocky Mts. 529. 1909.
E. colo-mexicanus A. Nels. Loc. Cit.
? E. dicladus Greene. Leafl. 2: 214. 1912.
Earliest heads on long naked peduncles;
plant later producing long loafy stolons or stoliform branches;
basal leaves more often persistent than in var. typicus.
Southern Nevada and Utah, through Arizona and New Mexico to northern Mexico, central Texas, western Oklahome, and southwestern Kansas;
reported from Colorado and western Arkansas.
Type: Fendler 374, near Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1847 (NY).
Tracy & Earle 279, Limpia Canyon, April 26, 1902 (type of E. commixtus Greene) (MI, NY);
Tracy & Earle 320, Davis Mountains, April 28, 1902 (type of E. tracyi Greene) (MI, NY);
Rydberg & Vreeland 5438, 5 miles southwest of La Veta, Huerfano Counto, May 22, 1900 (NY);
The variety cinereus has usually been treated as a distinct species under the name E. nudiflorus
Buckl., but there are two many intermediates for it to stand.
There are occasional intermediates with E. modestus,
having the pubescence of the latter, and habit of E. divergens var. cinereus.
These plants are more likely to have conspicuously lobed basal leaves than is typical var. cinereus.
| |
The variety cinereus is what we are calling E. tracyi today.
Literature Cited:
- Harrington, H. D., 1954.
- Harrington, H. D., 1964, 2nd ed..
Harrington (2nd ed., 1964, p. 565) placed E. tracyi as a variety of E. divergens.
This repeats his treatment of the taxon in his first edition (Harrington, 1954).
8B. Erigeron divergens cinereus A. Gray, (var.) Pl. Wright. 1:91. 1852.
E. cinereus A. Gray;
E. nudiflorus Buckl.;
E. commixtus Greene;
E. colo-mexicanus A. Nels.;
E. divergens nudiflorus (Buckl.) A. Nels.
Earliest heads on long naked or nearly naked peduncles;
plants producing long leafy stolons later in the season.
Dry often sandy soil.
Kansas ro Nevada, south to Texas and Arizona.
Our records scattered over Colorado, mostly in the southern part, at 4000-8000 feet.
Of note is Harrington's acceptance of E. commixtus but not E. tracyi.
Literature Cited:
- Nesom, Guy L., 1989.
Nesom (1989c) accepted E. tracyi as having priority over E. colomexicanus.
Original Text
| Comments
Erigeron tracyi an earlier name for Erigeron colomexicanus
I have been using Erigeron colomexicanus as the name for this species,
but both E. tracyi and E. commixtus were published seven years earlier,
simultaneously (immediate succession in the same paper: Greene 1902).
Plants of the type collections of E. tracyi, as well as those of E. commixtus,
are early season forms
(essentially a basal rosette with a single, subscapiform, monocephalous stem)
that had not yet produced runners characteristic of the species.
Erigeron tracyi Greene, Pittonia 5:59. 1902. Type: U.S.A. Texas. [Jeff Davis Co.:] Davis Mts., 28 Apr 1902,
S. M. Tracy and F. S. Earle 320 (Holotype: US!; Isotypes: GH!, NY!, OC!).
Erigeron commixtus Greene, Pittonia 5:58. 1902. Type: U.S.A. Texas. [Jeff Davis Co.:] Cañon of the Limpia, Mountains of west Texas, 26 Apr 1902,
S. M. Tracy and F. S. Earle 279 (Holotype: US!; isotypes: GH!, NY!, TAES!, TEX!).
Erigeron cinereus A, Gray, Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts n.s., 4 [Pl. Fendler.]; 68. 1849 (not Hook. & Arn. 1836).
Erigeron divergens Torrey & A. Gray var. cinereus (A. Gray) A. Gray, Smithsonian Contr. Knowl. 3, Art. 5 [Pl. Wright.]:91. 1852.
Erigeron colomexicanus A. Nels. [nom. Nov.], Man. Bot. Rocky Mts., 529. 1909. Type: U. S. A. NEW MEXICO. [Santa Fe Co.:] near Santa Fe, 1847,
A. Fendler 374 (Holotype: GH!; isotypes: GH, NY! UC-2 sheets!, US!).
Literature Cited:
- Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds., 1993+.
Volume 20 of Flora of North America North of Mexico was published in 2006.
The treatment of Erigeron was written by Guy L. Nesom.
160. Erigeron tracyi Greene, Pittonia. 5: 59. 1902.
Running fleabane
Erigeron cinereus A. Gray 1849, not Hooker & Arnott 1836;
E. colomexicanus A. Nelson;
E. commixtus Greene;
E. divergens Torrey & A. Gray var. cinereus A. Gray
Annuals, biennials, or short-lived perennials, 2.5–8(–12, 18) cm;
usually taprooted, sometimes fibrous-rooted, caudices simple or branched.
Stems first erect (greenish proximally), then producing herbaceous, leafy,
prostrate runners (stoloniform branches, sometimes with rooting plantlets at tips),
densely hirsutulous (hairs spreading-deflexed, of relatively even lengths and orientations),
sparsely minutely glandular.
Leaves mostly basal (persistent in early season);
blades oblanceolate to spatulate (obovate-elliptic laminae), 10–30(–60) × 3–6(–12) mm,
cauline abruptly reduced distally, margins entire, dentate, or lobed, faces densely hirsute, eglandular.
Heads 1(–3 rarely, from midstem or proximal branches).
Involucres 3.5–4.5(–6) × 6–9(–12) mm.
Phyllaries in 3–4 series, sparsely to moderately hirsute, minutely glandular.
Ray florets 60–130; corollas white, often purplish abaxially,
sometimes with an abaxial midstripe, 5–9 mm, laminae not coiling or reflexing.
Disc corollas 2–3 mm (throats indurate and slightly inflated).
Cypselae 0.7–1.3 mm, 2-nerved, faces sparsely strigose;
pappi: outer of setae, inner of 12–16 bristles. 2n = 27.
Flowering Mar–Oct.
Desert scrub, grassy slopes, oak chaparral, pinyon-juniper woodlands, Douglas fir-ponderosa pine;
700–2300(–2400) m; Ariz., Colo., Kans., Nev., N.Mex., Okla., Tex., Utah; Mexico (Baja California, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Sonora, Zacatecas).
In March through June, plants of Erigeron tracyi produce leaves in a basal rosette usually with a single, erect, monocephalous, stem.
Stoloniform branches are soon formed (often recognized on pressed specimens by the leaves mostly on one side of the branches),
and by the end of the season (August through October), prostrate runners are usually evident, sometimes forming terminal, rooting plantlets.
Erigeron tracyi is similar in habit to E. flagellaris, particularly in the herbaceous stolons or stoloniform branches;
the stem pubescence of E. tracyi is different, the stolons much less commonly produce rooting plantlets at the tips,
and the plants tend to be perennial with woody or lignescent caudices, although they are variable both in habit and duration.
Apparent hybrids with E. modestus and E. flagellaris are occasionally encountered,
and the most common form of E. tracyi is perhaps (speculative) a stabilized, apomictic hybrid between the latter and E. divergens.
All chromosome counts thus far have shown E. tracyi to be triploid and asynaptic.
Literature Cited:
- Snow, Neil, 2009.
Erigeron tracyi Greene - FNA
[Erigeron cinereus A. Gray 1849 {not Hook. & Arnott 1836} - FNA
[Erigeron colomexicanus A. Nelson] - KTZ, E
[Erigeron colo-mexicanus A. Nelson] - SFE, W&W
[Erigeron commixtus Greene] - FNA
[Erigeron divergens Torr. & A. Gray var. cinereus A. Gray] - HDH, UTF
[Erigeron divergens Torr. & A. Gray var. cinereus (A. Gray) A. Gray] - IMF
[Erigeron modestus A. Gray] - GPF
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
11a. [10] Heads solitary on elongate, mostly leafless stems from the basal leaf clusters;
plants developing long, nonrooting, stolon-like, spreading shoots.
E. tracyi Greene [for Samuel Mills Tracy, 1847-1920].
Dry, gravelly floodplains and meadows, mimicking E. flagellaris but with spreading stem hairs.
Flowering very early in the spring.
The FNA suggests that this is a triploid apomictic hybrid between E. divergens and E. flagellaris.
(E. colomexicanus is a later name.)
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Ackerfield's (2015) description of E. tracyi does not describe the stem hairs, or the direction in which they point.
Also, I think the stated length of the stoloniferous branches is quite short.
Perhaps, the length should be expressed in decimeters, such as “... stoloniferous branches, 1-3(6) dm. Long.”
Finally, the only synonym identified is E. colomexicanus perhaps because it has long been used in Colorado and New Mexico, but
E. commixtus and E. nudiflorus are not noted.
Erigeron tracyi Greene, Running Daisy. [E. colomexicanus A. Nelson].
Annuals, biennials, or short-lived perennials, 1-4 dm.;
leaves oblanceolate to linear, entire or few-toothed, the stems forming stoloniferous branches, 1-3(6) cm. long;
involucre 3-5 mm. hih, hirsute with curved hairs;
disk flowers 2-2.5 mm. long;
ray flowers 4-6 mm. long, white or pink;
pappus double.
Common on the eastern slope in open meadows and on dry slopes, with scattered occurrences on the estern slope, 4000-9000 ft. April-July. E/W
Couplet 24 of Ackerfield's key to Erigeron addresses the question of stem hairs:
24a Stems with spreading or tangled (pointing in all directions) hairs or mostly glandular … 25
24b. Stems with appressed or ascending hairs (at above the middle), not glandular … 34
Couplet 25 eventually ends up at Couplet 29 which differentiates between E. tracyi and E. divergens.
Couplet 34 eventually leads to E. flagellaris.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Erigeron vetensis;
Erigeron vetensis Rydb. Early Bluetop Fleabane.
Literature Cited:
- Rydberg, Per Axel, 1905.
Erigeron vetensis sp. nov.
Densely cespitose-puvinate perennial ; stems 5-8 cm. high,
hirsute, few-leaved ; leaves linear or linear-oblanceolate, hirsute,
2-4 cm. long; heads solitary, about 7 mm, high ; bracts hnear,
acuminate, hirsute as w^ell as slightly glandular-puberulent ; rays
purple, 8-10 mm. long, over i mm. wide; achenes strigose;
pappus more or less double.
In dry places on high mountains of southern Colorado at an
altitude of 2400-3000 m. It is intermediate between E. radicatus
and E. glandulosus, resembling the former most in pubescence,
and the latter in habit.
Colorado: Mountains near Veta Pass, 1900, Rydberg & Vreeland
5427 (type); Veta Mountain and Ojo, 5421, 5422; West
Spanish Peak, 5424.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Gaillardia aristata;
Gaillardia aristata Pursh “Blanketflower”
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
- Schreber, Johann Christian Daniel van, 1791.
Pursh (1814, v. 2, p. 573) ...
Original Text
| Comments
656. GALARDIA. Gen. pl. 1323.
| FromPursh's Index Auctorum:
“Gen. pl. — Car. a Linne, Genera Plantarum, Ed. 8vo. curante J. C. D. Schreber.
Vol. 2. Francof. 1789. 1791. 8vo.”
3. G. hirsutissima, scabra ; caule ramoso, foliis lineari-lanceolatis
sessilibus, paleis pappi (5—7) ovato-lanceolatis
longissime aristatis.
On dry hills on the Rocky-mountains. M. Lewis. ♂.
v. s. in Herb. Lewis.
Flowers orange-coloured.
Planta hirsutissima.
Caulis erectus, teres, ramosus.
Rami uniflori.
Folia caulina alterna, longe-lineari-lanceolata, sessilia, scabra, hirsutissima.
Calyx sub-imbricatus, polyphyllus : foliolis lineari-oblongis,
acutissimis, disco duplo longioribus, margine coloratis.
Corollulae : Radii circiter 12. obcuneatae, 3-fidae :
laciniis oblongis, subaequalibus, obtusiusculis;
Disci tubulosae, 5-fidae : laciniis extus purpurascentibus hirsutissimis.
Receptaculum in ambitu subpaleaceum, centro setosum.
Pappus : paleis 5—7. scariosis, ovatis, longissime-setaceo-aristatis.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Galinsoga parviflora;
Galinsoga parviflora Cav. “Gallant Soldier”
Literature Cited:
- Cavanilles, Antonio Jose, 1797.
Cavanilles (1791, v. 3, p. 41),
Original Text
| Comments
308. GALINSOGA caule herbáceo: foliis oppositis, ovato-lanceolatis, subserratis: pedunculis
elongatis uni, bifloris.
(a) Le réceptacle (loquitur de Amello tenuifolio)
est chargé de paillettes , ainsi que chaque semenee ,
dont l'aigrette n'est pas formée par des
poils: ce caractère indique un rapport marqué entre
les deux premières espèces de ce genre, et les Verbesines.
Verbesina biflora. Hort. Reg. Parisiens.
Caulis herbaceus, glaber, bipedalis, ramis oppositis, iterum ramosis.
Folia opposita, ovato-lanceolata, subserrata, trinervia, glabra, nervis exceptis: petioli breves, subconnati.
Flores axillares et terminales, pedunculis elongatis uni aut bifloris.
Calix glaber, hemisphaericus, imbricatus squamulis ovatis dupli serie: harum quinque exteriores carinatae, apice scariosae; interiores vero planiusculae coloratae.
Radii fere semper quinque, aliquando septem, quorum corolla brevis alba:
hermaphroditorum corolla lutea, quemadmodum anthera et stigmata.
Receptaculi paleae apice bi-trifidae, nonnumquam integrae; papi vero brevissimae, sublineares, ciliatae.
Habitat in Peruvia. O Floret Septembri.
Explìc. tab. a Flos integer. b Calix. c Radius auctus. d Flosculus disci auctus.
e Semen. f Idem auctum. g Papi palea. h Receptaculi paleae.
Obs. Hanc plantam vidi in Regio horto Parisiensi anno 1785 nomine Verbesinae biflorae,
ibi enata ex seminibus e Peruvia missis a D. Dombeyo : in patriam redux vidi eam
iterum in Regio horto Matritense, cuius nomen tandem mutatum fuit in debitum Galinsogae.
Obs. I saw it in the Royal Garden of Paris, in the year 1785 given the name of Verbesina biflorae,
arisen from the seeds of Peru, which were sent by D. Dombeyo from there.
I also saw it in my own country in the Royal Garden of Madrid, under a changed name,
that of Galinsoga.
Grindelia Willd.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Grindelia squarrosa;
Notes on Grindelia, Willdenow, 1807;
Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal “Curlycup Gumweed”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Grindelia squarrosa;
First published in Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 1: 259 (1807)
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814, v. 2, p. 559) ...
Original Text
| Comments
637. DONIA. Ait. kew. ed. 2. t. 4. p. 82.
1. D. herbacea ; foliis oblongis amplexicaulibus serratis, squarrosa .
calycinis squamis apice filiformibus revoluto-squarrosis.
| squarrosa.
In open prairies, on the banks of the Missouri.
M. Lewis.
Aug. Sept. v. s. in Herb. Lewis. ; v. v. cult.
Flowers yellow, resembling those of Inula.
The whole plant is viscous, and has a strong
resiniferous or balsamic scent.
Caulis erectus, teres, albidus, corymboso-ramosus.
Rami alterni, angulati, apice uni- aut triflori.
Folia alterna, basi dilatata, amplexicauiia, oblonga,
acuta aut obtusa, serrata, glabra,
utrinque squamulis punctiformibus resiniferis obsita.
Flores 1 — 3. in summitate ramulorum, corymbosi, flavi,
ante explicationem copiose resiniferi.
Calyx hemisphaericus, arcte imbricatus :
Squamis apice filiformibus, revolutis et quasi
caput Medusae referentibus.
Flosculi radii lineari-lanceolatae, acutae.
Semina oblongo-obovata.
Pappus: aristis 2 — 4. deciduis.
Receptaculum planum, nudum, favulosum.
It approaches near to Aster glutinosus Cav. ic. 2. p. 53. t. 168.
which is the Donia glutinosa Ait. kew. ed. 2. t. 4. p. 82.
which I distinguish by the following diagnosis :
Donia glutinosa : frutescens ; foliis oblongo-obcuneatis sessilibus serratis,
calycinis squamis linearibus erectis.
Literature Cited:
- Dunal, Felix, 1819.
Dunal (1819, t. 2, p. 50) …
Original Text
2. Grindelia squarrosa.
G. caule herbaceo , foliis oblongis amplexicaulibus serratis, involucri squamis apice filiformibus revoluto-squarrosis.
Donia squarrosa. Pursh. fl. bor. am. 2. p. 559*.
Sims. bot . mag. t. 1706.
Desfont. Tab. ed. 2. p. 269.
Hab. in pratis apricis secùs rivos fluminis Missouri. ( Pursh. ) ♃
Fl. aug. sept.
Caulis erectus teres albidus corymboso-ramosus.
Rami altérai an gulati apice 1-3 flori ex Pursh; omnes 1-flori in speciminibus mihi obviis.
Folia alterna sessilia basi dilatata amplexicaulia oblonga acuta
(interdum obtusa ex Pursh.), serrata , glabra , utrinque squamulis punctiformibus glutiniferis obsita.
Authodia flava ante explicationem copiosè glutinifera erecta corymbosim disposita G. glutinosæ magnitudine.
Involucrum hemisphæricum, squamis basi arctè imbricatis, apice
filiformibus patulis révolutisve et ideo capitulum squarrosum constituentibus.
Flosculi Iigulati patentes oblongo-lineares acuti integri.
Semina oblongo-obovata , aristis 2-4 deciduis coronata.
Receptaculum planum nudum favulosum.
Etiamsi herbacea propiùs ad G. glutinosam quam ad alias accedit species.
| |
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Grindelia subalpina;
Grindelia subalpina Greene “Subalpine Gumweed”
Literature Cited:
- Greene, Edward L., 1898.
Greene (1898, v. 3, n. 18, p. 297) in Sect. 6. Miscellaneous New Species
describes G. subalpina.
Original Text
Grindelia subalpina. Low perennial, the stoutish
corymbose-panicled stems seldom a foot high, only sparingly
leafy except at base; lowest leaves oblanceolate, petiolate,
acute, coarsely and remotely incised, usually scabrous-
puberulent; the few cauline obloug-spatulate, rather remotely
and sharply serrate, glabrous: depressed globose
heads rather large ; bracts of the involucre numerous, with
filiform squarrose-spreading tips, the whole very glutinous:
rays numerous, narrow: bristles of the pappus 2 to 4,
slender, barbellulate.
High plains of southern Wyoming, and at subalpine elevations
on the mountains of northern Colorado. Hitherto
confused with G. squarrosa, which is wholly of the plains,
strictly biennial, branching and very leafy, perfectly glabrous,
and with stouter smooth pappus-bristles.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Gutierrezia sarothrae;
Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britton & Rusby “Broom Snakeweed”
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Habitat of Coll. No. 1289, Gutierrezia sarothrae
Pursh (1814, v. 2, p. 540) described Solidago Sarothrae from a Lewis and Clark collection.
Original Text
| Comments
32. S. caule angulato scabro inferne nudo, superne corymboso,
ramis summitate paucifloris, foliis linearibus
stricte-appressis obsolete 3-nervibus utrinque scabris,
axillis nudis, ligulis disco duplo longioribus.
On the plains of the Missouri.
M. Lewis.
♃ Sept.
v. s . in Herb. Lewis.
About a span high; resembling
Hypericum Sarothra in general habit very much.
This and the two preceding have a great affinity to one another ;
but I consider them good and permanent species,
as there are no intermediate varieties, which
might lead to the suspicion that all belong to one genuine species.
The two preceding were Solidago lanceolata and Solidago tenuifolia,
which are now treated as synonyms of Euthamnia graminifolia (L.) Nutt.
and Euthamia caroliniana (L.) Greene ex Porter & Britton, respectively.
Literature Cited:
- Lagasca y Segura, Mariano, 1816.
Coll. No. 1289, Gutierrezia sarothrae
Lagasca (1816, p. 30) published Gutierrezia as a place to put something that had no place.
Original Text
| Comments
Ord. nat. Corymbiferae. Juss.
Juxta Collumeliam Willdenowì.
Char. gener. differ.
Anthodium imbricatum , squamis apice reflexis :
Corolla radiata.
Receptaculum favosum, dentato-paleaceum.
Pappus polyphyllus, paleaceus.
372. GUTIÉRREZ. linearifolia : foliis linearibus integerrimis sparsis:
floribus corymbosis.
Planta suffruticosa, glabra, resinosa.
Folia linearía, acuta, integerrima, vix lineam lata ,
pollicaria et amplius, superiora breviorà,
Corymbus pauciflorús,terminalis.
Anthodium oblongum, 8-florum.
Radius triflorus ligulatus.
Hab. in N. H. ♃
“Hab. in N. H.” — Habitat in Nova Hispania, i.e., Mexico.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Nuttall (1818, v. 2, p. 163) published a new genus Brachyris and the specific name B. Euthamiae placing Pursh's (1814) in synonomy.
As it turns out, though, Lagasca's genus name Gutierrezia and Pursh's specific name sarothrae will have priority.
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1838-1843.
Torrey & Gray (1838-1843, v. 2, p. 193) recognized that our plant belonged in Gutierrezia.
However, they adopted Nuttall's (1818) specific name Euthamiae
when Pursh's (1814) Sarothrae had prioirty.
Literature Cited:
- Britton, Nathaniel Lord, and H. H. Rusby, 1887.
Britton & Rusby (1887, p. 10) placed our plant in Gutierrezia and applied Pursh's (1814) specific name sarothrae.
Original Text
| Comments
55. Gutierrezia Sarothrae (Pursh.).
(Solidago Sarothrae, Pursh. Flor. Amer. Sept., ii., 540, 1814 :
Bachyris Euthamniae, Nutt., Genera, ii. 163, 1818 :
G. Euthamiae, T. & G.)
Literature Cited:
- Lane, Meredith A., 1982.
As it happens, Lane (1982) designated a neotype for
Gutierrezia linearifolia:
1 mi. S Las Juntas (Sierra Juarez), Moran #16563, 6 Sep 1969
(Neotype: LL; isotype: SD).
Lane also placed G. linearifolia Lag. in
synonomy under G. sarothrae (Pursh) Britton & Rusby (Lane, 1980).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Helianthus annuus;
Helianthus annuus L. “Common Sunflower”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 2, p. 904) ...
Original Text
1. HELIANTHUS foliis omnibus cordatis : nervis pone bafin unitis : extrorsum denudatis.
Helianthus radice annua. Vir. cliff. 88. Hort. cliff. 419. Hort. upf. 268. Roy. lugdb. 180.
Helenium indicum maximum. Bauh. pin. 276.
Herba maxima. Dod. pempt. 264.
Chryfis. Reneal. fpec. 84. t. 83.
Habitat in Peru, Mexico. (.)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Helianthus nuttallii;
Helianthus nuttallii Torr. & A. Gray “Nuttall's Sunflower”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1838-1843.
Torrey & Gray (1842, v. 2, pp. 324-5) published H. nuttallii though apparently Nuttall, himself, had placed the name H. californicus on
specimens in the herbarium of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in Philadelphia.
Thomas Nuttall collected the type on the “plains of the Lewis River” – the Columbia River – and
intended to give it the name of Helianthus californicus.
However, the name was unavailable having been previously used by DeCandolle (1836) for a collection in California by David Douglas.
Torrey & Gray (1842) applied the name H. nuttallii giving credit to Nuttall for the collection.
An image of the type may be available at JSTOR (
However, it is securely locked away behind a paywall.
Nuttall (1840-1841) does not mention this in his description of Compositae from his 1834-5 expedition across the continent.
Original Text
* * * * *
Perennial : heads middle-sized : rays 8-24 : involucre irregularly imbricated ;
the scales loose, or with squarrose-spreading often foliaceous summits,
as long as the yellow disk (achenia glabrous).
Leaves commonly alternate or scattered,
the lower often opposite, feather-verined,
sometimes obscurely triplinerved.
16. H. Nuttallii :
stem smooth ; leaves alternate, the lower opposite,
narrowly lanceolate-linear, acute, mostly entire, scarcely petioled,
both sides scabrous ;
scales of the involucre lanceolate-subulate, hirsute-ciliate towards the base;
pappus of 2 linear-lanceolate chaffy awns or scales.
H. californicus, Nutt. ! in herb. acad. Philad. &c., not of DC.
Plains of Lewis River, Nuttall ! —
Stem apparently strict and simple.
Leaves 4-6 inches long, 3-5 lines wide, feather veined,
obscurely triplinerved near the base, somewhat cinereous beneath ;
the lower remotely and slightly serrate.
Heads nearly as large as in H. giganteus.
Involucre clothed with whitish hairs, or often smoothish.
The disk-corolla is 5-nerved,
of with intermediate nerves corresponding with the axis of 2 only of the laciniae,
but not reaching the apex.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Helianthus pauciflorus ssp. subrhomboideus;
Helianthus pauciflorus ssp. subrhomboideus (Rydb.) O. Spring & E. Schilling “Stiff Sunflower”
The synonyms (POWO, 2022) of H. pauciflorus Nutt. ssp. pauciflorus,
which does not occur in Colorado, in order of date published, are:
- Helianthus atrorubens Michx. In Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 140 (1803), nom. illeg. Described by Michaux as native to Pennsylvania to Carolina, whereas to day the range along the eastern seaboard is limited to Virginia.
- Helianthus diffusus Sims in Bot. Mag. 45: t. 2020 (1818)
- Helianthus pedunculatus Link in Enum. Hort. Berol. Alt. 2: 352 (1822)
- Helianthus rigidus Desf. In Tabl. École Bot., ed. 3: 184 (1829)
- Helianthus asper Bosse in Vollst. Handb. Bl.-Gärtn. 2: 564 (1829)
- Helianthus crassifolius Nutt. In Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., ser. 2, 7: 367 (1841)
- Helianthus missouriensis Schwein. Ex Nutt. In Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., ser. 2, 7: 368 (1841)
Synonyms (POWO, 2022) of H. pauciflorus Nutt. Ssp. subrhomboideus (Rydb.) O. Spring & E. Schilling,
which does occur in Colorado, again in order of pub;ication date, are:
- Helianthus subrhomboideus Rydb. In Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 419 (1900)
- Helianthus × scaberrimus var. subrhomboideus (Rydb.) Farw. In Amer. Midl. Naturalist 8: 278 (1923)
- Helianthus × laetiflorus var. subrhomboideus (Rydb.) Fernald in Rhodora 48: 79 (1946)
- Helianthus rigidus subsp. subrhomboideus (Rydb.) Heiser in Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 22(3): 136 (1969)
- Helianthus rigidus var. subrhomboideus (Rydb.) Cronquist in Fl. Pacif. Northw.: 528 (1973)
- Helianthus pauciflorus var. subrhomboideus (Rydb.) Cronquist in Man. Vasc. Pl. North E. U.S. Canad., ed. 2: 864 (1991)
- Helianthus rigidus var. subrhomboideus (Rydb.) B.L.Turner in Sida, Bot. Misc. 24: 6 (2003)
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
On his 1811 trip up the Missouri River, Thomas Nuttall collected a sunflower that has become our Helianthus pauciflorus.
The location is given as Lower Louisiana.
Since the current range of our plant is Missouri and northward,
one would assume the collection was not made south of Missouri.
He apparently brought seeds of this plant back to England.
I have seen references to plants growing in Lambert's garden, the Chelsea garden, and the royal garden of Paris.
These garden-grown plants can be found in the text below and would gave rise to multiple names for Nuttall's plant.
I have not seen any reference to collected plant material, either in US herbaria, or the British Museum.
Nuttall (1818, v. 2, p. 177) published this plant on April 3, 1818, as Helianthus pauciflorus.
The actual date of publication is important because there were two more names published later in 1818; those by Cassini (1818) and Sims (1818)
589. HELIANTHUS. L. (Sunflower.)
Calix imbricated, subsquarrose, foliaceous.
Receptacle paleaceous, flat.
Pappus paleaceous, 2-leaved, caducous.
9. * pauciflorus.
Leaves opposite, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, serrate, nearly smooth;
stem naked, trichotomous, few-flowered;
calix closely imnricated; leaflets ovate.
In Lower Louisiana.
Leaves sometimes ternately verticillate, very long, paler beneath and somewhat pubescent;
ray and disk nearly the same colour.
4 or 5 feet high.
Literature Cited:
- Cassini, Alexandre Henri Gabriel, 1818.
- Kartesz, John T., and Kancheepuram N. Gandhi, 1990a.
Cassini (1818) published the same plant grown from seeds in the Jardin du Roi of Paris.
This name was published in September, 1818, per Kartesz & Gandhi (1990), below.
Harpalium rigidum, H. Cass.
Tige herbacée, haute d'environ cinq
pieds, dressée, rameuse, cyliudrique, garnie de poils roides. Feuilles
opposées, presque sessiles, lancéolées, pas sensiblement dentées, d'une
substance ferme et roide, d'un vert glauque ou cendré, munies sur
les deux faces de poils courts et roides. Calalhides grandes, solitaires
au sommet des rameaux nus et pédonculiformes ; fleurs jaunes. (Cultivé
au Jardin du Roi.)
Harpalium rigidum, H. Cass.
Stem herbaceous, about five high
feet, erect, branched, cylindrical, furnished with stiff hairs. Leaves
opposite, almost sessile, lanceolate, not noticeably toothed, of a
firm and stiff substance, of a glaucous or ashen green, provided on
both sides of short, straight hair. Calalhids large, solitary
at the top of bare and stalked branches; yellow flowers. (Cultivated
in the King's Garden.)
Literature Cited:
- Kartesz, John T., and Kancheepuram N. Gandhi, 1990a.
- Sims, John, M.D., 1821.
Sims (1818) Plate 2020 of Helianthus diffusus.
Meanwhile Sims (1818) Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Plate 2020 and following discussion, published a third name for our plant using an image from Lambert's garden and a description from the Botanic Garden at Chelsea.
This name was published in October, 1818, per Kartesz & Gandhi (1990), below.
Helianthus diffusus. Missouri Sun-Flower.
Class and Order.
Syngenesia Polygamia Frustranea.
Generic Character.
Recept. paleaceum, planum. Pappus diphyllus.
Cal. imbricatus, subsquarrosus.
Specific Character.
Helianthus diffusus ; caule hispido divaricato, foliis ovatis
rigidis scabris serrulatis alternis oppositisque, pedunculis
longissimis unifloris.
Descr. Stem angular, purple, hispid :
branches distant,
rambling, bearing one terminal flower on a very long peduncle.
The whole plant is clothed with stiff, stinging hairs,
scarcely exceeds two feet in height, but spreads wide.
Leaves both opposite and alternate, oblong-ovate, rigid, very rough.
Calyx imbricated, scales ovate, in four series, smooth, with villous edges.
Flowers large : rays about twenty, oblong-ovate,
plicate, three-toothed, of a very full yellow colour.
Floscules of the disk yellow: tube filiform pedicle-like :
border cylindrical.
Anthers dark purple.
Stigmas revolute, golden yellow.
Chaff of the receptacle linear-lanceolate, concave, green.
Germens three-cornered, crowned with a two-leaved, awl-shaped pappus.
From its rambling manner of growth, this plant does not
appear very sightly in the garden ; but is one of the most
desirable flowers imaginable for ornamenting rooms, as it
lives long in water, and from its spreading branches, the
flowers dispose well, and make a very brilliant appearance.
A hardy perennial. Blooms in August and September.
Our drawing was made from a specimen communicated by
Aylmer Bourke Lambert, Esq. three years ago, out of his
collection at Boyton, where it was raised from seeds collected
on the borders of the Missouri, by Mr. Nuttall ; but our
description was taken at the Botanic Garden at Chelsea in
August last.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1834b.
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
Nuttall's expedition to Arkansas spanned 1818 to 1820, though he was in that state mostly in 1819.
There is a voucher in the British Museum (BM001025610) that appears to be from Nuttall's trip to Arkansas.
It is currently filed as Helianthus rigidus (Cass.) Desf. subsp. rigidus (Cass.) Desf.
Nuttall (1834b) does not mention any Asteraceae in his "Collections towards a flora of the territory of Arkansas."
He will though in Nuttall (1841) "Descriptions of new Species and Genera of Plants. "
Literature Cited:
- Cuvier, Frederic, 1821.
Cuvier (1821, v. 20, p. 300) in his dictionary of natural sciences repeats Cassini's (1818) diagnosis and name,
while noting that Rene Dessfontaine (at the Jardin du Roi) thinks Sim's (1818) H. diffusus may be the same plant.
Harpalion roide ; Harpalium rigidum, H. Cass., Bull. Des Sc.,
septembre 1818. La tige est herbacee, haute d'environ cinq
pieds, dressee, rameuse, cyiindrique, garnie de poils roides.
Les feuilles sont opposees, presque sessiles, lanceolees, pas
sensiblement dentees, d'une substance ferme et roide, d'un
vert glauque ou cendre, rnunies sur les deux faces de poils
courts et roides.Les calathides sont grandes, solitaires au
sommet des rameaux nus et pedonculiformes; les fleurs sont jaunes.
Cette plante est cultivee au Jardin du Roi , ou nous avons observe,
sur des individus vivans , les caracteres generiques et
specifiques que nous venons de decrire. M. Desfontaines pense
que c'est l'helianthus diffusus, plante vivace, de l'Amerique
septentrionale, decrite dans le Botanical Magazine. (H.Cass.)
Stiff Harpalion; Harpalium rigidum, H. Cass., Bull. Of Scs,
September 1818. The stem is herbaceous, about five
feet, erect, branched, cylindrical, furnished with stiff hairs.
The leaves are opposite, almost sessile, lanceolate, not
noticeably toothed, of a firm and stiff substance, of a
glaucous green or ash, with hairs on both sides
short and stiff.
Calathids are large, solitary in
tips of bare and stalked branches; the flowers are yellow.
This plant is grown in the Jardin du Roi, where we observed,
on living individuals, the generic characters and
specific that we have just described. Mr. Desfontaines thinks
that it is the Helianthus diffusus, perennial plant, from northern America,
described in the Botanical Magazine. (H.Cass.)
“H. Cass.” = Count Alexandre Henri Gabriel de Cassini (9 May 1781 – 23 April 1832) was a French botanist and naturalist, who specialised in the sunflower family (Asteraceae) (then known as family Compositae).
Literature Cited:
- Desfontaines, Rene Louiche, 1829, 3rd edition.
Desfontaines (1829) in his 3rd edition of the catalog,
in English, “Catalog of the Plants of the Royal Garden of Paris with annotations on new or less known plants”
published Helianthus rigidus, placing H. diffusus and Harpalium rigidum in synonomy.
rigidus Am. S. ♃
diffusus? Bot Mag.
Harpalium rigidum. H. Cas. Dict. V. 20 p. 3000.
Desfontaines make no mention of Nuttall's Gen. Am. or his H. pauciflorus.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
Nuttall's (1841) "Descriptions of new species and genera of plants in the natural order of the Compositae" was mostly about his 1834 travels across the continent, though he also published plants from the Arkansas trip and some of those collected by William Gambel.
He also published Helianthus crassifolius, now treated as a synonym of Helianthus pauciflorus ssp. pauciflorus.
Helianthus * crassifolius; ♃, stem simple, herbaceous, subscabrous; leaves nearly
all opposite, lanceolate, acuminate at either end, serrate, above smooth, beneath
very scabrous, and, as it were, shagreened; stem naked, one to three-flowered,
with a few small, linear leaves; involucrum closely imbricated, the scales ovate,
slenderly and finely ciliate; achenium subquadrangular, with sometimes four
scales, the two central ones smaller.
Hab. Plains of Arkansa. About two feet high, the lower part of the stem very leafy, above
nearly naked from the sudden diminution in the size of the leaves, the plant here and there scattered
with drops of resin. Leaves half a foot long, or more, about an inch wide, very thiick and
coriaceous. Rays about twenty, bidentate. Achenium pubescent above; with small scales from
the inner angles; discal florets as usual, enlarged and pubescent towards the base.
Allied to H. pauciflorus.
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1841.
Torrey & Gray (1841, v. 2, p. 323-331) Flora of North America accepts H. rigidus Desf.
and treats H. pauciflorus Nutt. as an obscure or little-known species.
I would speculate this was the result of no actual plant material being available in America.
11. H. rigidus (Desf.) : stem simple or sparingly branched, rough; cauline
leaves opposite, very thick and rigid, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate,
acute or acuminate at each end, subsessile, obscurely serrate or entire, somewhat
triplinerved, extremely hispid-scabrous on both sides ; the uppermost
sometimes alternate; the radical oval, obtuse, strongly triplinerved, petioled ;
scales of the involucre ovate, mostly obtuse, finely ciliate, numerous, closely
imbricated; chaff of the receptacle obtuse; achenia somewhat hairy; pappus
of 2 concave lanceolate scales, rather than awns, and frequently with
one or several intermediate small scales.
Desf. Cat. Hort. Par. Ed. 3. p. 184.
H. atrorubens, Michx.! Herb, in part;
Hort. Berol. ! 1839 ;
Bot. mag. T. 2668 ;
Hook. ! Compan. To bot. mag. 1. p. 98 (var. foliis acutioribus).
H. scaberrimus. Ell. ! Sk. 2. p. 423 ;
DC. I. c. p. 588.
H. crassifolius, Nutt. ! In trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. I. c.
Harpalium rigidum, Cass, in dict. Sci. nat. 20. p. 300 ;
DC. ! Prodr. 5. p. 583.
branches or peduncles simple, elongated; scales of the involucre
ovate-lanceolate or ovate, more acute.
H. diffusus, Sims, bot. mag. T. 2020 (poor.)
H. Missuricus, "Spreng. Pug. P. 21 ;"
Link. Enum. 2. p. 352.?'
H. Missouriensis, Schwein. ! Herb. ;
Nutt. ! In trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. I. c.
H. atrorubens, Bot. reg. t. 508 ;
Hook. ! Fl. Bor.-Am. 1. p. 312 ;
DC. Prodr. I. c. ex char. ; not of Linn.
Plains and prairies, western part of Georgia, Elliott !
Illinois, Mr. Buckley ! And St. Louis, Drummond! To the Upper Missouri, Nuttall!
Mr. Nicollet! Arkansas, Nuttall! Louisiana, Dr. Leavenworth! And Texas,
β Missouri, Nuttall! (spec, cult.) and Saskatchawan, Drummond!
Plant stout, 1-3 feet high, rather naked above ; the
rigid stem hispid with short papillose hairs, often smoothish above : the
coriaceous thick leaves (cauline 3-5 inches long, an inch or less wide) very
rough with short bristles arising from papillas, which give the surface a
cinereous hue, and often a whitish blistered appearance.
Heads few, but showy ;
the disk about an inch in diameter; the 20-24 rays an inch long. Scales of
the involucre regularly and closely imbricated in 3-4 series. Receptacle
convex : the chaff entire, ciliate on the back towards the summit. Lobes of
the disk-corolla purple : style yellow. Achenia somewhat lenticular, hirsute
when young, but more smooth when mature, except the edges and summit.
The pappus is variable, even in different flowers from the same individual ;
consisting either of the two scale-like awns without intermediate squamellae,
or of 1-4 of the latter on each side, or with the squamaellae confluent
with the lateral scales, which become dilated and auriculate or lobed
at the base, &c. &c. ; whence we conclude that Harpalium, Cass. Is
founded upon insufficient and very inconstant characters.
The var. β differs but slightly,
and passes completely into the other forms of this well-marked species,
so that it hardly merits to be distinguished. In some of the
Texan specimens, and in those described by Nuttall as H. crassifolius, the
leaves are more attenuated to each end, more serrated, and the upper surface
comparatively smooth. — The stem sometimes exudes resin in small quantity.
‡ Obscure or little-known species.
32. H. paucifiorus (Nutt.) : leaves opposite, linear-lanceolate, acuminate,
serrate, nearly smooth ; stem naked, trichotomous, few-flowered ; scales of
the involucre closely imbricated, ovate. Nutt. Gen. 2. p. 177.
Lower Louisiana. — Plant 4-5 feet high. Leaves sometimes ternately
verticillate, very long, paler beneath and somewhat pubescent. Ray and
disk nearly the same color. Nutt. — This species is unknown to us ; we find
no specimen in the herbarium of the Academy of Natural Sciences.
Literature Cited:
- Porter, Thomas C., and John M. Coulter, 1874.
Porter & Coulter (1874, p. 71) accepted Helianthis rigidus Desf.
Helianthus rigidus, Desf.
Hall & Harbour ; Dr. Smith.
Cañon City, Brandegee.
Platte River, Coulter.
I don't see any vouchers in SEINet determined Helianthus pauciflorus or H. rigidus from Colorado
that pre-dates 1874 publication date.
Nor do I see any Hall & Harbour or Brandegee collections of either taxon.
These searches in SEINet would include the Gray Herbarium and New York Botanic Garden by default.
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1884.
Gray (1884, v. 1, pt. 2, p. 274-175) accepts H. rigidus Desf. as
H. pauciflorus Nutt. slips farther into obscurity.
Ҥ 2. Perennials : receptacle convex, or in some at length low-conical :
lower leaves aalmost opposite. ”
“ *** Stem and (mostly opposite and triplinerves) leaves more or less hispid,
hirsute, or scabrous ... :
chaff of receptacle enture or some 3-toothed at the apex, pointless :
rays numerous and conspicuous”
“ ** Disk of the head dark purple”
H. rigidus, Desf. A foot or two (rarely 6 to 8 feet) high, rigid, sparingly branched : leaves
very firm-coriaceous and thick, both sides hispidulous-scabrous, shagreen-like, entire or
serrate, lightly triplinerved but indistinctly and sparingly veined ; lower oblong and ovate-
lanceolate, attenuate at base into short winged petioles ; upper mostly lanceolate : heads
comparatively large, showy (disk three-fourths inch high) : involucre pluriserially imbricated ;
its bracts mainly ovate, obtuse or acutish, rigid, appressed, densely and minutely ciliate:
rays numerous, generally inch and a half long : akenes oblong-obovate, 3 lines long :
pappus of two large ovate-lanceolate paleae, and sometimes two or four rather stout
intermediate paleae ! more commonly none.
Cat. Hort. Par. ed. 3, 184;
Torr. & Gray, Fl. ii. 322.
H. atrorubens, Michx. l. c, in part ;
Bot. Reg. t. 508 ;
Bot. Mag. t. 2668 ;
DC. Prodr. v. 586.
H. diffusus, Sims, Bot. Mag. t. 2020.
H. Missuricus, Spreng. Syst. iii. 618, name in place of diffusus.
H. scaberrimus, Ell. Sk. ii. 423.
H. Missouriensis (Schweinitz)
& H. crassifolius, Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. l. c.
Harpalium rigidum, Cass. Dict. Sci. Nat. xx. 200 ;
DC. Prodr. v. 583, founded on the form with intermediate paleae to the pappus.
Plains and prairies, Saskatchewan and Michigan to W. Georgia, Texas, and eastern part of Colorado.
Sometimes the disk-corollas are at first yellow !
Literature Cited:
- Coulter, John Merle, 1885.
Coulter (1885, p. 186) also accepted Helianthis rigidus Desf. but gave no sources.
4. H. rigidus, Desf. A foot or two (rarely 6 to 8 feet) high, rigid,
sparingly branched : leaves very firm-coriaceous and thick, both sides
hispidulous-scabrous, shagreen-like, entire or serrate ; lower oblong and ovate-lanceolate,
attenuate at base into short winged petioles ; upper mostly lanceolate : heads
comparatively large, showy; disk ¾inch high, dark purple or brownish:
involucre pluriserially imbricated ; its bracts mainly ovate, obtuse or acutish, rigid,
appressed, densely and minutely ciliate. Plains and prairies from Michigan
to Texas and west to E. Colorado.
Literature Cited:
- Rydberg, Per Axel, 1900a.
Rydberg (1900, p. 419) in his Catalogue of the Flora of Montana and Yellowstone National Park publishes H. subrhomboideus Rydb.
* Helianthus subrhomboideus.
Perennial ; stem 3-6 dm. high, terete, striate, tinged with red,
sparingly hirsute, simple ; leaves opposite, firm, very scabrous, triple-veined,
generally not strongly serrate, the basal broadly ovate
or obovate-spatulate ; stem-leaves rhomboid-ovate or rhomboid-lanceolate,
short-petioled, 5-10 cm. long, the uppermost diminutive, lanceolate ;
heads mostly solitary, sometimes 2 or 3, 1-1.2 cm. high and
1.5-2 cm. in diameter; bracts in 4—5 rows, oblong, acutish, densely
white-ciliate on the margins ; disk dark brown or purplish ; rays
about 1.5 cm. long.
Nearest related to H. scaberrimus, but differs in the broader and
shorter leaves, the less acute bracts, the smaller heads, and generally
longer peduncles. It grows on prairies, up to an altitude of about
1000 m.
Montana: Sand Coulee, 1885, R. S. Williams, 249;
Columbia Falls, Mrs. Kennedy, 6 ;
Judith Mts., 1882, R. W. Springer, XXXV.
Nebraska: Keya Paha River, 1893, Clements, 2866 ;
Long Pine, 1890, G. D. Sweezey, 70;
Whitman, 1893, Rydberg, 1627 (type).
Dakota: Mouth of Big Sioux River, 1853, Hayden Survey;
Upper Missouri, Nicollet;
Custer, 1892, Rydberg, 805.
Assiniboia: Cypress Hills, 1880, John Macoum ;
Souris Plains, 1883, J. M. Macoiun.
Saskatchewan: 1857-8, E. Bourgeau.
Literature Cited:
- Rydberg, Per Axel, 1906.
Rydberg (1906, p. 373) accepted H. subrhomboideus replacing H. rigidus in part.
I don’t think ne intended to say that A. Gray was the author of H. rigidus.
Instead I think he meant that some of the plants that A. Gray would describe as H. rigidus should be segregated into H. subrhomboideus.
5. Helianthus subrhomboideus Rydb. (H. rigidus A. Gray, in part) On
plains from Man., Sask. And Mont. To Colo. And Neb. — Alt. 4000-8000 ft. —
La Pagosa ; mountains, Larimer Co. ; near Pagosa Peak ; Cheyenne Mountain;
Bosworth's ranch, Stove Prairie; Boulder; canon west of Palmer Lake;
Horsetooth Mountain.
Literature Cited:
- Coulter, John M., and Aven Nelson, 1909.
Coulter & Nelson (1909, p. 548) accept H. scaberrimus Ell., placing H. rigidus Desf.
and H. subrhomboideus Rydb. In synonomy.
4. Helianthus scaberrimus Ell. Bot. S. C. & Ga. 2: 423. 1824. Stem 3-12
dm. high, rigid, sparingly branched: leaves very firm-coriaceous and thick,
both sides hispidulous-scabrous, shagreen-like, entire or serrate; the lower ovate
and ovate-lanceolate, attenuate at base into short- winged petioles; the upper
mostly lanceolate: heads comparatively large, showy: disk 15-18 mm. high,
dark purple or brownish ; involucre pluriserially imbricated ; the bracts mainly
ovate, obtuse or acutish, rigid, appressed, densely and minutely ciliate.
H. rigidus. (H. subrhomboideus Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 419. 1900.)
Plains and prairies; Montana to Colorado and Georgia.
Literature Cited:
- Kartesz, John T., and Kancheepuram N. Gandhi, 1990a.
Kartesz & Ganghi (1990) accept Helianthus pauciflorus Nutt.
Helianthus rigidus (Cass.) Desf. (Cat. Pl., ed. 3, 184. 1829) was based
on Harpalium rigidum Cass. (Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris 141. Sep 1818).
For Helianthus rigidus ssp. rigidus, Heiser (Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 22[3]:131-138. 1969)
cited several synonyms,
including Helianthus diffusus Sims (Bot. Mag. 45:2020. Oct 1818)
and Helianthus paucifiorus Nutt. (Gen. 2:177. 3 Apr 1818).
Cleariy, Helianthus paucifiorus has priority over Harpalium ngidum and
Helianthus diffusus; hence, the latter two cannot serve as basionyms. For the
North American flora, we accept Helianthus paucifiorus Nutt. As the correct
Kartesz & Gandhi (1990b) accept Helianthus pauciflorus Nutt. ssp. subrhomboideus
(Rydb.) Spring & Schilling.
The new combination Helianthus pauciflorus Nutt. ssp. subrhomboideus
(Rydb.) Spring & E. Schilling (Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 18(1):22. Mar 1990)
predates H. pauciflorus ssp. subrhomboideus (Rydb.) Kartesz & Gandhi
(Phytologia 68(6):423. Jun 1990) and renders the latter to be superfluous. The
March issue of Biochemical Systematics & Ecology was received in May 1990
at UNC-Botany Library, and by this time, our article in Phytologia was
already in press. Nevertheless, we regret the oversight and correct the subspecies
authorship to: (Rydb.) Spring & E. Schilling.
Literature Cited:
- Spring, Otmas, and Edward E. Schilling, 1990.
Spring & Schiling (1990) ...
H. pauciflorus ssp. subrhomboideus.
The following nomenclatural change is necessitated by the decision [6] that H. rigidus
is not the correct epithet for this taxon:
Helianthus pauciflorus Nutt. ssp. subrhomboideus (Rydb.) Spring and E. Schilling, comb. nov.
Basionym: Helianthus subrhomboideus Rydb. (1900) Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1, 419.
Synonym: Helianthus rigidus ssp. subrhomboideus (Rydb.) Heiser (1969) Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 22, 136.
Oklahoma, Kay Co., Taylor 28348;
Indiana, Heiser 439 (IU); Iowa, Ames Co., Stolzfus 7259 (IU).
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Helianthus pumilus;
Nuttall, 1841, publication details;
Helianthus pumilus Nutt. “Little Sunflower”
Nuttall (1841, p. 366) described the Little Sunflower from plants he collected on plains of the Platte enroute to Oregon Territory.
Original Text
Helianthus * pumilus;
hirsutely pilose and scabrous;
leaves ovate-lanceolate, opposite, attenuated below,
subpetiolate, nearly entire, and three-nerved,
upper leaves lanceolate, alternate;
involucrum hoary, hispid;
sepals imbricated, lanceolate, acute,
as well as the receptacular paleae;
achenia smooth.
Rocky Mountains and plains of the Platte.
A low, perennial, simple stemmed species,
about a foot high,
leaves two to three inches long, about an inch wide.
Capituli about three to five (apparently) sessile.
Rays about sixteen, longer than the disk,
paleae somewhat obtuse,
hirsute at the summit,
scales of the achenium rather large and wide.
There are no online data records of the Nuttall collection of his Little Sunflower.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Heliomeris multiflora;
Heliomeris multiflora Nutt. “Showy Golden Eye”
The International Plant Names Index continues to use H. multiflorus, whereas nearly all other floras and checklists use the corrected Latin gender of H. multiflora.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1848b.
Nuttall (1848, p. 171) described the genus Heliomeris and the species H. multiflorus from a collection by William Gambel in Upper California.
Original Text
Capitulum many-flowered, heterogamous;
rays ligulate, in a single series, neuter;
discal florets tubular, hermaphrodite.
Involucrum irregularly imbricated and leafy,
in about two series, and rather spreading.
Receptacle conic, the palea embracing the florets,
lanceolate and acute.
Corolla, rays ligulate, (10-12,)
those of the disk tubular, the tube short, throat wide and cylindric,
border five-toothed.
Stigmata with obling tips.
Achenia laterally compressed,
somewhat tetragonous, smooth, and without any pappus.
A perennial tall herb, exactly resembling an Helianthus,
with narrow, entire, somewhat scabrous leaves, the lower ones opposite ;
flowers yellow, terminal, numerous.
H. *multiflorus.
A stoutish perennial, three or four feet high, much branched ;
stems terete and striated ;
leaves narrow, lanceolate, entire, nearly sessile,
above somewhat scabrous, opposite below, on the branchlets alternate ;
flowers terminal, numerous and showy, bright yellow,
with to to twelve rays,
sometimes with deeper discoloured blotches towards the base or lower half,
entire and oblong ;
leaflets of the calyx oblong-lanceolate, somewhat spreading,
in nearly a simple series ;
achenia black and smooth.
Scarcely distinguishable from Helianthus,
except by a short conic receptacle,
and naked seeds.
Mountains of Upper California, (Dr. Gambel,)
and was also collected in the Rocky Mountains by Mr. Gordon.
‡ In allusion to its close affinity to Helianthus.
Literature Cited:
- Harrington, H. D., 1964, 2nd ed..
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Heterotheca foliosa;
Coll. No. 1258, Heterotheca foliosa
Heterotheca foliosa (Nutt.) Shinners. “Hairy False Goldenaster”
 Inflorescence of Coll. No. 2177, Heterotheca foliosa |
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1841, publication details;
Nuttall (1840) described this from the Rocky Mountain plains,
near the banks of the Platte.
Original Text
| Comments
Chrysopsis * foliosa; ♃,
sericeously villous, and more or less canescent,
the margin and lower surface of the leaves scabrous;
flowers fastigiate, corymbose;
leaves entire, oblong or oblong-ovate, subamplexicaule, crowded,
acute, ciliate below;
scales of the involucrum linear, acute, villous;
achenium silky;
pappus scarcely scabrous, outer pappus slender, dimidiate.
In the Rocky Mountain plains, near the banks of the Platte.
Flowering in August.
About a foot high, sending up many hairy stems from the same root.
Nearly allied to C. villosa,
but far more pubescent and hoary, with the leaves widest at the base.
In some specimens quite hoary, the hairs feel as soft as silk,
but on removing this clothing,
the under surface is covered with numerous scabrous elevations.
A very showy species.
Heterotheca foliosa (Nutt.) Shinners was published in a journal called Field & Laboratory, contributions from the Science Departments of Southern Methodist University (Field & Lab. 19:71 (1951).)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Heterotheca villosa;
Heterotheca villosa (Pursh) Shinners “Hairy False Goldenaster”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1813.
Nuttall (1813) published Sideranthus integrifolius which is a nomen nudum.
Original Text
| Comments
80*Sideranthus integrifolius. ‡ M.
‡ = Perennial
M. = from the Missourie.
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814, v. 2, p. 564) ...
Original Text
650. AMELLUS. Gen. pi. 131 5.
1. A. villosissimus ; foliis sessilibus oblongis acuminatis
integerrimis, floribus axillaribus brevi-petiolatis, radiis
integris, paleis setaceis.
On the Missouri. ♃. v. s. Rays yellow.
Literature Cited:
- Shinners, Lloyd Herbert, 1951.
Publication of Heterotheca villosa by Shinners; not available online.
Hymenopappus filifolius Hook. “Fine Leaved Wooly White”
Literature Cited:
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson, 1829-1840.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Hymenopappus filifolius Hook. var. polycephalus;
Hooker (1833, 1(6), p. 317) published Hymenopappus filifolius
Original Text
2. H. filifolius ; lana alba decidua tomentosus, ramis paniculatis sparsis, foliis bipinnatifidis
segmentis filiformibus elongatis integerrimis, floribus solitariis, involucri foliolis sub-12
ellipticis pubescentibus capitulo subbrevioribus, corollae tubo snperne campanulato, pappo
brevissimo. — H. tenuifolius. Dougl. MSS. apud. Herb. Hort. Soc. Lond. (non Pursh.)
Hab. On the undulating arid grounds of the Columbia, near the Wallawallah, and on the hanks of the
Spokan and Flat-head Rivers.
18 inches to two feet high, the stem loosely panicled above. This is quite
different from the H. tenuifolius of Pursh, of Mhich I possess a specimen from Mr. Nuttall, gathered on the
Arkansa. That has a remarkably dense corymb of flowers, whereas here the branches form a lax terminal
panicle, each elongated extremity bearing a solitary flower. The pappus is extremely minute.
| |
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Hymenopappus filifolius Hook. var. polycephalus;
Notes on Hymenopappus filifolius, Hooker, 1833;
Hymenopappus filifolius Hook. var. polycephalus (Osterh.) B.L. Turner "Many-Headed Fine-Leaved Wooly-White"
Literature Cited:
- Osterhout, George E., 1918.
Osterhout (1918, p. 90) ...
Original Text
| Comments
By Geo. E. Osterhout
Hymenopappus polycephalus sp. nov.
Perennial from a tap-root; stems one to several, 4-6 dm. high,
tomentose, becoming glabrate, leafy at the base and less so to the
middle, the stem having 6-8 leaves; much alternately branched,
the branches beginning near the base; leaves 10-12 cm. long,
pinnately or bipinnately parted into very narrowly linear and
rather distant divisions, the upper smaller; inflorescence paniculate,
the heads long peduncled and single at the ends of the
branches; the bracts narrowly obovate, 5-6 mm. long, tomentose,
somewhat thickened in the middle, with a rather broad scarious
margin; flowers yellow, the throat of the corolla broadly campanulate,
scarcely 1.5 mm. long, the reflexed lobes about a third
as much, the tube of the corolla about as long as the throat,
glandular, the pappus about half the length of the tube; the
achenes narrowly obpyramidal 4 mm. long, long villous, but the
pappus not covered by their villosity.
Another perennial, yellow-flowered, Hymenopappus has been
described from Colorado, H. cinereus Rydb., but that is a smaller
plant, with fewer heads of flowers, and is less leafy. Dr. Rydberg's
description says: "Stem about 2 dm. high, branched, with
2-4 leaves." The close relationship of Hymenopappus polycephalus,
however, is not with H. cinereus but with H. tenuifolius Pursh.
It is as high and as leafy as H. tenuifolius, but the
flowers are yellow, not dull white, and it is a perennial, not a
biennial. The achenes are very similar to those of H. tenuifolius.
H. cinereus is a synonym of H. filifolius var. cinereus I.M.Johnst.
H. tenuifolius is an accepted name, for a mostly plains species, with just one collection in Jefferson County.
H. polycephalus is found on the foothills of the eastern side of
the mountains of northern Colorado at an altitude of 6,000 to
7,500 feet. It is plentiful in the open country about Livermore,
Larimer Co., Colo., and northward to Dale Creek, and on into
Wyoming, I think. It blossoms from the last of June to early
in September. I have collected it a number of times, and for a
time thought it belonged with H. tenuifolius. The type specimens
were collected in the vicinity of Livermore, Larimer Co.,
Colo., Aug. 10-11, 1917, No. 5680.
Windsor Colo.
Literature Cited:
- Turner, Billie L., 1956.
Turner (1956, p. 237) ...
Original Text
Osterhout proposed the specific name polycephalus in 1918,
but it was not taken up by other workers. He apparently was
very familiar with the plant in the field, and his numerous collections
preserved at the Rocky Mountain Herbarium, with
their annotated comments, indicate that he was dissatisfied
with placing it either under H. cinereus Rydb. or H. tenuifolius.
Nevertheless, Osterhout thought polycephalus was more closely
aligned with H. tenuifolius since, in describing the species, he
stated, “The close relationship of Hymenopappus polycephalus,
however, is not with H. cinereus but with H. tenuifolius Pursh.
It is as high and as leafy as H. tenuifolius, but the flowers are
yellow, not dull white, and it is a perennial, not a biennial.”
Johnson treated the entity as a questionable synonym of H.
cinereus stating, “Hymenoppapus polycephalus is a puzzling
form which suggests a perennial phase of H. tenuifolius.”
In the present treatment, polycephalus has been treated as a
variety of H. filifolius since its total characteristics indicate
a much closer relationship to the members of this species. In
spite of this closer affinity, var. polycephalus does have several
characters which possibly link it to H. tenuifolius; indeed,
there seems to be a considerable degree of intergradation between
the two entities with respect to leaf dissection, amount
of tomentum on the stem, and throat/lobe ratio.
It is interesting to note that var. polycephalus, so far as known,
is tetraploid with n = 34, while both var. cinereus and H.
tenuifolius are diploid with n = 17. Var. polycephalus, in
Colorado, occupies a geographical position between these two
taxa. From these facts it might be speculated that at some
past time the Rocky Mountain var. cinereus came in contact
with H. tenuifolius so that extensive hybridization occurred
on the diploid level and concomitantly amphiploidy occurred.
(Evidence of a once farther eastward extension of H. filifolius
var. cinereus is found in the disjunct races of this variety in
the panhandle region of Texas, a considerable distance from
the normal range now occupied by the variety.) With recession
of this peripheral contact at a later time, the amphiploids survived
in the habitats in which they were produced and have
since spread to the area they now occupy. In the few meiotic
slides prepared of var. polycephalus pairing appeared normal,
there being 34 bivalents. Unfortunately, seed of this variety
was germinated too late in the study of this group to provide
material for genetical experiments to test this hypothesis.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Liatris ligulistylis;
Liatris ligulistylis (A. Nelson) K. Schum. “Northern Plains Gayfeather”
There is a single collection of Liatris ligulistylis (A. Nelson) K. Schum. “Northern Plains Gayfeather”
in Golden s.l. and indeed in Jefferson County.
State-wide, collections seem to be concentrated around Colorado Springs, and then scattered in odd locations in the interior mountains.
First described as Lacinaria ligulistylis A. Nelson Bot. Gaz. 31: 405. 1901,
it was placed in Liatris ligulistylis (A. Nelson) K. Schumann Just’s Bot. Jahresber. 29(1): 569. 1903.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Liatris punctata;
Liatris punctata Hook. “Dotted Blazing Star”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lygodesmia juncea;
Notes on Stephanomeria pauciflora;
Lygodesmia juncea (Pursh) D. Don ex Hooker “Rush Skeletonplant”
Superficially Lygodesmia juncea is very similar to Stephanomeria pauciflora.
However, it turns out they are quite distinct, being separated by consistent differences in cotyledon, achene, and pollen morphology
and base chromosome numbers (x = 9 in Lygodesmia; x = 8 in Stephanomeria).
Both Weber & Wittmann (2012) and Ackerfield (2015) separate them on morphology of the pappus, with Lygodesmia having a pappus of capillary brinstles
and Stephanomeria a pappus of plumose bristles.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Mulgedium pulchellum;
Mulgedium pulchellum (Pursh) G. Don in R. Sweet “Blue Lettuce”
Literature Cited:
- Moulton, Gary E., 1999.
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814, v. 2, p. 502) published it as Sonchus pulchellus
from an unknown dried specimen.
It was not a Lewis & Clark collection, per Moulton (1999).
Original Text
9. S. pedunculis squamosis,
floribus corymboso-racemosis,
foliis caulinis cordato-amplexicaulibus ovato-oblongis acutis integerrimus glabris.
On the banks of the Missouri.
v. s.
Flowers large, beautiful blue.
Literature Cited:
- Bremer, Kare, 1994.
Frequently referred to, but outside my price range, Bremer (1994) apparently made a strong case for treating our plant as Mulgedium pulchellum.
Literature Cited:
- Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds., 2006.
Flora of North America (2006), John Strother genus author, treats this taxon as Mulgedium pulchelllum (Pursh) G. Don
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Weber & Wittmann (2012) treat this taxon as L. tatarica (L.) Meyer subsp. pulchella (Pursh) Stebbins.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Ackerfield (2015) treats this taxon as Lactuca tatarica (L.) C. A. Mey var. pulchella (Pursh) Breitung.
Literature Cited:
- POWO, 2021 - 2025.
Plants of the World Online (Kew, 2021) treats it as Lactuca pulchella DC.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nothocalais cuspidata;
Nothocalais cuspidata (Pursh) Greene “Prairie False Dandelion”
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814, v. 2, suppl., p.742) published Troximon cuspidatum from a collection in
upper Louisiana by John Bradbury.
Original Text
| Comments and Interpretation
Troximon cuspidatum.
T. scapo unifloro superne subtomentoso,
foliis linearibus margine undato tomentosis,
calycinis foliolis imbricatis cuspidatis glabris.
In Upper Louisiana.
v. s. in Herb. Bradbury.
Flowers large, yellow.
Resembles the preceding.
The preceding was Troximon glaucum (=Agoseris glauca)
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1884.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Comandra umbellata ssp. pallida, DeCandolle, 1857;
Nothocalais was first published by Gray (1884, p. 420) as a section of Microseris.
Original Text
| Comments and Interpretation
4. Nothocálais.
Pappus of 20 to 24 narrowly linear-lanceolate silvery-white
paleae, occupying two or more series, with obscure mid-nerve, very gradually
attenuate into a slender awn : akenes attenuate-fusiform : seed not reaching
to the tapering summit : bracts of the oblong-campanulate involucre narrowly
lanceolate, nearly equal, in about two series : perennial from a thick caudex.
Intermediate between Microseris and Troximon !
Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. xix. 65.
M. troximoides, Gray.
Acaulescent or nearly so: leaves tufted on the caudex, rather
fleslhy, narrowly linear-lanceolate, entire or undulate, 4 to 6 inches long : scapes a span to a
foot high: involucre three-fourths inch high: ligules somewhat elongated: mature akenes
half-inch long : pappus somewhat longer, its almost setiform paleae a quarter of a line wide
Proc. Am. Acad. ix. 211.
Wooded hills and open plains, Montana and Idaho
(first coll. by Spalding), Washington Terr., and Oregon to N. W. California.
| Another first collection by Spalding was
Comandra umbellata ssp. pallida, also in Washington Territory.
Literature Cited:
- Greene, Edward L., 1886.
Greene (1886, p. 55) elevated Gray's section Nothocalais to the rank of species.
Original Text
Akene little contracted, 3 lines long,
filled by the seed : pappus of 40 — 50 unequal, very narrow,
setose paleae and scabrous bristles: leaves all radical, longer
than the flowering scapes: involucre glabrous.
Troximon Pursh, Fl. ii. 742; Torr. & Gray, Fl. ii. 489; Gray, Syn. Fl. ii. 437:
T. marginatum, Nutt. Gen. ii. 127.
On bleak, stony hills and fertile prairies, from Dakota
and Colorado to Wisconsin and Illinois. Scarcely distinguishable
from its far Western congeners except by the
pappus. The undulate-crisped, white-hairy margins of the
grassy leaves of this giving it an aspect so strikingly unlike
the general appearance of the other species of his genus
Troximon, were points not overlooked by that well traveled
and most keenly observant botanist, Mr. Nuttall. That he
noticed the peculiarity and was impressed by it is evinced
by his effort to invest the species with a new specific name,
marginatum, more appropriate than Pursh's cuspidatum,
which was given to it in reference to the acuminate rather
than cuspidate bracts, and has, therefore, no fitness, but
which must needs be retained in deference to its priority.
The name marginatum would, indeed, be equally and in the
same way, applicable to each of the three known species of
Oligosporus Cassini “Tarragon, Sagewort”
Literature Cited:
- Cassini, Alexandre H. G., 1817.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Artemisia campestris, Weber & Wittmann, 2012;
Notes on Artemisia dracunculus, Weber & Wittmann, 2012;
• Glossary:
Cassini (1817, p. 31) dscribed his new genus of Oligosporus
Original Text
| Translation
51. Oligosporus.
Ce genre, ou sous-genre, de la tribu des anthemidées,
comprend toutes les espèces d' Artemisia, L., dont la calathide est
composée de fleurs femelles et de fleurs males.
Telle est, par exemple, l' Artemisia campestris, L.
51. Oligosporus.
This genus, or subgenus, of the anthemid tribe,
includes all species of Artemisia, L., whose calathid is
composed of female and male flowers.
Such is, for example, Artemisia campestris, L.
Packera A. Löve & D. Löve
SEINet (2021+) data includes collections of Packera that have been
determined the following species:
- Packera cana, two collections, Genesee Park, and Pine Valley Ranch.
- Packera fendleri
- Packera multilobata, one collection, near Evergreen (GREE24339).
- Packera plattensis
- Packera pseudaurea, three collections, Rocky Flats, Pine Valley Ranch, and South Platte (town).
- Packera tridenticulata, eleven collections, mostly high plains, one near Evergreen.
- Packera werneriifolia, Two collections, Meyer Ranch, and Rampart Range.
There are no collections of P. streptanthifolia made in Jefferson County.
Literature Cited:
- Harrington, H. D., 1964, 2nd ed..
Harrington (1964, 2nd ed., p. 610) distinguishes between Packera fendleri and P. plattensis by the hairiness of the achenes,
those of P. fendleri being glabrous, and those of P. plattensis hispidulous along the angles.
Literature Cited:
- Löve, Áskell, and Doris Löve, 1976.
Love & Love (1976) published Packera
Literature Cited:
- Weber, W. A., and Áskell Löve, 1981.
Weber & Love (1981) published fifty-one new names in Packera
Literature Cited:
- Trock, Debra, 2006.
Trock (2006) key to Packera has two ways to get into P. fendleri and four ways to get into P. plattensis.
Packera streptanthifolia (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve, Phytologia. 49: 48. 1981.
| Packera pseudaurea (Rydberg) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve, Phytologia. 49: 48. 1981.
| Packera plattensis (Nuttall) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve, Phytologia. 49: 48. 1981.
| Packera fendleri (A. Gray) W.A. Weber & Á. Löve
| Coll. No. 2064
Rocky Mountain groundsel
| False-gold groundsel
| Prairie groundsel
| Fendler's Ragwort
Perennials, 10–50+ cm; fibrous-rooted (caudices weak to stout, horizontal to suberect).
| Perennials, 20–70+ cm; fibrous-rooted (bases simple or branched, horizontal to erect).
| Biennials or perennials, 20–60+ cm; rhizomatous and/or fibrous-rooted (bases erect to suberect), sometimes stoloniferous (mostly eastern populations).
| Perennials, 10–40+ cm; rhizomatous (rhizomes horizontal to suberect, branched).
| Perennial herb, 25-35 cm., caudex , some, perhaps older ones, are stout and erect;
Stems 1 or 2–5, clustered, usually glabrous, sometimes sparsely floccose-tomentose proximally and in leaf axils.
| Stems usually 1, sometimes 2–4, clustered, glabrous or sparsely tomentose proximally.
| Stems 1 or 2–3, clustered, floccose-tomentose proximally and in leaf axils, otherwise sparsely tomentose or glabrescent.
| Stems 1 or multiple (crowded to subcespitose), floccose-tomentose or glabrescent.
| Stem, tomentose, especially in axils, thinning distally;
Basal leaves (and proximal cauline, relatively thick and turgid) petiolate; blades spatulate to oblanceolate, or ovate to orbiculate, 20–40+ × 10–30+ mm, bases tapering to abruptly contracted or subcordate, margins entire, crenate, dentate, or weakly lobulate (faces usually glabrous, sometimes hairy).
| Basal leaves petiolate; blades usually broadly lanceolate to ovate, sometimes subhastate, 20–50+ × 20–40+ mm, bases truncate to subcordate or obtuse, margins crenate, denticulate, bluntly dentate, or sharply dentate (proximal cauline leaves petiolate; margins usually pinnately lobed to laciniate, sometimes subentire).
| Basal leaves (and proximal cauline) petiolate; blades narrowly elliptic to elliptic-ovate or oblanceolate to suborbiculate or sublyrate, 20–70+ × 10–30+ mm, bases tapering to rounded or abruptly contracted, margins subentire to crenate, serrate-dentate, or pinnately lobed (abaxial faces floccose-tomentose, especially along midribs, ± glabrescent).
| Basal leaves petiolate; blades lanceolate to oblanceolate, 30–60+ × 10–30+ mm, bases tapering, margins shallowly, evenly pinnatifid to pinnatisect or wavy (adaxial faces floccose-tomentose or subglabrescent).
| Basal leaves, petiole, 35-40 mm, long, thin not winged, tomentose, blade 20-24 mm. × 7-9 mm. wide, ovate, some (7 of 23 = 30%) lyrate, 2-7-2.8 × longer than wide, mid-vein tomentose thinning distally, tips, mostly entire, some 3-toothed;
Cauline leaves gradually to abruptly reduced (± petiolate or sessile; entire or subentire).
| Cauline leaves gradually reduced (becoming sessile, sometimes clasping).
| Cauline leaves gradually reduced (petiolate, sublyrate or pinnatisect, abaxial faces sparsely hairy; distals sessile, subentire to irregularly dissected).
| Cauline leaves gradually reduced (sessile; lanceolate to oblanceolate, pinnatisect to wavy).
| Cauline leaves, reduced distally, sessile, base not auriculate, inreasingly pinnatisect distally;
Heads 2–20+ in loose, corymbiform or subumbelliform arrays. Peduncles bracteate, glabrous or sparsely tomentose.
| Heads 5–20+ in open or congested, subumbelliform arrays.
| Heads 6–20+ in open or congested, corymbiform arrays. Peduncles conspicuously bracteate, sparsely to densely tomentose.
| Heads 6–25+ in open or compact, corymbiform arrays.
| Inflorescence, heads #3-5 per stem, >leaves;
| Peduncles bracteate, glabrous.
| Peduncles bracteate, densely to irregularly floccose.
| Peduncles, 8-12 mm.;
Calyculi conspicuous.
| Calyculi inconspicuous.
| Calyculi inconspicuous.
| Calyculi 0 or inconspicuous (bractlets red-tinged).
| (Calyculi inconspicuous)
| Involucre, 5 mm. × 9 mm. wide, ovoid, thinly tomentose;
Phyllaries (8–)13 or 21, green (tips sometimes cyanic), 4–7+ mm, glabrous.
| Phyllaries (13–)21(–30+), light green, 3–8 mm, glabrous.
| Phyllaries 13 or 21, green (tips sometimes cyanic), 5–6+ mm, densely tomentose proximally, glabrescent distally.
| Phyllaries 13, green, 5–7 mm, floccose proximally to glabrescent distally.
| Phyllaries, in 2 equal series, 5.5 mm. × 1.0-1.3 mm. wide, green, thinly tomentose, margins, flat, scarious, tip, reddish brown;
| Receptacle, epaleate;
| Flowers, of 2 kinds;
Ray florets 8 or 13; corolla laminae 5–10 mm.
| Ray florets 0, 8, or 13; corolla laminae 6–10+ mm
| Ray florets 8–10; corolla laminae 9–10 mm.
| Ray florets 6–8+; corolla laminae 5–7 mm.
| Ray flowers, #10-12, tube 3 mm. + blade 6.5-7.5 mm. × 2.7 mm. wide, color yellow, fertile;
Disc florets 35–60+; corolla tubes 2–4 mm, limbs 2.5–4 mm.
| Disc florets 70–80+; corolla tubes 2.5–3.5 mm, limbs 2–3 mm.
| Disc florets 60–70+; corolla tubes 2.5–3.5 mm, limbs 3.5–4.5 mm.
| Disc florets 30–40+; corolla tubes 2.5–3 mm, limbs, 2.5–3.5 mm.
| Disk flowers many, tube 4 mm. + lobes 0.5 mm., throat expanding gradually, yellow, open, bisexual;
| Pappus, many, well-developed. bristles, 4.5 mm., ±equal;
Cypselae 1–2.5 mm, glabrous; pappi 3–6 mm.
| Cypselae 1–1.5 mm, glabrous; pappi 4.5–5.5 mm.
| Cypselae 1.5–2.5 mm, usually hirtellous, sometimes glabrous; pappi 6.5–7.5 mm.
| Cypselae 2.5–3 mm, glabrous; pappi 4–5 mm. 2n = 46.
| Fruit, 1.2 mm. × 0.5 mm. wide, compressed front-to-back, color brown, margin, thinly pubescent;
2n = 46, 92.
| 2n = 46, 92.
| 2n = 46.
Flowering late May–late Aug. Forests, open meadows, valleys, dry to damp and loamy soils; 1000–3400 m; Alta., B.C., N.W.T., Sask., Yukon; Calif., Colo., Idaho, Mont., Nev., N.Mex., Oreg., Utah, Wash., Wyo.
| Flowering mid Apr–early Jun(–mid Jul, north). Prairies, meadows, open wooded areas, along highways, railroads, around mining and construction areas, usually on limestone; 50–1800 m; Ont., Sask.; Ark., Colo., Ga., Ill., Ind., Iowa, Kans., La., Mich., Minn., Miss., Mo., Mont., Nebr., N.Mex., N.Dak., Ohio, Okla., Pa., S.Dak., Tenn., Va., Wis., Wyo.
| Flowering late May–early Oct. Steep slopes, loose, dry rocky or gravelly soils, along streams, open forests, disturbed sites; 1600–3200 m; Colo., N.Mex., Wyo.
Packera streptanthifolia is widespread and variable throughout the Western Cordillera. It includes weakly defined phases that have been treated as distinct species or as varieties. Characteristics used to delimit those taxa often overlap and are difficult to score; some ""phases"" grade into each other. Northern populations are sometimes segregated as a distinct taxon (e.g., Senecio streptanthifolia var. borealis; J. F. Bain 1988).
| Packera plattensis is abundant, widespread, and almost weedy. Putative hybrids with other species are known. Plants in mesic, remnant prairies in the east are sometimes stoloniferous.
| Packera fendleri is abundant, almost weedy in the southern Rocky Mountains. It thrives in a wide range of elevations and in a wide variety of habitats; flowering times vary. It frequently grows in close association with other species of Packera and may hybridize with them.
Filename: 280Packera_plattensis_streptanthifolia.html
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Weber & Wittmann (2012) key focuses mainly on the shape of the basal leaves …
Original Text
| Interpretation
3a. Basal leaves and most stem leaves deeply pinnatifid or runcinate-pinnatifid.
P. fendleri (A. Gray) Weber & Love.
Abundant in gravelly soil, open forests of the foothills.
Producing rosettes from long, slender rhizomes; leaf lobes uniform, shallow; leaves white tomentose.
3b. Basal leaves oval, rately pinnatifid except at the very base. … 4
4b. Basal leaves narrower, on winged petioles, irregularly toothed, lobed or entire. … 10
Leads eventually to P. plattensis.
Ackerfield (2015) key also focuses on the shape of the basal leaves …
Original Text
| Interpretation
2a. Basal and stem leaves nearly all deeply and evenly pinnately dissected or runcinate-pinnatifid … 3
This couplet leads to P. multilobata and P. fendleri.
2b. Basal leaves with entire, toothed, or crenate margins
(in P. plattensis and P. tridenticulata a few basal leaves may have pinnatisect margins,
but the majority of the leaves will have entire or merely toothed margins),
stem leaves entire to pinnatisect or sublyrate … 4
This couplet eventually leads to P. plattensis after elininating seven other taxa,
and arriving at a group including P. plattensis, P. streptanthifolia, and P. pseudaurea.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Packera fendleri;
Schweich Hill.
Packera fendleri (A. Gray) W.A. Weber & Á. Löve. (Syn: Senecio fendleri A. Gray ) Fendler"s Ragwort.
Fendler's Ragwort — Packera fendleri (A. Gray) W.A. Weber & Á. Löve —
is widespread and fairly common in dry meadows and slopes of Golden s.l..
The author has collected it on Schweich Hill,
and Deadman Gulch.
Others have collected the plant on North and South Table Mountains.
P. fendleri is frequently confused with P. plattensis which is more a plant of the great plains.
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1849.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Gray, 1849, publication details;
Santa Fe River.
Gray (1849, p. 109) writing in Plantae Fendlerianae Novi-Mexicanae described P. fendleri from a
collection made “ ...along the Creek, twelve miles above Santa Fé …”
The current accepted name is Santa Fe River.
Original Text
| Comments
444. S. Fendleri (sp. nov.) :
perennis, flocoso-incanus, demum subglabratus ;
caule folioso erecto pedali corymbosi-ramoso ;
foliis oblongis omnibus pinnatifidis supra glabratis inferioribus in petiolum nudum attenuatis summis sessilibus haud amplexicaulibus, segmentis 11-21 confertis oblongis obtusissimis plerisque inciso-dentatis seu 2-4-lobatis ;
corymbis compositis polycephalis ;
involucro campanulato fere ecalyculato 12-phyllo multifloro ;
ligulis 7-8 oblongis disco duplo longioribus ;
acheniis glaberrimis.
Foot of mountains along the Creek, twelve miles above Santa Fe ;
June, July.
(478, † 480.)
A well-marked species, related to S. eremophilus.
Stem stout.
Leaves from 2 to 4 inches long including the petiole,
some of the lower often only sinuate-pinnatifid,
but commonly all deeply pinnatifid or pinnately parted,
the crowded lobes from one fourth to half an inch long, early glabrate above ;
but still floccose of white-wooly underneath.
Involucre 3 lines long.
Rays 4 or 5 lines long. *
There follows a half page discussion of similar Senecio found throughout the southwest, such as Senecio multilobatus (Torr. & A. Gray, ined.)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Packera plattensis;
Packera plattensis (Nuttall) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve. “Prairie Groundsel”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1841, publication details;
Original Text
Senecio * Plattensis;
somewhat pubescent;
base of the stem arachnoidly tomentose;
leaves all pinnatifid, the radical petiolate, cauline amplexicaule,
lobes oblong, denticulate, the centre lobe sublanceolate;
corymb nearly simple;
involucrum subcampanulate, minutely bracteolate;
sepals about twenty, scute;
rays usually twelve, oblong, a little longer that the short involucrum;
achenium puberulous;
pappus about the length of the florets.
In the Rocky Mountain range, and in Arkansa.
About ten to fourteen inches high ;
stem simple, striated.
Corymb nearly simple, with ten to twelve heads of flowers,
pedicels one to two inches long, slightly bracteolate.
The Arkansa specimen is taller and more slender,
with the primary small radical leaves entire and smooth,
the leaves more elongated, and less denticulate.
The whole habit of the plant, as well as the flowers,
are very similar to S. tomentosus,
at lease the smoother variety, but the achenium is less pubescent.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Packera tridenticulata;
Packera tridenticulata (Rydb.) W.A. Weber & Á. Löve “Three-Tooth Ragwort”
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, and Charles Wright, 1852.
- Rydberg, Per Axel, 1900b.
Other articles:
• US Highway 24:
in Buena Vista;
Cottonwood Creek.
Rydberg (1900, v. 27, p. 175) ...
Original Text
| Comments
7. Senecio tridenticulatus sp. nov.
Senecio aureus var. borealis A. Gray, Pl. Wright. I : 125. 1852 ;
Not T. & G. 1843 ;
S. aureus var. compactus A. Gray, Syn. Fl. I2: 391 ; in part.
Perennial with a branched caudex, in age perfectly glabrous,
or slightly floccose at the base of the leaves : stems very slender,
about 3 dm. high : basal leaves very narrowly oblanceolate, thick
with a slender petiole, slightly 3-toothed at the apex or wholly
entire, 4-8 cm. long and 4-5 mm. wide: stem leaves linear and
subentire : cyme open and corymbiform : heads 7-8 mm. high
bracts lanceolate, acute ⅔ or ¾ as long as the disk : rays light
yellow, about 8 mm. long and 1—1.5 mm - wide > 3-nerved ; achenes
hispid-puberulent on the angles.
This species differs, from the preceding in the slender stem and
the open cyme, and also in the form of the leaves. The latter
character also separates it from the next following. It grows in
wet sandy soil. The type was growing at an altitude of 2400 m.
Wright's specimens are past blooming, and good characters could
not be taken from them, wherefore I have made Sheldon's speci-
mens the type. The latter were mixed with some of the next.
[Plate 5, f. 12.]
| The preceding was Senecio compactus (A. Gray)Rydb.
and the following was Senecio oblanceolatus Rydb.,
both of which are now treated as synonyms of Packera thurberi (A.Gray) B.L.Turner.
Colorado : Cottonwood Creek, Buena Vista, 1892, C. S. Sheldon
(type in the herbarium of N. Y. Botanical Garden).
Texas: Mountains beyond the Limpia, 1849. Wright, 403.
| See Plantae Wrightianae (Gray & Wright, 1852).
Literature Cited:
- Weber, W. A., and Áskell Löve, 1981.
Weber & Love (1981, p. 48) published the name Packera tridenticulata.
Santa Rita.
Pericome caudata A. Gray “Mountain Tail-Leaf” along the Peaks to Plains Trail.
Pericome caudata A. Gray “Mountain Tail-Leaf”
On the Peaks to Plains trail about 2/3 of the way from the Grant Terry Bridge to the Tough Cuss Bridge, look in the talus piles below the Canal Zone climbing area for a 4-5 foot shrub with clusters of small yellow flowers.
This is “Mountain Tail-Leaf” — Pericome caudatus A. Gray.
Though it is in the sunflower family (Asteraceae) it has only disk flowers, and not the large ray flowers that characterize the typical sunflower.
The leaves are triangular and have a long tail, giving it both its common name “Tail-Leaf” and scientific name caudatus, which means “having a tail.”
First collected by Charles Wright in 1851 who wrote that he found it “… among rocks, on the sides of mountains, at the copper mines, New Mexico …”
Mr. Wright was working with the scientific corps of the U. S. Boundary Commission.
Their itinerary from July to November 1851, was from El Paso to the copper mines of Santa Rita del Cobre in the southwestern part of New Mexico,
and then into the northern part of Mexico.
It seems certain that Wright’s collection of Mountain Tail-Leaf was made near Santa Rita del Cobre, about 12 miles east of Silver City, NM.
The town no longer exists, having been completely swallowed up by the Freeport-McMoRan Chino open-pit copper mining complex.
We now know our plant’s primary range is in the lower elevation mountains of Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, with a few scattered collections in northern Mexico, and eastern California. Near Golden, it is known only from Clear Creek Canyon, but also occurs around Pine and Buffalo Creek in central Jefferson County.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Gray, 1853, Plantæ Wrightianæ, Part II;
A. Gray (1853, p. 82) ...
Pericome caudata.
Among rocks, on the sides of mountains, at the copper
mines, New Mexico ; Oct. (1195.)
Plant 4 feet high, much branched, growing
in large bunches.”
Base of the stem not gathered. Branches terete, striate, sparingly puberulent.
Leaves nearly all opposite, on long petioles, membranaceous,
3-nerved at the base, dilated triangular, or the upper hastate, with the basal angles
usually acuminate or more or less produced, often angulate-toothed below the middle,
the apex produced into a very long tail-like acumination.
The larger leaves in
the specimens are 3 inches broad at the nearly truncate base, and 4 inches long,
including the acumination, which is 1½ to 2 inches in length ; the uppermost are
narrower, but equally caudate. They are sparingly puberulent, especially on the veins,
sparsely sprinkled or dotted with minute resinous atoms, like a Eupatorium ; but
not at all pellucid-glandular after the mode of Tagetinese. Heads in terminal
cymes or corymbs, on slender pedicels, half an inch long. Involucre not bracteate,
about 3 lines long ; the scales very narrowly linear, one-nerved, their narrowly scarious
margins lightly but decidedly coalescent to near the apex, the free tips
Corolla with the elongated and exserted anthers 3 lines long, yellow ;
the slender tube very viscous-glandular, about the length of the cylindraceous
throat and short limb. Branches of the style convex externally, slightly flattened,
the rather indistinct stigmatic lines extending to very near the summit, and there
insensibly vanishing, where a fine pubescence begins ; the same pubescence extends
down the back considerably lower, and disappears insensibly. Achenia 2 lines
long, much compressed, margined all round with a strong callous nerve, which
bears a dense and conspicuous beard of hispid hairs. Pappus rather shorter than
the beard of the achenium, composed of numerous setiform squamellae which are
irregularly united below into a hyaline lacerate crown. There is no trace of any
A genus of even more doubtful position in the family than Perityle, Benth.,
which with Laphamia, I have continued to append to the Asteroideae. It agrees
with Perityle in the achenia and the (disk) corollas, in the prevailingly opposite
leaves, and very nearly in the style ; but difl'ers in the absence of a ray, as well as
of awns to the pappus, and in the coalescence of the strictly uniserial scales of the
involucre. The style would almost do for the Eupatoriaceae ; but the stigmatic
lines are continued almost to the tip ; and the flowers are yellow. The involucre
is like that of Hymenatherum, and the style is exactly that of a Tagetes; but
there are no large pellucid glands, and the achenia are flat. Notwithstanding, I
should append the genus to Tagetineae, were it not for the many points of
resemblance to Perityle.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Picradeniopsis oppositifolia;
Picradeniopsis oppositifolia (Nutt.) Rydb. ex Britton. “Opposite Leaf Bahia”
Literature Cited:
- Moulton, Gary E., 1999.
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Nuttall (1818, v. 2, p. 167-168) ...
Original Text
| Comments
Calix oblong-cylindric, many-leaved, equal.
Radial florets oblong.
Receptacle naked.
Pappus paleaceous, minute, 5 to 8-leaved, leaflets obtuse, awnless.
leaves alternate? or opposite, palmately pinnatifid, tomentose or villous;
peduncles 1-flowered, dichotomal and terminal.
1. T. lanatum.
Actinella lanata, Ph. 2. p. 560.
Every where whitely and lanuginously tomentose;
leaves alternate,
those of the stem subpalmately pinnatifid, of the branches linear and entire;
peduncle elongated, the summit thicker.
Near the sources of Columbia river.
M. Lewis.
Flowering in June and July.
v. s. in Herb. Lambert.
Perennial; stem erect and branching, about a foot high.
Leaves alternate? (perhaps not constantly so)
those of the stem elongated, narrow at the base,
dilated and divided pinnatifidly above, division ligulate and somewhat toothed, uppermost entire.
Calix oblong-cylindric, composed of a simple series of leaves,
about 12 to 14, linear-lanceolate, acute.
Rays about the same number, oblong, bidentate.
Pappus 5 to 8-leaved.
Seed pentangular? glabrous, attenuated downwards.
The flowers are bright yellow, and in form and character strongly
resemble those of the genus Tagetes.
This would become Eriophyllum lanatum (Moulton, 1999).
2. * oppositifolium.
Decumbent and much branched, shortly and canescently pubescent;
leaves opposite, all palmately trifid, segments ligulate, simple or divaricately subdivided;
peduncle filiform, mostly dichotomal, scarcely longer than the leaves.
On denudated sterile hills, near Fort Mandan; abundant.
Flowering in July and August.
Perennial? stem diffuse, 6 to 12 inches high, grooved; oppositely branched.
Leaves petiolate, trifid, canescent, pubescence very short,
segments about an inch long, thickish and opaque,
the lateral ones mostly bifid, the central one trifid,
all somewhat obtuse and linear.
Peduncle slender, 1 to 2 inches long, a little thicker under the calix.
Calix oblong-cylindric, simple, leaflets 5 to 8,
oblong-ovate, erect;
rays about the same number, very short.
Pappus paleaceous, 5 to 8-leaved, minute, leaflets partly obtuse and somewhat lacerate.
Seen nearly smooth, rather long, and attenuated downwards, or inversely conic.
Receptacle small and naked.
The whole of this plant is very sensibly bitter and destitute of aroma.
There is nothing in the habit of this genus which would lead us to
suppose it allied to Actinella of Jussieu,
and scarcely more in the generic character.
In Actinella the calix is very short, flat, and horizontally spreading;
the leaflets of the paleaceous pappus awned, and the seeds villous;
the leaves are also alternate and entire.
The proximate affinity of the present genus is to Tagetes.
† The copious pubescence,
particularly distinguishing these plants from the genus Tagetes.
Literature Cited:
- Britton, Nathaniel Lord, 1901.
Britton (1901, p. 1008) Flora of the Northern States and Canada ...
Original Text
| Comments
[Bahia Nutt., not Lag.]
Britton gives Rydberg credit for the genus name, but I don't see a place that Rydberg ever published it himself.
… [English genus diagnosis not reproduced.] …
[Name referring to resemblance of this genus to Picradenia.]
1. Picradeniopsis oppositifolia (Nutt.) Rydb. False Bahia. (I. F. f. 3967.)
…. [English description not reproduced.] …
On plains, S. Dak., Neb. and Mont. to Kans. and N. Mex.
[Bahia oppositifolia Nutt.]
Reference is to the “Illustrated Flora” figure 3967.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Prenanthes racemosa;
Prenanthes racemosa Michx. “Purple Rattlesnake Root”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Pseudognaphalium canescens;
Pseudognaphalium canescens (DC.) Anderberg “Wright's Rabbit-Tobacco”
Literature Cited:
- DeCandolle, Augustus Pyramus, 1836.
DeCandolle (1837, v. 6, p. 228) ...
Original Text
| Translation or Comments
40. G. canescens, totum villis sericeo-lanatis canum, canle herbaceo erecto ramoso,
foliis lineari-lanoeolatis acuminatis , infer. basi attenuatis, super. breviter
adnatis , capitulis ad apices ramulorum congestis sessilibus , involucre
ovato-campanulati squamis scariosis albis lanceolatis acuminatis disco aequalibus.
in Mexico ad Leonem ultra Guanaxuato legit cl. Mendez.
Folia 1 ½ poll. longa, 2-3 lin. lata, patula.
Inv. circ. 25-phyllum. Flor. herm. 5-7, foem. circ. 25.
(v. s.)
| León, Guanajuato, Mexico collected by Mendez.
Seen in the dried state by DeCandolle.
Literature Cited:
- Anderberg, Arne A., 1991.
Anderberg (1991) proposed moving G. canescens to Pseudognaphalium Kirp.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Pseudognaphalium macounii;
Pseudognaphalium macounii (Greene) Kartesz “Macoun's Rabbit-Tobacco”
Literature Cited:
- Greene, Edward L., 1902b.
Greene (1902, v. 15, p. 278) published Gnaphalium maccounii
Gnaphalium macounii. Apparently biennial, the stems
rigidly erect, about two feet high, rather loosely leafy and clothed
with a somewhat hirsute and viscid glandular-pubescence : leaves
narrowly oblanceolate, acute, 3 inches long, the upper decurrent,
all white-woolly beneath, light green and merely glandular-pubescent above :
branches of the subpyramidal close panicle and the
main stem for some distance below it densely white-woolly :
involucres of middle size, their pearly scarious bracts all ovate, very
acute : flower and fruit not seen.
Collected in the Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 29 July, by Mr. Jas.
M. Macoun, No. 26,847 ; also earlier at Revelstoke, No. 11,334,
and again from the Warm Springs, Kootenay Lake, both in
British Columbia, in the year 1890. No. 34,053 from Salmon
Arm, J. R. Anderson, 1899, is also the same. The species is related
to G. decurrens, yet very distinct in habit and inflorescence, the
dense white-woolly pubescence of the upper part of stems and
branches of the panicle being very peculiar.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Ratibida columnifera;
• Water Tank Road:
above the curve;
• Field Notes:
Coll. No. 1198, 12 Jul 2015;
Coll. No. 1198, Ratibida columnifera
Ratibida columnifera (Nutt.) Woot. & Standl. “Upright Prairie Coneflower”
“Upright Prairie Coneflower” Ratibida columnifera is predominantly a Great Plains species which
extends from southeastern British Columbia to Manitoba and Michigan,
south through Illinois to Louisiana, and west through Texas and northern Mexico to Arizona.
[So, is the cypsela ciliate on the abaxial side, or the adaxial side?]
Literature Cited:
- Fraser, John, 1813.
- Greene, Edward L., 1889.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Fraser's Catalogue, publication details;
• Glossary:
Fraser's (1813) catalogue of new and interesting plants published for the first time a number of new taxa for North America.
Many of these were Thomas Nuttall collections that were subsequently published in
Pursh (1814) Flora Americae Septentrionalis and
Nuttall (1818) Gen. Am.
Original Text
| Comments
75 * Rudbeckia columnifera.
Spontaneous varieties of this plant sometimes occur with bright fulvous flowers,
colored like Tagetes patula :
the stem is simple, seldom producing more than three flowers,
which are of an uncommon length,
appearing like a column of flosculi,
subtended by 5-8 neutral florets,
and a simple calyx.
Tagetes patula is commonly called the French Marigold, also in the Asteraceae, and native to Mexico and Guatemala.
76 Rudbeckia purpurea.
* serotina.
Stem somewhat branching and hirsute,
flowers brighter and more numerous.
I think this might be what we now call Echinacea purpurea, not native to Colorado,
but widely cultivated, and found occasionally as a garden escapee.
* New Species. — † A Shrub. — ‡ Perennial. — M. from Missourie.
Copies of Fraser's (1813) catalogue were quite rare, so Greene (1889) republished it.
It is unclear who actually wrote the catalogue.
Greene was convinced that Nuttall wrote it having seen an original copy sent to Zaccheus Collins from Messrs. Fraser, saying
It had passed through the hands of Nuttall, and had received one or two slight corrections from his pen.
Moreover, he had written his name in ink, as the author of the Catalogue …
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1816.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Pursh, 1814, publication details;
Pursh (v. 2, 1816) published the name, citing Fraser's (1813) catalogue.
Original Text
657. RUDBECKIA. Gen. pl. 1324.
R. caule stricto simplici summutate paucifloro,
pedunculis elongatis, foliis pinnatifidis incisis,
laciniis linearibus,
calyce simplici 5-phyllo, radiis 5-8.,
disco cylindraceo elongato.
R. columnifera, Fraser catal. 1813
On the Missouri. v. s.
The singular appearance of the receptacle of this plant
distinguishes it from all the other known species.
Literature Cited:
- Fraser, John, 1813.
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
Nuttall (1818) published Rudbeckia columnaris
Original Text
Calix subequal, mostly consisting of a double series of leaflets.
Receptacle paleaceous, conic.
Pappus a 4-toothed margin.
Herbaceous; leaves alternate, entire, lobed of pinnaifid ;
flowers terminal ; disk often dark, rays yellow,
rarely brown, in R. purpurea purple.
— Stigma often obtuse.
12. columnaris.
Hispid; stem nearly simple, 1 or few-flowered,
peduncles very long;
radical leaves nearly entire, cauline pinnatifid,
segments linear-lanceolate;
calix simple, 5 to 8-leaved, rays 5 to 8;
disk cylindric, elongated.
On the plains of Upper Louisiana.
Flowering in July.
Perennial: 1 to 2 feet high.
Rays sometimes brown-red, as in Tagetes patula.
A North American genus,
with the exception of R. nudicaule of Monte Video,
which appears to be scarcely distinct from R. spathulata.
The seeds of R. purpurea are pungently aromatic.
In this publication, Nuttal has altered R. columnifera to R. columnaris
not referred to R. columnifera as published in Fraser's (1813) Catalogue.
I suspect this might be enough to render R. columnaris and illegitimate name.
If so, this will have an impact on Rafinesque's proposal of Ratibida columnaris Raf., nextunder.
Literature Cited:
- Rafinesque, C. S., 1818a.
- Rafinesque, C. S., 1818b.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Amer Monthly Mag Crit Rev, publication details;
Rafinesque (1818) wrote a two-part review of Pursh (1814) Flora Americae Septentrionalis.
Original Text
125. Rudbeckia columnaris must form the genus Ratibida of Raf. Fl. Miss.
Ratibida columnaris Raf. is treated as a synonym of R. columnifera (Nutt.) Wooton & Standl.
The reference to “Fl. Miss.“ is a puzzle. I have seen another reference to this publication that it was “ined.”
However, it is unclear whether “Miss.” refers to either Mississippi or Missouri.
Literature Cited:
- Wooton, E. O., and Paul C. Standley, 1915.
Original Text
2.Ratibida columnifera (Nutt.) Woot. & Standl.
Rudbeckia columnifera Nutt. Fraser's Cat. No. 75. 1813.
Rudbeckia columnaris Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 575. 1814.
Ratibida columnaris D. Don in Sweet, Brit. Flower Gard. II. 4: pl. 361. 1838
Lepachys columnaris Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2:313. 1842.
Type locality: Upper Louisiana.
Range: British Columbia and Saskatchewan to Arizona, Texas, and Tennessee.
New Mexico: Sierra Grande; mountains west of Grants Station;
Santa Fe and Las Vegas mountains;
Clayton; Lower Plaza; White and Sacramento mountains.
Plains and low hills, in the Upper Sonoran and Transition zones.
2a. Ratibida columnifera pulcherrima (DC.) Woot. & Standl.
Obeliscaria pulcherrima DC. Prodr.5:559. 1836.
Ratibida columnaris pulcherrima D. Don in Sweet, Brit. Flower Gard. II. 4: pl. 361. 1830
Lepachys columnaris pulcherrima Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2: 313. 1842.
Type locality: “In Mexici provinc. Texas as San-Fernando de Bejar, et in sinu Spiritus-Sancti ad lacum Sancti-Nicolai.”
Range: With the species, but more common in New Mexico.
New Mexico: Dulce; Chama; Pecos; Santa Antonita; Ramah;
near Las Vegas; mountains west of Grants Station; El Cedro;
Tucumcari; Mongollon Mountains; White Mountains; Buchanan;
Redlands; Queen; Knowles; Artesia.
This is a mere form of the type and hardly deserves a name.
Both forms almost invariably occur together,
although occasionally they grow alone,
It is possible to find in a single patch every possible gradation
in the color of the rays from pure bright yellow to solid brown-purple.
The same variation in color occurs in R. tagetes,
but since that has very small and inconspicuous rays no one has yet
thought to distinguish the various forms by name.
| |
Literature Cited:
- Reveal, James L., 1968.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Reveal (1968) comments on Fraser (1813) Catalogue - 1;
Reveal (1968) summarized the evidence and opinions on the author of the names in Fraser's (1813) Catalogue
and the legitimacy of them. Excerpts from Reveal's introduction were presented above, whereas his specific comments
on Ratibida columnifera are below.
Rudbeckia columnifera Nutt. In Fras. Catal. 1813.
In my opinion, this species is adequately described in Fraser's Catalogue, as Nuttall states:
“Spontaneous varieties of this plant sometimes occur
with bright fulvous flowers, coloured like Tagetes patula:
the stem is simple, seldom producing more than three flowers,
which are of an uncommon length,
appearing like a column of flosculi,
subtended by 5-8 neutral florets,
and a simple calyx.”
This species was also described as R. columnaris Sims, Bot. Mag. 39: 1601. 1813,
from cultivated plants given to Sims by the Fraser Brothers
who had grown the species from seeds collected by Nuttall.
The Pursh name, R. columnaris Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 2: 575. 1814,
is an illegitimate substitute for Nuttall's R. columnifera and is thus an exact synonym of it.
The species is now commonly known as
Ratibida columnifera (Nutt. In Fras.) Woot. & Standl., Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 19: 706. 1915.
Literature Cited:
- Richards, Edward Leon, 1968.
Monograph on Ratibida
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Senecio eremophilus var. kingii;
Senecio eremophilus Richardson var. kingii (Rydb.) Greenm. “Cut-Leaved Groundsel”
Literature Cited:
- Rydberg, Per Axel, 1910b.
Rydberg (1910, v. 37, p. 467-8) published S. ambrosioides as a primarily Colorado species
and S. kingii as a primarily Utah species.
Original Text
Senecio Kingii sp. nov.
Senecio eremophilus D. C, Eat., Bot. King's Exp. 191. 1871.
Not S. eremophilus Richards. 1823.
Perennial, with a thick rootstock; stems glabrous, 3-6 dm.
high, rather stout, leafy; leaves obovate or oblanceolate In outline,
4-7 cm. long, the lower petioled, all pinnately lobed one
third to one half the distance to the midrib, with ovate or lanceolate,
more or less toothed lobes; heads numerous, corymbose-paniculate,
9-11 mm. high; involucres glabrous, campanulate,
7-8 mm, high, 6-7 mm. broad; bracts linear, acute, carinate,
sometimes with small black tips; the calyculate ones few, subulate;
rays 5-7 mm. long; achenes scabrous-papillose on the rounded
This species is related to S. eremophilus, but differs in the
somewhat smaller and erect heads, less deeply dissected leaves, and
their broad and short divisions, and shorter rays. One of the
specimens cited below was determined some years ago as S. glaucifolius,
but that species differs from this as well as from the rest
of the group in the narrower and scarcely carinate bracts.
Utah: Cottonwood Canon, Aug. 1869, S. Watson 676 (type,
in herb. Columbia University); Alta, Wahsatch Mountains, 1879,
M. E. Jones 1144; American Fork Canon, July 1895, M. E. Jones;
Big Cottonwood Canon, Aug. 1905, Garrett 1591; near Marysvale,
1905, Rydberg & Carlton 7068; Mount Barrette, 7206; Fish Lake,
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Senecio integerrimus;
Senecio integerrimus Nutt. “Columbia Ragwort”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
• Glossary:
Original Text
| Comments
564. SENECIO. L. (Ragwort.)
Calix cylindric, subcaliculate:
scales sphacelate at the point.
Receptacle naked.
Pappus simple, capillary, and copious.
| sphacelate = undergo necrosis.
Suffruticose or more commonly herbaceous;
leaves entire or pinnatifid;
flowers mostly corymbose or terminal;
yellow or rarely purple.
A few species are destitute of rays.
Species. 1. …
15. * integerrimis
Smooth; stem simple and attenuated;
leaves perfectly entire;
radical ones long petiolate, lanceolate, acute, cauline, sessile,
acuminate, uppermost minute;
corymb simple, 8 to 12-flowered? peduncles 1-flowered,
rays shorter than the hemisperical caliculate calix.
In depressed and moist situations on the plains of the Missouri, near the Great Bend.
Flowering in June.
Flower large and yellow.
Stem 12 to 18 inches high.
Lower leaves thickish and somewhat carnose,
very smooth, uppermost minutes, slightly tomentose;
corymb coarctate.
Seeds smooth.
Nearly allied to S. aquaticus.
carnose = of a fleshy consistence —used of succulent parts of plants.
coarctate = crowded together.
A genus of more than 140 species principally indigenous to Europe and the Cape of Good Hope.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Senecio riddellii;
Senecio riddellii (Torr. & A. Gray) Greenm. ex L.O. Williams “Riddell's Ragwort”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Senecio spartioides;
• Field Notes:
6 Sep 2020;
Schweich Hill.
Coll. No. 2231, Senecio spartioides with a praying mantis and a beetle.
Senecio spartioides Torr. & A. Gray. “Broomlike Ragwort”
Known from Apex Park and Tin Cup Ridge, North and South Table Mountains, and Schweich Hill.
 Senecio spartioides adventive in my garden. |
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1838-1843.
Other articles:
• US Highway 287:
at Jeffrey City;
Jeffrey City.
Senecio spartioides was described by Torrey and A. Gray (1843) from a
Lt. John Fremont collection.
Original Text
* * * * Perennial : heads corymbose, chiefly radiate
† Leaves entire or denticulate.
8. S. spartioides :
glabrous throughout;
stems suffruticose, very numerous from the same ligneous tap-root, rigid,
corymbose at the summit, leafy;
leaves fleshy, narrowly linear, perfectly entire,
rather obtuse, sessile;
heads (large and showy) fastigiate-corymbose,
on short minutely bracteolate peduncles ;
the calyculate scales subulate, minute ;
scales of the cylindrical involucre about 12, lanceolate-linear, acutish;
rays mostly 7, oblong-linear, elongated ;
achenia silky-canescent.
Upper Platte;
on a steep sand-bank of the Sweet-water River,
Lieut. Fremont!
Aug.–Sept. — Stems a foot high, forming a dense tuft.
Leaves 1-3 inches long, about a line wide, very numerous.
Heads half an inch in length.
Rays golden-yellow.
Pappus as long as the disk-corolla.
A remarkable and handsome species.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Senecio wootonii;
Senecio wootonii Greene “Wooton's Ragwort”
Solidago L. “Goldenrod”
Literature Cited:
- Semple, J. C., 2018.
Semple (2018) is a frequently updated resource on Goldenrods (Solidago sp.).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Solidago canadensis;
Solidago canadensis L. “Canada Goldenrod”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Solidago gigantea;
Solidago gigantea Aiton “Giant Goldenrod”
Aiton (1789, v. 3, p. 211) published Solidago gigantea from plants grown at the
Physick Garden at Chelsea.
Original Text
| Comments
4. S. caule erecto glabro, foliis lanceolatis glabris ferratis margine feabris,
racemis paniculatis fecundis,
pedunculis hirtis, ligulis abbreviatis.
4. Solidago smooth stiff stems,
leaves are smooth, margins serrate;
panicles with clusters of flowers;
peduncles rough, ligules short.
Gigantic Golden-rod.
Nat. of North America.
Cult. 1758, by Mr. Philip Miller.
Mr. Philip Miller was the curator at the Physick Garden at Chelsea.
Auguft and September.
| H. – Hardy. ♃. – Perennial.
| |
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Solidago missouriensis;
Habitat of Coll. No. 1256, Solidago missouriensis at Ranson/Edwards.
Coll. No. 1732, Solidago missouriensis at North Table Mountain.
Solidago missouriensis Nutt. “Missouri Goldenrod”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1834a.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1834a, publication details;
Nuttall (1834a, p. 32-33) published Solidago missouriensis …
Original Text
55. Solidago * Missouriensis.
Pumila, glabra, recemis erectis, foliis lineari-lanceolatis, acutis,
inciso-subserrularis, superioribus integris,
panicula brevi laxa, floribus majus-culis
Stem slender, smooth, leafy, about a foot or so high.
Leaves scabrous at the margin.
Panicle about three inches long, the branchlets slender,
the flowers pedicellate,
and brought together in a somewhat rhomboidal raceme.
Rays as long as the calyx.
in the upper branches of the Missouri and in Arkansas.
Even though this was described with collections by Wyeth,
the locations noted seem much more like Nuttall collections
from his 1811 trip on the Missouri River and 1819 trip to Arkansas.
Wyeth collections would have been along the Platte, Snake, or Columbia.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Solidago nana;
Solidago nana Nutt. “Baby Goldenrod”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1841, publication details;
Crepis occidentalis, Weber & Wittman, 2012;
Coll. No. 2439, Solidago nana.
Nuttall's (1841) description of S. nana.
Original Text
Solidago * nana;
somewhat cinereous and pulveulently pubescent, dwarf,
many stems from the same root;
lower and radical leaves spathulate, obtuse, entire,
or subserrulate at the apex, stem leaves linear, narrowed below;
ramuli fastigiate, subcorymbose;
bractes linear;
involucrum nearly smooth, scales ovate;
rays about seven, oblong, as long as the disk;
achenium pubescent.
In the Rocky Mountain range, near Lewis' River of the Shoshonee.
About a span high,
with a large, black, almost woody root.
Stem leaves small,
radical ones about one and a half inches by half an inch wide;
scales of the involucrum unusually broad,
pubescent on the margin,
rays conspicuous.
Apparently allied to S. nemoralis, though very distinct and alpine.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Solidago nemoralis ssp. decemflora;
Solidago nemoralis Aiton ssp. decemflora (de Candolle) Brammall ex Semple “Gray Goldenrod”
DeCandolle (1836, v. 5, p. 332) ...
Original Text
| Translation
15. S. decemflora, caule erecto tereti foliisque pube brevissima subscabris,
foliis oblongis mucronulatis integerrimis subtriplirierviis ,
radicalibus basi attenuatis,
racemis subsecundis in paniculam corymbosam dispositis,
invol. glabri squamis linearibus , capitulis 10-floris, ligulis 5 minutissimis.
♃ in Mexicanae prov. Texas districtibus orientalibus legit cl. Berlandier
(pl. exs. n. 1924).
Achaenia sericeo-villosa. Herba pedalis. (v. s.)
15. Solidago decemflora stems erect,
leaves rounded and short scabris;
oblong leaves mucronulate entire subtri-nerved;
Radical base attenuate,
corymbose panicle, subsecundis in the clusters have been arranged,
involved, smooth, linear phyllaries, heads 10-flowered, ligules 5 minute.
♃ (perennial) In Mexican Prov. East Texas, eastern districts
per the collector Berlandier
(Pl. Exs. N. 1924).
Achaenia silky-villous. The plant a foot tall.
(Seen in the dried condition.)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Solidago simplex;
Solidago simplex Kunth “Sticky Goldenrod”
Literature Cited:
- Kunth, Carol Sigismund, 1815-1825.
Kunth (1818, t. 4(15), p. 81) ....
Original Text
| Translation and Comment
S. caule erecto, simplici, subangulato, striato, superne hirtello; foliis lineari-lanceolatis,
superne obsolete crenatis, inferne valde angustatis, glabris , margine denticulato-scabris ;
panicula terminali, ramis subtrifloris.
Crescit prope pagum Sanctce Rosae Mexicanorum , alt. 1300 hex. ♃ Floret Septembri.
It grows near the Mexican village called Santa Rosa, altitude 1300 hex.
perennial. Flowers in September.
Radix crassa, perpendicularis, fibris crebris obsita.
Caulis erectus, i 4 — i 5 -pollicaris , simplex,
striatus, subangulatus, puiqrarascens, superne hirtellus.
Folia radicalia sessilia , lineari-laneeolata ,
acutiuscula , inferne valde angustata , adeo ut petiolata appareant, subintegerrima aut apicem versus
remote et obsolete crenata, reticulato-venosa, crassiuscula, glabra, margine denticulis minutissimis
scabra, 26—27 lineas longa , tres lineas lata. Folia caulina alterna , radicalibus simillima, magis
tamen acuta , summa subacuminata. Panicula terminalis, subramosa , bracteata5 ramis subternis, patulis,
subtrifloris, angulatis , hirtellis; floribus pedicellatis , magnitudine floris Solidaginis Virgaureae;
bracteis linearibus.
Involucrum campanulato-hemisphaerieum; foliolis circiter 25 , laxe imbricatis , linearibus,
acutis , planis , uninerviis , margine scariosis et diaphanis , glabris, nitentibus; exterioribus
Receptaculum convexum, scrobiculatum, glabrum.
Flosculi disci circiter 20, tubulosi
hermaphroditi; radii 8— g, ligulati, feminei. Flosculi hermaphroditi :
Corolla flava, glabra, superne
ampliata , quinquefida ; laciniis lineari-lanceolatis , acutis, enerviis , patulis.
Stamina tubo corollae inserta.
Antherae subinclusae.
Ovarium lineare , hispidum.
Stylus glaber.
Stigma bipartitum, exsertum;
laciniis patentibus , glabriusculis.
Akenium immaturum.
Pappus pilosus, sessilis; pilis scabris, apice vix
incrassatis, albis, corollam subsequantibus, patulis.
Flosculi feminei:
Corolla flava ; tubo tenui, glabro;
ligula lanceolato-oblonga, tridentata, plana, patente , sesquilineam longa.
Ovarium, Stylus, Stigma et Pappus prorsus ut in flosculis hermaphroditis.
Pappus tubo paulo longior.
Solidagini Virgaureae habitu affinis.
Solidago virgaurea has similar habitat.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Solidago speciosa;
Solidago speciosa Nutt. “Showy Goldenrod”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
Original Text
560. SOLIDAGO. L. (Golden-Rod.)
†† Racemes erect
27. *speciosa.
Stem tall and smooth, simple or virgately branched;
leaves lanceolate, entire, somewhat carnose.
scabrous on the margin, the lower very broad,
radical ones subserrate;
racemes mostly terminal, erect and compound, pubescent;
pecuncles mostly shorter than the calix;
rays elongated about 5;
seed smooth.
In shady woods, on the banks of the Schuykill, also in Jersey;
near Philadelphia, but rare.
S. sempervirens. Mich.
S. integrifolia? Persoon, 2. p. 449.
Allied to S. petiolaris.
Stem often 6 feet high, smooth and sulcate.
Lowest leaves a span long, and 3 inches broad,
irregularly and remotely subserrate, upper leaves very entire.
gradually diminishing upwards, in dry and shady situations,
membranacei=ous and veined,
in gardens subcarnose and smaller, with the veins partly obliterated,
racemes also numerous, but always rigid, terminal and erect.
Flowers larger than the preceding, with the calix also coloured
(which in the preceding is green);
rays bright yellow, unusually broad.
The seeds in this species are perfectly smooth,
in our sempervirens pubescent.
This is one of the most ornamental plants of the genus.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Solidago velutina ssp. sparsiflora;
Solidago velutina DC. ssp. sparsiflora (A. Gray) Semple. “Three-Nerve Goldenrod”
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1876a.
- Wheeler, George M., 1878.
Gray (1876, p. 58-59) publisher S. sparsiflora from a collection on the Wheeler Expedition.
Solidago sparsiflora. Virgaurea, Virgatae : scabrido-puberula ;
foliis inferioribus ignotis, su; erioribus floralibusque parvulis lanceolatis
(lin. 6-12 longis); racemulis oligocephalis laxis laxeque thyrsoideis ;
involucri squamis linearibus puberulis apice viridulis acutiusculis ;
floribus radii circiter 10 ligulis parvulis, disci 4-5 ;
acheniis sericeo-pubescentibus.
— Arizona, near Camp Lowell, Sept., 1874. Rothrock, in
Wheeler Expedition, 1874.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Stephanomeria pauciflora;
Notes on Lygodesmia juncea;
Stephanomeria pauciflora (Torr.) A. Nelson “Brownplume Wirelettuce”
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John G., 1828.
Torrey (1827, p. 210) published several of Dr. James collections,
placing them all tentatively in Prenanthes.
Original Text
| Comments
202. Prenanthes juncea, Pursh fl. ii. p. 498.
Nutt. gen. ii. p. 123. On the Platte and Missouri.
This is a synonym of Lygodesmia juncea (Pursh) D. Don ex Hooker
Obs. Near the Rocky Mountains, Dr. James collected two
species of a genus allied to Prenanthes, but differing in their
plumose and sessile pappus. They will probably hereafter
be referred to a new genus. Their principal characters are
as follows:
1. P.? pauciflora, caule ramoso, flexuoso, superne paniculato,
ramulis unifloris, floribus erectis ; foliis lineari-lanceolatis,
runcinatis, glabris ; calycibus quinquefloris.
This will become Stephanomeria pauciflora (Torr.) A.Nelson in J.M.Coult. & A.Nelson,
New Man. Bot. Centr. Rocky Mt. 588 (1909)
2. P.? tenuifolia, caule ramoso, glabro ; foliis linearibus,
integerrimis; panicula laxa terminali; floribus erectis;
calycibus quinquefloris.
| This is a synonym of Stephanomeria tenuifolia (Torr.) H.M.Hall,
of which most Colorado collections are on the western slope.
Literature Cited:
- Coulter, John M., and Aven Nelson, 1909.
Coulter & Nelson (1909, p. 588) placed P. pauciflora Torr. in
Original Text
| Comments
2. Stephanomeria pauciflora (Torr.) Nels. Similar to the preceding, usually
lower, smaller in all of its parts, and somewhat woody at the base: the lower
leaves at least more or less runcinate-pinnatifid: pappus plumose nearly to
the base. S. runcinata in part. (Ptiloria pauciflora Raf. Atl. Journ. 145.
1832.) Sparingly if at all in our range; on the plains; from Nebraska to Texas.
The preceding was S. tenuifolia (Torr.) Hall.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Symphyotrichum ericoides;
Dill. elt., 1732;
Gron. virg., 1738;
Roy. lugdb., 1740;
Symphyotrichum ericoides (Linnaeus) G. L. Nesom “White Heath Aster”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 2, p. 875) ...
Original Text
| Translation and Comments
16. ASTER caule paniculato, pedunculis racemofis : pedicellis foliofis :
foliolis linearibus integerrimus.
Gron. virg. 100.
16. ASTER stem paniculate, peduncles racemose : pedicels leafy :
leaves linear entire.
Flora Virginica, published as two volumes by Jan Frederik Gronovius in 1739 and 1743,
based on the work of colonial Virginia botanist John Clayton.
After caule paniculato, floribus racemofis, calycibus patulis oblongis,
foliis fubulato-linearibus. Roy. lugdb. 168.
Aster with paniculate stems, flowers recemose, calyx wide oblong,
leaves subulate-linear.
Flora Leydensus Prodromus, published by Adriaan Royen in 1740.
Royen was a professor of botany at Leyden and well aquainted with both Cliffort and Linnaeus.
After ericoides dumofus. Dill. elt. 40. t. 36. f. 40.
Aster ericoides dumosus.
Johan Jacob Dillenii, 1732. Hortus Elthamensis, a catalogue of the rare plants growing at Eltham, London.
Habitat in America feptentrionalis.
| Lives in North America.
Literature Cited:
- Nesom, Guy L., 1994.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Symphyotrichum falcatum;
Symphyotrichum falcatum (Lindl.) G.L. Nesom “White Prairie Aster”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Symphyotrichum laeve;
Symphyotrichum laeve (L.) Á. Löve & D. Löve var. geyeri (A. Gray) G.L. Nesom “Smooth Blue Aster”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum ssp. hesperium;
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum (Willd.) G. L. Nesom ssp. hesperium (A. Gray) G. L. Nesom Western Lance-Leaved Aster
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1884.
Gray (1884, v. 1, pt. 2, p. 192) ...
Original Text
A. hesperius.
Resembles A. paniculatus and A. salicifolius of the East, equally variable,
from nearly glabrous and smooth to scabrous-pubescent . leaves lanceolate, entire or the
larger with a few denticulations (2 to 5 inches long, 3 to 8 lines wide) : heads rather
crowded, 4 or 5 lines high : involucre of narrowly linear or more attenuate acute or gradually
acuminate erect bracts, either unequal and imbricated, or with some loose and slender
herbaceous exterior ones which equal the inner : rays either white or violet, 3 or 4 lines
long. — Damp soil and along streams, S. Colorado and New Mexico to Arizona
and S. California.
Has been variously taken for A. longifolius, Novi-Belgii,
aestivus, &c., and coll. by
Wright, Greene, Rothrock, Cleveland, Parish, Lemmon, &c.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Symphyotrichum porteri;
Symphyotrichum porteri (A. Gray) G.L. Nesom “Smooth White Aster”
Literature Cited:
- Porter, Thomas C., and John M. Coulter, 1874.
Publication of Aster ericoides L. var strictus Porter in Porter and Coulter (1874, p. 56) ...
Original Text
Aster ericoides, L., var. strictus, Porter. Low, ¾°-1° high, glabrous,
except the scabrous margins and ciliate bases of the leaves, erect,
slender, paniculately branched above, branches short; scales of the involucre
narrowly linear, lax, outer ones very acute, often entirely green,
inner ones scarious with a central green line; radical leaves narrowly
oblanceolate. — &ldquo';In the mountains at middle elevations,”
Hall & Harbour, 254. Near Denver, Coulter.
Foot-hills west of Denver, Porter; Meehan; Hoopes.
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1880.
The basionym: Asteraceae Aster porteri A.Gray Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts xvi. (1880, p. 99) ...
Among the true Asters are several forms which have to be named,
such as A. Porteri for A. ericoides, var. strictus, Porter & Coult. Fl.
Colorad. 56, …
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Taraxacum officinale;
Taraxacum officinale F. H. Wigg. “Common Dandelion”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Thelesperma megapotamicum;
Thelesperma megapotamicum (Spreng.) Kuntze “Hopi Tea Greenthread”
Literature Cited:
- Sprengel, Curt Polycarp Joachim, 1826.
Sprengel (1826, v. 3, p. 454) ...
Original Text
| Translation and Comments
454 Syngenesia. II. Eupatorinae. Bidens
454 Syngenesia. II. Eupatorinae. Bidens
33. B. foliis omnibus 2pinnatifidis lineari-filiformis glabris,
floribus fubgeminis pedunculatis erectis difcoideis,
involucro colorado anthodium aequante.
Ad fl. magnum Amer. auftr.
(Rio grande. Sello.)
33. Bidens leaves all 2-pinnatifid, linear-filiform, glabrous,
peduncle erect,
heads equal, sub-budded (refers to calyculi??),
involucre reddish-brown,
flowers discoid.
On large rivers of the American west.
(Rio grande. Sello.)
Literature Cited:
- Kuntze, Otto, 1891-1898.
Kuntze (1898, Pt. 3[3], p. 182) ...
Original Text
Thelespermum megapotamicum OK.
(Bidens m. Spr. 1826 —
Th scabiosodes Less. 1831.)
Argentina: Villa Merceded, Ceres.
Plants of the World (Kew) does not accept Kuntze's authorship of this name,
instead accepting Thelesperma megapotamicum (Spreng.) Herter, Revista Sudamer. Bot. 7: 235 (1943).
I am unable to find that publication online.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Townsendia exscapa;
Townsendia exscapa (Richards.) Porter “Stemless Townsend Daisy”
Literature Cited:
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson, 1829-1840.
Hooker (1834), Tab. CXIX, Townsendia exscapa
Hooker (1834,v. 2. p. 16) described Townsendia and T. sericea
that will become a synonym of T. exscapa.
Original Text
58. TOWNSENDIA. Nov. Gen.
Capitulum heteroganium.
Flosculi radii ligulati foeminei; disci hermaphroditii regulares.
Involucri foliola plurisermlia imbricata.
Pappus uniserialis; radii brevis, paleaceo-subulatus,
inaequalis; disci pilosus, pilis elongatis scabriusculis.
Herba Americae borealis humilis acaulis.
Radix fusiformis, lignosa, longe descendens ; superne saepe divisa, reliquiis foliorum
vetustorum obtecta. Folia omnino radicalia, numerosa, erecto-patentia, linearia, subspathulata,
integerrima, utrinque adpresso-sericea, basi dilatata, et utrinque ciliata.
Flos solitarius, foliis
immersus et obtectus, ratione plantae magnus.
Involucrum ovatum, foliolis sericeis, lineari-subulatis,
erectis, imbricatis.
Flosculi radii ligulati, erecti, pallide rosei, marginibus involuti,
apice dentibus tribus conniventibus.
Stigma bifidum, purpureum, glabrum.
Ovarium oblongum, compresso-triquetrum, pubescens.
Pappus brevis sed valde inaequalis, uniierialis, e pilis seu
paleis subvlatis, basi membranaceis.
Flosculi disci tubulosi, lutei.
Pappus pilosus, pilis
scabriusculis longitudine corollae.
Ovarium sericeum.
Receptaculum alveolato-punctatum, nudum.
1. T. sericea. (Tab. CXIX), Aster? exscapus. Rich, in Frankl.
1st. Journ. ed. 2. App. p. 32.
Hab. Carlton House upon the Saskatchawan. Dr. Richardson.
Rare, upon the dry banks of the Saskatchawan and among the Rocky Mountains. Drummond.
This highly interesting little plant, no less on
account of its habit than its pappus, deserves to be separated from Aster, of which,
indeed, it was by Dr. Richardson, considered a doubtful species.
“the bud is formed in the autumn,” and what Dr. Richardson
further observed in the living plant,
I find to be characteristic of all the specimens in this Collection,
that “the florets of the ray are mostly involute, rarely expanded, and always narrow,
nearly of the same colour with the pappus and inconspicuous; the flowers, indeed, n
ever fully expanding.”
I have named the Genus in compliment to David Townsend, Esq.
of West Chester, Pennsylvania, who having imbibed the most ardent love of
Botany from his friend and instructor Dr. Darlington of the same city,
has devoted his leisure hours to the science with eminent success.
The plant now under consideration is peculiarly worthy of bearing his name,
because he has studied and ably discriminated the numerous Pennsylvanian species of the
allied Genus Aster.
Tab. CXIX. — Fig. 1, Flowers ;
fig. 2, Floret of the ray;
fig. 3, Portion of the pappus from the ray;
fig. 4, Floret of the disk;
fig. 5, Portion of a hair from the pappus of the disk;
fig. 6, Stigma from the disk;
fig. 7, 7, Scales of the involucre;
fig. 8:
— all more or less magnified.
Townsendia grandiflora Nutt. “Largeflower Townsend Daisy”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Townsendia grandiflora;
(Nuttall, 1840, p. 306) ...
Original Text
| Comments
Townsendia * grandiflora;
stem canescent, divaricately branching from the base,
branches one or few-flowered,
leaves linear-sublanceolate, very acute, nearly smooth,
or minutely pubescent, green ;
capitulum hemispherical ;
involucrum of three series, the sepals lanceolate, filiformly acuminate,
minutely fringed ;
rays twenty-eight to thirty, or more, bidentate.
With the preceding, which it resembles wholly in habit,
but with the flower as large nearly as that of the China Aster,
(Callistephus Chinensis)
Branching from the base, and spreading out sometimes from six to ten inches along the ground,
Leaves linear, much attenuated below, and very acute,
when green rather succulent, and appearing smooth,
though somewhat pubescent beneath, (seen through a glass.)
Sepals elegantly imbricated, perfectly lanceolate, much acuminated,
scariose, except the centre, which is green,
the margin minutely lacerate-ciliate.
Rays pale lilac, longer than the disk.
A plant which well deserves cultivation, from its large, showy flowers.
The prededing was Townsendia strigosa which was found
“On the Black Hills, (or eastern chain of the Rocky Mountains,)
near the banks of the Platte.” In Colorado, it is found only in westernmost counties.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Townsendia hookeri;
Townsendia hookeri Beaman “Hooker's Townsend Daisy”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1840-1841.
Nuttall (1840-1841, p. 304-305) describes a collection as T. sericea
which is later to be determined T. hookeri
Original Text
Townsendia sericea; caespitose; leaves narrow linear, acute, scarcely half a
line wide, canescently sericeous; capituli sessile on the caudex: scales of the
involucrum numerous, very narrow and acuminate. — Achenium as in the rest
of the genus, obovate, margined, and flatly compressed, sericeous, with a
numerous connate series of white, silky pappus, almost plumosely barbellate, and
remarkably attenuated above.
Hab. On the Black Hills, (an alpine chain toward the sources of the Platte.)
Flowering probably in April.
By the achenium, this genus makes some approach to Calimeris, though totally
unlike in habit.
Nuttall goes on the describe Townsendia incana that he describes as with the above.
Literature Cited:
- Beaman, John H., 1957.
Beaman (1957, p. 95-100), in a six-page section described Townsendia hookeri
from an Ira W. Clokey collection in Mount Vernon Canyon.
10. Townsendia Hookeri Beaman, sp. nov.
Type: Clokey 4338, dry hills, Mt. Vernon Canon, 1730 m. alt.,
Jefferson Co., Colorado, 13 April 1920 (*COLO 12061, holotype; CAN,
WTU, isotypes).
This seems to be the only collection made by Ira W. Clokey on 14 April 1920,
indeed the only collection Mr. Clokey made in the week from 10 April to 16 April 1920.
Clokey also collected a large number of duplicates, i.e. 18 duplicates according to Beaman (1957).
SEINet reveals 3 more duplicates, at IND, NO, and MIN.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Xanthisma spinulosum;
Coll. No. 2438, Xanthisma spinulosum
Xanthisma spinulosum (Pursh) D. R. Morgan & R. L. Hartm. “Spiny Goldenweed”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1813.
Coll. No. 2434, Xanthisma spinulosum
Nuttall (1813) may have been first into print with:
81 * [Sideranthus] pinnatifidus.
Fl. of both these species yellow,
and considerably like those of the genus Aster,
but from which they are sufficiently distinct.
Unfortunately, Sideranthus was a nomen nudum when this was published,
as the name was not validly published until 1840.
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Detail of Coll. No. 2434, Xanthisma spinulosum
Pursh (1814, v. 2, p. 564) ...
Original Text
650. AMELLUS. Gen. pl. 131 5.
2. A. canescens ; foliis bipinnatifidis inciso-dentatis, laciniis
linearibus rigido-mucronatis, floribus lateralibus et
terminalibus congestis, radiis bidentatis, paleis setaceis.
In open prairies on the Missouri.
M. Lewis. ♃. Aug. Sept.
v. s. in Herb. Lewis.
Rays yellow.
Tota planta rigida, scabra, cano-viridescens.
Caulis ramosissimus.
Rami angulosi.
Ramuli laterales breves, uniflori.
Folia alterna, bipinnatifida, rigida, laciniis linearibus, spinula terminatis, inferioribus inciso-dentatis.
Flores laterales solitarii et terminales congesti, subcorymbosi, lutei.
Calyx imbricatus : squamis exterioribus brevioribus, acutis, hirsutis ;
interioribus linearibus, scariosis.
Corollulae radii lineari-lanceolatae, bidentatae.
Receptaculum : Paleis brevibus, subuiatis.
Both species are an intermediate link between Aster and Inula.
They approach the nearest to Amellus ;
but the receptacle is not, properly speaking, paleaceous, but only setaceous.
Literature Cited:
- Moulton, Gary E., 1999.
Moulton (1999) lists the Lewis & Clark collection as Machaeranthera pinnatifida
Literature Cited:
- Morgan, David R., and Ronald L. Hartman, 2003.
Morgan & Hartman (2003, v. 20, p. 1406) ...
14. Xanthisma spinulosum (Pursh) D. R. Morgan & R. L. Hartman, comb. nov.
Basionym: Amellus spinulosus Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 2:564. 1813.
Type: U.S.A. [South Dakota. Lyman or Brule Co.: Reveal et al. 1999], in open
prairies on the Missouri, 15 Sep 1804, M. Lewis s.n. (Lectotype: PH! [designated by
Hall 1928]; isolectotype: UC!).
The following two binomials are not valid as the genus Sideranthus was a nomen
nudum when the combinations were published: Sideranthus pinnatifidus Nutt.,
Fraser's Catalogue, no. 81, 1813, non Aplopappus pinnatifidus Nutt., 1840 and
Sideranthus spinulosus (Pursh) Sweet, Hort. Brit., 227. 1826.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Euphorbia dentata;
Euphorbia dentata Michx. “Toothed Spurge”
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
- Michaux, Andre, 1803.
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Described by Michaux (1803).
Original Text
dentata. E. annua; pumila, hirsuta : foliis oppositis , ovalibus , dentatis :
floribus ad summitates congestis.
Obs. Folia superiora maculosa.
Hab. in Tennasee , juxta Nashville.
 Coll. No. 2680, Euphorbia dentata. |
Native Monocots in the Golden Flora
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Typha angustifolia;
Typha angustifolia L. “Narrow Leaf Cattail”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Typha latifolia;
Typha latifolia L. “Cattail”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Zannichellia palustris;
Zannichellia palustris L. “Horned Pondweed”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Potamogeton nodosus;
Potamogeton nodosus Poir. “Longleaf Pondweed”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Agropyron cristatum;
Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. “Crested Wheat Grass”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Alopecurus aequalis;
Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. “Shortawn Foxtail.”
Literature Cited:
- Sobolewski, Gregor, 1799.
Sobolewski (1799, p. 16) ...
Original Text
| Translation
Ariftis gluma aequalibus (Sob.)
Habitat in locis uliginosis cum praecedente.
Floret Junio, Julio.
In lacubus natans eft.
45. Alopecurus aequalis.
Glume awns equal. (i.e., glumes equal).
Lives in a damp place with the first, i.e., A. geniculatis.
Flowers June, July.
Swimming in lakes.
[Belarusian] Fox horsetail is smooth.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Andropogon gerardii;
Andropogon gerardii Vitman. “Big Bluestem”
The native range is North America from Utah to the east, and from Saskachewan south to Costa Rica (POWO, 2021).
How it got the the Geneva Botanic Garden is unexplained.
Literature Cited:
- Vitman, Fulgenzio Antonio Maris, 1789-1792.
Original Text
| Interpreted Latin
| Interpreted English
| Comments
Cal. gluma 1-fl. Cor. gluma bafi ariftata .
Stam 3. Styl. 2. Sem. 1. follic. involutum , ariftatum .
Maf. Cal. Cor. Stam. prioris .
Calyce gluma 1-floris. corolla gluma basi aristata.
Stamina 3. Stylis 1. Folliculus involutum, aristatum.
Maf. calyce corolla stamina prioris .
Calyx glume single-flowered, corolla glume (i.e., lemma) bristled from base (???)
Stamens 3. Style 1. Follicles rolled, bristled.
Maf. calyx of the corolla less than the stamens.
Where on the lemma does the awn arise???
What does “Maf.” mean?
A. fpicis digitatis : fl. alterne geminis ;
hermaphrodito fefilli , ariftato ; mafculo pedunculato , mutico .
Gerard. gallo-prov. cum. fig.
In Gallo provincia.
Andropogon spicis digitatis: floris alterne geminis;
hermaphrodito sesilli, aristato, masculo pedunculato, mutico.
Gerard. Flora Gallo-Provincialis cum figura.
In Gallo provincia.
Andropogon with spikes digitate, flowers alternately twinned,
the sessile flower is hermaphroditic and bristled,
the pedunculate flower is masculine and pointless.
[Published in] Gerard, 1760. Flora Gallo-Provincialis with figure.
In Provence.
The location literally translates to “In Provence,”
but I think it might really mean “In the French provinces [of Canada.]”
The honoree's name is
Gérard, Louis, 1760, author of
Flora Gallo-Provincialis.
Parisiis : Ad Ripam PP. Augustinorum, Apud C. J. B. Bauche, Bibliopolam, Ad insigne Genovefae, & S.ti Joannis in deserto 1761
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Apera interrupta;
Apera interrupta (L.) Beauv. “Italian Windgrass”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Aristida purpurea;
Aristida purpurea Nutt. “Purple Threeawn. ”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1834b.
Coll. No. 1140, Aristida purpurea
Coll. No. 1140, Aristida purpurea var. longiseta
First collected and described by Nuttall (1834) in his report in his near-fatal trip to Arkansa Territory.
Original Text
1. Aristida stricta. 2. A. oligantha. 3. A. dichotoma.
4. A. pallens
5. A. * purpurea.
Panicula erectiuscula gracili ;
cal. Valvulis remotis aristulatis apice bifidis ;
aristis capillaribus longissimis ;
foliis brevibus scabris.
On the grassy plains of Red river, in arid situations.
Flowering in May.
Perennial '
leaves narrow, short and scabrous ;
ligula pilose ;
culm about one foot high ;
panicle many flowered, a little spreading, branches capillary ;
flowers commonly in pairs (after the manner of the genus), bluish purple ;
one valve of the calyx nearly double the length of the other,
both bifid at the summit and shortly awned,
the longer valve exceeding the corolla ;
awns equal, capillary, nearly three times the length of the corolla and scabrous ;
corolla minutely stipitate.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Arrhenatherum elatius;
Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) P. Beauv. ex J. Presl & C. Presl. “Tall Oatgrass”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 1, p. 79) ...
Original Text
| Translation and Comments
2. AVENA calycibus bifloris,
flofculo hermaphrodito mutico,
mafculo aristato.
Fl. fuec. 98.
Avena calycibus bifloris, panicula laxe fpicata:
pedunculis prioribus fafciculatis.
Guett. ftamp. 1. p. 182.
Gramen avenaceum, panicula acerofa, femine papofo.
Dill. app. 48.
Gramen avenaceum elatius, juba longa fplendente.
Raj. meth. 179. angl. 3. p. 406.
Morif. hift. 3. p. 214. f. 8. t. 7. f. 37.
Scheuch. gram. 239.
Hall. helv 225.
Avena panicula nutante, calycibus bifloris:
altero flofculo ariftato.
Roy. lugdb. 66.
Gramen nudofum, avenacea panicula, radice tuberibus praedita.
Bauh. pin. 2. prodr. 3. theatr. 18.
Scheuch. Gram. 237.
Habitat in Europae maritimis & apricis.
Dwelleth in the European maritime and sunny.
Literature Cited:
- Presl, Jan Svatopluk, anf K. B. Presl, 1819.
J. Presl & C. Presl (1819, p. 17) published A. elatius adding our grass to
Beauvois' (1812) Arrhenatherum.
Original Text
| Translation and Comments
113. A. elatius B., O. wywysseny;
flosc. superiore submutico, inferiore arista geniculata,
culmi geniculis glabris,
radice nodosa.
H. G. 2. 49.
Prata, pascua.
♃. 6, 3.
B. = Palisot de Beauvois. Essai d'une nouvella Agrostographie.
Our current citation is “P.Beauv. ex J.Presl & C.Presl”
meaning the grass was described by Beauvois in Presl & Presl (1819).
H.G. = Host. Gramina austriaca.
Numerus prior tomum alter tabulam indigitat.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Bothriochloa bladhii;
Bothriochloa bladhii (Retz.) S.T. Blake. Caucasian Bluestem
Literature Cited:
- Retzius, Anders Jahan, 1781.
Retzius' description of Andropogon bladhii.
Literature Cited:
- Blake, S. T., 1968.
Behind a paywall
Bouteloua Grama Grass
Genus name honors two Spanish brothers Claudius (d. 1842) and Exteban Boutelou (d. 1813) professors of botany and agriculture respectively.
Literature Cited:
- Gould, Frank W., 1979.
Other articles:
• Glossary:
Kranz Syndrome;
Bouteloua was established in 1805 by Mariano Lagasca.
The type species is B. curtipendula (Michaux) Torrey, originally named B. racemosa by Lagasca.
In the present treatment, 39 species are recognized, 29 of these restricted to North America and Central America,
2 species are endemic to the Antilles, 2 species occur in the Antilles, as well as at other locations,
5 species are distributed in both North and South America, and 1 species, B. megapotamica,
is represented only in southern South America.
Bouteloua is a characteristic member of the tribe Chlorideae of the subfamily Eragrostoideae (Chloridoideae).
The species all are C4 plants with typical Kranz leaf anatomy and starch storage features.
Chromosome numbers have been reported for 29 species with most species being diploid (2n = 20) or tetraploid (2n = 40).
Aneuploid records or series of counts have been reported for 9 species.
All species of Bouteloua are characterized by features of the Kranz Syndrome.
They are C4 in their photosynthesis and have a characteristic chloridoid leaf anatomy.
Starch storage is in specialized plastids of the leaf sheath bundles,
and the arrangement of cells in the leaf blade is typically Kranz.
The 39 recognized species are all variously adapted to shortgrass prairies, desert grasslands,
and xeric sites along desert shrub areas, and sandy shores.
The genus Bouteloua was described in 1805 by Mariano Lagasca.
Lagasca proposed five species,
B. racemosa, B. hirsuta, B. barbata, B. simplex, and B. prostrata,
but did not designate a type species.
Griffiths (1912), Hitchcock (1920), and Hitchcock et al. (1939) all have accepted the first species, B. racemosa, as the type.
As plants of the type species had been named Chloris curtipendula by Michaux in 1803,
the legitimate name for this taxon is Bouteloua curtipendula.
Bouteloua was named in honor of two Spanish gardeners, the Boutelou brothers.
Lagasca's original spelling of the genus name was Botelus.
In a later publication (1816), he corrected this to Bouteloua.
Some additional information about La Gasca can be found in Constance & Rodriguez (1975).
Two subgenera, Bouteloua and Chrondrosium (Desvaux) Gould.
Weber & Wittmann (2012) retain Chrondrosium at the rank of genus,
though spelling it Chrondrosum Desvaux,
suggesting that we see Clayton, W. D., 1986, Genera Graminum: Grasses of the World. Kew Bull. Addit. Ser. XIII. 389 p.
Peterson, et al. (2015) treat Chrondrosum as a section of Bouteloua containing B. gracilis and
one other known in Colorado, B. simplex.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Bouteloua curtipendula;
Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr. in Marcy. “Side-Oats Grama”
Literature Cited:
- Michaux, Andre, 1803.
The basionym of B. curtipendula is Chloris curtipendula Michx.
Original Text
| My Interpretation
CHLORIS. O. P. Swartz (1788) Nova Genera & Species Plantarum seu Prodromus
Spicae unilateriflorae, spiculis subsessiliter biseriatis : quarum
gluma communis 2-valvis, 2-6-flora :
floribus dissimilibus ;
valva altera ( saltem nonnullorum ) aristata :
uno hermaphrodito , fertili ;
caeteris inperfectis , masculis neutrisve ;
ultimo pedicellato.
Spikes unilateral flowered, darts subsessiliter biseriatis, of which the husk common 2-doors,
2-6-flowered, flowers are different;
second valve (at least some) anstata one hermaphrodito, fertile;
the rest of the imperfect, or the males neutrisve;
last pedicellatae.
C. racemo erecto longo ;
e spicis plurimis , distiche alternis ,
e basí emittens rudimentum secundi floris inane ,
promisse aristatum ; intra quod bina alia rudimenta
quasi in sola arista consistentia.
Chloris, even on a long raceme;
very many out of the ears of corn, distiche every other day,
And I will send the initial stage of the second base of the flower out of the void,
Retz promised; the rudiments of other things, and within it two of every sort
as the only grain condition.
Plantae cultae statura major; spicae 6-12-glumes.
If cultivated plants are taller; 6-12-spike glumes.
Hab. in aridis regionis Illinoensis ad Wabast et in
rupibus ad prairie du rocher.
In arid regions of Illinois to Wabash River and watercourses of Prairie de Rocher (a town in southwest Illinois).
Prairie du Rocher is one of the oldest communities in the 21st century United States having been founded in 1722 by French colonists, mostly migrants from Canada.
About four miles to the west, closer to the Mississippi River, is Fort de Chartres, site of a French military fortification and colonial headquarters established in 1720.
Literature Cited:
- Emory, William H., 1848.
Emory (1848) hinted as the existence of Bouteloua curtipendula as a name but this
would be invalid because he really did not place B. racemosa
in synonomy.
I assume that Emory had heard from Torrey that B. curtipendula
was the correct name but perhaps did not know that Torrey had not published
the name.
____teloua racemosa, Lagasca. ? Culm erect, simple; spikes nu-
____s (20-40,) reflexed, 3-flowers; lower glume linear subulate;
____ one linear-lanceolate, scabrous, entire, nearly as long as the
____ts; lower palea of the perfect flower unequally tricuspidate,
____ent; abortive flower reduced to a slender awn which is nearly
____g as the perfect flower, furnished at the base with 2 short
____onspicuous bristles. Valley of the Gila, rare. This plant
____pretty well with Kunth's description of B. (Eutriana,) race-
____xcept in the pubescent lower palea, and the minute bristles
____base of the neiter flower. Whether it be the plant of La-
____r not is very difficult to determine from his brief character.
It certainly is very different from B. racemosa of the United States,
which has a large 3-awed neuter flower, and if distinct from La-
gasca's, must receive another name. That of B. curtipendula
would be appropriate.
Literature Cited:
- Marcy, Randolph B., 1854.
IPNI (2020) indicates that Bouteloua curtipendula was credit to Torrey in Marcy (1854), whereas Marcy seems to credit Torrey in Emory's report.
IPNI also suggest that new combination was invalid,
“Torrey (in Emory, Notes milit. Reconn. 154. 1848) mentioned this comb. Nov. (invalid)”
Bouteloua racemosa, Lag. Var. Cienc. (1805) p. 141 ;
Torr. In Emory's Rep., p. 154 ;
not of Torr. Fl. N. York.
Dinebra curtipendula, DC.? Kunth, Syn. Pl. Eq. 1, p. 281 ;
excl. syn. Michx. Eutriana curtipendula, Trin. Fund. P. 161 (in part);
Kunth, Enum. 1, p. 280, and Suppl. P. 233 ;
excl. syn. Michx. And Willd.
Main Fork of Red River; July.
The detailed description of this species by Kunth, l. c.,
(drawn from a Mexican specimen collected by Humboldt)
shows that the Chloris curtipendula of Michaux (Bouteloua curtipendula, Torr.)
is a distinct species, as indicated in Emory's report, l. c.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Bouteloua gracilis;
Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lag. ex Griffiths. Blue Grama Grass.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
110. ATHEROPOGON. Muhlenberg.
... [Description of A. apludoides, syn:
Chloris curtipendula, Mich. = Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torrey – Ed.]
2. A. * oligostachyum.
Spikes 2 or 3, nearly terminal,
many flowered;
calix and corolla pilose;
outer valve of the corolla distinctly 3-awned,
the 2 lateral awns shorter,
arising near the middle of the valve;
neutral valve 3-awned.
On the plains of the Missouri with the above.
[Bouteloua curtipendula – Ed.]
Culm round, filiform, nearly naked, or with a single leaf,
8 to 12 inches high, smooth and erect.
Leaves very short, smooth, and subulate,
stipule and base of the spikes shortly bearded.
Spikes 1, 2, or 3, about an inch long,
usually curved backwards, unilateral, compressed,
and pectinate, the second spikes bibracteate, rachis semiterete.
Glumes in a double row, opposite;
each 2-flowered;
calix bluish-purple, exterior valve lanceolate, mucronate, with a single nerve;
the nerve beset with a few scattered hairs arising from so many tubercles;
inner valves shorter, very narrow.
Corolla, outer valve lanceolate, carinate, 3-awned,
pilose along the margins of the nerves, and at the base;
inner valve smooth, shortly bi-cuspidate.
Neutral flower 1-valved, obtuse, with 3 awns, and pubescent at the base.
This species, though certainly a congener of the preceding,
is considerably allied to Chloris,
appearing to unite that genus and Sesleria, agreeing partly
with the latter in the structure of the flowers,
and with the former in its habitus.
(A North American genus)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Bromus briziformis;
Bromus briziformis Fisch. & C. A. Mey. “Rattlesnake Brome”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Bromus lanatipes;
Bromus lanatipes (Shear) Rydb. “Wooly Brome”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Bromus polyanthus;
Bromus polyanthus Scribn. ex Shear. “Great Basin Brome”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Buchloe dactyloides;
• Field Notes:
Coll. No. 1673, 16 Jun 2017;
Coll. No. 1674, 19 Jun 2017;
Coll. No. 1690, 29 Jun 2017;
Buchloë dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm. Buffalo Grass.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Glossary:
v. v.;
Buffalo Grass was first recognized in the field and published by Nuttall (1818).
However, Nuttall only saw the staminate plants, and published the grass that way.
He also was not sure of the genus, but settled on Sesleria as his best guess.
95. SESLERIA. L. (Moor-grass.)
Calix 2 to 5-flowered.
Corolla 2-valved, valvea toothed at the point.
Stigmata somewhat glandulous.
Flowers spiked, often purplish, base of the spike breacteate, or involucrate.
Early flowering subalpine grasses, growing in calcareous mountains.
Species. 1. S. Dactlyoides.
Culm setaceous, leafy;
leaves short, flat, subulate, and somewhat hairy;
stipules bearded;
spikes 2 or 3, few-flowered;
flowers in 2 rows, disposed upon an unilateral rachis,
calix mostly 2-flowered, and with the corolla acuminate and entire.
Hab. On the open grassy plains of the Missouri;
Flowers in May and Junes.
v. v.
Root after flowering resembling a bulb.
Culm smooth and round, furnished with 2 or 3 leaves, about 4 or 5 inches high.
Leaves flat, subulate, and somewhat hairy, 1 to 2 inhes in length, and about 2 lines wide;
sheathes shorter than the internodes, very hairy around the stipules.
Spikes 2 or 3, somewhat ovalm subtended by a single leaf, with which they are at first sheathed;
rachis compressed, margined,spikelets 6 to 8, by pairs, inclined to one side.
Calix 2-valved, 2 or 3-flowered, vales very unequal, each with a single nerve and carinate,
the larger oblong-ovate, mucronulate.
Outer valve of the corolla oblong-lanceolate, entire, 3-nerved, smooth, and menbranaceous,
longer than the calix;
inner 2-nerved, nearly the length of the outer.
Anthers linear, entire, fulvous, exserted.
Styles filiform, pubescept.
This species appears on the one hand, alloed to Atheropogon,
and on the other to Dactylis.
Though rather a Sesleria than any other genus,
it recedes from it in having the valves of the corolla entire at the apex,
and thus it approaches Dactylis at least, the D. glomerata.
With the exception of the present species,
the genus Sesleria is confined to the alpine regions of Northern Europe.
| |
Literature Cited:
- Rafinesque, C. S., 1819.
Other articles:
• Glossary:
nomen nudum;
Rafinesque (1819), recognizing that the grass must be distinct from the Old World Sesleria,
published a genus name Bulbilis for Nuttall's grass.
18. Sesleria dactyloides must form a peculiar genus by Mr. N's. own account,
it may be called Bulbilis.
The question will become whether this is a validly published name, or whether it is a nomen nudum.
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1838-1843.
I don't see any grasses in Torrey & Gray's (1838-1843) Flora of North America.
Literature Cited:
- Marcy, Randolph B., 1854.
Sesleria dactyloides, Nutt. Gen, 1, p. 65; Kunth, Enum, 1, p. 323;
Torr, in Emory's report, p. 323, t. 10.
Upper tributaries of the Red River; July.
This is the well known Buffalo-grass of the western prairies.
It is remarkable that neither the grain nor the fertile flowers of this grass are known.
Literature Cited:
- Engelmann, George, M.D., 1859.
Original Text
| Comments and Interpretation
By George Engelmann, M.D.
The grasses, though usually hermaphrodite, show a tendency to a separation of the sexes,
and polygamous flowers are not rare among them.
About 25 to 28 genera, one-twelfth of the whole number known,
comprising only 75 to 80 species,
about one seventy-fifth of all species, *
are described as having monoecious and mostly heteromorphous flowers.
Only two genera of dioecious grasses are known to the books;
of these, Spinifex, Lin., with 6 species from the East Indies and Australia,
bearing on some plants staminate and on others complete flowers,
is only incompletely dioecious;
the other genus is Gynerium, H. B. K., five South American species.
Some other dioecious species of genera,
generally hermaphrodite, are noticed;
such as Calamagrostis dioica, Lour., and Guadua dioca, Steud.
The unisexual grasses mostly belong to Oryzeae, Phalarideae, Paniceae, and Rottboellieae;
none have been known among the tribes of Stipeae, Agrostideae, Chlorideae, Avenaceae, Festiceae,
and Hordeeae.
They were unknown in the northern temperate zone,
with the exception of Zizania and Tripsacum of North America
and the cultivated Zea, all with heteromorphous staminate and pistillate flowers on the same plant.
The dioecious grasses of our Flora are both species of Brizopyrum;†
Eragrostis reptans is also frequently or mostly dioecious,
and other species of this genus seem to be imperfectly so.
In the following pages, two new dioecious North American grasses are described,
both types of new and very distinct genera,
and both, it is believed, belonging to Chloridae.
* In the latest work on Grasses, Steudel's Glumaceae,
published in 1855, about 6,000 species of Grasses are described,
very unequally distributed in about 300 genera,
many general containing only a single species,
while Panicum alone comprises 864,
Andropogon 461,
Eragrostis 247,
and Festuca 239 numbers.
† Brizopyrum spicatum, Hook. Is from the eastern seacoast,
and B. strictum from the saline soils of the Missouri region and of Utah.
The flowers of both sexes are conform,
but the staminate plants are readily distinguished from the pistillate ones
by their more slender growth, the spikes overtopping the leaves;
while in the pistillate plants the latter are longer than the spikes.
= Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene
Engelmann's description of the new genus:
Original Text
| Comments and Interpretation
BUCHLOË, Nov. Gen.
BUCHLOË, New Genus
Gramen plantitierum Americae Septentrionalis aridarum
Missouriensium, Texensium, Mexicanarumque gregarium,
perenne, stoloniferum, humile, sparse pilosum vel glabriusculum;
ligulis barbatis.
Buchloe pro nimis longo Bubalochloe nomen vernaculum
“Buffalograss,” graece reddit.
Grass of arid North America, Missouri, Texas, Mexico,
perennial stoloniferous, small, sparsely hairy or glabriusculus;
ligules bearded.
Buchloe from a long form, Bubalochloe
(Χορτ ο βου β αλ ου)
The name of the breed “ Buffalograss” in Greek.
Literature Cited:
- Steudel, Ernst Gottlieb, 1855.
Description of the new species:
Buchloe dactyloides.
Syn. Plantae masculae:
Sesleria dactyloides, Nuttall, Gen. I. p. 64.
Sesleria (?) dactyloides, Torrey, in Emory's Rep. 1848, p. 153, Pl. X;
id. In Whipple's Rep. Pacif, R.R. Expl., IV., p. 157.
Calanthera dactyloides, Kenth (?) in Hooker's account of Geyer's Rocky Mountain plants, in Kew Journ. Bot., VIII., p. 18.
Triodiae spec., Bentham, in Pl. Hartweg, nro. 250, p. 28.
Lasiostega humilis, Rupprecht (ined) in Benth, Pl. Hartw. Corrig., P. 347.
Drummond Tex., Ill., nro. 378.
Lindheimer, Pl. Tex. Exsicc. 569.
Fendler N. Mex., 940.
Berlandier, nro. 1612 and 1614.
Hartw, 250 (fide Gray).
Syn. Plantae faemineae:
Antephora axilliflora, Steudel, Glum. I. . 111
Drummond Tex., II., 359.
Wright, 1849, 785; 1851-1852, 2079 (fide Torrey).
This remarkable plant is found in our western prairies from the British possessions
throughout the Missouri Territory, Nebraska, Kansas, and New Mexico, down to Texas and Northern Mexico,
and is, under the name of “Buffalo-grass,”
well known to hunters and trappers as one of the most nutricious grasses,
on which, for a part of the year, subsist and fatten immense herds of buffalo
and the cattle of the hunter and emigrant.
Since the time of Nuttall, who published an account of it,
in his “Genera,” as early as 1818,
the male plant has been collected by almost every botanist traversing those regions.
The female plant had escaped the observers until it was described by Steudel,
in the year 1855, from Drummond's Texan specimens,
as a totally different plant and belonging even to a different tribe.
Though Prof. Torrey had already, in Emory's Report, 1848, suggested the
probability of the Buffalo-grass being a dioecious plant,
the possibility that Nuttall's Sesleria dactyloides
and Steudel's Antephora axilliflora could be the male and female of the same species
was not even suspected,
till finding both together in a collection sent by my brother,
Henry Engelmann, who, as a geologist, accompanied the topographical corps attached to the army of Utah,
I was struck with their similarity.
My surmise, much doubted at first, became a certainty,
when I discovered among some male plants,
collected by A. Fendler, about Fort Kearny on the Platte River, a monoecious specimen,
showing both male and female flowers on different stalks from the same rhizome.
A figure of this important specimen is given on Pl. XII., fig. 3.
That our plant is distinct from Sesleria has already been stated by Torrey (l. c. p. 154),
and indeed by Nuttall himself (l. c. p. 65),
and both have pointed to its affinity to Atheropogon or Chondrosium.
The description now given fully confirms both positions.
It also leaves no doubt that is is not an Antephora, nor at all paniceous.
A new generic name, therefore, had to be given, and I have preferred to
propose an abbreviated translation of the popular and widely known name of “Buffalo-grass,”
retaining of course Nuttall's original specific appellation.
The synonyms of the male plant, supplied through the kindness of Prof. Gray,
are uncertain, Kunth never having published such a name as Calanthera,
which, moreover, is quite unmeaning;
nor can I learn that a genus Lasiostega has ever been described.
The Buffalo-grass grows in dense tufts, sending out stolons.
These, in most herbarium specimens, are only a few inches long,
with internodes of 1/2-2 incles in length;
Lindheimer, however, sends specimens from New Braunfels, Texas,
with stolons 1-2 feet long, the internodes often measuring over 3 and even as much as 5 inches.
The male plant seems to throw out more numerous runners than the female,
and may often overspread and kill it out.
Which would account for the much greater scarcity of the latter.
Leaves 2-4 inches long, 1/2-1 1/2 lines wide, sparsely hairy or ciliate or glabrous;
sheaths striate, glabrous, strongly bearded at the throat.
Engelmann (1859) wrote a very long and detailed description of the staminate plant.
Engelmann (1859) then wrote a very long and detailed description of the pistillate plant.
The Engelmann article then continues with a description of Monanthochloë, and M. littoralis Engelm.
This is also known as shore-grass and not known from Colorado, so the description is not included here.
Literature Cited:
- Plank, E. N., 1892.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Buchloë dactyloides, Hitchcock, 1895;
E. N. Plank (1892) argued that the plant was actually monoecious.
He based this on a single observation,
During one of my botanical rambles in Kansas,
while walking over soil newly moved by a freshet,
I noticed the peculiar appearance of the individual plants
of buffalo grass growing upon it.
There were scores of them, if not hundreds.
All of them appeared to be seedlings, having not yet sent out stolons.
All of these plants were monoecious.
That seems to be sexually the original character of the species.
The fact of the unisexual flowering stems,
proceeding from different parts of the plants,
with its stoloniferous character generally increasing and spreading in that way,
will fully account for its dioecious habit.
Literature Cited:
- Hitchcock, A. S., 1895.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Buchloë dactyloides, Plank, 1892;
Hitchcock (1895) refuted Plank's (1892) observation that Buffalo Grass was monoecious.
Note on buffalo grass.
I read with interest an article by Mr. Plank on
“Buchloe dactyloides Englm., not a dioecious grass.”
He asserts that the grass in question is not dioecious,
as usually described,
but monoecious,
and in support records observations made in Kansas.
Wishing to satisfy myself experimentally as to the correctness
of this assertion,
a few seeds were germinated in the greenhouse in the spring of 1893.
A single seedling was transferred to an outdoor plat.
This grew vigorously through the season,
sending out stolons and forming a compact mat.
During 1894 the mat became larger and denser,
but no flowers appeared.
However, the plant flowered this season (1895).
Both staminate and pistillate flowers were present,
the former preponderating.
The flowers arose mostly from nodes that had taken root
and thus become essentially independent plants.
In no case did I find the two kinds of flowers from the same node,
but from the interwoven state of the stolons I was unable to
determine whether the two kinds of flowers
were borne upon independent stolons.
The plant was first described by Nuttall (Gen, 1: 65. 1818)
from a staminate specimen,
and named Sesleria dactyloides.
He is evidently doubtful about the plant belonging
to the genus Sesleria.
Rafinesque having occasion to review Nuttall's Genera
(Am. Monthly Mag. 2: 190. 1819)
makes a note regarding this plant:
“18. Sesleria dactyloides must form a peculiar genus by
Mr. N.'s own account.
It may be called Bulbilis.”
It is upon this basis that Dr. Otto Kuntze establishes
Bulbilis dactyloides (Nutt.) Raf. (Rev. Gen. Pl. 763).
Nuttall remarks in his description:
“Root, after flowering, resembling a bulb,”
from which, doubtless,
Rafinesque derives Bulbilis.
Upon the margin of the copy of the
American Monthly Magazine
above quoted (in the library of the Missouri Botanical Garden),
someone has suggested another derivation,
“bull's bile!”
A. S. Hitchcock, Kansas Agricultural College, Manhattan.
Literature Cited:
- Lamson-Scribner, F., 1900.
Uses Rafinesque's name of Bulbilis dactyloides.
Literature Cited:
- Schaffner, John H., 1920.
Schaffner (1920) published an article on the dioecious nature of Buffalo Grass.
He combined field observations and greenhouse experiments to support his contention that
Buffalo Grass is strictly dioecious.
Literature Cited:
- Hitchcock, A. S., 1927.
Hitchcock (1927) proposed conservation of Buchloë against Bulbilis and others because Engelmann's Buchloë was the first name under which both staminate and pistillate plants were described.
Buchloe Engelm. (1859) is conserved against Bulbilis Raf. (1819),
Calanthera “Nutt.&rdquo: (1856), and Casiostega Rupr. (1857).
Bulbilis was proposed by Rafinesque in a review of Nuttall's Genera as follows:
“Sesleria dactyloides must for a peculiar genus by Mr. N's own account,
it may be called Bulbilis.”
Calanthera was mentioned by Hooker in a list of Geyer's plants from the Upper Missouri.
“Calanthera dactyloides Kth.–Nutt. Sesleria.”
Casiostega (of the Nomina Conservanda, a lisprint for Lasiostega Rpur.; Benth, Pl. Hartw. 347. 1857) is a nomen nudum.
Nuttall's description of Sesleria dactyloides was based on the staminate plant only
and until Engelmann gave his full description of both sexes of the buffalo grass
there had been no mention of pistillate spikelets.
Though in Bulbilis and Calanthera the type species is indicated and a previously published description is referred to,
that description is so inadequate,
compared to the detailed study published by Engelmann,
that they may well be rejected in favor of Buchloe.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Buchloë dactyloides, Hitchcock, 1971, 2nd ed.;
See Hitchcock, 1971, below.
Literature Cited:
- Anderson, Kling, and A. E. Aldous, 1937.
An article on monoecious Buffalo Grass by Anderson & Aldous (1937) is behind a paywall I have been unable to penetrate.
Literature Cited:
- Gernert, W. B., 1937.
An article by Gernert (1937) appears to address the height of pistillate spikes relative to harvesting them, but is behind a paywall I have not penetrated.
Literature Cited:
- Hensel, R. L., 1938.
Hensel (1938) wrote about perfect-flowered buffalo grass which might be interesting to read were it not, alas, behind a paywall.
Literature Cited:
- Spurlock, Clay, 1940.
Spurlock (1940) surveys monoecious and dioecious grasses in America, finding 17 genera and 54 species of monoecious,
and 13 genera and 23 species of dioecious grasses of the Western Hemisphere, of which Buffalo Grass is one of the latter.
Note is made of the controversy about the degree of dioecism seen in Buffalo Grass.
Literature Cited:
- Burr, Richard D., 1951.
Burr (1951) wrote about his observations in variations of sex along stolons of
Literature Cited:
- Rickett, H. W. , & F. A. Stafleu, 1959c.
- Rickett, H. W., and F. A. Stafleu, 1959.
In a review of conserved names, Rickett and Stafleu (1959) note that conservation of the name “Buchloë” was superfluous.
† 308.
Buchloë Engelmann, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 1 432.
1859 quadrim. 1. T.: B. dactyloides (Nuttall) Engelmann
(Sesleria dactyloides) Nuttall).
Note: Conservation superfluous:
Calanthera Nuttall ex W. J. Hooker, Journ, Bot. Kew Misc. 8: 18 (1856),
Bulbilis Rafinesque, Am. Mon. Mag. Crit. Rev. 4: 190. (1819), and
Lasiostegia Ruprecht ex Betham, Pl. Hartw. 347 (1857),
are all nomina nuda.
The meaning of the dagger (†) is unclear.
All names with daggers were subjects of a superfluous conservation.
However, not all with superfluous conservation were marked with a dagger.
Literature Cited:
- Hitchcock, A. S., 1971.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Buchloë dactyloides, Hitchcock, 1935;
115. BÚCHLOË Engelm.
(Bulbilis Raf.)
Plants dioecious or monecious.
Type species, Buchloë dactyloides.
Name contracted from Greek boubalos, buffalo, and chloë, grass, a Greek rendering of the common name,
“buffalo grass.”
1. Buchloë dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm. Buffalo Grass.
The sod houses of the early settlers were made mostly from the sod of this grass.
In 1941 it was planted at Boyce Thompson Institute, Yonkers, N. Y., and is proving to be an excellent cover for exposed dry banks.
Literature Cited:
- Bai, T. J., 1990.
Abstract :
Seventy-five stands with different compositions of blue grama (B. gracilis) and buffalograss (B. dactyloides) were sampled in 1987.
Multiple regression and principal component analysis techniques were used to investigate the relationship between
blue grama and buffalograss composition and soil characteristics.
Blue grama was often more abundant on sandy soil, while buffalograss was found on clay soil.
Blue grama was also found on clay soils when lime content was high.
The essential factor underlying sand, clay and lime content of soil was interpreted as water stress.
Relative crowding coeff. calculated for blue grama and buffalograss showing
that both species had greater height and produced more vegetation when found intermingled than when growing in monoculture.
Literature Cited:
- Quinn, James A., 1991.
Quinn (1991) examined multiple hypotheses for dioecy in Buffalo Grass and
found support only for “out-crossing” as an advantage afforded by dioecy.
Buchloe dactyloides is a perennial dioecious grass in which male and female inflorescences
are so strikingly dimorphic that they were originally assigned to different genera.
The objective of this paper is to present the results of tests for sex-specific vegetative characters, ecological differences,
and sexual niche-partitioning,
combining them with prior information on the reproductive biology of Buchloe
for an evaluation of the key factors leading to the evolution of dioecy and sexual dimorphism.
Field and greenhouse data were collected from Oklahoma and Kansas populations on vegetative characters,
allocation to reproduction, and relative growth and competitive success along resource gradients.
Except for greater susceptibility to leaf rust by males,
there were no significant differences between males and females in vegetative characters, total biomass, or reproductive effort.
Field studies of spatial distributions of males and females failed to show any relation to soil, topography, or soil moisture.
In a 45-month greenhouse experiment starting at the seedling stage,
the relative growth and competitive success of randomly paired individuals showed no evidence
for differential competitive success or for niche-partitioning of males and females.
The "outcrossing advantage" and subsequent sexual specialization of the female inflorescence appear
to be the major factors underlying this dimorphic system.
Literature Cited:
- Huff, David R., and Lin Wu, 1992.
Variations of sex inconstancy were examined for vegetative and seed samples
from eight natural populations of buffalograss located along two east-west transects
crossing the shortgrass prairies of Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas.
Each of the eight populations was found to contain inconstant (monoecious) sex forms.
Sex form distributions ranged from the Guymon vegetative sample, having no inconstant sex forms,
to the Chillicothe seed sample in which the frequency of inconstant sex forms was nearly 70%.
Frequencies of inconstant sex forms were generally higher for seed samples than for vegetative samples.
Male to female sex ratio of constant (dioecious) sex forms generally did not differ from 1:1 expectations.
Inconstant sex forms were more common among peripheral populations
where buffalograss vegetation coverage was sparse
than for more central populations having a higher concentration of buffalograss vegetation.
Quantitative measures of sex inconstancy from artificial crosses were significantly (P < 0.001) correlated
with the additive linear model of general combining ability,
suggesting that sex determination in buffalograss has high heritability.
The possible selection forces affecting the frequency of monoecious sex forms among natural populations are discussed.
Literature Cited:
- Columbus, J. Travis, 1999.
An expanded circumscription of Bouteloua (Graminae: Chloridoideae): New Combinations and Names
Literature Cited:
- Columbus, J. Travis, Michael S. Kinney, Maria Elena Siqueiros Delgado, and J. Mark Porter, 2000.
Phylogenetics of Bouteloua and Relatives (Granineae: Chloridoideae): Cladistic Parsimony Analysis of Internal Transcribed Spacer (nrDNA) and trnL-F (cpDNA) Sequences.
Literature Cited:
- Peterson, Paul M., and Konstatin Romaschenko, 2015.
Phylogeny and subgeneric classification of Bouteloua with a new species, B. herrera-arrietae (Poaceae: Chloridoideae: Cynodonteae: Boutelouinae) … Buchloe is reduced to a section of Bouteloua.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Calamovilfa longifolia;
Calamovilfa longifolia (Hook.) Scribn. “Prairie Sandreed”
Literature Cited:
- Hooker, Sir William Jackson, 1829-1840.
Hooker,____, v. 2, p. 241
VI. Arundinaceae. Kth.
5. C. longifolia ;
laevissima,foliis anguste linearibus longissime acuminatissimis, panicula erecta stricta subspicata,
glumae valvis inaequalibus perianthium acutum muticum superantibus,
villis perianthio brevioribus.
Hab. Saskatchawan. Drummond.
A species remarkable for the great length of its leaves,
exceeding the culm, tapering into a long, slender apex, and for the pale, very smooth, glossy flowers.
The base of the culm send out creeping shoots.
Literature Cited:
- Hackel, Eduard, 1890.
Hackel (1890) ... translated by F. Lamson-Scribner and Effie A. Southworth
138. (141) Ammophila Host.
(Psamma Beauv.)
Panicles usually narrow and spike-like.
Flowering glume and palea chartaceous, somewhat indurated, awnless;
spikelets comparatively large.
Very nearly related to Ammophila are two N. American species,
Calamagrostis brevipilis Gray and C. longifolia Hook.,
with the loose panicle of Calamagrostis,
but the chartaceous flowering glumes of Ammophila,
distinct from both genera by the one-nerved flowering glumes ;
they may best be considered a separate genus,
Calamovilfa (Gray as a sect. of Calamagrostis).
(Hackel in MS.)
[138a. Calamovilfa.
Empty glumes unequal ;
flowering glumes one-nerved ;
rachilla not prolonged.
Species two, in N. America
(C. brevipilis of the Atlantic coast,
and C. longifolia of the western interior).
These species are referred to Ammophila in B. & H. Gen Pl., vol. III, p. 1153.]
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Cenchrus longispinus;
Cenchrus longispinus (Hack.) Fern. “Longspine Sandbur”
Literature Cited:
- Fernald, M. L., 1943.
The common northern Burgrass. — The common Burgrass
of open sands, from New Hampshire to Oregon, south to North
Carolina, Kentucky, Missouri, Kansas and New Mexico, is
indigenous or spread from indigenous colonies through much of
this range but, singularly enough, it has always passed under
specific names which technically belong to other species. Long
identified as Cenchrus echinatus L., it was forced to resign that
name to the quite different tropical species. Similarly the name
C. tribuloides L. soon proved to belong to the very coarse tropical
and southern coastal species. Then C. carolinianus Walt., was
despairingly grasped, but Walter's type is unknown, our plant
is doubtfully in his territory, and Mrs. Chase, Contrib. U. S. Nat.
Herb. xxii. 76 (1920), believes that C. carolinianus might have
been C. incertus M. A. Curtis, which does grow in Walter's
country. In her monograph of the genus she merges our plant
with the Mexican C. pauciflorus Benth. and, until Dr. I. M.
Johnston, working upon his Mexican and southern Texan
material, segregated it off from the great bulk of specimens from
the northern and Rocky Mountain region of the United States,
it so rested. Dr. Johnston, not wishing to get involved with the
more northern and northeastern plant, called the matter to my
attention. There is no doubt that C. pauciflorus is the Mexican
(and Texan) species, Bentham having described it from Lower
California: "culmis suberectis, . . . Folia plerumque angustiora
[quam in C. echinata], spinis dorsalibus marginalibusque
validis basi dilatatis".
Cenchrus pauciflorus, then, is the Mexican and Texan species
with culms usually in erect or ascending tufts, the leaves 1.5-4
mm. broad, the summit of the sheath spreading as a chartaceous
flange; spikes 1-5 cm. long, 1-1.5 cm. thick; the stramineous
involucres 8-12 mm. broad (from tip to tip of mature spines), the
dorsal and lateral spines compressed and broad-based. The
characteristic fruit, from the type of C. pauciflorus, is shown by
Mrs. Chase, 1. c. fig. 17, p. 68.
Our plant, on the other hand, has more generally decumbent
or rooting culms, up to 8 dm. long and strongly geniculate;
leaves 3-8 mm. broad, the enlarged sheaths constricted at summit;
spike 1.5-8 cm. long and 1.3-2 cm. thick, the mature
stramineous to bronze or purplish burs 1-1.5 cm. in diameter,
with the coarse spines subulate-subterete. The bur is beautifully
shown, as that of C. pauciflorus, in Chase, 1. c. 69, fig. 18, and this
figure, instead of that of true C. pauciflorus, was copied in
Hitchcock, Man. fig. 1594. As compared with that of real C.
pauciflorus it is too large, with more numerous spines, the stronger
ones more slender and without deltoid and flattened bases.
So far as I can find the only available name for the northern
and transcontinental species is C. echinatus, forma longispinus
Hackel, based upon Connecticut material collected by Harger
and distributed by Kneucker (no. 426). As a diagnosis of a form
of C. echinatus, in the loose sense, Hackel's brief description was
sufficient. Treated as a species the plant demands a fuller
account. It is fortunate that Hackel has supplied the basonym
and type. Even so, I take no comfort in having even my name
intimately associated with a Cenchrus and the keen taxonomist
who called it to my attention would not care to have the species
named for him!
Cenchrus longispinus (Hackel), stat. nov. C. echinatus, forma
longispinus Hackel in Kneucker, Allg. Bot. Zeitschr. ix. 169
(1903). Planta annua ; culmis decumbentibus vel adscendentibus
ad 8 dm. longis geniculatis basi ramosis; foliis 3-8 mm. latis,
vaginis distentis apice constrictis; spicis maturis 1.5-8 cm.
longis 1.3-2 cm. crassis; involucris maturis stramineis vel aeneis
vel purpurascentibus hirsutis 1-1.5 cm. diametro, spinulis majoribus
tereti-subulatis. Type of C. echinatus, forma longispinus:
Oxford, Connecticut, E. B. Harger in Kneucker, Gram. Exsicc.
Lief. XV. no. 426.
In southeastern Virginia, fortunately, Cenchrus longispinus is
rare. Our only collections are the following. James City
County: sandy field about 5 miles west of Toano, R. W. Menzel,
no. 187. Southampton County: dry white sand of clearing in
oak and pine woods bordering Assamoosick Swamp, south of
Sebrell, no. 10,941; grassy roadside about 7 miles south of
Franklin, no. 7297 (misidentified as C. incertus).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Danthonia spicata;
Danthonia spicata (L.) P. Beauv. ex Roem. & Schult. “Poverty Oatgrass”
Literature Cited:
- Roemer, Johann Jacob, and Josef August Schultes, 1817-1830.
Roemer & Schultes (1817, v. 2, p. 690)
— essentially the 9th edition of Linnaeus Species Plantarum —
placed Avena spicata L. in Danthonia DC.
Thanks to P. de Beavois on p. 18 of the Preface to volume 1:
Original Text
Illm. Palisot de Beauvois, experientissimum Botanicum, qui nec torridissimam Africam,
nec Americam borealem ignotam sibi esse voluit.
Publication of D. spicata from volume 2, page 690:
Original Text
2 * D. spicata P. de Beauv.;
spicato paniculata, calyce flosculis sex longiore ,
corollae valvulâ exteriore apice aristatâ furcatâque.
Avena spicata Sp. Pl. p. 119. Willd. Spec. I. p. 453.
Avena glumosa, foliis subsetaceis collo vaginarum villoso ;
paniculâ parvâ subspicatâ pauciflorâ ;
calyce spiculam sexfloram superante,
valvâ florum exteriore ex apice bicorni aristatâ.
Mich. Fl. Bor. Amer. I. p. 72.
Pers. Syn. I. p. 101.
Pursh Fl. Amer. Sept. I. p. 86.
„Gramen angustum; folia linearia;
spica composita e spiculiis 3-4, remotis erectis,
spiculae subpedunculatae, singulis calyx diphyllus sublatus aequalis ;
flosculi sex sessiles erecti, laciniae glumae corollinae exterioris setaceae,
arista articulata longotudine spiculae.
Facies Festucae decumbentis“ Linn.
Inflorescentiam re vera paniculam esse, nee spicam,
aristamque basi spiralem, monuit b. Michaux.
A nova Anglia ad Carolinam.
Obs. An huc illa cum? allata Danth. spicaeformis,
quae et Avena spicaeformis audit? sed Danthoniam glumosam
sine dubio habet P. de Beauv.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Dichanthelium oligosanthes ssp. scribnerianum;
Dichanthelium oligosanthes (J. A. Schultes) Gould ssp. scribnerianum (Nash) Freckmann & Lelong “Few-Flowered Panicgrass”
Freckmann & Lelong (2002, v. 20, p. 170) ...
Dichanthelium oligosanthes subsp. scribnerianum (Nash) Freckmann & Lelong,
comb. & stat. nov. Basionym: Panicum scribnerianum Nash, Bull. Torrey Bot.
Club 22:421. 1895. Panicum oligosanthes var. scribnerianum (Nash) Fernald,
Rhodora 36:80. 1934. Dichanthelium oligosanthes var. scribnerinum (Nash)Gould,
Brittonia 26:60. 1974. TYPE: U.S.A. Pennsylvania. Wysox, Jul 1836, J. Carey s.n.
(Lectotype: GH [designated by Hitchc. & Chase, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 15:283. 1910]).
Panicum scoparium S. Watson in A. Gray, Man., ed. 6:632. 1890,
nec Lam. (1798),
nec Rudge (1805),
nec Elliott. (1816).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Digitaria sanguinalis;
Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. “Red-hair Crab-grass”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Elymus albicans;
Elymus albicans (Scribn. & J.G.Sm.) Á.Löve. “Montana Wild Rye”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Elymus canadensis;
Elymus canadensis L. “Canadian Wildrye”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Elymus elymoides;
Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey “Squirreltail”
Literature Cited:
- Graustein, Jeannette E., 1967.
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
Thomas Nuttall collected a grass on arid plains of the Missouri that he described as Ægilops hystrix (Nuttall, 1818, v. 1, p. 85).
Original Text
| Comments
117. ÆGILOPS. L.
Calix, lateral, 2-valved, mostly 3-flowered, valves coriaceous, broad, with many awns;
awns rigid and divergent.
Corolla 2 valved, outer valve terminated by 2 or three awns.
Flowers spiked, intermediate masculine;
lateral, hermaphrodite, sessile.
Small grasses, allied to Elymus, valves of the calix remarkably rigid and truncate,
deeply divided into many flat and long scabrous awns;
valves of the corolla also simularly divided and awned.
1. Æ. * Hystrix.
Spike squarrose, with very long recurved and divergent awns:
calix smooth, generally 4-parted to the base:
segments mostly bifid, unequally 2-awned;
spikelet about 4 flowered, the 2 masculine or neuter pedicellate, and intermediate;
dorsal valve of the corolla terminated by about 2 or 3 unequal awns.
Considerably allied to Elymus.
[Long description omitted.]
On the arid plains of the Missouri.
A search of SEINet for collections of Elymus elymoides in Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota,
showed that there are almost no collections of the grass in proximity to the Missouri River.
However, there are a few collections of the grass on or near the river from Fort Peck, Montana, and above,
or Glendive, Montana, on the Yellowstone River, and above.
Graustein (1967, p. 70) notes that Nuttall was very eager to reach the Rocky Mountains (the “Northern Andes” as Nuttall called them),
and that a trail that struck almost directly west to the Yellowstone River from Fort Mandan
doubtless enticed the naturalist.
However, we do not really know how far above Fort Mandan that Nuttall ventured.
Of this genus there are 2 species in the South of Europe,
one of them also common to Barbary,
and the other to Candia,
there are likewise 2 other species peculiar to those places.
The next genus that Nuttall described was Elymus.
Literature Cited:
- Rafinesque, C. S., 1819.
- Shaw, Robert B., 2008.
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Rafinesque's (1819) description of Sitanion elymoides Raf. is not available on Biodoversity Heritage Library,
because Part 89 is missing.
However, that part is available on the HathiTrust Digital Library.
Original Text
| Translation
Des nouveaux Genres de Plantes observes in 1817 et 1818 dans l'interior des Etats-Unis d'Amerique;
New Genres of Plants Observed in 1817 and 1818 in the Interior of the United States of America
Professeur de Botanique et d'Histoire naturelle dans l' Universite de Lexington.
Professor of Botany and Natural History at Lexington University.
32. SITANION. (Graminee.)
Fleurs polygames males en epi.
Involucre lateral pentaphylle, multiflore.
Glume univalve, convolutee, inegalement bifide et biaristee, contenant 4-5 fleurs, divisees en 2 spicules geminees.
Glumelle bivalve, valves inegales, l'exterieure tres-grande, convexe, trifide, 3-aristee;
ariste mediane tres-longue;
valve interieure concavem bifide, mutique.
3 etamines.
2 styles.
Fleur terminale communement male a 2 etamines et 2 setules ecailleuses.
Ce genre differe de l'Elymus par linvolucre 5-phylle, glume, glumelles, polygamie, etc.
Une espece, S. elymoides.
Chaume strie, scabre;
feuilles scabres, glauques;
epi droit, fleurs laches, involucres et aristes tres-longs, scabres, divariques;
glumes lisses, dos uninerve, glumelles scabres sur les bords.
32. SITANION. (Graminee.)
Polygamous flowers male in spike.
Lateral involucre pentaphyll, multiflora.
Glume univalve, convoluted, unevenly bifid and biaristous, containing 4-5 flowers, divided into 2 gemine spicules.
Bivalve umbilicus, valves unequal, outer very large, convex, trifid, 3-aristate;
very long median awn;
inner valve concavem bifid, mutic.
3 stamens.
2 styles.
Commonly male terminal flower with 2 stamens and 2 scaly setules.
This genus differs from Elymus by 5-phylinvolucre, glume, lemma, polygamy, etc.
One species, S. elymoides .
Thatch streak, scabrous;
leaves scabrous, glaucous;
spike straight, flowers loose, involucral and arist very long, scabrous, divaric;
glumes smooth, back uninerve, scabrous glumes on margins.
The next taxon Rafinesque described was Critesion Raf. a generic name still used as a segregate of Hordeum
by Weber & Wittmann (2012) and Shaw (2008).
Literature Cited:
- Anonymous, n.d..
- Swezey, Goodwin D., 1891.
Swezey (1891) described Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey in his Nebraska Flowering Plants.
Original Text
I have endeavored in every case to give a plant the oldest available specific name it has borne,
believing that this is the only rule which can lead ultimately to a settled nomenclature.
In some cases this may lead to less euphonius combinations as in the case of Elymus elymoides;
and here too these is more justification for the name E. Sitanion since this species constituted Rafinesque's entire genus Sitanion
when it bore the name S. elymoides.
Yet if it is an Elymus and it its original specific name was elymoides,
then it should, as it seems to me, bear the name Elymus elymoides, (Raf.), euphony or no euphony.
In this case and in that of Petalostemon compactus, (Sprengl.),
I have not been able to learn who, if any one, has used this conbination of generic and specific names before
and have accordingly left blank the name following the original author.
Elymus elymoides, (Raf.) — — (E. Sitanion, Schultes.) Lewellen.
So while Swezey did not know who first used Elymus elymoides, it turns out it was him!
An anonymous review says the following about this publication.
Original Text
Nebraska Flowering Plants.
Goodwin D. Swezey.
(Doane College, Natural History Studies No. 1,
Pamph. 8vo. pp. 16. Crete, 1891.
This is a list of Nebraska localities for flowering plants in the
herbarium of Doane College, based mainly on collections made
by Prof. Swezey in a tour through the western part of the State,
and by some of his students; 553 species and varieties are enumerated,
of which 76 are here first definitely recorded as occurring
within the area. The nomenclature is based on the stability of
the oldest specific name, ‘believing that this is the only rule
which can lead ultimately to a settled nomenclature.’ Two
binomials are here first proposed:
Petalostemon compactus (Spreng.) (P. macrostachyus, Torr.)
Elymus elymoides (Raf.), (E. Sitanion, Schultes).
The original author is cited in parenthesis.
The list is an important supplement to Mr. Webber's Flora.
N. L. B.
I suspect that “N. L. B.” is Nathaniel Lord Britton.
Literature Cited:
- Small, Jared G., 1899.
Sitanion hystrix was published by Jared G. Small in a series of Studies on American Grasses
published by the U. S. Department of Agriculture.
Small places all of Nuttall's Ægilops, excluding others of Linnaeus, in Sitanion,
and adds quite a few specific names one might recognize.
1. Sitanion jubatum J. G. Smith, sp. nov. (=Elymus multisetus (J.G.Sm.) Burtt Davy)
2. Sitanion villosum J. G. Smith, sp. nov. (=Elymus multisetus (J.G.Sm.) Burtt Davy)
3. Sitanion multisetum J. G. Smith, sp. nov. (=Elymus multisetus (J.G.Sm.) Burtt Davy)
4. Sitanion polyantherix J. G. Smith, new name.
Polyantherix hystrix nees, in Ann. Nat. Hist. 1: 284 (1838), not Ægilops hystrix Nutt. (=Elymus multisetus (J.G.Sm.) Burtt Davy)
Yikes!!! It's a mess.
(Sitanion hystrix J.G.Sm., Bull. Div. Agrostol. U.S.D.A. 18: 15, pl. 2 (1899).
Literature Cited:
- Bentham, George, and John Dalton Hooker, 1873.
- Hackel, Eduard, 1890.
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
- Small, Jared G., 1899.
Original Text
| Comments
The text of the Introduction was written by Lamson-Scribner.
Nuttall,1 who first described the species of this genus,
referred it to the European Ægilops
and named his plant Ægilops hystrix
His description was carefully drawn up and his species can be readily recognized.
A year later, Rafinesque2 published his genus Sitanion,
based upon a single species, which he named Sitanion elymoides.
It has been found impossible to determine with certainty which of the species
enumerated in the present paper was the one named by Rafinesque;
it certainly was not, however, the grass described by Nuttall.
Our leading authorities, Bentham and Hooker,3
Hackel,4 and Baillon,5
have all reduced Sitanion to a section of Elymus.
The articulate rachis, readily breaking up at maturity,
abd the usually bifid or many parted and awned empty glumes are well-defined characters,
distinguishing the wpecies from Elymus,
and justifying their separation as a distinct genus.
To be sure there are species so closely connecting Elymus
with Sitanion that it is difficult to determine to which genus they ought to be referred,
but the same is true in the case of Elymus and Agropyron;
there are intermediates which may with equal propriety be placed
either in the one genus or the other.
1 Genera North American Plants, 1: 86. 1818
2 Journ. Phys., 89: 103. 1819.
3 Genera Plantarum 3: p. 1207.
4 Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 2: part 2, p. 88.
5 Histoire des Plantes, Monographie des Graminées, 258.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
- Small, Jared G., 1899.
Other articles:
• Interstate 80:
at Wamsutter;
La Veta.
Villa Grove.
Original Text
| Comments
12. SITANION HYSTRIX (Nutt.) J. G. Smith, new combination.
(Ægilops hystrix Nutt. Gen. N. Am. Pl., 1: 86, 1818.) Pl. II.
Culms 1 to 3 dm. high, slender, erect or ascending, scabrous above, clothed at the base with papery leaf-sheaths.
Innovations very leafy, one third to two-thirds the length of the culms.
Sheaths striate, strigose-pubescent, open at the throat, closely envoloping the internodes.
Ligule almost obsolete.
Blades narrowly linear, flat ot at length involute, strigose-pubescent throughout,
prominently 9-nerved, scabrous along the margins, erect or ascending;
those of the innovations 7 to 12 cm. long, 1 to 2 mm. wide;
culm leaves about as long, 2 to 4 mm. wide.
Spike 5 to 7 cm. long, erect or subflexuous, exserted,
or its basal portion inclosed in the uppermost leaf-sheath, closely flowered.
Spikelets 3- to 4-flowered, complessed.
Empty glumes bifid, from bear the base and unequally 2-awned;
the strongly scabrous, glaucous, divergent awns, 3 to 4 cm. long.
Flowering glume 7 to 8 mm. long, linear-lanceolate, minutely pubescent,
3-awned, the miffle awn rather slender, recurved, about 3 cm. long.
Palea as long as or longer than the flowering glume, scabrous, tipped with two slender awns, 2 to 3 mm. long.
Internodes of the rachis glaucous, linear, not at all dilated above, about 5 mm. long.
A common, worthless bunch grass on shale hills and among the sagebrush on the high plains from western Colorado to eastern Washington.
P. A. Rydberg, No. 2028, Wamsuter, July 24, 1895;
C. L. Shear, No. 280½, Wamsutter, June 24, 1895; No. 283, Green River, June 25, 1895;
Thomas A. Williams, No. 2437, dry rocky hillsides, Evanston, July 10, 1897; No. 2379, dry sagebrsh hills, Green River, July 9, 1897;
Aven Nelson, No. 3058, Green River Hills, May 31, 1897; No. 3669, Wamsutter, July 10, 1897; No. 3784, North Vermilion Creek, July 20, 1897.
C. V. Piper, No. 2579, on sagebrish land, Ellensburg, July 9, 1897.
A. B. Leckenby, Walla Walla, July 12, 1898.
John Wolfe, No. 623, 1873;
C. Thomas, 1869; and
F. E. Clements, No. 60, Walsenburg, July 10, 1896.
John Wolfe, No. 623, 1873.
NY1655258, Lieut. G. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian.
Locality, Denver, Colorado. Gift from Wesleyan Univ. Deposited NY in 1981. See Brittonia 34(4). 1982.
NY1673562, Lieut. G. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian.
Locality, Denver, Colorado.
YU111158. Lieut. G. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian.
Locality, Denver, Colorado. Sheffield Scientific School. Daniel C. Eaton Collection.
C. Thomas, 1869, collection not found online.
F. E. Clements, No. 60, Walsenburg, July 10, 1896.This collection was not found online.
However, two other collections of the taxon were found collected later in the same year, one at La Vela (sic), Huerfano County,
and one at Villa Grove, Saguache County.
There are in the herbarium of the Philadelphia Academy of Science two of Nuttall's specimens of Sitanion.
One of these, labeled “Chretomeris trichoides, R. Mts. Platte,”
is exactly identical with No. 3784, A. Nelson, and No. 283, C. L. Shear.
both collected in the Red Desert of Wyoming.
The other, labeled “Elymus difformis, R. Mts. Platte,”
in nearly identical with No. 2028, Rydberg, from Wamsutter, Wyo.
If these specimens are those from which Nuttall's description of Ægilops hystrix was drawn.
and they agree better with his description than any specimen from the
“arid plains of the Missouri” so far examined,
then there was undoubtedly a mistake made in referrinf the habitat of this to that locality.
I doubt that the two Nuttall specimens of Sitanion in the herbarium of the Philadelphia Academy of Science are
the specimens from which Nuttall described Ægilops hystrix.
It has to do with timing.
The specimens location is “R. Mts. Platte”
Yet when Nuttall (1818) published Æ. hystrix he had not yet been to the Rocky Mountains along the Platte River.
The earliest specimens from that region would have been the Wyeth specimens from 1833, a date long after Nuttall published Æ. hystrix.
I am assured by Dr. E. L. Greene that it is highly improbable that Rafinesque drew his
description of S. elymoides from Nuttall's plant, and it is certain that Rafinesque's
description (Journ. Phys. 89: 1819) differs in important particulars from
that of Ægilops hystrix, Nuttall.
I am, however, unable definitely to identify any Sitanion
with which I am familiar as the true S. elymoides, Raf.
The locality, “Missouri,” of 1819,
was then applied to what now constitutes several large States
in which a dozen of more separate species occur.
Rafinesque apparently left no type,
and the original description is too fragmentary to enable one to
more than guess at the identity of the plant which he described.
Literature Cited:
- Harrington, H. D., 1964, 2nd ed..
Harrington (1964, 2ed.) treated this grass as Sitanion hystrix (Nutt.) J. G. Smith
Literature Cited:
- Wingate, Janet L., 1994.
Wingate (1994) does not accept infraspecific names in E. elymoides.
Literature Cited:
- Shaw, Robert B., 2008.
Shaw (2008) accepts subsp. brevifolius and therefore subsp. elymoides.
Literature Cited:
- Mason-Gamer, Roberta J., Melissa M. Burns, and Marianna Naum, 2010.
Other articles:
• Glossary:
Mason-Gamer, et al. (2010) …
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Weber & Wittmann (2012) do not accept infraspecific names in E. elymoides.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Ackerfield (2015) does not accept infraspecific names in E. elymoides.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Elymus glaucus;
Elymus glaucus Buckley. “Blue Wild Rye”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Elymus trachycaulus;
Elymus trachycaulus (Link) Gould ex Shinners. “Slender Wheatgrass”
Literature Cited:
- Link, Heinrich Friedrich, 1827-1833.
Link (1833, v. 2., p. 189) published Triticum trachycaulum
grown at the Berlin garden from seeds sent by Dr. Richardson.
Richardson is mentioned several times as having send seeds to Link,
and Link named one species after him, Stipa richardson (=Achnatherum richardsonii)
Original Text
28. Tr. trachycaulum. * Folia plana rigidiuscula
striata scaberrima. Spica longiuscula , spiculae
5—7 florae. Valvae septemnerviae acutatae. Valvula
ext. aristato-acutata. — Semina ex itinere in Americam
borealem occidentalem attulit clar. Dr. Richardson
nobisque dedit. ♃. T. Gramen ad 4 pedes in
Horto allum. Caulis superne pilis brevibus rigidis
asperrimus. Vaginae scabrae striatae, ligula vix ulla
sed auricula ad oram vaginae; lamina ped. circiter
longa sulcata asperrima 3 lin. lata. Spica ad ped.
longa ; spiculae 8 liu. longae ; valvae valvulis parum
breviores, valvulae exter. laeves superne in nervis
aristaque asperne, arista lin. longa.
Literature Cited:
- Shinners, Lloyd H., 1954.
Shinners (1954, p. 28) published Elymus trachycaulus
either from a manuscript by Gould,
or knowing Gould was intending to publish it.
Original Text
Elymus trachycaulus (Link) Gould, ined.
Triticum trachycaulum Link, Enum. Pl. Hort. Reg. Berol. Altera 2: 189. 1833.
Elymus pauciflorus (Schweinitz) Gould, 1947; not Lamarck, 1791.
Known in Texas from the Panhandle.
The orthography follows that of Link,
using second declension endings instead of the more usual third declension form — caulis.
Frank W.Gould (1913-1981) was an American agrostologist
who earned his PhD from University of California at Berkeley,
and served most of his career at the S. M. Tracy Herbarium
at Texas A & M University.
He was the author of 80 definitive treatments on grasses, four grass manuals, and the well known textbook Grass Systematics.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Elymus virginicus L.;
Elymus virginicus L. “Virginia Wildrye”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Eragrostis cilianensis;
Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Vignolo ex Janch. “Stinkgrass”
First published as Poa cilianensis by Allioni (1785). The description is in Latin, and the illustration is not particularly informative.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Eragrostis pectinacea;
Eragrostis pectinacea (Michx.) Nees ex Steud. “Tufted Lovegrass”
There is disagreement whether to list authorship of this name as “(Michx.) Nees ex Steud.” or simply as “(Michx.) Nees.”
Literature Cited:
- Michaux, Andre, 1803.
Michaux (1803) published the grass as Poa pectinacea as found in fields of Illinois.
It might be interesting to determine the relationship between the Illinois of today,
and the Illinois of Michaux's time.
Literature Cited:
- Nees von Esenbeck, Christia Gottfried Daniel, 1841.
It appears to me that Nees (1841, p. 374) in his
Flora of Southern Africa mentions a new name in passing
wondering whether his Eragrostis homomalla N. ab E.
could be distinguished from E. pectinaceam Michx.
In the process Nees assumed that Michaux's Poa pectinaceum
was in fact Eragrostis pectinacea.
Original Text
Differt ab omnibus cognitis huius affinitatis ramis paniculae
alterius lateris patentibus quin etiam refractis,
alterius contra erectis aut adpressis,
quo charactere accedente facilius iam distinguitur as Er. pectinacea Michx.,
veree distincta specie, neque cum Er. pilosa coniungenda,
cui ramuli paniculae rigidiores quidem sunt,
at vero longius a basi divisi,
et axillae praeterea pilosi.
An huius loci Er. verticillata Link. Hort. Ber. I. p. 189. (excl. syn.)
an potius ad Er. pectinaceam spectans ?
This is a long way from validly publishing a name,
at least according to current standards,
yet some authorities give Nees authorship.
Literature Cited:
- Steudel, Ernst Gottlieb, 1855.
The first time Eragrostis pectinacea appears in print
as a nominated name was in Steudel (1855, v. 1, p. 272) in the
group of north American species (Species Americae septentrionalis.)
Original Text
132. E. PECTINACEA. Michx.
(Fl. Am. I. 69. sub: Poa.)
... [Latin diagnosis omitted] ...
P. pilosa Muhlbrg.
[Circle with dot – probably means plant is an annual.]
Am. sptr.
Steudel does in a way acknowledge Michaux's basionym of Poa pectinacea.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Eriocoma Nutt. in the Golden s.l. Flora
Nuttall (1818, v. 1, p. 40) …
63. * ERlOCOMA.† (Silk-grass.)
Calix 2-valved, 1 -flowered; valves gibbous
and coarctate above, longer than the corolla,
both 3-nerved and cuspidate.
Corolla 2-valved,
roundish; valves coriaceous, vested with a silky
wool, the outer valve terminated by a short
triquetrous deciduous awn.
Anthers bearded.
Seed large, somewhat spherical.
Flowers dichotomously paniculate, peduncles flexuose,
capillary, and clavulate. Leaves very long, involute and
subulate, nodes of the culm distant, entirely sheathed.
† From εξιον, wool,
and χομη, a head of hair.
A grass producing a fastigiate tuft if silky hair upon the glume of the corolla.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Eriocoma hymenoides;
Eriocoma hymenoides (Roem. & Schult.) Rydb. “Indian Rice Grass”
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814, v. 2, sup., p. 728) was the first to publish a name, using Stipa membranacea stating that he saw the grass in Bradbury's herbarium. However, that name was illegitimate because it was previously used by Linnaeus (1753) for a grass growing in “Hifpania” (Spain).
Literature Cited:
- Roemer, Johann Jacob, and Josef August Schultes, 1817-1830.
Roemer & Schultes (1817, vol. 2, p. 339) published the first valid name
for this grass.
Their description is identical to that of Pursh (1814),
so I think it is safe to assume that the type of Bradbury was used.
Original Text
| Translation and Comments
29. S. hymenoides ;
foliis convoluto-filiformibus glabris, paniculâ laxâ, pedicellis flexuosis,
calycibus membranaceis trivervibus longe acuminatis,
corollis calyce brevioribus sericeo-villosis,
villis corollam superantibus,
aristâ nudâ rectâ calyce paulo longiore.
S. membranacea Pursh Fl. Amer. Sept. II p. 728.
| 29. S(tipa) hymenoides, the leaves twisted-filiform, glabrous, the panicle loose,
the pedicels flexuouse, calyx 3-nerved gradually acuminate, membranous, corolla shorter than calyx sericeous-villous,
awn nude [glabrous?] straight, slightly longer than calyx.
Altitudo 18 pollicum: spicae ovales, pilis longis sericeis tectae.
Ad littora fluvii Missouri.
About 18 inches tall; heads ovate, long silky hairs when young.
On the shores of the Missouri river.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Nuttall (1818, p. 40) published a new genus Eriocoma and, apparently not aware of Roemer & Schultes (1817), above,
published a valid name for Pursh's Stipa membranacea.
This, if course, was s superfluous name.
Original Text
| Translation and Comments
63. * ERIOCOMA. † (Silk-grass.)
Calix 2-valved, 1-flowered;
valves gibbous and coarctate above, longer than the corolla,
both 3-nerved and cuspidate.
Corolla 2-valved, roundish;
valves coriaceous, vested with a silky wool,
the outer valve terminated by a short triquetrous deciduous awn.
Anthers bearded.
Seed large, somewhat spherical.
triquetrous = having three corners or salient angles or edges specifically
Flowers dichotomously paniculate, peduncles flexuose,
capillary, and clavulate.
Leaves very long, involute and subulate, nodes of the culm distant,
entirely sheathed.
Stipa membranacea. Pursh, vol. ii. In Supplement. P. 729
| nom. Illeg.
1. Cuspidata, C.
Root perennial; culm 2 to 3 feet high,
panicle spreading, dichotomous, flowers by pairs,
peduncles capillary flexuosa, clavulate at the summit.
Leaves very long, filiform and convolute,
a little asperate on the margin, (often more than a foot in length);
vagina half a foot,
entirely sheathing the stem and the panicle before evolution;
ligula entire, conspicuous.
Calix 2-valved, 1-flowered, valves membranaceous,
about twice the lendth of the corolla, ventricose and gibbous,
above the corolla contracted;
both 3-nerves, the lateral nerves only about one third the length of the glume,
the central nerve ending in a cusp or short awn margined by the glume at its base,
nerves a little pubescent.
Corolla 2-valved, short, nearly oval, in fruit almost spherical,
valves coriaceous, vested with an exserted silky villus,
extending beyond the corolla,
the dorsal valve terminated by a triquetrous pungent deciduous awn scarcely the length of the calix,
at first perfectly erect, afterwards a little bent;
Stamina 3, scarcely exserted beyond the valves of the corolla;
anthers small, brown, bifid at both extremities,
above terminated by small pubescent tufts.
Style 1.
Stigmas 2, short, hirsutely villous.
Ovarium sheathed by a 3-leaved perisporium(or nectary).
Seed nearly spherical.
This genus is nery nearly allied to Oryzopsis,
but at the same time sufficiently distinct both in habit and character;
having a culm with remarkable long sheathing and almost filiform subulate leaves,
a dichotomous spreading panicle, a ventricose, coarctate,
awned calix twice the length of the corolla,
which last is furnished with a deciduous awn,
and a long silky villus.
On the grassy plains of the Missouri,
from the Arikaree village to the Northern Andes?
Flowers in June and July.
† From εξιον, wool,
and χομη, a head of hair.
A grass producing a fastigiate tuft of silky hair,
upon the glume of the corolla.
| I may not have the Greek characters correct, some of them were very hard to see in the BHL image.
Literature Cited:
- Piper, Charles V., 1906.
Frederick V. Coville, writing in the Preface to Piper (1906) Flora of the State of Washington
states Piper's obligation
“ ... to Mr. P L. Ricker and Mr. W. F. Wight, of the Department of Agriculture,
for assistance in bibliography; ...”
Piper (1906, v. 11, p. 109) published Oryzopsis hymenoides crediting Ricker as the author.
[Ricker, Percy Leroy (1878-1973)]
4. Oryzopsis hymenoides (Roem. & Schult.) Ricker.
Stipa hymenoides Roem. & Schult. Syst. 2: 339. 1817.
Eriocoma cuspidata Nutt. Gen. 1: 40. 1818.
Stipa membranacea Pursh, Fl. 2: 728. 1814, not L. 1753.
Oryzopsis membranacea Vasey, U.S. Dept. Agr. Div. Bot. Bull. 12: pl. 10. 1891.
Eriocoma membranacea Beal, Grasses N. Am. 2: 232. 1896.
Oryzopsis cuspidata Benth; Vasey, U.S. Dept. Agr. Spec. Rep. 63: 23. 1883.
Type Locauity: “On the banks of the Missouri.”
Rance: British Columbia to California, east to Alberta and New Mexico.
Douglas County, Spillman, May, 1896;
Sandberg & Leiberg, 281;
Ellensburg, Piper, May, 1897;
North Yakima, Henderson, May, 1892;
Mrs. Steinweg in 1894;
Pasco, Piper 2964; Hindshaw 33;
Sunnyside, Cotton 416;
Rattlesnake Mountains, Cotton 421;
Walla Walla, Lyall, June, 1860;
Sprague, Sandberg & Leiberg, June, 1893;
Kittitas County, Vasey 85;
Wallula, Cotton 1030, 1048.
Literature Cited:
- Rydberg, Per Axel, 1912.
Rydberg (1912, p. 102) formed the new combination of
Eriocoma hymenoides (R. & S.) Rydb., as strictly a
nomenclatural correction.
Literature Cited:
- Barkworth, Mary E., 1993.
Barkworth (1993) … based on morphological and anatomical evidence.
Literature Cited:
- Peterson, Paul M., Konstantin Romaschenko, Robert J. Soreng, and Jesus Valdés Reyna, 2019.
Peterson, et al., 2019, reorganized a lot of Stipeae, but primarily broke up Achnatherum, placing the New World members in Eriocoma, and retaining Achnatherum as a strictly Euraisian genus.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Eriocoma robusta;
Eriocoma robustum (Vasey) Romasch. “Sleepygrass”
Literature Cited:
- Coulter, John M., 1890.
Chinati Mountains.
John Coulter (1890, p. 56) first published robusta as a variety of
Stipa viridula (=Nassella viridula).
Coulter gave Vasey authorship of the name, though it does not appear Vasey ever published it himself.
Vasey could have identified the grass and written the manuscript from which Coulter published the name.
However, in that case, one would expect the author to be “Vasey ex Coulter.”
Original Text
714. Stipa viridula Trin., var. robusta Vasey, n. var.
Culms densesly tufted, 12 to 18dm high, stout, leafy :
lower sheaths loose and broad, longer than the internodes;
blades flat and wide or involute above, often 6dm long, scabrous:
panicle dense and large, erect, 25 to 40cm long:
empty glumes 10mm long,
three to five nerved, callus short, densely hairy.
Chenate Mountains (Presidio county).
Ranges from Colorado to Mexico.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Eriocoma scribneri;
Eriocoma scribneri (Vasey) Romasch. “Scribner Needle Grass”
Literature Cited:
- Vasey, George, 1884.
Santa Fe.
George Vasey (1884, p. 125) described Scribner Needle Grass from a collection made near Santa Fe, New Mexico.
He doesn't say who made the collection or when.
However, there are two vouchers in SEINet with type-status; one with an image at NY and labeled a co-type, and a record at MO labeled an isotype.
Original Text
New Grasses.
By George Vasey
Stipa Scribneri.
Culms 2-3 ft. high, stout, erect;
lower leaves half as long as the culm, smooth, flat below,
becoming involute at the long acuminate point;
upper sheath enclosing the base of the panicle,
which is narrow, erect, and 6-8 inches long,
the branches in twos or threes and appressed;
outer glumes unequal, lower one 6-7 lines,
upper about 5 lines long, both 3-nerved, acuminate;
flowering glume 3-5 lines long, hairy, hairs longer above,
and at the apex forming a white crown a line or more long;
awn rather slender, 8-9 lines long, not hairy;
stipe short, very acute, pubescent;
palet less than a line long, obtuse and adherent to the grain.
Differs from S. viridula particularly in the unequal glumes,
the hairy crowned flowering-glumes, the more slender awn,
and the very short palet.
Collected on dry hill-sides at Sante Fe, New Mexico.
At the time Vasey (1884) named the grass for him, Frank Scribner was the botanist for the Northern Transcontinental Survey.
In May 1885 he was appointed an assistant in the USDA Division of Botany, and in 1894 became the leader of the new
USDA Division of Agrostology.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Glyceria striata;
Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc. “Striate Manna Grass”
Literature Cited:
- Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste Pirre Antoine de Monet de, 1791.
Lamarck (1791, 1(1), p. 183) published Poa striata from grasses
collected in Virginia and Carolina.
Original Text
984. POA ftriata.
P. panicula diffufa capillari,
fpiculis glabris fubquinqueflorus,
corollis exquifite ftriatis.
E Virginia, Carol. Cal. brevis. F. glabra
Literature Cited:
- Hitchcock, Albert Spear, 1928.
Hitchcock (1928, p. 157) published Glyseria striata
without explanation or comment.
Original Text
Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc.
Poa striata Lam. Tabl. Encycl. 1:183. 1791.
Poa nervata Willd. Sp. Pl. 1:389. 1797.
Glyceria nervata Trin. Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. VI. Math. Phys. Nat. 1:365. 1830.
Panicularia nervata Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 1:783. 1891.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Hesperostipa comata;
Hesperostipa comata (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth. “Needle and Thread”
Literature Cited:
- Michaux, Andre, 1803.
Credit probably goes to Andre Michaux (1803) for first recognizing H. comata who noted the grass
lives “ … in the rocky mountains from the Hudson to Canada.”
Unfortunately, Michaux applied Stipa juncea to this grass, a name that Linnaeus had already applied to a grass occurring in Switzerland and France.
Literature Cited:
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Pursh (1814) also applied S. juncea to a Lewis & Clark collection made July 8, 1806, made “ … Valleys of the Missouri in the Rocky Mountains.”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Nuttall (1818) also applied S. juncea to his collections on the grassy plains of the Missouri.
Literature Cited:
- Trinius, Carl Bernhard, and F. J. Ruprecht, 1842.
Trinius and Ruprecht (1842, p. 45) ...
Original Text
51. Stipa comata n.
Paniculae pl. min. implexo-contractae radiis subternis,
aliis fere a basi — , aliis superius floriferis; glumis subulatis,
subaequalibus, valvula inferiore 5 lineali undique brevepilosa
subduplo longioribus; arista subpersistente, torlili, plicata et varie
inflexa, subsexpollicari; anthcris barbatis.
Stipa juncea Nuttall (non L.) Gener. 1. (1818) p. 58? ad ripas
Missouri et in Virginia abundans itinerantibus molestissima.
«Arista laevis, gracilis, vix contorta, semipedalis. »
Stipa capillata Hooker! Fl. Bor. Amer. 2. (1840) p. 237.
Carlton House Fort ad fl. Saskatchawan (Drumond) ; ad ripas et in
planitie fl. Columbia prope «Missouri Portage» (Douglas).
Simillima Stipae capillatae, sed flosculo undique et ad apicem usque
barbatulo, setulis aristarum hinc inde longioribus, denique antheris
distincte barbatis diversa. Reliqua ut in St. capillata; specimen
suppetens pedale.
Stipa juncea Nuttall (1818),
which he described as a variety of Stipa juncea L., is an illegitimate name.
The name was unavailable,
having been previously used by Linnaeus for a grass found in
Switzerland and France.
Literature Cited:
- Barkworth, Mary E., 1993.
Barkworth (1993) described Hesperostipa as a North American endemic that is distinct from the Eurasian Stipa s. s.
and more closely allied to the South American genera of Piptochaetium and Nassella.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Hordeum brachyantherum;
Hordeum brachyantherum Nevski. “Meadow Barley”
The name was published in 1936 in Sergei Nevski, a Russian botanist who worked at the Main Botanical Garden in Leningrad.
Most collections before that time were originally determined Hordeum nodosum L.
Most plants are tetraploid, though there is a diploid in California.
A hexaploid has also been found.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Hordeum jubatum;
Hordeum jubatum L. “Foxtail Barley”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Hordeum pusillum;
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
Coll. No. 1453, Hordeum pusillum
Hordeum pusillum Nutt. Little Barley.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Nuttall (1818, v. 1, p. 87) ...
Nuttall's Text
| My interpretation
119. HORDEUM. L. (Barley)
Calyces lateral, 2-valved, mostly 1-flowered, aggregted by threes,
so as to resemble a setaceous 6-leaved involucrum;
the central flower sessile, the lateral ones stipitate, usually sterile.
Corolla 2-valved, acute; exterior valve awned.
Very nearly allied both by habit and character to the preceding genus.
Flowers spiked, imbricated mostly in 2 rows;
calycine involucrum setaceous, 6 leaved, division approaching by pairs.
In the H. hexastichon, the flowers are imbricated in 6 ranks,
because all the flowers are hermaphrodite;
probably a mere effect of cultivation.
[The preceding genus was Elymus – Ed.]
1. H. vulgare. Cultivated …
2. * pusillum
Lateral masculine or nertral flowers awnless, acute;
four internal calicina glumes, coriaceous and dilated, those of the hermaphrodite sublanceolate;
internal valve of the lateral masculine flower, subsemi-ovate.
[The description of H. vulgare is skipped. – Ed.]
Culm 4 to 6 inches, decumbent, or somewhat genoculate at the base.
Leaves rather glaucous, a little pubescent on the under surface, striate,
about one and a half inches long, and almost obtuse;
uppermost sheath tumid and very smooth, embracing the spike.
Spike linear; about one and a half inches long.
Glumes by threes, distichally imbricated.
Lateral imperfect flowers awnless, acute;
central sessile flower awned, the awn almost exactly the length of that of the subtending calix;
awns scabrous.
Calix smooth, nerveless, exterior valve in the outer flowers setaceous from its base,
the inner valves obliguely dilated, and rigidly coriaceous, all awned,
the inner divisions of the lateral flowers, appearing nearly semi-ovate,
the central ones sublanceolate.
Corolla nerveless, the inner valve furnished with a short awn, arising from its base.
Nearly allied, apparently, the the H. maritimum.
On the arid and saline plains of the Missouri.
3. jubatum.
On the calcareous islands of Lake Huron and Michigan,
also on the banks of the Missouri.
The genus Hordeum exists chiefly in Europe,
extending into Northern Africa, and Tartary in Asia.
The 2 species above described are natives of North America,
and the F. jubatum is also common to Smyrna.
[One would assume that Nuttall was referring to Smyrna in what we now call Turkey.
However, there are towns named Smyrna in Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Delaware, Michigan, and Maine,
and Nuttall may have been in or near some of those towns in his travels. – Ed.]
Koeleria Pers. “Junegrass”
Koeleria is a common and widespread genus of plants in the grass family, found on all continents except Antarctica and on various oceanic islands. It includes species known generally as Junegrasses. The genus was named after German botanist Georg Ludwig Koeler (1765–1807).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Koeleria macrantha;
Koeleria macrantha (Ledeb.) Schult. “Prairie Junegrass”
Literature Cited:
- Ledebour, Carl (Karl) Friedrich von, 1812.
Ledebour (1812, p. 515) published the basionym of our grass,
Aira macrantha Ledeb. as one among
“Sixty New Plants Indigenous in Imperial Russia.”
Original Text
| Comments
2. Aira macrantha.
A. panicula oblonga subspicata interrupta mutica,
glumis acuminatis, flosculis calycem excedentibus,
foliis brevissimis glabiis, ligula elongata bilida
margine lacera.
Culmi caespitosi , sesquipalmares , florentes ultra medium
Folia brevissima (vix unciam longa) , lanceolata , plana,
Ligula elongata, ultra mediam bifida, margine lacera.
Panicula subspicata, oblonga, interrupta, rhachis scabra,
trîangularis; rami brevissimi, tri - vel quadriflori.
Spiculae ovatae, biflorae.
Flosculi calycem excedentes ; glumae omnes acnminatae,
compressae, ad carinam serrtilato - scabrae.
Hab. in jugo montium Jablonnoi - Chrebet. ♃
Yablonovyy Khrebet, 350-600 km. east of and roughly
paralleling Lake Baikal, north of Mongolia.
Obs. Differt haec ab A. cristata folîis omnibus latioribus
glabris, ligula elongata ; ab A. glauca flosculis
calycem excedentibus ; ab utraque autem caule
humiliori a floribus majoribus diversa.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Leymus triticoides;
Leymus triticoides (Buckley) Pilger. “Beardless Wildrye”
Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh. “Tall Fescue”
Literature Cited:
- Gmelin, Johan Georg, 1747-1769.
Gmelin's (1747) description of Tall Fescue.
Literature Cited:
- Gmelin, Johan Georg, 1747-1769.
- Scheuzer, Johann Jacob, 1719.
- Schreber, Johann Christian Daniel von, 1771.
There seems to be general agreement (by extensive Google search) that what is called “Tall Fescue” is the grass known by its basionym of Festuca arundinacea Schreb.
Original Text | Interpretation and Comments
1000. FESTVCA (arundinacea) panicula ſpicata ſtricta,
ſpiculis oblongis erectis paucifloris, ariſtatis,
calycibus anguſtatis.
Gmel. Sibir. 1. p. 111.
Festuca arundinacea panicle spike strict, spikes oblong erect awn, calyx angular.
Gmelin, Flora Sibirica sive Historia Plantarum Siberiae. 1. p. 111.
Gramen arundinaceum, locuſtis viridi-ſpadiceis loliaceis brevius ariſtatis.
Scheuchz. Agr. p. 266. t. 5. f. 18.
| Grass reed-like, …
Scheuzer, Agrostographia sive Graminum, … p. 266. t. 5. f. 18.
In prato acclivi hinter dem Biniz, loco humido.
In the steep field beyond the Biniz [East Germany], in a damp location.
- “arundinacea” would mean cane-like from arundo (“cane”) +? -aceus.
- “loliaceis” could mean chaffy, but Lolium itself is a name given by Virgil to a troublesome weed.
There is less agreement as to its current accepted name, whether it should be
Festuca arundinacea Schreb., Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh., or Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort.
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
- Baldwin, Bruce G., Douglas H. Goldman, David J. Keil, Robert Patterson, and Thomas J. Rosatti, 2012.
- Harrington, H. D., 1954.
- Shaw, Robert B., 2008.
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
- Wingate, Janet L., 1994.
Starting close to home, most Colorado authors use Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort.,
including Ackerfield (2015), Weber & Wittman (2015), and Shaw (2008).
Wingate (1994) uses Festuca arundinaceus Schreb., although it is a older reference. Harrington (1964, 2nd ed.) used Festuca elatior var. arundinaceae (Screb.) Celak..
By way of comparison, the Jepson Manual of California (Baldwin, et al., 2012) retains Festuca arundinacea Schreb.
On a regional level, the Southwest Biodiversity Network (SEINet) taxon tree has kind of a split personality with regard to “Tall Fescue.”
The current (3 October 2019) taxon tree accepts both Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) S.J. Darbyshire
and Schedonorus asundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort.
[Lolium x aschersoniana]
Lolium arundinaceum
[Festuca arundinacea]
[Festuca elatior subsp. Arundinacea]
[Festuca elatior var. arundinacea]
Schedonorus arundinaceus
[Avena secunda]
[Bromus arundinaceus]
[Bromus elatior]
[Festuca elatior f. aristata]
[Festuca elatior f. elatior]
[Festuca fenas]
[Festuca mediterranea]
[Festuca orientalis]
[Festuca phoenix]
[Festuca uechtritziana]
[Poa elatior]
[Poa kunthii]
[Poa phoenix]
[Poa uliginosa]
[Schedonorus elatior]
[Schedonorus phoenix]
[Tragus elatior]
One consequence is that both names have to be entered into a query when searching for collections of “tall fescue.”
Collections of “tall fescue” entered into SEINet
The map at left (3 Oct 2019) shows the locations of Colorado collections of “tall fescue” that have coordinates entered into SEINet.
Within Jefferson County, collections have primarily been made at Chatfield Farms, Hildebrand Park and Deer Creek Canyon Park.
There are no collections of this grass from Golden s.l.
Literature Cited:
- Henson, James F., 2001.
USDA Plants accepts Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort. as a conserved name.
Festuca arundinacea Schreb and Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) S.J. Darbyshire are treated as synonyms.
Perhaps somewhat ironic is the USDA NRCS plant guide for “Tall Fescue” (Henson, 2001) which accepts the name of
Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) S.J. Darbyshire.
Literature Cited:
- Soreng, Robert J., Edward E. Terrell, John Wiersma, & S. J. Darbyshore, 2001.
Conservation of Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort. was proposed by Soreng, et al. (2001).
S. arundinaceus Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. 2: 700. 1817 was rejected because it is not the basionym
of any currently accepted taxon.
Rather is it a synonym of Scolochloa festucacea (Willd.) Link.
Literature Cited:
- Fribourg, H. A., D. B. Hannaway, and C. P. West, 2009.
Tall Fescue Online monograph. (
Hexaploid tall fescue [Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh. = Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort., formerly Festuca arundinacea Schreb. Var. arundinacea] is an agronomically vital member of the grass family that has been characterized based on morphological characteristics, interfertility relationships, and, more recently, genetic criteria such as gene sequences. Efforts to improve tall fescue for forage or turf and to gain insight into processes of grass evolution hinge on an accurate depiction of the interrelationships that exist between this species and other Lolium and Festuca grasses. The evolution of hexaploid tall fescue, and a majority of grasses, has involved interspecific hybridization that obscures species boundaries but, more importantly, serves as a rapid means of combining distinct genomes into novel progeny with enhanced evolutionary potential. We discuss here the systematics of the Festuca-Lolium complex within the context of such processes and highlight the dynamic and often confounding evolutionary history that characterizes tall fescue and its relatives (Fribourg, et al., 2009).
Festuca arundinacea Schreb. Tall fescue (
Forage Identification: Tall fescue. Department of Plant Sciences. Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea (Schreb.) Darbysh) (
Phylogeny of tall fescue and related species using RFLPs. Theor Appl Genet. 1994 Aug;88(6-7):685-90. doi: 10.1007/BF01253971. (
Melanie L Hand, Noel OI Cogan, Alan V Stewart & John W Forster Evolutionary history of tall fescue morphotypes inferred from molecular phylogenetics of the Lolium-Festuca species complex BMC Evolutionary Biologyvolume 10, Article number: 303 (2010) (
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Muhlenbergia andina;
• Field Notes:
Coll. No. 2392, 24 Jul 2020;
Coll. No. 2392, Muhlenbergia andina.
Rhizome of Coll. No. 2392, Muhlenbergia andina.
Muhlenbergia andina (Nutt.) Hitchc. “Foxtail Muhly”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1848b.
- Spitzzeri, Paul R, 1998.
Colorado River.
Nuttall (1847, p. 187) described the grass from a collection by William Gambel.
Original Text
§ *Trichagrostis.
Spikelets one-flowered, the flower sessile,
with long hairs at the base.
Glumes two, subequal, membranaceous, acute,
longer than the flower, the lower with a short terminal awn.
Paleae two, very acute, the lower carinate,
ending in an exserted capillary awn ;
the upper one-nerved, acuminate.
Caryopsis free, cylindric-oblong,
much shorter than the glume.
C. *andina.
A simple stemmed small grass, with a compressed culm,
about two or three feet high ;
ligules minute ;
flowers in a short, paniculate, narrow spike,
about three or four inches long, half an inch wide,
with a habit very distinct from the general character of the genus ;
glumes very long and slender, each with about a single nerve ;
very narrow and membranaceous ;
one of them distinctly awned, the other acuminate ;
pappus copious, longer than the small flower ;
no lateral rudiment of another flower.
In Upper California, on the Colorado of the West.
Gambel traveled to Los Angeles with the Rowland-Workman party, and left with them for California on September 1, 1941 (Graustein, p. 350; see also
Assuming they took the northern route of the Old Spanish Trail,
Gambel would have passed through territory known where Muhlenbergia andina is known to occur in proximity
to the Colorado River near Moab, Grand County, Utah.
If they traveled the southern route, Gambel might have seen it near Tsegi Canyon or Betakin Canyon.
The route traveled might be stated in Spitzzeri (1998).
Unfortunately I have been able to break through the paywalls of JSTOR or UC Press,
nor obtain a copy of the article through ResearchGate.
Literature Cited:
- Hitchcock, A. S., 1920.
Hitchcock (1920) moved C. andina to Muhlenbergia.
Original Text
Vaseya Thurb., in Gray, Proc, Acad. Phila. 1863: 79. 1863.
The type is V. comata Thurb., the only species described.
This is Muhlenbergia andina (Nutt.) Hitchc.
(Calamagrostis andina Nutt.).
Literature Cited:
- SEINet, 2019+.
Other articles:
• US Highway 160:
Tsegi Canyon.
A GIS analysis of georeferenced collections of Muhlenbergia andina (Nutt.) Hitchc. (SEINet, 2021, n=299), within 100 km of the Colorado River, and within 3 km of a trace of the Old Spanish Trail, show that the most likely location of the Gambel collection is in Tsegi Canyon and vicinity, Navajo County, Arizona. There is a tiny chance that the collection was near Moab, but only if the Rowland-Workman party followed the northern route of the Old Trail. There is also a small chance that the collection was made in Piute Canyon or along Piute Creek, 23 km. northwest of Tsegi Canyon. However, the largest number of collections are found in or near Tsegi Canyon.
There are three collections with four vouchers in this area.
These are
S. Holiday, #376, 9/9/1995 ASC63457;
Wetherill, s.n., 8/22/1935, MNA B.3488;
and M. J. A. Wetherill, #538, 8/22/1935, ARIZ91714 & ARIZ91715
There is a fourth collection just outside the Tsegi Canyon area:
D. Roth, #1308, 8/30/2001, ASC70375.
And finally, the collection in Piute Canyon is:
Kenneth D. Heil and Arnold Clifford, #17190, 8/14/2001, SJNM330.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Muhlenbergia asperifolia;
Muhlenbergia asperifolia (Nees & Meyen ex Trin.) Parodi. “Alkali Muhley”
Literature Cited:
- Trinius, C. B., 1840.
Dried collection of Alkali Muhley, my collection no. 490.
Trinius (1845, 6e serie, t. 2, p. 95) published Vilfa asperifolia as described by Nees and Meyen.
asperifolia would mean “rough leaves.”
The paper was either read or communicated on 5 June 1840,
but not published until July 1845.
Original Text
† 61) Vilfa asperifolia N. et Meyen!
6 — 10-po!Iicaris.
Juba patente , subpauciflora , 4 — 5 - pollicari ;
Radiis inferioribus subtripollicaribus,
basi paullo nudis, compositis;
Spiculis vix linealibus;
Glumis parum l. paullo inaequalibus ,
valvulis pl. min. ↷ (l. injcriore fere ½)
brevioribus, dorso hispidulis; Valvula inferiore submucronata ,
superiore obtusiuscula. Foliis planis, asperis,fere lineam lotis,
culmeis 1 ½-pollicaribus, ramorum pollicaribus et brevioribus.
Chile; Rio Mayno: Copiapo.
Radix .... Culmus diffuso-ramosissimus, decumbens, glaber.
Nodi plures, glabri.
Vaginae nodis longiores, glabrae, saepe hiantes.
Ligula membranacea, brevis.
Folia patentia, aspera l. asperiuscula, in ramis
subdisticha, juniora angustissima, inferiora pollicaria,
superiora semipollicaria, in culmo pl. min. 1 ½- pollicaria,
fere lineam lata, acuta l. acnminata , glauco- viridia.
Juba (junior) basi folio subinvolucrata.
Radii strictiusculi, solitarii, paullo distantes, superne scabri,
compositi l. subcompositi.
Pedicelli spicula multo (3 — 7-ies) longiores, hispidi.
Spiculae aeneae, acutae, haud raoe biflorae.
Glumae 1-nerves, acutae, dorso hispidulae, superior ipso apice sub lente strigillosa.
Valvula inferior 1—l. sub-5-nervis, ex apice obtusiusculo mucronulata:
mucrone hispidulo; superior obtusiuscula, 2-nervis.
Antherae lineares.
Carl Bernhard von Trinius (6 March 1778, Eisleben – 12 March 1844, St. Petersburg) was a German-born botanist and physician.
As a botanist, Trinius was a specialist in grasses and described many species in his career, including Agrostis pallens, Cenchrus agrimonioides and Festuca subulata.
The genus Trinia and species Trinia glauca are named after him. The so-called "Herbarium Trinii" (a collection of roughly 4000-5000 plants) was bequeathed to the botanical museum in St. Petersburg (WikiPedia, 2021).
Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck (14 February 1776 – 16 March 1858) was a prolific German botanist, physician, zoologist, and natural philosopher. He was a contemporary of Goethe and was born within the lifetime of Linnaeus. He described approximately 7,000 plant species (almost as many as Linnaeus himself). His last official act as president of the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina was to admit Charles Darwin as a member. He was the author of numerous monographs on botany and zoology. His best-known works deal with fungi.
Franz Julius Ferdinand Meyen (28 June 1804 – 2 September 1840) was a Prussian physician and botanist.
Meyen was born in Tilsit, East Prussia. In 1830 he wrote Phytotomie, the first major study of plant anatomy.
Between 1830 and 1832, he took part in an expedition to South America on board the Prinzess Luise, visiting Peru and Bolivia, describing species then new to science such as the Humboldt penguin.
Parodi (1928) is given credit for Muhlenbergia asperifolia in
Revista de la Facultad de Agronomia y Veterinaria. Buenos Aires
vol. 6: 117, p. 117.
I have been unable to find this volume on the Internet.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Muhlenbergia montana;
Muhlenbergia montana (Nutt.) Hitchc. “Mountain Muhly”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1848b.
Nuttall (1848, p. 187) published Calycodon montanus from a collection by Gambel near Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Nuttall's Text
| Comments and Interpretation
Spikelets one-flowered, the flower sessile, bearded at the base.
Glumes two, unequal, shorter than the flower, membranaceous,
the lower truncate, acutely three-toothed;
the lower smaller, one-toothed.
Paleae two, the lower sublanceolate, carinate,
terminaing in a longish scabrous awn;
at length indurated, with a silky pilose margin;
the upper palea lanceolate, one-nerved, indurated and involute.
Anthers three.
Stigmas two, plumose.
A scabrous leaved grass, with a simple inarticulated culm,
terminated by a loose, narrow, somewhat spiked panicle.
So called in allusion to the remarkable toothing of the calyx.
C. *montanum.
Leaves short and narrow, somewhat scabrous;
ligules membranaceous, elongated;
panicles four or five inches long, narrow, with the branches appressed;
flowers clustered on the branches,
three or four together, some nearly sessile and others pedicellate;
glumes variable, membranaceous and eroded at the summit, the lower, three-nerved,
with three wither short, or rather long and acute teeth,
sometimes with a fourth membranous tooth;
the upper glume also eroded, and ending in a single tooth from the nerve;
the lower palea lanceolate, carinate, scabrous, and indurated,
terminated by a long, slender, scabrous awn;
the inner margin silky, with soft shining hair,
of which there are two tufts at the base of the paleae;
the inner paleae also indurated and herbaceous in the centre,
involving the germ and the stamens.
A perennial grass, with a simple, unnjointed culm, about eighteen inches high.
Somewhat allied to Muhlenbergia,
(when restrained to its proper limits,)
but perfectly distinct by its very remarkable glumes.
The ripe seed we have not seen.
Hab. In the Rocky Mountains, near Santa Fe, Mexico.
Flowering in August.
Literature Cited:
- Hitchcock, A. S., 1920.
Hitchcock (1920) placed Nuttall's C. montanum into Muhlenbergia.
Original Text
Calycodon Nutt. Journ. Acad, Phila. II 1: 186. 1848
The type is C. montanum (Muhlenbergia montana Hitchc.),
the only species described.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Muhlenbergia racemosa;
Muhlenbergia racemosa (Michx.) Britton, Stern & Poggenb. “Marsh Muhly”
Literature Cited:
- Michaux, Andre, 1803.
Michaux (1803, p. 53) in Flora Boreali-americana
placed racemosa in Agrostis.
Original Text
[Agrostis] racemosa.
A. culmis erectis : foliis anguste longeque
linearibus, erectis : racemo oblongo ,
e spicis densifloris subinterrupto : glumae
exterioris valvis in mucronem aristiformem
desinentibus, gluma interiore mutica longioribus.
Obs. Affinis A. lateriflorae.
Hab. in ripis sabulosis inundatis fluminis Mississipi.
Literature Cited:
- Britton, Nathaniel Lord, Emerson Ellick Sterns, and Justus Ferdinand Poggenburg, 1888.
Britton, et al. (1888) simply published Muhlenbergia racemosa without comment,
as follows:
Original Text
Muhlenbergia racemosa, (Michx.) (M. glomerata, Trin.)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Muhlenbergia wrightii;
Muhlenbergia wrightii Vasey ex J.M. Coult. “Spike Muhly”
There are five vouchers of Wright #1986, labeled Muhlenbergia wrightii: two at GH, one at MO, and two at NY.
The two vouchers at GH are lebeled isotypes.
Several are labeled isotypes.
The voucher at MO is labeled an isotype.
NY381414 is annotated “Type number of M. wrightii Vasey, Determined by Richard W. Pohl 1967.”
This voucher was from the Grass Herbarium of Mr. George V. Nash, purchased 1911.
The other voucher at NY (NY381413) is from the Torrey Herbarium and bears the note,
“Probably a new species, but I do not feel well enough satisfied with it to describe it. J. T.”
GH24000 does not give a location.
GH24001 is annotated, “Field no 511, &slquo;511, grass, Valley of Sonora, along branches, in small compact bunches, Sept 14, 1851&srquo;
east of Huachuca Mt. south of Benson. Cochise Co, Ariz!”
NY381413 gives the location as New Mexico, as does NY381414.
Literature Cited:
- Coulter, John Merle, 1885.
Coulter (1885, p. 409) first published M. wrightii noting the author was
“Vasey ined.”
2. M. Wrightii, Vasey ined.
Stems erect, 9 inches to a foot high or
more: leaves involute, rather rigid and pungently pointed, scabrous, pale;
sheaths much shorter than the internodes: panicle spike-like, 1 to 3 inches long, the
two or three lowest clusters of spikelets somewhat distant : the glumes and
palets scabrous, especially on the midribs ; lower glume the shorter, ⅓ to ½ the
length of the flowering glume, mucronate pointed ; upper glume longer, 1-nerved
and short-awned : flowering glume l-nerved, tipped by a stout rough awn about
⅓ the length of the palet. — Colorado and New Mexico.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Munroa squarrosa;
Munroa squarrosa (Nutt.) Torr. False Buffalograss.
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Glossary:
Nuttall (1818, v. 1, p. 49) …
75. CRYPSIS. Lamarck. (Thorn-Grass.)
Calix 2-valved, oblong, 1-flowered,
Corolla 2-valved, longer than the calix.
Stamina 2 or 3.
(Spike surrounded at the base by the sheath of the leaf;
or the flowers collected into a leafy capitulum.)
Culm decumbent or procumbent, extremely branched;
leaves rigid and pungent;
flowers collected in squarrose heads,
or short and dense irregularly involucrate,
lobed spikes.
1. C. * squarrosa.
Stem decumbent, much branched;
leaves short, all rigid, and sharply pungent;
capituli squarrose, few flowered;
dorsal valve of the corolla coriaceous, somewhat cleft at the point,
with a shortish subulate central cusp.
On arid plains near the “Grand Detour” of the Missouri,
almost exclusively covering thousands of acres,
and as pungent as thorns.
Not more than 3 or 4 inches high;
the flowers not collected into heads,
as in the European species,
but merely in squarrose terminal fascicles;
the outer glume of the corolla is likewise cleft so as to
present 3 short coriaceous subulate points.
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1857a.
Torrey (1859, p. 102) report on the botany of the Whipple expedition....
Original Text
| Comments
MONROA. Nov. Gen.
... [Latin genus diagnosis not reproduced.] ...
Monroa squarrosa.
Crypsis squarrosa, Nutt. Gen. 1. p. 49.
Hills and ravines,
Anton Chico,
New Mexico ; September.
“On the arid plains of the Upper Missouri, near the Grand Detour, it covers, almost exclusively, thousands of acres.&rdquo
This grass is very distinct from Crypsis, and belongs, as we think, to the tribe Hordeaceae.
In the notice of Dr. James' plants,
collected in Long's 1st expedition,
(Ann. Lyc, Nat. Hist. N. York, 2, p. 254,)
it was intimated that is was probably a distinct genus.
... [Description not reproduced.] ...
We dedicate this singular genus to Major Monro,
of the East India Company's service,
who has made the grasses an especial study.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nassella viridula;
Nassella viridula (Trin.) Barkworth. “Green Needlegrass”
Literature Cited:
- Trinius, C. B., 1836.
Trinius (1836, p. 39) published Stripa viridula Trin,
describing the habitat as “V. spp. Am. bor.?”
Literature Cited:
- Barkworth, Mary E., 1990.
Other articles:
• Glossary:
Barkworth (1990, p. 597) revised the circumscription of Nassella Desv.
to include all species of Stipeae with strongly overlapping lemma margins;
lemma apices that are fused into a crown;
paleae that are highly reduced, ecostate and glabrous;
long epiblasts;
and lemma epidermes with very short fundamental cells having silicified cell walls.
The expanded genus includes 79 species, almost all of which are South American.
Our most common Nassella in Colorado is N. viridula (Trin.) Barkworth
or “Green Needlegrass”
N. tenuissima (Trin.) Barkworth is reported from Larimer County,
and may be escaped from cultivation.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Panicum capillare;
Panicum capillare L. “Witchgrass”
The name was applied by Linnaeus (1753) from known locations of Virginia and Jamaica.
Pascopyrum Á.Löve
Treated as a synonym of Elymus by POWO.
Pascopyrum Love. gen. nov.
(based on the description of Agropyron spicatum Scribn. & Merr. 1897, U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Agrostol. Bull. 4:33
[“type *** Geyer, upper Missouri”]
not the basionym Festuca spicata Pursh; generic type P. smithii)
Literature Cited:
- Rydberg, Per Axel, 1900a.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Pascopyrum smithii;
Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Á. Löve. “Western Wheatgrass”
Agropyron spicatum Scribn. & Smith nom. nov.,
First published as Agropyron smithii Rydb., 1900, as a segregate from A. spicatum,
which by Rydberg's comments may have been somewhat muddled.
Moved to Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Á.Löve, Taxon 29: 168, 547 (1980).
Rydberg (1900, pp. 64-65) as a separate species to A. spicatum (Pursh) Scribn. & J. G. Sm.,
which we now call Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) Á.Löve.
Agropyron Smithii ;
Agropyron spicatum Scribn. & Smith, Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Agrost. 4 : 33 [111. Fl. 3 : 507] ;
Agropyrum repens Coulter, Man. 425, in part.
Differing from A. repens in the acute, compressed, diverging spikelets
and striate, bluish-green, glaucous leaves : common in meadows
of the prairie regions, reaching in the valleys an altitude of 2000 m.
See under A. spicatum above. I name this species in honor of
my friend J. G. Smith, of the U. S. Department of Agriculture who
has contributed more than any one else to the knowledge of our
Montana: Logan, 1895, Shear, 514; Rydberg, 2271;
Elk Mts., Castle, 1896, Flodman, 222; Rydberg, 3256;
Madison Co., Mrs. McNultv;
Gallatin City, 1883, Scribner, 425;
Flathead Lake, 1883, Canby, 389;
Otter Creek, Scribner, 426.
Literature Cited:
- Weaver, J. E., 1942.
Many profound changes in mid-continental grasslands have resulted from the recent extended drought.
In the prairies of eastern Nebraska, Kansas, and South Dakota, the earlier continuous stands of bluestem
(Andropogon scoparius [=Schizachyrium scoparium] and Andropogon furcatus [=A. gerardi])
have often been greatly fragmented and now occur as relict patches a few square feet to many square rods in extent.
Loss of approximately 95 per cent of little bluestem has left prairie cover very open.
Over large areas, except for weeds and a few surviving grasses and forbs, the soil was bared
(Weaver, Stoddart, and Noll, 1935; Weaver and Albertson, 1939).
Grasses more xerophytic than the bluestems have dgreatly increased, notably needle grass (Stipa spartea),
prairie dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis) and western wheat grass (Agropyron smithii).
The wheat grass has entirely replaced other grasses in many prairies and is such a vigorous competitor
for water that its invasion into countless relict areas of weakened bluestems has gradually resulted in their disappearance
together with most of the accompanying forbs.
Increase in abundance of this species was one of the most striking phenomena of the drought (fig. 2).
Extensive earlier studies in the prairies of eastern Nebraska, Kansas, and South Dakota (Weaver and Fitzpatrick, 1934)
have shown that western wheat
grass constituted an almost negligible part of this grassland.
Usually it occurred only where there had been some disturbance.
Even casual observation revealed a striking decrease
in number of forbs just as soon as one entered an area dominated by western wheat grass2
Field tests of soil moisture. —
Western wheat grass invaded the prairie near Lincoln that has been used
several years for experimental studies (Fredrickson, 1938; Noll, 1939).
By 1937 it had become established in numerous large patches.
Only two native grasses compete successfully with it. Side-oats grama has
done so inly when early spring was dry and late spring and summer moist.
Blue grama is more drought resistant than western wheat grass.
It successfully invades pure stands of this grass and may gradually replace it.
But blue grama is a short grass and yield is relatively low.
Agropyron smithii is a common sod-forming, perennial forage grass of midwestern prairies.
It is so successful a competitor for the meager supply of soil moisture that it often causes the death
of more mesic grasses and forbs of the true prairie.
Formerly occurring sparingly in the eastern portions of Nebraska and Kansas,
western wheat grass spread rapidly and widely following the great deterioration of grassland due to drought.
Competition for water resulted in great drawfing and often in wilting and death of most other prairie grasses and forbs.
Numbers of species and numbers of stems of perennial forbs were greatly decreased after western wheat grass once became thoroughly established.
In prairies on silt-loam soil and under similar precipitation, the number of perennial species of forbs was only 56 per cent
as great in wheat grass,
and the number of stems 20 per cent of that in uninvaded areas.
The large area of drought-damaged true prairie and native pasture now dominated by western wheat grass and the harmful effects of the
successful competition for water of western wheat grass with species of greater forage value present a problem of
much scientific interest and great economic importance.
Literature Cited:
- Löve, Áskell, 1980a.
- Löve, Áskell, 1980b.
Love (1980a, p. 168) published his monotypic Pascopyrum ...
Original Text
Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Love, comb. Nov.
(based on Agropyron smithii Rudberg, 1900, N. Y. Bot. Gard. Mem. 1:64).
2n = 56.
Canada: Manitoba, Sandilands, roadside. L. Cyt.T6159.
Love (1980b, p. 547) corrected his oversight and published a Latin diagnosis …
Original Text
The author would like to take this opportunity to correct an unfortunate misunderstanding
when he, in Taxon 29(1), 1980, p. 168, failed to include the following Latin description of the
new monotypic genus Pascopyrum Love:
[… Latin description omitted …]
Typus generis: Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Love, cf. Taxon, l.c., p. 168.
Literature Cited:
- Ogle, D. G., L. St. John, and S. R. Winslow, 2009.
It should not be planted with
aggressive introduced grasses, but is very compatible with
slower developing natives such as
bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata),
thickspike wheatgrass (Elymus lanceolatus ssp. lanceolatus),
streambank wheatgrass (Elymus lanceolatus ssp. psammophilus),
and needlegrass species (Achnatherum spp.,
Hesperostipa spp., Nassella spp.,
Stipa spp., and Ptilagrostis spp.)
It is long-lived with an extensive, very strong, rhizomatous
root system combined with a few deep roots.
It is a cool season perennial grass common
to intermittent moist, sometimes saline to saline-sodic,
medium to fine textured soils in the Great Plains,
Southwest, and Intermountain regions of the western
United States.
Environmental Concerns
Western wheatgrass is long-lived, spreads primarily via
vegetative means (rhizomes) but may also spread via seed
It is not considered "weedy", but can spread
into adjoining vegetative communities under ideal
climatic and environmental conditions
‘Arriba’ western wheatgrass was released for dryland hay
production, grazing, and conservation seedings in the
western part of the Central Great Plains and Southwestern
United States.
It was collected from native plants
growing near Flagler, Colorado. Seed is commercially
available and the USDA, NRCS Plant Materials Center,
Meeker, Colorado maintains Breeder and Foundation
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Phleum pratense;
Phleum pratense L. “Timothy”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Poa annua;
Poa annua L. “Annual Blue Grass”
Literature Cited:
- Vasey, George R., 1883.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Poa arida;
Poa arida Vasey. “Plains Bluegrass”
George Vasey (1883) described P. arida from a collection he made at Socorro, New Mexico, in 1881.
Original Text
Type specimen collected by G. R. Vasey at Socorro, New Mexico, in 1881; other
specimens collected in Utah, Colorado, Kansas, and northward to British America.
This is P. andina Nutt., in Herb. Phila. Acad., fide F. Lamson-Scribner,
but Nuttall's manuscript name is preoccupied by a Chilian species, P. andina
Trin. It may be distinguished from Poa fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey by the
smaller spikelets, smaller florets, and the pubescence between the nerves of the
floral glumes.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Poa fendleriana;
Poa fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey “Muttongrass”
Literature Cited:
- Steudel, Ernst Gottlieb, 1855.
Steudel (1855, pars 1, pg. 278)
Original Text
213. E. FENDLERIANA. Steud.
Radice fibrosa horizontaliter descendente ;
culmo erecto simplici vaginis scabris tecto, uti tota planta pallide glaucescente ;
ligula ovata obtusa brevi fimbriata;
foliis angustis culmo (1—1½-pedali) brevioribus scabriusculis planis vel subconvolutis ;
paniculae erectae (3-pollicaris) rhachi radiisque scaberrimis,
his rigidulis alternatim 2—3-nis pauci- (1—4-) spiculatis ;
spiculis ovato-oblongis 5—9-floris ;
glumis tenuibus ovato lanceolatis margine late membranaceo-pellucidis carina
viridibus acuminatis uninerviis ;
valvula inferiore carinata herbacea (plus minus rubro-colorata)
margine hyalino-membranacea ad carinam basi pilosa apicem versus
aculeolata scabra praeter carinam vix nervosa ;
inferiore hyalina margine herbacea et ciliata.
Praecedenti videtur affinis.
Fendler hrbr. nr. 932. Mexico.
| The preceeding was Eragrostis uninervia now placed in Diplachne
Steudel does not mention that the grass is dioecious.
Literature Cited:
- Vasey, George R., 1893a.
- Vasey, George R., 1893b.
Vasey (1893a, 2(2), no. 74) published Poa fendleriana. However, I have been unable to find an online version of Volume 2, Part 2.
I assume that Vasey (1893b, v. 2, p. 297) is nearly identical in content, though it is not the original publication of Poa fendleriana.
While the grass is named for Fendler, who only collected in New Mexico, and Steudel (1855) refers specifically to a Fendler collection,
Vasey gives the geographic distribution as Southern California, Arizona, and Nevada.
Original Text
No. 74
Eragrostis Fendleriana Steud. Syn. Gram. 179 (1855).
… [Diagnosis omitted] ...
Southern California, Arizona, and Nevada.
This species was named without description
Sclerochloa Californica Munro in Benth. Pl. Hartw. 342 (1857), and was
described as Atropis Californica Munro in Wats. Bot. Gal. ii. 309 (1880).
In Vasey, Cat. Grasses of U. S. 81 (1885) it was again changed to Poa Californica,
and by this name it is probably most widely known.
Besides these proper synonyms, specimens have been wrongly named P. andina Nutt.
and P. tenuifolia Nutt.
It is apparently completely dioecious, and this fact is probably one cause for
the multiplicity of names and the confusion regarding the species.
The staminate panicle is more open and
has fewer spikelets than the pistillate, and the glumes are narrower, thinner,
less pubescent, and slightly smaller.
The spikelets of the staminate plant are flat,
with divergent florets open at maturity; while those of the pistillate plant are more
turgid, with merely carinate margins, the florets remaining erect and closed.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Poa palustris;
Poa palustris L. “Fowl Bluegrass”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Poa secunda;
Poa secunda J. Presl. “Sandberg Bluegrass”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Poa tracyi;
Poa tracyi Vasey “Tracy's Bluegrass”
Literature Cited:
- Vasey, George R., 1888.
Vasey (1888, p. 48) described Poa tracyi collection made by
Prof. S. M. Tracy near Raton, New Mexico.
Original Text
| Comments
Prof. S. M. Tracy collected in New Mexico, Arizona, S. California,
Nevada, Utah and Western Colorado, over 200 species of
grasses, many of them interesting, particularly the Oryzopsis
Webberi, collected at Reno, Nevada, the first specimens which
have been collected since those by Mr. Lemmon, on which the
species was founded by Dr. Thurber, as Eriocoma Webberi.
Currently known in Colorado as Achnatherum webberi (Thurb.) Barkworth,
though it appears we will soon revert to calling it Eriocoma webberi Thurb.
It is not known from Jefferson County, there being only one collection from Grand Junction.
The following appear to be new : Poa Tracyi, from mountain
sides near Raton, New Mexico. It is of the flexuosa group, 2 to
3 feet high, with short leaves, panicle 4 to 6 inches long, spikelets
large, flowing glumes strongly five-nerved, scabrous-pubescent,
hairy at the base ; Diplachne Tracyi, near D. fascicularis, 1 3^ to
2 feet high, erect, and narrow, leaves equaling the culm, panicle
long, branches appressed, spikelets seven to nine-flowered, flowering
glumes with two acute lobes at the apex and a short awn
between them. In clumps growing in ditches at Reno, Nevada.
Pseudoroegneria A. Löve. “Bluebunch Wheat Grass”
Literature Cited:
- Löve, Áskell, 1980a.
Pseudoroegneria (Nevski) Love, gen. nov.
(based on Elytrigia sect. Pseugoregneria Nevski, 1934, Tr. Sredneaz. Univ. Ser. VIIIB, 17:60;
generic type P. strigosa (M. Bieb) Love,
comb. nov. (based on Bromus strigosus M. Bieb., 1819, Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 3:81).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Pseudoroegneria spicata;
Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) A. Löve. “Bluebunch Wheat Grass”
Literature Cited:
- Moulton, Gary E., 1999.
- Pursh, Frederick, 1814.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Pursh, 1814, publication details;
(Pursh, 1814-1816, v. 1, p. 83) published Festuca spicata from a dried specimen
he saw in the Lewis & Clark herbarium.
Original Text
96. FESTUCA. Gen. pl. 119.
1. F. spiculis alternis sessilibus erectis subquinquefloris,
floribus subulatis glabriusculis, aristis longis scbaris,
foliis linearibus culmoque glabris.
On the waters of the Missouri and Columbia rivers. June
v. s. in Herb. Lewis.
Moulton (1999, no 142) confirms that there is a collection of the grass in the Lewis & Clark herbarium.
The oldest label states the collection was made on the plains of the Columbia, June 10th, 1806.
An annotation label states:
=Agropyron spicatum (Pursh) S & S
Type Festuca spicata
Determined by A. S. Hitchcock
Pseudoroegneria (Nevski) A. Love and P. spicata (Pursh) A. Love were published in “IOPB Chromosome Number Reports LXVI,” Taxon 29: 168 (1980).
Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) Love, comb. Nov.
(based on Festuca spicata Pursh, 1814, Fl. Amer. Sept. 1:83).
Ssp. spicata.
Canada: British Columbia, near Kelowna.
L. Cyt. T6792.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Schedonnardus paniculatus;
Schedonnardus paniculatus (Nutt.) Trel. “Tumblegrass”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1818.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1818, publication details;
Nuttall (1818, v. 1, p. 81) …
Original Text
113. LEPTURUS. R. Brown. (Rotbollia, species, Willd.)
Flowers polygamous, spiked.
Rachis articulated, filiform; articulations single-flowered.
Calix fixed, or growing to the rachis, 1 or 2-valved, the valve simple, or biparted.
With the precise characters of this genus, as described by Mr. R. Brown,
I am unacquainted, but satisfied with the propriety of separating plants of such dissimilar habits,
as have been hitherto referred to Rotbollia,
I have ventured to give it, however imperfectly.
1. L. * paniculatus.
Rachis incurved, compounded, acutely triangular, branches and summit flower-bearing;
spikes on one side, subulate, compressed, unilaterals;
calix 2-valved, acuminate, 1-flowered;
flowers all hermaphrodite, 2-valved.
Culm scarcely a foot high, roundish, compressed, leaves short, rigid,
sheathing the base of the panicle;
panicle of naked rachis, slender, rigid, angular, bearing 6 to 10,
compressed, subulate, spikes on one side, not soluble or fragile at the articulations,
each 1 or 2 inches long;
flowers remote, on one side of the rachis.
Calix rigidly fixed, of 2 unequal parallel valves closing the scrobiculum;
flower 2-valved, the exterior valve resembling the calix, the interion membranaceous.
On dry saline plains, near Fort Mandan, on the Missouri.
Flowering in June.
Literature Cited:
- Branner, John C., and F. V. Coville, 1888.
- Coville, F. V., 1888.
Original Text
The work of Nuttall.
The botanical work done in Arkansas up to 1887, when the work of the present Geological Survey began,
was confined to a few individuals and a few exploring parties.
The earliest explorer was Thomas Nuttall,
one of the prominent early naturalists.
He spent several years in the territory, as it rhen was,
most of his time being occupied in botanical observations.
The results of these observations were not published as a report,
but at odd times and in different places.
They are all long out of print.
“Journal of Travels Into Arkansas Territory, 1819 : By Thomas Nuttall, p. 236, Phila., 1821.”
This book has not been obtained by the writer, and no sketch of its contents can be given.
“A Description of Some New Species of Plants Recently Introduced Into the Gardens of Philadelphia,
from the Arkansas Territory : By THomas Nuttall. Journ Phil. Acad. Sci., Vol. II, pp. 114-123 ;
Phila., 1821.”
Twelve species of Arkansas plants are described.
“Description of Two New Genera of the Natural Order Cruciferae : By Thomas Nuittall.
Ibid., Vol. V, pp. 132-135.”
The plants are Selenia aurea and Streptanthus maculatus ;
the latter from Red River, the former from the Arkansas.
“Collections Toward a Flora of the Territory of Arkansas : By THomas Nuttall.
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. II (New Series), pp. 139-203.
Philadelphia, 1837."
There are included two fungi, and several Pteridophyta,
the remainder being flowering plants, some newly described.
The paper appears to be a list of all the plants, so far as it goes,
found in Arkansas up to the time of publication.
But the Polypetalae and several orders of the Gamopetalae (one of the Compositae) are omitted.
The oldest specific or varietal names are used in this list
(not going back of Linnaeus' Species, 1753)
under whatever genera they may originally have been employed.
On this principle Professor William Trelease, Director of the Missouri Botanical Gardens at St. Louis,
has kindly revised the list.
It is but just to Professor Trelease to add, however,
that the time that could be allowed for this revision was too short to admit
of the necessary investigations in all cases,
so that a few plants appear under questionable names current
in Gray's Manual or other works in general use.
Schedonnardus, Steud.
paniculatus (Nutt.) (S. texanus, Steud.); Nuttall, Lesquereux.
Remarks [from Kew]:
Branner & Coville, who authored the article, acknowledged Trelease for revising their list (of plant names),
but did not ascribe any nomenclatural novelty to Trelease.
Literature Cited:
- Peterson, Paul M., Konstatin Romaschenko, and Gabriel Johnson, 2010.
Original Text
The moderately supported clade of M. sect. Pseudosporobolus ( Fig. 3 ) includes a diverse assemblage of species,
such as Schedonnardus paniculatus,
that has panicles with long primary branches that do not rebranch, hence containing nearly sessile spikelets; …
Because our molecular analysis renders
Muhlenbergia paraphyletic, we propose incorporating Aegopogon, Bealia, Blepharoneuron,
Chaboissaea, Lycurus, Pereilema, Red?eldia, Schaffnerella, and Schedonnardus
within Muhlenbergia.
Muhlenbergia is the oldest name.
Expansion of the circumscription to include these nine genera within
Muhlenbergia requires the least amount of nomenclatural changes and still allows us to recognize a strongly
supported monophyletic and morphologically cohesive unit.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Schizachyrium scoparium;
Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash “Little Bluestem”
Literature Cited:
- Michaux, Andre, 1803.
Michaux (1803, p. 57) described Andropogon scoparium from collections or
observations in dry Carolina forests.
Original Text
** Spiculis non ita villosis.
A. vaginis villosis : ramis ramosis ,
elongatis , purpurascentibus , in longam
paniculam strictis : spicis simplicibus ;
floribus distincte alternis , triandris ;
involucellis brevissimis : flosculi additorii
rudimento neutro, aristato.
Hab. in aridis sylvarum Carolinae.
Literature Cited:
- Small, John Kunkel, and Per Axel Rydberg, 1913.
Small & Rydberg (1913, p. 59) was primarily an effort by John Small, though Per Axel Rydberg contributed the key to the orders
and perhaps other parts as well.
The section on Poaceae was contributed by Mr. George V. Nash.
Original Text
4. Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash.
Green or purplish, sometimes
glaucous. Stems tufted, 4.5-15 dm. tall, the branches in l's-4's : leaf-sheaths usually
glabrous, sometimes more or less hirsute ; blades 5 dm. long or less, 8 mm. wide or less,
commonly roughened, and frequently somewhat hirsute above near the base : racemes
single, 3-6 cm. long, the hairs on the rachis-internodes and pedicels grayish white :
sessile spikelet 5-7 mm. long, usually about twice as long as the internode, the first scale
generally more or less tuberculate-roughened, the awn of the fourth scale geniculate,
8-15 mm. long, closely spiral at the base, the column exserted ; pedicellate spikelet 2-4.5
mm. long, the first scale usually glabrous, tipped with an awn generally 1 mm. long or less,
the pedicel considerally shorter than the sessile spikelet.
[Andropogon scoparius Michx.]
In dry sandy soil, New Brunswick to Alberta, Florida and Texas. Summer and Fall.
Broom Grass.
Note that the common name associated with this grass is “Broom Grass”
rather than Little Bluestem that we use here in Colorado.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Secale cereale;
Secale cereale L. Cereal Rye.
Literature Cited:
- Shang, Hai-Ying, Yu-Ming Wei, Xiao-Rong Wang, and You-Liang Zheng, 2006.
It is thought that cultivated rye originated in the Mount Ararat and Lake Van area of eastern Turkey,
linguistic evidence suggesting that the introduction of cultivated rye to southern and western Europe
and Central Asia were independent of each other (Sencer and Hawkes 1980).
Khush (1962) concluded that cultivated rye probably entered Europe by two routes,
one being through the northern Caucuses and the other through central Asia.
Bushuk (1976) proposed that cultivated rye was probably distributed from south-western Asia to Russia,
and thence into Poland and Germany
from where it gradually spread throughout most of Europe and eventually to North America and western South America.
Rye was introduced into China from Turkey and later the species was into Japan.
Ma et al. (2004) found that American cultivars were more closely related to Chinese cultivars than to European cultivars
and that temporal isolation had influenced the genetic diversity of rye more than geographical isolation.
In their book concerning the origin of isolating mechanisms in flowing plants,
Max et al. (1978) observed that geographical, ecological and reproductive isolation should be taken into account when studying plant evolution.
In our study we analyzed the genetic similarities of cultivated rye accessions from Asia, Europe, North America and South America,
but could not make any deductions regarding the domestication process of cultivated rye,
indicating that further studies are needed to detect the phylogenetic relationships and evolution process of cultivated rye.
Bushuk W (1976) Rye: Production, Chemistry, and Technology. In: Walter Bushuk (ed). Am Ass Cereal Chemists Inc, St Paul, pp 1-11.
Khush GS (1962) Cytogenetic and evolutionary studies in Secale. II. Interrelationships of the wild species. Evolution 16:484-496.
Ma R, Yli-Mattila T and Pulli S (2004) Phylogenetic relationships among genotypes of worldwide collection of spring and winter ryes (Secale cereale L.) determined by RAPD-PCR markers. Hereditas 140:210-221.
Max KH, William CS and Bruce W (1978) The origin of isolating mechanism in flowing plants. In: Max KH (ed) Evolutionary Biology. Plenum Press, New York, pp 185-317.
Sencer HA and Haekes JG (1980) On the origin of cultivated rye. Biol J Linn Soc 13:299-313.
Full text requested through ResearchGate.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Sorghastrum nutans;
Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash “Yellow Indian Grass”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Linnaeus (1753, v. 2, p. 1045) described Andropogon nutans from published descriptions
by Gronovius (1739) and Sloane (n.d.).
Original Text
| Interpreted Latin
| Interpreted English
3. ANDROPOGON panicula nutante, ariftis tortuofis laevibus, glumis calycinis hirfutis.
Andropogon folio fuperiore fpathaceo,
pedunculis lateralibus oppofitis unifloris: flexuofis.
Gron. virg. 133.
Gramen avenaceum,
panicula minus fparfa, glumis alba fericea lanugine obductis.
Sloan. jam. 35. hift. 1. p. 43. t. 14. f. 2.
Habitat in Virginia, Jamaica.
| nutans.
3. ANDROPOGON panicula nutante, aristis tortuosis laevibus, glumis calycinis hirsutis.
Andropogon folio superiore spathaceo,
pedunculis lateralibus oppositis unifloris: flexuosis.
Gronovius, J. F., Flora virginica 1. 2. Leiden 1739. oct. 133.
Gramen avenaceum,
panicula minus sparsa, glumis alba sericea lanugine obductis.
Sloane Jamaica. 35. hift. 1. p. 43. t. 14. f. 2.
Habitat in Virginia, Jamaica.
| nutans.
3. ANDROPOGON nodding panicle, bristle twisted smooth, calyx glume hairy.
Andropogon upper leaves spathulate,
lateral peduncle opposite and single-flowered: drooping.
Gronovius, J. F., Flora virginica 1. 2. Leiden 1739. oct. 133.
Grass resembling Avena,
panicle less scattered [more dense than Avena], glumes with white soft silky hairs.
Sloane Jamaica. 35. hift. 1. p. 43. t. 14. f. 2.
Habitat in Virginia, Jamaica.
| nutans.
Jan Frederik Gronovius (also seen as Johann Frederik and Johannes Fredericus)
(10 February 1690 in Leiden – 10 July 1762 in Leiden)
was a Dutch botanist notable as a patron of Linnaeus.
John Clayton, a plant collector in Virginia sent him many specimens,
as well as manuscript descriptions, in the 1730s.
Without Clayton's knowledge,
Gronovius used the material in his Flora Virginica (1739–43, 2nd ed. 1762).
Sir Hans Sloane, 1st Baronet PRS (16 April 1660 – 11 January 1753), was an Anglo-Irish physician, naturalist, and collector,
with a collection of 71,000 items which he bequeathed to the British nation, thus providing the foundation of the British Museum, the British Library,
and the Natural History Museum, London.
He was elected to the Royal Society at the age of 24.
Sloane travelled to the Caribbean in 1687 and documented his travels and findings with extensive publications years later.
Sloane was a renowned medical doctor among the aristocracy, and was elected to the Royal College of Physicians at age 27.
He is credited with creating drinking chocolate.
Sporobolus R. Br. “dropseed” or “sacaton”
Literature Cited:
- Colbry, Vera Lyola, 1957.
Literature Cited:
- Peterson, Paul M., Konstantin Romaschenko, Yolanda Herrera Arrieta, an Jeffrey M. Saarela, 2014.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Sporobolus airoides;
Sporobolus airoides (Torr.) Torr. “Alkali Sacaton”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Sporobolus compositus;
Sporobolus compositus (Poir.) Merr. “Composite Dropseed”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Sporobolus cryptandrus;
Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) A. Gray. “Sand Drop-seed”
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, 1824b.
Described by John Torrey (1824b, p. 151) from a collection by Edwin James, M.D.
Original Text
2. Agrostis cryptandra.*
Panicle pyramidal, with spreading subalternate branches,
hairy at the axils ; flowers racemose, unarmed ; inferior valve
of the calyx very short ; superior as long as the sub-equal corolla ;
sheaths bearded at the throat.
Culm 3 feet high, simple, smooth, leafy, with distant joints.
Leaves linear, 2 — 3 lines broad, smooth on both sides. Sheaths
smooth, closed, longer than the joints, a little swollen with
concealed abortive panicles, hairy on the margin, densely
bearded at the throat. Stipule a mere bearded ring.
Panicle large, pyramidal, bursting from the upper sheath, which
partly conceals its base ; branches spreading, mostly alter-
nate, nearly simple, bearded at the base, which is a little
thickened. Flowers disposed in a dense racemose manner,
Calyx two-glumed, smooth ; inferior glume scarcely one-third
as long as the superior, very acute ; superior linear-lanceo-
late, acute, one-nerved.
Corolla two-valved, nearly equal, about as long as the superior glume,
slightly scabrous j valves one-nerved.
Stamens three ; anthers yellowish, exserted.
Styles two ; stigmas white, plumose.
Seed ovate, brown, smooth.
Nectaries collateral, lanceolate, entire.
Hab. On the Canadian river.
| |
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1848.
Gray (1848, p. 576) …
Original Text
3. S. cryptandrus.
Leaves flat, pale (2" wide) ;
the pyramidal panicle bursting from the upper sheath which usually incloses its
base, its spreading branches hairy in the axils ;
upper glume lanceolate, acute, twice the length of the lower one,
as long as the nearly equal paleae ;
sheaths strongly bearded at the throat.
(Agr. and Vilfa cryptandra, Torr.)
Sandy soil, Buffalo, New York, and westward.
Ipswich, Massachusetts, Oakes.
Aug. — Culm 2° -3° high.
Panicle lead-color : spikelets small.
Literature Cited:
- Torok, P., et al., 2021.
Torok, et al. 2021, reviewed the current distribution and characteristics of Sporobolus cryptandrus (sand dropseed),
an invasive C4 grass species of North American origin recently discovered in Hungary
and provided information on (i) its current distribution paying special attention to its invasion in Eurasia;
(ii) the characteristics of the invaded habitats in Central Europe;
(iii) seed bank formation and germination characteristics, crucial factors in early establishment;
and (iv) the effects of its increasing cover on vegetation composition (from the Abstract).
Literature Cited:
- Hábenczyus, Alida A., et al., 2022.
Habenczyus, et al., 2022 evaluated stands of the invasive grass, Sporobolus cryptandrus,
in its native North American range and its non-native European range, and found that
the spread of Sporobolus, away from its native range,
leads to the impoverishment of host communities and compromises the biomass
and floral resource-provisioning capacity of the vegetation to higher trophic levels.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Sporobolus heterolepis;
Sporobolus heterolepis (A. Gray) A. Gray. “Prairie Drop-seed”
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1835.
Gray (1835, p. 233) published Vilfa heterolepis from collections in
New York state, in addition to collections from Connecticut, Delaware,
and Montreal, Canada.
34. VILFA HETEROLEPIS, (sp.nov.) ; foliis setaceis ;
panicula pyramidata, sparsiflora ; gluma inferiore subuliformi,
superiore ovata, cuspidata, subduplo breviori ; valvulis perianthio
subaequaUbus, muticis, gluma extima paulo minori.
Root perennial. Culm 1 — 2 feet in height, smooth.
Leaves convolute-setaceous, with the margins hispidly scabrous upward ; the lower ones
equalling the culm; the upper ones much shorter. Lower sheaths pilose ;
upper ones smooth. Panicle pyramidal, spreading or subcontracted;
branches solitary, nearly simple, few and loosely flowered. Glumes purplish ;
the outer one reduced to a subula, about one half the length of the
inner one, which is strikingly membranaceous in texture, ovate or ovate-
oblong, one-nerved, with the nerve produced into a short cusp. Valves
of the perianth oblong-lanceolate, rather obtuse, thin and membranaceous,
a little shorter than the superior glume. Inferior valve, obscurely one-
nerved, slightly apiculate. Superior valve two-nerved, a little shorter
than the outer one. Stamens 3. Anthers large, linear, orange-red.
Stigmas 2, hairy. Styles very short. Caryopsis subglobose, coriaceous,
smooth and shining.
Hab. On rocks, Watertown, Jefferson county, Dr. Crawe.
Flowers Aug. — Sept. I have also specimens collected near
New Haven, Connecticut, by Mr. J. D. Dana. In Muhlenberg's
herbarium there is a fragment of this grass with a specimen
of V. juncea, from the late Dr. Baldwin. The locality
is not noted on the label, but it was most probably collected in
Delaware. Dr. Torrey has also received specimens from the
vicinity of Montreal.
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1848.
Gray (1848b, p. 576) published Sporobolus heterolepis placing his
previous Vilfa heterolepis in R. Brown's genus of Sporobolus.
Original Text
| Comments
2. S. heterolepis.
Leaves involute-thread-form,
rigid, the lowest as long as the culm (1°-2°), which is naked above;
panicle very loose;
glumes very unequal ;
the lower awl-shaped (or bristle-pointed from a broad base)
and somewhat shorter,
the upper ovate-obling and taper-pointed and longer, than the equal paleæ.
(Vilfa heterolepis, Gray.)
Dry soil, New Haven, Connecticut;
Watertown, New York; and Columbus, Ohio.
Plant exhaling an unpleasant scent (Sullivant),
stouter than the last [S. junceus], the spikelets thrise larger.
Utricle spherical (1" in diameter), shining, thick and coriaceous!
The stated dimensions of the seed has got to be some sort of mistake.
Thinopyrum Love
Literature Cited:
- Barkworth, Mary E., and Douglas R. Dewey, 1985.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Thinopyrum intermedium, Barkworth & D. R. Dewey, 1985;
Barkworth & Dewey (1985) ...
Original Text
7. Thinopyrum A. Love, Taxon 29: 351, 1980, Fig 6.
As recognized here, Thinopyrum comprises
approximately 17 species in Eurasia, of which
three have become established in North America.
Their removal from Elytrigia is supported
by both karyotypic and genomic analyses (Cauderon,
1966; Heneen and Runemark, 1972a,b; Lyubimova, 1970).
Love (1984) places the caespitose species, such as T. ponticum, in the
genus Lophopyrum but Cauderon and Saigne
(1961), Cauderon (1966) and Dvorak (1981)
have shown that the genomes of such species
are essentially the same as those found in Thinopyrum
sensu stricto. We have previously included
Thinopyrum in Elytrigia (Barkworth,
Dewey, and Atkins, 1983; Dewey, 1982, 1983a, b),
but with considerable misgivings.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Thinopyrum intermedium;
Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth & D. R. Dewey “Intermediate Wheatgrass”
Literature Cited:
- Barkworth, Mary E., and Douglas R. Dewey, 1985.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Notes on Thinopyrum, Barkworth & D. R. Dewey, 1985;
Barkworth & Dewey (1985) ...
Original Text
Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkw. & D. R. Dewey, comb. nov.
Basionym: Triticum intermedium Host, Gram. Austr. 3:23, 1805.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Vulpia octoflora;
Vulpia octoflora (Walt.) Rydb. “Six Weeks Fescue”
Literature Cited:
- Walter, Thomas, 1788.
Walter (1788, p. 81) published Festuca octoflora
Original Text
45. FESTUCA. Cal. 2-valvis.
Spicula oblinga teretiufcula.
Glumis acuminatis.
2. panicula erecta,
fpiculus octofloris acuminatis.
Literature Cited:
- Gmelin, Karl Christian, 1805.
The genus Vulpia was proposed by Gmelin (1805) for plants common
in the German state of Baden (now part of Baden-Wurttemberg), Alsace and on both sides of the Rhine.
Original Text
| Translation and Comments
Utrinque paffim copiofe in agris fabulofis,
arvis et collibus apricis;
prope Carlsruhe in arvis et ad vias fabulofas paffim abunde.
Abundant everywhere in the sunny fields of both sides [of the Rhine River] to the hills;
and abundant near Carlsruhe.
Literature Cited:
- Rydberg, Per Axel, 1909b.
Rydberg (1909) published Vulpia octoflora (Walt.) Rydb. without comment or explanation.
Literature Cited:
- Lunell, J., 1915.
Lunell (1915, v. 4, n. 6, p. 235) ...
227. Carex brevior (Dewey) Mackenzie, in ed.
Carex stramina var. brevior Dewey, Am. Journ. Sci. II: 158. (1826).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Carex brevior;
Carex brevior (Dewey) Mack. “Shortbeak Sedge”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Carex deweyana;
Carex deweyana Schwein. “Dewey sedge”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Carex douglasii;
Carex douglasii Boott “Douglas Sedge”
Carex duriuscula C.A. Mey. “Needleleaf Sedge”
(Syn: Carex stenophylla Wahlenb., Carex stenophylla Wahlenb. ssp. eleocharis (L. H. Bailey) Hultén)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Carex inops heliophila;
Carex inops L.H. Bailey ssp. heliophila (Mack.) Crins “Sun Sedge”
Literature Cited:
- Bailey, L. H., 1886.
Carex inops was published by L. H. Bailey (1886) from a collection by L. F. Henderson on sandy grounds on subalpine slopes of Mt. Hood,
Oregon, July, 1884. Described as being much like C. pennsylvanica and lacking the ribbed and hardened character of the perigynia
of that species and its allies, and the beak is straighter and more deeply cleft.
There is one voucher record online of an isotype (ORE17017) collected by L. F. Henderson, 24 July 1884,
with a locality of “[Clackamas or Hood River], Mt. Hood, alpine.”
No image available.
There is another voucher at Harvard (GH27273) labeled “Type” but dated 1885.
And possibly a third undated specimen (NY11164).
These appear to be substantially larger than the subspecies we see here in Colorado.
Literature Cited:
- Mackenzie, Kenneth K., 1913.
Carex heliophila was described by Mackenzie (1913) from a specimen he collected on the open prairie,
near Lee's Summit, Jackson County, Missouri, on May 9, 1897.
The voucher is now at NY (NY11144).
Crins (1983) reduced C. heliophila to a subspecies of C. inops.
Carex inops subsp. heliophila (Mack.) Crins, Canad. J. Bot. 61: 1709 (1983).
Crins, W. J., and P. W. Ball. 1983. The taxonomy of the Carex pensylvanica complex (Cyperaceae) in North America. Canadian Journal of Botany 61(6): 1692-1717. (Carex pensylvanica)
The Carex pensylvanica complex consists of four North American taxa.
Morphological variation patterns within the complex were examined using principal-components analysis and discriminant-functions analysis.
These results indicate that two eastern species, C. lucorum Willdenow ex Link, and C. pensylvanica Lamarck,
and one western species, C. inops Bailey, should be recognized.
The latter species comprises two subspecies, C. inops subsp. inops
and C. inops subsp. heliophila (Mackenzie) Crins, comb. nov.
Cytological and geographical evidence lend support to this classification.
A key and distribution maps for the taxa are provided.
I have no access to this article. It's $30.00.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Carex nebrascensis;
Carex nebrascensis Dewey “Nebraska Sedge”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Carex occidentalis;
Carex occidentalis L. H. Bailey “Western Sedge”
Literature Cited:
- Bailey, L. H., 1889.
L. H. Bailey (1889, v. 1, p. 14) ...
18.—Carex occidentalis.
C. muricata, Olney, Bot. King's Rep. 362, in part (1871);
W. Boott, Bot. Wheeler's Surv. 277 (1878);
Bailey, Coulter's Man. 390 (1885).
C. muricata L., var. Americana, Bailey, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci. xxii. 140 (1886).
Glaucous; leaves narrower than in the last, and relatively
longer; spikes more or less scattered into a very slender head
an inch or so long, the lowest one or two usually wholly
distinct; bracts scale-like, inconspicuous; perigynum larger
than in the last, turgid-ovate, abruptly short-beaked, nearly marginless
and often smooth; scales muticous.
Mountains, Montana to Arizona.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Carex praegracilis;
Carex praegracilis W. Boott “Clustered Field-Sedge”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Carex stipata;
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd. “Saw Beaked Sedge”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Cyperus squarrosus;
Cyperus squarrosus L. “Bearded Flatsedge”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Eleocharis acicularis;
Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roem. & Schult. “Needle Spikerush”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Eleocharis compressa;
Eleocharis compressa Sull. “Flatstem Spikerush”
(Syn: Eleocharis elliptica Kunth var. compressa (Sull.) Drapalik & Mohlenbr.)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Eleocharis macrostachya;
Eleocharis macrostachya Britton “Common Spike-Rush”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Eleocharis palustris;
Eleocharis palustris (L.) Roem. & Schult. “Common Spikerush”
Eleocharis parvula (Roem. & Schult.) Link ex Bluff, Nees & Schauer “Dwarf Spikerush”
(Syn: Eleocharis coloradoensis (Britton) Gilly)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Schoenoplectus americanus;
Schoenoplectus americanus (Pers.) Volkart ex Schinz & R. Keller “Chairmaker's Bullrush”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Schoenoplectus lacustris;
Schoenoplectus lacustris (L.) Palla “Lakeshore Bulrush”
(Syn: Scirpus lacustris L. )
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Schoenoplectus pungens;
Schoenoplectus pungens (Vahl) Palla “Threesquare”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani;
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (C.C.Gmel.) Palla “Softstem Bulrush”
(Syn: Scirpus lacustris L. var. validus (Vahl) Kük., Scirpus validus Vahl)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Scirpus pallidus;
Scirpus pallidus (Britt.) Fern. “Cloaked Bulrush”
Literature Cited:
- Britton, Nathaniel Lord, 1889.
Britton (1889, v. 9, p. 14) ...
Scirpus atrovirens, Muhl. var. pallidus, n. var.
Whole plant pale, including the inflorescence, which is composed
of larger heads than in the type, and is more contracted;
glumes more squarrose. A well-marked variety, but I am so far
unable to detect further differences. The achenium is exactly
like that of the eastern plant. Indian Territory (E. Palmer,
No. 358, 1868); Mitchell Co., Kansas (M. A. Carleton, 1886);
Hitchcock Co., Neb. (H. J. Webber, 1888).
Literature Cited:
- Fernald, M. L., 1906.
Fernald (1906, v. 8, p. 163) ...
S. pallidus (Britton), n. comb.
Similar: leaves very pale: spikelets pale brown, very numerous in irregular glomerules:
scales elliptic=ovate, 2 to 3 mm. long with conspicuous pale midrib prolonged into lond setulose awns,
about twice as long as the achenes.
S. atrovirens, var. pallidus Britton, Trans. N. Y. Acad. sci. ix. 14 (1889)
Manitoba to Kansas and the Rocky Mountain.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lemna minor;
Lemna minor L. “Common Duckweed”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Tradescantia occidentalis;
Tradescantia occidentalis (Britton) Smyth “Prairie Spiderwort”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Juncus arcticus;
Juncus arcticus (Willd.)Trautv. “Arctic Rush”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Juncus arcticus var. balticus;
Juncus arcticus (Willd.) Trautv. var. balticus (Willd.) Trautv. “Arctic Rush”
(Syn: Juncus arcticus (Willd.) Trautv. ssp. ater (Rydb.) Hultén, J. ater Rydb., J. balticus Willd., J. balticus Willd. ssp. ater (Rydb.) Snogerup, J. balticus Willd. var. montanus Engelm.)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Juncus articulatus;
Juncus articulatus L. “Joint-Leaf Rush”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Juncus bufonius;
Juncus bufonius L. “Toad Rush”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Juncus compressus;
Juncus compressus Jacq. “Roundfruit Rush”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Juncus interior;
Juncus interior Wiegand “Inland Rush”
Literature Cited:
- Wiegand, K. M., 1900.
Encampment River.
Wiegand (1900, v. 27, p. 516-517) ...
Original Text
| Comments
5. Juncus interior sp. nov.
Tall and rather stout (5-10 dm. high), light green : stem
erect, nearly terete, coarsely grooved : leaves several, about one
third length of culm, blades narrow (1-1.25 mm. wide), flat or involute :
sheaths nearly all blade-bearing, large and loose, margin
and short rounded auricles membranous, often slightly yellowish :
inflorescence large and open, very many flowered, 3-10 cm. long,
branches conspicuously ascending : flowers distant and scattered,
not secund, pale stramineous : bracts commonly two, exceeding
the inflorescence : bracteoles acuminate : perianth 3-4 mm. long,
its parts nearly equal, broadly subulate, very acute, scarious margin
narrow, extending on the inner to the tip, all appressed or
erect : stamens one half the length of the perianth : anthers short-oblong,
much shorter than the filaments : styles very short : capsule
oblong or rarely ovate-oblong, obtuse, barely apiculate,
equaling the perianth ; placentae not quite meeting at the axis except
at the ends : seeds oblong, rather small (.35-.50 × .14-.17
mm.), apiculate at both ends, shallowly areolate.
Illinois to Wyoming, in dry woods and prairies.
Specimes (sic) examined :
Illinois: Richmond (Vasey in Gray Herb.; type), between
Urbana and Centralia (Vasey), Athens (E. Hall, — June. Bor. Am.
Engelm. no. 21); Illinois Dr. Mead, no. 23.
Wyoming : Grand Enchantment Creek (A. Nelson, no. 3982, 1897).
| The correct name is “Grand Encampment Creek”
as this can be clearly read on the image of the voucher.
The current name is the Encampment River.
Juncus interior has previously constituted the main part of the
so-called J. secundus of the Mississippi valley. Closer observation
shows however that it is quite distinct as well in structure as in
area of distribution. J. secundus is always a slender plant with
rather close sheaths, while the present species is commonly tall and
stout with much broader sheaths. The two species also differ in
the larger inflorescence of the latter, with larger flowers which are
not secund, shorter anthers and more oblong capsule. The bracts
also much exceed the inflorescence, while in J. secundus they
usually do not.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Juncus torreyi;
Juncus torreyi Coville “Torrey's Rush”
Literature Cited:
- Coville, Frederick Vernon, 1895.
Coville (1895, v. 22, p. 303) ...
* After examing a large number of herbarium specimens and observing both
plants in the field for several years, I am convinced that Torrey's Juncus nodosus
megacephalus does not intergrade with J. nodosus proper. In view of the earlier
Juncus megacephalus of Curtis, Torrey's plant is naned as follows:
Juncus Torreyi
Juncus nodosus var. megacephalus Torr. Fl. N. Y. 2: 326. 1843.
Juncus megacephalus Wood, Classbook Bot. Ed. 2: 724. 1861. Not Curtis.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Yucca glauca;
Yucca glauca Nutt. “Soapweed Yucca”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1813.
(Nuttall, 1813, no. 89) ...
Original Text
| Comments
89 *Yucca glauca. ‡
Leaves narrow, and filiferous ;
capsules dry, coriaceous, and large as that of Y. gloriosa.
Flower not seen.
Used in N. Mexico as a substitute for hemp.
Collected 1600 miles up the Missourie, about lat. 49°.
Yucca gloriosa L. is an accepted name for a yucca in the southeast United States.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Calochortus gunnisonii;
Watson, 1871, 40th Parallel, publication details;
Calochortus gunnisonii S. Watson “Gunnison's Mariposa Lily”
Literature Cited:
- Torrey, John, and Asa Gray, 1855.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Torrey & Gray, 1855. Pac. R. R. Rep.;
Torrey & Gray (1855) in their report on the Botany of Gunnison's expedition,
note a Calochortus that they referred to an unknown variety of C. venustus.
Calochortus venustus,
Benth. in Hort. Trans, (n. s.) 1, p. 412, t. 15,/. 2, var ?: sepals
erect; petals obovate, bearded and without a spot below the middle, purple at the base.
Grows under trees on high mountains. Utah. Stem 2-3-flowered. Leaves grass-like, about
two lines wide. Flowers nearly 3 inches in diameter. Sepals lanceolate, striate with purple
veins externally. Petals nearly twice as long as the sepals, the upper half white, pale yellow-ish
green lower down, where the inside is bearded with longish gland-tipped hairs, which are
dark purple at the base. Near the base the hairs are more numerous, and form a transverse
tuft; at the very bottom the claw is dark purple. Differs from G. venustus in its much
narrower and less bearded petals, and in wanting the red spot above the middle.
Literature Cited:
- Watson, Sereno, 1871.
Other articles:
• Field Notes:
Coll. No. 2901, 21 Jul 2022;
Watson (1871, p. 348) ...
Calochortus Gunnisoni. (C. venustus, Var. ?, Torr. Bot. Gunnison's
Rep., Pac. R. R. Surv. 2. 130.) Habit as in the last ; petals rounded
at the apex, white above, yellowish-green below the middle and dark-purple
at base, strongly bearded with longish gland-tipped hairs, which are also dark-purple
at base, the densely hairy gland transverse and occupying nearly the
whole width of the petal; anthers 5" long, rather exceeding the somewhat
dilated filaments, oblong-lanceolate, subcordate at base, narrowed above into
an awn-like termination or acute ; immature capsule narrowly oblong, attenuate
above. — Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Collected also in Utah by
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Smilax lasioneuron;
Smilax lasioneuron Hook. “Blue Ridge Carrionflower”
Literature Cited:
- Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, 2003.
The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group II (2003) placed Melanthiaceae at the rank of Family within Liliales.
Literature Cited:
- Zomlefer, Wendy B., Walter S. Judd, W. Mark Whitten, Norris H. Williams, 2006.
Zomlefer, et al., 2006 published a synopsis of Melanthiaceae. They also recognize Toxicoscordion.
Zigadenus Michx.
Literature Cited:
- Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds., 2013.
FNANM (Vol. 26, 2003) retains Zigadenus in Liliaceae
and places Toxicoscordion in synonomy.
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Weber & Wittmann (2012) write ...
Original Text
| Comments
It is interesting to note that,
even without any knowledge of the modern evidence for segregation
of [Melanthiaceae] and other lily-like families,
Rydberg presented essentially the same arrangement
in his book on the Rocky Mountain flora,
but the taxonomic establishment did not follow him.
They go on to recognize one species of Toxicoscordion in
Colorado, T. venenosum and place T. gramineum and
T. paniculatum in synonomy.
Any Toxicoscordion collected in Colorado and identified with Weber & Wittman (2012) will be T. venenosum.
This is somewhat the same issue as with Eriogonum arcuatum and E. flavum.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Toxicoscordion paniculatum;
Toxicoscordion paniculatum Rydb. “Foothill Death Camas”
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1834a.
Nuttall (1834a) ...
Original Text
| Comments
108. Helonias *paniculata.
Monoica, scapo inferne folioso paniculato,
superne infra apicem fructifero,
bracteis membranaceis acuminatis,
petalis lanceolato-oblongis,
staminibus exsertis, antheris aureis.
Root bulbous?
Leaves lanceolate-linear and acute.
The scape shortly branched below,
the branches subtended by short membrabaceous leaves.
The flowers yellowish-white;
below the summit of the panicle or raceme arise the fertile flowers upon long peduncles.
Styles three, contiguous.
Stamens exserted, the anthers bright yellow.
In the Kamas prairie, near Flat-Head river.
Flowering in June.
Literature Cited:
- Watson, Sereno, 1871.
Watson (1871, p. 343) ...
Original Text
| Comments
Zigadenus paniculatus.
(Helonias, Nutt.
Amianthium Nuttallii, Gray, Var. β., l. c.)
Stem rather stout, 15-30' high, somewhat leafy;
leaves sheathing at base,
(even the 1-2 uppermost bract-like ones,)
broad-linear, 4-8" wide, rough-margined and roughish-puberulent on both sides,
folded-carinate and mostly falcate ;
eaceme panicled, many-flowered, the lower branches spreading,
short, the terminal ones elongated, (3-10';)
flowers on slender pedicels,
often sterile and short-pedicelled in the lower racemes;
bracts membranous,
sepals 1-2" long, oblong, abruptly somewhat narrowed at the base,
the rather broad claw green and glandular ;
ovary-cells about 10-ovuled ;
capsule oblong-ovate or oblong, ½-1' long ;
seeds 3-5" long, oblong.
an examination of numerous specimens leaves no doubt
of the distinctness of these two species.
Bulb as in the last, but usually larger,
the whole plant stout, growing on dry foothills,
and in flower a month earlier.
The root of neither species is eaten by the Indians.
Oregon and Washington Territory.
Frequent on the foot-hills of the Virginia, Trinity, and
West Humboldt Mountains, Nevada, and in the Wahsatch ;
5-6,000 feet altitude ; May, June. (1,164.)
The “last” is Zigadenus nuttallii A. Gray.
Literature Cited:
- Watson, Sereno, 1879.
Original Text
| Comments
6. Z. paniculatus, Watson.
Very similar : usually stout:
leaves 3 to 8 lines broad,
usually all sheathing :
raceme compound :
perianth-segments deltoid, acute or acuminate, with a short claw ;
gland less deifinitely margined,
often reaching nearly to the middle of the blade :
fruiting pedicels spreading :
capsule ½ to 1 inch :
seeds 3 to 5 lines long.
King's Rep. 5. 344.
Amianthum Nuttallii, var. β, Gray, Rev. Melanth. 121.
Helonias paniculata, Nutt. Journ. Philad. Acad. 7. 57.
California (east slope of Sierra Nevada) and Idaho to Utah
and the Sackatchewan (sic).
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
In the key to Zigadenus paniculatus,
Ackerfield (2015) writes:
Original Text
| Comments
Zigadenus paniculatus var. venenosus (S. Watson) Ackerfield
occurs to the west of Colorado
Ackerfield (2015) then recognizes Z. paniculatus var. paniculatus and var. gramineus.
Toxicoscordion venenosum Watson “Meadow Death Camas”
Original Text
| Comments
5. Z. venenosus.
Stem slender, ½ to 2 feet high :
leaves rarely over 2 or 3 lines broad, scabrous, the cauline not sheathing :
raceme simple, short, with narrow scarious bracts :
perianth free from the ovary ;
segments triangular-ovate to elliptical, obtuse or rarely acutish,
2 or 3 lines long,
all abruptly contracted to a short glandular claw,
the blade rounded or subcordate at base ;
gland extending slightly above the claw with a well-defined irregular margin :
stamens somewhat adnate to the claw :
pedicels suberect in fruit :
capsule 4 to 6 lines long :
seeds 1½ to 2½ lines long.
California (Monterey and Mariposa Counties)
to British Columbia and east to Utah and Idaho.
Bulb poisonous.
The Coast Range form is usually stouter,
with a larger occasionally compound raceme.
Hitherto referred to the last species.
The “last species” is Z. paniculatus.
Literature Cited:
- Watson, Sereno, 1879.
Inflorescence of Coll. No. 2055, Toxicoscordion paniculatum
Original Text
| Comments
5. Z. venenosus.
Stem slender, ½ to 2 feet high :
leaves rarely over 2 or 3 lines broad, scabrous, the cauline not sheathing :
raceme simple, short, with narrow scarious bracts :
perianth free from the ovary ;
segments triangular-ovate to elliptical, obtuse or rarely acutish,
2 or 3 lines long,
all abruptly contracted to a short glandular claw,
the blade rounded or subcordate at base ;
gland extending slightly above the claw with a well-defined irregular margin :
stamens somewhat adnate to the claw :
pedicels suberect in fruit :
capsule 4 to 6 lines long :
seeds 1½ to 2½ lines long.
California (Monterey and Mariposa Counties)
to British Columbia and east to Utah and Idaho.
Bulb poisonous.
The Coast Range form is usually stouter,
with a larger occasionally compound raceme.
Hitherto referred to the last species.
The “last species” is Z. paniculatus.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Maianthemum stellatum;
Maianthemum stellatum (L.) Link. “Starry False Lily of the Valley”
(Syn: Smilacina stellata (L.) Desf.)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Maianthemum racemosum amplexicaule;
Maianthemum racemosum (L.) Link ssp. amplexicaule (Nutt.)LaFrankie “Feathery False Lily of the Valley”
Literature Cited:
- Linne´, Carl von, 1753.
Original Text
★ * Smilaces T. corollis rotatis.
5. CONVALLARIA foliis feffilibus, racemo terminali compofito.
Convallaria racemo conpofito. Roy. lugdb. 26.
Convallaria foliis alternis, racemo terminale. Hort. cliff. 125. Gron. virg. 38.
Polygonatum racemofum. Corn. canad. 36. t. 37.
Polygonatum ramofum & racemofum fpicatum. Morif. hift. 3. p. 537. f. 13. t. 4. f. 9.
Polygonatum racemofum americanum, ellebori albi foliis ampliffimis. Pluk. alm. 301. t. 311. f. 2.
Habitat in Virginia, Canada.
| |
Maianthemum F.H.Wigg., Prim. Fl. Holsat. 14 (1780).
Literature Cited:
- Desfontaines, Rene Louiche, 1780.
Smilacina Desf. was published by Rene L. Desfontaines as a segregate from Convallaria
Literature Cited:
- Nuttall, Thomas, 1834a.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Nuttall, 1834a, publication details;
• Glossary:
Nuttall (1834a, p. 58) described Smilacina amplexicaulis from a collection by
Nathaniel Wyeth in 1833.
Original Text
110. Smilacina (B.) *amplexicaulis.
Foliis cordato-ovatis amplexicaulibis subacuminatis, floribus paniculatis,
petalis staminibus paulo brevioribus.
Stem about a foot high,
and as well as the leaves covered with a short pubescence.
Leaves three to three and a half inches long, by an inch and a half wide,
broad ovate, shortly acuminated, and amplexicaule.
Panicle about four inches long, very similar to that of S. racemosa.
The flowers are, however, as well as the petals, which are but little shorter than the stamens, and white.
Style undivided, very short.
In the valleys of the Rocky Mountains,
about the sources of the Columbia river.
Flowering about the middle of June.
Watson (1871, p. 345) placed S. amplexicaulis as a variety of Smilacina racemosa
Original Text
Smilacina racemosa, Desf., Var. amplexicaulis.
(S. amplexicaulis Nutt. Jour. Acad. Phil. 7. 58.)
Leaves closely sessile and amplexicaul, shortly acuminate or only acute ;
style at lease half as long as the ovary and equaling the stamens.
Distiguished at once from the usual form by its less acuminate sessile leaves and longer style and filaments.
It is 2012 Hartweg and 353 Bridges from California, and 845 Fendler from New Mexico ;
collected also by Wyeth and Lyall in Oregon and Washington Territory and by Bourgeau in the Rocky Mountains.
728 Coulter from California, Lyall's specimens from Lower Fraser River and Bourgeau's from the Winnipeg are the
typical form, which extends southward to Southern California, New Mexico, and upper districts of the Gulf States.
Clover Mountains, Nevada, and the Wahsatch ; 6-7,000 feet altitude ; May-september. (1,168)
Literature Cited:
- Harrington, H. D., 1954.
Harrington (1964, 2nd ed.) says this about Smilacina racemosa (L.) Desf.:
Original Text
Several varieties have been proposed for our western plants
S. racemosa var. amplexicaulis (Nutt.) Wats. is the most distinct.
Woods and thickets.
Throughout most of temperate North America.
Our records scattered in the western two-thirds of the state at 6500-10,000 feet.
Literature Cited:
- LaFrankie, James V., 1986b.
LaFrankie (1986) published a morphology and taxonomy of Maianthemum,
placing M. amplexicaule as a subspecies of M. racemosum.
LaFrankie also wrote the treatment for FNANM.
Literature Cited:
- LaFrankie, James V., 1986b.
LaFrankie, J. V., Jr. 1986.
Transfer of the species of Smilacina Desf. to Maianthemum Wigg. (Liliaceae).
Taxon. 35: 584-589.
Unfortunately I don't have access to Taxon through JSTOR.
Maianthemum racemosum var. amplexicaule (Nutt.) Dorn, Vasc. Pl. Wyoming 298 (1988): (1988).
Literature Cited:
- LaFrankie, James V., 2003.
LaFrankie (2003) writing in Flora of North America treats M. amplexicaule as a subspecies of M. racemosum.
Literature Cited:
- Weber, William A., and Ronald C. Wittmann, 2012.
Weber & Wittman (2012) treat M. amplexicaule (Nutt.) W. A. Weber as the species rank, noting “… FNA considers this to be a variety of M. racemosum; however, our species is diploid, while M. racemosum is tetraploid. Contrary to claims, these do not intergrade.”
Literature Cited:
- Ackerfield, Jennifer, 2015.
Ackerfield (2015) accepts LaFrankie's (2003) placement of M. amplexicaule as a subspecies of M. racemosum.
Literature Cited:
- Kim, Changkyun, and Joo-Hwan Kim, 2017.
Kim and Kim (2017) did not focus on M. racemosum, though their diagrams suggest the taxon split from the remainder of the genus s.s. early in the evolution of the genus.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Allium cernuum;
Allium cernuum Roth “Nodding Onion”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Allium × proliferum;
Allium × proliferum (Moench) Schrad. ex Willd. “Garden Onion”
Literature Cited:
- Willdenow, Carl Ludwig, 1809.
Willdenow (1809, p. 358) ...
* 12. ALLIUM proliferum.
A. caule nudo fistuloso tortuoso, umbella bulbifera prolifera, staminibus tricuspidatis.
Allium proliferum. Schrad. cat. hort. goett.
Habitat . . . . . . . . ♃ D.
Spatha bivalvis, valvulis ovatis concavis.
Umbella universalis bulbis tribus magnis ramisque longis tribus seu quatuor composita,
quorum longissimus saepe bipedalis atque iterum tribus bulbis terminatus
cum floribus tribus vel quatuor ;
ex hac umbella saepe alia e bulbis tribus composita ramo semipedali suffulta elongatur.
Rami laterales umbellae universalis tripollicares usque semipedales,
apice bulbiferi cum floribus nonnullis.
Corolla alba, nervo viridi ornata.
Stamina corolla longiora, alterna obtuse trifida.
Antherae virides.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Allium textile;
Allium textile A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr. “Textile Onion”
Literature Cited:
- Nelson, Aven, and J. Francis Macbride, 1913.
Nelson & Macbride (1913, v. 56, p. 470) ...
Original Text
Allium textile, n. n.
A. reticulatum Fraser in Mem. Wern. Soc. 6:36. 1827;
not A. reticulatum J. and C. Presl. Fl. Cech. 73. 1819.
Our collections made in 1912 show that this species has a wider distribution
than heretofore assigned to it. Specimens having been secured on the Snake
River, at Shoshone Falls, it seem probable that it may extend quite into
eastern Oregon.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Asparagus officinalis;
Asparagus officinalis L. “Asparagus”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Lilium philadelphicum;
Lilium philadelphicum L. “Wood Lily”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Muscari botryoides;
Muscari botryoides (L.) Mill. “Common Grape Hyacinth”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Prosartes trachycarpa;
Prosartes trachycarpa S. Watson “Roughfruit Fairybells”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Streptopus amplexifolius;
Streptopus amplexifolius (L.) DC. “Clasping Twitedstalk”
Literature Cited:
- Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, and Agustin de Candolle, 1815.
Lamarck and DeCandolle (1815, t. 3, p. 174)
Original Text
| Interpreted Text
Streptopus. Michaux. — Uvularia. Hall. — Uvulariae sp. Linn.
Streptopus. Michaux. — Uvularia. Hall. — Uvulariae sp. Linn.
Le périgone est divisé profondément en six lanières
munies à la base interne d’une cavité nectarifère ; les anthères
sont plus longues que les filamens ; le fruit est une baie lisse à
enveloppe mince.
The perigone is deeply divided into six strips
provided at the internal base with a nectariferous cavity; the anthers
are longer than the filaments; the fruit is a smooth berry with
thin envelope.
Ce genre , confondu par Linné avec l’uvulaire , mais
don’t les anciens botarnstes connoissoient bien l’organisation ,
n’appartient pas même à la famille des liliacées , don’t l’uvulaire
fait partie; il en diffère par son fruit qui est une baie, par
ses stigmates très-courts , et par ses graines don’t la cicatricule
est dépourvue d’arille ; toutes les espèces ont le pédicelle courbé
ou tortillé dans le milieu.
This genus, confused by Linnaeus with the uvular, but
the organization of which the former botanists knew well,
does not even belong to the Liliaceae family, of which the uvular
is part of; it differs from it by its fruit which is a berry, by
its very short stigmata, and by its seeds, the scar of which
is devoid of aril; all species have curved pedicel
or twisted in the middle.
1856. Streptope embrassant. Streptopus amplexifolius;
1856. Streptope embrassant. Streptopus amplexifolius;
Uvularia amplexifolia. Llnn. spec. 436. —
Streptopus distortusi. Michaux. Fl. bor. am. i. p. 200.—
Uvularia amplexicaulis. Delarb. FI. auv. 213.—
Barr. t. 719 et 720.
Uvularia amplexifolia. Llnn. spec. 436. —
Streptopus distortusi. Michaux. Fl. bor. am. i. p. 200.—
Uvularia amplexicaulis. Delarb. FI. auv. 213.—
Barr. t. 719 et 720.
Sa tige est haute de 5 décim. , rameuse , feuillée et cylindrique ;
ses feuilles sont alternes , embrassantes , pointues ,
lisses et nerveuses ; ses fleurs sont petites , pendantes , solitaires
et attachées à des pédoncules courbés dans leur milieu , et qui
naissent à la base des feuilles; leur périgone est campanulé , et
composé de six divisions lancéolées , distinguées chacune par une
petite fossette à leur base intérieure : les étamines sont très-courtes;
le fruit est une baie qui devient rougeâtre en mûrissant.
Its stem is 5 decimeters high. , branched , leafy and cylindrical ;
its leaves are alternate, embracing, pointed,
smooth and sinewy; its flowers are small, hanging, solitary
and attached to peduncles curved in the middle, and which
arise at the base of the leaves; their perigone is bell-shaped, and
composed of six lanceolate divisions, each distinguished by a
small dimple at their inner base: the stamens are very short;
the fruit is a berry that turns reddish as it ripens.
On trouve cette plante dans les Alpes; les Pyrénées ;
Je Jura; au Mont-d’Or ( Lemonn. ) , etc.; dans les montagnes
du Forêt (Latour.). On la connoît vulgairement sous les noms
de sceau de Salomon rameux , laurier alexandrin des Alpes ,
noms qui indiquent sa place dans l’ordre naturel.
This plant is found in the Alps; the Pyrenees ;
the Jura mountains; at Mont-d'Or (Lemonn.), etc.; in the mountains
of the Forest (Latour.). It is commonly known by the names
of branching Solomon's seal, Alexandrian laurel of the Alps,
names that indicate its place in the natural order.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Sisyrinchium montanum;
Sisyrinchium montanum Greene “Rocky Mountain Blue-Eyed Grass”
Literature Cited:
- Greene, Edward Lee, 1899c.
Greene (1899, v. 4, p. 33-34) ...
S. montanum. Plant stout, erect, more than a foot high,
herbage light-green, glabrous, not glaucescent : foliage rather
copious but short, of less than half the length of the scapes,
the broad leaves about 9-striate, the alternate lines commonly
rather obscure; scapes ancipital, each of the broad,
sharp-edged subentire wiags strongly 3-striate: spathes
mostly solitary, their bracts very unequal, the outer of more
than twice the length of the inner and 1½ to 2 inches long:
perianths apparently dark-purple; capsules large (nearly ¼
inch in diameter), almost globose, very sparsely hairy.
Meadows along the Mancos River, southern Colorado,
Baker, Earle and Tracy (n. 113), 25 June, 1898 ; also by the
same on Chicken Creek in the La Plata Mountains, at 9,000
feet, 7 July (n. 377). A large and doubtless showy species,
exceeding even the Californian S. bellum in size.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Calypso bulbosa;
Calypso bulbosa (L.) Oakes “Fairy Slipper”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Coeloglossum viride;
Coeloglossum viride (L.) Hartm. “Longbract Frog Orchid”
(Syn: Coeloglossum viride (L.) Hartm. ssp. bracteatum (Muhl.) Hultén,Dactylorhiza viridis (L.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase)
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Corallorhiza maculata;
Corallorhiza maculata (Raf.) Raf. “Summer Coralroot”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens;
Cypripedium parviflorum Salisb. var. pubescens O. W. Knight “Greater Yellow Lady's Slipper”
(Syn: Cypripedium calceolus L. var. parviflorum (Salisb.) Hultén)
Literature Cited:
- Rafinesque, Constantine Samuel, 1833.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Goodyera oblongifolia;
Goodyera oblongifolia Raf. “Western Rattlesnake Plantain”
Rafinesque (1833, v. 1, p. 76) ...
10 Goodyera seu Tussaca oblongifolia, Raf.
Fol. radic petiol oblongis ovatis acutis, 5 nervis
non reticulatis, subtus glaucis caule
gracile vaginato, spica laxiflora, fl. remotis
hirsutis, bract. lanc. acut. ovar. eq. ovarium
therto. — Oregon mts. subpedal, fl. white small.
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Spiranthes diluvualis;
Spiranthes diluvialis Sheviak. “Ute Lady's Tresses”
Literature Cited:
- Sheviak, Charles J., 1984.
Original Text
TYPE: U.S.A. Colorado. Jefferson Co.: mesic to wet alluvial meadows along Clear Creek
just W of junct. Rts. 6 & 58, Golden, 17 Jul 1982,
C. J. Sheviak, J. K. Sheviak, W. Jennings, L. Long & S. Smookler 2257
(Holotype: NYS; isotype: NY).
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Spiranthes romanzoffiana;
Spiranthes romanzoffiana Cham. “Hooded Lady's Tresses”
Other articles:
• Golden Checklist Flora:
Leucocrinum montanum;
Leucocrinum montanum Nutt. ex A. Gray “Star Lily”
As near as I can tell, the first common name applied to Leucocrinum montanum was 'White Crinum' in "Woolson & Co.'s descriptive catalogue of hardy perennial plants and price list : spring and fall of 1880." Miller (1884) in "A dictionary of English names of plants applied in England and among English-speaking people to cultivated and wild plants, trees, and shrubs" lists 'Californian Soap-Root' and 'Rocky Mountain Dwarf White Lily' as common names. 'Sand Lily' does not appear until 1904 in D. M. Andrews "Wholesale catalogue of rare seeds chiefly of plants and shrubs indigenous to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado." By 1926 the D. M. Andrews catalog lists the common name as 'Sandlily or Starlily."
Literature Cited:
- Gray, Asa, 1848.
A. Gray (1848) writing in his Revision of North American Melanthiaceae …
Original Text
Leucocrinum montanum, Nutt. Ined.
Radix e fibris plurimis crassitie pennae Corvi.
Folia plurima, (ut videntur) crasiuscula, plana, 8 unc. Longa.
Vix 2 lin. Lata, acutiuscula.
Flores (6-8) foliis multò breviores;
pedunculis omnibus radicalibus, unifloris, demùm ferè uncialibus.
Perianthii tubus persistens, 2-3 unc. Longus, filiformis;
limbus magnitudine florum Ornithogali umbellati.
Stamina perianthium vix aequantia;
antheris linearibus.
Stylus staminibus paulò brevior;
stigmatibus ferè obcordatis.
Capsulae (immaturae) vix supra terram, membranaceae, 3-4 lin. Latae,
(ut videntur loculucidè dehiscentes,) stylo et perianthio persistente coronatae.
Semina ut in Colchico. — Floret Aprili.
Hab. In planitiebus altis fluminis Platte, Nuttall!
Genus a Colchico diversum, stylis coalitis, antheris adnatis,
at capsulis membranaceis non inflatis,
a Bulbocodia, unguibus perianthii totus concretis, etc. ;
anutroque praesertim stigmatibus lamellatis, radice fascicilata, et defectu cormi.
Si tamen Merendera, Bulbocodium, at Monocaryum, et monet doctiss.
Brownio, * potius subgenera Colchici sunt,
forsan hoc quoque illi referendum est.
Specimina sicca a cel. Nuttallio lecta et mihi benevole communicata.
Literature Cited:
- Ornduff, Robert, and Marion S. Cave, 1975.
Sand-lily, Leucocrinum montanum Nutt.,
is a showy perennial that occurs widely in arid regions of the western United States.
Recently, the second author reported chromosome counts of n = 11, 13, and 14 for this species (Cave, 1970).
Plants from the Rocky Mountain region have
n = 14 (see also Löve et al., 1971),
those from several localities in California,
western Nevada, and Oregon have n = 13,
and one population from Nevada has n = 11.
In addition, Cave noted that in some populations
pollen is shed in tetrads and in others
it is shed singly.
In this paper we further discuss the variation
in chromosome number and in the condition of pollen
at the time of shedding (Ornduff and Cave, 1975).
Studies of Prairie or Foothill Ecosystems
Restoration and Effects of Attempts Thereof
Literature Cited:
- Wilson, Scott D., 1989.
Wilson, Scott D., 1989. The suppression of native prairie by alien species introduced for revegetation. Landscape and Urban Planning. 17(2), april 1989, pp. 113-119.
Natural prairie has become uncommon in North America, making the revegetation of disturbed areas by native species a desirable goal. Alien species are often introduced for revegetation because of their abilities to stabilize and nitrify soil. The objective of this study was to test whether these attributes of introduced species would allow them to promote the recovery of native vegetation. Seven treatments (six commercially-available mixtures of introduced species and an unseeded control) were applied to a randomized field experiment in disturbed mixed-grass prairie in south-west Manitoba, Canada. Sampling eight years later revealed that introduced species suppressed native vegetation. Introduced species did not aid revegetation: plots seeded with introduced species did not produce significantly higher standing crop or below-ground biomass than did unseeded plots. Unseeded plots had the lowest frequency of bare ground. Allowing prairie to revegetate without sowing introduced species produced both the highest cover of bare ground and the greatest abundance of native species.
Literature Cited:
- Wilson, Scott D., and Joyce W. Belcher, 1989.
Wilson, Scott D., and Joyce W. Belcher, 1989. Plant and Bird Communities of Native Prairie and Intoduced Eurasian Vegetation in Manitoba, Canada. Conservation Biology. 3(1), pp. 39-44, March 1989.
“… introduction of Eurasian plant species to North American prairie not only replaces the native plant community, but also produces significant changes in the species composition of a higher trophic level … ”
Abstract: Large areas of North American prairie are dominated by Eurasian plant species introduced either for range improvement or accidentally as weeds. We examined the impact of introduced plants on both native vegetation and bird communities in a mosaic of North American mixed-grass prairie and Eurasian vegetation. We established ten transects five in areas of native prairie and five in areas dominated by introduced plant species. Each transect comprised five sampling stations separated by 100 m. Vegetation was sampled in four 0.5m2 quadrats at each station. The cooers of eight of the ten most common plant species varied significantly (p < 0.05) between native and introduced vegetation. One common native plans Andropogon scoparius, was absent in introduced vegetation Singing birds were identified to species at each station on three occasions during the breeding season All bird species found were native to prairie. The total number of birds did not vary between vegetation types Two out of eight bird species, upland sandpiper and Sprague's pipit were signifcantly more abundant in native prairie than in introduced vegetation No bird species were significantly more common in introduced vegetation. A correlation matrix calculated for all bird species and the ten most abundant plant species divided the bird community into two groups. The first group (western meadow lark, upland sandpiper, Sprague's pipit, Baird's sparrow and savannah sparrow) was positively correlated with native plant species and negatively with introduced plants, while the second (vesper sparrow, clay-colored sparrow, and grasshopper sparrow) was negatively correlated with native species and positively correlated with introduced Discriminant analysis separated transects from native and Eurasian vegetation on the basis of their respective bird communities. The results illustrate that the introduction of Eurasian plant species to North American prairie not only replaces the native plant community, but also produces significant changes in the species composition of a higher trophic level.
Literature Cited:
- Heidinga, Lawrence, and Scott D. Wilson, 2002.
Heidinga, Lawrence, and Scott D. Wilson, 2002.
The Impact of an Invading Alien Grass (Agropyron cristatum) on Species Turnover in Native Prairie.
Diversity and Distributions.
8(5), September 2002, pp 249-258.
Alien invasions typically reduce species richness of habitats, but few studies have examined their effects on species turnover, the difference in species composition between localities. Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. (crested wheat grass) has been planted on 6-10 million ha of North American prairie, and is invading native prairie. We studied the invasion of A. cristatum into native prairie by measuring species composition along a gradient from maximum to minimum A. cristatum abundance. As A. cristatum increased, the abundance of most common native species decreased, but one appeared to be unaffected (Bouteloua gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag.), and another (Poa sandbergii Vasey) increased. The effect of A. cristatum on species turnover was investigated by examining species-area curves for areas from 0.5 m2 to 8.0 m2. Species diversity was reduced by 35% at high A. cristatum abundances at all areas. A. cristatum reduced the intercept of the species-area curve, but not the slope, suggesting that A. cristatum affected species turnover proportionally in all areas and habitats. This unusual result may indicate a homogeneous environment where species are distributed randomly. A. cristatum produced almost twice as many seeds as all native grasses combined. The number of seeds collected of native grasses and A. cristatum was highly correlated with the number of seed heads immediately nearby, but not with transect position. This suggests most seeds were dispersed over distances less than 5 m. In sum, the invasion of native prairie by A. cristatum might be related to high rates of seed production, and has the effect of decreasing species turnover by reducing the intercept of the species-area curve.
Literature Cited:
- Salesman, Jessica Bolwahn, and Meredith Thomsen, 2011.
Salesman, Jessica Bolwahn, and Meredith Thomsen, 2011. Smooth Brome (Bromus inermis) in Tallgrass Prairies: A Review of Control Methods and Future Research Directions. Ecological Restoration. 29(4), December 2011, pp. 374-381.
Smooth brome (Bromus inermis) is a cool-season rhizomatous grass of Eurasian origin
that has escaped intentional plantings and spread widely in natural areas. A large body of work exists regarding smooth brome's biology and response to conservation management strategies designed to reduce its competitive effects on native prairie species, particularly for the tallgrass prairies of North America. Here we summarize that literature to improve restoration practice. In tallgrass prairie, smooth brome benefits from the early start of its growing season and its rhizomatous growth form, making it a strong competitor against native warm-season grasses. Late-spring burns timed to target smooth brome when root reserves are at their lowest have shown promise as a control strategy. Uncertainty remains, however, about the relative efficacy of fire, herbicide, mowing, or grazing to accomplish late-spring defoliation, the effect of repeated treatments, and the potential benefits of treatment combinations. The responses of resident or seeded natives to brome control treatments and/or the resulting decreases in brome cover also remain largely unexamined. Research focused on the questions we highlight would reduce costs associated with the control of smooth brome and increase confidence in the outcomes of restoration efforts.
Literature Cited:
- Grant, Todd A., Bridgette Flanders-Wanner, Terry L. Shaffer, Robert K. Murphy, and Gregg A. Knutsen, 2009.
Grant, Todd A., Bridgette Flanders-Wanner, Terry L. Shaffer, Robert K. Murphy, and Gregg A. Knutsen, 2009.
An Emerging Crisis across Northern Prairie Refuges: Prevalence of Invasive Plants and a Plan for Adaptive Management.
Ecological Restoration.
27(1), March 2009, pp. 58-65.
In the northern Great Plains, native prairies managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) can be pivotal in conservation of North America's biological diversity. From 2002 to 2006, we surveyed 7,338 belt transects to assess the general composition of mixed-grass and tallgrass prairie vegetation across five "complexes" (i.e., administrative groupings) of national wildlife refuges managed by the Service in North Dakota and South Dakota. Native grasses and forbs were common (mean frequency of occurrence 47%-54%) on two complexes but uncommon (4%-13%) on two others. Conversely, an introduced species of grass, smooth brome (Bromus inermis), accounted for 45% to 49% of vegetation on two complexes and another species, Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) accounted for 27% to 36% of the vegetation on three of the complexes. Our data confirm prior suspicions of widespread invasion by introduced species of plants on Service-owned tracts of native prairie, changes that likely stem in part from a common management history of little or no disturbance (e.g., defoliation by grazing or fire). However, variability in the degree and type of invasion among prairie tracts suggests that knowledge of underlying causes (e.g., edaphic or climatic factors, management histories) could help managers more effectively restore prairies. We describe an adaptive management approach to acquire such knowledge while progressing with restoration. More specifically, we propose to use data from inventories of plant communities on Service-owned prairies to design and implement, as experiments, optimal restoration strategies. We will then monitor these experiments and use the results to refine future strategies. This comprehensive, process-oriented approach should yield reliable and robust recommendations for restoration and maintenance of native prairies in the northern Great Plains.
Recreation in Foothill and Prairie Ecosystems
1830 Alabama - Georgia - South Carolina
1834 - 1836 Oregon Trail, Hawai'i, Alta California
Plants Collected:
Vegetation Descriptions
Dates To Do Things
Vouchers to Examine
Wednesday, November 5, 2014.
UTC10764: was determined Polemonium caeruleum whereas UTC19762, also bearing MEJ's #299 is determined Polemonium foliosissimum A. Gray. However, per Mary Barkworth, 11/25/2014, both are P. foliosissimum.
Mystery Locations
Gray Hill.
Gray HillHarbouria trachypleura (A. Gray) J.M. Coult. & Rose. Whiskbroom Parsley. Mountain slope. Near Golden: Gray Hill. J. H. Ehlers 6848. 6/2/1938 ( RM184550 )
West CliffQuincula lobata (Torr.) Raf. (Syn: Physalis lobata Torr. ) Chinese Lantern. Golden, Road to West Cliff, Golden. Earl L. Johnston, with G. G. Hedgcock 813. 6/23/1917 ( RM101941 ).
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