Eastern Mojave Vegetation

Detailed Area Plant List for Upper Mono Basin, Mono County, United States.

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Edited by Tom Schweich

This list is assembled from personal collections, herbarium vouchers, and published lists. For California, much of the data is provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria as indicated by a single dagger “†.” Their web site is at: (http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/consortium/). For Colorado, much of the data is provided by the Southwest Environmental Information Network as indicated by a double dagger “‡,” which web site is found at (http://swbiodiversity.org). See their respective websites for copyright information and recommended citation formats.

For a complete list of Locations included in this Area List, see the Locations Included section, below.

For a check list, please see: Check List for Upper Mono Basin, Mono County, United States.


Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh.  Brittle Bladderfern. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Plants, terrestrial, to 35 cm.; Fronds, petiole scales very sparse, widest at middle, bipinnately compound + lobed, abaxial surface glabrous, margins flat; Sori, between midrib and leaflet margin, round, indusium hood-like at base then divided into filiform segments. (Described from Coll. No. 2890, 20 July 2022.)

- Conness Glacier, unusually dark green for Cystopteris Conness Cirque near Saddlebag Lake, Tioga Pass region Herbert L. Mason 11439. 29 Jul 1936. ( UC641978 ) .

- Dana Plateau, in crevices of granitics east rim of Dana Plateau Carl W. Sharsmith 2399. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC641690 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Harlan Lewis 1565. 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR11968 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, under granite rocks along in meadow meadow below Carnegie Institution houses, along Slate Creek Jack L. Reveal and James L. Reveal 179. 11 Aug 1962. ( UC1338750 ) . .

Woodsia scopulina D. C. Eaton.  Rocky Mountain Woodsia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, rocky slopes and crevices in slate between Tioga Pass and Mono Lake, north side of Ellery Lake and Highway 120 Elizabeth Neese 17649. 21 Aug 1986. ( UC1579806 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, in glaciated metamorphics Glacier Canyon just below Dana Glacier Carl W. Sharsmith 2131. 23 Jul 1935. ( UC641685 ) rock crevices Glacier Canyon at east base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 4210. 19 Aug 1940. ( SJSU13222 ) in crevice of granite Robert T. Clausen and Harold Trapido 4851. 9 Jul 1940. ( UC1495287 ) .

- Mono Pass, 9000-10000 ft Henry N. Bolander 1866. ( UC43064 UC62459 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, dry rock crevices in metamorphics rocks Cabin Creek, Slate Creek Valley, east of Mount Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5685. 2 Sep 1948. ( SJSU12727 ) .

- Tioga Crest, deep in rock crevices of metamorphics; w slope of west slope of Tioga Crest just above Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2786. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC641972 ) .


Isoetes bolanderi Engelm.  Bolander's Quillwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, frost heaved shallow lake near Pinus albicaulis timberline on metamorphics Bloody Canyon 0.2 mi E of Mono Pass summit Dean Wm. Taylor 13056. 24 Jul 1992. ( JEPS104909 ) .

- Tioga Pass, submerged in shallow pond, extensive dense sward 18'' below surface of water 1/4 mile east of Tioga Pass Carl W. Sharsmith 6924. 3 Sep 1962. ( SJSU3632 ) .


Botrychium CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Rush Creek (Upper), Rush Creek, east of Mount Lyell Enid Michaels 3 Sep 1923. ( UC595068 ) . .

Botrychium crenulatum W. H. Wagner.  Scalloped Moonwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, meadow and talus slopes Nunatak trail beside CA-120, about 1 mi S of Yosemite entrance Kiosk. George K. Helmkamp 4415. 13 Aug 1998. ( UCR123116 ) . .

Botrychium simplex E. Hitchc.  Little Grapefern. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Glacier Canyon, Below and West of the Dana Plateau in meadow with large tarn. East of Tioga Lake and Tioga Pass Steve Matson 1506. 21 Aug 2005. ( JEPS111117 ) .

- Tioga Pass, open meadows trail to Dana Plateau, Dana Meadows, just outside Yosemite National Park Alan R. Smith 823. 11 Aug 1981. ( UC1258415 ) .


Adiantum aleuticum (Rupr.) C. A. Paris.  Aleutian Maidenhair. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, rock crevices under overhanging rock in deep grotto of metamorphic rock deep grotto in cliff above Cabin Cr (a tributary of Slate Cr. E of Mt. Conness) Carl W. Sharsmith 5696. 8 Sep 1948. ( SJSU12734 ) . .

Aspidotis densa (Brack.) Lellinger.  Indian's Dream. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bennettville, rock crevices on E facing wall of metamorphic rock above shaft of mine tunnel of old Bennettville Mine near Tioga Pass Carl W. Sharsmith 5626. 23 Jul 1948. ( SJSU12730 ) .

- Tioga Pass, near Tioga Pass Darley F. Howe 2 Oct 1971. ( SD81148 ) . .

Cryptogramma acrostichoides R. Br.  American Rockbrake. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types including willow shrubland, Ledum thicket; grass/sedge meadow, 2790 - 2866 m Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5602. 12 Aug 1997. ( UCR104195 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Harlan Lewis 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR11856 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, base of cliff in rock crevices beside spring n side of Slate Creek Valley, near Yosemite Nat'l Park William M. Heusi 69. 28 Jul 1930. ( UC532107 ) .

- Tioga Pass, moist, rocky slope Annie M. Alexander and Louise Kellogg 3443. 4 Sep 1942. ( UC702395 ) . .

Cryptogramma cascadensis E. Alverson.  Cascade Rockbrake. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, granitic crevices at meadow edges Along highway CA-120. 0.5 miles N of Tioga Pass; Nunatak meadow area with willows. George K. Helmkamp 2362. 11 Sep 1997. ( SD144156 UCR103535 ) . .

Pellaea breweri D. C. Eaton.  Brewer's Cliffbrake. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, S slope; on a ledge on cyn side 0.25 mi N of Ellery Lake, Lee Vining Crk Cyn E. R. Blakley 6112. 3 Sep 1963. ( SBBG19999 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, crevices of granite, east slope east slope of Glacier Canyon Robert T. Clausen and Harold Trapido 4860. 9 Jul 1940. ( UC1505614 ) .

- Mono Pass, Carlotta C. Hall 179. 28 Aug 1922. ( UC1481808 ) 9000-10000 ft Henry N. Bolander 6243. 1866. ( UC42665 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Harlan Lewis 1564. 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR11830 ) .

- Tioga Pass, meadow and talus slopes Nunatak trail beside CA-120, about 1 mi S of Yosemite entrance Kiosk. George K. Helmkamp 4414. 13 Aug 1998. ( UCR123123 ) . .

Pellaea bridgesii Hook.  Bridges' Cliffbrake. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial terrestrial fern, to 15 cm; Fronds many, mono-morphic, once pinnate, underside glabrous; Pinnae flat (not recurved to cover sori), basal unlobed; Sori on margin of frond (Described from Coll. No. 699, 13 Nov 2011).

- Lundy Canyon (Upper), open, south-facing rocky slope border of Lundy Canyon, 1/4 mile west of Hoover Wilderness Area Alan R. Smith 821. 20 Jun 1981. ( UC1478243 ) .


Selaginella watsonii Underw.  Watson's Spikemoss. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, rocky slopes, shelter of rocks south end of Dana Plateau Edward Lee 2480. 6 Aug 1936. ( JEPS79477 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), south slope 0.25 mile north of Ellery Lake, Lee Vining Creek Canyon E. R. Blakley 6113. 3 Sep 1963. ( SBBG20071 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone; in rock crevices east of Mount Conness, Hall Area Jens Clausen 957. 8 Sep 1934. ( UC547795 ) .

- Tioga Pass, rocky places east side of Tioga Pass Philip A. Munz 15989. 17 Jul 1940. ( UC1005247 ) .

- Tioga Pass Resort, Camp Tioga, 2 miles by road northeast of Tioga Pass summit R. F. Hoover 5398. 4 Jul 1941. ( UC770075 ) .


Athyrium distentifolium Opiz.  (Syn: Athyrium alpestre Milde illeg. ) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types including willow shrubland, Ledum thicket; grass/sedge meadow. 2790 - 2866 m Ansel Adams Wilderness: Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5616. 12 Aug 1997. ( UCR104198 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Bennettville Road top of Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 402. 19 Jul 1961. ( SBBG15591 ) . .

Athyrium distentifolium Opiz var. americanum (Butters) Cronquist.  (Syn: Athyrium alpestre Milde var. americanum Butters illeg. ) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Green Treble Lake, semishade on damp slope in rock crevice; Subalpine Forest Community; base of cliff cliffs about Treble Lakes, Slate Creek Basin Philip A. Munz 19996. 18 Aug 1954. ( UC1043445 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, crevices, metamorphic rock cliff below Saddlebag Lake, cliff on Slate Creek Carl W. Sharsmith 3522. 1 Sep 1937. ( UC641974 ) Arctic-Alpine Life Zone; on slope, along rocks in gravel east of Mount Conness, Slate Creek Basin Jens Clausen 994. 9 Sep 1934. ( UC556347 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Meadow and talus slopes Nunatak trail beside CA-120, about 1 mi S of Yosemite entrance Kiosk. George K. Helmkamp 4408. 13 Aug 1998. ( UCR123130 ) . .

Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth. var. cyclosorum Rupr.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), in rock crevices Lee Vining Canyon along Tioga Pass Road Jack L. Reveal 928. 27 Oct 1963. ( UC1338748 ) .


Juniperus communis L.  Common Juniper. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, Semishade, rocks just below dam. Carl B. Wolf 2546. 5 Nov 1931. ( UC527162 ) Highway 120 (Tioga Pass Road) about 0.5 mile northeast of Ellery Lake. J. R. Haller 1 Aug 2003. ( SBBG116911 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. On Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake, above USFS Sawmill Campground, about 2.5 road miles northwest of the junction of Saddlebag Road and Hwy 120. Scott D. White 5543. 4 Aug 1997. ( UCR108779 ) . .

Juniperus communis L. var. saxatilis.  (=Juniperus communis L. var. montana Aiton) Common Juniper. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, Semishade, rocks just below dam. Carl B. Wolf 2546. 5 Nov 1931. ( UCR95619 ) [ Variety saxitilis to be recognized in TJM2. Compare to UC527162. ] .


Pinus albicaulis Engelm.  Whitebark Pine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), at timber line Mono Pass, Bloody Canyon, timber line Unknown 1 Sep 1879. ( UC336828 ) Willis Linn Jepson 4462. 19 Jul 1911. ( JEPS47879 ) .

- Deer Creek, Deer Creek, 2 miles south of Lundy Lake C. Simis 102. 5 Feb 1964. ( UCSB18729 ) .

- Ellery Lake, sun, rocks, boreal rocks just below Ellery Lake Dam Carl B. Wolf 5 Nov 1931. ( UC527163 ) in very rocky and in places steeply sloped terrain about 250 meters below Ellery Dam, about 3 miles north and east of Tioga Pass on Highway 120 Frank Ewers 23 Jun 1979. ( UC1476908 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), On poor soils, on dry hot ridges and slopes. Forming large somewhat prostrate trees up at 11,000 feet. Found with Pinus murrayana. Lower in Valley, SW of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2378. 2 Sep 1962. ( CHSC22186 ) .

- Lundy Canyon (Upper), Veg. Type: Wp, semi-barren, ene slope 1.2 miles north of Lundy Lake T. M. Hendrix 591. 9 Aug 1937. ( UC1445984 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, above Saddle Bag Lake off Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 383. 18 Jul 1961. ( SBBG15633 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Hills between Saddlebag Lake and Conness Glacier. Herbert L. Mason 11519. 6 Aug 1936. ( RSA31091 UC665719 ) Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, 2.7 miles northwest of California Highway 120 J. Haller 1722. 11 Jul 1960. ( UCSB35 ) Arctic-Alpine Life Zone; Hall Area on rocky plateau east of Mount Conness, Sierra Nevada, Slate Creek Basin Jens Clausen 958. 8 Sep 1934. ( UC547769 ) . .

Pinus contorta Loudon ssp. murrayana (Grev. & Balf.) Critchf.  (Syn: P. m. Balf. ) Sierra Lodgepole Pine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Deer Creek, Deer Creek, 2 miles south of Lundy Lake C. Simis 106. 5 Feb 1964. ( UCSB18727 ) .

- Ellery Lake, Ellery Lake, Tioga Pass, Sierra Nevada Mountains. Elmer I. Applegate 6881. 4 Nov 1931. ( DS211995 ) .

- Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Sierra Nevada, H. M. Hall Natural Area, by the cabin M. Lewis 540. Aug 1955. ( LA16520 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), in valley, large trees with some Pinus albucaulis southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2379. 2 Sep 1962. ( CHSC22190 ) .

- Sawmill Campground, south edge of ridge junction of Saddle Bag Lake and Sawmill Camp Road E. R. Blakley 6123. 3 Sep 1963. ( SBBG356 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Valley. Jens Clausen 2015. 15 Sep 1946. ( DS688625 ) . .

Pinus flexilis E. James.  Limber Pine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), near timber line Mono Pass Unknown 1 Sep 1897. ( UC336824 ) Bloody Canyon near Mono Pass Willis Linn Jepson 4455. 15 Jul 1911. ( JEPS46819 JEPS47912 ) .

- Ellery Lake, east-facing slope overlooking Ellery Lake, Lee Vining Creek drainage, about 2.5 miles east of Tioga Pass Carl W. Sharsmith 9202. 28 Jul 1991. ( SJSU14724 ) .

- Mono Pass, Geological Survey of California 6045. n.d.. ( UC400293 ) .


Sambucus racemosa L.  Red Elderberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Lake, In rock crevices on steep hillslope. Shrub I-3 feet high, spreading flowers white leaves green. near Tioga Lake Beecher Crampton 263. 10 Jul 1941. ( UCD38105 ) . .

Sambucus racemosa L. var. racemosa.  (Syn: Sambucus racemosa L. var. microbotrys (Rydb.) Kearney & Peebles ) Red Elderberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Cabin Creek, talus of metamorphoc rock Cabin Creek above Carnegie Institute Division of Plant Biology Field Station, Slate Creek Valley east of Mount Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5683. 2 Sep 1948. ( SJSU13589 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, among rocks at foot of talus above headwaters of creek east of Mount Conness, south-facing mountain slope north of Slate Creek at foot of talus above headwaters of creek Jens Clausen 974. 9 Sep 1934. ( UC547758 ) .


Amaranthus albus L.  Tumble Pigweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, On California Highway 120 near Tioga Pass, elevation ca. 8700 ft, Mono County. R. E. Frenkel 832. 29 Aug 1964. ( CAS580882 ) .


Angelica lineariloba A. Gray.  Poison Angelica. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, opposite dam at Ellery Lake, summit of Lee Vining Canyon David D. Keck 5016. 4 Sep 1939. ( DS681783 UC646496 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Highway 120 on way to Tioga Pass. Steep sagebrush slope. Plant 3 to 4 feet tall, with several stout stems. Jean L. Pawek 501. 29 Jul 1958. ( DS587648 ) Just below Warren Creek, Leevining Canyon. Paul F. Covel 1356. 13 Aug 1938. ( CAS876167 ) .

- Upper Mono Basin, moist areas on talus slope along State Highway 120, 7 miles west of junction with Highway 395 A. S. Barclay, R. D. Barbee, K. E. Blum, and S. D. Koch 1567. 9 Aug 1962. ( UC1246766 ) Lee Vining Grade, Tioga Pass Road Mary V. Hood 28 Aug 1947. ( UC1018513 ) .

- Mount Olsen, grass, east slope 1 1/2 miles north of Lundy Lake T. M. Hendrix 517. 9 Aug 1937. ( UC1122896 ) . .

Cymopterus terebinthinus (Hook.) Torr. & A. Gray.  (Syn: Pteryxia terebinthina (Hook.) J. M. Coult & Rose ) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Glacier Canyon, Common in loose, gravelly, soil on steep hillslope. Plant clustered, arising from single, thick tap root; herbage scented north side of Mt. Dana Beecher Crampton 260. 10 Jul 1941. ( UCD38070 UCR197862 ) . [ UCD38070 determined Cymopterus terebinthus, UCR197862 determined Lomatium torreyi. ] .

Cymopterus terebinthinus (Hook.) Torr. & A. Gray var. californicus (J. M. Coult. & Rose) Jeps.  (Syn: Pteryxia terebinthina (Hook.) J. M. Coult & Rose var. californica (J. M. Coult. & Rose) Mathias ) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Sawmill Campground, Off of Highway 120 into Sawmill Campground, and to edge of Harvey Monroe Hall Natural area. Growing in rocky, gravelly slope. Jean L. Pawek 535. 24 Aug 1958. ( DS587650 ) .

- Slate Creek Basin, Mono Co.: Slate Creek Basin, east of Mt. Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, on rocky north slope at 3170 m. (10,400 ft.) elevation. With Ligusticum grayi. Middle Ridge, south of transplant gardens. David D. Keck 4472. 20 Aug 1936. ( DS694438 ) On rather dry slatey outcrop. Mono Co.: Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Basin, Slate Creek at first waterfall, elev. 3100 m. (10,170 ft.). David D. Keck 4707. 31 Aug 1937. ( DS284124 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Open, loose, rocky ground. Slate Creek Valley, east of Mount Conness, Mono County. Near first waterfall on Slate Creek above Timberline Station. Jens Clausen 499. 29 Jul 1932. ( DS694440 ) On south exposed dry gravelly slope northwest of cabin. Mono Co.: Slate Creek Valley, east of Mt. Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, ca. 3290 m. elevation. Jens Clausen 1639. 5 Aug 1937. ( DS694439 ) .

- Spuller Lake, Mono Co.: Dry granitic slopes between Spuller Lake and Fantail Lake, Slate Creek Valley, Inyo N. F. Arthur R. Kruckeberg 3594. 26 Jul 1954. ( DS413064 ) . .

Cymopterus terebinthinus (Hook.) Torr. & A. Gray var. petraeus (M. E. Jones) Goodrich.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. Central Sierra Nevada Mtns. Lee Vining Creek: Below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, c. 2.5 road mi NW of the junction of Saddlebag Road and Hwy 120, c. 2 air mi east of Yosemite National Park boundary and 4 air mi north of Tioga Pass Scott D. White, E. Read, G. Hawkins, A. Sears, S. Weaver 5509. 4 Aug 1997. ( UCR213557 ) . .

Ligusticum grayi J. M. Coult. & Rose.  Gray's Licorice-Root. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, meadows southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2391. 3 Sep 1962. ( CHSC22860 ) .

- Slate Creek Basin, Mono Co.: Slate Creek Basin, east of Mt. Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Middle Ridge, at 3170 m elevation. David D. Keck 4471. 20 Aug 1936. ( DS693256 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone, near creek in shade slope above cabin, near creek, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Jens Clausen 1122. 22 Jul 1935. ( UC579723 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Darley F. Howe 20 Aug 1966. ( SD64368 ) .

- Warren Canyon, In wet meadow. About 1/4 mile up Warren Creek from Tioga Pass [highway] at 8600 ft elev. Walter & Irja Knight with Keith Wagnon and James Vale 4237. 14 Jul 1981. ( CAS649230 CAS649347 ) . .

Osmorhiza occidentalis (Nutt.) Torr.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, Geological Survey of California 6342. Geological Survey of California 6342. ( UC21184 UC21186 ) . .

Perideridia parishii (J. M. Coult. & Rose) A. Nelson & J. F. Macbr. ssp. latifolia (A. Gray) Chuang & Constance.  Parish's Yampah. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Cabin Creek, on sunny, semi-dry slope in Subalpine Forest Community Cabin Creek, tributary to Slate Creek Philip A. Munz 20038. 19 Aug 1954. ( UC1043451 ) .

- Warren Canyon, Subalpine forest & meadow. Sierra Nevada Mtns Warren Canyon wilderness, N of Tioga Pass Rd on a dirt road that joins the Hwy at the the 9000 ft marker. Kathy Harper 16 Aug 1986. ( RSA492837 ) . .

Podistera nevadensis (A. Gray) S. Watson.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated granitics Carl W. Sharsmith 2454. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC714390 ) along ridge 1 mile northeast of Mount Dana E. Robinson, Lindner, Winn 11. 8 Jun 1936. ( RSA73825 ) Herbert L. Mason 11409. 28 Jul 1936. ( UC714386 ) John Thomas Howell 10 Aug 1944. ( CAS323636 ) exposed ridge dominated by cushion plants, 3354-3659 m Steve Boyd 8 Aug 1980. ( UCR21893 ) .

- Gardisky Lake, growing on loose scree on exposed alpine ridge at 11,000 ft northwest of Gardisky Lake Steve Matson 1500. 20 Aug 2005. ( JEPS111258 ) .

- Mono Pass, Alice Eastwood 548. 21 Aug 1907. ( CAS44286 DS89654 GH424354 ) John Thomas Howell 20647. 16 Aug 1944. ( CAS323637 ) .

- Mount Warren, in unglaciated granitics on divide between Lee Vining Peak and Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2826. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC714135 ) .

- Slate Creek Basin, Common Mono Co.: Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Basin, on n. shoulder of White Mtn., elev. Ca. 3500 m. (11,500 ft.). Forming mats only 2-3 cm. high and 2-4 dm. in diameter. David D. Keck 4375. 17 Aug 1936. ( DS693084 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Soil of slate origin. Mono Co., on high, granitic peak w. of East Plateau, along e. ridge of Mt. Conness, in steep watercourse, n. e. of Slate Creek on way to East Plateau, H. M. Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Valley, Inyo N. F. Arthur R. Kruckeberg 3582. 25 Jul 1954. ( DS412175 ) on north shoulder of White Mountain, Slate Creek Basin, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area David D. Keck 4375. 17 Aug 1936. ( UC648691 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in unglaciated metamorphics, summit of crest, summit of Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2750.1 25 Jul 1937. ( UC714136 ) Herbert L. Mason 11466. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC714146 ) .

- White Mountain, Common on gravel slopes, especially on south exposures, down to 11,300 ft. Mats prostrate and very dense, up to 5 dm. across. Mono Co. - Tuolumne Co.: summit of White Mountain, west peak, 3625 m. (11,900 ft.) elev. David D. Keck 4940. 20 Aug 1938. ( DS259002 DS693085 ) . .

Sphenosciadium capitellatum A. Gray.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927-2988 m Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake and above USFS Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5454. 7 Aug 1997. ( UCR108708 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, in dry shale plateaus; Lodgepole-white bark pine association 1 mile northeast Saddlebag Lake Arthur R. Kruckeberg 3549. 23 Jul 1954. ( DS466222 UC1242695 ) Harlan Lewis 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR11924 ) Steep dry fill, rocky soil. Mrs. H. P. Bracelin 35. 15 Aug 1930. ( CAS184323 ) rocky areas at 10,000 feet and higher, with Arenaria kingii, pines southwest of Saddlebag Lakes Robert A. Schlising 2380. 2 Sep 1962. ( CHSC22869 ) .

- Slate Creek Basin, Common perennial on dampish stony slopes, Subalpine Forest Community north slope of Middle Ridge, Slate Creek, Sierra Nevada Philip A. Munz 19952. 17 Aug 1954. ( CAS877161 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, east of Mount Conness, Hall Area, Slate Creek Basin Jens Clausen 950. 7 Sep 1934. ( DS249793 DS693088 UC547793 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Mountain slopes. Lewis S. Rose 37711. 29 Sep 1937. ( CAS253595 ) .


Apocynum androsaemifolium L.  Bitter Dogbane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Leevining Canyon, Mono County, at 9000 feet elevation. Above Warren Creek, in rocky, gravelly soil. Jens Clausen 790. 23 Aug 1933. ( CAS (?) ) .

- Mount Conness, Mono Co.: At original Tungsten mine, elevation 10500 feet, in gravel on south-facing slope. Harvel (sic) Monroe Hall Natural Area, saddle between Mt. Conness and East Plateau. Jens Clausen 2057. 13 Sep 1947. ( DS683044 ) .

- Warren Creek, Artemisia tridentata flat, granite gravel soil. Highway 120, near Highway Maintenance Station, where dirt road goes up Warren fork of Lee Vining Creek. Jean L. Pawek 339. 11 Aug 1957. ( CAS (?) ) .


Achillea millefolium L.  (Syn: A. lanulosa Nutt. , A. m. L. var. alpicola (Rydb.) Garrett , A. m. L. var. lanulosa (Nutt.) Piper , A. m. L. var. occidentalis DC. ) Common Yarrow. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb to 50 cm.;; Leaves alternate, tendrils absent, finely dissected, aromatic when fresh; Inflorescence, heads enclosed by an involucre, in flat-topped clusters; Phyllaries in 2+ series; Receptacles bearing scale-like bracts (paleate); Perianth in 2 or more whorls, parts in 5s; Phyllaries in 2+ series, not all subtending ray flowers; Flowers open, bisexual, two kinds, some with strap-shaped corollas; Petals fused into a tube; Ray flowers, white, lobe ovate; Disc flowers, white; Stamens = in number to corolla lobes; Ovary inferior. Pistils, 1 per flower (Described from Coll. No. 482, 30 Nov 2011, and Coll. No. 1023, 24 Jul 2013).

- Mount Warren, in granitics south slope of Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2828. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC712570 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, occasional in ruch moist soil in a sunny alpine meadow in a meadow at the northwest end of Saddlebag Lake Ernest C. Twisselmann 5689. 11 Sep 1959. ( JEPS27849 ) Harlan Lewis 1552. 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR11970 ) loose soil on steep hillside in spring overflow Mrs. H. P. Bracelin 31. 15 Aug 1930. ( UC419754 ) dry rocky bank valley southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2348.2 31 Aug 1962. ( CHSC22926 ) .

- Sawmill Campground, uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats Along Lee Vining Greel above Sawmill Camp Ground and below Saddlebag Lake, about 2.5 road miles northwest of the junction of Saddlebag Road with CA Hwy 120 Scott D. White 5553. 7 Aug 1997. ( UCR108780 ) .

- South Fork Mill Creek (Upper), Aspen thicket (Populus tremuloides) with Salix, Osmorhiza occidentalis, Abies concolor, Rosa woodsii. Lundy Canyon, south of Mill Creek along creek that flows out of Lake Canyon (South Fork Mill Creek - Ed.) Ian G. Gillespie 67. 28 Jul 2000. ( UCR132878 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, herb growing in rocky gravelly area collected 0.3 mi below, 2.3 mi NW, near Slate Creek,in Sawmill Camground on California Highway 120 | Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area and Tioga Pass Road | Slate Creek, Sawmill Campground, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural | (Huh? -- Ed.) J. R. Haller 1728. 11 Jul 1960. ( UCSB6311 ) Arctic-Alpine Life Zone, south-facing wooded slope, on and between rocks east of Mount Conness along south-facing wooded slope Jens Clausen 821. 24 Aug 1933. ( UC532144 ) herb growing drier areas of meadows found in Carnegie Inst. Exp. Garden in Slate Creek Valley Paul Sage 217. 10 Aug 1959. ( UCSB6312 ) . .

Ageratina occidentalis (Hook.) R. M. King & H. Rob.  Western Snakeroot. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, 0.25 miles north of Ellery Lake, Lee Vining Creek Canyon E. R. Blakley 6116. 3 Sep 1963. ( SBBG19850 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), sun, Granite rocks, Boreal "(?)" (Upper Transition) 0.8 miles below Ellery Lake Dam Carl B. Wolf 2550. 5 Nov 1931. ( UC527166 ) along moist rock ledges south-facing slope at head of Lee Vining Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 4203. 18 Aug 1940. ( SJSU13550 ) on grade Tioga Grade Ynez W. Winblad 25 Jul 1938. ( UC896509 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types incl. willow shrubland. Ledum thicket, grass/sedge meadow [near creek], 2790-2866 m between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5622. 13 Aug 1997. ( UCR104138 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, among metamorphic rocks at base of cliffs ridge on north side of Slate Creek Valley, east of Mount Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5567. 3 Sep 1947. ( SJSU13522 ) in talus gravel and among rock crevices, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone, 10500-10900 ft. east of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 908. 1 Sep 1934. ( UC547774 ) .

- Tioga Pass, L. Rowntree 22 Sep 1929. ( SBBG62659 ) dry talus slope east side of Tioga Pass Philip A. Munz 15989. 17 Jul 1940. ( UC1005197 ) . .

Agoseris elata (Nutt.) Greene.  Willamette Goat-Chicory. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Cabin Creek, moist ground behind cabin Carnegie Institute Wash. Div. Plant Biol. Field station, Cabin Creek, Slate Creek Valley, east of Mount Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5682. 2 Sep 1948. ( SJSU13598 ) . .

Agoseris glauca (Pursh) Raf.  (Syn: Troximon glaucum Pursh ) Pale Goat-Chicory. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, south-facing slope, subalpine forest and meadow south-facing slope on Tioga Pass Road, above Tioga Lake Kathy Harper 17 Aug 1986. ( UCR50484 ) .

- Warren Creek, floor of canyon, very wet meadow Yosemite National Park, Tioga Pass, Warren Canyon, a small canyon north of the road at the 9,000 ft. elevation marker Kathy Harper 25 Jul 1989. ( UCR62161 ) . .

Agoseris glauca (Pursh) Raf. var. m. (Greene) Q. Jones.  (=Agoseris monticola Greene) Pale Agoseris. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Carl W. Sharsmith 2378. 18 Sep 1936. ( UC714176 ) .

- Mount Dana, in loose light disintegrated granite soil Wm. H. Brewer 5042. 1865. ( UC29399 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, in unglaciated metamorphics east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2743. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC714124 ) east of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11452. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC714121 ) . .

Antennaria alpina (L.) Gaertn.  Alpine Pussytoes. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Within the lower 48 states, occurs only in Montana per the USDA Plants Data Base.

- Mono Pass, Wm. H. Brewer 1725. 27 Jun 1863. ( UC34572 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Fell field. 3201-3354 m just southeast of Saddlebag Lake George K. Helmkamp 3 Jul 1977. ( UCR15408 ) . .

Antennaria corymbosa E. E. Nelson.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, moist meadow Slate Creek Valley east of Mount Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5539. 18 Jul 1944. ( SJSU13633 ) . .

Antennaria media Greene.  (Syn: Antennaria alpina (L.) Gaertn. var. media (Greene) Jepson ) Rocky Mountain Pussytoes. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Big Horn Lake, dry granitic gravels above Bighorn Lake below White Mountain, Slate Creek Valley, east of Mount Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5810. 26 Aug 1950. ( SJSU8101 ) .

- Dana Plateau, 11500-12000 ft Herbert L. Mason 11403. 28 Jul 1936. ( UC1081533 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, 3150-3300 m north side of Mount Dana, narrow grassy flat along stream in Glacier Canyon Carleton R. Ball, Mrs. H. P. Bracelin, and Beryl Kautz 5 Aug 1931. ( UC1553319 ) rocky slope of Glacier Canyon Robert T. Clausen and Harold Trapido 4857. 9 Jul 1940. ( UC1505793 ) .

- Kidney Lake, growing on coarse granitic sand, east side of lake southeast side of Kidney Lake Steve Matson 1521. 31 Dec 1969. ( JEPS111263 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, sun, loam, and rocks, Upper Hudsonian - Pinus albicaulis Life Zone southwest side of lake near dam Carl B. Wolf 5352. 17 Aug 1933. ( UC718390 ) valley southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2351. 31 Aug 1962. ( CHSC22922 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, below waterfall in rocky or sandy soil east of Mount Conness, north of Cabin Creek, below waterfall Jens Clausen 1601. 2 Aug 1937. ( UC648708 ) .

- Tioga Lake, Gaynor Lake [above upper], 2 miles north of Tioga Lake Donald Myrick 422. 21 Jul 1961. ( SBBG15587 ) .

- Tioga Pass, herb growing in damp soil at sub-alpine temp. collected 14.0 miles west of U. S. Highway 395, at Tioga Pass Meadow 300 yards of north entrance to Yosemite National Park F. T. Ralph 239. 27 Jun 1959. ( UCSB6338 ) herb growing in damp soil at sub-alpine temp. collected 14.0 miles west of U. S. Highway 395, at Tioga Pass Meadow 300 yards of north entrance to Yosemite National Park F. T. Ralph 240. 27 Jun 1959. ( UCSB6570 ) . .

Antennaria pulchella Greene.  Sierra Pussytoes. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in gravels of unglaciated vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2433. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC712391 ) . .

Antennaria rosea Greene.  Rosy Pussytoes. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 9 cm., stoloniferous 4-5 cm., forming loose mats in wet muddy soil, all sixteen plants collected pistillate (gynoecious?); Leaves, simple, white tomentose both sides, basal, 35 mm. × 9 mm wide, oblanceolate, cauline, 11-13 mm., linear; Inflorescence, >> basal leaves; Involucre, 5.5-7.0 mm.; Bracts (phyllaries), 5.0-6-5 mm. × 1.1-0.7 mm. wide, green at base, purplish band in middle, tips, white, scarious. (Described from Coll. No. 1083, 25 April 2015).

- Glacier Canyon, rocky slope Robert T. Clausen and Harold Trapido 4858. 9 Jul 1940. ( UC1505792 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, dry, rocky slopes Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, east of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 1139. 23 Jul 1935. ( UC579767 ) . .

Antennaria rosea Greene ssp. confinis (Greene) R. J. Bayer.  Rosy Pussytoes. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, growing on alpine scree slope western end of Dana Plateau Steve Matson 1512. 21 Aug 2005. ( JEPS111150 ) . .

Antennaria umbrinella Rydb.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, subalpine forest and meadow south-facing slope on Tioga Pass Road, above Tioga Lake Kathy Harper 17 Aug 1986. ( UCR50485 ) . .

Arnica L.  Leopardbane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, 3050-3354 m east edge of Yosemite National Park P. J. MacKay 25 Aug 1990. ( UCR64563 ) . .

Arnica chamissonis Less.  (Syn: A. chamissonis Less. ssp. foliosa (Nutt.) Maguire ) Chamisso Leopardbane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Herbaceous perennial, 60 cm.; Stem, proximal axils white hairy; Leaves opposite, petiole 65 mm, blade 68 mm. × 15 mm. wide, length 4.5 × width; Inflorescence 2-3 heads; Heads, 2 kinds of flowers; Phyllaries in 2 series, 8 mm., outer ≥ inner, stalked glandular, adaxial face glabrous, hair tufted near tip, tip acute; Receptacle epaleate; Ray corolla yellow; Disc corolla should be stalked-glandular but can't see; Pappus of well-developed bristles on both kinds of flowers, 6 mm., white, short plumose; Achene, sparsely glandular (Described from Coll. No. 510, 2 Aug 2007).

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Sierra Nevada (east slope), Lee Vining Creek (Elevation uncertain - Ed.) Alice M. Ottley 1095. 6 Jul 1920. ( JEPS35876 ) .

- Warren Creek, floor of canyon, very wet meadow Warren Canyon, a small canyon north of the road at the 9,000 ft. elevation marker Kathy Harper 25 Jul 1989. ( SBBG93089 UCR62264 ) . .

Arnica cordifolia Hook.  Heart-Leaf Leopardbane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Glacier Canyon, northeast side of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2088. 15 Jul 1935. ( UC613055 ) rocky slope of Glacier Canyon Robert T. Clausen and Harold Trapido 4847. 9 Jul 1940. ( UC1505666 ) .

- Mono Pass, Mono Pass Trail Alice Eastwood and John Thomas Howell 597.1 22 Aug 1907. ( UC892076 ) . .

Arnica diversifolia Greene.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Unresolved, possible rejection, possibly to be replaced with hybrid name, Arnica ×diversifolia.

- Warren Creek, floor of canyon, very wet meadow Warren Canyon, a small canyon north of the road at the 9,000 ft. elevation marker Kathy Harper 25 Jul 1989. ( UCR62262 ) . .

Arnica longifolia D. C. Eaton.  Spear-Leaf Leopardbane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, base of Tioga Crest, east margin of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2788. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC712186 ) by trail east shore of Saddlebag Lake S. W. Edwards 5 Aug 1990. ( SJSU14499 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, on rocky slopes, 10500-11000 ft east of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 984. 9 Sep 1934. ( UC556345 ) . .

Arnica mollis Hook.  Cordilleran Leopardbane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types incl. willow shrubland. Ledum thicket, grass/sedge meadow [near creek], 2790 - 2866 m between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5605. 13 Aug 1997. ( UCR104154 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, near Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11477. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC1081559 ) .

- Tioga Crest, upper Hudsonian Life Zone west slope of Tioga Crest Carl W. Sharsmith 2782. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC712190 ) . .

Arnica nevadensis A. Gray.  Sierran Leopardbane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated metamorphics west slope of Dana Plateau Carl W. Sharsmith 2426. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC712195 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), dry wash in rocky area along Saddlebag Lake Road about 0.9 miles north of Route 120 on east side of Tioga Pass Gerald B. Straley 1938. 9 Aug 1978. ( UC1494012 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types incl. willow shrubland. Ledum thicket, grass/sedge meadow [near creek], 2790-2866 m between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5584. 13 Aug 1997. ( UCR104206 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, upper end of Saddle Bag Lake off Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 370. 18 Jul 1961. ( SBBG10901 ) H. Dearing 3913. 15 Jul 1939. ( SBBG7596 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, dry fairly open slope east of Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Jens Clausen 1124. 22 Jul 1935. ( UC579733 ) .

- Tioga Crest, Upper Hudsonian Life Zone west slope of Tioga Crest Carl W. Sharsmith 2783. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC712196 ) Sierra Nevada, Tioga Crest near Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11469. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC712194 ) .

- Tioga Pass, moist banks Philip A. Munz 15993. 17 Jul 1940. ( UC1005193 ) . .

Artemisia arbuscula Nutt.  Little Sagebrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Gardisky Lake, dry slope just below west side of Gardisky Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 9099. 10 Sep 1989. ( SJSU14306 ) . .

Artemisia arbuscula Nutt. ssp. arbuscula.  Little Sagebrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Log Cabin Mine, windswept ridge on ridge Jack L. Reveal and David Mason 187. 16 Aug 1962. ( RSA185063 UC1338596 ) .

- Upper Mono Basin, Veg. Type: Aar 2.3 miles southwest of Conway Summit T. M. Hendrix 536. 13 Aug 1937. ( UC1119407 ) . .

Artemisia cana Pursh ssp. bolanderi (A. Gray) G. H. Ward.  Silver Sagebrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Subshrub woody at base, 30-35 cm tall, unarmed; Leaves linear, entire, 15 mm, < 2 mm wide; Heads erect, 3 mm dia. (less than 5 mm per TJM1, 2, & D) (Described from Coll. No. 715, 20 Nov 2011).

- Mono Pass, Geological Survey of California 6149. Geological Survey of California 6149. ( UC29805 ) .

- Tioga Pass, near Tioga Pass Darley F. Howe 4788. 2 Oct 1971. ( SD113196 ) . .

Artemisia douglasiana Besser.  Douglas' Sagewort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Warren Creek, rocky slope along highway CA Hwy 120 at Warren Fork Crk., about 2 miles east of Saddleback Lake Road George K. Helmkamp 2371. 11 Sep 1997. ( UCR102599 ) . .

Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt.  Silver Wormwood. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. Central Sierra Nevada, near Lee Vining Creek, below Saddlebag Lake and above the USFS Sawmill Campground, avout 2 1/2 road miles northwest of junction of Saddlebag Road with California Highway 120. Scott D. White 5549. 7 Aug 1997. ( UCR144149 ) . .

Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. ssp. incompta (Nutt.) D. D. Keck.  White Sagebrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Cabin Creek, On sunny, semi-dry stony slope in Subalpine Forest Community. Cabin Creek, tributary to Slate Creek, Sierra Nevada. Philip A. Munz 20022. 19 Aug 1954. ( CAS650122 RSA96381 ) .

- Dana Plateau, east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 88. 17 Jul 1933. ( UC712536 ) .

- Ellery Lake, opposite dam at Ellery Lake, summit of Lee Vining Canyon David D. Keck 5015. 4 Sep 1939. ( DS267371 DS703878 POM250790 UC628467 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Flat bench on east-facing slope, reddish-brown metamorphic rubble; Pinus contorta ssp. murrayana, P. albicaulis, Juniperus communis, Ericameria discoidea, Leptodactylon pungens. Eastern Sierra Nevada Mtns. upper Lee Vining Canyon, old Tioga Road, 0.2 mi northeast of Ellery Lake, PLSS: 01N25E21. Ann Howald 2893. 31 Jul 2012. ( UCR240127 ) Hillsides. Tioga Road, Leevining Canyon E. E. Stanford 2035. 13 Aug 1930. ( RSA94197 ) .

- Slate Creek Basin, Among rocks on talus slope. Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 982. 9 Sep 1934. ( DS233032 DS703879 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in talus at base of cliff Timberline Station, east of Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Natural Area, Slate Creek Valley David D. Keck 4444. 19 Aug 1936. ( UC648710 ) talus slope above headwaters of creek Jens Clausen 976. 9 Sep 1934. ( CAS260821 UC556416 ) .

- Tioga Pass, dry slope John C. Roos 4000. 7 Sep 1948. ( RSA45499 UC1506369 UCR31736 ) . [ UCR and UC data bases report different determinations. ] .

Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. ssp. ludoviciana.  (Syn: A. britonii Rydb. ) White Sagebrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 40 cm, unarmed, spreading by rhizomes; Leaf tomentose abaxially, sparse tomentose adaxially, proximal wedge-shaped, 40 mm × 15 mm wide, 3+-toothed, ≤⅓ leaf-width, distal lanceolate, entire (Described from Coll. No. 898, 24 August 2012, Frequency and depth of leaf lobing distinguishes between ssp. ludoviciana and ssp. incompta. These leaves are neither 2°-divided, nor deeper than ⅓-width, nor divided nearly to the mid-rib. Therefore, ssp. ludoviciana is applied rather than ssp. incompta).

- Bloody Canyon (upper), J. W. Congdon 16 Aug 1894. ( UC1041128 ) .

- Tioga Pass, J. R. Shevock 2154. 22 Jul 1972. ( RSA302601 ) . .

Artemisia rothrockii A. Gray.  Timberline Sagebrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, rocky slopes, lodgepole pine forest Hwy 120 east of Tioga Pass at Ellery Lake Beecher Crampton 8355. 16 Sep 1968. ( UCD33471 ) in sun on rocky soil on slopes around lake slopes around the north side of Ellery Lake Carl B. Wolf 2545. 5 Nov 1931. ( UC527161 ) John C. Roos 4003. 7 Sep 1948. ( UCR19231 UCSB37836 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Harlan Lewis 1562. 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR11965 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, dry rocky south-facing slope Slate Creek Valley just east of Mount Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5692. 8 Sep 1948. ( SJSU13685 ) Slate Creek at crossing of Sawmill Campground Road (Sawmill Campground road crosses Lee Vining Creek, not Slate Creek. -- Ed.) Jack L. Reveal 221. 1 Oct 1962. ( UC1338595 ) .

- Tioga Pass, near Tioga Pass Darley F. Howe 2 Oct 1971. ( SD81192 SD81216 ) Darley F. Howe 4289. 20 Aug 1966. ( SD64352 ) .

- Warren Creek, Warren Fork of Lee Vining Creek Carl W. Sharsmith 2 Sep 1980. ( SJSU9060 ) . .

Artemisia spiciformis Osterh.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, upper end of Ellery Lake at head of Lee Vining Canyon David D. Keck 5013. 4 Sep 1939. ( UC628472 ) open places in Lodgepole Lee Vining grade at Rhinedollar Lake (? - Ed.) H. M. Hall 11712. H. M. Hall 11712. ( UC217075 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), 2790-2866 m between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5622. 13 Aug 1997. ( UCR104139 ) . [ There may be two collections #5622. ]

- Tioga Pass, H. M. Hall 10847. 20 Sep 1918. ( UC203183 ) . .

Artemisia tridentata Nutt.  Big Sagebrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Leevining Grade H. M. Hall 11710. 15 Sep 1921. ( UC217030 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, shrub growing in rocky gravelly area collected 0.3 miles below Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, 2.3 miles northwest of Tioga Pass Road, near Slate Creek, in Sawmill Campground J. R. Haller 1735. 11 Jul 1960. ( UCSB6355 ) .

- Tioga Peak, D. R. Harvey 397. 24 Jun 1929. ( SDSU6260 ) . .

Artemisia tridentata Nutt ssp. pauciflora CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Associated with Purshia tridentata; on well-drained slopes. Warren Creek crossing. L. [M.] Shultz, D. Tart, Clint McArthy 19791. 21 Sep 2004. ( UTC245384 ) . .

Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. tridentata.  Big Sagebrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), [Leevining] Lee Vining Canyon, just below crossing of Warren Creek at 8850 feet (2700 m.) elevation David D. Keck 5018. 4 Sep 1939. ( DS703771 GH427509 ) [Leevining] Lee Vining Canyon at 8600 feet (2620 m.) elevation David D. Keck 5019. 4 Sep 1939. ( DS703773 DS713881 UC646469 ) . .

Artemisia tridentata Nutt. ssp. vaseyana (Rydb.) Beetle.  Mountain Big Sagebrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, opposite dam at Ellery Lake, summit of Lee Vining Canyon David D. Keck 5014. 4 Sep 1939. ( CAS287035 DS278086 DS703770 GH427523 POM256735 UC646437 ) [ UC646437 is determined as ssp. vaseyana, other vouchers as ssp. tridentata. ] on stony hill Levining Grade, Rhinedollar Lake H. M. Hall 11713. 15 Sep 1921. ( UC217094 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Common on south slope. Leevining Canyon, just below crossing of Warren Creek David D. Keck 5017. 4 Sep 1939. ( DS278085 DS703772 POM256736 ) [ POM256736 was determined as ssp. tridentata by George H. Ward 1952, other vouchers as determined as ssp. vaseyana. ] Warren Creek. Below highway on old roadfill. L. [M.] Shultz, D. Tart; Clint McArthy 19792. 21 sep 2004. ( UTC245385 ) .

- Mono Pass, Unknown 6150. Unknown 6150. ( UC29807 ) .

- Warren Canyon, Rocky hillsides along Warren Creek in Leevining Canyon George H. Ward, Birmingham 960. 16 Jul 1950. ( DS410170 ) . .

Centaurea stoebe L. ssp. micranthos (Gugler) Hayek.  (=Centaurea stoebe L.) Spotted Knapweed. Weed: Inyo National Forest, priority: High, List: A. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass Resort, Along roadside, Tioga Pass Resort in the vicinity of Levining, . Marty Cree 879747. 4 Oct 2000. ( CDA19100 ) . .

Chaenactis Sharsm.  Southern Sierra Pincushion. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, cirque below Conness Glacier west of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11436. 19 Jul 1936. ( UC1081532 ) moist gravel slopes Lewis S. Rose 68158. 18 Jul 1968. ( JEPS59945 ) north of Saddlebag Lake, T2N R24E NE1/4 Sec. 35 Mary DeDecker 4883. 10 Aug 1979. ( RSA620293 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, soil pockets between granite rocks on steep slope east flank of Mount Conness, head of Slate Creek Valley, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area David D. Keck 4395. 18 Aug 1936. ( POM256751 UC648711 ) . .

Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus (Hook.) Nutt. ssp. lanceolatus (Nutt.) H. M. Hall & Clem.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Collected along Virginia Creek and at Twin Lakes. 543. 3/3/2008. .

Cirsium andersonii (A. Gray) Petr.  Rose Thistle. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Cabin Creek, dry hillsides, among rocks near head of Cabin Creek, Harvey Monroe [Hall] Natural Area, Slate Creek Basin David D. Keck 4426. 19 Aug 1936. ( UC648682 ) . .

Cirsium andrewsii (A. Gray) Jeps.  Franciscan Thistle. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), dry slope Tioga Pass Road crossing of Lee Vining Creek Donald Myrick 706. 25 Aug 1962. ( SBBG15972 ) . .

Cirsium scariosum Nutt.  Meadow Thistle. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. 2927 - 2988 m below Saddlebag Lake and above Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5554. 4 Aug 1997. ( UCR109050 ) .

- Lundy Canyon (Upper), in igneous talus along a steep slope high ridge southeast, upper Lundy Canyon Ernest C. Twisselmann 5701. 11 Sep 1959. ( JEPS27850 ) .

- Sawmill Campground, herb growing in rocky gravell area collected 0.3 miles below Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, near Slate Creek, in Sawmill Campground J. R. Haller 1731. 11 Jul 1960. ( UCSB6459 ) .

- Warren Creek, moist Pinus contorta forest w grassy-herb dominated understory adjacent to the creek Warren Fork, near end of jeep road 0.4 miles from Highway 120 Dean Wm. Taylor 13075. 5 Aug 1992. ( JEPS89471 ) . .

Crepis acuminata Nutt.  Tapertip Hawksbeard. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Fern Lake, Mrs. J. D. Wright 13 Jul 1930. ( SBBG66246 ) . .

Crepis intermedia A. Gray.  Limestone Hawksbeard. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial 6 dm tall; Leaves alternate, pinnately lobed; Infloresence a panicle with 7-19 heads; Involucre 10 mm long; Phyllaries in 2 series, 4 outer << inner, 4 inner black tipped; Receptacle naked; Flowers unable to discern color or ray vs. disk; Achenes 6, pappus of bristles (Described from Coll. No. 687, 7 Nov 2011).

- Tioga Crest, west slope of crest above Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2784. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC591560 UC712329 ) . .

Crepis modocensis Greene.  Modoc Hawksbeard. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Copper Mountain, slope just north of Copper Mountain Dean Wm. Taylor 8037. 14 Jul 1982. ( JEPS89541 ) . .

Crepis nana Richardson.  Dwarf Alpine Hawksbeard. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mount Dana, moraine of Dana Glacier Carl W. Sharsmith 11 Aug 1936. ( UC712479 ) in metamorphics on recent moraine of Dana Glacier, east base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 4462. 21 Jul 1942. ( SJSU13662 ) buried in and extending beneath unstable of shifting detritus derived from metavolcanics slope of moraine of Dana Glacier, eastr base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5799. 2 Sep 1949. ( SJSU2292 ) . .

Crepis occidentalis Nutt.  (Syn: Psilochenia occidentalis (Nutt.) Nutt. ) Largeflower Hawksbeard. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, herb, to 25 cm., taprooted; Stem, green, tomentose, glandular, no bristles; Leaves, basal and cauline, alternate, petiole 20 mm. + blade 56 mm. × 17 mm. wide, reduced distally, pinnately lobed nearly to mid-rib, segments deltoid, tomentose, glandular; Inflorescence, heads #3 per stem, showy, >leaves; Peduncles, 23 mm.; Involucre, 12 mm. × 12 mm. wide, cyindric, tomentose; Phyllaries, 2 graduated series, 3.5 mm. &tmes; 2 mm. wide, deltoid, 12.5 mm. × 3 mm. wide, lanceolate, ±flat, tomentose, gland-tipped black bristles evenly distributed; Receptacle, epaleate; Ray flowers (ligules), many, tube 6 mm. + blade 12.5 mm. × 2.4 mm. wide, yellow; Pappus, 9 mm. well-developed, bristles, ±equal, smooth; Fruit, 2 mm. × 1.3 mm. wide, brown, glabrous. (Described from Coll. No. 1894, 28 May 2018).

- Dore Pass, at timberline, metamorphic rocks, alpine on trail to Dore Pass at timberline on ridge east of Saddlebag Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 8108. 13 Aug 1982. ( JEPS89543 ) . .

Dieteria canescens (Pursh) Nutt.  (Syn: Machaeranthera c. (Pursh) A. Gray ) Hoary Tansyaster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Yellow pine forest with Purshia, Artemisia tridentata, Chrysothamnus nauseosus; bladed and leveled roadside Tioga Pass at junction of Highway 120 and road to Saddlebag Lake, near Ellery Lake David Charlton 4513. 15 Sep 1990. ( UCR160791 ) . .

Ericameria bloomeri (A. Gray) J. F. Macbr.  Rabbitbush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, dry slope along road Tioga Pass Road, just above Tuolomne Meadows Donald Myrick 671. 22 Aug 1962. ( SBBG15934 ) . .

Ericameria discoidea (Nutt.) G. L. Nesom.  Whitestem Goldenbush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Conness Lakes, dry rocky northeast-facing slope Conness Lakes northeast of Mount Conness R. C. McGehee 4 Oct 1971. ( SJSU5545 ) .

- Dana Plateau, east of Mt Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 3520. 1 Sep 1937. ( UC712530 ) .

- Ellery Lake, Uncommon shrub ca. 1 ft. high. Fls. yellow, foliage sticky viscid & scented 2927 - 3049 m Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above Andrew C. Sanders 2238. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR26476 ) coarse gravels on north-facing slope above southeast end of Ellery Lake, Lee Vining Creek drainage William B. Davilla 68. 7 Aug 1973. ( SJSU9088 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), in shale H. M. Hall 10850. 20 Sep 1918. ( UC203179 ) .

- Mono Pass, dry scrub with Leptodactylon, Ribes cereum dominant, on calc-hornfel (metamorphic) near Mono Pass, headwaters of Walker Creek, along trail about 350 meters east of the summit Dean Wm. Taylor 15532. 19 Sep 1995. ( JEPS90953 ) 9000-10000 ft Type Henry N. Bolander 6137. 1866. ( UC31162 UC444406 ) Unknown 26 Aug 1895. ( UC86598 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone, in gravel, among rocks Slate Creek Basin east of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 903. 1 Sep 1934. ( UC547778 ) .

- Tioga Crest, on summit of crest in metamorphics, abundant on the summit of Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2764. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC712591 ) . .

Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G. I. Nesom & G. I. Baird var. speciosa (Nutt.) G.L.Nesom & G.I.Baird.  Rubber Rabbitbush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Near head of Lee Vining Canyon. Carl W. Sharsmith 4199. 18 Aug 1940. ( SJSU13610 ) level in granite moraine and rock slides in Lee Vining Canyon at Tioga Pass Road Jack L. Reveal and David Mason 927. 23 Oct 1963. ( UC1338430 ) .

- Mono Pass, Henry N. Bolander 6145. 1 Sep 1866. ( UC31184 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, south-facing ridge north of cabin of Carnegie Institute Div Plant Biol field station, Slate Cr Valley, east of Mt Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5690. 8 Sep 1948. ( SJSU13624 ) Arctis-Alpine Life Zone, at the upper part of the talus slope east of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 904. 1 Sep 1934. ( UC547777 ) .

- Tioga Pass, on the hillside, on talus rocky slopes on a hillside near; n of the Nature Trail where it crosses the small stream between two of the tarns James L. Reveal 567. 21 Sep 1963. ( UC1338448 ) .

- Warren Creek, dry south slope Lee Vining Creek at Warren Creek H. M. Hall 10851. 19 Sep 1918. ( UC203099 ) . .

Ericameria parryi (A. Gray) G. I. Nesom & G. I. Baird var. monocephala (A. Nelson & P. B. Kenn.) G. I. Nesom & G. I. Baird.  One-Headed Rabbitbrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in metamorphics west slope of Dana Plateau above Glacier Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 5197. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU13612 ) .

- Ellery Lake, sun, crack in granite rock, Boreal 0.5 miles below Ellery Lake Carl B. Wolf 5 Nov 1931. ( UC527164 ) .

- Mono Pass, dry scrub w/ Leptodactylon, Ribes cereum dominant; on calc-hornfel (metamorphic) substrate headwaters of Walker Creek in Bloody Canyon, along trail about 350 meters east of the summit Dean Wm. Taylor 15521. 19 Sep 1995. ( JEPS90952 ) .

- Mount Warren, in metamorphics south slope Carl W. Sharsmith 2844. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC712535 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, granitic area, on south-facing, gentle slope, 3380-3479 m rocky and gravelly saddle on northeast side of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 1653. 5 Aug 1937. ( UC648679 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in metamorphics east of Saddlebag Lake on northeast end of Tioga Crest Carl W. Sharsmith 2780. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC712305 ) . .

Ericameria parryi (A. Gray) G. I. Nesom & G. I. Baird var. nevadensis (A. Gray) G. L. Nesom & G. I. Baird.  Parry's Rabbitbrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, Unknown 1880. ( UC337211 ) . .

Ericameria parryi (A. Gray) G. I. Nesom & G. I. Baird var. vulcanica (Greene) G. I. Nesom & G. I. Baird.  Vulcan Rabbitbrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Sardine Lakes, south-facing slope above Sardine Lake near Mono Pass Carl W. Sharsmith 5791. 19 Aug 1949. ( SJSU13611 ) south-facing slope above Sardine Lake near Mono Pass Carl W. Sharsmith 5792. 19 Aug 1949. ( SJSU13616 ) . .

Ericameria suffruticosa (Nutt.) Nesom.  Singlehead Goldenbush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, heads mostly radiate east side of Mono Pass Carl W. Sharsmith 7923. 29 Aug 1972. ( SJSU6284 ) . .

Erigeron algidus Jeps.  Stalked Fleabane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated granitics vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2461. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC712484 ) 11500-12000 ft Herbert L. Mason 11415. 28 Jul 1936. ( UC81535 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, in rock crevices or in very stony soil north side of Mount Dana Beecher Crampton 258. 10 Jul 1941. ( UCD38068 ) .

- Lee Vining Peak, in granitics, level bench on northwest slope of peak bench on northwest slope of Lee Vining Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 2796. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC712333 ) .

- Mono Pass, Alice Eastwood and John Thomas Howell 585. 20 Aug 1907. ( UC896086 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, on somewhat moist south-southwest-facing rocky, gravelly, and fell-field slopes along north edge of Saddlebag Lake Roger Raiche 30692. 27 Aug 1983. ( JEPS82238 ) .

- Tioga Crest, summit of Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2758. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC712488 ) . .

Erigeron clokeyi Cronquist.  Clokey's Fleabane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), dry rocky south-facing slope above Sardine Lake near head of Bloody Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 5790. 19 Aug 1949. ( SJSU13605 ) .

- Gibbs Canyon, dry rocky gravels on ridge Gibbs Canyon on east side of saddle between Mount Dana and Mount Gibbs Carl W. Sharsmith 5734. 21 Jul 1949. ( SJSU13597 ) .

- Lee Vining Ridge, Ridgetop 1/5 miles northwest of Lee Vining (at Point 9603 ft), 2N26E6. Dean Wm. Taylor 7752. 3 Jul 1980. ( JEPS89698 ) .

- Mono Pass, Unknown 6154. 1/1/1865. ( UC31430 ) . .

Erigeron compactus S. F. Blake.  Cushion Daisy. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, granitic area on south-facing, gentle slope, 3380-3470 m. northeast side of Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Jens Clausen 1651. 5 Aug 1937. ( UC648728 ) . .

Erigeron compositus Pursh.  (Syn: E. compositus Pursh var. discoideus A. Gray , E. compositus Pursh var. glabratus Macoun ) Cutleaf Daisy. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, from woody caudex, 10 cm.; Leaves, basal, petiole, 18-22 mm., 5 mm. × 6 mm. wide, ternately divided, glandular, straight multicellular hairy; Inflorescence, 1 head per stem; Peduncles, 40 mm., glandular, short straight spreading hairs; Involucre, 5 mm. × 10 mm. wide; Phyllaries, 2+ series, 6 mm. × 1.3 mm. wide, outer phyllaries glandular hairy, green mid-rib and distally, chartaceous then scarious toward margin, tip, acute, purplish; Receptacle, epaleate; Flowers, of 2 kinds; Ray flowers, #25, tube 1.8 mm. + blade 5.3 mm. × 1 mm. wide, white, fertile; Disk flowers, many, tube 3.5 mm. + lobes 0.3 mm., expanding gradually, yellow, open; Pappus, well-developed, bristles, 3.5-3.8 mm., ±equal, capillary; Cypsela, 2.2 mm. × 0.6 mm. wide, angled, brown, hairy. (Described from Coll. No. 1901, 31 May 2018).

- Dana Plateau, in metamorphics east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2109. 15 Jul 1935. ( UC712468 ) exposed ridge dominated by cushion plants, 3354-3659 m Steve Boyd 8 Aug 1980. ( UCR21892 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, in metamorphics east side of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2089. 15 Jun 1936. ( UC712551 ) .

- Mono Pass, Willis Linn Jepson 4433. 17 Jul 1911. ( JEPS41549 ) upper end of Bloody Canyon Willis Linn Jepson 4433.1 17 Jul 1911. ( JEPS41550 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, rocky and gravelly saddle, granitic area on south-facing gentle slope, 3380-3470 m saddle on northeast side of Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Jens Clausen 1654. 5 Aug 1937. ( UC648727 ) .

- Tioga Pass, south-facing slope just outside of Yosemite in the Tioga Pas area George K. Helmkamp 3 Jul 1977. ( UCR15403 ) . .

Erigeron coulteri Porter.  Large Mountain Fleabane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927 - 2988 m Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake and above Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5484. 4 Aug 1997. ( UCR108906 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types including willow shrubland, Ledum thicket; grass/sedge meadow, 2790 - 2866 m Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5604. 12 Aug 1997. ( UCR104202 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Harlan Lewis 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR11834 ) .

- Warren Creek, subalpine forest and meadow Warren Canyon Wilderness, north of Tioga Pass Road on a dirt road that joins the highway at the 9000 ft marker Kathy Harper 16 Aug 1986. ( UCR51086 ) floor of canyon, very wet meadow Yosemite National Park, Tioga Pass, Warren Canyon, a small canyon north of the road at the 9,000 ft. elevaton marker Kathy Harper 25 Jul 1989. ( UCR62166 ) . .

Erigeron eatonii A. Gray var. nevadincola (S. F. Blake) Nesom.  (Syn: E. nevadincola S. F. Blake ) Eaton's Fleabane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), granitic soil Lyman Benson 3783. 1 Jul 1932. ( POM289046 ) . .

Erigeron elmeri (Greene) Greene.  Elmer's Fleabane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Parker Creek (Upper), on glaciated metamorphic outcrops Parker Creek about 1 mile above Parker Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 7933. 11 Sep 1981. ( JEPS89682 ) . .

Erigeron glacialis (Nutt.) A. Nelson var. hirsutus (Cronquist) G. L. Nesom.  (Syn: E. peregrinus (Pursh) Greene var. hirsutus Cronquist ) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types including willow shrubland, Ledum thicket; grass/sedge meadow, 2790 - 2866 m upper Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5591. 12 Aug 1997. ( UCR104122 ) . .

Erigeron lonchophyllus Hook.  (Syn: Trimorpha lonchophylla (Hook.) G. L. Nesom ) Short Ray Fleabane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb to 2 dm; Leaves basal and cauline, basal narrowly elliptic, petiole 2 cm, blade 5 cm, 7mm wide, cauline alternate linear; Phyllaries in 3 series, outer 1/2 x inner 2 series, scarious only on edges, purple tips; Flowers white, rays absent inconspicuous, pistillate and staminate flowers in same head, outer flowers without corollas; Achenes with a pappus of bristles (Described from Coll. No. 709, 16 Nov 2011).

- Slate Creek Valley, on the borders of the saline flat in grassy places, Artic-Alpine Life Zone 0.5 miles west of cabin opposite Ravine Creek, Slate Creek basin, east of Mount Conness David D. Keck 4660. 30 Aug 1937. ( UC579741 ) .

- Warren Creek, subalpine forest and meadow Warren Canyon Wilderness, north of Tioga Pass Road on a dirt road that joins the highway at the 9000 ft marker Kathy Harper 16 Aug 1986. ( UCR51091 ) . .

Erigeron peregrinus (Pursh) Greene.  Subalpine Fleabane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Probable misidentification.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927 - 2988 m The Jepson Online Interchange has 21 Feb 2005 e-mail from Guy Nesom indicating that Erigeron peregrinus (Pursh) Greene does not occur in CA. Upper Lee Vining Creek between Sawmill Campground and Saddlebag Lake Scott D. White 5486. 4 Aug 1997. ( IRVC26823 UCR109035 ) .

- Tioga Pass, in willows, moist slope Tioga Pass road Annie M. Alexander and Louise Kellogg 3440. 4 Sep 1942. ( UC704007 ) . .

Erigeron pygmaeus (A. Gray) Greene.  Pygmy Fleabane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated metamorphics north end of Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2387. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC712490 ) in unglaciated granitics vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2432. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC712518 ) unglaciated metamorphics vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2488. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC712519 ) exposed ridge dominated bu cushion plants, 3354 - 3659 m Steve Boyd 8 Aug 1980. ( UCR21895 ) growing on alpine scree slope Dana Plateau, south central area, east of Tioga Pass Steve Matson 1510. 21 Aug 2005. ( JEPS111152 ) .

- Excelsior Mountain, northeast slope of Excelsior Mountain, Lundy Canyon Region Carl W. Sharsmith 4143. 5 Aug 1939. ( UC712514 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, narrow grassy flat along stream, 3150-3300 m north side of Mount Dana in Glacier Canyon Carleton R. Ball, Mrs. H. P. Bracelin, and Beryl Kautz 5 Aug 1931. ( UC1553321 ) .

- Lee Vining Peak, dry bench on northwest slope, in granitics northwest slope of Lee Vining Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 2804. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC712517 ) .

- Mono Pass, Alice Eastwood and John Thomas Howell 525. 20 Aug 1907. ( UC896040 ) dry places at pass summit summit of Mono Pass Wm. H. Brewer 1731. 27 Jun 1863. ( UC31503 UC31541 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, north slope of White Mountain, Slate Creek Basin, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area David D. Keck 4378. 17 Aug 1936. ( UC648690 ) .

- Tioga Crest, east of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11467. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC712512 ) . .

Erigeron vagus Payson.  Rambling Fleabane. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Excelsior Mountain, on level stable ground, southeast slope of mountain, in metamorphics northeast slope of Excelsior Mountain, Lundy Canyon Region Carl W. Sharsmith 4142. 5 Aug 1939. ( UC712604 ) .

- Koip Peak Pass, Koip Pass near the summit of the divide W. C. Blasdale 6 Aug 1931. ( UC481472 ) .

- Mount Warren, plateau on south slope of mountain, in metamorphics plateau on south slope of Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2834. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC712603 ) . .

Eriophyllum lanatum (Pursh) J. Forbes var. croceum (Greene) Jepson.  Common Wooly Sunflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Fern Lake, Mrs. J. D. Wright 13 Jul 1929. ( SBBG61072 ) . .

Eriophyllum lanatum (Pursh) J. Forbes var. integrifolium (Hook.) Smiley.  (Syn: Erigeron monoense Rydb. ) Oregon Sunshine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial subshrub, not thistle-like; Leaves entire to 3-(5-)lobed (not compound), margins flat; Headsradiate, > 15 mm wide including ligules (obs: 17-18 mm wide); Phyllaries 5-10 or < 15 (1 obs = 8), keeled; Receptacle naked; Flowers not all ligulate, color yellow; Ray flowers present ±8 (1 obs = 7); Achenes with a small crown-like pappus of scales (Described from Coll. No. 681, 3 Nov 2011).

- Mono Pass, Geological Survey of California 6155. n.d. ( UC31726 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in metamorphics on summit summit of Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2767. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC712184 ) on granitics in divide on divide between Mount Warren and Lee Viing Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 2812. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC712219 ) .

- Warren Creek, loose granite talus along Highway 120 east of Tioga Pass, Warren Creek area Beecher Crampton 269. 10 Jul 1941. ( UC1278017 ) . .

Eurybia (Nutt.) G. L. Nesom.  (Syn: Aster integrifolius Nutt. ) Thickstem Aster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, 3050-3354 m P. J. MacKay 25 Aug 1990. ( UCR64559 ) . .

Gnaphalium palustre Nutt.  Western Marsh Cudweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), on small seepage area over metamorphic rocks, Pinus contorta forest, alpine Saddlebag Lake Road Dean Wm. Taylor 8129. 27 Aug 1982. ( JEPS89734 ) . .

Hazardia squarrosa (Hook. & Arn.) Greene var. grindelioides (DC.) W. D. Clark.  Sawtooth Bristleweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, Type? Unknown 6008. n.d.. ( UC85461 ) . .

Helenium bigelovii A. Gray.  Bigelow's Sneeze Weed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, Stems, to 50 cm. (hanging over a creek from the bank); Leaves, alternate, cauline, lanceolate, slightly arcuate, entire, largest 13 cm. × 2.6 cm. wide, decurrent on stem 4.5 cm. forming wings; Heads, single on peduncle 15 cm., composed of two kinds of flowers, some with strap-shaped corollas; Phyllaries, 2 series, overlapping slightly, ±equal, reflexed; Receptacle, epaleate, smooth, spheric; Ray, yellow, corolla withering (not papery); Pappus of well-developed scales, #±6, ± equal (Described from Coll. No. 1027, 24 Jul 2013).

- Timberline Station, Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness. At Timberline Station, from old Slope Garden. Wm. M. Hiesey 18 Sep 1934. ( DS695504 ) . .

Hieracium horridum Fr.  Prickly Hawkweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mount Conness, south exposure, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone slope of Mount Conness John Coulter 11. 30 Aug 1932. ( UC501400 ) . .

Hulsea algida A. Gray.  Pacific Hulsea. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in granitic sand deep among large granitic blocks east rim of Dana Plateau east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2385. 19 Sep 1937. ( UC712335 ) .

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above, 2927 - 3049 m southeast of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of the Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2240. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR26453 ) loose gravels on north-facing slope above the southeast end of Ellery Lake in Lee Vining Creek drainage William B. Davila 70. 7 Aug 1973. ( SJSU9087 ) .

- Greenstone Lake, north-facing talus slope west of Saddlebag Lake, above Greenstone Lake, north-facing talus slope of East Plateau Jens Clausen and A. Kruckeberg 1908. 16 Aug 1941. ( UC1278827 ) .

- Mono Pass, herb growing in talus collected near the summit of Mono Pass, in la Sierra Nevada Clare B. Hardham 17571. 20 Jun 1969. ( UCSB27309 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, herb growing in metamorphic talus collected in the west side of Saddlebag Lake in La Sierra Nevada Mountains Dieter H. Wilken 8188. 29 Jul 1969. ( UCSB26527 ) .

- White Mountain, 3440-3535 m in crags about the summits of White Mountain David D. Keck 4376. 17 Aug 1936. ( UC648714 ) . .

Microseris nuttans (Hook.) Sch. Bip.  Nodding Microceris. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, dry ledge back of timberline cabin east of Mount Conness, back of Timberline Cabin, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Valley Mahurin and Hiesey 91. 14 Jul 1937. ( UC648668 ) . .

Nothocalais alpestris (A. Gray) K. L. Chambers.  Alpine Lake Prairie-Dandelion. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, meadow with dry and wet areas, with willows in wet areas uncommon, drier grassy areas at sides of meadows along California Highway 120, 0.5 miles north of Tioga Pass, Nunatak Meadow area George K. Helmkamp 2353. 11 Sep 1997. ( UCR102577 ) . .

Oreostemma alpigenum (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene.  (Syn: Aster alpigenus (Torr. & A. Gray) A. Gray ) Tundra Aster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Carl W. Sharsmith 3519. 1 Sep 1937. ( UC174148 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, meadow east of Mount Conness David D. Keck 4602. 26 Aug 1937. ( UC579761 ) 3050-3354 m P. J. MacKay 25 Aug 1990. ( UCR64558 ) .

- Tioga Lake, subalpine forest and meadow south-facing slope on Tioga Pass Road, above Tioga Lake Kathy Harper 17 Aug 1986. ( UCR50487 ) .

- Tioga Pass, growing on damp slope above Tioga Pass collected 14.0 miles west of US Hwy 395 on Tioga pass road, north entrance of Yosemite National Park F. T. Ralph 237. 27 Jun 1959. ( UCSB6370 ) . .

Oreostemma alpigenum (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene var. andersonii (A. Gray) G. L. Nesom.  Tundra Aster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb to 12 cm.; Stem, glandless; Leaves, opposite below, reduced and alternate above, entire, eglandular; Inflorescence, of two kinds of flowers; Heads, solitary; Receptacle epaleate; Phyllaries, in 2+ series, 5.5-6.5 mm., outer slightly smaller, herbaceous throughout, eglandular; Rays, 8 mm., blue/purple, fertile; Disk, flowers, 4 mm., yellow; Pappus, of well-developed bristles, #>20, 3.5 mm., few short bristles (Described from Coll. No. 968, 22 May 2013). Common in the upper Mono Lake basin. One collection from the Bodie Hills.

- Dana Plateau, dry slope off Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 703. 24 Aug 1962. ( SBBG15966 ) . .

Packera cana (Hook.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve.  (Syn: Senecio canus Hook. ) Woolly Groundsel. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, west rim of Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2469. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC714484 ) west slope of Dana Plateau above Glacier Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 5006. 26 Jul 1944. ( SJSU13648 UCSB63691 ) dry ground in metamorphics west slope of Dana Plateau above Glacier Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 5196. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU13676 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Lee Vining Canyon, Yosemite National Park Herbert L. Mason 11478. 1 Aug 1936. ( UC1081561 ) .

- Parker Pass, W. C. Blasdale 6 Aug 1931. ( UC481478 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in unglaciated granitics on divide between Lee Vining Peak and Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2823. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC714456 ) rocky, steep slopes just east of Tioga Crest R. Ornduff 4215. 27 Jun 1957. ( UC1169389 ) .

- Tioga Pass Resort, Tioga Pass Lodge S. W. Hutchinson 1208. Jun 1929. ( SBBG62577 ) . .

Packera pauciflora (Pursh) Á. Löve & D. Löve.  (Syn: Senecio pauciflorus Pursh ) Alpine Groundsel. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, mesic meadow bordering small lake, above willow fringe and growing in colonies at base of small Pinus contorta trees; calc-hornfel substrate tarn 0.2 miles north of Ellery Lake, base of Tioga Peak north of Highway 120 Dean Wm. Taylor 16220. 19 Sep 1997. ( JEPS101336 JEPS101337 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), on w side of bridge entering campground; bordering Salix orestera thickets Lee Vining Creek, Junction Campground, on west side of bridge entering campground Dean Wm. Taylor 16969. 22 Aug 1998. ( UC1731289 ) .

- Sawmill Campground, meadow Slate Creek at Sawmill Campground, off Tioga Road Donald Myrick 1732. 30 Aug 1967. ( SBBG28155 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, moist ground Slate Creek Valley wast of Mount Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5540. 18 Jul 1947. ( SJSU13650 ) near Carnegie experimental garden (Timberline Station), Harvey Monroe Hall Natural area, Slate Creek Valley, 2.7 miles northwest of Tioga Pass Road J. R. Haller 1723. 11 Jul 1960. ( SBBG19613 ) . .

Packera subnuda Trock & T. M. Barkley.  (Syn: Senecio cymbalarioides J. N. Buek ) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Glacier Canyon, Glacier Canyon, Mt. Dana John Thomas Howell 10 Aug 1944. ( CAS322860 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), on w side of bridge entering campground; bordering Salix orestera thickets Lee Vining Creek, Junction Campground, on west side of bridge enterine campground Dean Wm. Taylor 16970. 22 Aug 1998. ( UC1731288 ) Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. Central Sierra Nevada Mtns. Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, c. 2.5 road mi NW of the junction of Saddlebag Road and Hwy 120, c. 2 air mi east of Yosemite National Park boundary and 4 air mi north of Tioga Pass Scott D. White 5518. 4 Aug 1997. ( UCR213555 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, lake area upper end of Saddle Bag Lake off Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 376. 18 Jul 1961. ( SBBG19068 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Along brook, south slope. Slate Creek Valley, east of Mt. Conness. William M. Heusi 38. 24 Jul 1930. ( DS718148 ) moist ground Slate Creek Valley east of Mount Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5540.5 18 Jul 1947. ( SJSU13653 ) Artic-Alpine Life Zone, wet meadows and bogs Timberline Station, east of Mount Conness, Slate Creek Basin Jens Clausen 1108. 22 Jul 1935. ( DS247763 DS718139 RSA606856 UC577243 ) .

- Timberline Station, In moist situations, on slope above cabin. Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness, Timberline Station Jens Clausen 836. 24 Aug 1933. ( DS718147 ) Near Carnegie Alpine Station, Salte Creek. L. R. Abrams 13589. 29 Jun 1934. ( DS230031 ) .

- Tioga Pass, dry slope along road Bennettville Road, off Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 665. 21 Aug 1962. ( SBBG15837 ) meadow, along road Tioga Road, 5 miles east of Tuolumne Meadows Donald Myrick 1730. 30 Aug 1967. ( SBBG28153 ) herb growing in a meadow collected 14.0 miles west of U S Highway 395, along State Highway 120, at the Tioga Meadow, near the entrance to Yosemite National Park F. T. Ralph 245. 27 Jun 1959. ( SBBG22525 UCSB9754 ) Tioga Pass, east side James T. Vale 1973. ( CAS890802 ) .

- Upper Sardine Lake, moist turf community on lake shore, underlain by reddish calc-hornfel metamorphic substrate headwaters of Walker Creek in Bloody Canyon, turf on shore of Upper Sardine Lake about 20 meters north of the lake outlet Dean Wm. Taylor 15536. 19 Sep 1995. ( JEPS90946 ) .

- Warren Canyon, subalpine forest and meadow Warren Canyon Wilderness, north of Tioga Pass Road on a dirt road that joins the highway at the 9000 ft marker Kathy Harper 16 Aug 1986. ( UCR51089 ) . .

Packera subnuda Trock & T. M. Barkley var. subnuda.  (Syn: Senecio subnudus J. N. Buek ) Alpine Meadow Butterweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek, Sierra Nevada, H.M. Hall Natural Area, along Slate Creek near transplant garden. M. Lewis 502. Aug 1955. ( LA16569 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Sierra Nevada, H.M. Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Valley between Cabin Creek and Ravine Creek. M. Lewis 213. Aug 1955. ( LA16909 ) .

- Timberline Station, Sierra Nevada, H.M. Hall Natural Area, aong Slate Creek near transplant garden, Timberline Station M. Lewis 48. Aug 1955. ( LA16911 ) . .

Packera werneriifolia (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve.  (Syn: Senecio werneriifolius (A. Gray) A. Gray ) Hoary Groundsel. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, 9-10 cm., tap-rooted; Stem, green, lanate-tomentose throughout; Leaves, cauline, appearing basal, blade, narrowly oblanceolate, 70 mm. × 4 mm. wide, abruptly reduced, giving plant scapose appearance, abaxial, glabrate, adaxial, thinly tomentose, margins, entire, revolute; Inflorescence, flat-topped, heads, #7-10 per stem, not overtopped by leaves; Peduncles, 3-22 mm., tomentose; Involucre, 8 mm. × 8 mm. wide, ovoid, tomentose; Phyllaries, in 2 series, non-imbricate and appearing to be a single series, 6.5 mm. × 1 mm. wide, flat, not clasping ray ovaries, tip, acute, margins of inner phyllaries scarious, calyculi present, green; Flowers, 2 kinds; Ray flowers, #9, tube 3 mm. + blade 4.5 mm. × 2 mm. wide, yellow, fertile; Disk flowers, #40-50, tube 4 mm. + lobes 0.5 mm., yellow, throat expanding gradually; Pappus, many well-developed bristles, 5 mm., ±unequal; Cypsela, immature, 1.5 mm. × 0.5 mm. wide, green, glabrous, beakless. (Described from Coll. No. 2467, 23 May 2021)

- Dana Plateau, scree slope on w side plateau, the caudex elongated with movement of substratum, in metamorphics west side of Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2108. 13 Jul 1935. ( UC714476 ) in unglaciated granitics and metamorphics Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2110. 15 Jul 1935. ( CAS355928 DS325554 UC714478 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, Glacier Canyon, Mt. Dana. John Thomas Howell 20263. 10 Aug 1944. ( CAS322861 ) .

- Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Summit of East Plateau, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Mono National Forest, Sec 6, T1N, R25E. David D. Keck 5327. 2 Jul 1942. ( DS718111 ) Rocky and gravelly saddle on northeast side of mountain. Granitic area on south-facing gentle slope. Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area on northeast side of Mt. Conness. Jens Clausen 1656. 5 Aug 1937. ( DS718115 ) In gravel. Growing with Phlox douglasii var. caespitosa, Potentilla pseudosericea, Leptodactylon pungens, Polemonium parvifolium, Draba oligospermum var. subsessilis, etc. Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area at Yosemite Park line, ridge east of White Mountain. Jens Clausen 1878. 3 Aug 1941. ( DS718114 ) On dry stony ridge in Alpine Fell-fields Great Basin; East of Sierra Nevada region Head of Ravine Creek, NE base of Mt. Conness. Philip A. Munz 20080. 21 Aug 1954. ( RSA96028 ) .

- Mono Pass, Alice Eastwood 526. 20 Aug 1907. ( CAS365027 ) .

- Mount Conness, John Thomas Howell 20558. 15 Aug 1944. ( CAS322862 ) .

- Mount Dana, Enid Michael 551. 11 Aug 1927. ( YM-YOSE64670 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Bare rocky summit; alpine fell fields. Summit of ridge west of Saddlebag Lake, north of Tioga Pass, Sierra Nevada. Verne Grant 31 Aug 1956. ( RSA104861 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Arctic-alpine Life Zone. Talus slope on southeast flank of mountain. Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness. Southeast flank of Mt. Conness above Hanging Valley in cirque between Mt. Conness and White Mt. David D. Keck 4683. 30 Aug 1937. ( DS284135 DS718113 ) on decomposed granite in Alpine-Fell field south side of North Peak near Mount Conness Dean Wm. Taylor 1309. 29 Aug 1971. ( JEPS89351 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in unglaciated granitics on divide between Lee Vining Peak and Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2824. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC714471 ) in metamorphics summit of Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11461. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC714481 ) .

- White Mountain, Slate Creek Basin, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, N. shoulder of White Mountain, W. of Big Horn Lake. David D. Keck 4371. 17 Aug 1936. ( DS718112 ) . .

Pleiacanthus spinosus (Nutt.) Rydb.  (Syn: Lygodesmia s. (Nutt.) Tomb , Stephanomeria spinosa (Nutt.) Tomb ) Thorny Skeletonweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Leevining Canyon, Sierra Nevada, Yosemite National Park Herbert L. Mason 11491. 1 Aug 1936. ( UC1081554 ) . .

Pyrrocoma apargioides (A. Gray) Greene.  Alpine Flames. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, on mixed metamorphic and granitic slope at timberline east of Mount Dana on west rim of Dana Plateau Carl W. Sharsmith 2470. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC712593 ) in dry, sandy, shallow stream channel east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 3507. 1 Sep 1937. ( UC712338 ) north of Mount Dana David D. Keck 4970. 23 Aug 1938. ( UC624830 ) dry meadow off Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 697.1 24 Aug 1962. ( SBBG16374 ) open, dry sandy flats northwest edge of Dana Plateau above Glacier Canyon G. F. Pratt 8 Aug 1986. ( UCR44343 ) .

- Ellery Lake, rocky slopes and crevices in slate north side of Ellery Lake, north side of Hwy 120 between Tioga Pass and Mono Lake Elizabeth Neese 17648. 21 Aug 1986. ( UC1583885 ) .

- Mono Pass, Willis Linn Jepson 4469. 19 Jul 1911. ( JEPS19198 ) .

- Parker Pass, W. C. Blasdale 6 Aug 1931. ( UC481474 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, south end of Saddlebag Lake Donald Myrick 384. 18 Jul 1961. ( SBBG19060 ) H. Dearing 3912. 15 Jul 1939. ( SBBG8320 ) Harlan Lewis 1553. 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR11838 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in grassy places, usually among rocks east of Mount Conness, timberline station, o.5 miles west of cabin, Slate Creek Valley David D. Keck 4455. 19 Aug 1936. ( UC648704 ) .

- Tioga Pass, meadows Tioga Road, 5 miles east of Tuolumne Meadows Donald Myrick 1728. 30 Aug 1967. ( SBBG27881 ) 3 miles east of Tuolumne Meadows Donald Myrick 1754. 2 Sep 1967. ( SBBG28145 ) . .

Raillardella argentea (A. Gray) A. Gray.  Silky Raillardella. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, north slope of Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 3504. 1 Sep 1937. ( UC712287 ) dry meadow off Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 668. 21 Aug 1962. ( SBBG16375 ) .

- Mount Warren, divide between Lee Vining Peak and Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2825. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC712273 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, H. Dearing 3915. 15 Jul 1939. ( SBBG118398 SBBG8710 ) dry open rocks Lewis S. Rose 68149. 18 Jul 1968. ( JEPS59941 ) .

- Sawmill Campground, about 2 miles east of Tioga Pass at Sawmill Flat, Sawmill Flat Campground, off Saddlebag Lake Road Mancy Morin 149. 24 Jul 1977. ( UC1491980 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Alpine Terrace, in Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Basin, on north slope of White Mountain David D. Keck 4377. 17 Aug 1936. ( UC648692 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in metamorphics east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2745. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC712280 ) . .

Raillardella scaposa (A. Gray) A. Gray.  Stem Raillardella. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), frost heaved polygons with high lichen cover in near [sic] Pinus albicaulis timberline on metamorphics Dean Wm. Taylor 13052. 24 Jul 1992. ( JEPS104833 ) .

- Greenstone Lake, moist rocky meadow margin on metamorphic rocks outflow from Greenestone Lake, Lee Vining Creek watershed Dean Wm. Taylor 14060. 3 Aug 1993. ( JEPS100677 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. 2927 - 2988 m Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake and above USFS Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5521. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR108917 ) .

- Mono Pass, Henry N. Bolander 5099. 1860. ( UC35858 ) near Ruby Falls 1 mile south of Mono Pass Nancy Morin 128. 16 Aug 1976. ( UC1491979 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, dry rocks slopes Lewis S. Rose 68154. 18 Jul 1968. ( JEPS59944 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, moist meadow among granitic boulders Hall Natural Area, about 0.1 miles past Lee Vining Creek crossing on old jeep trail to Carnegie research station Bruce G. Baldwin 626. 28 Aug 1986. ( JEPS98922 ) Arctic-Alpine Life Zone Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek, onslope northwest of cabin, east of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 1160. 23 Jul 1935. ( UC579743 ) . .

Rudbeckia californica A. Gray.  California Coneflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, along road J. R. Robbins 16 Jul 1932. ( SBBG60792 ) . .

Senecio L.  Ragwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, collected 2.7 miles northwest of State Highway 120, near Carnegie Experimental Garden, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Valley J. R. Haller 1724. 11 Jul 1960. ( UCSB9751 ) 3050-3354 m P. J. MacKay 25 Aug 1990. ( UCR64560 ) . .

Senecio aronicoides DC.  Rayless Ragwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, meadows at Tioga Pass Darley F. Howe 20 Aug 1966. ( SD64378 ) . .

Senecio fremontii Torr. & A. Gray var. occidentalis A. Gray.  dwarf mountain ragwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mount Conness, under stable granite blocks on scree slope southeast slope of Mount Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 305. 6 Aug 1933. ( UC714451 ) .

- Parker Pass, in shade of overhanging rock by stream draining Parker Creek near Parker Pass Carl W. Sharsmith 5552. 15 Aug 1947. ( SJSU13655 ) . .

Senecio integerrimus Nutt.  Columbia Ragwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. (Collections made between 4 Aug and 7 Aug 1997) Central High Sierra Neveda LEE VINING CREEK: Below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, ca. 2.5 road miles NW of jtn. Saddlebag Rd. / Hwy. 120. Ca. 2 air miles E of Yosemite Nat. Park boundary and 4 air miles N of Tioga Pass. Scott D. White, Edith Read, Gene Hawkins, Adrian Sears, Scott Weaver 5523. 4 Aug 1997. ( RSA747509 SD232618 SD232619 UCR213564 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, H. Dearing, M. Dearing 3914. 15 Jul 1939. ( SBBG8793 ) . .

Senecio integerrimus Nutt. var. exaltatus (Nutt.) Cronquist.  Columbia Ragwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, short-lived, 25-35 cm., roots, unbranched, fibrous, pubescence floccose or arachnose, appearing to thin with age; Leaves of varying shapes, largest proximal, petiole, 15-70 mm., some slightly winged, + blade to 50-80 mm. × 25-28 mm. wide, elliptical, margin slightly toothed, scalloped, or wavy with reddish spots every 2-5 mm. (is this the callous denticle?), distal, reduced, 40-50 mm., × 5 mm. wide, lance-linear, sessile; Inflorescence, terminal corymb, flowers of 2 kinds; Peduncles, to 18 mm., black exudate; Heads, #7-8, radiate; Involucre, 9 mm. × 10 mm. wide; Phyllaries, in 1+ slightly overlapping series, 6-9 mm. × 1.5-2.2 mm. wide, without oil glands, tip black; Receptacle, epaleate; Rays, #9, fertile; Corolla, yellow, tube 3.5 mm. + blade 5 mm. = 8.5 mm.; Disk flowers, yellow, lobes dark; Pappus, of well-developed capillary bristles, in 1 series, 4 mm. (Described from Coll. No. 972, 22 May 2013, and Coll. No. 1476, 29 Jun 2016). CA: Found mostly in the upper Mono Lake basin, sparingly in the Bodie Hills.

- Agnew Lake, Easter Sierra Nevada, trail from Carson Peak to June Lake, near dam at NE end of Agnew Lake R. C. Wenk 845. 15 Jun 2008. ( CAS1106617 ) .

- Bloody Canyon (upper), Willis Linn Jepson 4442. 18 Jul 1911. ( JEPS37245 ) .

- Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Sierra Nevada, H.M. Hall Natural Area, Middle Ridge M. Lewis 239. Aug 1955. ( LA16913 ) .

- Nunatak Meadow, Meadow with dry & wet areas; w/ willows in wet areas. Occasional; in dry & moist meadows. Sierra Nevada Mtns. along Calif. Hwy 120, 0.5 mi. north of Tioga Pass, Nunatak Meadow area George K. Helmkamp, E. A. Helmkamp 2355. 11 Sep 1997. ( UCR102576 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in loose soil, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone Timberline Station east of Mount Conness, Slate Creek Basin Jens Clausen 1105. 22 Jul 1935. ( UC577279 ) Sierra Nevada, H.M. Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Valley between Cabin Creek and Ravine Creek M. Lewis 192. Aug 1955. ( LA16917 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Rocky slope. Heads yellow. E of Tioga Pass, northwestern base of Mount Dana; Mono River Basin Robert T. Clausen and Harold Trapido 4840. 9 Jul 1940. ( UC1505690 ) . .

Senecio integerrimus Nutt. var. major (A. Gray) Cronquist.  Single Stemmed Groundsel. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Crest, Gravelly, west-facing, metamorphic, scree-slope. Survey Stand 18-67. Mono County: Tioga Crest R. H. Pemble 11 Aug 1967. ( UCD135580 ) . .

Senecio scorzonella Greene.  Sierra Ragwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Glacier Canyon, growing in drying subalpine meadow below and west of the Dana Plateau in meadow with large tarn, east of Tioga Lake and Tioga Pass Steve Matson 1505. 21 Aug 2005. ( JEPS111272 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types including willow shrubland, Ledum thicket; grass/sedge meadow, 2790-2866 m between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5603. 12 Aug 1997. ( UCR104205 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Harlan Lewis 1570. 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR11831 ) meadow with Gentiana holopetala, Solidagp multiradiata meadow in valley southwest of Saddlebag Lake, meadow with Gentiana ho Robert A. Schlising 2352. 31 Aug 1962. ( CHSC22917 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Artic-Alpine Life Zone, with, later than, and less common here than S. lugens, in loose soil east of Mount Conness, Slate Creek Basin, Timberline Station Jens Clausen 1106. 22 Jul 1935. ( UC577276 ) .

- Steelhead Lake, in alpine fell-fields Steelhead Lake basin, Mt. Conness region Ernest C. Twisselmann 5687. 11 Sep 1959. ( JEPS27848 ) .

- Tioga Pass, herb growing in damp soil collected 14.0 miles west of U S Highway 395, near the entrance to Yosemite National Park, along State Highway 120 F. T. Ralph 238. 27 Jul 1959. ( UCSB6691 ) near Tioga Pass H. S. Yates 6300. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC1070146 ) . .

Senecio spartioides Torr. & A. Gray.  (Syn: S. multicapitatus Greenm. ex Rydb. ) Broomlike Ragwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 50 cm.; Leaves, basal, unknown, cauline, alternate, 90 mm. × 3 mm. wide, narrowly oblanceolate, reduced above to 30 mm. × 1 mm. wide, variously hairy in axils and ±lower surface; Involucre, 12.5 mm. × 6 mm., narrowly campanulate, bractlets not prominent; Phyllaries, 2 series? or 1 series with 2 forms? outer, 7.5 mm. × 0.7 mm. wide, all green, inner, 7.5 mm. × 1.3 mm. wide, centrally green with margins chartaceous, all tips dark; Receptacle, epaleate; Rays, fertile, corolla, tube 5 mm. + blade 9 mm. × 2 mm. wide, yellow, lobes 3; Disk flowers, corolla, 6 mm., yellow; Pappus, 1 series of fine capillary bristles, 5 mm.; Cypsela, 4 mm., 5-angled, dark gray, “hirtellous” throughout (not just the angles). Described from Coll. No. 1298, 23 Sep 2015.

- Lundy Canyon (Upper), Lundy Trail above Lundy Unknown 20 Aug 1894. ( UC91657 ) . .

Senecio subnudus J. N. Buek.  (=Packera subnuda Trock & T. M. Barkley var. subnuda ) Alpine Meadow Butterweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek, On damp, semi-shaded slope below snow; Subalpine Forest Community. Great Basin; East of Sierra Nevada region N. slope of Middle Ridge, Slate Creek, Sierra Nevada. Philip A. Munz 19948. 16 Aug 1954. ( RSA89854 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Ynez Whilton Winblad 25 Jul 1938. ( POM261684 ) . .

Senecio triangularis Hook.  Arrowleaf Ragwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 80 cm., in shaded streamside, not strongly scented; Root and caudex unknown; Petiole 100 mm.; Leaves alternate, largest 100 mm. x 60 mm., distributed along stem gradually becoming smaller, ovate, base truncate, margin toothed, adaxial surface sticky with glandular exudate, glands inconspicuous; Inflorescence gen. flat-topped, 10-15 flowers; Phyllaries, in 1-series, few short narrow outer phyllaries, tips dark brown macroscopically; Receptacle palea 0; Flowers of 2 kinds, both ray and disk; Pappus of bristles (no scales or needle-like awns), well developed on ray and disk flowers; Ray flowers yellow, exceeding involucre (Described from Coll. No. 874, 23 June 2013).

- Cascade Lake, along one of the rushing cascades above Cascade Lake, northeast of North Peak, border of Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Jens Clausen and A. Kruckeberg 1936. 16 Aug 1941. ( UC1278822 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, marshy area beside a stream west base of Dana Plateau in Glacier Canyon G. F. Pratt 8 Aug 1986. ( UCR44355 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. Central Sierra Nevada Mtns. Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, c. 2.5 road mi NW of the junction of Saddlebag Road and Hwy 120, c. 2 air mi east of Yosemite National Park boundary and 4 air mi north of Tioga Pass Scott D. White 5522. 4 Aug 1997. ( UCR108918 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, along rocks at snow line southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2363. 1 Sep 1962. ( CHSC22934 ) . .

Solidago canadensis L.  Canada Goldenrod. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Lake, subalpine forest and meadow south-facing slope on Tioga Pass Road, above Tioga Lake Kathy Harper 17 Aug 1986. ( UCR50488 ) . .

Solidago multiradiata Aiton.  Rocky Mountain Goldenrod. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, 18 cm., rhizomatous; Stem, proximal glabrous to distal glandular-hairy; Leaves, cauline, alternate, proximal petiole winged distinctly ciliate, distal apparently sessile (subclasping?), petiole, 40 mm., blade, 40 mm. × 10 mm. wide, narrowly oblanceolate, entire, margins, finely ciliate; Inflorescence, heads 15-20 per stem, not showy, triangular, >leaves; Involucre, 4 mm. × 7.5 mm. wide, ovoid; Phyllaries, #3± series, lower, slightly less than rest of involucre, few hairs similar to those on peduncles, mid-vein tan, body green, margin scarious, margins, flat, tip, acute; Flowers, 2 kinds; Ray flowers, #24-30, tube 2.5 mm. + blade 2.5 mm. × 1 mm. wide, yellow, fertile; Disk flowers, many, tube 3 mm. + lobes 0.7 mm., throat expanding, yellow; Pappus, many, well-developed capillary bristles, 3 mm., ±equal; Cypsela, 1 mm., brown, sparsely hairy. (Described from Coll. No. 1992, 24 July 2018.)

- Lee Vining Peak, in granitics level bench on northwest slope of Lee Vining Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 2806. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC714118 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, meadows upper end of Saddle Bag Lake off Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 375. 18 Jul 1961. ( SBBG18139 ) .

- Tioga Pass, along road Bennettville Road at top of Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 405. 19 Jul 1960. ( SBBG19059 ) along road Tioga Road beside meadow, 5 miles east of Tuolumne Meadows Donald Myrick 1724. 30 Aug 1967. ( SBBG28156 ) . .

Solidago spectabilis (D. C. Eaton) A. Gray.  Basin Goldenrod. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb to 75 cm.; Stem hairy distally, fewer hairs proximally, not waxy, distal nodes with axillary leaf clusters; Leaves alternate, lanceolate, 85 mm. × 13 mm. wide, generally glabrous,not resinous, proximal leaves withered at flowering (assumed to having been equal in size to mid-cauline leaves), margins weakly serrate, and with very small hairs; Inflorescence pyramid-shaped; Peduncle bracts not glandular; Involucre 3 mm.; Phyllaries in 2+ graduated series, outer without oil glands; Heads many, small (5 mm. × 4 mm. dia.), not resinous; Flowers of two kinds, at least some strap-shaped; Receptacle epaleate; Rays, yellow, fertile; Disc, yellow, fertile; Pappus of well-developed bristles, in single row (Described from Coll. No. 1022, 24 July 2014).

- Saddlebag Lake, Meadow with Gentiana holopetala, Senecio scorzonella Meadow in valley southwest of Saddlebag Lake. Robert A. Schlising 2349. 31 Aug 1962. ( CHSC22935 ) . .

Sphaeromeria cana (D. C. Eaton) A. Heller.  Gray Chickensage. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, below edge of plateau on talus slopes above lake, metamorphic below edge of plateau northeast of Tioga Pass, above Dana Lake Barbara J. Ertter and Susan Dalcamo 6748. 6 Sep 1986. ( JEPS84959 UC1561837 ) in metamorphics on west rim of plateau west rim of Dana Plateau, overlooking Glacier Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 2418. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC712577 ) in talus of metamorphic west margin of Dana Plateau, west end of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5198. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU13543 ) .

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above. 2927 - 3049 m southeast of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of the Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2236. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR26478 ) dry slope along road Lee Vining Creek Road about 0.5 miles northeast of Ellery Lake W. J. Dress 20 Jul 1954. ( SBBG40440 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, on the perpendicular cliff, in rocky crevices Timberline station above the cabin, east of Mount Conness, Slate Creek Valley David D. Keck 4447. 19 Aug 1936. ( UC648715 ) rocky south-facing slope above Carnegie Experiment Station, Clate Creek Valley S. A. Junak 3 Aug 1979. ( SBBG81139 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in metamorphics in extreme northeast end of crest east of Saddlebag Lake, on extreme northeast end of Tioga Crest Carl W. Sharsmith 2779. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC712581 ) . .

Stephanomeria tenuifolia (Raf.) H. M. Hall.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, Unknown n.d.. ( UC35808 ) . .

Symphyotrichum bracteolatum (Nutt.) G.L. Nesom.  (Syn: Aster eatonii (A. Gray) Howell , Symphyotrichum eatonii (A. Gray) G. L. Nesom ) Eaton's Bracted Aster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), wet banks of creek Aspen Grove Campground, off Tioga Pass Road J. Semple, S. Heard 8715. 28 Aug 1986. ( RSA507814 UC1557874 ) . .

Symphyotrichum foliaceum (DC.) G. L. Nesom var. apricum (A. Gray) G. L. Nesom.  Parry's Aster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Warren Canyon, East side of Warren Creek, near canyon mouth, large fen with many rivulets, saturated mucky black soil; Carex spp., Juncus macrandrus, Perideridia parishii, Allium validum, Salix planifolia, Pinus contorta murrayana nearby. Eastern Sierra Nevada Mtns. Warren Canyon, upper Lee Vining Creek drainage, PLSS: 01N25E12. Ann Howald 2974. 1 Aug 2013. ( UCR243316 ) . .

Symphyotrichum spathulatum (Lindl.) G. L. Nesom.  (Syn: Aster occidentalis (Nutt.) Torr. & A. Gray , Aster occidentalis (Nutt.) Torr. & A. Gray var. fremontii ) Western Mountain Aster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial from fibrous roots, generally ≤ 40 cm tall (obs: 37-40 cm); Stem, becoming hairy distally, but never strigose; Leaves, basal and cauline, alternate, reduced above, lanceolate, lower leaf petiole 80 mm. + blade 70 mm. × 6 mm. wide, length > 7 × longer than wide (obs: 11.5-13 × longer), glabrous, margins minutely dentate, without spinulose tip, basal present at flowering; Inflorescence, 3-13 heads (3,4,8,13 observed); Heads, flowers of two kinds; Peduncles 2-8 cm, hairy, eglandular; Involucre 15 mm, non-glandular; Phyllaries in 2+ series, slightly overlapping, graduated, outer < inner, ±herbaceous, not paper-like (chartaceous), lower margin scarious, elongate green tip 3x width, tip acute to obtuse; Receptacle epaleate; Flowers both ray and disc; Pappus of bristles, single series, #25-30, cylindric, short plumose; Rays conspicuous, 13 mm., much exceeding disc flowers, blue/lavender; Disc flower, style present; Style branches minutely glandular, not tufted hairy; Achenes with a pappus of bristles, whitish (Described from Coll. No. 498, 2 Aug 2007, and Coll. No. 708, 16 Nov 2011). Taylor (2010) refers all collections of Symphyotrichum spathulatum made in the central Sierra Nevada (cSN) to var. yosemitanum based upon the character of linear leaves. However, so far, my collections (498, 708, 715, & 724) of the taxon in the Mono Lake basin have had lanceolate to narrowly elliptic leaves, which would lead one to var. spathulatum.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), moist meadow margin of Stipa columbiana, Carex spectabilis on metavolcanic rocks Gardisky Lake Trail from Saddlebag Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 13090. 7 Aug 1992. ( JEPS89446 ) .

- Mono Pass, Mono Pass (probably) Geological Survey of California 6178. n.d.. ( UC29851 ) .

- Mount Dana, Enid Michael 21 Aug 1928. ( YM-YOSE63599 ) .

- Nunatak Meadow, Meadow with dry & wet areas; w/ willows in wet areas. Sierra Nevada Mtns. along Calif. Hwy 120, 0.5 mi. north of Tioga Pass, Nunatak Meadow area George K. Helmkamp, E. A. Helmkamp 2356. 11 Sep 1997. ( UCR102575 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Harlan Lewis 1560. 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR11972 ) .

- Slate Creek, Moist subalpine meadow on east side of Slate Creek, loam soil; w/Salix, Carex, Potentilla gracilis, Achillea millefolium, Muhlenbergia, Antennaria rosea, Phleum alpinum; Pinus contorta ssp. murrayana nearby. USGS quad: Tioga Pass 7.5' Q.; Common perennial herb, rhizomatous; ligules light purple, disk corollas yellow. [Close to S. foliaceum parryi in phyllary character.] Eastern Sierra Nevada Mtns. Slate Creek drainage (middle fork Lee Vining Creek), 0.4 mi south of Saddlebag Lake dam, PLSS: 01N24E12. Ann Howald 2896. 31 Jul 2012. ( UCR240131 ) Along the banks of creek, hanging above the water with Andersonii. Arctic-Alpine Life Zone Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness - along the banks of Slate Creek - Sierra Nevada Jens Clausen 998. 11 Sep 1934. ( DS233027 DS718078 ) Rock terraces. Above Slate Creek, east of Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area W. Palmer Stockwell 1361. 29 Aug 1935. ( RSA33678 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, In transplant garden area, open, grassy meadow. Exaclty with Aster andersonii. Arctic-Alpine Life Zone Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness - Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, in transplant garden area - Sierra Nevada David D. Keck 4604. 27 Aug 1937. ( DS184094 DS718074 ) On gravelly slopes with Bromus Carinatus. Arctic-Alpine Life Zone. Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness - Harvey Monroe Hall Natural ARea, near summit of ravine from Slate Creek to saddle between Mt. Conness and East Plateau - Sierra Nevada David D. Keck 4649. 27 Aug 1937. ( DS718075 ) .

- Timberline Station, Pure population from upper part of teh slope leading to new slope garden. Arctic-Alpine Life Zone. Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness - Timberline Station, in drier situations - Sierra Nevada. Jens Clausen 809. 24 Aug 1933. ( DS247773 DS718077 ) Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness - Timberline Station, on middle part of the slope SE the cabin - Sierra Nevada Jens Clausen 848. 25 Aug 1933. ( DS718028 ) Around the small creek; moist ground Arctic-Alpine Life Zone Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness - Timberline Station, above the cabin - Sierra Nevada Jens Clausen 850. 25 Aug 1933. ( DS718076 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Near Tioga Pass. D. F. Howe 4292. 20 Aug 1966. ( SDSU6328 ) .

- Warren Creek, edge of Warner Creek, Lee Vining Creek drainage Carl W. Sharsmith 9179. 12 Sep 1990. ( SJSU14556 ) . .

Symphyotrichum spathulatum (Lindl.) G. L. Nesom var. yosemitanum (A. Gray) G. L. Nesom.  (Syn: Aster occidentalis (Nutt.) Torr. & A. Gray var. yosemitanum (A. Gray) G. L. Nesom ) Western Bog Aster. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mount Dana, WEST BASE OF DANA, MOIST MEADOW Carl W. Sharsmith 4215. 23 Aug 1940. ( YM-YOSE63603 ) . .

Townsendia scapigera D. C. Eaton.  Tufted Townsend Daisy. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Log Cabin Mine, open ridge underlain by quartzitic rocks; on clay just below recent mining trenching near the Log Cabin Mine above Lee Vining Dean Wm. Taylor 7861. 21 Jun 1981. ( JEPS89359 ) . .

Wyethia mollis A. Gray.  Woolly Mule-Ears. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, Tioga Pass, close to the Tuolumne County line R. C. Robbins 17 Jul 1932. ( SBBG60855 ) .


Cryptantha Lehm. ex G. Don.  Cryptantha. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, rocky subalpine slopes turnout on Tioga Pass Road just below Lee Vining Hydroelectric Project Kathy Harper 17 Aug 1986. ( UCR52065 ) . .

Cryptantha affinis Greene.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Sierra Nevada: Lee Vining Crk E. Rockwell 37. Aug 1922. ( SBBG63605 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, On south exposed talus slope northwest of cabin, in sand between the rocks. Mono Co.: Slate Creek Valley, east of Mt. Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, ca. 3230 m. elevation. Jens Clausen 1634. 5 Aug 1937. ( DS291846 ) . .

Cryptantha humilis (Greene) Payson.  Roundspike Cryptantha. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Ridge, ridgetop, on limestone Ridgetop 1.5 miles northwest of Lee Vining, PLSS: 2N26E6 Dean Wm. Taylor 7755. 3 Jul 1980. ( JEPS90305 ) .

- Mount Warren, on unglaciated surface in rock predominantly granitic on divide between Lee Vining Peak and Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2817. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC712580 ) . .

Cryptantha nubigena (Greene) Payson.  Sierra Cryptantha. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana on west margin of Dana Plateau overlooking Dana Glacier Carl W. Sharsmith 2100. 15 Jun 1935. ( UC712565 ) deep among huge granite blocks which form a promontory northwest of Mount Dana on northeast end of Dana Plateau Carl W. Sharsmith 2397. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC712560 ) dry ground among rocks west slope of Dana Plateau (the slope ovelooking Glacier Canyon and facing east face of Mt Dana) Carl W. Sharsmith 5199. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU10554 ) northwest of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 11399. 28 Jul 1936. ( UC712562 ) .

- Lundy Canyon (Upper), veg type Wp semi-barren, slope ene 1.2 miles north of Lundy Lake T. M. Hendrix 516. 9 Aug 1937. ( UC1063999 ) .

- Tioga Peak, shaded, snow accumulation site at base of steep cliffs; granitic rocks; in cirque at e base of Peak Mono Basin, Lee Vining Creek watershed, in cirque at east base of Tioga Peak uphill from the Tioga Road between Warren Fork and Lee Vining Creek Dean Wm. Taylor 11243. 19 Jul 1990. ( JEPS90326 ) . .

Hackelia micrantha (Eastw.) J. L. Gentry.  (Syn: H. jessicae (E. A. McGregor) Brand ) Jessica Sticktight. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, SE facing ravine betw Mt. Conness and N Plateau (W of Saddlebag Lake) Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Jens Clausen 1674. 5 Aug 1937. ( POM256772 ) .

- Jordan Spring, Growing around bases of trees just a few meters west of and above the spring, about 8.5 miles by air north northwest of Lee Vining, California, accessed by way of Virginia Lakes Road from US Highway 395 at Conway Summit. Tom Schweich 858. 22 Jun 2012. ( CAS1148728 UC2015310 UCR240676 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. (Collections made between 4 Aug and 7 Aug 1997) Central High Sierra Neveda LEE VINING CREEK: Below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, ca. 2.5 road miles NW of jtn. Saddlebag Rd. / Hwy. 120. Ca. 2 air miles E of Yosemite Nat. Park boundary and 4 air miles N of Tioga Pass. Scott D. White, Edith Read, Gene Hawkins, Adrian Sears, Scott Weaver 5551. 4 Aug 1997. ( RSA747572 UCR213717 ) .

- Lundy Canyon (Upper), Mill Creek. Lundy Canyon. In dampish locations above the falls. Frank W. Peirson 12147. 30 Jul 1937. ( RSA77824 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, west of Saddlebag Lake, cirque below Conness Glacier Herbert L. Mason 11443. 29 Jul 1936. ( UC1081528 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, dry streamway about 0.25 miles west of Carnegie Institute "Timberline Station," Hall Reserve Area, Slate Creek Valley east of Mount Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5486. 26 Aug 1946. ( SJSU2266 ) on dry hillside David D. Keck 4431. 19 Aug 1936. ( UC648645 ) 1/2 mi e of Carnegie Institute Experimental Station (Slate Creek); Inyo National Forest Ivana Gardner 71. 23 Jul 1963. ( UC1437358 ) . .

Hackelia nervosa (Kellogg) I. M. Johnst.  Sierra stickseed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, Mono County: Slate Creek Valley betw Cabin Creek and Ravine Creek, H M Hall Natural area M. Lewis 196. Aug 1955. ( RSA735633 ) . .

Leptosiphon nuttallii (A. Gray) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Warren Creek, common on dry, rocky mountain slope amond sagebrush, perennial, very woody at base, leaves and bracts herbaceous "Warren Creek" Beecher Crampton 264. 10 Jul 1941. ( UCD118960 UCD38106 ) Lee Vining Canyon, "Warren Creek" David D. Keck 3871. 20 Jul 1935. ( RSA600867 ) .

- Warren Canyon, Subalpine forest and meadow. Sierra Nevada Mountains, Warren Canyon wilderness, N of Tioga Pass Rd on a dirt road that joins the hwy at the 9000 ft. marker. Kathy Harper 16 Aug 1986. ( RSA492831 ) . .

Nama rothrockii A. Gray.  Rothrock's Purple Mat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, growing with sagebrush in roadside fill Jack L. Reveal 1149. 18 Jul 1965. ( UC1287792 ) . .

Phacelia hastata Douglas ex Lehm.  Silverleaf Phacelia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), intersection of Tioga Pass Road and Lee Vining Creek Donald Myrick 1757. 3 Sep 1967. ( SBBG28112 ) . .

Phacelia hastata Douglas ex Lehm. ssp. compacta (Brand) Heckard.  (Syn: Phacelia frigida Greene ) (=Phacelia hastata Douglas ex Lehm. var. compacta (Brand) Cronquist) Compact Phacelia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, lower margin of Dana Plateau Carl W. Sharsmith 89. 17 Jul 1933. ( UC712232 ) .

- Ellery Lake, along granite rocks on north side of lake north side of Ellery Lake along Tioga Pass Road L. R. Heckard 1350. 27 Jul 1963. ( JEPS34432 JEPS85903 ) .

- Mono Pass, alpine fell field J. P. Smith and J. O. Sawyer 7688. 8 Jul 1974. ( JEPS81020 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, sun, moist loam and rocks, Upper Hudsonian Life Zone base of dam Carl B. Wolf 5342. 17 Aug 1933. ( UC909980 ) in unglaciated metamorphics summit of Tioga Crestm east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2766. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC712228 ) Harlan Lewis 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR19648 ) Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927 - 2988 m Lee Vining Creek above USFS Sawmill Campground and below Saddlebag Lake Scott D. White 5500. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR109052 ) .

- Warren Creek, floor of canyon, very wet meadow Warrne Canyon, a small canyon north of the road at the 9,000 ft elevation marker Kathy Harper 25 Jul 1989. ( UCR62187 ) . .

Phacelia heterophylla Pursh ssp. v. (Greene) Heckard.  (=Phacelia heterophylla Pursh var. virgata (Greene) Heckard) Varileaf Phacelia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Glacier Canyon, Glacier Canyon above Tioga Lake Russell S. Woglum 2871. 19 Aug 1940. ( RSA603566 ) . .

Phacelia humilis Torr. & A. Gray.  Low Phacelia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Conway Summit (Upper), ridge w Conway Summit Herbert L. Mason 15229. 4 Jul 1963. ( UC1275778 ) . .

Phacelia humilis Torr. & A. Gray var. dudleyi J. T. Howell.  Dudley's Phacelia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual, to 8 cm., hairy throughout, straight white eglandular hairs; Leaves, simple, petiole 3.5 mm., blade, 22 mm. × 6.5 mm. wide, elliptical, margin entire; Corolla, 6 mm., deciduous; Stamens, #5, exserted 2 mm.; Filaments, sparsely long hairy, which conflicts with “short hairy” in TJM2, but is consistent with “filamentis sparse et longe pilosis” per Howell (1943). Described from Coll. No. 1192, 26 June 2015.

- Lee Vining Ridge, Ridge top below point 9603 ft, PLSS: 2N26E6 Dean Wm. Taylor 7748. 3 Jul 1980. ( JEPS91091 ) . .

Phacelia humilis Torr. & A. Gray var. humilis.  Low Phacelia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual or Perennial herb, to 15 cm; Stem pubescent with sparse long hairs, not particularly glandular; Leaves simple; Infloresence scorpoid, elingate, 4 cm.; Calyx 5-merous, hairy (not ciliate), to 5(6) mm in fruit; Corollas blue, 6 mm wide, deciduous; Stamens 5-6 mm, exserted; Filaments glabrous at base, subtended by bristles. Identified as var. dudleyi when collected but changed to var. humilis on the short length of the calyx and stamens. (Described from Coll. No. 793, 15 Dec 2011.)

- Jordan Spring, In the edges of sagebrush about mid-level of the spring. Northwestern Mono Basin, Copper Mountain area, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest. Tom Schweich, with Kim Kersh 793. 10 Sep 2011. ( UC1980457 ) . .

Phacelia mutabilis Greene.  Changeable Phacelia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, turnout on Tioga Pass Road just below Lee Vining Hydroelectric Project Kathy Harper 17 Aug 1986. ( UCR50429 ) . .

Plagiobothrys stipitatus (Greene) I. M. Johnst. var. micranthus (Piper) I. M. Johnst.  Stalked Popcornflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, seepage area on metamorphic rock outcrop, south-facing slope with other annuals Sierra Nevada along Slate Creek Valley, Lee Vining Creek drainage Dean Wm. Taylor 8085. 9 Aug 1982. ( JEPS90197 ) .


Barbarea orthoceras Ledeb.  American Yellowrocket. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, wet sedgy ground northwest slope of Dana Plateau above Glacier Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 86. 17 Jul 1933. ( UC642884 ) moist ground west slope of Dana Pleateau above Glacier Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 5004. 26 Jul 1944. ( SJSU13252 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, moist rock crevices east slope of Glacier Canyon, east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 4211. 9 Aug 1940. ( SJSU13253 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Slate Creek above Tioga Pass Ynez W. Winblad 26 Jul 1938. ( UC855622 ) .

- Tioga Crest, Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11453. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC642882 ) .

- Tioga Pass, moist bank east side of Tioga Pass Philip A. Munz 16000. 17 Jul 1940. ( UC1005186 ) . .

Boechera davidsonii (Greene) N.H. Holmgren.  (Syn: Arabis davidsonii Greene ) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Green Treble Lake, Tightly wedged in cliff-crevices, fleshy plant, in moist bank below snow. Rarely occurring in moist bank below snow. Sierra Nevada. Base of cliff about Treble Lakes, Slate Creek. Philip A, Munz 19992. 18 Aug 1954. ( CAS572649 ) . .

Boechera depauperata (A. Nelson & P. B. Kenn.) Windham & Al-Shehbaz.  (Syn: Arabis lemmonii S. Watson var. depauperata (A. Nelson & P. B. Kenn.)Rollins ) Soldier Rockcress. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated granitics vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 117. 19 Jul 1933. ( UC642902 ) west margin of Dana Plateau overlooking Dana Glacier Carl W. Sharsmith 2103. 15 Jul 1935. ( UC559963 ) Dana Plateau in vicinity of Mount Dana Herbert L. Mason 11401.1 28 Jul 1936. ( DS266381 UC642720 ) .

- Mount Conness, terminal moraine east base of Mount Conness Herbert L. Mason 11426. 29 Jul 1936. ( UC642899 ) .

- Mount Warren, Lundy Trail, Mt. Warren J. W. Congdon 21 Aug 1894. ( UC118058 UC118059 UC118062 ) Lundy Trail Unknown 21 Aug 1894. ( UC118058 ) . .

Boechera howellii (S. Watson) Windham & Al-Shehbaz.  (Syn: Arabis platysperma A. Gray var. howellii (S. Watson) Jeps. ) Howell's Pioneer Rockcress. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Conness Glacier, terminal moraine Conness Glacier at east base of Mount Conness Herbert L. Mason 11425. 29 Jul 1936. ( UC642711 ) terminal moraine Herbert L. Mason 11427. 29 Jul 1936. ( UC559957 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in unglaciated metamorphics east slope of Tioga Crest near Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2762. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC642714 ) . .

Boechera inyoensis (Rollins) Al-Shehbaz.  (Syn: Arabis inyoensis Rollins ) Inyo Rock Cress. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Gaylor Peak, Rocky fell fields and meadows Inyo National Forest, south slopes of Gaylor Peak, plss: 01N25E30 J. P. Smith, with J. O. Sawyer 7795. 11 Jul 1974. ( HSC40069 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. USGS quad: Tioga Pass 7.5' Q.; Perennial; flowers violet. Occasional; margin of ephemeral channel in ± dry glacial deposit.; Central Sierra Nevada Mtns. Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, c. 2.5 road mi NW of the junction of Saddlebag Road and Hwy 120, c. 2 air mi east of Yosemite National Park boundary and 4 air mi north of Tioga Pass Scott D. White, E. Read, G. Hawkins, A. Sears, S. Weaver 5514. 4 Aug 1997. ( UCR213367 ) . .

Boechera lemmonii (S. Watson) W. A. Weber.  (Syn: Arabis lemmonii S. Watson , Arabis lemmonii S. Watson var. lemmonii ) Lemmon's Rockcress. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Conness Glacier, on a moraine, Alpine Fell-field at base of Conness Glacier Dean Wm. Taylor 1300. 29 Aug 1971. ( JEPS90240 ) .

- Dana Plateau, On steep talus. Just at tree-line "krumholtz" type. Inyo National Forest. 2 miles east of Tioga Pass. East slope of Dana Plateau. A. R. Kruckeberg 3614. 27 Jul 1954. ( DS412200 ) deeply rooted in rock crevices, in unglaciated metamorphics Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2490. 15 Jul 1937. ( CAS277863 UC642620 ) in unglaciated metamorphics south end of Dana Plateau overlooking Gibbs Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 2500. 15 Jul 1937. ( DS266376 UC642621 ) .

- Green Treble Lake, Rocky point. Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area. South of Mount Conness. Southe end of upper Treble Lake. Reed C. Rollins 4188.1 10 Jul 1947. ( DS328134 ) Rocky Point Harvery Monroe Hall Natural Area. Slate Creek Basin. South end of upper Treble Lake, south of Mount Conness. Reed C. Rollins 4188.2 10 Jul 1947. ( DS328130 ) .

- Mount Conness, On dry, stony ridge. Alpine Fell-fields. Sierra Nevada. Northeast base of Mount Conness. At head of Ravine Creek. Philip A. Munz 20079. 21 Aug 1954. ( CAS572503 ) .

- Mount Warren, Lundy Trail Unknown 21 Aug 1894. ( UC118059 ) Lundy Trail Unknown 21 Aug 1894. ( UC118062 ) .

- North Peak, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, at southeast face of North Peak. David D. Keck 5001. 29 Aug 1938. ( DS263169 ) .

- Parker Pass, in metamorphics north slope of Kuna Peak in vicinity of Parker Pass on boundary between Tuolumne and Mono Counties Carl W. Sharsmith 2675. 21 Jul 1937. ( UC642903 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Open, gravelly slope. Sierra Nevada. Basin at north end of Saddlebag Lake, head of Lee Vining Creek. John Thomas Howell, with Gordon H. True 4428. 18 Jul 1968. ( CAS572507 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Talus slope. With Cryptantha (S Oreocarya) nubigena. Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Basin, Southeast flank of Mount Conness above Hanging Valley in cirque between Mount Conness and White Mountain. David D. Keck 4695. 30 Aug 1937. ( DS688974 ) Alpine Terrace, gravelly, rocky ground. Sierra Nevada. Slate Creek Valley. Alpine Terrace. Jens Clausen 543.1 29 Jul 1932. ( DS688973 ) north facing rocky dry slope southwest and above Fantail Lake in Lake Valley, Slate Creek Valley, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Jens Clausen 1681. 7 Aug 1937. ( CAS277864 DS291874 UC648672 ) .

- Spuller Lake, Dry, rocky knoll. Harvery Monroe Hall Natural Area. South of Mount Conness. South side of Spuller Lake. Reed C. Rollins 4191. 10 Jul 1947. ( DS328128 ) Rock crevices Harvery Monroe Hall Natural Area. Between Spuller Lake and Fantail Lake. Reed C. Rollins 4193. 10 Jul 1947. ( DS328124 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in unglaciated metamorphics summit of Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2748. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC642723 ) .

- White Mountain, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Basin, Alpine Terrace. On north slope of White Mountain. David D. Keck 4380. 17 Aug 1936. ( DS688971 ) Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Basin, Alpine Terrace. On north slope of White Mountain. David D. Keck 4381. 17 Aug 1936. ( DS688972 ) . .

Boechera lyallii (S. Watson) Dorn.  (Syn: Arabis lyallii S. Watson ) Lyall's Rockcress. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated metamorphics near west margin of Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2413. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC714397 ) in unglaciated granitics vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2450. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC714396 ) in unglaciated metamorphics vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2484. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC714407 ) Herbert L. Mason 11401.2 28 Jul 1936. ( UC559956 ) vicinity of Mount Dana Herbert L. Mason 11416. 28 Jul 1936. ( UC714372 ) Herbert L. Mason 11417. 28 Jul 1935. ( UC559958 ) .

- Greenstone Lake, springy place banks southeast of Greenstone Lake, west of head of Saddlebag Lake William M. Hiesey 378. 27 Jul 1937. ( UC648665 ) .

- Lundy Canyon (Upper), 1.5 miles north of Lundy T. M. Hendrix 512. 9 Aug 1937. ( UC577881 ) .

- Warren Creek, rocky barren slope near timberline Warren Creek, above Lee Vining G. F. Pratt 39473. 8 Aug 1985. ( UCR39463 ) . .

Boechera pendulocarpa (A. Nelson) Windham & Al-Shehbaz.  (Syn: Arabis holboellii Hornem. var. pendulocarpa (A. Nelson) Rollins , Arabis pendulocarpa A. Nelson , Boechera holboellii (Hornem.) Á. Löve & D. Löve var. pendulocarpa (A. Nelson) N. Snow ) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, John Thomas Howell 20645. 16 Aug 1944. ( CAS323374 ) John Thomas Howell 20649. 16 Aug 1944. ( CAS322740 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Rock crevices. Inyo National Forest. Just below Saddlebag Lake, east of Mount Conness. Reed Clark Rollins 4177. 10 Jul 1947. ( DS328135 ) .

- Spuller Lake, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area. South of Mount Conness. South side of Spuller Lake. Reed Clark Rollins 4192. 10 Jul 1947. ( DS328132 ) . .

Boechera pinetorum (Tidestr.) Windham & Al-Shehbaz.  (Syn: Arabis holboellii Hornem. var. p. (Tidestr.) Rollins ) Holboell's Rockcress. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Gem Lake, around lake Mrs. J. D. Wright 9 Jul 1929. ( SBBG72263 ) . .

Boechera platysperma (A. Gray) Al-Shehbaz.  (Syn: Arabis platysperma A. Gray ) Pioneer Rockcress. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Gem Lake, lake area Mrs. J. D. Wright 9 Jul 1929. ( SBBG72399 ) .

- Lundy Canyon (Upper), veg type Hb, slope north 1.5 miles north of Lundy T. M. Hendrix 512. 9 Aug 1937. ( UC1126580 ) . .

Boechera puberula (Nutt.) Dorn.  (Syn: Arabis puberula Nutt. ) Silver Rockcress. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Ridge, ridgetop 1.5 miles northwest of Lee Vining Dean Wm. Taylor 7754. 3 Jul 1980. ( JEPS90968 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, fell field, 3201-3354 m just southeast of Saddlebag Lake George K. Helmkamp 3 Jul 1977. ( UCR15409 ) . .

Boechera stricta (Graham) Al-Shebaz.  (Syn: Arabis drummondii A. Gray ) Drummond's Rockcress. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, 40 cm. to 55 cm., glabrous except basal leaves; Stem, single, erect, leafy, glabrous; Leaves, basal and cauline, basal, simple, petiole, 10 mm., transition unclear, blade, 23 mm. × 3 mm. wide, oblanceolate, hairs, dolabriform, cauline, sessile, basally lobed, 0.8-1.5 mm., 23 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide, lanceolate, margin entire; Inflorescence, raceme, 25 mm. × 12.5 mm. wide, elongating in fruit; Flowers, radial; Sepals, #4, 1 row, 5 mm. × 1 mm. wide, elliptic, color green, glabrous; Petals, 9 mm. × 1.8 mm. wide, spoon-shaped, margin entire, color lavender (when dry); Fruit, mature, 60 mm. × 1 mm. wide, appressed to rachis, glabrous. (Described from Coll. No. 1952, 20 June 2018.)

- Dore Pass, mesic area on trail; just below timberline; metamorphic rocks on trail up to Dore Pass from Saddlebag Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 8107. 13 Aug 1982. ( JEPS90211 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats.2927 - 2988 m Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake and above USFS Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5506. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR108911 ) .

- Tioga Crest, east of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11464. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC559954 ) . .

Boechera tiehmii (Rollins) Al-Shehbaz.  (Syn: Arabis tiehmii Rollins ) Carson Range Rockcress. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, metamorphic; base and crevices of large rock outcrops bordered by Artemisia rothrockii scrub slope just north from Ellery Lake dam, north of Tioga Peak, uphill from the SCE snow cabin Dean Wm. Taylor 11245. 19 Jul 1990. ( JEPS90970 RSA565042 ) .

- Gardisky Lake, stony windswept [winter snow-free] ridgetop w/ boulders to .4 diam on surface metamorphic subst.... near east outlet of Gardisky Lake, on very base of northwest shoulder of Tioga Peak Dean Wm. Taylor with Glenn L. Clifton, Christina Hargis, Robert Price 9914. 28 Jun 1988. ( JEPS90972 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in metamorphics under overhanging rocks Tioga Crest above Saddlebag Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 6 Aug 1985. ( SJSU12265 ) above timberline on steep sided, windswept ridge; metamorphic substrates; only in protection of … Tioga Crest, ridge east of Saddlebag Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 8547. 7 Aug 1984. ( UC1520636 ) above timberline of steep sided windswept ridge, metamorphic substrates Tioga Crest, ridge east of Saddlebag Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 8703. 8 Aug 1985. ( RSA407600 UC1520652 ) growing only under metamorphic boulders on windswept slope above timberline Tioga Crest, Lee Vining Creek drainage. Ridgecrest about 1 mile northwest from Gardisky Lake, about 0.2 miles S of Peak 11401 Dean Wm. Taylor 8829. 9 Aug 1986. ( RSA407603 ) .

- Tioga Peak, granitic rocks, shaded, snow accumulation site at base of steep cliffs in cirque at east base of Tioga Peak, uphill from the Tioga Road between Warren Fork and Lee Vining Creek Dean Wm. Taylor 11425. 19 Jul 1990. ( JEPS87041 ) . .

Cardamine breweri S. Watson.  (Syn: C. b. S. Watson var. breweri , C. b. S. Watson var. orbicularis (Greene) Detling ) Brewer's Bittercress. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 50 cm., erect, terrestrial, growing in a shaded streamside; Rooting at nodes; Hairs 0; Leaves cauline, compound, pinnate lobed, leaflets 3, lower cauline leaves withering at flowering; Flowers radial; Petals white, 5 mm. x 2.5 mm. wide, blade wider than claw; Stamens 6, 4 long 2 short; Ovary linear; Fruit a silique, linear 28 mm. x 1 mm wide, dehiscent by valves, not stipitate; Seeds 14, wingless (Described from Coll. No. 875, 23 June 2012).

- Mono Pass, J. W. Congdon 25 Aug 1895. ( DS42258 ) .

- Warren Creek, moist meadow in Pinus contorta forest growing on margin of stream Warren Fork of Lee Vining Creek drainage Dean Wm. Taylor and Kathleen A. Teare 9982. 16 Jul 1988. ( JEPS90138 ) .

- Warren Canyon, floor of canyon, very wet meadow Tioga Pass, Warren Canyon, a small canyon north of the road at the 9,000 ft. elevation marker Kathy Harper 25 Jul 1989. ( UCR62177 ) . .

Caulanthus major (M. E. Jones) Payson.  Slender Wild Cabbage. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Gem Lake, lake area around Gem Lake Mrs. J. D. Wright 9 Jul 1929. ( SBBG72128 ) . .

Descurainia californica (A. Gray) O. E. Schulz.  Sierra Tansymustard. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual, to 90 cm.; tap root; Hairs branched, but not stellate; Leaves basal ? withered; cauline many, petioled, pinnate dissected, not rigid; Infloresence not bracted; Stigma simple, entire; Fruit a silique, 3-4 mm x < 1 mm. dia., fusiform, cylindric in cross-section, many have a little circum-silique dimple or crimp, surface glabrous Described from Coll. No. 871, 23 Jun 2012)

- Dana Plateau, in metamorphics northwest slope of Dana Plateau above Glacier Canyon, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2463. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC642891 ) .

- Mono Dome, border of Populus tremuloides-Pinus murrayana forest, valley valley just east of Mono Dome, southwest of Lee Vining Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 2790. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC642707 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Slate Creek Basin east of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 1121. 22 Jul 1935. ( UC579732 ) .

- Tioga Crest, Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11459. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC642887 ) .

- Tioga Pass, dry slope Philip A. Munz 15982. 17 Jul 1940. ( UC1005202 ) . .

Descurainia pinnata (Walter) Britton ssp. halictorum (Cockerell) Detling.  Western Tansymustard. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), half way down Lee Vining Grade David D. Keck 502. 21 Jun 1930. ( UC423668 ) . .

Draba albertina Greene.  Slender Draba. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Big Horn Lake, steep, wet granitic cliffs, w/Sibbaldia and Mimulus tilingii wet granitic cliffs above Bighorn Lake, Hall Natural Area Dean Wm. Taylor 8127. 26 Aug 1982. ( UC1548509 ) .

- Dana Plateau, on unglaciated metamorphics at southern extremity plateau southern extremity of Dana Plateau, east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2497. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC1195384 ) Dana Plateau east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5206.1 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU13330 ) .

- Mono Pass, Wm. H. Brewer 1728. 27 Jun 1863. ( UC10518 ) .

- Tioga Pass, south-facing slope just outside of Yosemite in the Tioga Pass area George K. Helmkamp 3 Jul 1977. ( UCR15404 ) . .

Draba breweri S. Watson.  Cushion Draba. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated metamorphics south end of Dana Plateau east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2504. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC1195383 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, in wet sedgy ground east slope of Glacier Canyon east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 80. 17 Jul 1933. ( UC1195394 ) .

- Mount Warren, in unglaciated metamorphics on divide between Lee Vining Peak and Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2827. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC1195368 ) in metamorphics south slope of Mount Warren just below summit Carl W. Sharsmith 2840. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC1195367 ) .

- Tioga Peak, shaded, snow accumulation site at base of steep cliffs; granitic rocks; in cirque in cirque at east base ogf Tioga Peak uphill from the Tioga Road betrween Warren Fork and Lee Vining Creek Dean Wm. Taylor 11241. 19 Jul 1990. ( JEPS90140 ) . .

Draba breweri S. Watson var. cana (Rydb.) Rollins.  (Syn: Draba cana Rydb. ) Cushion Draba. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), frost heaved polygons with high lichen cover in near Pinus albicaulis timberline on metamorphics Bloody Canyon 0.2 mile east of Mono Pass Summit Dean Wm. Taylor 13062. 24 Jul 1992. ( JEPS104774 ) . .

Draba densifolia Nutt.  Denseleaf Draba. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Big Horn Lake, growing w/Podistera nevadenis. cushions 4-8..12 cm across; dead stems prev. yrs often doubling diam 1 miles west of Big Horn Lake David D. Keck 4955. 20 Aug 1938. ( UC604153 ) .

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated metamorphics west rim of Dana Plateau east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2420. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC1195386 ) in unglaciated metamorphics Dana Plateau east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2443. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC1195379 ) Dana Plateau north of Mount Dana David D. Keck 4972. 23 Aug 1938. ( UC624828 ) Herbert L. Mason 11404.2 28 Jul 1936. ( UC1025281 ) Herbert L. Mason 11406.2 28 Jul 1936. ( UC1025285 ) .

- Mount Warren, in unglaciated granitics on divide between Lee Vining Peak and Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2818. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC1195365 ) separated from sheets 117690, 117693, and 117692 D. glacialis var. pectinata Mount Warren, Lundy Trail Unknown 21 Aug 1894. ( UC1602225 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in metamorphics on summit crest summit of Tioga Crest just east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2774. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC1195369 ) . .

Draba lemmonii S. Watson.  Granite Draba. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Green Treble Lake, Scattered perennials on dampish stony slope near snow. base of cliff about Treble Lake, Slate Creek Philip A. Munz 19988. 18 Aug 1954. ( RSA96192 ) .

- Mount Dana, rocky slope Donald Myrick 1747. 31 Aug 1967. ( SBBG27854 ) . .

Draba lemmonii S. Watson var. lemmonii.  Granite Draba. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Fantail Lake, on north-facing rocky, dry slope southwest and above lake southwest and above Fantail Lake in Lake Valley, Slate Creek Valley Jens Clausen 1684. 7 Aug 1937. ( UC648674 ) .

- Greenstone Lake, in springy place, in a boggy area near spring with Lewisia pygmaea, Pedicularis, Juncus banks southeast of Greenstone Lake, west of head of Saddlebag Lake William M. Hiesey 383. 27 Jul 1937. ( UC648666 ) .

- Mono Pass, open rocky terrain Frank W. Peirson 9090. 5 Aug 1930. ( UC501598 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in metamorphics on summit crest just east of Saddlebag Lake on summit of Tioga Crest Carl W. Sharsmith 2763. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC1195371 ) . .

Draba oligosperma Hook. var. oligosperma.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated metamorphics Carl W. Sharsmith 2505. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC714419 ) in unglaciated granitics east rim of Dana Plateau east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2513.1 15 Jul 1937. ( UC714415 ) in unglaciated granitics east rim of Dana Plateau east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2513.2 15 Jul 1937. ( UC714413 ) Herbert L. Mason 11404.1 28 Jul 1936. ( UC1025280 ) unglaciated surface Herbert L. Mason 11406. 28 Jul 1936. ( UC1025288 ) .

- Mount Warren, in unglaciated granitics divide between Lee Vining Peak and Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2819. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC714426 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in metamorphics summit of Tioga Crest just east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2751. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC714418 ) in metamorphics just east of Saddlebag Lake on summit of Tioga Crest Carl W. Sharsmith 2761. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC714422 ) . .

Draba oligosperma Hook. var. subsessilis (S. Watson) E. Murray.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Probable minor variant, unresolved.

- Dana Plateau, Exposed ridge dominated by cushion plants, 3354 - 3659 m Steve Boyd 8 Aug 1980. ( UCR21894 ) . .

Draba prealta Greene.  Tall Draba. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in moist ground deep among large tufts of Deschampsia caespitosa which form sloping boggy mdw on western slope of Dana Plateau east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2464. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC1195378 ) by springs between dense tussocks of Deschamsia caespitosa west slope of Dana Plateau above Glacier Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 5195. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU13258 ) . .

Erysimum capitatum (Hook.) Greene.  Sanddune Wallflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial or at least biennial, 16 cm. 25-45 cm., hairs dolabriform throughout; Root, tap; Stems, erect, leafy, proximal not woody hairs as above; Leaves, basal and cauline, basal, petiole, indistinct, ±10 mm., + blade, 50-100 mm. × 2.5-3 mm. wide, narrowly oblanceolate, margin 1-3 shallowly pinnate dentate, cauline, nearly sessile, 42 mm. × 2.5 mm. wide, ±linear, margin, entire, reduced distally; Inflorescence, raceme 130 mm. × 45 mm. wide, not bracted; Pedicels, 3-6 mm., elongating as flower matures, ascending; Flowers, radial; Sepals, #4, rows, 1, 7 mm. × 1-1.5 mm. wide, narrow and wide pairs opposite, lateral pair basally saccate; Petals, claw, 10-11 mm. + blade 6-9 mm. × 4-6 mm. wide, spoon-shaped, margin, entire, color, yellow, orange; Stamens, #6, 11 & 15 mm., tetradynamous (2 short, 4 long); Anthers, 4.5 mm.; Ovary, 4 mm.; Style, 9 mm.; Stigma, capitate; Fruit, 17-34 mm. × 1 mm. wide, 4-angled, ascending, hairy as above; Seeds, unknown (Described from Coll. Nos. 206, 1835, & 2306).

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), steep dry gravelly bank in canyon not far below Tioga Pass in Lee Vining Canyon George B. Rossbach and R. P. Rossbach 898. 12 Aug 1938. ( UC1034905 ) . .

Erysimum capitatum (Hook.) Greene var. perenne (Coville) R. J. Davis.  (Syn: Erysimum capitatum (Hook.) Greene ssp. perenne (Coville) R. A. Price ined. ) Sanddune Wallflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, Willis Linn Jepson 4464. 19 Jul 1911. ( JEPS53550 ) .

- Mount Conness, dry slope Mt Conness above Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 686. 23 Aug 1962. ( SBBG15947 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, In rocks; with Potentilla fruticosa and P. breweri. Robert A. Schlising 2384. 3 Sep 1962. ( CHSC23158 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Conness Cirque near Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11437. 29 Jul 1937. ( UC642870 ) gravelly slopes, 3110-3185 m Slate Creek Basin east of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 960. 8 Sep 1934. ( UC547768 ) Subalpine Forest Community north slope of Middle Ridge, Slate Creek Philip A. Munz 19974. 17 Aug 1954. ( UC1043465 ) .

- Tioga Lake, common in rocky, granitic soil near Lake Tioga Beecher Crampton 237. 9 Jul 1941. ( UCD38096 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Bennettville Road at top of Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 399. 19 Jul 1961. ( SBBG15585 ) sunny, gravelly soil, among grasses and other small herbs, alpine meadow alpine meadow at east boundary of Yosemite National Park George B. Rossbach and R. P. Rossbach 897. 12 Aug 1938. ( UC1034892 ) . .

Rorippa curvisiliqua (Hook.) Britton.  Curvepod Yellowcress. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above, 2927 - 3049 m southeast of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of the Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2244. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR26452 ) .

- Upper Sardine Lake, lake margin in mud Mono Pass, Upper Sardine Lake, east shore, near the outlet, head of Bloody Canyon, 01S26E15. Dean Wm. Taylor 13057. 24 Jul 1992. ( JEPS90362 ) . .

Streptanthus cordatus Nutt. var. cordatus.  Heartleaf Twistflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial hairs 0, glabrous, not scapose; Leaves basal, petiole winged, margin dentate, cauline clasping, distal smaller; Inflorescence raceme, not bracted, terminal sterile cluster 0; Stamens 6, in 3 pairs of unequal length, not exserted; Fruit flattened, ascending (Described from Coll. No. 417, 8 Nov 2012).

- Copper Mountain, Sierra Nevada. Northeast from Copper Mountain. Dean Wm. Taylor 8036. 14 Jul 1982. ( CAS886151 ) snow accumulation site on steep, nearly barren site on metamorphic scree, with Angelica breweri, Epilobium obcordatum, Eriogonum incanum northeast flank Copper Mountain, in a large prominent cirque, TRS: 02N25E02, Dean Wm. Taylor 10019. 30 Jul 1988. ( UC1736577 ) . .

Streptanthus tortuosus Kellogg.  Shieldplant. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, rocky subalpine slopes turnout on Tioga Pass Road just below Lee Vining Hydroelectric Project Kathy Harper 17 Aug 1986. ( UCR50437 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Flat, rocky area. With Eriogonum marifolium var. incanum. southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2375. 1 Sep 1962. ( CHSC22762 ) . .

Streptanthus tortuosus Kellogg var. orbiculatus (Greene) H. M. Hall.  Shieldplant. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, above south end of Saddle Bag Lake Donald Myrick 388. 18 Jul 1961. ( SBBG15564 ) Harlan Lewis 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR11839 ) .

- Tioga Pass, on moist rocky slope Tioga Pass Road Annie M. Alexander and Louise Kellogg 3442. 4 Sep 1942. ( UC694350 ) dry slopes Philip A. Munz 15983. 16 Jul 1940. ( UC1021894 ) .

- Upper Sardine Lake, open talus near timberline on metamorphic rocks, with Potentilla glandulosa and Calamagrostis rubescens dominant Mono Pass at head of Bloody Canyon; on east shore of Upper Sardine Lake near the outlet Dean Wm. Taylor 13063. 24 Jul 1992. ( JEPS104788 ) . .

Thelypodium crispum Payson.  Crisped Thelypody. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, Henry N. Bolander 6272. 1860. ( UC10932 ) .


Lonicera involucrata (Richardson) Banks ex Spreng.  Twinberry Honeysuckle. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types incl. willow shrubland. Ledum thicket, grass/sedge meadow [near creek], 2790 - 2866 m Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5635. 13 Aug 1997. ( UCR104126 ) . .

Symphoricarpos r. A. Gray var. rotundifolius (=Symphoricarpos rotundifolius A. Gray) Roundleaf Snowberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, Rocky Station, Mono Pass Unknown 6339. n.d.. ( UC28694 ) .

- Mount Gibbs, south slope of Mount Gibbs above Mono Pass, Yosemite National Park Carl W. Sharsmith 5648. 20 Aug 1948. ( SJSU13567 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Tioga Pass Road below Blue Slide Annie M. Alexander and Louise Kellogg 3438. 4 Sep 1942. ( UC704049 ) meadow and talus slopes Nunatak trail beside CA-120, about 1 mile south of Yosemite entrance kiosk George K. Helmkamp 4422. 13 Aug 1998. ( UCR123391 ) dry slope east side of Tioga Pass Philip A. Munz 15995. 17 Jul 1940. ( UC1005191 ) .

- Warren Canyon, subalpine forest and meadow Warren Canyon Wilderness, north of Tioga Pass Road on a dirt road that joins the highway at the 9000 ft marker Kathy Harper 16 Aug 1986. ( UCR51092 ) floor of canyon, very wet meadow Yosemite National Park, Tioga Pass, Warren Canyon, a small canyon north of the road at the 9,000 ft. elevation marker Kathy Harper 25 Jul 1989. ( UCR62186 ) . .

Valeriana californica A. Heller.  California Valerian. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, yellow pine forest 0.3 miles outh of Saddlebag Lake along Saddlebag Lake Road above Lee Vining Creek George K. Helmkamp 4424. 13 Aug 1998. ( UCR124186 ) . .

Valeriana dioica L. var. sylvatica S. Wats.  (Syn: V. sylvatica ) Woods Valerian. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Accepted name for taxon not occurring in California.

- Glacier Canyon, in loose, gravelly, soil on steep hillslope. Herbage succulent, arising from rootstocks which have a peculiar scent Glacier Canyon, north side of Mount Dana Beecher Crampton 261. 10 Jul 1941. ( UCD38071 ) .


Arenaria L.  Sandwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mine Creek, Moners Creek near Tioga Pass, Mono Co. James Vale 12 Jul 1977. ( CAS883923 ) . .

Cerastium beeringianum Cham. & Schltdl.  (Syn: C. b. Cham. & Schltdl. var. capillare Fernald & Wiegand ) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Mount Dana Plateau Herbert L. Mason 11428. 28 Jul 1936. ( UC936210 ) .

- Mount Dana, Theo. Labouchere Jul 1915. ( UC465823 ) . .

Eremogone aculeata (S. Watson) Ikonn.  (Syn: Arenaria aculeata S. Watson ) Prickly Sandwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, Sierra Nevada, Saddlebag Lake, Mono County, on metamorphic rock southwest of and above the dam. Jens Clausen 491. 28 Jul 1932. ( DS702351 ) .

- Slate Creek Basin, Mono Co.: Slate Creek Basin, east of Mt. Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, on Middle Ridge opposite transplant gardens at 3080 m. (10,100 ft) elev. Rocky slope, north exposure. David D. Keck 4461. 20 Aug 1936. ( DS702343 ) . .

Eremogone kingii (S. Watson) Ikonn.  (Syn: Arenaria kingii (S. Watson) M. E. Jones ) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above. 2927 - 3049 m southeast of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2242. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR26473 ) . .

Eremogone kingii (S. Watson) Ikonn. var. glabrescens (S. Watson) Dorn.  (Syn: Arenaria kingii (S. Watson) M. E. Jones ssp. compacta (Coville) Maguire , Arenaria kingii (S. Watson) M. E. Jones ssp. glabrescens (S. Watson) Maguire ) King's Sandwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial tufted or mat-forming, from woody underground rootstocks, to 9 cm.; Stipules 0; Leaves, opposite, congested at base of flower stems, 6-20 mm. × 0.7 mm., needle-like, spine-tipped; Inflorescence not umbel-like; Sepals ±free, 4-5 mm. × 1.5 mm., acute (not obtuse or rounded), spine-tipped; Petals, #5, 5 mm., white, entire; Styles, #3; Fruit a capsule (Described from Coll. No. 433, 31 Jul 2004, and Coll. No. 965, 22 May 2013).

- Dana Plateau, on slope of Dana Plateau above Glacier Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 2095. 15 Jul 1935. ( UC712271 ) in unglaciated metamorphics vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2438. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC712234 ) in unglaciated metamoorphics Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2477. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC712198 ) in unglaciated metamorphics south end of Dana Plateau overlooking Gibbs Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 2511. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC712586 ) dry, sandy wash vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 3509. 1 Sep 1937. ( UC712212 ) 11000-12000 ft vicinity of Mount Dana Herbert L. Mason 11420. 28 Jul 1936. ( UC712379 ) .

- Ellery Lake, coarse gravels on north-facing slope above southeast end of Ellery Lake William B. Davilla 67. 7 Aug 1973. ( SJSU9086 ) .

- Lee Vining Peak, dry level ground, in unglaciated granitics northwest slope of Lee Vining Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 2803. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC712646 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, fell field, 3201-3354 m just southeast of Saddlebag Lake George K. Helmkamp 3 Jul 1977. ( UCR15410 ) rocky, dry areas, with Sphenisciadium capitellatum southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2381. 2 Sep 1962. ( CHSC229999 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, on dry, warm southeastern slope near summit of Middle Ridge southeast of Mt. Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Jens Clausen 1628. 3 Aug 1937. ( DS291845 UC648701 ) . [ DS 291845 determined as Eremogone aculeata. ]

- Tioga Crest, in unglaciated metamorphics summit of south end of Tioga Crest Carl W. Sharsmith 2740. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC712382 ) . .

Minuartia (Sw.) Hiern.  Bog Stitchwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Parker Peak, moist metamorphic gravels of solifluction terrace next to and below moraine of Parker Creek Glacier, northwest of Parker Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 5828. 20 Aug 1951. ( SJSU13215 ) .

- Walker Creek (Upper), moist turf vegetation on solifluction terraces, on calc-hornfel (metamorphic) substrate headwaters of Walker Creek in Bloody Canyon, terraces above waterfall of inflow stream about 150 m west of escarpment, west of Sardine Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 15545. 19 Sep 1995. ( JEPS90911 ) . .

Minuartia nuttallii (Pax) Briq.  (Syn: Arenaria nuttallii Pax ) Nuttall's Sandwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Dana Plateau, Mono County John Thomas Howell 10 Aug 1944. ( CAS323313 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, in loose rocky soil in dry wash Beecher Crampton 254. 10 Jul 1941. ( UCD38103 ) .

- Mount Conness, Mono County, Harvey Montoe Hall Natural Area, on gravelly and rocky saddle between North Plateau (southwest of Saddlebag Lake) and Mt. Conness, ca. 3380 m. elevation. South facing, gentle slope in western part of metamorphic area. Jens Clausen 1642. 5 Aug 1937. ( CAS291554 ) Mt. Conness, ca. 11000 ft., Tuolumne County John Thomas Howell 15 Aug 1944. ( CAS323314 ) .

- Mount Dana, Mt. Dana, 10800 ft., Tuolumne County John Thomas Howell 11 Aug 1938. ( CAS264199 ) .

- North Peak, west slope of North Peak, in gravel scree of unglaciated granitics, altitude 11,800 feet, vicinity of Mount Conness, Sierra Nevada, Tuolumne County Carl W. Sharsmith 25 Jul 1936. ( DS266427 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Talus slope on southeast flank of Mt. Conness above Hanging Valley. Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness, Mono County. Arctic-Alpine Life Zone. David D. Keck 30 Aug 1937. ( DS284125 DS702356 ) . .

Minuartia nuttallii (Pax) Briq. var. fragilis (Maguire & A.H. Holmgren) Rabeler & R.L. Hartm.  (Syn: Arenaria n. (Pax) Briq. ssp. f. (Maguire & A. H. Holmgren) McNeill , M. n. (Pax) Briq. ssp. f. (Maguire & A. H. Holmgren) McNeill ) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Copper Mountain, Associated with Lesquerella, Artemisia and Pinus. Location from GoogleMaps via BerkeleyMapper (copied from CAS528636) At the Copper Mine in the Copper Mine Canyon, north of Lundy Canyon Jack L. Reveal 524. 7 Jul 1963. ( NY446144 RSA185224 UC1147114 ) . .

Minuartia nuttallii Pax var. gracilis B. L. Rob.  (Syn: Arenaria nuttallii (Pax) Briq. var. gracilis (B. L. Rob) Rabeler & Hartm. , Minuartia nuttallii (Pax) Briq. ssp. gracilis (B. L. Rob.) McNeill ) Nuttall's Sandwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in coarse granitic sand of unglaciated granitics Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2439. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC642824 ) in granitic sand and gravel Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 3511. 1 Sep 1937. ( DS266428 UC642848 ) Mount Dana Plateau Herbert L. Mason 11422. 28 Jul 1936. ( UC936168 UC936169 ) .

- Kidney Lake, growing on coarse granitic sand, in talus above east side of lake southwest of Lee Vining, southeast side of Kidney Lake Steve Matson 1518. 31 Dec 1969. ( JEPS111148 ) .

- Lee Vining Peak, dry level ground in gravels of unglaciated granitics northwest slope of Lee Vining Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 2798. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC642818 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Harlan Lewis 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR11960 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, north slope of White Mountain, Slate Creek Basin David D. Keck 4385. 17 Aug 1936. ( DS702355 UC648709 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in unglaciated metamorphics, gravel forming a widely spreading irregular "unkempt" mat, with several seasons' accumulations of dead blackened leaves and branches in among the gravel like a black loose mat, south end of Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2744. 25 Jul 1937. ( CAS291553 UC642850 ) . .

Minuartia obtusiloba (Rydb.) House.  Thinflower Sandwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Carl W. Sharsmith 116. 17 Jul 1933. ( UC642859 ) Carl W. Sharsmith 2118. 15 Jul 1935. ( UC642860 ) in unglaciated metamorphics south end of Dana Plateau overlooking Gibbs Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 2493. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC642612 ) in unglaciated granitics vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 3515. 1 Sep 1937. ( UC642866 ) metamorphics north end of Dana Plateau east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5007. 26 Jul 1944. ( SJSU13125 ) unglaciated slopes on margin of solifluction lobes Dean Wm. Taylor 6666. 20 Jul 1977. ( JEPS90757 ) Mount Dana Plateau Herbert L. Mason 11424.1 28 Jul 1936. ( UC936206 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, grassy flat along stream, 3150-3300 m along stream north side of Mount Dana Carleton R. Ball, Mrs. H. P. Bracelin, and Beryl Kautz 5 Aug 1931. ( UC1553320 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in unglaciated metamorphics summit of Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2778. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC642865 ) . .

Minuartia rubella (Wahlenb.) Hiern.  Beautiful Sandwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated metamorphics south end of Dana Plateau overlooking Gibbs Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 2503. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC642816 ) unglaciated solifluction slopes, in granitics Dean Wm. Taylor 6665. 20 Jul 1977. ( JEPS90764 ) Growing on alpine scree slope Dana Plateau, south central area, east of Tioga Pass Steve Matson 1511. 21 Aug 2005. ( JEPS111151 ) . .

Sagina saginoides (L.) H. Karst.  (Syn: Sagina saginoides (L.) H. Karst. var. hesperia Fernald ) Arctic Pearlwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, wet meadow beside the stream that runs out of Saddlebag Lake George K. Helmkamp 3 Jul 1977. ( UCR15405 ) moist rocks in sun, with Hypericum anagalloides southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2376. 1 Sep 1962. ( CHSC23006 ) .

- Tioga Crest, Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11470. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC642886 ) . .

Silene bernardina S. Watson.  Palmer's Catchfly. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Warren Creek, Highway 120 at Warren Fork Lee Vining Creek. Growing in rocky-sedge area. Flowers 1/2" diam. With deeply cleft petals, each petal with a fringe at the throat. Jean L. Pawek 532. 24 Aug 1958. ( DS616340 ) .

- Warren Canyon, subalpine forest and meadow Warren Canyon Wilderness, N of Tioga Pass Road on a dirt road that joins the Hwy at the the 9000 ft marker Kathy Harper 16 Aug 1986. ( UCR51082 ) Floor of canyon, very wet meadow Yosemite National Park, Tioga Pass, Warren Canyon, a small canyon N of the road at the 9,000 ft. elevation marker Kathy Harper 25 Jul 1989. ( UCR62261 ) About 1/4 mi. up Warren Creek from Tioga Pass between Lake Ellery and Lee Vining Junction. Elev. Ca. 8600'. County of Mono. Walter and Irja Knight with Keith Wagnon and James Vale 4329. 14 Jul 1981. ( CAS882104 ) . .

Silene oregana S. Watson.  Oregon Silene. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Warren Canyon, on sagebrush rocky hillsides 1/2 mile north of Tioga Pass, east side of Warren Creek Canyon James L. Reveal 553. 17 Aug 1963. ( CAS882137 UC1338488 ) . [ UC1338488 is determined as S. oregana, CAS882137 is determined as S. montana bernardina. ] .

Silene sargentii S. Watson.  Sargent's Catchfly. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated granitics Carl W. Sharsmith 2447. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC640604 ) Mount Dana Plateau Herbert L. Mason 11423. 28 Jul 1936. ( UC936207 ) .

- Kidney Lake, growing on coarse granitic sand, in talus above east side of lake Sierra east side, southwest of Lee Vining, southeast side of Kidney Lake Steve Matson 1519. 31 Dec 1969. ( JEPS111147 ) .

- Lee Vining Peak, in dry level ground on nw slope; in unglaciated granitics northwest slope Lee Vining Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 2797. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC640610 ) .

- Mount Dana, crevices of metamorphic rock debris base of Dana Glacier, east base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5800. 2 Sep 1949. ( SJSU13054 ) .

- Mount Warren, Lundy Trail on Mount Warren Unknown 21 Aug 1894. ( UC120182 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types incl. willow shrubland. Ledum thicket, grass/sedge meadow [near creek], 2790 - 2866 m Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5640. 31 Aug 1997. ( UCR104196 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, rocks with Penstemon newberryi southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2370. 1 Sep 1962. ( CHSC23009 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in unglaciated metamorphics summit of south end of Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2742. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC640608 ) . .

Stellaria calycantha (Ledeb.) Bong.  Northern Starwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Mount Dana Plateau Herbert L. Mason 11419. 28 Jul 1936. ( UC936170 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, wet sedgy ground east base of Mount Dana in Glacier Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 87. 17 Jul 1933. ( UC642836 ) .

- Spuller Lake, under shade of large rock beside waterfall east base of White Mountain below Spuller Lake in Lake Valley beside first waterfal below pond Jens Clausen 1824. 8 Sep 1940. ( UC1278835 ) . .

Stellaria crispa Cham. & Schltdl.  Curled Starwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Gibbs Canyon, heavy shade in moist humus by creek in Gibbs Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 5680. 3 Sep 1948. ( SJSU13162 ) . .

Stellaria longipes Goldie ssp. longipes.  (Syn: S. l. Goldie var. l. ) Longstalk Starwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 20 cm.; spreading by rhizomes, without tuber-like thickening or vertical fleshy root; Leaves opposite; Stipules 0; Inflorescence panicle; Flowers 4-9(10); Pedicels ascending; Sepals free; Petals 2-lobed, > sepals; Fruit a capsule, ovoid (turns wetting solution purple); Seed many, 0.8 mm, ovoid, light brown, slightly rugose (Described from Coll. No. 862, 23 Jun 2012).

- Dana Plateau, moist ground, northwest slope Dana Plateau above Glacier Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 2466. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC642807 ) growing deeply among large tussocks of Deschampsia caespitosa west slope of Dana Plateau, east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5001. 26 Jul 1944. ( SJSU13077 ) .

- Gibbs Canyon, streamside Carl W. Sharsmith 5679. 3 Sep 1948. ( SJSU13087 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, in wet sedgy ground, in glaciated metamorphics Glacier Canyon east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 84. 17 Jul 1933. ( CAS266423 UC642838 ) Glacier Canyon, Mt. Dana, Mono County John Thomas Howell 20268. 10 Aug 1944. ( CAS323288 ) .

- Lundy Canyon (Upper), veg type Streamside, slope north 0.4 miles south of Lundy T. M. Hendrix 597. 27 Aug 1937. ( UC1125837 UC579425 ) .

- Warren Canyon, floor of canyon, very wet meadow osemite National Park, Tioga Pass, Warren Canyon, a small canyon N of the road at the 9,000 ft. elevation marker Kathy Harper 25 Jul 1989. ( UCR62162 ) .


Chenopodium hians Standl.  (Syn: Chenopodium incognitum Wahl ) Hians Goosefoot. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, On California Highway 120 near Tioga Pass, elevation ca. 8700 feet R. E. Frenkel 831. 29 Aug 1964. ( CAS637623 ) . .

Monolepis nuttalliana (Schult.) Greene.  (=Blitum nuttallianum Schult.) Nuttall's Poverty Weed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, "type locality" Alice Eastwood Aug 1907. ( CAS86055 ) . .

Monolepis spathulata A. Gray.  Beaver Povertyweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, Published as Monolepis spathulata A. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. VII: 389. 1968 6373. 1866. ( DS557394 ) loose soil Unknown 6373. n.d.. ( UC1516295 ) . .

Salsola tragus L.  (Syn: S. australis R. Brown , S. iberica (Sennen & Pau) Botschantzev ex Czerepanov , S. kali , S. kali var. tenuifolia Tausch. , S. pestifer Nels. ) Tumbleweed. Weed: CAL-IPC, priority: Low, List: Limited. Inyo National Forest, priority: Low, List: C. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, On California Highway 120 near Tioga Pass, elevation ca. 8900 feet, Mono County. R. E. Frenkel 828. 29 Aug 1964. ( CAS652472 ) .


Rhodiola integrifolia Raf. ssp. integrifolia.  (Syn: Sedum roseum (L.) Scop. ssp. integrifolium (Raf.) Hultén ) Ledge Stonecrop. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bennettville, Common in wet mossy tufts along stream Tioga Mines (Location assumed to be Bennettville -- Ed.) Herbert L. Mason 4875. 5 Jul 1928. ( UC571154 ) .

- Dana Plateau, Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2517. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC642611 ) .

- Gardisky Lake, growing on rocky ledges above edge of lake north side of tarn just west of Gardisky Lake, near Tioga Crest, north of Tioga Pass Steve Matson 1495. 20 Aug 2005. ( JEPS111282 ) .

- Mono Pass, Wm. H. Brewer 1721. 27 Jun 1863. ( UC11251 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Artic-Alpine Life Zone; rocky slopes facing northeast, Fall aspect, also for culture east of Mount Conness, Slate Creek Basin, Hall Area, Fall aspect, Sierra Nevada Jens Clausen 955. 8 Sep 1934. ( UC547794 ) . .

Sedum lanceolatum Torr.  (Syn: Amerosedum lanceolatum (Torr.) A. Löve & D. Löve ) Spearleaf Stonecrop. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Type collected by Edwin James on the Long Expedition, described by Torrey, 1827.

- Dana Plateau, Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2113. 15 Jul 1935. ( UC642743 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, north flank of White Mountain, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Basin, Alpine Terrance (terrace?) David D. Keck 4368. 16 Aug 1936. ( UC648689 ) .

- Tioga Pass, with Sedum obtusatum (975) east side of Tioga Pass on road to Leevining about 1 mile north of Tioga Pass, 100 ft west of hiway west of Tioga Lake near its north end C. H. Uhl 974. n.d.. ( JEPS26917 ) . .

Sedum obtusatum A. Gray.  Sierra Stonecrop. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bennettville, 0.25 mile east of Bennetville Mine Tunnel Kemper Chafin 23. 7 Sep 1967. ( SD95202 ) .

- Ellery Lake, Among rocks, lodgepole pine forest, assoc. Artemisia rothrockii. Hwy 120 east of Tioga Pass at Ellery lake Beecher Crampton 8356. 16 Sep 1968. ( UCD33472 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, In rocks with Potentilla fruticosa, P. brewei, Lupinus. southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2386. 3 Sep 1962. ( CHSC22907 ) .


Arctostaphylos nevadensis A. Gray.  Pinemat Manzanita. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Gem Lake, West end of Gem lake, Sierra Nevada. Frank W. Peirson 6117. 27 Jun 1925. ( RSA70830 ) .

- Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, On dry slate talus, s.w.-facing slope. E. Plateau, H.M. Hall Natural Area, Inyo N.F.; Slate Creek drainage. A. R. Kruckeberg 3589. 26 Jul 1954. ( DS412349 RSA125684 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, covering rocky talus, stems root in loamy soil in crevices north side of Slate Creek Valley William M. Hiesey 384. 27 Jul 1937. ( GH350767 POM256943 UC648670 ) . .

Cassiope mertensiana (Bong.) Don.  Western Moss Heather. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, Host of Lepidoptera: Agtiodes. Yosemite National Park, east of Ellery Lake G. R. Ballmer 9216. 17 Jul 1992. ( UCR82146 ) in rifts of rock on north-facing slope above southeast end of Ellery Lake, Lee Vining Creek drainage William B. Davilla 71. 7 Aug 1973. ( SJSU9090 ) .

- Upper Mono Basin, peak northeast of Camp 117 Wm. H. Brewer 1791. 6 Jul 1863. ( UC21992 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types including willow shrubland, Ledum thicket; grass/sedge meadow. 2790 - 2866 m Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake. Scott D. White 5620. 12 Aug 1997. ( UCR104137 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, rocks southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2369. 1 Sep 1962. ( CHSC20568 ) . .

Gaultheria humifusa (Graham) Rydb.  Alpine Spicywintergreen. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mine Creek, metamorphic rocks near streamside Mine Creek, Lee Vining Creek drainage, near Bennettville Dean Wm. Taylor 8139. 9 Sep 1982. ( JEPS91242 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, shaded banks of small stream Harvey M. Hall Natural Area, Slate Cr Valley E of Mt Coness H. L. Buckalew 6 Aug 1958. ( SJSU8380 ) s-facing mountain side to n of creek; forming mats over rocks along creek, hanging down to water,… east of Mount Conness, to the north of Slate Creek Jens Clausen 968. 9 Sep 1934. ( UC547766 ) along creek; forms dense mats over rocks and along banks; Arctic-Alpine Life Zone east of Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, from headwaters to cabin Jens Clausen 1116. 22 Jul 1935. ( UC579705 ) . .

Orthilia secunda (L.) House.  Sidebells Wintergreen. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mine Creek, metamorphic rocks near streamside Mine Creek, Lee Vining Creek drainage, near Bennettville Dean Wm. Taylor 8141. 9 Sep 1982. ( UC1736011 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types including willow shrubland, Ledum thicket; grass/sedge meadow, 2790 - 2866 m Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5642. 12 Aug 1997. ( UCR104208 ) . .

Phyllodoce breweri (A. Gray) Maxim.  Purple Mountain Heath. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Crystal Lake, Dry, sandy area. Dry, rocky slope above the lake. Crystal Lake, near inlet Eugene Cardiff 1 Aug 1967. ( UCR9089 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, rocky slope of canyon; Pacific Slope Mono Lake Basin, Mount Dana, Glacier Canyon Robert T. Clausen and Harold Trapido 4844. 9 Jul 1940. ( UC1505636 ) .

- Greenstone Lake, rocky ground near Greenstone Lake between Tioga Crest and Mount Conness R. C. McGehee 4 Oct 1969. ( SJSU10858 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. 2927 - 2988 m Lee Vining Creek: below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5508. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR108775 ) .

- Mount Dana, Elmer R. Drew 30 Jul 1887. ( UC32699 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types incl. willow shrubland. Ledum thicket, grass/sedge meadow [near creek] 2790-2866 m Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5624. 13 Aug 1997. ( UCR104197 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, moist ground above lake on Conness Glacier drainage above Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 179. 22 Jul 1933. ( UC712455 ) Rocky meadows; with Kalmia polifolia var. microphylla. Sierra Nevada. Rocky meadows southwest ofSaddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2355. 31 Aug 1962. ( CHSC20565 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in unglaciated metamorphics east of Saddlebag Lake, summit of south end of Tioga Crest Carl W. Sharsmith 2747. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC712448 ) .

- Tioga Lake, Common, forming mats on slopes above lake. Plants not over 6 inches high, spreading. Lake Tioga Beecher Crampton 232. 9 Jul 1941. ( UCD38094 ) S facing slope, Subalpine forest and meadow. south-facing slope on Tioga Pass Road, above Tioga Lake Kathy Harper 17 Aug 1986. ( UCR50486 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Lodgepole Forest; area broken by meadows and small moraine ponds; at edge of pond over some rocks 1/4 mile east of Tioga Pass Ranger Station, 2 miles west of Mount Dana, Tioga Pass Transect, from Mount Dana (south) to Gaylor Lakes (north) Douglas Warnock 62. 1 Aug 1951. ( UC1225461 ) Meadow and talus slopes. Nunatak trail beside CA-120, about 1 mi S of Yosemite entrance Kiosk. George K. Helmkamp 4417. 13 Aug 1998. ( UCR123125 ) moist alpine slopes Tioga Mines Herbert L. Mason 4876. 5 Jul 1928. ( UC571045 ) dry rocky banks east side of Tioga Pass Philip A. Munz 15990. 16 Jul 1940. ( UC1005196 ) .

- Tioga Pass Resort, on a rocky outcrop near the Tioga Lodge on Tioga Pass Jack L. Reveal 125. 27 Jul 1962. ( UC1338626 ) . .

Pyrola asarifolia Michx.  (Syn: Pyrola rotundifolia L. ssp. asarifolia (Michx.) A. Löve ) Liverleaf Wintergreen. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), assoc with nearby Pyrola secunda & Pyrola minor Carl W. Sharsmith 5537. 19 Jul 1947. ( SJSU13048 ) Bloody Canyon below Mono Pass Carl W. Sharsmith 5794. 19 Aug 1947. ( SJSU13328 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), seepage meadows on 40 degree slope; granitic substrate; steep glaciated canyon wall Lee Vining Canyon, steep north facing slope directly above Poole Powerhouse; Inyo National Forest; Dean Wm. Taylor 16181.1 9 Aug 1997. ( JEPS101700 ) . .

Pyrola minor L.  Snowline Wintergreen. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Warren Canyon, Floor of canyon, very wet meadow Yosemite National Park, Tioga Pass, Warren Canyon, a small canyon N of the road at the 9,000 ft. elevation marker Kathy Harper 25 Jul 1989. ( UCR62163 ) . .

Rhododendron columbinum (Piper) Harmaja.  (Syn: Ledum glandulosum Nutt. ) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types incl. willow shrubland. Ledum thicket, grass/sedge meadow [near creek], 2790 - 2866 m Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5632. 13 Aug 1997. ( UCR104119 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, rocks at stream edge southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2373. 1 Sep 1962. ( CHSC20567 ) . .

Rhododendron neoglandulosum Harmaja.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Upper Mono Basin, 529. 529. . .

Vaccinium cespitosum Michx.  Dwarf Blueberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Lake, Common, forming mats in moist meadows or hillslopes. Plants rarely over 3 inches high. near Lake Tioga Beecher Crampton 231. 9 Jul 1941. ( UCD38093 ) . .

Vaccinium uliginosum L. ssp. occidentale (A. Gray) Hultén.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types incl. willow shrubland. Ledum thicket, grass/sedge meadow [near creek] 2790-2866 m Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5633. 13 Aug 1997. ( UCR104120 ) .

- Spuller Lake, below pond between Fantail and Spuller Lake, east base of White Mountain Jens Clausen 1831. 8 Sep 1940. ( UC1278834 ) .


Euphorbia spathulata Lam.  (Syn: Tithymalus spathulata (Lam.) W. A. Weber ) Warty Spurge, Spoonleaf Spurge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual, tap-rooted, to 25 cm., glabrous throughout; Leaves, cauline alternate, 26 mm. × 9 mm. wide, spatulate, toothed; Inflorescence, umbellate, flower a cyathium; Capsules, 2.5 mm. × 2.8 mm. wide, warty-tuberculate. Not listed as a noxious weed. (Described from Coll. No. 1388, 1 June 2016.)

- Mono Pass, Henry N. Bolander 6414. 1866. ( UC17623 UC17638 ) .


Astragalus kentrophyta A. Gray var. danaus (Barneby) Barneby.  Spiny Milkvetch. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in dry disintegrated granitics, summit of plateau summit of Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 109. 17 Jul 1933. ( UC712566 ) in unglaciated metamorphics Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2489. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC714383 ) in metamorphic rock slope Dana Plateau north of Mount Dana David D. Keck 4962. 23 Aug 1938. ( UC624833 ) Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Herbert L. Mason 11408. 28 Jul 1936. ( UC714405 ) .

- Gardisky Lake, moist turf margin on s shore of lake, in siute underlain by calchornfels Gardisky Lake; on western shore from Saddlebag Lake road Dean Wm. Taylor 13093. 7 Aug 1992. ( JEPS91000 ) .

- Kidney Lake, growing on coarse granitic sand, east side of lake. Sierra east side, southwest of Lee Vining, southeast side of Kidney Lake Steve Matson 1520. 31 Dec 1969. ( JEPS111266 ) .

- Mount Warren, in unglaciated granitics, on divide on divide between Lee Vining Peak and Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2820. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC712578 ) .

- Parker Pass, in metamorphics vicinity of Parker Pass, north slope of Kuna Peak, boundary between Tuolumne and Mono Counties Carl W. Sharsmith 2677. 21 Jul 1937. ( UC714381 ) .

- Tioga Crest, Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11468. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC714404 ) . .

Astragalus lentiginosus Hook. var. ineptus (A. Gray) M. E. Jones.  Freckled Milkvetch. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Herbert L. Mason 11410. 29 Jul 1936. ( UC712307 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, heading as "Alpine Flora of the Sierra Nevada;" in rock slide northwest slope of Dana Plateau above Glacier Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 2468. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC712302 ) .

- Mono Pass, Unknown 26 Aug 1895. ( UC81384 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in unglaciated metamorphics summit of Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2781. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC712306 ) .

- Warren Canyon, on a rocky outcrop in the w fork canyon; n of rd on shallow soil of a granitic origin about 1 1/8 mi n; on a rocky outcrop in the w fork of Warren Creek Canyon just under the Tioga Crest James L. Reveal 517. 11 Aug 1963. ( UC1338435 ) . .

Astragalus lentiginosus Hook. var. semotus Jeps.  Freckled Milkvetch. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, J. W. Congdon 13 Aug 1898. ( UC1041064 ) . .

Astragalus purshii Hook. var. lectulus (S. Watson) M. E. Jones.  Woolypod Milkvetch. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated metamorphics; heading as "Alpine Flora of the Sierra Nevada" Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2428. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC712319 ) Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Herbert L. Mason 11413. 28 Jul 1936. ( UC712311 ) ridge west of Dana Plateau Wayne P. Armstrong 13 Aug 1982. ( SD114746 ) .

- Lundy Canyon (Upper), 1.7 miles north of Lundy Lake T. H. Hendrix 519. 9 Aug 1937. ( UC1128865 ) .

- Mount Warren, in unglaciated granitics divide between Lee Vining Peak and Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2821. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC712316 ) .

- Parker Pass, in metamorphics, heading as "Alpine Flora of the Sierra Nevada" just north of Parker Pass, near summit Mountain (Mt. Lewis), on boundary between Tuolumne and Mono Counties Carl W. Sharsmith 2720. 22 Jul 1937. ( UC712315 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, granitic area, on south-facing, gentle slope, 3380-3470 m rocky and gravelly saddle on northeast side of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 1658. 5 Aug 1937. ( UC648713 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in unglaciated metamorphics summit of Tioga Crest, Sierra Nevada, east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2768. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC712435 ) Tioga Crest Sierra Nevada, east of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11457. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC712320 ) dry gravels of metamorphic rock Tioga Crest above Saddlebag Lake S. M. Sheldon 27 Aug 1964. ( SJSU4010 ) . .

Astragalus whitneyi A. Gray.  Balloonpod Milkvetch. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Peak, in unglaciated granitics, on divide divide between Mount Warren and Lee Vining Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 2810. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC712310 ) .

- Tioga Crest, apparently rare or absent in alpine Sierra Nevada s of this point, in unglaciated metamorphics summit of Tioga Crest, Sierra Nevada, east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2740.1 25 Jul 1937. ( UC712213 ) . .

Astragalus whitneyi A. Gray var. whitneyi.  Balloonpod Milkvetch. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial not densely hairy; Stipules connate into a sheath; Leaf hairs simple, appressed; Leaflets of mid-cauline leaves < 23 (Obs: 11, 13, 17), not spiny; Pedicel 1 mm; Calyx 5 mm, base symmetric, pedicel attached ±middle; Fruit young glabrous and stipitate (has a stalk), red mottling visible on very young pods (Described from Coll. No. 767, 20 Jan 2012).

- Copper Mountain, on the high bench land and the head of and n of the canyon cutting across S2 1 1/2 mi n; and n of Lundy Canyon | Copper Mountain Jack L. Reveal and David Mason 500. 6 Jul 1963. ( UC1338434 ) . .

Lupinus L.  Lupine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Crystal Lake, dry, sandy area Crystal Lake, near inlet Eugene Cardiff 1 Aug 1967. ( UCR9090 ) . .

Lupinus lepidus Douglas ex Lindl.  Pacific Lupine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, in association with Pinus contorta murrayana, Salix, Eriophyllum, Solidago, Eriogonum, Ribes montigineum, Lupinus lepidus. Tioga Pass just E of entry to Yosemite National Park. Tim Thibault, Ryan Gilmore, Josh Koepke 459. 3 Oct 2006. ( RSA725642 ) . .

Lupinus lepidus Douglas ex Lindl. var. confertus (Kellogg) C. P. Sm.  (Syn: L. c. Kellogg ) Crowded Lupine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, 25-50 cm tall; Leaves cauline, crowded at base and reduced above, petiole 8 cm., compound, palmate, upper and lower surfaces hairy, hairs appressed below; Leaflets , 7, largest < 40 mm (obs: 10-12 mm, 15-23 mm., 28 mm. × 4 mm. wide), gray green; Infloresence > leaves, 4-12 cm, dense, whorls 6-12+ (obs: 6,8, 8, 9, 10, 12, +); Bracts, 6 mm., lanceolate, tip acuminate, persistent; Calyx, 5 mm., spur 0 to barely bulged to 1 mm; Flower 9-10 mm; Banner, 8 mm., back glabrous, purple, spot yellow, banner fading to brown while small spot remains yellow; Wings, 10 mm., blue; Keel, upper margin ciliate on distal half, color white proximally to dark (red-)purple at tip (Described from Coll. Nos. 683, 714, and 1181).

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Yellow pine forest 0.3 mi S of Saddlebag Lake along Saddlebag Lake Rd, above Lee Vining Crk. George K. Helmkamp 4427. 13 Aug 1998. ( UCR123397 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), dry gravels by road to Saddlebag Lake, east of Tioga Pass R. K. Okano 5 Oct 1969. ( SJSU10728 ) .

- Warren Canyon, Subalpine forest & meadow Warren Canyon Wilderness, N of Tioga Pass Road on a dirt road that joins the Hwy at the the 9000 ft marker Kathy Harper 119. 16 Aug 1986. ( UC1794657 UCR51100 ) . .

Lupinus lepidus Douglas ex Lindl. var. culbertsonii (Greene) C. P. Sm.  Hockett Meadows Lupine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lundy Canyon (Upper), Moist, shady woods. Mono County: ca. 1 mile upstream from Lundy Lake. Eric Davidson 9 Jul 1973. ( UCD108235 ) . .

Lupinus lepidus Douglas ex Lindl. var. lobbii (S. Watson) C. L. Hitchc.  (Syn: L. l. A. Gray ) Lobb's Tidy Lupine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, montane, = 1 dm, matted, hairy throughout; Leaves cauline appearing basal; Infloresence dense or head-like, base sometimes = leaves, top = leaves; Pedicel 2 mm; Flower 7 mm; Calyx spur 0; Sepals persistent; Petals blue, persistent; Banner back glabrous, patch white with blue spots; Keel upper margin glabrous (Described from Coll. No. 686: 6 Nov 2011).

- Cabin Creek, Sierra Nevada, H.M. Hall Natural Area, Head of Cabin Creek. Margaret Lewis Aug 1955. ( LA205123 ) . .

Lupinus lepidus Douglas ex Lindl. var. lobbii (S. Watson) C. L. Hitchc.  (Syn: L. l. A. Gray ) Lobb's Tidy Lupine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, montane, = 1 dm, matted, hairy throughout; Leaves cauline appearing basal; Infloresence dense or head-like, base sometimes = leaves, top = leaves; Pedicel 2 mm; Flower 7 mm; Calyx spur 0; Sepals persistent; Petals blue, persistent; Banner back glabrous, patch white with blue spots; Keel upper margin glabrous (Described from Coll. No. 686: 6 Nov 2011).

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated granitics Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 111. 17 Jul 1933. ( UC712288 ) in unglaciated metamorphics Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2107. 15 Jul 1935. ( UC712377 ) in unglaciated granitics Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2389. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC712376 ) in unglaciated metamorphics south end of Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2491. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC712378 ) .

- Fantail Lake, Mono County: Hall Natural Area; ridge S of Fantail Lake R. H. Pemble 8 Aug 1967. ( UCD108436 ) . [ On upper slopes and ridges and crests, mostly level to only gently sloping, on E-facing 13° slope; substrate of undifferentiated mesozoic metasediments with bare rock having fine material in cracks, rock debris, and gravel which dries during essentially snow-free growing season. Survey Stand 15-67. ]

- Glacier Canyon, Common in moist, stony soil in association with low Salix shrubs. Glacier Canyon, north side of Mount Dana Beecher Crampton 251. 10 Jul 1941. ( UCD38102 ) .

- Greenstone Lake, In dry meadows. Around Greenstone Lake 1/8 mile above Saddlebag Lake. Arthur R. Kruckeberg 3536. 24 Jul 1954. ( UC1179508 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), dry bank along rd rd to Saddlebag Lake D. Myrick 1735. 30 Aug 1967. ( SBBG28149 ) .

- Mono Pass, Notes: 11/302200/4201100. Mary Hood 20 Jul 1966. ( YM-YOSE117394 YM-YOSE117395 ) From J. W. Congdon Herbarium, probably coll. by J. W. Congdon. Unknown 13 Aug 1898. ( UC15810 ) .

- Mount Conness, Rocky outcropping of gray metmorphics, southeast-facing slope. Survey Stand 7. Mono County: saddle between Mt. Conness and the metamorphic ridge to the east. R. H. Pemble 4 Aug 1967. ( UCD108434 UCD108435 ) Fell-field with mixed areas of intense frost patterning. Stand Survey 69. Mono County: crest of metamorphic ridge east of Mt. Conness. R. H. Pemble 7 Sep 1967. ( UCD108440 ) Fell-field on metamorphics. Stand Survey 71. Mono County: metamorphic ridge running east of Mt. Conness. R. H. Pemble 7 Sep 1967. ( UCD108441 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Meadow. upper end of Saddle Bag Lake D. Myrick 378. 18 Jul 1961. ( SBBG15602 ) Sierra Nevada, Saddlebag Lake Harlan Lewis 23 Aug 1937. ( LA205120 ) Dry sandy gravels. Lee Vining Creek draininage 1 mile south of Saddlebag Lake. R. C. McGehee 10720. 5 Oct 1969. ( SJSU10720 ) in rocks, with Potentilla fruticosa, P. breweri southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2388. 3 Sep 1962. ( CHSC23151 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, On sunny S slope in deep but rocky soil. Arctic-Alpine Life Zone. Slate Creek Basin, E of Mount Conness. N side of Slate Creek Valley. John Coulter 3. 19 Aug 1932. ( LA87019 ) 3050 - 3354 m Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, E edge Yosemite National Park. P. J. MacKay 25 Aug 1990. ( UCR64562 ) shrub growing in drier parts of the meadow collected above Carnegie Inst. Exp. Garden in the Slate Creek Valley Paul Sage 221. 10 Aug 1959. ( UCSB3314 ) .

- Tioga Lake, Drying subalpine meadow on gradual east-facing slope, gravelly-silty soil; w/Antennaria umbrinella, Deschampsia cespitosa, Vaccinium caespitosum, Solidago multiradiata; Pinus albicaulis nearby. Eastern Sierra Nevada Mtns. upper Tioga Lake basin, west of Tioga Lake and 0.2 mi east of Tioga Pass. 01N25E30. Ann Howald 2900. 31 Jul 2012. ( UCR240121 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Darley F. Howe 4288. 20 Aug 1966. ( SD64354 ) meadow and talus slopes Nunatak trail beside CA-120, about 1 mi S of Yosemite entrance Kiosk. George K. Helmkamp 4421. 13 Aug 1998. ( UCR123114 ) .

- Warren Canyon, along the road below the first meadow in rock soil under Pinus assoc w/Poa along the road below the first meadow, entrance of Warren Creek Canyon James L. Reveal 539. 11 Aug 1963. ( NY747265 UC1338743 ) .

- White Mountain, Granitic scree slope. Survey Stand 60. Mono County: above Big Horn Lake near base of White Mountain, northeast exposure. R. H. Pemble 28 Aug 1967. ( UCD108439 ) . .

Lupinus lepidus Douglas ex Lindl. var. ramosus Jeps.  (Syn: L. h. Greene ) Crowded Lupine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Exposed ridge dominated by cushion plants. 3354 - 3659 m Dana Plateau, Mount Dana Steve Boyd 8 Aug 1980. ( UCR21897 ) growing on alpine scree slope Dana Plateau, western end, east of Tioga Pass Steve Matson 1513. 21 Aug 2005. ( JEPS111149 ) .

- Mount Warren, in metamorphics. East slope of Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2847. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC712301 ) Alpine site on metamorphic substrate. Southeast flank of Mount Warren. Dean Wm. Taylor 8705. 10 Aug 1985. ( UC1520653 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Stony meadow in subalpine forest. Tioga Pass Road about 0.25 mi E of entrance to Yosemite National Park Kathy Harper 17 Aug 1986. ( UCR50440 ) . .

Lupinus lepidus Douglas ex Lindl. var. sellulus (Kellogg) Barneby.  Donner Lake Lupine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. Central Sierra Nevada Mtns. Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, c. 2.5 road mi NW of the junction of Saddlebag Road and Hwy 120, c. 2 air mi east of Yosemite National Park boundary and 4 air mi north of Tioga Pass. Scott D. White, E. Read, G. Hawkins, A. Sears, S. Weaver 5495. 4 Aug 1997. ( UCR213558 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types including willow shrubland, Ledum thicket; grass/sedge meadow. Ansel Adams Wilderness on Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake, about 3 air miles southwest of public campground at Silver Lake on June Lake Loop. Scott D. White 5611. 12 Aug 1997. ( UCR104136 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, n slope; on rather dry rocky "short hair" meadows; on Middle Ridge Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Basin, Middle Ridge David D. Keck 4460. 20 Aug 1936. ( UC648726 ) . .

Lupinus leucophyllus Lindl.  Velvet Lupine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mount Warren, East slope of divide between Lee Vining Peak and Mount Warren, at timberline. Carl W. Sharsmith 2813. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC712274 ) . .

Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl.  Bigleaf Lupine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. Lee Vining Creek: Below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, ca 2.5 road mi NW of the junction of Saddlebag Road and Hwy 120. Ca 2 air mi E of Yosemite National Park boundary and 4 air mi N of Tioga Pass Scott D. White 5451. 4 Aug 1997. ( UCR109051 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Stony meadow in subalpine forest. Tioga Pass Road about 0.25 miles east of entrance to Yosemite National Park. Kathy Harper 17 Aug 1986. ( UCR50434 ) . .

Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl. var. burkei (S. Watson) C. L. Hitchc.  (Syn: L. p. Lindl. ssp. superbus (A. Heller) Munz ) Largeleaf Lupine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types including willow shrubland, Ledum thicket; grass/sedge meadow. Ansel Adams Wilderness on Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake, about 3 air miles southwest of public campground at Silver Lake on June Lake Loop. Scott D. White 5594. 12 Aug 1997. ( UCR104135 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, growing in a spring at base of high cliff above cabin at base of high cliff above cabin of Timberline Station; e of Mt. Conness David D. Keck 4440. 19 Aug 1936. ( UC648717 ) shrub growing in ameadow of an eprimental garden collected in a meadow above Carnegie Institute Experimental Garden in the Slate Creek Valley Paul Sage 220. 10 Aug 1959. ( UCSB3392 UCSB3398 ) . .

Trifolium L.  Clover. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), herb growing in wet soil along the road collected 6.9 mi west of U S Highway 395, along State Highway 120 at Tioga Pass Road F. T. Ralph 226. 27 Jun 1959. ( UCSB3503 ) . .

Trifolium monanthum A. Gray var. monanthum (=Trifolium monanthum A. Gray ssp. monanthum ) Mountain Carpet Clover. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, along rocks on a protected s facing slope at head Slate Creek Valley; Sierra Nevada, e flank of Mt. Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Na Jens Clausen and A. Kruckeberg 1899. 10 Aug 1941. ( UC1278831 ) . .

Trifolium monanthum A. Gray ssp. grantianum (A. Heller) J. M. Gillett.  (Syn: T. monanthum A. Gray var. grantianum (A. Heller) Parish ) Mountain Carpet Clover. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

… small, caespitose, mat-forming …

- Tioga Crest, bordering forest, stable scree on steepest portion of trail from Saddlebag Lake Road to Gardisky Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 11236. 18 Jul 1990. ( JEPS87042 ) . .

Trifolium monanthum A. Gray ssp. monanthum.  Mountain Carpet Clover. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

… mat-forming …

- Dana Plateau, wet sedgy ground northwest slope of Dana Plateau above Glacier Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 87.1 17 Jul 1933. ( UC714373 ) moist ground Dana Plateau, Mount Dana vicinity Carl W. Sharsmith 3514. 1 Sep 1937. ( UC714379 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. 2927 - 2988 m More or less mat-forming rhizomatous perennial; fls. mostly dull white with violet marks, keel tip purple. Uncommon (or perhaps only inconspicuous) at streamside; more or less hidden by other plants. Lee Vining Creek: Below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, ca 2.5 road mi NW of the junction of Saddlebag Road and Hwy 120. Scott D. White 5501. 04 Aug 1997. ( UCR109055 ) .

- Slate Creek, Slate Creek, east slope of Sierra Nevada. Frank W. Peirson 7590. 29 Jul 1927. ( RSA91135 ) . .

Trifolium monanthum A. Gray ssp. tenerum (Eastw.) J. M. Gillett.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), Lodgepole Forest Community. Common, forming mats in moist places. Bloody Canyon, eastern Sierra Nevada Mary DeDecker 251. 25 Jun 1955. ( RSA95909 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Mono County: East side Tioga Pass R. Tofsrud 20 Jul 1951. ( UCD109208 ) . .

Trifolium wormskioldii Lehm.  Cows Clover. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Herbaceous perennial, to 40 cm.; Roots and rhizomes unknown; Stem ascending; Leaves, petiole to 40 mm., palmately compound; Leaflets 3, not gland dotted, toothed-serrate as extensions of veins, tip acute; Involucre, conspicuous, when pressed hiding only bases of flowers, fused 2 mm. + free 3.5 mm., tip acute, Calyx not inflated in fruit; Sepals fused ≥½, tube = lobes, glabrous; Flower bilateral, 12 mm.; Corolla not inflated in fruit (Described from Coll. No. 507, 2 Aug 2007).

- Tioga Pass, Mono County: East side of Tioga Pass R. Tofsrud 20 Jul 1951. ( UCD109949 UCD109950 ) .


Dicentra uniflora Kellogg.  Longhorn Steer's-Head. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, Ed. Gould 13 Jul 1909. ( JEPS9726 ) .


Comastoma tenellum (Rottb.) Toyok. var. tenellum.  (Syn: Gentianella tenella (Rottb.) Börner ssp. tenella ) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, moist ground by spring, deep among tufts of Calamagrostis breweri Dana Plateau; vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2407. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC712639 ) .

- Upper Sardine Lake, moist turf comm. on lake shore underlain by reddish calc-hornfel (metamorphic) substrate Upper Sardine Lake, headwaters of Walker Creek, turf on shore of lake about 20 meters north of lake outlet Dean Wm. Taylor 15534. 19 Sep 1995. ( JEPS91098 ) . .

Gentiana newberryi A. Gray.  Alpine Gentian. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, Harlan Lewis 1569. 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR11835 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in meadows in the area, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone east of Mount Conness, Hall Natural Area, along Slate Creek Jens Clausen 920. 5 Sep 1934. ( UC547773 ) . .

Gentianella amarella (L.) Börner ssp. acuta (Michx.) J. M. Gillett.  Autumn Dwarf Gentian. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, Rare; meadows; with Gentiana holopetala, Solidago multiradiata, Senecio scorzonella. southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2377. 2 Sep 1962. ( CHSC20556 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, moist pockets of rocky S-facing slope in metamorphics Slate Creek Valley east of Mount Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5565. 3 Sep 1947. ( SJSU13468 ) . .

Gentianopsis holopetala (A. Gray) H. H. Iltis.  Sierra Fringed Gentian. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual herb; Stems 2-4, to 2 cm, branched; Peduncle to 12 cm; Calyx appressed to floral tube; Corolla funnel shaped, to 35 mm, blue, lobes ±= tube, entire, base of sinus between lobes unappendaged. (Described from Coll. No. 785, 5 Dec 2011).

- Saddlebag Lake, Harlan Lewis 1530. 21 Aug 1940. ( UCR11952 ) Meadow with Solidago multiradiata, Senecio scorzonella meadow in valley southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2353. 31 Aug 1962. ( CHSC20557 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, along Slate Creek at Carnegie Institution Timberline Station C. T. Mason 1510. 18 Aug 1953. ( UC1240213 ) along Slate Creek at Carnegie Institution Timberline Station C. T. Mason 1513. 22 Aug 1953. ( UC1240215 ) .

- Tioga Pass, meadow north of Tioga Pass Darley F. Howe 4291. 20 Aug 1966. ( SD64348 ) meadow near Tioga Pass H. S. Yates 6396. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC1123418 ) .

- Upper Sardine Lake, moist turf community on lake shore, underlain by reddish calc-hornfel metamorphic substrate Upper Sardine Lake, headwaters of Walker Creek, turf on shore of lake about 20 meters north of lake outlet Dean Wm. Taylor 15539. 19 Sep 1995. ( JEPS91099 ) .

- Warren Canyon, Subalpine forest & meadow. Warren Canyon Wilderness, N of Tioga Pass Road on a dirt road that joins the Hwy at the the 9000 ft marker. Kathy Harper 16 Aug 1986. ( UCR51093 ) In a very wet meadow along the Warren Fork of Lee Vining Creek, 0.9 mi (1.4 km) north-northwest of California Highway 120. Tom Schweich 529. 3 Aug 2007. ( UC1973751 ) [ Stem < Peduncle, Corolla lobes entire. ] In a very wet meadow along the Warren Fork of Lee Vining Creek, 0.2 mi (0.3 km) north-northwest of California Highway 120. Tom Schweich 530. 3 Aug 2007. ( UC1973750 ) .


Geranium richardsonii Fisch. & Trautv.  Richardson's Geranium. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, herbaceous, green & photosynthetic, to 60 cm.; Leaves, simple, palmately lobed, into 5-7 lobes, largest 44–57 mm. × 87–96 mm. wide, petioles 17–19 mm.; Inflorescence (cymules!) 2-flowered; Pedicels, 9–15 mm., hairs topped with purple glands (per Taylor, 2010); Flowers, open, radial, bisexual, in 5×n parts; Perianth, 2 whorls; Petals, 5, free, hairy ≤½ adaxial surface, 15 mm. × 7 mm. wide, white; tips rounded; Nectaries, not wooly or lanate (per TJM2 & Aedo, 2012), but few small straight hairs, without tuft of hairs on top; Stamens, 10, 2×petals; Ovary superior; Pistil 1; Stigmas, (in fruit) 3–4 mm.; Mericarp with basal callus (Described from Coll. No. 1014, 22 July 2013).

- Fern Lake, Sierra Nevada: Fern Lake. Mrs. J. D. Wright 13 Jul 1929. ( SBBG67606 ) .

- Tioga Pass, on Tioga Pass (Calif. 120); 6.9 miles W of U.S. 395 F. [T.] Ralph 218. 27 Jun 1959. ( UCSB3545 ) .

- Warren Creek, Subalpine forest and meadow. Warren Canyon Wilderness, north of Tioga Pass Road on a dirt road that joins the Hwy at the 9000 ft marker Kathy Harper 16 Aug 1986. ( UCR51088 ) .


Ribes Currant. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Crystal Lake, dry, sandy area near inlet Eugene Cardiff 1 Aug 1967. ( UCR9096 ) . .

Ribes cereum Douglas.  Wax Currant. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), Willis Linn Jepson 4458. 18 Jul 1911. ( JEPS49428 ) .

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated granitics on margin of east escarpment of Dana Plateau Carl W. Sharsmith 112. 17 Jul 1933. ( UC642200 ) .

- Gibbs Canyon, southeast slope of Mount Dana above Gibbs Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 2564. 17 Jul 1937. ( UC642756 ) . .

Ribes inerme Rydb. var. inerme.  White Stem Gooseberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Woody perennial shrub, to 1 m., shaded streamside; Stem erect; Nodal spines present (sometimes just a single spine, just below node, often dehiscent), internodal bristles present; Internode prickles sparse; Leaves petiole 12 mm. + blade 12-30 mm. × 17 mm. wide, ovate, palmately veined, deeply lobed, toothed, not glandular; Inflorescence 1-2-flowered; Calyx, green; Pedicel,3 mm., joint absent; Hypanthium, cup-shaped, 2.5 mm. × 3 mm. diameter; Sepals, 5, 2.5-3.0 mm., reflexed, green, margins purple-tinged; Petals, 5, 1.5 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide, wedge-shaped, white; Anthers, slightly longer than wide, exceeding petals; Filaments exceeding petals by 1 mm.; Ovary glabrous in fruit; Style, 6 mm., fused proximal ⅔, hairy proximal 1/2 or hairy middle ⅓, separated distal ⅓, exceeding anthers; Fruit dark reddish-purple(?), brown when dry (Described from Coll. No. 870, 23 Jun 2012, and Coll. No. 949, 21 May 2013). (TJM2 key requires styles hairy at least at base, description is silent about style hairs.)

- Bloody Canyon (upper), moist ground along stream Bloody Canyon bottom just below Sardine L Carl W. Sharsmith 5536. 19 Jul 1947. ( SJSU13371 ) . .

Ribes lacustre (Pers.) Poir.  Prickly Currant. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, rocks at summit Wm. H. Brewer 1722. 27 Jun 1863. ( UC11577 ) . .

Ribes montigenum McClatchie.  Gooseberry Currant. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 98. 17 Jul 1933. ( UC642597 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types incl. willow shrubland. Ledum thicket, grass/sedge meadow [near creek] 2790 - 2866 m Subshrub, ca. 0.8 m tall. Fr. green on this date; most plants sterile. Common in mesic forest. Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5608. 13 Aug 1997. ( UCR104123 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, alpine terrace east foot of Mount Conness David D. Keck 4394. 18 Aug 1936. ( UC648685 ) .


Hippuris vulgaris L.  Common Mare's Tail. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, pool at Soda Springs near Mono Pass Henry N. Bolander 6385. 1866. ( UC20695 ) .


Hypericum anagallioides Cham. & Schltdl.  Tinker's Penny. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, Moist rocks in sun; with Sagina saginoides var. hesperia. southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2368. 1 Sep 1962. ( CHSC21911 ) .


Monardella follettii (Jeps.) Jokerst.  Follett's Monardella. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, basin above Saddlebag Lake Mary DeDecker 4881. 10 Aug 1979. ( RSA620295 ) . .

Monardella glauca Greene.  (=Monardella odoratissima Benth. ssp. glauca (Greene) Epling) Pale Monardella. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Warren Creek, south-facing road cutbank in sagebrush and Purshia area, with scattered lodgepole pine along road cut of old Tioga Road, now just a spur below the parking for the Warren Fork Trail, near Warren Fork L. P. Janeway 7681. 21 Jul 2002. ( CHSC83284 ) . .

Monardella odoratissima Benth.  Mountain Monardella. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Waugh Lake, Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types incl. willow shrubland. Ledum thicket, grass/sedge meadow [near creek] 2790-2866 m Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake about 3 air miles southwest of public campground at Silver Lake Scott D. White 13 Aug 1997. ( UCR104124 ) . .

Monardella odoratissima Benth. ssp. pallida (A. Heller) Epling.  Mountain Monardella. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, dry slope east side of Tioga Pass Philip A. Munz 15999. 17 Jul 1940. ( UC1005187 ) .

- Warren Creek, Warren Creek on Tioga Pass Road Jack L. Reveal 188. 16 Aug 1962. ( UC1338679 ) .


Utricularia CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Upper Mono Basin, There are no collections of Urtricularia from the Mono Basin. 530. 530. .


Mentzelia congesta Torr. & A. Gray.  United Blazing Star. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual, tap root, 13-35 cm.; Stem, white, ascending, branched, straight hairy; Leaves, alternate, mid-cauline, sessile, 29 mm. × 5 mm. wide, lanceolate, margin entire to lobed; Inflorescence, congested; Floral bracts conspicuous, though not completely concealing the fruit as per the key, white to above the middle with green margin, 3-5 toothed; Petals, 3.5 mm.; Fruit, somewhat obconic (tapered proximally, cylindric distally), 6-8-9 mm. × 2.1-2.8-3.2 mm. wide, seed rows >2 above mid-fruit. Seeds rounded (Described from Coll. No. 467, 1 Dec 2011, and Coll. No. 832, 18 Jun 2012).

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Tioga Grade Ynez W. Winblad 25 Jul 1938. ( UC872445 ) .


Claytonia lanceolata Pallas ex Pursh.  Lanceleaf Springbeauty. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, in moist, flat, stony streamway, the roots beneath the stones east of White Mountain, alpine slopes above Slate Creek H. M. Hall 12755. 12 Sep 1929. ( UC547787 ) .

- Tioga Crest, Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11462. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC561009 ) . .

Lewisia glandulosa (Rydb.) Dempster.  Sierra Lewisia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, unglaciated metamorphics Dana Plateau, S end Sierra Nevada, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2498. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC642800 ) Edward Lee 2476. 6 Aug 1936. ( JEPS78341 ) .

- Mount Conness, Dry Carex meadow at base of granitic ledge. Survey Stand 32-67. Mono County: Northwest base of Mt. Conness near contact with metamorphics to east R. H. Pemble 19 Aug 1967. ( UCD101594 ) .

- Mount Warren, in metamorphics near summit of Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2837. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC642799 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, unglaciated metamorphics, moist ground east of Saddlebag lake near summit of Tioga crest Carl W. Sharsmith 2776. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC642670 ) .

- Slate Creek Basin, Moist soil among rocks, below snow banks NE base of White Mtn, Slate Creek Basin, Sierra Nevada. Philip A. Munz 20114. 23 Aug 1954. ( RSA96267 ) . .

Lewisia nevadensis (A. Gray) B. L. Rob.  (Syn: L. pygmaea var. nevadensis ) Nevada Lewisia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, On E-facing 25* slope; substrate of metadacite with loamy soil and thick vegetative turf that has flowing water over its surface through much of growing season, which starts mid-season. Survey Stand 36-67. Mono County: Hall Natural Area, saddle west of East Plateau on lower slopes R. H. Pemble 21 Aug 1967. ( UCD101634 UCD101636 UCD101679 UCD101680 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, in metamorphics west slope of Tioga Pass near outlet of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2736. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC642785 ) .

- Tioga Pass Resort, Moist flat below talus at base of metamorphic cliff, sandy-silty-gravelly soil; lodgepole pine forest nearby; Pinus contorta ssp. murrayana, Rumex paucifolius, Lupinus lepidus var. lobbii, Lewisia, Poa, etc. Eastern Sierra Nevada Mtns. Tioga Lake basin, c. 0.5 mile southeast of Bennetville, and 0.1 mile north of tarns, PLSS: 01N25E19. Ann Howald 2772. 3 Aug 2011. ( UCR239526 ) .

- Warren Creek, West fork of Warren Creek. In a tarn lake basin in a large meadow associated with Carex under Salix James L. Reveal 522. 11 Aug 1963. ( UTX103612 ) . .

Lewisia pygmea (A. Gray) B. L. Rob.  (Syn: L. pygmaea var. pygmaea ) Alpine Lewisia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mt. Dana (Dana Plateau); Sierra Nevada, Dana Plateau C. W. Sharsmith 2120. 15 Jul 1935. ( UC642792 ) stream bank Sierra Nevada: Dana Plateau, off Tioga Pass D. Myrick 698. 24 Aug 1962. ( SBBG15687 ) rocky slopes at n end of Dana Plateau Dana Plateau Edward Lee 2473. 6 Aug 1936. ( JEPS78339 ) rocky slopes, n end of Dana Plateau Dana Plateau Edward Lee 2474. 6 Aug 1936. ( JEPS78340 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, on moist meadowy ground e Mount Dana (Glacier Canyon); Sierra Nevada, Glacier Canyon C. W. Sharsmith 2119. 15 Jul 1935. ( UC642789 ) .

- Slate Creek, Abundant, mostly in washed over land, plants mostly red and many scarcely projecting above ground Mono County: Slate Creek, Mono County, alt 10200ft. Frank W. Peirson 11532. 18 Jul 1935. ( RSA65680 UC570565 ) Sunny, dampish, stony slopes below snow bank, subalpine forest community North slope of Middle Ridge, Slate Creek, Sierra Nevada. Philip A. Munz 19953. 17 Aug 1954. ( RSA96365 UC1043468 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in disturbed soil in transplant area e Mount Conness (Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area); Sierra Nevada, Slate Creek Valley Jens Clausen 1167. 24 Jul 1935. ( UC579724 ) .

- Tioga Pass, meadow and talus slopes Nunatak trail beside CA-120, about 1 mi S of Yosemite entrance Kiosk. George K. Helmkamp 4402. 13 Aug 1998. ( UCR123117 ) Sierra Nevada: Tioga Pass J. R. Robbins, R. C. Robbins 17 Jul 1932. ( SBBG69769 ) Associated with Carex and Castilleja 1/4 mile northeast of Tioga Pass in the large meadow east of highway 120 Jack L. Reveal, James L. Reveal 614. 10 Aug 1963. ( UTC103615 ) .

- Tioga Pass Resort, Moist flat below talus at base of metamorphic cliff, sandy-silty-gravelly soil; lodgepole pine forest nearby; Pinus contorta ssp. murrayana, Rumex paucifolius, Lupinus lepidus var. lobbii, Lewisia, Poa, etc. Eastern Sierra Nevada Mtns. Tioga Lake basin, c. 0.5 mile southeast of Bennetville, and 0.1 mile north of tarns, PLSS: 01N25E19. Ann M. Howald 2773. 3 Aug 2011. ( UCR239527 ) .

- Warren Creek, Above the tarn lake basin in the west fork of Warren Creek. Above tarn lake basin on shallow soil, associated with Astragalus under Pinus. James L. Reveal 533. 11 Aug 1963. ( UTC103611 ) .

- Wasco Lake, alpine, wet granite ridge between Wasco Lake and Conness Lakes Dean Wm. Taylor 1314. 29 Aug 1971. ( UC1736061 ) . .

Lewisia rediviva Pursh ssp. minor (Rydb.) Munz.  Bitter Root. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, tap-rooted, to 5 cm.; Leaves, basal, shriveled after flowering, turning brown, cauline 0; Sepals, 4-6, 11-12 mm., papery, margin entire; Flowers, pedicelled 1-6 mm.; Petals, 18 mm.; Stamens, 37 (Described from Coll. No. 959, 22 May 2013). Also found various places around Bodie Hills and Glass Mountain.

- Copper Mountain, On shallow rocky soil. On the high bench land at the head of, and north of the canyon cutting across section2, 1 1/2 miles north of Copper Mountain. Jack L. Reveal, David Mason 501. 6 Jul 1963. ( UTC103614 ) . .

Lewisia triphylla (S. Watson) B. L. Rob.  Three-leaf Lewisia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, in metamorphics near outlet of Saddlebag Lake on west (?-Ed.) slope of Tioga crest Carl W. Sharsmith 2735. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC642669 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, In granite gravel, wet soil, bulb brown, buried 2-4cm, flowers 1-4, petals white, some plants very pink from the 5 veins Mono County: Harvey Monroe Hall Natural area, Slate Creek Valley, 3080m/10100ft. D. D. Keck 4910. 15 Aug 1938. ( POM250775 ) near creek on sandy, rocky hillside rapidly drying out e Mount Conness (near creek, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area); Sierra Nevada, Slate Creek Basin Jens Clausen 1127. 23 Jul 1935. ( UC579770 ) . .

Montia chamissoi (Spreng.) Greene.  (Syn: Crunocallis c. (Ledeb. ex Spreng.) Rydb. ) Toad Lily. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Jordan Spring, Northwestern Mono Basin, Copper Mountain area, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest. Tom Schweich, with Kim Kersh 795. 10 Sep 2011. ( CAS1131367 UC1980459 ) .

- Mono Pass, in wet soil amongst big rocks Bloody Canyon, Mono Pass Willis Linn Jepson 4440. 18 Jul 1911. ( JEPS43251 ) .

- Tioga Pass, meadow and talus slopes Nunatak trail beside CA-120, about 1 mi S of Yosemite entrance Kiosk. George K. Helmkamp 4402. 13 Aug 1998. ( UCR123117 ) .


Camissonia pubens (S. Watson) P. H. Raven.  Hairy Suncup. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual, to 11 mm.; Stem 1.5 mm. dia., spreading hairy proximally, glandular hairs throughout; Stipules absent; Leaves basal and cauline, largest 15 mm. x 6 mm. wide, oblanceolate, entire, margins wavy, cauline leaves reduced, Inflorescence from distal nodes, Sepals 3.5 mm., all separating when flower opens, reflexed, deciduous after flowering; Hypanthium 4mm.; Petals 4 mm., yellow fading red, not spotted; Stigma spherical, surrounded by anthers; Fruit sessile, 14 mm. x 1 mm. wider proximally, wavy; Seeds, 1.5 mm., glabrous, convex one side, concave other side, no wing, no club-shaped hairs (therefore not Chylismiella) (Described from Coll. No. 429, 26 May 2004).

- Lee Vining Ridge, ridgetop Ridgetop 1.5 miles northwest of Lee Vining, below Point 9603', PLSS: 2N26E6. Dean Wm. Taylor 7750. 3 Jul 1980. ( JEPS89942 ) . .

Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub.  (Syn: Epilobium a. L , Epilobium angustifolium L var. intermedium ) Fireweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, Tioga Pass. Jeanne Dailard 24 Jul 1950. ( SD44025 ) moist open area, rocky soil north side of Tioga Pass Road Kathy Harper 17 Aug 1986. ( UCR50489 ) . .

Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub ssp. circumvagum (Mosquin) Hoch.  (Syn: Epilobium a. L ssp. c. Mosq. ) Fireweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Glacier Canyon, moist slope among (assoc with) dense tussocks of Deschampsia caeapitosa west-facing side of Glacier Canyon opposite east-base of Mount Dana G. L. Stebbins, Jr. 19 Jul 1951. ( SJSU13172 ) .

- Nunatak Meadow, Meadow with dry & wet areas; w/ willows in wet areas. Sierra Nevada Mtns. along Calif. Hwy 120, 0.5 mi. north of Tioga Pass, Nunatak Meadow area. George K. Helmkamp, E. A. Helmkamp 2372. 11 Sep 1997. ( UCR102616 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Tioga Pass, in the pass. Nathan C. Sweet, Jr. 22 Jul 1940. ( POM257035 ) . .

Chamerion latifolium L.  (Syn: Epilobium l. L. ) Dwarf Fireweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Odell Lake, moist turf margin on lake; site underlain by calchornfels Near the outlet of Odell Lake, above Saddlebag Lake. ; . Dean Wm. Taylor 13082. 7 Aug 1992. ( JEPS90001 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, talus of metamorphic rock Near north end of west side of Saddlebag Lake. Carl W. Sharsmith 5548. 8 Aug 1947. ( RSA34668 SJSU13345 ) M. V. Hood 6 Aug 1947. ( UC1018299 ) . .

Epilobium anagallidifolium Lam.  Pimpernel Willowherb. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, moist ground by spring by spring on Dana Plateau in vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2406. 19 Sep 1936. ( POM230875 UC712637 ) .

- Parker Pass, Moist rocky ground. By drainage from Parker Cr Glacier near Parker Pass Carl W. Sharsmith 5551. 15 Aug 1947. ( SJSU13327 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Cool, moist, shaded stream bank. Mixed collection: ''Epilobium anagallidifolium Lam. and E. hornemannii Reichenb. subsp. hornemannii'' as per Peter C. Hoch, 1996 Streambank southwest of Saddlebag Lake. Robert A. Schlising 2367. 1 Sep 1962. ( CHSC22094 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone; loose, moist soil near creek east of Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area near creek above cabin Jens Clausen 1117. 22 Jul 1935. ( UC1714427 UC579753 ) Perennial in semishade, wet banks below snow. Subalpine Forest Community. North slope of Middle Ridge, Slate Creek, Sierra Nevada. P. A. Munz 19936. 16 Aug 1954. ( RSA89842 ) . .

Epilobium angustifolium L var. intermedium (=Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub) Fireweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Basin, On dry talus. Head of Ravine Creek, NE base of Mt. Conness. P. A. Munz 20084. 21 Aug 1954. ( RSA96024 ) . .

Epilobium ciliatum Raf.  Fringed Willowherb. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. Central Sierra Nevada Mtns. Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, c. 2.5 road mi NW of the junction of Saddlebag Road and Hwy 120, c. 2 air mi east of Yosemite National Park boundary and 4 air mi north of Tioga Pass. Scott D. White, E. Read, G. Hawkins, A. Sears, S. Weaver 5492.2 4 Aug 1997. ( UCR213366 ) . .

Epilobium ciliatum Raf. ssp. glandulosum (Lehm.) Hoch & P. H. Raven.  (Syn: Epilobium glandulosum Lehm. ) Fringed Willowherb. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Warren Creek, Wet bank of Warren Fork, flowing through dry meadow, loam soil; with Castilleja miniata, Sphenosciadium capitellatum, Arnica, Carex, Mimulus, Epilobium, etc. Eastern Sierra Nevada Mtns. Warren Canyon, along main branch of Warren Fork (of Lee Vining Crk), c. 1.5 miles northwest of Hwy 120. Ann M. Howald 3240. 27 Jul 2014. ( UCR255396 ) . .

Epilobium glaberrimum Barbey.  Glaucus Willowherb. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, Moist bank. By the east shore of Saddlebag Lake. Carl W. Sharsmith 9095. 5 Aug 1989. ( SJSU14250 ) .

- Warren Creek, Sierra Nevada: Warren Fork of Lee Vining Crk. D. Myrick 462. 23 Jul 1961. ( SBBG15597 ) . .

Epilobium glaberrimum Barbey var. glaberrimum Glaucus Willowherb. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Greenstone Lake, In slate rock crevices. In slate rock crevices above Greenstone Lake, 1/2 mile northeast of Saddlebag Lake, Inyo National Forest. A. R. Kruckeberg 3560. 24 Jul 1954. ( NY1000274 ) . .

Epilobium glaberrimum Barbey ssp. fastigiatum (Nutt.) Hoch & P. H. Raven.  Glaucus Willowherb. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Cabin Creek, Cabin Creek, north tributary of Slate Creek, Sierra Nevada. P. A. Munz 20012. 19 Aug 1954. ( RSA96187 ) .

- Ellery Lake, Central Sierra Nevada Mountains | Central Sierra Nevada Mountains: Yosemite National Park, Ansel Adams Wilderness, southwest of Mono Lake, Ellery lake.. . Russell S. Woglum 2894. 29 Aug 1940. ( RSA610437 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, On steep south-facing slope. In semi-shade of pines, in moist grassy places. With Ribes. Slate Creek Valley, east of Mt. Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, above cabin of Timberline Station. D. D. Keck 4454. 19 Aug 1936. ( POM256974 ) along rocks on talus slope just above headwaters of creek, on talus slope above cabin, east of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 1118. 22 Jul 1935. ( UC579714 ) head of Cabin Creek M. Lewis 354. 15 Aug 1955. ( RSA113940 UC1183589 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Tioga Pass. Ynez Whilton Winblad 25 Jul 1938. ( RSA31261 ) .

- Warren Canyon, Eastern streambank of Warren Creek, stream-washed gravel; Salix orestera, Poa sp., Carex spp., Senecio triangularis, Epilobium spp., Aconitum columbianum, Platanthera leucostachys, etc.; Pinus contorta murrayana nearby. Eastern Sierra Nevada Mtns. Warren Canyon, upper Lee Vining Creek drainage. PLSS: 01N25E16. Ann Howald 2976. 1 Aug 2013. ( UCR243394 ) . .

Epilobium hallianum Hausskn.  Hall's Willow Herb. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. Central Sierra Nevada Mtns. Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, c. 2.5 road mi NW of the junction of Saddlebag Road and Hwy 120, c. 2 air mi east of Yosemite National Park boundary and 4 air mi north of Tioga Pass. Scott D. White, E. Read, G. Hawkins, A. Sears, S. Weaver 5492. 4 Aug 1997. ( UCR213365 ) . .

Epilobium hornemannii Rchb.  Hornemann's Willowherb. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bennettville, Wet meadow. Sierra Nevada: Bennettville Rd, off Tioga Pass. D. Myrick 657. 21 Aug 1962. ( SBBG16387 ) .

- Warren Creek, Sierra Nevada: Warren Fork of Lee Vining Crk. D. Myrick 463. 23 Jul 1961. ( SBBG15617 ) . .

Epilobium hornemannii Rchb. ssp. hornemannii.  Hornemann's Willowherb. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, Wet turf at edge of tarn. Whitebark Pine. Sierra Nevada, north of Saddlebag Lake;: MDB&M., 02N24E26. Mary DeDecker 4886. 10 Aug 1979. ( RSA620372 ) .

- Slate Creek Basin, Locally common on wet bank, base of cliff. Subalpine Forest Community. Above Treble Lake, Slate Creek Basin, Sierra Nevada. P. A. Munz 20006. 18 Aug 1954. ( RSA96181 ) NE base of White Mtn, upper Slate Creek Basin, Sierra Nevada P. A. Munz 20053. 20 Aug 1954. ( RSA95976 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone; loose, moist soil near creek Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area near creek above cabin, Slate Creek Basin Jens Clausen 1117. 22 Jul 1935. ( UC1714427 ) .

- Tioga Crest, e Saddlebag Lake; Sierra Nevada, Tioga Pass region, Tioga Crest. Herbert L. Mason 11474. 31 Jul 1936. ( POM230876 UC712635 ) . .

Epilobium lactiflorum Hausskn.  Milkflower Willowherb. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Glacier Canyon, Bordering stream, in metamorphics. Glacier Canyon bordering stream, northeast side of Mount Dana. Carl W. Sharsmith 2090. 15 Jul 1935. ( POM230879 UC712633 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Damp mossy bank of creek. Near Tioga Road about 1 mile from Saddlebag Lake, tributary of Slate Creek. Laura Lorraine 6 Aug 1938. ( UC604909 ) . [ Locality description is ambiguous. Coords from between three landmarks. ] .

Epilobium minutum Lindl.  Minute Willow Herb. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Mono County: Hall Natural Area, saddle W of East Plateau. R. H. Pemble 16 Aug 1967. ( UCD106505 ) [ In basins, depressions, cirque floors, etc. On SE-facing 4* slope; substrate of metadacite (?) with gravel, sand, and loamy soil that is moist throughout growing season or is wet, but with visible surface water only during early summer; growing season starts mid-season. Survey Stand 31-67. ] On NE-facing 6° slope; substrate of quartz monzonite with loamy soil that stays moist throughout growing season, which starts mid-season. Survey Stand 32-67. Mono County: Hall Natural Area. NE flank of Mt. Conness on lower slopes. R. H. Pemble 19 Aug 1967. ( UCD106516 ) . .

Epilobium obcordatum A. Gray.  Rockfringe. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Dry meadow. Sierra Nevada: Dana Plateau, off Tioga Pass. D. Myrick 667. 21 Aug 1962. ( SBBG16388 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, Russell S. Woglum 2862. 19 Aug 1940. ( RSA610439 ) .

- Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Granitic chimney. Survey Stand 48-67. Mono County: NE flank of Mt. Conness. R. H. Pemble 24 Aug 1967. ( UCD106895 ) On upper slopes. On E-facing 35 degree slope; substrate of quartz monzonite with rock debris and gravel which dries during early starting growing season. Survey stand 47-67. Mono County: Hall Natural Area; northeast flank of Mt. Conness. R. H. Pemble 24 Aug 1967. ( UCD143418 ) .

- Slate Creek Basin, Arctic-alpine life zone. Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness. Slope of Mount Conness, south exposure. John Coulter 13. 30 Aug 1932. ( POM186466 ) In subalpine forest community Dryish, granitic gravel. Northeast base of White Mountain, upper Slate Creek Basin, Sierra Nevada. P. A. Munz 20065. 20 Aug 1954. ( NY1000492 RSA96043 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, In crevices of slate rock bordering stream Soil of slate origin Slope of East Plateau, H. M. Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Valley, Inyo National Forest. A. R. Kruckeberg 3571. 25 Jul 1954. ( NY1000491 ) among rocks on very steep talus slope, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone steep talus slope east of Mount Conness in Slate Creek Valley Jens Clausen 905. 1 Sep 1934. ( RSA606862 UC547776 ) on very steep, rocky slope, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone Jens Clausen 983. 9 Sep 1934. ( UC556415 ) Near summit of ridge between Saddlebag Lake and Slate Creek Valley, E of Sierra Nevada Crest. Verne Grant, Alva Grant 8994. 20 Aug 1950. ( RSA59619 ) . .

Epilobium oregonense Hausskn.  Oregon Spike Primrose. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Dry Carex meadow at base of granitic ledge. Survey Stand 32-67. Mono County: Northeast base of Mt. Conness near contact with metamorphics to east. R. H. Pemble 19 Aug 1967. ( UCD106753 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Meadow east of Lee Vining Creek, moist to dry loam soil; with Pinus contorta murrayana, Carex, Agrostis scabra, Deschampsia cespitosa, Solidago multiradiata, Salix orestera, Salix, etc. Eastern Sierra Nevada Mtns. upper Lee Vining Creek drainage, below and west of Sawmill Campground. Ann M. Howald 3236. 26 Jul 2014. ( UCR255401 ) .

- Warren Creek, Wet bank of Warren Fork, flowing through dry meadow, loam soil; with Castilleja miniata, Sphenosciadium capitellatum, Arnica, Carex, Mimulus, Epilobium, etc. Eastern Sierra Nevada Mtns. Warren Canyon, along main branch of Warren Fork (of Lee Vining Crk), c. 1.5 miles northwest of Hwy 120. Ann M. Howald 3248. 27 Jul 2014. ( UCR255580 ) . .

Epilobium saximontanum Hausskn.  Rocky Mountain Willow Herb. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Undulating terrain near creek, metamorphic cobbles, moist loam soil, duff-covered; with Pinus contorta murrayana, Ribes montigenum, Salix orestera. Eastern Sierra Nevada Mtns. Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek drainage, east side Slate Creek, below the Saddlebag Lake dam. Ann M. Howald 3235. 26 Jul 2014. ( UCR255642 ) . .

Gayophytum decipiens H. Lewis & Szweyk.  Deceptive Groundsmoke. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mount Warren, in metamorphics south slope of Mount Warren near summit Carl W. Sharsmith 2841. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC712622 ) . .

Gayophytum diffusum Torr. & A. Gray ssp. parviflorum H. Lewis & Szweyk.  Spreading Groundsmoke. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, on dryish sunny slope east of Mount Conness near Yosemite National Park William M. Heusi 34. 24 Jul 1930. ( UC648667 ) . .

Gayophytum heterozygum H. Lewis & Szweyk.  Zigzag Groundsmoke. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Leevining Canyon east of Tioga Pass C. L. Hitchcock and J. S. Martin 5468. 26 Jul 1939. ( UC722057 ) . .

Gayophytum humile A. Juss.  Dwarf Groundsmoke. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. 2927 - 2988 m Lee Vining Creek: below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5473. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR109053 ) . .

Gayophytum racemosum Torr. & A. Gray.  Blackfoot Groundsmoke. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, Harlan Lewis 1557. 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR17028 ) . .

Oenothera elata Kunth ssp. hirsutissima (S. Watson) W. Dietr.  Hooker's Evening-Primrose. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Leevining Canyon, east of Tioga Pass C. L. Hitchcock 5469. 26 Jul 1939. ( NY998705 ) . .

Undetermined Unknown Evening Primrose. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Jordan Spring, Northwestern Mono Basin, Copper Mountain area, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest. Tom Schweich 792.1 10 Sep 2011. .


Castilleja applegatei Fernald ssp. pallida (Eastw.) Chuang & Heckard.  Wavy-Leaf Indian Paintbrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Cabin Creek, on dry hillside near Cabin Creek, east of Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Basin David D. Keck 4429. 19 Aug 1936. ( UC648696 UC648724 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Middle Ridge N. Lewis 161. Aug 1955. ( JEPS19696 ) on dry stony slopes, subalpine forest community Slate Creek on north slope of Middle Ridge Philip A. Munz 19976. 17 Aug 1954. ( UC1043464 ) .

- Tioga Pass, stony meadow in subalpine forest Tioga Pass Road about 0.25 miles east of entrance to Yosemite National Park Kathy Harper 17 Aug 1986. ( UCR50433 ) rocky sagebrush slope east side of Tioga Pass (Hwy. 120) at east exit of Yosemite National Park L. R. Heckard with T. I. Chuang 6748. 11 Jul 1990. ( JEPS86670 ) rocky slope at edge of Pinus contorta forest 2 miles east of Tioga Pass on way to Mono Lake T. I. Chuang with Fei-Mei Chuang 6816. 4 Jul 1970. ( JEPS62582 ) . .

Castilleja lemmonii A. Gray.  (Syn: C. culbertsonii Greene ) Lemmon's Indian Paintbrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Parker Pass, head of Parker Creek below Kuna Glacier, east slope of Sierra Nevada Carl W. Sharsmith 5553. 15 Aug 1947. ( SJSU2287 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, wet meadows southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2357. 31 Aug 1962. ( CHSC22318 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, always in meadows of Carex exserta, and possibly semi-parasitic on it on Middle Ridge,Slate Creek Basin, Harvey Monroe [Hall] Natural Area, east of Mount Conness David D. Keck 4466. 20 Aug 1936. ( UC648725 ) .

- Tioga Pass, in wet grassy meadow meadows east of Tioga Pass Noel H. Holmgren and James L. Reveal 2923. 22 Jul 1966. ( UC1353965 ) . .

Castilleja linariifolia Benth.  Wyoming Indian Paintbrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual/perennial unknown, to 50 cm., plants of dry places, growing out of Artemisia; Stem and leaf glabrous; Leaf, linear, proximal 60 mm. × 2 mm. wide, margins curled up, length reduced distally to 15 mm, occasionally 3- or 5-lobed; Inflorescence, simple hairy; Bracts, 3-lobed, <calyx; Calyx, 26 mm., divided 14/26 (54%) abaxially and undivided adaxially, lobes curved upward; Corolla curved out through abaxial calyx sinus, beak described as sparsely puberulent, but unable to see in this collection (Described form Coll. No. 439, 31 Jul 2004).

- Bloody Canyon (upper), Willis Linn Jepson 4438. 17 Jul 1911. ( JEPS8825 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), associated with Purshia on south-facing slope Carl W. Sharsmith 4444. 12 Jul 1942. ( SJSU2261 ) Lee Vining Grade H. M. Hall 11711. 15 Sep 1921. ( UC217456 ) .

- Tioga Pass, moist open area, rocky soil north side of Tioga Pass Road Kathy Harper 17 Aug 1986. ( UCR50483 ) rocky sagebrush slope Highway 120, at east side of Tioga Pass, at east exit of Yosemite National Park L. R. Heckard with T. I. Chuang 6747. 11 Jul 1990. ( JEPS86669 ) rocky slope at edge of Pinus contorta forest 2 miles east of Tioga Pass on way to Mono Lake T. I. Chuang with Fei-Mei Chuang 6817. 4 Jul 1970. ( JEPS62583 ) . .

Castilleja miniata Hook. ssp. miniata.  Giant Red Indian Paintbrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb 45-50 cm; Stems ascending, hairs unbranched, not glandular below spike; Leaves opposite below, alternate above, 70 mm. × 3 mm. wide, reduced above, lance-linear, entire; Inflorescence glandular hairy, reddish; Bract, unlike leaves, 27 mm., lobes 3; Calyx cleft equally half-way on dorsal (adaxial) and ventral (abaxial) side; Corolla, 40 (Described from Coll. No. 897, 24 August 2012, and Coll. No. 1182, 25 June 2015. See also Coll. No. 1467, which may be C. miniata × rhexifolia.).

- Ellery Lake, in granite loam on ricky ledges of canyon side 0.25 miles north of Ellery Lake E. R. Blakley 6115. 3 Sep 1963. ( JEPS33497 SBBG21282 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, in very rocky soil on dry hillslope, not common, herbage clammy, somewhat viscid north side of Mt. Dana Beecher Crampton 259. 10 Jul 1941. ( UCD38069 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927-2988 m Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake and above USFS Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5544. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR108776 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), moist ground by spring, south-facing slope R. Jessen 10 Aug 1948. ( SJSU2290 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in moist rocky places east foot of Mount Conness, Slate Creek Basin, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area David D. Keck 4392. 18 Aug 1936. ( POM256760 UC648647 ) in and around Salix thickets about 1 air miles southwest of Middle Ridge, Slate Creek Basin, Hall Natural Area, southwest of old Carnegie Transplant Garden L. R. Heckard with T. I. Chuang and R. C. Bacigalupi 4925. 3 Aug 1978. ( JEPS77610 ) on semi-shady damp slope below snow bank, subalpine forest community north slope of Middle Ridge, Slate Creek Philip A. Munz 19956. 17 Aug 1954. ( RSA96368 UC1043467 ) .

- Tioga Pass, stony meadow in subalpine forest Tioga Pass Road about 0.25 miles east of entrance to Yosemite National Park Kathy Harper 17 Aug 1986. ( UCR50432 ) Sierra Sub Alpine Forest. Great Basin Drainage. Mono County: Tioga Pass, Sierra Nevada Mtns. Lyman Benson 12130. 27 Jul 1946. ( UCD122966 ) .

- Warren Creek, floor of canyon, very wet meadow Tioga Pass, Warren Canyon, a small canyon north of the road at the 9,000 ft. elevation marker Kathy Harper 25 Jul 1989. ( UCR62165 ) . .

Castilleja nana Eastw.  Dwarf Alpine Indian Paintbrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated granitics, Alpine Flora Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2434. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC712180 ) .

- Lee Vining Peak, dry level ground, in unglaciated granitics, alpine flora northwest slope of Lee Vining Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 2795. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC712237 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, at upper end of Saddle Bag Lake Donald Myrick 380. 18 Jul 1961. ( SBBG16046 ) north end of Saddle Bag Lake Donald Myrick 1745. 31 Aug 1967. ( SBBG28135 ) Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11454. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC712178 ) dry open rocks Lewis S. Rose 68150. 18 Jul 1968. ( JEPS59930 ) with whitebark pine north of Saddlebag Lake Mary DeDecker 4882. 10 Aug 1979. ( RSA620294 UC1445335 ) .

- Sawmill Campground, rocky flat Sawmill Campground, along road to Carnegie transplant garden (Hall Natural Area), south of Saddlebag Lake L. R. Heckard with T. I. Chuang and R. C. Bacigalupi 4922. 3 Aug 1978. ( JEPS77607 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in talus, well drained Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, on Middle Ridge, north slope of Slate Creek Basin David D. Keck 4468. 20 Aug 1936. ( UC648723 ) on open rocky slope in area of Pinus southwest of old Carnegie Transplant Garden, about 1 ait mile southwest of Saddlebag Lake, Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Basin, Middle Ridge L. R. Heckard with T. I. Chuang and R. C. Bacigalupi 4924. 3 Aug 1978. ( JEPS77609 ) on dry stony ridge Slate Creek Basin, east of Treble Lakes (Green Treble Lake? -- Ed.) Philip A. Munz 2008. 18 Aug 1954. ( UC1043444 ) on sunny dry stony slope, subalpine forest community Slate Creek, north slope of Middle Ridge Philip A. Munz 19967. 17 Aug 1954. ( UC1043466 ) . .

Castilleja parviflora Bong.  Mountain Indian Paintbrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Cascade Lake, on grassy shore in cold meadow (very different habitat from C. breweri, which grows on gravel slopes Cascade Lake, north boundary of Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area David D. Keck 4984. 26 Aug 1938. ( UC624816 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927-2988 m Lee Vining Creek, below Saddlebag Lake and above USFS Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5499. 05 Aug 1997. ( UCR109049 ) . .

Castilleja pilosa (S. Watson) Rydb.  (Syn: Orthocarpus pilosus S. Watson ) Parrothead Indian Paintbrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), Willis Linn Jepson 4431.1 17 Jul 1911. ( JEPS2676 ) .

- Mono Pass, alpine fell field at Mono Pass adjacent to Minarets Wilderness, Yosemite National Park J. P. Smith, Jr., and J. O. Sawyer 7702. 8 Jul 1974. ( JEPS81031 ) . .

Orobanche fasciculata Nutt.  (Syn: Aphyllon fasciculatum (Nutt.) Torr. & A. Gray ) Clustered Broomrape. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Log Cabin Mine, stony soils with Artemisia arbuscula Log Cabin Mine, ridge west of Lee Vining, PLSS TRS 01N25E. Dean Wm. Taylor 7868. 21 Jun 1981. ( JEPS101171 ) . .

Orobanche uniflora L.  (Syn: Aphyllon uniflorum (L.) Torr. & A. Gray , Orobanche uniflora L. var. uniflora ) Naked Broomrape. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, south facing slope, metamorphic rocks, in Carex sod with Potentilla Hall Natural Area, valley of Slate Creek, Lee Vining Creek watershed Dean Wm. Taylor 8081. 9 Aug 1982. ( JEPS101174 ) . .

Pedicularis attollens A. Gray.  Little Elephant's Head. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, wet ground Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2475. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC712347 ) wet ground Dana Plateau, east side of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5207. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU13592 ) .

- Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, On E-facing 25 degree slope; substrate of metadacite with loamy soil and thick vegetative turf that has flowing water over its surface through much of growing season, which starts mid-season. Survey Stand 36-67. Mono County: Hall Natural Area; saddle W of East Plateau on lower slopes. R. H. Pemble 21 Aug 1967. ( UCD123276 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types incl. willow shrubland. Ledum thicket, grass/sedge meadow [near creek], 9150-9400 ft Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White, E. Read, G. Hawkins, A. Sears, S. Weaver 5596. 12 Aug 1997. ( IRVC26827 UCR104121 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Upper Hudsonian - Pinus albicaulis. Sun, rocky slope. Perennial, 1 ft high. Saddlebag Lake, High Sierra Nevada. 0.25 mi from dam on SW side of Lake. C. B. Wolf 5356. 17 Aug 1933. ( RSA7513 ) meadow with Solidago multiradiata, Gentiana holopetala meadow southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2390. 3 Sep 1962. ( CHSC22340 ) Rocky slope Hill above E side of Saddlebags Lake, 2 mi. N of Hwy. 120, Tioga Pass area Wendell Wood 238. 10 Aug 1970. ( HSC12326 ) .

- Slate Creek Basin, Common, with Pedicularis groenlandica in wet meadow; but on dried meadows this is the only sp. and hence the much more plentiful one. Flowers pink. Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness. Cabin Brook at transplant station. Sierra Nevada. D. D. Keck 4976. 24 Aug 1938. ( POM250803 UC624819 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, GRASSY MEADOW. MOIST FINE SOIL. CARNEGIE INST. EXP. GARDENS IN SLATE CREEK VALLEY. Paul Sage 222.1 10 Aug 1959. ( YM-YOSE60050 ) Lodgepole Pine Forest. Grassy slopes. In Slate Creek Valley, east of Sierra crest. Verne Grant and Alva Grant 8975. 20 Aug 1950. ( RSA59611 ) .

- Spuller Lake, In basins, depressions, cirque floors, etc, in level area; substrate of undifferentiated mesozoic metasediments with thick vegetative turf that has flowing water over its surface through much of growing season, which starts late to mid-season. Mono County: Hall Natural Area; ridge above & S of Spuller R. H. Pemble 7 Aug 1967. ( UCD123277 ) .

- Timberline Station, On Carex heteroneura. By Cabin, Timberline Sta. Slate Creek. E. F. Sprague 1505. 1 Aug 1957. ( RSA124119 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Tioga Pass entrance of Yosemite National Park Donald Myrick 366.1 18 Jul 1961. ( SBBG10398 ) subalpine forest; area forested; plants collected from open dry meadow area, 10100-13050 ft 50 yards west of the Tioga Pass Ranger Station Douglas Warnock 1 Aug 1951. ( UC1225463 ) Subalpine Forest. Area forested Pinus albicaulis and a few P. murrayana. Plants collected from open dry meadow area. Tioga Pass Transect from Mt Dana (S) to Gaylor Lakes (N). 50 yds W of the Tioga Pass Ranger Station (10100'), 3 m NW of Mt. Dana (13050'). Douglas Warnock 67. 1 Aug 1951. ( RSA151408 ) "Dana Meadows" near Tioga Pass Eugene Cardiff 24 Jul 1954. ( UCR578 ) . .

Pedicularis groenlandica Retz.  Elephanthead Lousewort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), Bloody Canyon; Sierra Nevada W. L. Jepson 4441. 18 Jul 1911. ( JEPS10735 ) .

- Crystal Lake, Lake area. Sierra Nevada: Crystal Lake near Lundy Mr. Adams Jul 1925. ( SBBG68688 ) .

- Greenstone Lake, In wet meadows. Blue and white flowered plants in colony. Around Greenstone Lake, 1/8 mile above Saddlebag Lake. Inyo National forest. Arthur R. Kruckeberg 3537. 24 Jul 1954. ( RSA135985 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Meadow. Sierra Nevada: upper end of Saddle Bag Lake. D. Myrick 366.2 18 Jul 1961. ( SBBG10903 ) G. R. Johnstone 19204. 14 Jul 1934. ( RSA425332 ) .

- Sawmill Campground, Mono County: wet places at old Saw Mill Camp, Slate Creek, alt 9900ft Frank W. Peirson 11527. 18 Jul 1935. ( RSA80799 ) .

- Slate Creek, On sunny, moist, grassy slope. N. base of Middle Ridge, Slate Creek, Sierra Nevada Philip A. Munz 19927. 16 Aug 1954. ( RSA89876 ) .

- Slate Creek Basin, Sierra Nevada Mtns. Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness, below headwaters of Slate Creek John Coulter 14. 30 Aug 1932. ( POM186465 RSA6243 UC501401 UCR133604 ) Wet patches of Subalpine Forest Community. NE base of White Mtn., Upper Slate Creek Basin, Sierra Nevada. Philip A. Munz 20055. 20 Aug 1954. ( RSA95974 ) .

- Tioga Lake, FOUND ON THE BENNETTVILLE ROAD 1/2 MILE UP FROM THE TIOGA ROAD, SHELL CREEK Eugene Field 6 Aug 1965. ( YM-YOSE117519 YM-YOSE60054 ) Moist grassy meadow Hwy. 120, Tioga Lake, 1 mi. E of Yosemite E entrance Wendell Wood 138. 18 Jul 1970. ( HSC12283 ) .

- Tioga Pass, rea forested with Pinus contorta and a few P. albicaulis, broken by meadows and small moraine ponds. Plants collected in a meadow in a small snow fed streamlet. Dana Meadow 9900', 0.25 m E of the Tioga Pass Ranger Station, 2 m W of Mount Dana (13050'). Tioga Pass Transect from Mt Dana (south) to Gaylor Lakes (north). Douglas Warnock 61. 1 Aug 1951. ( RSA151426 UC1225462 ) Just south of Hwy on east side of Tioga Pass. E. F. Sprague 1403. 26 Aug 1956. ( RSA123608 ) .

- Warren Canyon, Subalpine forest and meadow. Sierra Nevada Mountains, Warren Canyon wilderness, N of Tioga Pass Rd on a dirt road that joins the hwy at the 9000 ft. marker. Kathy Harper 16 Aug 1986. ( RSA492834 ) . .

Pedicularis semibarbata A. Gray.  Pinewoods Lousewort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, Sierran Subalpine Forest. Tioga Pass, Sierra Nevada Mts. Great Basin Drainage. Lyman Benson 12132. 27 Jul 1946. ( POM296915B ) .


Argemone munita Durand & Hilg.  (Syn: A. munita Durand & Hilg. ssp. rotundata (Rydb.) G. B. Ownbey ) Flatbud Prickly Poppy. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Leevining grade; east slope of Sierra Nevada; Mono County, at ca. 8500 feet elevation William M. Heusi 210. 13 Aug 1930. ( RSA6490 ) .

- Mono Pass, dry place F. P. McLean Jul 1875. ( UC9893 ) .


Parnassia palustris L.  California Grass of Parnassus. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, mossy spring on mountain slope southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2398. 3 Sep 1962. ( CHSC20615 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, moist rock crevices on S facing slope of ridge N of Carnegie Institute Plant Biology Field Station, Slate Cr Valley E of Mt Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5694. 3 Sep 1948. ( SJSU13375 ) Stream banks. Abundant, subalpine forest community. Cabin Creek tributary to Slate Creek Philip A. Munz 20034. 19 Aug 1954. ( RSA96336 ) Along brook in meadowy place. North side of Slate Creek Valley, east of Mt. Conness. Near Yosemite National Park. William M. Heusi 96. 20 Aug 1930. ( RSA467330 ) .

- Warren Canyon, Subalpine forest & meadow. Warren Canyon Wilderness, N of Tioga Pass Road on a dirt road that joins the Hwy at the the 9000 ft marker Kathy Harper 16 Aug 1986. ( UCR51095 ) .


Erythranthe breweri (Greene) G.L. Nesom & N.S. Fraga.  (Syn: Mimulus breweri (Greene) Coville ) Brewer's Monkey Flower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Cabin Creek, in rocky or sandy ground east of Mount Conness, north of Cabin Creek, Slate Creek Valley, H. M. Hall Natural Area Jens Clausen 1593. 2 Aug 1937. ( UC648651 ) . .

Erythranthe guttata (Fisch. ex DC.) G.L. Nesom.  (Syn: Mimulus guttatus DC. ) Seep Monkeyflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Jordan Spring, Northwestern Mono Basin, Copper Mountain area, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest. At the watering trough in the lower part of the spring. Tom Schweich, with Kim Kersh 788. 10 Sep 2011. ( CAS1131364 UC1980455 ) .

- Tioga Pass, moist open area, rocky soil north side of Tioga Pass Road Kathy Harper 17 Aug 1986. ( UCR50482 ) . .

Erythranthe primuloides (Benth.) G.L. Nesom & N.S. Fraga.  (Syn: Mimulus primuloides Benth. ) Primrose Monkey Flower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2479. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC712261 ) .

- Jordan Spring, Northwestern Mono Basin, Copper Mountain area, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest. Tom Schweich, with Kim Kersh 792. 10 Sep 2011. ( CAS1131365 UC1980456 ) .

- Warren Canyon, In a very wet meadow along the Warren Fork of Lee Vining Creek, 0.9 mi (1.4 km) north-northwest of California Highway 120. Tom Schweich 528. 3 Aug 2007. ( UC1973752 ) . .

Erythranthe suksdorfii (A. Gray) N.S. Fraga.  (Syn: Mimulus suksdorfii A. Gray ) Suksdorf's monkeyflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, Timberline Station, Slate Creek Valley, Harvey Monroe Natural Area. North side of valley above cabin. D. D. Keck and J. Clausen 3868. 19 Jul 1935. ( DS702494 ) . .

Erythranthe tilingii (Regel) G.L. Nesom.  (Syn: Mimulus tilingii Regel ) Tiling's Monkeyflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, in wet draw, roots of plant in water Slate Creek Valley, Timberline Station, above the cabin on steep south-facing slope David D. Keck 4448. 19 Aug 1936. ( UC648693 ) . .

Mimulus L.  Monkeyflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), a rill below spring Lee Vining Grade just above upper "switchback," on north face of canyon James B. Roof and Irja 19 Aug 1965. ( JEPS39157 ) . .

Mimulus guttatus DC.  (=Erythranthe guttata (Fisch. ex DC.) G.L. Nesom) Seep Monkeyflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Herb terrestrial, in wet places, to 5 dm tall. Leaves cauline, opposite, to 40 mm, round, not lobed or dissected, toothed to 2 mm, fused at base around stem; Infloresence 15-20 fls; Pedicel (5-13 mm) > calyx (9-15 mm); Calyx not spurred at base, angled in cross-section, cleft < 1/2 length (?), asymmetrically inflated in fruit; Corolla tubular (not rotate), yellow, not red-spotted, 25 mm, deciduous, upper lobes not united, lower lobes not pouched upwards, reflexed downward; Stamens fertile 4, unequal length, staminode absent; Stigma maybe weakly 2-lobed (not capitate); Fruit 6 mm. (Described from Coll. No. 788, 15 Dec 2011).

- Ellery Lake, metamorphic rock outcrop where evaporite deposits are evident from seepage at southeast base of Tioga Peak, near Ellery Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 8146. 15 Sep 1982. ( UC1736278 ) .

- Gem Lake, Damp border. West end of Gem Lake. Frank W. Peirson 6122. 27 Jun 1925. ( RSA80132 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, upper end of Saddle Bag Lake off Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 371. 18 Jul 1961. ( SBBG15561 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Bennettville Road, top of Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 406. 19 Jul 1961. ( SBBG16012 ) .

- Warren Creek, crk area Sierra Nevada: Warren Fork of Lee Vining Crk D. Myrick 467. 23 Jul 1961. ( SBBG16022 ) Tioga Pass, Warren Cyn, a small canyon north of road Kathy Harper 25 Jul 1989. ( SBBG93124 ) . .

Mimulus leptaleus A. Gray.  (=Diplacus leptaleus (A. Gray) G.L. Nesom) Slender Monkey Flower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Gibbs Lake, growing in cracks of bedrock above west end of Gibbs Lake, with Phyllodoce. questionable determination Sierra east side, southwest of Lee Vining, west end of Gibbs Lake, 6 ft. above water level. 37.8992°N, 119.1852°W; elevation: 9535 ft. Steve Matson 1516. 31 Dec 1969. ( JEPS111296 ) .

- Lundy Canyon (Upper), growing at base of snow bank, north slope 1 1/2 miles north of Lundy T. M. Hendrix 513. 9 Aug 1937. ( UC1063015 ) . .

Mimulus lewisii Pursh.  (=Erythranthe lewisii (Pursh) G.L. Nesom & N.S. Fraga) Purple Monkey Flower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Herbert L. Mason 11484. 1 Aug 1936. ( UC1081539 ) .

- Warren Creek, Warren Fork of Lee Vining Creek Donald Myrick 465. 23 Jul 1961. ( SBBG15782 ) moist land on granite Warren Creek on Route 120 below Tioga Pass, 8600-8800 ft Francis W. Pennell 26341. 30 Jul 1940. ( UC1012452 ) . .

Mimulus pilosus (Benth.) S. Watson.  (=Mimetanthe pilosa (Benth.) Greene) False Monkeyflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Gem Lake, Mrs. J. D. Wright 9 Jul 1929. ( SBBG66676 ) . .

Mimulus primuloides Benth.  (=Erythranthe primuloides (Benth.) G.L. Nesom & N.S. Fraga) Primrose Monkey Flower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927-2988 m on Lee Vining Creek above Sawmill Campground and below Saddlebag Lake Scott D. White 5448. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR108778 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Reid Moran 24310. 12 Jul 1977. ( SD127519 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Harlan Lewis 1568. 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR11959 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, im wet muddy soil northeast of Tioga Pass near high altitude experimental garden (Carnegie Institute) L. R. Heckard, with T. I. Chuang and R. C. Bacigalupi 4923. 3 Aug 1978. ( JEPS77608 ) . .

Mimulus suksdorfii A. Gray.  (=Erythranthe suksdorfii (A. Gray) N.S. Fraga) Suksdorf's monkeyflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual; Pedicels 4-7 mm (4.0, 5.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0), > calyx; Calyx 2.5-3.5 mm (2.5, 3.0, 3.0, 3.5, 3.5), puberulent, slightly inflated in fruit, lobes equal, < tube, rounded, glabrous; Corolla 2-3 mm, limb 2 mm, single color, yellow, one or more red spots. (Described from Coll. No. 747, 15 Jan 2012).

- Dana Plateau, dry gravel slopes Edward Lee 2475. 6 Aug 1936. ( JEPS78590 ) .

- Mono Pass, Henry N. Bolander 6316. Sep 1866. ( UC41891 ) .

- Mount Dana, Northwest slope of Mt. Dana Milo S. Baker 19225. 13 Sep 1925. ( DS160053 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, In rocky or sandy soil. Slate Creek Valley, east of Mt. Conness, Harvey Monroe Natural Area. North of Cabin Creek, below waterfall. Jens Clausen 1594. 2 Aug 1937. ( DS291869 ) In sand between the rocks. Slate Creek Valley, east of Mt. Conness, Harvey Monroe Natural Area. On south exposed talus slope NW of Cabin Creek. Jens Clausen 1635. 5 Aug 1937. ( DS702495 ) . .

Mimulus tilingii Regel.  (=Erythranthe tilingii (Regel) G.L. Nesom) Tiling's Monkeyflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927-2988 m Lee Vining Creek above Sawmill Campground and below Saddlebag Lake Scott D. White 5468. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR108943 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, In rocks; with Potentilla breweri, P. fruticosa, Lupinus. southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2387. 3 Sep 1962. ( CHSC22327 ) .


Callitriche heterophylla Pursh var. bolanderi (Hegelm.) Fassett.  Two-Headed Water-Starwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), floating in water in pond w/ no other aquatic vegetation save for Isoetes; solifluction terrace pond headwaters of Walker Creek in Bloody Canyon, terrace pond above waterfall of inflow stream, about 150 m w of escarpment, w of Upper Sardine Lake, Dean Wm. Taylor 15546. 19 Sep 1995. ( JEPS90910 ) . .

Collinsia parviflora Lindl.  Maiden Blue-eyed Mary. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, rather moist location Slate Creek near site of old saw mill Frank W. Peirson 18 Jul 1935. ( JEPS4247 UC570539 ) . .

Keckiella breviflora (Lindl.) Straw var. glabrisepala (D. D. Keck) N. H. Holmgren.  Bush Beardtongue. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Lee Vining Canyon east of Tioga Pass C. L. Hitchcock and J. S. Martin 5467. 26 Jul 1939. ( UC722712 ) . .

Penstemon davidsonii Greene.  Davidson's Penstemon. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, above south end of Saddle Bag Lake Donald Myrick 382. 18 Jul 1961. ( SBBG10292 ) . .

Penstemon davidsonii Greene var. davidsonii.  (Syn: P. menziesii Hook. ssp. davidsonii (Greene) Piper ) Davidson's Penstemon. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated granitics Dana Plateau in vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2431. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC712648 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, in rock crevices. Herbage more or less succulent, glabrous and from woody base; spreading and becoming mat-like north side of Mount Dana Beecher Crampton 257. 10 Jul 1941. ( UCD38104 ) .

- Mount Dana, Unknown 30 Jul 1887. ( UC50786 ) . .

Penstemon glaber Pursh.  Sawsepal Penstemon. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Warren Creek, in loose, rocky soil among sagebrush on a more or less sloping plain. Herbage succulent, entirely glabrous; stems many to few arising from the base near Warren Creek, a fork of Lee Vining Creek Beecher Crampton 265. 10 Jul 1941. ( UCD38107 ) . .

Penstemon heterodoxus A. Gray.  Sierra Beardtongue. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Rush Creek (Upper), Reid Moran 24311. 12 Jul 1977. ( SD127522 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, in meadow at upper end of Saddle Bag Lake off Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 373.1 18 Jul 1961. ( JEPS27215 ) in cracks of rocks, dry meadows, with Veronica alpina var. alterniflora meadows southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2360. 1 Sep 1962. ( CHSC22359 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, north side of valley above cabin, Timberline Station, Slate Creek Valley David D. Keck and Jens Clausen 3859. 19 Jul 1935. ( UC579797 ) .

- Tioga Pass, moist places east side of Tioga Pass Philip A. Munz 15987. 17 Jul 1940. ( UC1005198 ) . .

Penstemon heterodoxus A. Gray var. cephalophorus (Greene) N. H. Holmgren.  Sierra Beardtongue. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, Yellow pine forest 0.3 miles south of Saddlebag Lake along Saddlebag Lake Road, above Lee Vining Creek George K. Helmkamp 4426. 13 Aug 1998. ( UCR123390 ) . .

Penstemon heterodoxus A. Gray var. heterodoxus.  Sierra Beardtongue. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, Willis Linn Jepson 4470. 19 Jul 1911. ( JEPS11591 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, hills above lake Mrs. H. P. Bracelin 52. 15 Aug 1930. ( UC419734 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, alpine terrace, gravelly, rocky ground Jens Clausen 545. 29 Jul 1932. ( UC690341 ) . .

Penstemon newberryi A. Gray.  Mountain Pride. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, rocky subalpine slopes turnout on Tioga Pass Road just below Lee Vining Hydroelectric Project Kathy Harper 17 Aug 1986. ( UCR50438 ) .

- Fern Lake, Mrs. J. Wright 13 Jul 1929. ( SBBG66569 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), E. Rockwell 1082. Jun 1925. ( SBBG66564 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Lyman Benson 3788. 1 Jul 1932. ( POM283533 UC511293 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, rocks, with Silene densiflora southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2371. 1 Sep 1962. ( CHSC22360 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Bennettville Road top of Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 401. 19 Jul 1961. ( SBBG16006 ) .

- Warren Creek, rocky slope along highway California Highway 120 at Warren Fork Creek, about 2 miles east of Saddleback Lake Road George K. Helmkamp 2373. 11 Sep 1997. ( UCR102585 ) . .

Penstemon newberryi A. Gray var. newberryi.  Mountain Pride. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), among granite boulders halfway down Lee Vining grade David D. Keck 503. 21 Jun 1920. ( UC696736 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types incl. willow shrubland. Ledum thicket, grass/sedge meadow [near creek] 2790-2866 m between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5613. 13 Aug 1997. ( UCR104125 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Yellow pine forest 0.3 miles south of Saddlebag Lake along Saddlebag Road, above Lee Vining Creek George K. Helmkamp 4423. 13 Aug 1998. ( UCR123463 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Fay A. MacFadden 15164. 2 Jul 1940. ( UC1518642 ) . .

Penstemon procerus Graham.  (Syn: P. confertus Douglas ex Lindl. var. caeruleopurpureus A. Gray ) Little-Flower Penstemon. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Dana Plateau, off Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 697.2 24 Aug 1962. ( SBBG15948 ) .

- Tioga Lake, in crevices of rock or on open rocky plains, common, herbage succulent, glabrous; almost regular blue flowers near Lake Tioga Beecher Crampton 240. 9 Jul 1941. ( UCD38097 ) . .

Penstemon procerus Douglas ex Graham var. formosus (A. Nelson) Cronquist.  Pincushion Beardtongue. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, same situations as P. heterodoxus Dana Plateau north of Mount Dana David D. Keck 4965. 23 Aug 1938. ( UC624832 ) . .

Penstemon rostriflorus Kellogg.  (Syn: P. bridgesii Kellogg ) Bridge Penstemon. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, rocky subalpine slopes turnout on Tioga Pass Road just below Lee Vining Hydroelectric Project Kathy Harper 17 Aug 1986. ( UCR50439 ) dirt road leading down to campgrounds on east side of Ellery Lake W. J. Dress 3912. 9 Aug 1951. ( SBBG40495 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), H. Dearing 3926. 17 Jul 1939. ( SBBG7124 ) Herbert L. Mason 11485. 1 Aug 1936. ( UC1083136 ) .

- Warren Creek, common on steep mountain slopes in loose granite talus, perennial plant 1-2 feet high, spreading about 2 miles from Warren Creek, a fork of Lee Vining Creek Beecher Crampton 268. 10 Jul 1941. ( UCD38109 ) .

- Warren Creek, South-facing road cutbank in sagebrush and Purshia area, with scattered lodgepole pine along road cut of old Tioga Road (now just a spur below the parking for the Warren Fork Trail) near Warren Fork L. P. Janeway 7682. 21 Jul 2002. ( CHSC83276 ) . .

Penstemon rydbergii A. Nelson var. oreocharis (Greene) N. H. Holmgren.  Rydberg's Penstemon. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated granitics Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2449. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC712235 ) in unglaciated metamorphics Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2483. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC712256 ) .

- Jordan Spring, Northwestern Mono Basin, Copper Mountain area, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest. Collected near the water trough in the lower part of Jordan Spring. Fairly common in other nearby areas. Tom Schweich, with Kim Kersh 787. 10 Sep 2011. ( UC1980461 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, found only at this spot in short-hair meadow in patch 20 m across along Slate Creek, Slate Valley, Harvey Monroe [Hall] Natural Area David D. Keck 4922. 16 Aug 1938. ( UC1071712 ) .

- Tioga Lake, meadow lower end of Tioga Lake, east of Tioga Pass, Lee Vining Creek drainage Carl W. Sharsmith 9201. 28 Jul 1991. ( SHSU14695 ) . .

Penstemon speciosus Lindl.  Royal Penstemon. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), halfway down Lee Vining Grade David D. Keck 507. 21 Jun 1930. ( UC696820 ) sandy slope G. Witherspoon 2072. 21 Jun 1940. ( SJSU490 ) .

- Warren Creek, in metamorphics Warren Creek Valley by northeast slope Tioga Crest near Lee Vining Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 4464. 26 Jul 1942. ( SJSU13558 ) . .

Veronica alpina L. var. unalaschcensis Cham. & Schltdl.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mount Dana, Mount Dana Saddle Enid Michael 572. 11 Aug 1927. ( YM-YOSE66466 ) . .

Veronica nutans Bong.  (=Veronica wormskjoldii Roemer & J.A. Schultes var. wormskjoldii ) American Alpine Speedwell. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, stony meadow in subalpine forest Tioga Pass Road about 0.25 miles east of entrance to Yosemite National Park Kathy Harper 17 Aug 1986. ( UCR50435 ) . .

Veronica serpyllifolia L. ssp. humifusa (Dickson) Syme.  (Syn: Veronicastrum serpyllifolium (L.) Fourr. ssp. humifusa (Dickson) Syme ) (=Veronica serpyllifolia L. var. humifusa (Dicks.) SM.) Bright Blue Speedwell. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927-2988 m Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake and above Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5540. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR109038 ) . .

Veronica wormskjoldii Roemer & J.A. Schultes.  American Alpine Speedwell. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bennettville, Bennettville Road off Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 653. 21 Aug 1962. ( SBBG15999 ) .

- Fern Lake, [Mrs. J. D.] Wright 13 Jul 1929. ( POM161510 ) .

- Gardisky Lake, southeast side of tarn just west of Gardisky Lake, near Tioga Crest Steve Matson 1496. 20 Aug 2005. ( JEPS111283 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. Central Sierra Nevada Mtns. Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, c. 2.5 road mi NW of the junction of Saddlebag Road and Hwy 120, c. 2 air mi east of Yosemite National Park boundary and 4 air mi north of Tioga Pass Scott D. White, E. Read, G. Hawkins, A. Sears, S. Weaver 5459. 4 Aug 1997. ( UCR213561 ) Streamside in grassy meadow. Below Saddlebags Lake, 2 mi. N of Hwy. 120 off Tioga Pass Wendell Wood 152. 20 Jul 1970. ( HSC12729 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, upper end of Saddle Bag Lake off Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 381. 18 Jul 1961. ( RSA166143 SBBG19031 ) Abundant in wet meadow along streamlet. Sierra Nevada, north of Saddlebag Lake; Sierra Nevada, north of Saddlebag Lake;: MDB&M, 02N24E26. Mary DeDecker 4885. 10 Aug 1979. ( RSA620373 ) meadow meadow in valley southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2350. 31 Aug 1962. ( CHSC22308 ) southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2359. 1 Sep 1962. ( CHSC22307 ) .

- Slate Creek, Locally common perennial on moist, shaded banks. N. base of Middle Ridge, Slate Creek, Sierra Nevada Philip A. Munz 19925. 16 Aug 1954. ( RSA89889 ) On damp, semi-shaded slope below snow; Subalpine Forest Community. Great Basin; East of Sierra Nevada region N. slope of Middle Ridge, Slate Creek, Sierra Nevada. Philip A. Munz 19945. 16 Aug 1954. ( RSA89851 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, along stream banks Slate Creek Valley, east of Mount Conness, near Yosemite National Park William M. Heusi 32. 24 Jul 1930. ( UC579771 ) .


Eriastrum wilcoxii (A. Nelson) H. Mason.  Wilcox's Woollystar. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), granitic soil 9000 ft Lyman Benson 3791. 1 Jul 1932. ( POM279108 ) . .

Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V. E. Grant ssp. formosissima (Greene) Wherry.  Scarlet Gilia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, J. R. Robbins 17 Jul 1932. ( SBBG58354 ) . .

Ipomopsis congesta (Hook.) V. E. Grant.  Ballhead Ipomopsis. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Crest, in unglaciated granitics on divide between Mount Warren and Lee Vining Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 2816. 28 Jul 1937. ( NY1011324 UC714157 ) . .

Ipomopsis congesta (Hook.) V. E. Grant ssp. montana (A. Nelson & P. B. Kenn.) V. E. Grant.  (Syn: I. c. (Hook.) V. E. Grant ssp. palmifrons (Brand) A. G. Day ) Ballhead Ipomopsis. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Leaves palmately-lobed.

- Koip Peak Pass, gravels derived from metamorphics Koip Pass between Koip Peak and Parker Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 6000. 15 Aug 1952. ( SJSU13214 ) .

- Parker Pass, gravels componsed of metamorphics northwest base of Parker Peak by Parker Pass - Koip Pass trail Carl W. Sharsmith 5859. 20 Aug 1951. ( SJSU13191 ) . .

Leptosiphon ciliatus (Benth.) Jeps.  (Syn: Linanthus ciliatus (Benth.) Greene , Linanthus ciliatus (Benth.) Greene var. neglectus (Greene) Jeps. ) Whiskerbrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual 6-7 cm; Leaves cauline palmately lobed; Flowers in dense bracted heads; Bracts membrane to 1 mm wide compared to bract width 0.5 mm, white ciliate; Corolla salverform, tume 10-15 mm, long exserted, limb 6 mm, throat yellow, lobes lavender (Described from Coll. No. 771, 22 Jan 2012).

- Saddlebag Lake, sandy area on south facing mountain slope, in forest of Pinus murrayana and P. albicaulis on south-facing mountain slope southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2402. 3 Sep 1962. ( CHSC23088 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in dry ledge back of cabin east base Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Valley, back of Timberline cabin Mahurin and Hiesey 94. 14 Jul 1937. ( UC648694 ) . .

Leptosiphon harknessii (Curran) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson.  (Syn: Linanthus harknessii (Curran) Greene ) Harkness' Flaxflower. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, east of Mt. Conness Jens Clausen 926. 7 Sep 1934. ( UC880255 ) in rocky sandy soil Slate Creek Valley, east of Mt Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, north of Cabin Creek, below waterfall, Jens Clausen 1597. 2 Aug 1937. ( UC648669 ) . .

Leptosiphon nuttallii (Gray) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson ssp. pubescens (R. Patt.) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson.  (Syn: Linanthus nuttallii A. Gray ssp. pubescens R. Patt. ) Nuttall's Linanthus. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Herbaceous perennial, woody below, densely short hairy at proximal ends of internodes and on proximal leaf surfaces, less densely hairy on herbaceous surfaces elsewhere; Leaves opposite, primary fused by membrane (though generally not so in Leptosiphon), palmately lobed, lobes 5, 11 mm., secondary leaves difficult to separate and count lobes; Calyx, lobes 5, equal, 9 mm., fused 1/2, short white hairy; Corolla, tube 8 mm. + blade 5 mm., tube < calyx, open in day; Stamens, all attached in throat, barely exserted; Filaments, 1.0 mm (Described from Coll. No. 857, 22 Jun 2013).

- Jordan Spring, Common here and on upper slopes to the south. Dry areas around the spring, 8.4 miles by air north northwest of Lee Vining, California, accessed by way of Virginia Lakes Road from US Highway 395 at Conway Summit. Tom Schweich 857. 22 Jun 2012. ( CAS1148727 UC2015311 UCR240675 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), In rocky, gravelly soil. Flowering & Fruiting Coordinate source: copied from NY790163. Above Warren Creek, Leevining Canyon Jens Clausen 791. 23 Aug 1933. ( POM364658 ) . .

Leptosiphon pachyphyllus (R. Patt.) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson.  (Syn: Linanthus pachyphyllus R. Patt. ) Sierra Linanthus. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Tioga Pass Road, Lee Vining Grade H. E. McMinn 3181. 16 Jul 1933. ( UC1280745 UCSB23172 ) Herbert L. Mason 4879. 5 Jul 1928. ( UC908620 ) .

- Lee Vining Peak, under Pinus albicaulis, 9000-9500 ft east slope of Lee Vining Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 2848. 29 Jul 1937. ( UC714168 ) .

- Warren Creek, rocky soil Warren Creek, east slope of Tioga Pass Beecher Crampton 264.1 10 Jul 1941. ( UC1278057 ) rocky slope Warren Creek, Lee Vining Grade at 9000 ft elevation David D. Keck, L. Abrams, S. Blake 2872. 30 Jun 1934. ( POM209623 UC532137 ) Warren Fk of Lee Vining Crk, Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 472. 23 Jul 1961. ( SBBG15793 ) Warren Creek Canyon adjoining Lee Vining Canyon Verne Grant, Alva Grant 9004. 22 Aug 1950. ( RSA59626 ) . .

Linanthus pungens (Torr.) J. M. Porter & L. A. Johnson.  (Syn: Leptodactylon pungens (Torr.) Nutt. ex Rydb. ) Granite Prickly Phlox. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 97. 17 Jul 1933. ( UC714286 ) in unglaciated metamorphics south end of Dana Plateau overlooking Gibbs Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 2509. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC714284 ) Dana Plateau, in vicinity of Mount Dana Herbert L. Mason 11407. 28 Jul 1936. ( UC714170 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Timberline Station north side, above cabin on rocks, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area David D. Keck and Jens Clausen 3866. 19 Jul 1935. ( UC579799 ) . .

Navarretia breweri (A. Gray) Greene.  Brewer's Navarretia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual, 6-12 cm., prickly when dry, minutely glandular; Stem branched along stem, ascending, minutely puberulent glandular; Leaves alternate except at base, deeply pinnately lobed, needle-like, lobed to near base, lobed portion 7 mm. + terminal lobe 9 mm., few straight white hairs; Infloresence dense, flowers in groups of 4-6, minutely glandular, slightly hairy (not wooly like Eriastrum); Outer bracts like leaves; Calyx, lobes unequal (3 long, 2 short), tapered, membrane narrow, not spout-like distally; Corolla lobes yellow, narrow tube, 5 mm.; Stamens, exserted. (Described from Coll. No. 791, 15 Dec 2011 and Coll. No. 963, 22 May 2013.)

- Copper Mountain, N of Mono Lake (Ridge W of Conway Summit). Herbert L. Mason 15225. 4 Jul 1963. ( UC1275786 ) .

- Jordan Spring, Dry areas in sagebrush around the spring. Northwestern Mono Basin, Copper Mountain area, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest. Tom Schweich, with Kim Kersh 791. 10 Sep 2011. . .

Navarretia capillaris (Kellogg) Kuntze.  (Syn: Gilia capillaris Kellogg ) Miniature Gilia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, vernally moist rock outcrop with shallow sandy soils, metamorphic substrate, with otherannual taxa, in Pinus contorta forest Saddlebag Lake road 0.5 miles south of Gardisky Lake trailhead Dean Wm. Taylor 8130. 27 Aug 1982. ( JEPS101433 ) . .

Navarretia leptalea (A. Gray) L. A. Johnson ssp. bicolor (H. Mason & A. D. Grant ) L. A .Johnson.  Bridges' Gilia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Cabin Creek, on partially open, sandy terraces on Pinus Murrayana slope near Cabin Creek, Slate Creek Valley, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Jens Clausen and A. Kruckeberg 1943. 17 Aug 1941. ( UC1278823 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, grassy slopes 200 yards west of cabin, Slate Creek Basin, Sierra Nevada David D. Keck 4982. 24 Aug 1938. ( UC624829 ) . .

Phlox caespitosa Nutt.  (Syn: Phlox douglasii Hook. , Phlox douglasii Hook. ssp. rigida (Benth.) Wherry ) Tufted Phlox. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated metamorphics, alpine overlooking Gibbs Canyon at south end of Dana Plateau Carl W. Sharsmith 2508. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC714195 ) dry sandy wash Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 3506. 1 Sep 1937. ( UC714197 ) vicinity of Mount Dana Herbert L. Mason 11405. 28 Jul 1939. ( UC714200 ) .

- Mono Pass, Willis Linn Jepson 4463. 19 Jul 1911. ( JEPS69928 ) .

- Mount Warren, Lundy Trail Unknown 21 Aug 1894. ( UC201136 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, ridge, in gravel on both sides at Yosemite National Park line, just east of White Mountain in Harvey Monroe Hall Area Jens Clausen 1876. 3 Aug 1941. ( UC1278833 ) .

- Tioga Crest, Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11456. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC714201 UC714202 ) .

- Tioga Lake, in loose, rocky soil on dry hillside, low spreading plant, very woody at the base near Lake Tioga Beecher Crampton 234. 9 Jul 1941. ( UCD38095 ) . .

Phlox condensata (A. Gray) E. E. Nelson.  (Syn: Phlox covillei E. E. Nelson ) Dwarf Phlox. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated granitics, alpine Carl W. Sharsmith 2386. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC714114 ) Carl W. Sharsmith 5008. 26 Jul 1944. ( SJSU13416 UCSB38086 ) growing on alpine scree slope Dana Plateau, south central where "trail" emerges onto plateau Steve Matson 1507. 21 Aug 2005. ( JEPS111257 ) . .

Phlox diffusa Benth.  Spreading Phlox. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, north slope of Dana Plateau Carl W. Sharsmith 2519. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC714198 ) . .

Phlox pulvinata (Wherry) Cronquist.  (=Phlox sibirica L. ssp. pulvinata (Wherry) W. A. Weber) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Dana Plateau, off Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 666. 21 Aug 1962. ( SBBG15988 ) . .

Polemonium eximium Greene.  Skypilot. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Big Horn Lake, Granitic scree slope. Survey Stand 60-67. Mono County: Above Big Horn Lake near base of White Mtn, northeast exposure R. H. Pemble 28 Aug 1967. ( UCD118479 ) .

- Mount Conness, Alpine fell fields. Mostly past flowering. Wild: native/naturalized ; North side of Mt. Conness below peak. Sierra Nevada Verne Grant 9866. 26 Aug 1956. ( RSA104854 ) .

- Mount Dana, Growing among fractured boulders. top of Mt Dana, Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 1746. 31 Aug 1967. ( POM365420 RSA232531 SBBG28131 ) Enid Michael 460. 11 Aug 1927. ( YM-YOSE67239 ) Mt. Dana, near summit F. J. Smiley 733. 12 Aug 1916. ( GH443198 ) Summit of Mt. Dana J. G. Lemmon 342. 22 Aug 1878. ( GH443200 ) Summit; between loose rock. This and Erigeron compositus discoideus (Clausen 774) only two species seen Mount Dana, summit Jens Clausen 773. 20 Aug 1933. ( DS693322 ) 100+ plants 500 ft below summit. Plants in full bloom. R. Stubbs 21. 11 Aug 2010. ( CAS1148866 ) Alpine fell-fields. Abundant in rock crevices and bare ground, from base of peak to summit. On north slope of Mt. Dana, Sierra Nevada Verne Grant 9858. 23 Aug 1956. ( RSA104857 ) Summit of mt. Dana W. H. Brewer 1737. 1863. ( GH443202 ) MT. DANA, WEST SLOPE Winifred M. Smith 12 Aug 1938. ( YM-YOSE67238 ) . .

Polemonium occidentale Greene.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, wet meadows H. Dearing, M. Dearing 3923. 17 Jul 1937. ( SBBG6070.2 ) in lush grass north edge of Lake Ellery near Mono Pass (should read Tioga Pass -- Ed.) W. J. Dress and J. E. Cruise 4536. 20 Jul 1954. ( UC1377656 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), grassy margin os spring on Tioga Pass Road 7 miles west of Lee Vining Verne Grant and Alva Grant 8608. 30 Jul 1948. ( UC914294 ) .

- Mono Pass, borders of Mono Pass Henry N. Bolander 6405. Sep 1966. ( UC23993 ) .

- Sawmill Campground, Slate Creek in Sawmill Campground off Tioga Road Donald Myrick 1734. 30 Apr 1967. ( SBBG28129 ) Sawmill Campground southwest of Saddlebag Lake, along Lee Vining Creek, wet soil along creek with willows and Senecio triangularis Robert A. Schlising 2869. 27 Aug 1967. ( CHSC20797 ) .

- Warren Creek, Warren Fork of Lee Vining Creek, Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 461. 23 Jul 1961. ( RSA166010 SBBG15805 SBBG15805.2 ) Warren Canyon Wilderness, north of Tioga Pass on a dirt road that joins the Hwy at the 9000 ft marker Kathy Harper 16 Aug 1986. ( UCR51090 ) Lodgepole Pine Forest. Warren Creek, Tioga Pass, Sierra Nevada. Verne Grant 9854. 20 Aug 1956. ( RSA104843 ) .

- Warren Canyon, Rhizomatous perennial herb, corollas pale purple. Uncommon on shaded banks of eastern tributary of Warren Creek, moist sandy-gravelly soil; Pinus contorta murrayana, Salix orestera, Erigeron coulteri, Thalictrum fendleri, Lilium parvum.; Eastern Sierra Nevada Mtns. Warren Canyon, upper Lee Vining Creek drainage, c. 0.5 mile north of Hwy 120 Ann Howald 2984. 8 Aug 2013. ( UCR243315 ) Wet bank of Warren Fork, flowing through dry meadow, loam soil; with Castilleja miniata, Sphenosciadium capitellatum, Arnica, Carex, Mimulus, Epilobium, etc. Eastern Sierra Nevada Mtns. Warren Canyon, along main branch of Warren Fork (of Lee Vining Crk), c. 1.5 miles northwest of Hwy 120. Ann Howald 3239. 27 Jul 2014. ( UCR255444 ) Abundant in the Hoover Wilderness toward Lee Vining Creek. Polygonum bistortoides, Delphinium glaucum, Allium validum, Epilobium glaberrimum, Salix. Warren Fork trailhead below Tioga Pass on the 120 R. Stubbs 17. 1 Aug 2010. ( CAS1150615 ) . .

Polemonium pulcherrimum Hook.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Big Horn Lake, Sierra Nevada, H.M. Hall Natural Area, Big Horn Lake M. Lewis 549. Aug 1955. ( LA16851 ) .

- Conness Glacier, in crevices of morainal debris, glacier, east face of Mount Conness Carl W. Sharsmith Aug 1931. ( UC714191 ) .

- Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, On high, granitic peak. In steep watercourse. Soil of slate origin. On high, granitic peak w. of East Plateau, along e. ridge of Mt. Conness, in steep watercourse, n.e. of Slate Creek on way to East Plateau, H. M. Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Valley, Inyo N.F. A. R. Kruckeberg 3583. 25 July 1954. ( DS412123 ) With Draba lemmonii on steep glaciated granite slopes in crevices. Single individual seen. Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, north wall of ridge running east from Mt. Conness, east of Conness Glacier Elev. given as 11000 ft. David D. Keck 4611. 27 Aug 1937. ( DS693327 ) Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, rocky and gravelly saddle on northweast side of Mt. Conness. Jens Clausen 1655. 5 Aug 1937. ( DS693329 ) .

- Slate Creek Basin, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone. Talue slope above headwaters of creek; among rocks. Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 977. 9 Sep 1934. ( DS693326 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Slate Creek valley, east of Mt. Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, on N-facing, rocky, dry slope, SW of and above Fantail Lake (in Lake Valley). Jens Clausen 1683. 7 Aug 1937. ( DS693328 POM256730 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in metamorphics west slope of Tioga Crest above Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2738. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC714186 ) in metamorphics summit of Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2757. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC714187 ) east of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11460. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC714184 ) .

- White Mountain, Crevices in rocks. On slopes of White Mountain, above Slate Valley. G. L. Stebbins, Jr. 3816. 5 Jul 1947. ( CAS425383 ) .


Bistorta bistortoides (Pursh) Small.  (Syn: Polygonum bistortoides Pursh ) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, in lush grass at edge of lake near Lake Ellery, north edge of lake, Lee Vining Creek Road W. J. Dress and J. E. Cruise 4540. 20 Jul 1954. ( UC1377663 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. 2927 - 2988 m Lee Vining Creek: below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, ca 2.5 road mi NW of junction of Saddlebag Rd. with Hwy 120. Ca. 2 air mi E of Yosemite National Park boundary and 4 air mi N of Tioga Pass Scott D. White 5538. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR108914 ) . .

Eriogonum cernuum Nutt.  (Syn: E. c. Nutt. var. viminale (S. Stokes) Reveal ) Nodding Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Gem Lake, around Gem Lake Mrs. J. D. Wright 9 Jul 1929. ( SBBG61914 ) . .

Eriogonum incanum Torr. & A. Gray.  Frosted Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Conness Glacier, cirque below Conness Glacier, west of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11433. 29 Jul 1936. ( UC1081558 ) .

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated granitics Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2435. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC641780 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, 3049-3354 m Glacier Canyon at Tioga Pass G. R. Ballmer 3 Aug 1984. ( UCR35850 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Tioga Grade Ynez W. Winblad 25 Jul 1938. ( UC849548 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, meadow upper end of Saddle Bag Lake off Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 372. 18 Jul 1961. ( SBBG15792 ) gravelly slope north end of Saddle Bag Lake off Tioga Pass Road Donald Myrick 1733. 31 Aug 1967. ( SBBG27909 ) flat, rocky area, with Streptanthus tortuosus southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2374. 1 Sep 1962. ( CHSC22739 ) .

- Sawmill Campground, near Slate Creek, Sawmill Campground J. R. Haller 1734. 11 Jul 1960. ( SBBG19752 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Slate Creek, 1/2 mile above site of the old saw mill, in stream bottom, Frank W. Peirson 11524. 18 Jul 1935. ( JEPS56854 ) north side of Slate Creek Valley, east of Mount Conness J. Coulter 20 Aug 1932. ( SBBG28238 ) gravelly slope north side of Slate Creek Valley, Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness J. Coulter 5. 20 Aug 1932. ( SBBG28249 ) in gravelly, rocky situations Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, s side Slate Creek Valley, e slope of White Mountain Jens Clausen 549. 29 Jul 1932. ( UC1278821 ) .

- Tioga Pass, dry slope east side of Tioga Pass Philip A. Munz 16003. 17 Jul 1940. ( UC1005184 ) .

- Tioga Pass Resort, on a rocky outcrop on Tioga Pass near Tioga Lodge Jack L. Reveal and David Mason 174. 27 Jul 1962. ( UC1338625 ) . .

Eriogonum lobbii Torr. & A. Gray.  (Syn: E. l. Torr. & A. Gray var. lobbii ) Lobb's Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Big Horn Lake, south slope of fine gravel Big Horn Lake 1 mile west of White Mtn, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area David D. Keck 4954. 20 Aug 1938. ( UC604152 ) .

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated granitics Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2441. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC641807 ) .

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above. 2927 - 3049 m southeast of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2248. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR27833 ) loose gravels on north-facing slope above the southeast end of Ellery Lake, Lee Vining Creek Drainage William B. Davilla 69. 7 Aug 1973. ( SJSU9134 ) .

- Lee Vining Peak, dry, level ground, in unglaciated granitics northwest slope of Lee Vining Peak, Tioga Pass Region Carl W. Sharsmith 2794. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC641809 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, north flank of White Mountain, slate Creek Basin David D. Keck 4389. 17 Aug 1936. ( UC579822 ) . .

Eriogonum marifolium Torr. & A. Gray.  Marumleaf Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, Harlan Lewis 1554. 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR11836 ) . .

Eriogonum microthecum Nutt.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), rocky slope intersection of Lee Vining Creek and Tioga Pass Road Donald Myrick 1759. 3 Sep 1967. ( SBBG27871 ) . .

Eriogonum microthecum Nutt. var. alpinum Reveal.  Alpine Slender Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, Henry N. Bolander 6356. 1866. ( UC6359 UC6592 ) . .

Eriogonum nudum Douglas ex Benth.  Naked Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Gem Lake, around Gem Lake Mrs. J. D. Wright 9 Jul 1929. ( SBBG64132 ) .

- Tioga Pass, L. Rowntree 22 Sep 1929. ( SBBG64127 SBBG64130 ) . .

Eriogonum nudum Douglas ex Benth. var. deductum (Greene) Jeps.  Naked Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, rocky slopes and crevices in slate between Tioga Pass and Ellery Lake, north side of Ellery Lake and Highway 120 Elizabeth Neese 17647. 21 Aug 1986. ( UC1579832 ) .

- Fern Lake, Mrs. J. D. Wright 13 Jul 1929. ( SBBG64145 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. 2927 - 2988 m Lee Vining Creek: below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, ca 2.5 road mi NW of junction of Saddlebag Rd. with Hwy 120. Scott D. White 5510. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR108912 ) .

- Lundy Canyon (Upper), east slope, Veg Type: L. Gr 1 1/2 miles north of Lundy Lake, oords cont.: TRS: 2N25E9. T. M. Hendrix 518. 9 Aug 1937. ( UC1204699 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, s-facing wooded slope, in dry situations; Arctic-Alpine Life Zone south-facing slope above cabin (Timberline Station), east of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 824. 24 Aug 1934. ( UC532077 ) Dry, rocky exposed soil. Wild: native/naturalized North side of Slate Creek Valley, Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness. Sierra Nevada John Coulter 9. 28 Aug 1932. ( CAS221444 DS218504 POM186239 ) North side of Slate Creek Valley, east of Mt. Conness, near Yosemite National Park, Sierra Nevada. In rocky gorge leading to ridge. William M. Heusi 88. 20 Aug 1930. ( DS690273 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Meadow and talus slopes. Nunatak trail beside CA-120, about 1 mi S of Yosemite entrance Kiosk. George K. Helmkamp, E. A. Helmkamp 4416. 13 Aug 1998. ( UCR123124 ) dry slope east side of Tioga Pass Philip A. Munz 15992. 17 Jul 1940. ( CAS301715 POM255528 UC1005194 ) .

- Warren Canyon, Subalpine forest & meadow. Warren Canyon wilderness, N of Tioga Pass Rd on a dirt road that joins the Hwy at the the 9000 ft marker. Kathy Harper 16 Aug 1986. ( RSA492832 ) . .

Eriogonum nudum Douglas ex Benth. var. nudum.  Naked Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herbaceous, erect; Leaves basal, 22-32 mm, elliptic, subglabrous above (glabrous with a few cobwebby hairs); Infloresence in cymose heads, glabrous; Tepals glabrous; Perianth base entire (not jointed) (Described from Coll. No. 700, 13 Nov 2011).

- Saddlebag Lake, Mt. Conness Region: Tungsten mine trail at the northwest end of Saddlebag Lake Ernest C. Twisselmann 5691.1 11 Sep 1959. ( CAS650423 ) . .

Eriogonum nudum Douglas ex Benth. var. scapigerum (Eastw.) Jeps.  Naked Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, Harlan Lewis 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR11837 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, cirque below Conness Glacier west of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11431. 29 Jul 1936. ( UC1081576 ) .

- Tioga Peak, Mr. Adams Jul 1925. ( SBBG64163 ) . .

Eriogonum ovalifolium Nutt.  Cushion Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above. 2927 - 3049 m An uncommon tufted perennial on metamorphic talus above the dam, flowers pink and green. southeast of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of the Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2237. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR27905 ) .

- Mono Pass, Unknown 1895. ( SBBG65174 ) . .

Eriogonum ovalifolium Nutt. var. nivale (Canby ex Coville) M. E. Jones.  Cushion Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated granitics Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2455. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC641983 ) in unglaciated metamorphics south end of Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2502. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC641985 ) dry wash in granitic sand Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 3510. 1 Sep 1937. ( UC641990 ) dry meadow Donald Myrick 692. 24 Aug 1962. ( SBBG16368 ) Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Herbert L. Mason 11411. 28 Jul 1936. ( UC642010 ) Exposed ridge dominated by cushion plants. 3354 - 3659 m Dana Plateau, Mount Dana Steve Boyd 8 Aug 1980. ( UCR21896 ) .

- Mono Pass, Willis Linn Jepson 4465. 19 Jul 1911. ( JEPS56575 ) dry places summit of Mono Pass Wm. H. Brewer 1730. 27 Jun 1863. ( UC6502 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, above S end of Saddle Bag Lake off Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 387. 18 Jul 1961. ( SBBG15991 ) .

- Tioga Crest, Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11465. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC641822 ) . .

Eriogonum ovalifolium Nutt. ssp. vineum (Small) A. Nelson.  Cushenbury Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, rocky slope Dana Plateau off Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 704. 24 Aug 1962. ( SBBG16386 ) .

- Mount Dana, rocky slope upper levels of Mount Dana Donald Myrick 1748. 31 Aug 1967. ( SBBG27886 ) . .

Eriogonum rosense A. Nelson & P. B. Kenn.  (Syn: E. anemophilum Greene ) Rosy Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, alpine, in metamorphics, west rim of Dana Plateau overlooking Dana Glacier, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2419. 19 Sep 1937. ( UC712383 ) in unglaciated granitics east rim of Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2515. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC712404 ) dry ground in metamorphics west slope of Dana Plateau just opposite east side of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5005. 26 Jul 1944. ( SJSU13152 ) Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Herbert L. Mason 11412. 28 Jul 1936. ( UC712397 ) .

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above. 2927 - 3049 m southeast of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of the Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2235. 02 Aug 1981. ( UCR27936A ) .

- Tioga Crest, Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11455. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC712380 ) . .

Eriogonum spergulinum A. Gray var. reddingianum (M. E. Jones) J. T. Howell.  Redding Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, much-fractured hillock, travertine, dry sandy soil west end of Ellery Lake northeast of Tioga Pass W. J. Dress 9 Aug 1951. ( SBBG40339 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in fairly dry, loose soil east of Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, near Slate Creek Jens Clausen 1611. 2 Aug 1937. ( UC648652 ) . .

Eriogonum umbellatum Torrey, Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York. 2: 241. 1827.  Sulphur-Flower Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, J. R. Robbins 17 Jul 1932. ( SBBG64179 ) . .

Eriogonum umbellatum Torr. var. nevadense Gand.  Sulphur-Flower Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial shrub, erect; Leaves alternate, entire; Stipules 0; Involucre subtended by 3-5 bracts, bracts fused at base, involucre 6 mm., lobes 4, 3 mm., reflexed, not awn-tipped; Infloresence a simple umbel; Perianth base with an attenuated, stipe-like base, 2 mm.; Tepals yellow, glabrous. (Described from Coll. No. 435, 31 Jul 2004, and Coll. No. 474, 26 Jun 2007).

- Mono Pass, McLean Jul 1875. ( UC6498 ) . .

Eriogonum umbellatum Torr. var. umbellatum Sulphur-Flower Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Probable misidentification.

Type collected “near the Rocky Mountains” by Edwin James, 1820. Described by Torrey in 1827.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), granitic soil Lee vining Canyon; elev. 9000 ft Lyman Benson 3789. 1 Jul 1932. ( POM280023 ) . .

Eriogonum vimineum Douglas ex Benth.  Willow Buckwheat. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- San Joaquin Mountain, Mrs. J. D. Wright 6 Jul 1929. ( SBBG65244 ) . .

Eriogonum wrightii Torr. ex Benth. var. subscaposum S. Watson.  Bastardsage. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial subshrub (as opposed to matted, suggesting var. wrightii), to 2 dm; Stems white tomentose; Leaf blade 8-10 mm, petiole bases not forming a ring around stem; Infloresence raceme-like; Involucres 1 per node, 2.5 mm Bracts 3; Tepals uniform in width; Flower stipe 0 (Described from Coll. No. 701, 13 Nov 2011).

- Gem Lake, around Gem Lake Mrs. J. D. Wright 9 Jul 1929. ( SBBG64292 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Tioga Pass road below Blue Slide Annie M. Alexander and Louise Kellogg 3439. 4 Sep 1942. ( UC703911 ) .

- Log Cabin Mine, on a wind-swept ridge on a ridge near Log Cabin Mine, west of Lee Vining Jack L. Reveal 185. 16 Aug 1962. ( UC1338653 ) . .

Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill.  Alpine Mountain Sorrel. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, rocky slope at timber line southeast of the dam that forms Ellery Lake Andrew C. Sanders 2234. 02 Aug 1981. ( UCR26466 ) . .

Polygonum douglasii Greene ssp. douglasii.  Douglas Knotweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, cirque below Conness Glacier, west of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11442. 29 Jul 1936. ( UC1056967 ) . .

Polygonum minimum S. Watson.  Broadleaf Knotweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, cirque cirque below Conness Glacier, west of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11440. 29 Jul 1936. ( UC1056958 ) . .

Polygonum polygaloides Meisn. ssp. kelloggii (Greene) J. C. Hickman.  Kellogg's Knotweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, cirque cirque below Conness Glacier, west of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11441. 29 Jul 1936. ( UC1056968 ) .

- Tioga Crest, moist ground near summit, in unglaciated granitics near summit of Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2777. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC641804 ) . .

Polygonum sawatchense Small ssp. sawatchense.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Crest, Tioga Crest near Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11472. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC641803 ) . .

Polygonum shastense A. Gray.  Shasta Knotweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Cascade Lake, gravelly slope above Cascade Lake, below North Peak, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Jens Clausen and A. Kruckeberg 1925. 16 Aug 1941. ( UC1278820 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, cirque below Conness Glacier, west of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11438. 29 Jul 1936. ( UC1083118 ) . .

Rumex acetosella L.  (Syn: Acetosella vulgaris (K. Koch) Fourr. , R. angiocarpus Murb. ) Sheep Sorrel. Weed: CAL-IPC, List: Moderate. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Coll. No. 1841, 17 May 2018, characters observed: Perennial herb from woody rootstock, to 30 cm., dioecious (all plants in this collection staminate); Leaves, basal and cauline similar, ocrea, 7-10 mm., petiole 20 mm. + blade 12-24 mm. × 6 mm. wide, base hastate, lobes pointing outward, tip acuminate; Pedicels, 1-3 mm.; Flowers, bulbar-like base, described as stipe-like, but does not look stipe-like such as that seen in Eriogonum umbellatum; Pedicels, 1-3 mm.; Tepals, #6, 1.7 mm., reddish (Described from Coll. No. 1841, 17 May 2018).

- Saddlebag Lake, Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. Lee Vining Creek: below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, ca 2.5 road mi NW of junction Saddlebag Road w/ Hwy 120. Scott D. White 5465. 7 Aug 1997. ( UCR108941 ) . .

Rumex californicus Rech. f.  (Syn: R. salicifolius Weinm. var. denticulatus Torr. ) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), wet rock crevices, deeply rooted perennial, infructescence becoming deep reddish, abundant locally Bloody Canyon east of Mono Pass Carl W. Sharsmith 5793. 19 Aug 1949. ( SJSU13131 ) .

- Dana Plateau, moist ground near springs west slope of Dana Plateau opposite east base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5191. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU13114 ) .

- Gardisky Lake, wet alpine meadow, on sandy strand on edge of tarn. north side of tarn just west of Gardisky Lake, near Tioga Crest, north of Tioga Pass. 37.9556°N, 119.2527°W Steve Matson 1497. 20 Aug 2005. ( JEPS111284 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, moist rock places Glacier Canyon just below recent moraine on E side of canyon, E base of Mt Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 4208. 19 Aug 1940. ( SJSU13126 ) Central Sierra Nevada Mountains: Glacier Canyon, along Tioga Lake; southwest of Mono Lake Russell S. Woglum 2858. 19 Aug 1940. ( RSA606201 ) .

- Tioga Crest, Sierra Nevada, Tioga Crest, near Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11476. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC641783 ) . .

Rumex paucifolius S. Watson.  Alpine Sheep Sorrel. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated granitics Carl W. Sharsmith 2451. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC641788 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, cirque below Conness Glacier, west of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11430. 29 Jul 1936. ( UC1083116 ) in gravelly soil near outlet from spring, talus slope, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone east of Mount Conness, on North Mountain, talus slope northwest of headwaters of creel, Slate Creek Basin Jens Clausen 1156. 23 Jul 1935. ( UC579706 UC579750 ) .

- Warren Canyon, rocky meadow Sierra Nevada Mountains | Warren Canyon, W of Lee Vining G. R. Ballmer 17 Jul 1983. ( UCR31802 ) . .

Rumex salicifolius Weinm.  (Syn: R. salicifolius Weinm. ssp. salicifolius ) Willow Dock. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, Harlan Lewis 1559. 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR11833 ) .

- Tioga Lake, north end of Tioga Lake on Highway 120 G. R. Ballmer 15 Aug 1987. ( UCR49029 ) .

- Warren Canyon, G. R. Ballmer 13 Aug 1987. ( UCR48616 ) .


Calyptridium monospermum Greene.  One-seeded Pussypaws. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, meadow and talus slopes Nunatak trail beside CA-120, about 1 mi S of Yosemite entrance Kiosk. George K. Helmkamp 4401. 13 Aug 1998. ( UCR123134 ) . .

Calyptridium umbellatum (Torr.) Greene.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial tap-rooted; Infloresence (appearing) terminal; Fruit round, 4 mm x 3 mm wide; Seed 7 (+ 2 aborted), shiny black, reniform, dimpled surface. (Described from Coll. No. 463, 29 Nov 2011).

- Dana Plateau, in sandy area Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2101. 15 Jul 1935. ( UC642768 ) in unglaciated granitics Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2445. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC642770 ) in unglaciated granitics Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2446. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC642769 ) .

- Mount Warren, near summit, in metamorphics Near summit of Mount Warren, Tioga Pass region Carl W. Sharsmith 2836. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC642773 ) .

- Parker Pass, crevices between rocks; Artic Life Zone Victor Duran 1229. 29 Jul 1925. ( UC1282128 ) .

- Tioga Crest, Tioga Crest, east of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11463. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC642683 ) .


Androsace septentrionalis L.  (Syn: Androsace septentrionalis L. ssp. subumbellata (A. Nelson) G. T. Robbins ) Pygmyflower Rockjasmine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, plateau in unglaciated granitics Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2442. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC712406 ) plateau in unglaciated metamorphics Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2487. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC712461 ) rocky slopes south end of plateau south end of Dana Plateau Edward Lee 2479. 6 Aug 1936. ( JEPS78591 ) . .

Dodecatheon alpinum (A. Gray) Greene.  Alpine Shootingstar. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Crystal Lake, Henry M. Pollard 22 Jul 1944. ( JEPS25026 ) .

- Dana Plateau, Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 108. 17 Jul 1933. ( UC712412 ) Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2117. 15 Jul 1935. ( UC712414 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, In moist sod-like ground near streamlets. Herbage succulent; plants from bulblets. Base of Glacier Canyon, north side of Mt. Dana Beecher Crampton 248. 10 Jul 1941. ( UCD38101 ) .

- Mono Pass, Mono Pass; at Park boundary, Yosemite National Park Herbert L. Mason 358. 26 Aug 1922. ( UC1199862 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, moist ground n end Saddlebag Lake; in Conness Glacier drainage, Tioga Pass region Carl W. Sharsmith 297. 6 Aug 1933. ( UC712415 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, along Cabin Creek; Carnegie Inst. Wash. Timberline Transplant Station, Slate Creek Drainage, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Tioga Pass H. J. Thompson 1509. 14 Jul 1951. ( UC1001469 ) .

- Warren Canyon, Floor of canyon, very wet meadow Yosemite National Park, Tioga Pass, Warren Canyon, a small canyon N of the road at the 9,000 ft. elevation marker. Kathy Harper 25 Jul 1989. ( UCR62171 ) .


Aconitum columbianum Nutt.  Columbian Monkshood. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. 2927 - 2988 m Lee Vining Creek: below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, ca 2.5 road mi NW of junction of Saddlebag Rd. with Hwy 120 Scott D. White 5537. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR108915 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, loose soil on steep hillside in spring overflow Mrs. H. P. Bracelin 30. 15 Aug 1930. ( UC419753 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Cabin Cr (a tributary of Slate Cr), Leevining Cr drainage Carl W. Sharsmith 5695. 8 Sep 1948. ( SJSU13059 ) With Lilium parvum, Salix sp., grasses. North side of Slate Creek Valley, east of Mt. Conness, Mono County, at 10,000 ft elevation. Willieam M. Heusi 74. 30 Jul 1930. ( DS695818 ) .

- Timberline Station, Timberline Station, at 10,000 feet elevation, along small creek above cabin. Jens Clausen 847. 24 Aug 1933. ( DS240033 ) . .

Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willd.  Red Baneberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lundy Canyon (Upper), vegetative type 0.4 mile south of Lundy T. M. Hendrix 595. 27 Aug 1937. ( UC1125855 ) . .

Aquilegia hybrid.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, Mono Co.: Population sample of hybrid swarm at southwest end of Saddlebag Lake, Inyo N. F. Arthur R. Kruckeberg 3568. 24 Jul 1954. ( DS413097 ) East facing talus slope at Saddlebag Lake (3) 10,300 ft. Valerie C. Chase 68063008. 30 Jun 1968. ( DS673423 ) . [ This record represents 62 collections of Aquilegia hybrids from the vicinity of Saddlebag Lake with the same collector, at similar locations and on similar dates. , Collection date estimated from collection number. ] .

Aquilegia formosa DC.  (Syn: A. f. Fisch. var. pauciflora (Greene) Payson , A. truncata Fisch. & C.A.Mey. ) Western Columbine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bennettville, Stream bank on Bennettville Road, of Tioga Pass, Yosemite National Park. Donald Myrick 655. 21 Aug 1962. ( CAS893525 ) Eat and north facing metamorphic talus slope at Bennettville mine, Valerie C. Chase 68071000. 10 Jul 1968. ( DS673000 ) . [ There are five other collections of this taxon made by the same collector at the same place on the same date. , Date estimated from collection number. ]

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), yellow pine forest 0.3 mi S of Saddlebag Lake along Saddlebag Lake Rd, above Lee Vining Crk. George K. Helmkamp 4430. 13 Aug 1998. ( UCR123461 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Leevining Canyon, about halfway down from Tioga Pass. Milo S. Baker 5844. 4 7 1932. ( CAS200130 ) Growing in rocky streambed of creek from Saddlebag Lake where road to Carnegie station crosses creek (4) Valerie C. Chase 68063000. 30 6 1968. ( DS673312 ) [ Date of collection estimated from collection number. ] Growing along rocky streambed of creek from Saddlebag Lake where road to [Carnegie] station crosses creek (4) Valerie C. Chase 68070400. 4 Jul 1968. ( DS673299 ) . [ There are five other collections of the same taxon from the same time and place. , Collection date estimated from collection number. ]

- Saddlebag Lake, Mono Co.: Mono National Forest, in shade on south facing slope under Pinus murrayana near south end of Saddlebag Lake. Elevation 10,150 feet. Jens Clausen 1967. 6 Aug 1942. ( DS695902 ) Growing with A. pubescens at ca. 3050 m (10,000 ft.) elevation Saddlebag Lake. Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness, Mono County. Arctic-Alpine Life Zone John Coulter 18 Aug 1932. ( DS218507 DS695903 ) .

- Slate Creek, Growing under willows along upper part of Slate Creek (9) at 10,400 ft. Valerie C. Chase 68070808. 8 7 1968. ( DS673323 ) . [ Date of collection estimated from collection number. ]

- Slate Creek Basin, in rock crevices. Slate Creel Basin Jens Clausen 912. 1 Sep 1934. ( DS695904 ) .

- Tioga Pass, From Tioga Pass road at 8700 ft. on the east side of pass by stream on south facing slope Valerie C. Chase 68070904. 9 Jul 1968. ( DS673298 ) . [ Representative record of multiple collections at same place and date. , Collection date estimated from collection number. ] .

Aquilegia pubescens Coville.  Sierra Columbine. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), Willis Linn Jepson 4439. 19 Jul 1911. ( JEPS60417 ) .

- Ellery Lake, Highway 120 at Ellery Lake. Growing among boulders. A hybrid population, some plants red and yellow flowered; intermediates present. Jean L. Pawek 472. 12 Jul 1958. ( DS615553 ) .

- Green Treble Lake, locally scattered perennials on dampish stony slope near snow base of cliff about Treble Lake, Slate Creek, Sierra Nevada Philip A. Munz 19989. 18 Aug 1954. ( CAS893211 ) .

- Lundy Canyon (Upper), Highest south wall of Lundy Canyon, Mono County Mrs. Elizabeth C. Wright Summer 1923. ( CAS128329 ) .

- Mono Pass, J. W. Congdon 16 Aug 1894. ( DS44591 ) .

- Mount Dana, Alice Eastwood 607. 23 Aug 1907. ( CAS88322 ) [ Cited: Munz Gentes Herb. 7: 137. 1946 ] north slope N. slope Mt. Dana, Yosemite National Park Edward L. Smith 593. 19 Jul 1958. ( CHSC8498 ) Mt. Dana J. W. Congdon 18980810. 10 Aug 1898. ( DS44592 ) Northwest slope of Mt. Dana Milo S. Baker 239. 14 Sep 1925. ( DS160080 DS160081 DS160088 ) Slope, Mt. Dana, Yosemite Raymond J. Dobbs 4 Aug 1926. ( DS578584 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Saddlebag Lake, el. 10,210 ft., Mono Co., Talus slope. Enid A. Larson 14 Aug 1972. ( CAS893214 ) Saddlebag Lake, Mono County. Among large rocks on metamorphic rock southwest of and above the dam. Jens Clausen 489. 28 Jul 1932. ( DS695909 ) Arctic-Alpine Life Zone. Saddlebag Lake, alt. 10,000 ft. (3050 m.) Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness John Coulter 2. 18 Aug 1932. ( CAS259674 DS220699 UCR66733 ) . [ Cited: Munz, Gentes Herb. 7:137. 1946. ]

- Slate Creek Valley, Mono Co.: Slate Creek Valley, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, on north facing rocky dry slope, Southwest and above Fantail Lake, (in Lake Valley) ca. 3140 M. elevation. Flowers pink, whitish and yellowish, varying from one plant to the other. Jens Clausen 1680. 7 Aug 1937. ( DS695908 ) Head of Slate Creek Valley on north facing talus slope (5) at 10,800 ft. Valerie C. Chase 68080208. 2 Aug 1968. ( DS673287 ) . [ This record represents 22 vouchers of the same taxon, by the same collector, at similar locations and similar dates. , Collection date estimated from collection number. ]

- Tioga Pass, Meadow and talus slopes. Nunatak trail beside CA-120, about 1 mi S of Yosemite entrance Kiosk. George K. Helmkamp 4405. 13 Aug 1998. ( UCR123128 ) Tioga Pass, at timberline. 10,000 ft. alt. H. M. Hall 11820. 2 Aug 1922. ( CAS88320 DS188438 ) . .

Delphinium andersonii A. Gray.  Anderson's Larkspur. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Warren Canyon, Subalpine forest & meadow. Assoc. with Salix near stream. Perennial; fls. violet. Warren Canyon Wilderness, N of Tioga Pass Road on a dirt road that joins the Hwy at the the 9000 ft marker. Kathy Harper 16 Aug 1986. ( UCR51087 ) . .

Delphinium glaucum S. Watson.  Sierra Larkspur. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Cabin Creek, With Aconitum columbianum Nutt. One meter tall. Mono Co.: North wall of Slate Creek Valley, east of Mt. Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, spring area at head of Cabin Creek, 10,350 feet elevation. Jens Clausen, with A. Kreckeberg 1948. 17 Aug 1941. ( CAS293909 DS713733 ) in Subalpine Forest Community; wet bank of Cabin Creek, tributary to Slate Creek, east slope of Sierra Nevada Philip A. Munz 20107. 19 Aug 1954. ( CAS892289 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Mossy spring on mountain slope; with Aconitum columbianum Southwest of Saddlebag Lake, spring Robert A. Schlising 2400.4 3 Sep 1962. ( CHSC23155 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in moist ravine, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone ravine leading to saddle between Mt. Conness and | East Plateau David D. Keck 4608. 27 Aug 1937. ( UC579701 ) Along creek. A well established and large colony, immensely vigorous. 130 cm. tall; corolla blue-purple. Mono Co.: Southeast facing ravine between Mount Conness and North Plateau (west of Saddlebag Lake), Harvey Monroe Natural Area, ca. 3260 m. elevation, Jens Clausen 1676. 5 Aug 1937. ( DS291851 DS713698 ) Mono Co.: between Upper Slate Creek Valley and Alpine Lake, east flank of Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, elevation 3200 m. (10,500 ft.) Palmer Stockwell 1357. 29 Aug 1935. ( DS713732 ) . .

Delphinium nuttallianum Pritz.  Twolobe Larkspur. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Ridge, ridgetop 1.5 miles northwest of Lee Vining Dean Wm. Taylor 7751. 3 Jul 1980. ( JEPS90892 ) . .

Delphinium polycladon Eastw.  Mountain Marsh Larkspur. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lower Sardine Lake, Mono Pass, Sardine Lake. Alice Eastwood 21 Aug 1906. ( CAS89043 ) . .

Ranunculus L.  Buttercup. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mount Dana, John Thomas Howell 14528. 11 Aug 1938. ( CAS265597 ) . .

Ranunculus alismifolius.  Plaintainleaf Buttercup. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, Mono Co.: Slate Creek Valley, east base of Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Carl Mahurin 76. 14 Jul 1937. ( DS701222 ) . .

Ranunculus alismifolius Benth. var. alismellus A. Gray.  Plaintainleaf Buttercup. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Tioga Grade Ynez W. Winblad 25 Jul 1938. ( UC827603 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, along creek in loose soil, geophyte, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone at headwaters above cabin, east of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 1115. 22 Jul 1935. ( UC579759 ) .

- Tioga Lake, In turf, grassy sod near little streamlet. Common. Herbage succulent. near Lake Tioga about 1 mile from Tioga Pass Beecher Crampton 245. 9 Jul 1941. ( UCD38099 ) .

- Tioga Pass, 1/4 mile east of Tioga Pass in a large meadow Jack L. Reveal and James L. Reveal 613. 10 Aug 1963. ( UC1338485 ) . .

Ranunculus eschscholtzii Schltdl.  Eschscholtz's Buttercup. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, South side of Slate Creek Valley, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area. L. R. Abrams, S. F. Blake, and D. D. Keck 2864. 30 Jun 1934. ( DS242567 DS701233 ) . [ DS701233 is filed with the Ranunculus undet., DS242567 with Ranunculus eschscholtzii ]

- Tioga Pass, With Salix petrophila and S. east-woodiae. Just at tree-line -- "krumholtz" type. Mono Co.: Along snow-fed stream and in sedge-grass meadows, middle of Dana Plateau, 2 miles east of Tioga Pass, Inyo N. F. Arthur R. Kruckeberg 3618. 27 Jul 1954. ( CAS894994 DS413044 ) . .

Ranunculus eschscholtzii Schltdl. var. oxynotus (A. Gray) Jeps.  (Syn: R. oxynotus Gray ) Eschscholtz's Buttercup. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek, Slate Creek, on rocks in second waterfall west of Timberline Station. Jens Clausen 1103. 20 Jul 1935. ( ds247768 ) .

- Tioga Crest, among rocks, in unglaciated metamorphics east side of summit of Tioga Crest, east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2752. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC642698 ) Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11473. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC642908 ) . .

Thalictrum alpinum L.  Alpine Meadow-Rue. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Clausen & Trapido #4584 UC1505753 is determined as Potentilla drummondii ssp. bruceae. Sierra Nevada, Dana Plateau Robert T. Clausen & Harold Trapido 4854.1 9 Jul 1940. ( GH369812 ) . .

Thalictrum fendleri Engelm. ex A. Gray.  Fendler's Meadow Rue. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, Lodgepole Forest. On wooded slopes, w/ Pinus albicaulis, and P. murrayana. 1 mi SE of Saddlebag Lake off State Hwy 120 over Tioga Pass P. C. Everett, and E. K. Balls 22008. 10 Jul 1956. ( RSA115780 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in shade of pine 150 m west of cabin, east of Mount Conness David D. Keck 5914. 2 Jul 1946. ( UC905657 ) .

- Tioga Pass, talus slope Philip A. Munz 15984. 17 Jun 1940. ( POM255520 UC1005201 ) . .

Thalictrum fendleri Engelm. ex A. Gray var. fendleri.  Fendler's Meadow Rue. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Cabin Creek, scattered perennials on semishady stream banks in Subalpine Forest Community Cabin Creek, tributary to Slate Creek, Philip A. Munz 20031. 19 Aug 1954. ( CAS893914 RSA96333 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. 2927 - 2988 m Lee Vining Creek: below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, ca 2.5 road mi NW of junction of Saddlebag Rd. with Hwy 120. Scott D. White 5502. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR109056 ) .

- Mount Dana, north slope of Mt. Dana, Mono Co. John Thomas Howell 20211. 10 Aug 1944. ( CAS323302 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Yellow pine forest 0.3 mi S of Saddlebag Lake along Saddlebag Lake Rd, above Lee Vining Crk. George K. Helmkamp 4429. 13 Aug 1998. ( UCR123392 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Meadowy area near brook. Slate Creek Valley, east of Mt. Conness, Mono County, at 10,000 feet elevation. William M. Heusi 56. 28 July 1930. ( CAS260338 DS713894 ) .

- Timberline Station, Slate Creek Valley, Mono County. At Timeberline Station, with 561 (under pines in shade). Elevation about 9,900 feet. Jens Clausen 562. 29 Jul 1932. ( DS224865 DS713893 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Bennettville Road at top Tioga Pass Donald Myrick 400. 19 Jul 1961. ( CAS893906 SBBG2284 ) .


Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M. Roem. var. pumila (Torr. & A. Gray) K. Schneid.  Cluster Serviceberry. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lundy Canyon (Upper), Aspen thicket (Populus tremuloides) with Salix, Osmorhiza occidentalis, Abies concolor, Rosa woodsii, Lundy Canyon, south of Mill Creek along creek that flows out of Lake Canyon Ian G. Gillespie 68. 28 Jul 2000. ( UCR132877 ) . .

Cercocarpus ledifolius Nutt. var. intermontanus N. H. Holmgren.  Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Warren Creek, Large population on old road grade, growing with Purshia tridentata. Voucher for symbiotic nitrogen-fixing (actinorhizal) nodule collection Inyo National Forest, 5 miles east of Yosemite National Park boundary on CA 120, near Ellery Lake, at crossing of the Warren Fork of Lee Vining Creek, on south side of road Brian Vanden Heuvel 171. 16 Aug 2002. ( UCD21965 UCD22413 UCD22414 UCD22415 UCD22416 UCD22417 ) . .

Dasiphora fruticosa (L.) Rydb.  (Syn: Potentilla fruticosa L. ) Shrubby Cinquefoil, Golden Hardtack. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 96. 17 Jul 1933. ( UC642645 ) .

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above, 2927-3049 m southeast of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of the Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2241. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR26463 ) semishade rocks just below Ellery Lake Dam Carl B. Wolf 2548. 5 Nov 1931. ( UC527165 ) .

- Mono Pass, Willis Linn Jepson 4430. 17 Jul 1911. ( JEPS44189 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Harlan Lewis 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR17167 ) in rocks, with Potentilla breweri southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2385. 3 Sep 1962. ( CHSC20643 ) . .

Drymocallis glandulosa (Lindl.) Rydb. var. glandulosa.  Mountain Sticky Cinquefoil. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Jordan Spring, Northwestern Mono Basin, Copper Mountain area, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest. Tom Schweich, with Kim Kersh 794. 10 Sep 2011. ( CAS1131366 UC1980458 ) . [ 12/29/2011, Coll. No. 794, characters observed while keying: Perennial, without stolons; Flowers opening widely; Sepals ±= petals; Petals yellow, 4.5-6.0 mm wide; Style attached below middle of achene, widest in middle, not warty; and Achenes glabrous. This keys to Drymocallis glandulosa var. glandulosa which has not been previously collected in the Mono Basin. I note that Taylor (2010) notes his collection of Potentilla glandulosa subsp. reflexa (JEPS96966) at Witcher Meadow, which Ertter has annotated as Drymocallis. I determined my collection 707 made at Pilot Spring as Drymocallis glandulosa var. reflexa. However, that collection had much narrower petals. ] .

Drymocallis lactea (Greene) Rydb.  (Syn: Potentilla glandulosa Lindl. ssp. nevadensis (S. Watson) D. D. Keck ) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927-2988 m on upper Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake and above USFS Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5489. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR109037 ) . .

Geum macrophyllum Willd.  Large-leaf Avens. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, to 50 cm., plant drying green; Leaves, upper stem leaves divided near to base; Sepals 5; Hypanthium bractlets (not visible); Petals 5 (not visible); Style continuous to fruit, 3 mm., hooked, not plumose, without bristles, non-glandular; Fruit, many per flower, 2.5 mm (Described from Coll. No. 438.1, 12 Nov 2012, var. perincisum considered indistinct).

- Ellery Lake, in lush grass at north edge of lake at north edge near Lake Ellery W. J. Dress 4537. 20 Jul 1954. ( SBBG40362 UC1377835 ) . [ SBBG 40362 determined as var. perincisum. ]

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Sierra Nevada: Lee Vining Crk E. Rockwell 936. Jun 1925. ( SBBG70511 ) . [ Determined as var. perincisum. ] .

Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim.  Ocean Spray. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mount Conness, Rocks. Mt Conness, Tioga Pass, N side Henry J. Ramsey, Mrs. Henry J. Ramsey 1677. 25 Aug 1940. ( POM306705 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, south facing slope Slate Creek Valley on ridge north of Carneige Institution Division of Plant Biology Field Station, east of Mount Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5684. 2 Sep 1948. ( SJSU13384 ) . .

Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim. var. discolor.  Ocean Spray. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, Common locally in a hot outcropping of schist rock. South end of Ellery Lake E. R. Blakley 6121. 3 Sep 1963. ( CAS866255 SBBG19851 ) .

- Mono Pass, J. W. Congdon 16 Aug 1894. ( DS39717 ) .

- Slate Creek Basin, Warm, dry, gravelly, granitic bank, facing southeast. A low shrub, about ½ meter high. Slate Creek Valley, lower part of Mt. Conness - Sierra Nevada Jens Clausen 522. 29 Jul 1932. ( DS687629 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, On sunny, dry, stony n. slopes; Subalpine Forest Community. N. slope of Middle Ridge, Slate Creek, Sierra Nevada Philip A. Munz 19980. 17 Aug 1954. ( CAS866266 ) In rocky gorge leading to ridge. North side of Slate Creek Valley, east of Mt. Conness, near Yosemite National Park - Sierra Nevada Mountains. William M. Heusi 86. 20 Aug 1930. ( CAS278935 DS687630 ) . .

Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim. var. microphyllus (Rydb.) Jeps.  (Syn: H. microphyllus Rydb. , H. microphyllus Rydb. var. microphyllus ) Ocean Spray. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial shrub, to 2 m.; Leaves, alternate and alternate clusters, 12 mm. × 11 mm. wide, base wedge-shaped, widest at or below middle, toothed distally, teeth entire, veins pinnate, glands 0; Inflorescence, raceme; Pedicels, 4.5 mm., bractlets, #2; Petals, white; Ovary, superior; Pistils, #5, hairs dense bristle-like. Described from Coll. No. 1189, 26 June 2015. Treated as H. microphyllus Rydb. Var. microphyllus by FNANM.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927-2988 m Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake and above USFS Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5507. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR108781 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types incl. willow shrubland. Ledum thicket, grass/sedge meadow [near creek] Ansel Adams Wilderness, Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake about 3 air miles southwest of public campground at Silver Lake, 2790-2866 m Scott D. White 5643. 13 Aug 1997. ( UCR104209 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, With Calochortus in rocks. Southwest of Saddlebag Lake. Robert A. Schlising 2366. 1 Sep 1962. ( CHSC20645 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Dry bank. e side Tioga Pass Philip A. Munz 15994. 17 Jul 1940. ( UC1005192 ) . .

Horkelia fusca Lindl. var. parviflora (Nutt. ex Hook. & Arn.) Wawra.  (Syn: H. f. Lindl. ssp. parviflora (Nutt. ex Hook. & Arn.) D. D. Keck ) Smallflower Horkelia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, lush green lake edge near Lee Vining Creek north edge of Lake Ellery W. J. Dress and J. E. Cruise 4539. 20 Jul 1954. ( UC1377837 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), opening in forest near stream Frank W. Peirson 6125. 27 Jun 1925. ( UC555518 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, upper Hudsonian, rocky loam, sun 1/4 mile east of Saddlebag Lake Carl B. Wolf 5365. 17 Aug 1933. ( UC718388 ) Fell field, 3201-3354 m just southeast of Saddlebag Lake George K. Helmkamp 3 Jul 1977. ( UCR15413 ) about 1/4 mile below dam along the road William M. Hiesey 336. 9 Aug 1935. ( UC1278839 ) .

- Tioga Pass, moist bank east side of Tioga Pass Philip A. Munz 16002. 17 Jul 1940. ( UC1005185 ) . .

Ivesia lycopodioides A. Gray ssp. lycopodioides.  Clubmoss Mousetail. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Conness Glacier, terminal moraine Herbert L. Mason 11428. 29 Jul 1936. ( UC642662 ) .

- Dana Plateau, northeast rim of Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2390. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC642917 ) north of Mount Dana David D. Keck 4969. 23 Aug 1938. ( UC624831 ) rocky alpine meadow Robert T. Clausen and Harold Trapido 4853. 9 Jul 1940. ( UC1505760 ) growing on alpine scree slope Dana Plateau, south central area Steve Matson 1509. 21 Aug 2005. ( JEPS111271 ) .

- Parker Pass, s shore of small alke, moist turf, on metamorphic (carbonaceous marble) substrates Headwaters of Parker Creek; along trail between Parker Pass and Koip Pass, at nw base of steep climb up switchbacks to saddle between Koip Peak and Parker Peak Dean Wm. Taylor 9206. 1 Aug 1987. ( UC1540213 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, on depressions filled with decomposed granite on a spur near North Peak, above Saddlebag Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 1315. 29 Aug 1971. ( JEPS91212 ) . .

Ivesia lycopodioides A. Gray ssp. megalopetala (Rydb.) D. D. Keck.  Clubmoss Mousetail. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), Willis Linn Jepson 4436. 17 Jul 1911. ( JEPS44350 ) .

- Mono Pass, well drained sites in moist meadow borders, underlain by calc-hornfel metamorphic substrate headwaters Walker Creek in; along the trail about 350 meters e of the summit, Inyo National Forest, Mono, Pass, Mono Lake Watershed | Bloody Canyon | Sierra Nevada, Inyo National Forest, Mono Pass | Dean Wm. Taylor 15533. 19 Sep 1995. ( JEPS91106 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, on a quaking bog island bog inland in Fantail Lake, southeast boundary of Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Palmer Stockwell 1351. 25 Aug 1935. ( UC648699 ) . .

Ivesia muirii A. Gray.  Granite Mousetail. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Big Horn Lake, above Big Horn Lake on White Mountain, Slate Creek Basin David D. Keck 4369. 17 Aug 1936. ( UC586828 ) .

- Greenstone Lake, north-facing talus slope west of Saddlebag Lake, north-facing slope of East Plateau above Greenstone Lake Jens Clausen and A. Kruckeberg 1907. 16 Aug 1941. ( UC1278828 ) .

- Tioga Crest, summit, in unglaciated metamorphics east of Saddlebag Lake, summit of south end of Tioga Crest Carl W. Sharsmith 2746. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC642923 ) growing on loose scree on exposed alpine ridge at 11,000 ft. Northwest of Gardisky Lake, on the Tioga Crest Steve Matson 1501. 20 Aug 2005. ( JEPS111276 ) . .

Ivesia shockleyi S. Watson var. shockleyi.  Sky Mousetail. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, edge of Dana Plateau Carl W. Sharsmith 114. 17 Jul 1933. ( UC1085301 UC642656 ) vicinity of Mount Dana, Dana Plateau, rim of east escarpment Carl W. Sharsmith 2115. 15 Jul 1935. ( UC642655 ) in unglaciated granitics east rim of Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2512. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC642919 ) in gravels and crevices on granitic portion of plateau, scarcely intruding upon metamorphic portion north of Mount Dana, Dana Plateau, near the summit of the Sierra Nevada David D. Keck 4960. 20 Aug 1938. ( UC624809 ) vicinity of Dana Plateau Herbert L. Mason 11397. 28 Jul 1936. ( UC642920 ) vicinity of Mount Dana Herbert L. Mason 11398. 28 Jul 1936. ( UC642653 ) .

- Lee Vining Peak, east slope, in granitics, east slope of Lee Vining Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 2791. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC642658 ) . .

Potentilla breweri S. Watson.  (Syn: P. drummondii Lehm. ssp. breweri (S. Watson) Ertter ) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mine Creek, rudge on north side of creek, granite ledge with some seepage on north-facing cliff about 2 miles south of Saddlebag Lake, ridge on north side of Mine Creek, edge of Hall Natural Area Barbara J. Ertter and Fosiee Tahbaz 8832. 21 Aug 1989. ( UC1607611 ) .

- Mono Pass, compare to W. H. Brewer #1720 summit of Mono Pass Henry N. Bolander 1720. 1863. ( UC12710 ) Unknown 26 Aug 1895. ( UC114326 ) also type loc of P. breweri Wats. (Brewer 1720..);(UC#12512) differs fr this only in...(Jeps #4468.. Willis Linn Jepson 4467. 19 Jul 1911. ( JEPS44468 ) summit of Mono Pass Wm. H. Brewer 1720. 27 Jun 1863. ( JEPS44470 ) .

- Mount Warren, Lundy Trail, Mt. Warren Unknown 21 Aug 1894. ( UC114328 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Upper Hudsonian Life Zone; moist loam in small meadow; sw side of Lake southwest side of Saddlebag Lake 100 yards from dam Carl B. Wolf 5360. 17 Aug 1933. ( UC718389 ) rocky hills around lake Mrs. H. P. Bracelin 44. 15 Aug 1930. ( UC419760 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, short-hair meadow & rocky borders, not in very dry places but yielding at crk to P. Drummondii spp.. David D. Keck 4923. 16 Aug 1938. ( UC604157 ) dryish meadow edge Slate Creek Valley east of Mount Conness H. L. Buckalew 6 Aug 1958. ( SJSU8523 ) . .

Potentilla bruceae Rydb.  (Syn: P. drummondii Lehm. ssp. bruceae (Rydb.) D. D. Keck ) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, rocky alpine meadow Clausen & Trapido #4584 GH369812 is determined as Thalictrum alpinum Robert T. Clausen and Harold Trapido 4854. 9 Jul 1940. ( UC1505753 ) .

- Mono Pass, Willis Linn Jepson 4468. 19 Jul 1911. ( JEPS44262 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, in rocks with Potentilla fruticosa southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2383. 3 Sep 1962. ( CHSC20638 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in moist creek borders David D. Keck 4924. 16 Aug 1938. ( UC604156 ) . .

Potentilla drummondii Lehm.  (Syn: P. d. Lehm. ssp. drummondii ) Drummond's Cinquefoil. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927-2988 m Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake and above USFS Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5444. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR108942 ) . .

Potentilla flabellifolia Hook.  High Mountain Cinquefoil. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Crystal Lake, dry, sandy area near inlet Eugene Cardiff 1 Aug 1967. ( UCR9092 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types incl. willow shrubland. Ledum thicket, grass/sedge meadow [near creek], 2790-2866 m Ansel Adams Wilderness, Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake, ca. 3 air miles SW of public campground at Silver Lake (on "June Lake Loop") Scott D. White 5583. 13 Aug 1997. ( UCR104200 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, moist ground by lake above Saddlebag Lake, in Conness Glacier drainage Carl W. Sharsmith 302. 6 Aug 1933. ( UC642929 ) .

- Tioga Lake, common in grassy sod near a little streamlet, herbage succulent near Lake Tioga Beecher Crampton 243. 9 Jul 1941. ( UCD38098 ) . .

Potentilla glaucophylla Lehm. var. glaucophylla.  Blue Leaf Cinquefoil. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. (P. diversifolia var. diversifolia misapplied.)

Perennial herb, to 25 cm.; Flowering stems, ascending, reddish; Leaves, basal, petiole, 50 mm., sparsely hairy, blade, palmate, 25 mm. × 35 mm. wide, 5-7 leaflets, leaflets, incised, distal ½, about half-way to mid-vein, adaxial, very sparse hairy, abaxial, hairy mostly on veins, margins hairy, cauline, much reduced to sessile, ternately lobed, 17 mm.; Sepals, 5 mm. × 3 mm. wide, green, purplish on veins or at tips; Petals, 7 mm. × 8 mm. wide, bright yellow; Stamens, #20; Anthers, 0.7 mm.; Style, 2 mm., slender throughout, attached mid-achene. (Described from Coll. No. 1477, 29 Jun 2016).

- Bloody Canyon (upper), Willis Linn Jepson 4437. 17 Jul 1911. ( JEPS44466 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in granite area saddle between Mt. Conness and North Plateau, west of Saddlebag Lake Jens Clausen 1661. 5 Aug 1937. ( UC595118 ) Artic-Alpine Life Zone Slate Creek, Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness John Coulter 16. 2 Sep 1932. ( UCR66576 ) at site of sawmill below Saddlebag Lake William M. Hiesey 394. 29 Jul 1938. ( UC1278838 ) . .

Potentilla gracilis Hook.  Slender Cinquefoil. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, in lush grass north edge of Lake Elleryt near Leevining Creek Road W. J. Dress and J. E. Cruise 4538. 20 Jul 1954. ( UC1377838 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927-2988 m on upper Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake and above USFS Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5458. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR108913 ) .

- Upper Mono Basin, Camp 121 west of Mono Lake Wm. H. Brewer 1826. 9 Jul 1863. ( UC12544 ) . .

Potentilla gracilis Hook. var. fastigiata (Nutt.) S. Watson.  Slender Cinquefoil. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, herbaceous, to 50 cm.; Stolons 0; Stem ascending, hairs one length, spreading, not shaggy or cottony; Leaf palmately compound; Leaflets 5-7, 12 to 21-toothed to base of leaflet, ± half or less to mid-veins, top and bottom surfaces similarly hairy, hairs straight spreading (not shaggy or cottony hairy), Inflorescence in cymes, many-flowered; Sepals 5; Receptacle in fruit not enlarged; Petals 5, yellow, equal to or slightly longer than sepals; Hypanthium shallow; Stamens many, 13-18; Style jointed to achene at top, thickest at base, slightly tapered, neither warty nor hairy, 1.4-2.0 mm.; Achenes glabrous, not fleshy; (Described from Coll. No. 438.2 12 Nov 2012, Coll. No. 471 30 Nov 2011, and Coll. No. 852 21 Jun 2012).

- Jordan Spring, Northwestern Mono Basin, Copper Mountain area, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest. Tom Schweich, with Kim Kersh 796. 10 Sep 2011. ( CAS1131368 UC ) .

- Mono Pass, moist turf vegetation on solifluction terrraces on calc-hornfel metamorphic substrate headwaters of Walker Creek in Bloody Canyon, about 350 meters east of the mining cabins at the summit Dean Wm. Taylor 15543. 19 Sep 1995. ( JEPS91107 JEPS91108 ) .

- Warren Creek, moist Pinus contorta forest with grassy-herb dominated understory adjacent to the creek Warren Fork of Lee Vining Creek near end of jeep road o.4 miles west from Highway 120 Dean Wm. Taylor 13071. 5 Aug 1992. ( JEPS91109 JEPS91111 JEPS91114 ) . .

Potentilla pseudosericea Rydb.  Silky Cinquefoil. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), moist turf in site underlain by quartzite & dominated by Carex..dryer uplands dom by Potentilla.. Bloody Canyon in cirque above Lower Sardine Lake, northeast slope of Mount Gibbs Dean Wm. Taylor 13099. 8 Aug 1992. ( JEPS88755 UC1736316 ) .

- Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 93.2 17 Jul 1933. ( UC642642 ) .

- Mono Pass, Theo. Labouchere Aug 1915. ( UC420558 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, loose sm rock; only on summit not..more than 10-20' below rim; w/other cushion plants abv treeline on summit of ridge just east of White Mountain Jens Clausen 1875. 3 Aug 1941. ( UC1278832 ) . .

Purshia tridentata (Pursh) DC.  Bitterbrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Large population on old road grade, growing with Cercocarpus ledifolius 5 miles east of Yosemite National Park boundary on CA 120m near Ellery Lake at crossing of the Warren Fork of Lee Vining Creek on south side of road, Brian Vanden Heuvel 172. 16 Aug 2002. ( UCD21966 UCD22418 UCD22419 UCD22420 UCD22421 ) . .

Rosa woodsii Lindl. ssp. ultramontana (S. Watson) Roy L. Taylor & MacBryde.  Mountain Rose. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Shrubs large; Leaves glandless; Leaflet tip rounded (as opposed to truncate); Prickles generally terete, slender, straight or slightly curved; Sepals glandless, tips entire, persistent in fruit (Note to self: remember the ovary is inferior, so the sepals are on top of the fruit.); Petals 10-25 mm (measured 10-19 mm); Pistils 10 (observed 26±).

- Ellery Lake, At Ellery Lake, west central Mono County, outside Tioga Pass entrance to Yosemite National Park Russell S. Woglum 2896. 24 Aug 1940. ( UC1334763 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, rock crevices, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone east of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 907. 1 Sep 1934. ( UC547775 ) . .

Sibbaldia procumbens L.  Creeping Sibbaldia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927-2988 m Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake and above USFS Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5503. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR109057 ) .

- Lee Vining Peak, in granitics northwest slope of Lee Vining Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 2793. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC642636 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, in drainage from Conness Glacier first lake above Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 201. 6 Aug 1933. ( UC642640 ) . .

Spiraea densiflora Torr. & A. Gray.  (=Spiraea splendens Baumann ex K. Koch) Rose Meadowsweet. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, growing on rocky slopes and in crevices Ellery Lake at Tioga Pass John C. Roos 4002. 9 Jul 1948. ( UCR18923 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927-2988 m Lee Vining Creek, below Saddlebag Lake, and above USFS Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5504. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR109058 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, rocks southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2372. 1 Sep 1962. ( CHSC20635 ) .

- Tioga Pass, moist slope east side of Tioga Pass Philip A. Munz 15991. 17 Jul 1940. ( UC1005195 ) .


Galium bifolium S. Watson.  Twinleaf Bedstraw. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek, Slate Creek, Sierra Nevada. Frank W. Peirson 7601. 29 Jul 1927. ( RSA87320 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, on sandy terraces Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, head of Slate Creek Valley, east base of Mount Conness Jens Clausen and A. Kruckeberg 1895. 10 Aug 1941. ( UC1278824 ) . .

Galium hypotrichium A. Gray.  Alpine Bedstraw. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Peak, granitic rocks; shaded, snow accumulation site at base of steep cliffs; e. base of peak cirque at east base of Tioga Peak, uphill from Tioga Road between Warren Fork and Lee Vining Creek, Dean Wm. Taylor 11240. 19 Jul 1990. ( JEPS90068 ) . .

Galium hypotrichium A. Gray ssp. hypotrichium.  Alpine Bedstraw. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Crest, in rock crevices of metamorphics east slope of Tioga Crest near summit Carl W. Sharsmith 2769. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC1039212 UC1039213 ) in rock crevices of metamorphics e slope of Tioga Crest near summit Sierra Nevada, Tioga Pass region Carl W. Sharsmith 2769.1 25 Jul 1937. ( UC1039213 ) In rock crevices of metamorphics. East slope of Tioga Crest near the summit, Tioga Pass region Carl W. Sharsmith 2769.2 25 Jul 1937. ( CAS880725 CAS880726 UC1039212 ) . .

Galium trifidum L. var. pusillum A. Gray.  (=Galium trifidum L ssp. subbiflorum (Wiegand) Puff) Tree-Petal Bedstraw. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above, 2927-3049 m southeast of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2245. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR26455 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Location reported as "Saddlebag Creek," Sierra Nevada. Frank W. Peirson 7600. 29 Jul 1927. ( RSA67163 ) . .

Galium triflorum Michx.  Fragrant Bedstraw. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), seepage meadows on 40 degree slope; granitic substrate; steep glaciated canyon wall Lee Vining Canyon, steep north facing slope directly above Poole Powerhouse Dean Wm. Taylor 16177. 9 Aug 1997. ( JEPS101408 ) . .

Kelloggia galioides Torr.  Milk Kelloggia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, on talus slopes in the upper Arctostaphylos nevadensis patch, with Pinus murrayana Slate Creek Valley, near Ravine Creek, east of Mount Conness Jens Clausen and A. Kruckeberg 1890. 10 Aug 1941. ( UC1278825 ) .


Salix Willow. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Warren Creek, On the banks of the Warren Fork of Lee Vining Creek, just below California Highway 120. Tom Schweich 980. 19 Jun 2013. ( UC ) .

- Warren Canyon, At the mouth of Warren Canyon. Tom Schweich 979. 23 May 2013. . .

Salix arctica Pall.  Arctic Willow. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon. Taylor (2010) assigns these to Salix petrophila Rydb.

- Conness Lakes, sod on shoreline Dean Wm. Taylor 1304. 29 Aug 1971. ( UC1736156 ) .

- Dana Plateau, Carl W. Sharsmith 2124. 15 Jul 1935. ( UC642044 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, among ricks in narrow grassy flat long stream, 3150-3300 m along Glacier Creek on north side of Mount Dana Carleton R. Ball, Mrs. H. P. Bracelin, and Beryl Kautz 527. 5 Aug 1931. ( UC482316 UC482318 ) alpine meadow upper Glacier Canyon Robert T. Clausen and Harold Trapido 4843. 9 Jul 1940. ( UC1505763 ) above Tioga Lake Russell S. Woglum 2850. 19 Aug 1940. ( UC1366048 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Harlan Lewis 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR11911 ) southwest of Saddlebag Lake, at areas of melting snow, high meadows Robert A. Schlising 2362. 1 Sep 1962. ( CHSC20620 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone, near snow banks, very moist, deep soil John Coulter 8. 23 Aug 1932. ( UC501399 ) 3050-3354 m P. J. MacKay 25 Aug 1990. ( UCR64561 ) . .

Salix brachycarpa Nutt var. brachycarpa.  (Syn: Salix brachycarpa Nutt. ssp. brachycarpa ) Shortfruit Willow. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Gardisky Lake, in metamorphics north shore Dean Wm. Taylor 3 Aug 1979. ( SJSU8598 ) . .

Salix drummondiana Barratt ex Hook.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), associated with Salix orestera Schneid. head of Bloody Canyon, east of Mono Pass Carl W. Sharsmith 4544.5 8 Jul 1943. ( SJSU13549 ) . .

Salix eastwoodiae A. Heller.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Gardisky Lake, moist streambanks Dean Wm. Taylor 7548. 29 Jul 1979. ( UC1736167 ) metamorphic substrates west outflow stream from Gardisky Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 8830. 9 Aug 1986. ( UC1529069 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), trail to Gardisky Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 11237. 18 Jul 1990. ( UC1736162 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, along creek along Slate Creek in front of gardens David D. Keck 5911. 2 Jul 1947. ( UC905652 ) Arctic-Alpine Life Zone, along creek along Slate Creek Jens Clausen 1000. 11 Sep 1934. ( UC556349 ) .

- Tioga Pass, edge of pond, east side of pass Philip A. Munz 16004. 17 Jul 1940. ( UC1005183 ) .

- Tioga Pass Resort, Camp Tioga about 2 miles by road northeast of Tioga Pass summit R. F. Hoover 5401. 4 Jul 1941. ( UC765467 ) . .

Salix geyeriana Andersson.  (Syn: S. g. Andersson ssp. argentea (Bebb) C. K. Schneid. ) Geyer Willow. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Woodyperennial spreading tree or shrub, to 1.0 m. to 2.5 m.; Twigs glaucus (and feel waxy); Bud scale margins fused; Petiole 5 mm., glabrous, not glandular; Leaves, alternate, young leaves blade 12 mm. × 5 mm. wide, elliptic, entire, adaxially hairy, but less so than abaxially, abaxially hairy, reddish or not, hairs decreasing as leaves mature; mature leaves largest 4 cm x 1 cm wide, lanceolate to elliptic, margins generally flat, occasionally ±rolled basally, tip acute (some rounded), adaxially dull with thinning hairs, abaxially glaucus; Inflorescence, pistillate, with leaves on leafy shoots, 12 mm., slightly elongated rather than spheric; Bracts, persistent (or deciduous?), tan, hairy; Ovary stalk 1 mm. + body 2.2 mm. + style almost 0 mm. + stigma 0.3 mm., short silky hairy throughout when young, mature not hairy, beak gradually tapered to style (Described from Coll. No. 863, 23 June 2012, and Coll. No. 948, 21 May 2013).

- Hartley Springs, Wet meadows and riparian areas in montane and subalpine forests PLSS: 02S27E18 Helen Constantine-Shull 1874. 29 Jun 1996. ( HSC94866 ) .

- Log Cabin Mine, Unnamed creek draining from Log Cabin Mine area at crossing of road Dean Wm. Taylor 7862. 12 Jun 1981. ( UC1736131 ) . .

Salix jepsonii C. K. Schneid.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above, 2927-3049 m southeast of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of the Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2239. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR26477 ) . .

Salix lasiolepis Benth.  Arroyo Willow. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Warren Canyon, wet meadow bordered by Pinus contorta murrayana forest, in Salix orestera-Carex scopulorum Mono Basin, Lee Vining Creek watershed, in Warren Fork about 0.5 miles up from the Tioga Road Dean Wm. Taylor 11233. 17 Jul 1990. ( UC1736168 ) . .

Salix lemmonii Bebb.  Lemmon's Willow. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Warren Creek, riparian setting along the creek Warren Fork of Lee Vining Creek on Tioga Pass Road Dean Wm. Taylor 8706. 10 Aug 1985. . .

Salix nivalis Hook.  (Syn: Salix reticulata L. ssp. nivalis (Hook.) Á. Löve, D. Löve & B. M. Kapoor ) Snow Willow. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, on level ground now dry, unglaciated metamorphics west of center of Dana Plateau Carl W. Sharsmith 2105. 15 Jul 1935. ( UC641707 ) on moist level ground, unglaciated metamorphics west of center of Dana Plateau Carl W. Sharsmith 2412. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC641695 ) .

- Gardisky Lake, eastern outlet Dean Wm. Taylor 8135. 27 Aug 1982. ( UC1736184 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, creeping among rocks in narrow grassy flat along stream, 3150-3300 m north side of Mount Dana Carleton R. Ball, Mrs. H. P. Bracelin, and Beryl Kautz 528. 5 Aug 1931. ( POM220486 POM362957 SJSU276 UC482354 UC482355 ) creeping among rocks in narrow grassy flat along stream, 3150-3300 m north side of Mount Dana Carleton R. Ball, Mrs. H. P. Bracelin, and Beryl Kautz 529. 5 Aug 1931. ( POM220487 SJSU236 UC482356 ) creeping among rocks in narrow grassy flat along stream, 3150-3300 m north side of Mount Dana Carleton R. Ball, Mrs. H. P. Bracelin, and Beryl Kautz 530. 5 Aug 1931. ( POM220488 RSA5680 SJSU240 UC482352 UC482353 ) above Tioga Lake above meadow on right of stream Russell S. Woglum 2868. 19 Aug 1940. ( UC1366051 ) .

- Parker Pass, east facing slope on bank of small stream east facing slope of spur of Koip Crest that separates Kuna Glacier from Koip Gracier C. A. Harwell 1. 13 Oct 1932. ( UC490594 ) shore of lake; moist turf; on metamorphic (carbonaceous marble) substrates along trail between Parker Pass and headwaters of Parker Creek, south shore of small lake at northwest base of steep climb up switchbacks to saddle between Koip and Parker Peaks Dean Wm. Taylor 9200. 1 Aug 1987. ( RSA407656 UC1540200 ) between Parker Peak and Koip Peak across the creek below Koip Glacier Vernon Bailey 4 Aug 1931. ( UC498687 ) Parker Pass Trail below Koip Peak W. C. Blasdale 6 Aug 1931. ( UC482416 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in unglaciated metamorphics summit of Tioga Crest at crossing of Lundy Trail Carl W. Sharsmith 2765. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC641705 ) east of Saddlebag Lake, 10000-10500 ft Herbert L. Mason 11458. 31 Jul 1937. ( UC641708 ) . .

Salix orestera C. K. Schneid.  Sierra Willow. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), female; branchlets polished bright yellow when fresh head of Bloody Canyon, east of Mono Pass Carl W. Sharsmith 4544. 8 Jul 1943. ( SJSU13050 ) .

- Ellery Lake, on metamorphics margin of small pond northeast and above Ellery Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 11246. 19 Jul 1990. ( UC1736138 ) .

- Gardisky Lake, moist ground in metamorphics by north shore of Gardisky Lake about 0.66 northwest of summit of Tioga Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 8389. 23 Jul 1980. ( SJSU8673 ) moist ground in metamorphics by north shore of Gardisky Lake about 0.66 northwest of summit of Tioga Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 8390. 23 Jul 1980. ( SJSU8672 ) moist ground in metamorphics by north shore of Gardisky Lake about 0.66 northwest of summit of Tioga Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 8391. 23 Jul 1980. ( SJSU8671 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, above Tioga Lake Russell S. Woglum 2851. 19 Aug 1940. ( UC1366049 ) .

- Lee Vining Ridge, wet areas along the creek ridge east of Log Cabin Mine, west of Lee Vining Dean Wm. Taylor 7863. 21 Jun 1981. ( UC1736137 ) .

- Mono Pass, Willis Linn Jepson 4432. 17 Jul 1911. ( JEPS38469 ) Willis Linn Jepson 4466. 19 Jul 1911. ( JEPS38464 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in thickets along creek along Slate Creek in front of gardens David D. Keck 5912. 2 Jul 1947. ( UC905649 ) along creek in Slate Creek Basin east of Mt. Conness Jens Clausen 1001. 11 Sep 1934. ( UC556350 ) in moist swale Slate Creek east of Mt. Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area William M. Hiesey 280. 13 Jun 1934. ( UC648661 ) .

- Tioga Pass, near Ranger Station Milo S. Baker 5799. 4 Jul 1932. ( UC485072 ) edge of pond pond east side of Tioga Pass Philip A. Munz 15998. 17 Jul 1940. ( UC1005188 ) . .

Salix planifolia Pursh.  (Syn: Salix planifolia Pursh ssp. planifolia ) Diamond-Leaf Willow. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), Willis Linn Jepson 4461. 19 Jul 1911. ( JEPS38467 ) .

- Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mt. Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 100. 17 Jul 1933. ( UC641706 ) .

- Gardisky Lake, moist ground in metamorphics by north shore of Gardisky Lake about 0.66 northwest of summit of Tioga Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 8393. 23 Jul 1980. ( SJSU8670 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, above Tioga Lake Russell S. Woglum 2855. 19 Aug 1940. ( UC1366050 UCR10282 ) .

- Mono Pass, Type Locality Unknown 16 Aug 1894. ( UC1713714 ) Willis Linn Jepson 4466.1 19 Jul 1911. ( JEPS38465 JEPS38466 ) Wm. H. Brewer 1732. 27 Jun 1893. ( UC5077 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in thicket along creek along Slate Creek in front of gardens David D. Keck 5910. 2 Jul 1947. ( UC905650 ) Arctic-Alpine Life Zone along creek along Slate Creek east of Mt. Conness Jens Clausen 999. 11 Sep 1934. ( UC556348 ) .


Heuchera rubescens Torr.  Pink Alumroot. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), Willis Linn Jepson 4454. 18 Jul 1911. ( JEPS49735 ) . .

Heuchera rubescens Torr. var. alpicola Jeps.  Pink Alumroot. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, in moist rock crevices, [one filling seam for several] east foot of Mount Conness, Alpine Terrace David D. Keck 4393. 18 Aug 1936. ( UC648686 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in shaded crevices of rock buttress in metamorphics, w slope of crest west slope of Tioga Crest above Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2739. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC642760 ) rock crevices; in metamorphics summit of Tioga Crest above Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2771. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC642761 ) . .

Heuchera rubescens Torr. var. glandulosa Kellogg.  Pink Alumroot. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, foot of high rock east side of Tioga Pass Philip A. Munz 16005. 17 Jul 1940. ( UC1005181 ) . .

Lithophragma glabrum Nutt.  Bulbous Woodland-Star. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Pass, northwestern base of Mount Dana, rocky slope east of Tioga Pass Robert T. Clausen and Harold Trapido 4842. 9 Jul 1940. ( UC1505778 ) . .

Mitella breweri A. Gray.  Brewer's Miterwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types incl. willow shrubland. Ledum thicket, grass/sedge meadow [near creek] 2790 - 2866 m Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5641. 13 Aug 1997. ( UCR104210 ) . .

Mitella pentandra Hook.  Fivestamen Miterwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Warren Canyon, Floor of canyon, very wet meadow Yosemite National Park, Tioga Pass, Warren Canyon, a small canyon N of the road at the 9,000 ft. elevation marker Kathy Harper 25 Jul 1989. ( UCR62263 ) . .

Saxifraga aprica Greene.  Sierra Saxifrage. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2474. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC642730 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, yellow pine forest 0.3 mi S of Saddlebag Lake along Saddlebag Lake Rd, above Lee Vining Crk. George K. Helmkamp 4425. 13 Aug 1998. ( UCR123389 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in wet sandy places on slope above cabin; Artic-Alpine Life Zone east of Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Jens Clausen 1136. 23 Jul 1935. ( UC579757 ) . .

Saxifraga bryophora A. Gray.  Bud Saxifrage. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mine Creek, ridge on n side of creek;granite ledge with some seepage on n facing cliff; in coarse sand at edge.. 2 miles south of Saddlebag Lake, north side of Mine Creek, edge of Hall Natural Area, 9 air miles west of Lee Vining Barbara J. Ertter and Fosiee Tahbaz 8833. 21 Aug 1989. ( UC1585902 ) .

- Mount Dana, in damp soil on mountain Henry N. Bolander 5043. 1866. ( UC11739 ) Unknown 5043. n.d.. ( UC11742 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, moist rocky slope near stream draining into lake near stream draining Conness Glacier into Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 180.3 22 Jul 1933. ( UC642606 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, fringing the rocks; in shallow soil Alpine Terrace, Slate Creek Basin, north flank of White Mountain David D. Keck 4367. 16 Aug 1936. ( UC648688 ) .

- Tioga Pass, moist rocky slope Tioga Pass Road Annie M. Alexander and Louise Kellogg 3441. 4 Sep 1942. ( UC703966 ) . .

Saxifraga odontoloma Piper.  Brook Saxifrage. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, spring area at headwaters of creek e of Mount Conness; Monroe Hall Natural Area, n side of Slate Creek, at headwaters of Cabin Creek Jens Clausen 1613. 3 Aug 1937. ( UC648646 ) .

- Tioga Crest, Tioga Crest near Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11475. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC642736 ) .

- Warren Canyon, Floor of canyon, very wet meadow Yosemite National Park, Tioga Pass, Warren Canyon, a small canyon N of the road at the 9,000 ft. elevation marker Kathy Harper 25 Jul 1989. ( UCR62164 ) . .

Saxifraga oregana Howell.  Oregon Saxifrage. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mount Dana, Herbert M. Evans Jul 1901. ( UC73126 ) . .

Saxifraga rivularis L.  Weak Saxifrage. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Big Horn Lake, heavy shade beneath large granitic block on E facing slope just below Bighorn L, Slate Cr Valley E of Mt Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5541. 6 Jul 1947. ( SJSU13313 ) heavy shade beneath large granitic block on E facing slope just below Bighorn L, Slate Cr Valley E of Mt Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5555. 22 Aug 1947. ( SJSU13322 ) .

- Mount Dana, west slope Mabel B. Peirson 3 Aug 1927. ( JEPS16603 ) . .

Saxifraga tolmiei Torr. & A. Gray.  Tolmie's Saxifrage. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, n-facing slope se and above lake; slope gravelly, fairly dry, snow recently disappeared southeast and above Fantail Lake, in Lake Valley, slate Creek Basin, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Jens Clausen 1687. 7 Aug 1937. ( UC586786 ) .


Limosella acaulis Sessé & Mociño.  Water Mudwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Lake, margin of pond below Tioga Lake Herbert L. Mason 12691. 7 Sep 1945. ( UC1101432 ) . .

Limosella aquatica L.  Water Mudwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, Carex scophulorum dominant shallow drying pond just above Ellery Lake, Lee Vining Creek, below Tioga Pass Dean Wm. Taylor 8118. 19 Aug 1982. ( UC1736379 ) . .

Scrophularia californica Cham. & Schltdl.  California Figwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, rocky alpine slopes turnout on Tioga Pass Road just below Lee Vining Hydroelectric Project Kathy Harper 17 Aug 1986. ( UCR50436 ) . .

Scrophularia desertorum (Munz) R. J. Shaw.  Desert Figwort. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Herbaceous shrub, to 1 m.; Stem square, glandular; Petiole 4.5 cm.; Leaf 9 cm. x 6 cm. wide, triangular-deltate, base cordate below to oblique above, green (not yellow, not gray-green); Inflorescence a panicle, glandular, 9+ flowers per branch; Pedicels curved upward; Corolla dark red, 5 (6-7) mm. Leaf color and base point toward S. californica; pedicel and corolla characters point to S. desertorum (Described from Coll. No. 828, 18 Jun 2012).

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), on talus, along mountain rill overlooking Lee Vining Canyon on Tioga Grade just above beginning of "switchbacks" (Hairpins) Rimo Bacigalupi and Tsan-Iang Chuang 8906. 30 Jul 1963. ( JEPS34429 ) .

- Warren Creek, rock-crevices and stabilized scree northwest slope of Tioga Crest above Warren Creek Valley near Lee Vining Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 4470. 26 Jul 1942. ( SJSU13443 ) .


Undet. Unknown. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Timberline Station, Slate Creek Valley, Mono County. At Timeberline Station, with 561 (under pines in shade). Elevation about 9,900 feet. Jens Clausen 561. 29 Jul 1932. ( DS224864 DS713892 ) [ Incomplete record in data base. ] .


Viola purpurea Kellogg.  Goosefoot Violet. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. 2927 - 2988 m Lee Vining Creek: below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, ca 2.5 road mi NW of junction of Saddlebag Rd. with Hwy 120. Scott D. White 5505. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR108782 ) .


Allium bisceptrum S. Watson.  (Syn: A. bisceptrum S. Watson var. bisceptrum ) Twincrest Onion. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Geophyte, to 20 cm. from base of bulb to top of inflorescence, onion odor present, not rhizomatous, Bulbs, 12 mm., ovoid, bulb coat reticulation indistinct with elongation perhaps in the vertical direction to square with wavy walls, bulblets, few (FNANM) to many (TJM2), << bulb, not clustered on short rhizome; Leaves, generally 3, to 16 cm. long, sheathing the scape 1/3 to 1/2 (This character leads to A. paniculatum which is not known from Nevada), to 7 mm. wide, flat, withering from tip during anthesis (leads to A. campanulatum) but not fully withered at flowering; Scape to 15 cm., 1-2 mm. dia., fistulose (i.e., hollow; however, this character leads to giant onions, such as leeks), or partly pithy; Inflorescence, many-flowered (obs: 27); Pedicels, 11 mm., floriferous (i.e., not replaced by bulbils), Perianth/Tepals 7 mm., parts free to fused near base, lanceolate, without a darker pink crescent adaxially, not or weakly keeled, outer and inner tepal margins entire, tip margins inrolled (Eeek!), tips acuminate, papery in fruit; Stamens included, Filaments unappendaged, Ovary, 2 mm. x 2.5 mm wide, prominently crested; Style, 4 mm. from top of ovary, simple, arising from base of ovary; Seed 2 mm., dark (Described from Collection No. 295, 14 August 2012, from Nevada using FNANM, and Coll. No. 856, 22 June 2012, from California using TJM2).

- Jordan Spring, Dry area beside lower part of the spring. Tom Schweich 856. 22 Jun 2012. ( UC2015312 ) . .

Allium obtusum Lemmon.  Red Sierra Onion. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, warm gravelly slope south side of Slate Creek Valley, east of Mount Conness L. R. Abrams, S. F. Blake, D. D. Keck 2869. 30 Jun 1934. ( UC532138 ) . .

Allium obtusum Lemmon var. obtusum.  Red Sierra Onion. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, snow accumulation area; on metamorphic rocks, just above Lake along Creek just above Ellery Lake along Lee Vining Creek Dean Wm. Taylor 8117. 19 Aug 1982. ( JEPS91046 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, low rocky hills in meadows between Greenstone Lake and Saddlebag Lake Roger Raiche 30681. 27 Aug 1983. ( JEPS82254 ) . .

Allium validum S. Watson.  Pacific Onion. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, Moist south-facing mountain side; woods of Pinus murrayana and P. albicaulis; shady, mossy streamside with Habenaria sparsiflora. southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2393. 3 Sep 1962. ( CHSC22958 ) Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. on Lee Vining Creek above Sawmill Campground and below Saddlebag Lake Scott D. White 5534. 4 Aug 1997. ( UCR108921 ) .

- Warren Creek, Warren Creek at crossing with Lee Vining Road William M. Hiesey 345. 1 Jul 1935. ( UC648664 ) .


Carex albonigra Mack.  Black and White Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated metamorphics summit of Dana Plateau Carl W. Sharsmith 2495. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC714322 ) Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 3516.2 1 Sep 1937. ( UC714320 ) dry ground in metamorphics Dana Plateau, east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5205.5 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU12786 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, dry ground Glacier Canyon by east base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5185. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU12785 ) . .

Carex aurea Nutt.  Golden Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Cabin Creek, wet hanging meadow-area Cabin Cr drainage behind Carnegie Institution's Division of Plant Biology Timberline Station, Slate Cr Valley, Harvey M. Hall Natural Area, E of Mt Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 8256. 13 Aug 1976. ( SJSU6990 ) .

- Parker Creek (Upper), on moist margin of lake, metamorphic substrates headwaters of Parker Creek at margin of small lake Dean Wm. Taylor 8832. 9 Aug 1986. ( UC1529084 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Alpine fell field southeast of Saddlebag Lake George K. Helmkamp 3 Jul 1977. ( UCR15430 ) . .

Carex breweri Boott.  Brewer's Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Big Horn Lake, below Big Horn Lake, above Slate Creek Arthur R. Kruckeberg 3628. 28 Jul 1954. ( UC1116749 ) .

- Cascade Lake, gravelly slope above lake Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, below North Peak, above Cascade Lake Jens Clausen and A. Kruckeberg 1928. 16 Aug 1941. ( UC1154013 ) in granitic sand and gravel between boulders ridge line between Cascade Lake and Upper McCabe Lake, (Tuolumne Meadows Topo Sheet), Mount Conness Region Roger Raiche 30688. 27 Aug 1983. ( JEPS82289 ) .

- Dana Plateau, in granitic sand northeast rim of Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2379. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC714341 ) south rim of Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2405. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC714342 ) on granitic soil Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2457. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC714354 ) in granitics Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 3517. 1 Sep 1937. ( UC714317 ) moderately gentle southwest slope, dry and wet alpine meadows Juha Pykala and Joy Mastrogiuseppe 2565. 18 Jul 1987. ( UC1586931 ) .

- Lee Vining Peak, under melting snowbank on granite rock slide, E slope Leevining Canyon, vicinity of; Leevining Peak, E slope Carl W. Sharsmith 2792. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC714332 ) dry level area, unglaciated granitics northwest slope of Lee Vining Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 2802. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC714353 ) .

- Mount Conness, dry slope east side of Mount Conness, slopes south of the glacier David D. Keck 4404. 18 Aug 1936. ( UC823362 ) Northeast flank of Mt. Conness; granite fell-field at ridge crest R. H. Pemble 6567. 30 Aug 1967. ( SD148012 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in damp soil in high meadow, subalpine forest community north slope of Middle Ridge, Slate Creek Philip A. Munz 19984. 17 Aug 1954. ( UC1043461 ) . .

Carex breweri Boott var. breweri.  Brewer's Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Conness Lakes, In notch in granite ridge; near top of ridge. Plants are common mat-former in gravel and rocks Conness Lakes; in notch in ridge between the two southwestern-most lakes; near top of ridge L. P. Janeway 7711. 24 Aug 2002. ( CHSC83057 JEPS103111 ) .

- North Peak, granite bench North Peak, Lee Vining Creek watershed Dean Wm. Taylor 1302. 29 Aug 1971. ( JEPS100614 ) . .

Carex capitata L.  Capitate Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Upper Sardine Lake, moist turf community on lake shore, underlain by reddish calc-hornfel (metamorphic) substrate headwaters of Walker Creek in Bloody Canyon, turf on shore of lake about 20 meters n of the lake outlet, Upper Sardine Lake, Dean Wm. Taylor 15538. 19 Sep 1995. ( JEPS91026 ) . .

Carex congdonii L. H. Bailey.  Congdon's sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Cascade Lake, in granitic sand and gravel between boulders Ridge line between Cascase Lake and Upper McCabe Lake (Tuolumne Meadows Topo Sheet), Mount Conness Region, (on east-facing slopes below ridge line) Roger Raiche 30690. 27 Aug 1983. ( JEPS82288 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, metamorphic scree above timberline on slope above Glacier Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 2427. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC714225 ) rock crevices Glacier Canyon east base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 4209. 19 Aug 1940. ( SJSU12771 ) moist talus below lake Glacier Canyon near Tioga Pass, talus below lower lake Dean Wm. Taylor 7898. 28 Jul 1981. ( UC1520570 ) Very steep, somewhat stabilized, southwest-facing granite talus slope, mid-slope. Plants forming dense clumps anchored between the rocks. Central High Sierra Nevada. Along the "trail" from Glacier Canyon up to Dana Plateau, about 1.8 km east of Tioga Lake L. P. Janeway 7721. 25 Aug 2002. ( CHSC82798 ) Eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains: Glacier Canyon above Tioga Lake, Yosemite National Park Russell S. Woglum 2872. 19 Aug 1940. ( RSA30923 ) .

- Mount Dana, dry ledges by cirque on west slope of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2364. 18 Sep 1936. ( UC714250 ) .

- North Peak, Great Basin Providence; East of Sierra Nevada | Hall Area, North Peak, south side, opposite Connes Glacier head, at 3570 m David D. Keck 4995. 29 Aug 1938. ( RSA21820 ) under boulders in talus, 3340-3400 m at southeast face of North Peak David D. Keck 4999. 29 Aug 1938. ( UC624814 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Saddle Bag Lake G. R. Johnstone 14 Jul 1934. ( RSA364730 ) rocky clay loam soil Saddle Bag Lake, rocky slope above the lake G. R. Johnstone 14 Jul 1934. ( UCR129365 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Rocky cliffs in shallow soil pockets Slate Creek Valley, east of Mt. Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, slope above Timberline Station cabin David D. Keck 4482. 22 Aug 1936. ( POM256741 UCR129366 ) .

- Spuller Lake, in cracks on the granite on ridge separating the shallow lake east of Big Horn Lake and Spuller Lake, north slope of White Mountain David D. Keck 4925. 20 Aug 1938. ( UC604163 ) .

- Tioga Pass Resort, Camp Tioga by road 2 miles northeast of Tioga Pass summit. R. F. Hoover 5396. 14 Jul 1941. ( UC765731 ) .

- Tioga Peak, granitic cliffs cirque at E base Tioga Peak, Lee Vining Canyon, Inyo National Forest; between Warren Fork and Ellery Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 11239. 19 Jul 1990. ( JEPS100908 ) Northeast-facing fairly stable talus slope, mostly rock but with scattered small lodgepole pines and common patches of Phyllodoce breweri. Plants forming dense patches; scattered, but fairly common here Central High Sierra Nevada. Cirque on eastern side of Tioga Peak, overlooking Warren Fork L. P. Janeway 7678. 21 Jul 2002. ( CHSC82748 ) . .

Carex douglasii Boott.  Douglas Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), between ruts in road Road by Warren Creek near Old Tioga Road in Lee Vining Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 4472. 26 Jul 1942. ( SJSU12792 ) . .

Carex filifolia Nutt. var. erostrata Kük.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Big Horn Lake, Bighorn Lake, Hall Natural Area, Lee Vining Creek watershed Dean Wm. Taylor 8131. 27 Aug 1982. ( JEPS101136 ) .

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated metamorphics summit of Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2481. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC714296 ) gentle southwest slope, dry and wet alpine meadow Juha Pykala and Joy Mastrogiuseppe 2572. 18 Jul 1987. ( UC1586934 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927 - 2988 m below Saddlebag Lake and above USFS Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5463. 7 Aug 1997. ( UCR109048 ) .

- Mono Pass, 11000-11300 ft Wm. H. Brewer 1733. 27 Jun 1863. ( UC8003 UC867 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, on dry slopes where it forms the short-hair meadow at transplant station near garage David D. Keck 4919. 16 Aug 1938. ( UC604169 ) .

- Tioga Pass, subalpine grassland, sandy loam, ne 10% slope R. K. Gierisch and S. N. Zufelt 3575. 15 Aug 1969. ( UC1256258 ) .

- Tioga Pass Resort, Camp Tioga by road 2 miles northeast of Tioga Pass summit R. F. Hoover 5399. 4 Jul 1941. ( UC766111 ) . .

Carex fissuricola Mack.  Cleft Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Glacier Canyon, moist ground by stream in meadow Glacier Canyon at east base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 4204. 19 Aug 1940. ( SJSU12807 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), seepage meadows on 40 degree slope; granitic substrate; steep glaciated canyon wall. Lee Vining Canyon, steep north facing slope directly above Poole Powerhouse; Inyo National Forest Dean Wm. Taylor 16184. 9 Aug 1997. ( JEPS101097 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, fairly moist places in meadow, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone east of Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Basin Jens Clausen 1147. 23 Jul 1935. ( UC579764 ) . .

Carex haydeniana Olney.  Cloud Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated granitics south end of Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2499. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC714301 ) .

- White Mountain, granitic gravels east slope of White Mts, Conness Range Carl W. Sharsmith 6224. 2 Sep 1954. ( SJSU13189 ) . .

Carex helleri Mack.  Heller's Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Dana Plateau by east side of Mount Dana A. Fauver 19 Jul 1990. ( SJSU14496 ) in granitics northeast rim of Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2393. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC714365 ) dry ground in metamorphics Dana Plateau, east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5205. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU12787 ) .

- Lee Vining Peak, dry flat in unglaciated metamorphics northwest slope of Lee Vining Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 2807. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC714368 ) .

- Mono Pass, John Thomas Howell 20657. 16 Aug 1944. ( UC710500 ) .

- Mount Conness, meadow slopes in saddle between Mt. Conness and East Plateau David D. Keck 4635. 27 Aug 1937. ( UC579703 ) talus slope, above timberline southeast flank of Mount Conness above Hanging Valley, in cirque between Mount Conness and White Mountain David D. Keck 4692. 30 Aug 1937. ( UC579737 ) .

- Mount Gibbs, north slope of Mount Gibbs on boundary between Tuolumne County and Mono County Carl W. Sharsmith 2581. 17 Jul 1937. ( UC714369 ) in metamorphics west ridge of Mount Gibbs on boundary between Tuloumne County and Mono County Carl W. Sharsmith 2592. 17 Jul 1937. ( UC714367 ) .

- Mount Warren, nivated metamorphics plateau on south slope of Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2835. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC714308 ) .

- Parker Creek (Upper), moist turf dominated by Salix nivalis, Carex capitata, C. subnigricans, C. aurea on metamorphic (carbonaceous marble) substrate. Mono Basin, Parker Creek drainage; headwaters of Parker Creek along trail between Parker Pass and Koip Pass; southern shore of a small lake at NW base of steep climb up switchbacks to saddle between Koip Peak and Parker Peak Dean Wm. Taylor 9212. 1 Aug 1987. ( JEPS109532 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, dry, rocky, n-facing slope; Arctic-Alpine Life Zone east of Mount Conness, Slate Creek Basin, Hall Area Jens Clausen 953. 8 Sep 1934. ( UC547770 ) . .

Carex heteroneura W. Boott.  Different-Nerve Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above. 2927-3049 m southeast of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2246. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR27781 ) . .

Carex heteroneura W. Boott var. epapillosa (Mack.) F. Herm.  Different-Nerve Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, west slope of Dana Plateau by Glacier Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 5192. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU12794 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, streamside Glacier Canyon, east base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 4999. 26 Jul 1944. ( SJSU12795 ) .

- Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Ravine Creek, east of Mount Conness David D. Keck 5822. 7 Jul 1947. ( UC905656 ) .

- North Peak, on talus slope at southeast face of North Peak David D. Keck 4998. 29 Aug 1938. ( UC628479 ) . .

Carex heteroneura W. Boott var. heteroneura.  Different-Nerve Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 1146. 23 Jul 1935. ( UC579765 ) .

- Tioga Crest, west slope in metamorphics west slope of Tioga Crest above Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2737. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC714290 ) . .

Carex illota L. H. Bailey.  Sheep Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, on Mono Trail Henry N. Bolander 6207. Sep 1866. ( UC662 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, bog margins, wettest places, in mud harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, slate Creek, at transplant station, in garage bog margins David D. Keck 4917. 16 Aug 1938. ( UC604161 ) on woody slope, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone slope aroung cabin, east of Mount Conness, Slate Creek Basin Jens Clausen 1140. 23 Jul 1935. ( UC579763 ) .

- Tioga Pass, meadow just east of Tioga Pass near base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 4558. 5 Aug 1943. ( SJSU12811 ) . .

Carex leporinella Mack.  Sierra Hare Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Peak, Northeast-facing fairly stable talus slope, mostly rock but with scattered small lodgepole pines and common patches of Phyllodoce breweri. Plants forming very dense clumps; common Cirque on eastern side of Tioga Peak, overlooking Warren Fork L. P. Janeway 7679. 21 Jul 2002. ( CHSC83292 ) . .

Carex luzulina Olney var. ablata (L. H. Bailey) F. Herm.  Woodrush Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Greenstone Lake, west of Saddlebag Lake between East Plateau and Greenstone Lake, on "short hair" slope, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Jens Clausen and A. Kruckeberg 1903. 16 Aug 1941. ( UC1154011 ) . .

Carex macloviana CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above. 2927 - 3049 m southeast of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2232. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR26449 ) . .

Carex microptera Mack.  (Syn: Carex festivella Mack. ) Smallwing Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, west slope of Dana Plateau, east slope of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5190. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU12777 ) .

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above. 2927-3049 m southeast of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2247. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR26468 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, streamside Glacier Canyon, east base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 4998. 25 Jul 1944. ( SJSU12778 ) Glacier Canyon, Mount Dana John Thomas Howell 20272. 10 Aug 1944. ( UC710472 ) .

- Mount Gibbs, moist gravels in metamorphic rocks south slope of Mount Gibbs directly overlooking Mono Pass Carl W. Sharsmith 5649. 20 Aug 1948. ( SJSU12779 ) .

- Sawmill Campground, rocky and gravelly Sawmill Campground 0.3 mile below Harvey Monroe Hall Natural area, 2.3 miles northwest of Tioga Pass Road (CA Highway 120) J. Haller 1733. 11 Jul 1960. ( UCSB530 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, at borders of meadow in (moist or) dry soil David D. Keck 4921. 16 Aug 1938. ( UC604162 ) . .

Carex multicostata Mack.  Manyrib Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial herb, aquatic, strongly emergent, glabrous, Stem hollow; Leaf veins parallel, differentiated into sheath and blade; Sheath front with extensive white-translucent area; Blade flattened, iris-like, oriented edge toward stem; Inflorescence terminal, composed of many spikelets; Spikelets 25-30 flowered, 12 mm wide; Perianth scale-like; Flowers, pistillate above staminate flowers; Scales, pistillate with hyaline margin; Perigynum, 4.7 mm., winged 0.3 mm. at mid-fruit, veins 4-6, 0 exceeding perigynum; Stigmas 2 (Described from Coll. No. 868, 23 June 2012).

- Slate Creek Valley, Arctic-Alpine LIfe Zone Slate Creek Basin, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, east of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 1144. 23 Jul 1935. ( UC579744 ) . .

Carex nigricans C. A. Mey.  Black Alpine Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, moderately gentle sw-slope, dry and wet alpine meadows Juha Pykala and Joy Mastrogiuseppe 2568. 18 Jul 1987. ( UC1586966 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, John Thomas Howell 20246. 10 Aug 1944. ( UC710512 ) .

- Greenstone Lake, on "short-hair" slope west of Saddlebag Lake, between East Plateau and Greenstone Jens Clausen and A. Kruckeberg 1904. 16 Aug 1941. ( UC1154012 ) .

- Green Treble Lake, in sun, Subalpine Forest Community, dampish runlet on slope slope east of Treble Lakes, Slate Creek Basin Philip A. Munz 20007. 18 Aug 1954. ( UC1026618 ) . .

Carex occidentalis L. H. Bailey.  Western Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial sedge; Habit, caespitose; Culms, to 50 cm., slightly scabrous especially below the inflorescence; Leaves, 1.7 mm. wide, green, sheaths, white-hyaline, ventrally smooth; Inflorescence, 29 mm. × 10 mm. wide, loosely clustered; Spikes, identical appearing, 6 mm. × 5 mm. wide, terminal and lateral androgynous (there are no anthers, but the flowers at the top of each spike contain white filaments); Bracts, 5 mm., proximal, 10 mm., <inflorescence, leaf-like; Pistillate scales, 3.5 mm., <perigynia, mid-vein green, brown laterally, hyaline margin; Perigynia, #12 per spike, 4 mm. × 1.6-1.8(2) mm. wide, weakly winged, ±veinless, glabrous, beak, 1 mm., flattish, dorsally bulged and the margin is displaced but not onto the ventral face; Achene, 2.3 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide, biconvex, short oblong; Stigmas, #2; Anthers, n/a; (Described from Coll. No. 2056, 4 Jun 2019, but see also Coll. No. 1913.)

- Warren Canyon, Along stream but in somewhat drier ground than C. abrupta (RT838), C subfusca (RT841) Inyo National Forest; along Warren Fork of Lee Vining Creek, beside two-track road N of CA120 R. Tallent 840. 1 Aug 1987. ( RSA550463 ) . .

Carex phaeocephala Piper.  Dunhead Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, northeast rim of Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2395.1 19 Sep 1936. ( UC714211 ) in unglaciated granitics Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2456. 13 Jul 1937. ( UC714212 ) in unglaciated metamorphics south end of Dana Plateau, overlooking Gibbs Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 2506. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC714214 ) .

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above. 2927-3049 m southeast of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of the Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2253. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR26467 ) .

- Fantail Lake, rocky, dry slope Slate Creek Valley, east of Mt. Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Ares, above Fantail Lake (in Lake Valley Jens Clausen 1682. 7 Aug 1937. ( UC648673 ) .

- Lee Vining Peak, dry level ground, in unglaciated metamorphics northwest slope of Leevining Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 2801. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC714242 ) .

- Mount Warren, in metamorphics south slope of Mount Warren near summit Carl W. Sharsmith 2846. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC714241 ) . .

Carex praeceptorum Mack.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Glacier Canyon, mud stream margin, Glacier Canyon, east base Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5184. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU12841 ) John Thomas Howell 20250. 10 Aug 1944. ( UC710480 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Saddlebag Lake, shallow pond along old road on east shore Dean Wm. Taylor 8104. 13 Aug 1982. ( JEPS101090 ) .

- Tioga Lake, pond just south of Tioga Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 8121. 19 Aug 1982. ( JEPS101091 ) . .

Carex praticola Rydb.  Meadow Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Fantail Lake, On N-facing rocky, dry slope; resembling Kabresia Bellardii but with closed utreiculus Slate Creek valley, Harvey Monroe Hall Natlural Area, SW and above Fantail Lake (in Lake Valley) Jens Clausen 11682. 7 Aug 1937. ( POM256769 ) . .

Carex raynoldsii Dewey.  Raynold's Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), seepage meadows on 40 degree slope; granitic substrate; steep glaciated canyon wall. Lee Vining Canyon, steep north facing slope directly above Poole Powerhouse; Inyo National Forest Dean Wm. Taylor 16182. 9 Aug 1997. ( JEPS101098 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, under moist Pinus contorta forest Hall RNA, Slate Creek Valley Dean Wm. Taylor 8079. 5 Aug 1982. ( UC1736039 ) on slope, in drier situation east of Mount Conness, on slope around cabin and below cabin rock, Slate Creek Basin Jens Clausen 1145. 23 Jul 1935. ( UC579766 ) . .

Carex scirpoidea Michx. var. pseudoscirpoidea (Rydb.) Cronquist.  Western Single Spike Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2404. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC714219 ) in metamorphics Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2480. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC714218 ) in granitics Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 3516.1 1 Sep 1937. ( UC714217 ) dry ground in soil derived from metamorphics Dana Plateau, east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5204. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU12844 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, dry rocky ground Glacier Canyon, east base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 4205. 19 Aug 1940. ( SJSU14120 ) sedge growing in dry metamorphics Glacier Canyon on east side of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5186. 17 Aug 1944. ( UCSB46437 ) soil derived from metamorphics Glacier Canyon, east base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5186.1 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU12847 ) soil derived from metamorphics Glacier Canyon, east base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5186.2 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU12845 ) In soil and rocks at transition from edge of meadow to adjacent rock outcrops and talus slope. Plants rhizomatous, forming small patches; uncommon. Bottom of Glacier Canyon 1.8 km east of Tioga Lake L. P. Janeway 7723. 25 Aug 2002. ( CHSC82976 JEPS103114 ) . .

Carex scopulorum T. Holm. var. bracteosa (L. H. Bailey) F. Herm.  Mountain Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, in soggy meadow east of Mount Conness, creek above cabin at meadow where it heads, Slate Creek Basin David D. Keck 4423. 19 Aug 1936. ( UC648681 ) moist meadow, along the edge of water east of Mount Conness, moist meadow below cabin Jens Clausen 1841. 14 Sep 1940. ( UC1154007 ) . .

Carex spectabilis Dewey.  Showy Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Conness Lakes, Ledges along northeast-facing granite rock wall above the lake. Plants forming dense clumps and masses around rocks. Central High Sierra Nevada. Conness Lakes; ledges along northeast-facing rock wall above the southeastern-most lake L. P. Janeway 7713. 24 Aug 2002. ( CHSC83063 ) At upper end of the granite ridge. Gravelly rocky slope. Plants forming dense clumps. Central High Sierra Nevada. Conness Lakes; at upper end of the ridge between the two southwestern-most lakes, but facing the southeastern-most lake L. P. Janeway 7717. 24 Aug 2002. ( CHSC83030 ) .

- Mount Dana, north side of Mount Dana John Thomas Howell 20218. 10 Aug 1944. ( UC710433 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in moist gravelly slope, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone east of Mount Conness, near summit of ravine leading from Slate Creek to saddle between Mount Conness and East Plateau David D. Keck 4646. 27 Aug 1937. ( UC579829 ) . .

Carex straminiformis L. H. Bailey.  Shasta Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bennettville, moist sodded ground by deserted Bennettville Mine 2 miles north of Tioga Pass Carl W. Sharsmith 5625. 23 Jul 1948. ( SJSU14130 ) .

- Cabin Creek, on dry hillside near head of Cabin Creek, east of Mount Conness, Slate Creek Basin David D. Keck 4427. 19 Aug 1936. ( UC648684 ) .

- Conness Lakes, At upper end of the granite ridge. Gravelly rocky slope. Plants forming dense clumps. Central High Sierra Nevada. Conness Lakes; at upper end of the ridge between the two southwestern-most lakes, but facing the southeastern-most lake L. P. Janeway 7716. 24 Aug 2002. ( CHSC83034 ) .

- Mono Pass, John Thomas Howell 20662. 16 Aug 1944. ( UC710436 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, on dry rocky slope above Timberline Station cabin, east of Mount Conness, Slate Creek Valley David D. Keck 4420. 19 Aug 1936. ( UC648705 ) .

- Tioga Crest, talus of metamorphics northeast slope of Tioga Crest above Warren Creek Valley Carl W. Sharsmith 4468. 26 Jul 1942. ( SJSU14128 ) .

- Tioga Peak, Northeast-facing fairly stable talus slope, mostly rock but with scattered small lodgepole pines and common patches of Phyllodoce breweri. Plants forming dense clumps. Central High Sierra Nevada. Cirque on eastern side of Tioga Peak, overlooking Warren Fork L. P. Janeway 7680. 21 Jul 2002. ( CHSC83289 ) . .

Carex subfusca W. Boott.  Brown Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, east of Mount Conness, on woody slope around cabin, Slate Creek Basin Jens Clausen 1143. 23 Jul 1935. ( UC579745 ) . .

Carex subnigricans Stacey.  Nearly-Black Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), frost heaved polygons with high lichen cover in near Pinus albicaulis timberline on metamorphics Bloody canyon 0.2 miles east of Mono Pass Summit Dean Wm. Taylor 13055. 24 Jul 1992. ( JEPS104904 ) .

- Dana Plateau, in dry disintegrated granitic gravel Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 102. 17 Jul 1933. ( UC714263 ) sandy ground west slope of Dana Plateau above Glacier Canyon, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 3505. 1 Sep 1937. ( UC714267 ) soil derived from metamorphics Dana Plateau east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5208. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU12827 ) .

- Ellery Lake, meadow above Ellery Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 8120. 19 Aug 1982. ( UC1738776 UC1753691 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, dryish border of marshy ground Glacier Canyon east base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5181. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU12826 ) .

- Parker Pass, in pumice gravel south slope of Mount Lewis just north of Parker Pass, on boundary between Tuoloumne and Mono counties Carl W. Sharsmith 2730. 22 Jul 1937. ( UC714268 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, bogmargins, in mud in wettest places at transplant station, in garage bogmargins, Slate Creek David D. Keck 4914. 16 Aug 1938. ( UC624810 ) .

- Tioga Pass, wet marshy ground in meadow just east of Tioga Pass Carl W. Sharsmith 4559. 5 Aug 1943. ( SJSU12830 ) subalpine forest 20 meters northeast of Tioga Pass summit Joseph M. Keefe 6 Oct 1974. ( RSA669983 ) . .

Carex tahoensis Smiley.  Tahoe Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in granitics Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 3518. 1 Sep 1937. ( UC714216 ) in dry ground among metamorphics Dana Plateau, east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5200. 17 Aug 1944. ( UC933929 ) .

- Mount Warren, in unglaciated metamorphics south slope of Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2830. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC714215 ) . .

Carex tiogana D. W. Taylor & J. D. Mastrog.  Tioga Pass Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, moist turf vegetation on solifluction terraces, on calc-hornfel (metamorphic) substrate MONO LAKE WATERSHED Mono Pass headwaters Walker Creek in Bloody Canyon; along the trail about 350 meters east of the summit Dean Wm. Taylor 15442. 19 Sep 1995. ( UC1736658 ) .

- Parker Creek (Upper), Moist tuft dominated by Salix nivalis, Carex capitata, C. subnigricans, C. aurea on metamorphic (carbonaceous marble) substrates Mono Basin, Parker Creek drainage, headwaters of Parker Creek, along trail between Parker Pass and Koip Pass. Southern shore of small lake at NW base of steep climb up switchbacks to saddle between Koip and Parker Peaks Dean Wm. Taylor 9198. 1 Aug 1987. ( RSA675804 ) moist turf on metamorphic (carbonaceous marble) S shore of small lake at NW base of trail to saddle betw. Koip and Parker peaks | Headwaters of Parker Creek Dean Wm. Taylor and Kathleen A. Teare 9981. 17 Jul 1988. ( JEPS97167 UC1731072 ) .

- Upper Sardine Lake, dense sedge turf on marble Mono Pass near outlet of Upper Sardine Lake, head of Bloody Canyon, 01S26E15. Dean Wm. Taylor 13061. 24 Jul 1992. ( UC1731071 ) . .

Carex utriculata Boott.  Beaked Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, sedge, to 60 cm., rhizomatous; Leaves, with cross-walls, not pubescent, sheath, smooth; Inflorescence, 200 mm. × 9 mm. wide, 5-6 spikes; Spikes, differentiated, basal, absent, terminal, staminate, 26 mm. × 2.5 mm. wide, lateral, pistillate, erect, 30 mm. × 8 mm. wide, ±cylindric; Bracts, proximal, 280 mm., >inflorescence; Scales, pistillate, 3-3.5 mm., <perigynia; Perigynia, 3.5 mm., glabrous, yellowish, beak, distinct; Stigma, #3; Anthers, 2.3 mm. (Described from Coll. No. 3314, 22 July 2024.)

- Slate Creek Valley, in alkali bog 1/2 mile west of Carnegie Institution experiment gardens, east of Mount Conness, Slate Creek Valley Jens Clausen 1853. 15 Sep 1940. ( UC1154010 ) . .

Carex vernacula L. H. Bailey.  Native Sedge. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Conness Lakes, Southeast side of the lakes. A little above lake at the base of steep northwest-facing rocky granite. Plants forming a dense turf with Juncus drummondii occasionally included. Conness Lakes; southeast side of the southeastern-most pair of lakes. A little above lake where 1994 topo map show edge of a permanent snowfield but the snowfield is now quite a way away L. P. Janeway 7701. 24 Aug 2002. ( CHSC83047 ) In notch in granite ridge; near top of ridge. Plants forming masses around edge of rocks. Conness Lakes; in notch in ridge between the two southwestern-most lakes; near top of ridge L. P. Janeway 7712. 24 Aug 2002. ( CHSC83064 ) .

- Dana Plateau, in moist ground Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2409. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC714257 ) in unglaciated metamorphics summit of Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2482. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC714260 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, edge of marshy ground Glacier Canyon ease base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5183. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU12835 ) .

- Mount Dana, north slope of Mount Dana John Thomas Howell 20217. 10 Aug 1944. ( UC710437 ) .

- Tioga Crest, Growing on loose scree on exposed alpine ridge at 11,000 ft. northwest of Gardisky Lake on the Tioga Crest, north of Tioga Pass Steve Matson 1502. 20 Aug 2005. ( JEPS111275 ) . .

Eleocharis quinqueflora (Hartmann) O. Schwarz.  (Syn: Eleocharis pauciflora (Lightf.) Link ) Fewflower Spikerush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, unglaciated metamorphics; boggy area with Pedicularis atollens and Dodecatheon alpinum summit of Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2478. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC712422 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, marshy site Glacier Canyon by east base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5180. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU12954 ) .

- Mount Conness, moist meadow above lake vicinity of Mount Conness, bench above Saddlebag Lake, Conness Glacier drainage Carl W. Sharsmith 176. 22 Jul 1933. ( UC712421 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in bog; Arctic-Alpine Life Zone Slate Creek Valley, east of Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Jens Clausen 1165. 24 Jul 1935. ( UC579756 ) in meadow around lake Slate Creek drainage, east of White Mountain, southeast end of Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Jens Clausen 1630. 3 Aug 1937. ( UC648695 ) . .

Scirpus microcarpus J. Presl & C. Presl.  Panicled Rush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial terrestrial herb of wet places, to 50-60 cm, glabrous throughout; Stem leafy, flowering stems with cauline leaves > 1; Leaves, cauline present; Inflorescence, terminal, of many spikelets on pedicels up to 3 cm; Spikelets ±30 flowers, not flat, in head-like clusters; Bracts, spiraled? (not 2-ranked); Flowers many per spikelet, open, pistillate and staminate flowers in same spikelet; Perigynium absent; Perianth bristles ≥fruit, slightly recurved, uniformly finely-toothed; Pistils 1; Stigmas 2; Fruit, achene, 1-seeded, 2-angled (Described from Coll. No. 521, 2 Aug 2007, and Coll. No. 900, 24 Aug 2012).

- Warren Canyon, e side creek in the springy area, on damp loam soil associated with Carex in the springy area about 1 mi n of Tioga Pass Road; on e side Warren Creek James L. Reveal 548. 17 Aug 1963. ( CAS857178 RSA185234 UC1147112 ) . .

Trichophorum clementis (M. E. Jones) S. G. Sm.  (Syn: Scirpus clementis M. E. Jones ) Yosemite Bulrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), frost heaved polygons with high lichen cover in near Pinus albicaulis timberline on metamorphics Bloody Canyon 0.2 mi E of Mono Pass summit Dean Wm. Taylor 13060. 24 Jul 1992. ( JEPS104911 ) .

- Conness Lakes, Narrow meadowy moist border of the lake; 3-6 dm above present water level, 2-3 dm above high water line. Plants are scattered dense clumps 2-6 cm diameter at base; culms stiffly ±erect. Central High Sierra Nevada. Conness Lakes; at the northeast end of the middle lake of the southeastern lakes. Border of lake L. P. Janeway 7719. 24 Aug 2002. ( CHSC82971 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, moist meadow Glacier Canyon at east base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 4207. 19 Aug 1940. ( SJSU12926 ) Along meadowy edges of the creek and rocky meadowy edges; moist. Plants common here, forming dense clumps 3-6 cm di-ameter at base; culms stiffly ±erect. Central High Sierra Nevada. Bottom of Glacier Canyon 1.8 km east of Tioga Lake. Along edges of creek and meadow L. P. Janeway 7722. 25 Aug 2002. ( CHSC82972 ) .

- Greenstone Lake, meadow at base of large waterfall above lake meadow at base large waterfall above inlet to Greenstone Lake, west of Saddlebag Lake David D. Keck 5002. 29 Aug 1938. ( UC624812 ) Wet meadowy northwest-facing slope above the middle of the southeast side of Greenstone Lake. Plants common on down to the lake; forming scattered dense clumps 2-5 cm diameter at base; culms stiffly ±erect. Central High Sierra Nevada. Slope above the middle of the southeast side of Greenstone Lake L. P. Janeway 7720. 24 Aug 2002. ( CHSC82970 ) .

- Parker Creek (Upper), southern shore small lake, moist turf, metamorphic (carbonaceous marble) substrates, along trail… along trail between Parker Pass and Koip Pass; southern shore small lake at nw base ..climb...switchbacks to saddle between Koip and Parker Peak, headwaters Parker Creek Dean Wm. Taylor 9202. 1 Aug 1987. ( UC1540202 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, forming part of the sod along the creek in full sun, banks of creek, Artic-Alpine Life Zone banks of Slate Creek, east of Mount Conness, Sierra Nevada, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area David D. Keck 4461. 30 Aug 1937. ( UC579747 ) .


Iris hartwegii Baker.  Rainbow Iris. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, "Ellery Lake, Inyo National Forest, [Yosemite National Park]." Fred H. Wylie 31 Jul 1941. ( SD29259 ) .

- Tioga Pass, "Yosemite, Tioga Pass." Jeanne Dailard 24 Jul 1950. ( SD44027 ) . .

Iris missouriensis Nutt.  Western Blue Flag. Weed: Inyo National Forest, List: C. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, in lush grass at north edge of lake north edge of Ellery Lake near Lee Vining Creek Road W. J. Dress, J. E. Cruise and May K. Arbegast 4534. 20 Jul 1954. ( SBBG40318 UC1377702 ) .

- Mono Pass, Geological Survey of California 6413. 1890. ( UC4308 ) . .

Sisyrinchium idahoense E. P. Bicknell.  Idaho Blue-Eyed Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Basin, moist ledge on cliff of metamorphic rock cliff above Cabin Cr (tributary of Slate Cr, E of Mt Conness), Leevining Cr drainage Jens Clausen & C. W. Sharsmith 5693. 8 Sep 1948. ( SJSU15085 ) .

- Warren Canyon, crk area Sierra Nevada: Warren Fk of Lee Vining Crk, near Tioga Pass D. Myrick 468. 21 Jul 1961. ( SBBG15612 ) .


Juncus bufonius L.  Toad Rush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Annual, to 15 cm., of wet places; Leaves, basal and cauline, sheath 19-20 mm., not bristle-tipped, auricles 0, blade, 45 mm., rolled, not equitant (leaves of two ranks each folded in half); Inflorescence, >½ total height of plant, appears terminal, bract erect, ±=inflorescence, but does not appear be a continuation of stem, 12-15 heads per inflorescence; Perianth, 3-5-4.0 mm.; Capsule, 3 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide, oblong; Seeds, 0.3 mm., brown, not tailed. Described from Coll. No. 1203, 12 Jul 2015.

- Lundy Canyon (Upper), Lundy Canyon, Tripple Falls, Elev. 9500 ft. Robert M. Perkins 446. 15 Jun 1939. ( RSA368169 ) . .

Juncus bufonius L. var. occidentalis F. J. Herm.  Toad Rush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mine Creek, Tioga Pass Road along old roadbed near junction of Saddlebag Lake Road with Highway 120 Dean Wm. Taylor 8148. 15 Sep 1982. ( JEPS90430 ) . .

Juncus capillaris F. J. Herm.  Hair-Stem Dwarf Rush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), wet metamorphic rock outcrops, with other annuals, south facing slope Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek section of Lee Vining Creek drainage Dean Wm. Taylor 8084. 9 Sep 1982. ( JEPS91277 ) . .

Juncus ensifolius Wikstr.  Sword-Leaf Rush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Warren Creek, moist Pinus contorta forest with grassy-herb dominated undestory adjacent to creek Lee Vining Creek, Warren Fork, near end of jeep road 0.4 miles west from Highway 120 Dean Wm. Taylor 13072. 5 Aug 1992. ( JEPS90426 ) . .

Juncus hemiendytus F. J. Herm. var. abjectus (F. J. Herm.) Ertter.  Herman's Dwarf Rush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), drying mud with Carex deweyana meadow along Lee Vining Creek along Saddlebag Lake Road, about 0.7 miles north of Highway 120 Dean Wm. Taylor 8114. 17 Aug 1982. ( JEPS91266 ) on moist sandy flat in meadow of Subalpine Forest Community Slate Creek Philip A. Munz 20041. 20 Aug 1954. ( RSA95994 ) . .

Juncus mertensianus Bong.  Merten's Rush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), in wet sod at creek Cabin Creek, Slate Creek Basin, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area David D. Keck 4704. 31 Aug 1937. ( UC579808 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), moist ledge on south-facing slope near head of Lee Vining Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 4200. 18 Aug 1940. ( SJSU12987 ) .

- Mono Pass, along streams east side of Mono Pass Henry N. Bolander 6039. 1866. ( UC1601825 UC306855 ) . .

Juncus mexicanus Willd.  (=Juncus arcticus (Willd.) Trautv. var. mexicanus (Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes) Balslev) Mexican Rush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, from long robust creeping rhizomes, terrestrial plant of wet places, to 50 cm.; Stem and leaves not differentiated, upper stem twisted; Inflorescence, bract, 7 cm., cylindric; Perianth appearing to be a single whorl, scale-like, 5 mm.; Flowers, bisexual; Stamens 6, some sometimes smaller or abortive(?); Pistil 1; Stigmas 3; Fruit, capsule, 3-angled; Seeds, 40-50 (Described from Coll. No. 515, 2 Aug 2007).

- Bennettville, moist sites site of Bennittville, Tioga Pass Road Dean Wm. Taylor 8116. 18 Aug 1982. ( JEPS91296 ) . .

Juncus parryi Engelm.  Parry's Rush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above, 1927-3049m southeast of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2252. 02 Aug 1981. ( UCR26475 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927-2988m Lee Vining Creek below Saddlebag Lake and above USFS Sawmill Campground, about 2.5 road mines nowthwest of the junction of Saddlebag Lake Road and Highway 120 Scott D. White 5461. 04 Aug 1997. ( UCR108920 ) .

- Lee Vining Peak, dry flat, unglaciated granitics northwest slope Carl W. Sharsmith 2809. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC641947 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types including willow shrubland, Ledum thicket; grass/sedge meadow, 2790-2866m Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5601. 12 Aug 1997. ( UCR104214 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Conness Glacier drainage above Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 181. 22 Jul 1933. ( UC642045 UC842749 ) in unglaciated metamorphics east of Saddlebag Lake, south end of Tioga Crest Carl W. Sharsmith 2750. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC641952 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, north of cabin creek, below waterfall, in rocky or sandy soil, 3200 ft (? - Ed.) Slate Creek Valley, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, east of Mt. Conness Jens Clausen 1606. 2 Aug 1937. ( UC648721 ) .

- Tioga Pass Resort, Camp Tioga, 2 miles northeast (by road) of Tioga Pass summit R. F. Hoover 5400. 4 Jul 1941. ( UC766170 ) . .

Luzula comosa E. Mey.  Pacific Woodrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, in meadowy places in Pinus murrayana woods Cabin Creek, Slate Creek Valley, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area David D. Keck 4708. 1 Sep 1937. ( UC579810 ) . .

Luzula divaricata S. Watson.  Forked Woodrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, near summit ridge, among rocks Southeast of Mount Conness, near summit of Middle Ridge, Slate Creek Valley, Harvey Monroe Natural Area. Jens Clausen 1623. 3 Aug 1937. ( POM256947 UC648702 ) . .

Luzula orestera Sharsm.  Sierra Woodrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Cascade Lake, on steep rocky but moist slopes, se facing slope in turf of wet wet meadow associates below North Peak near Mount Conness above Cascade Lake Roger Raiche 30685. 27 Aug 1983. ( JEPS82273 ) .

- Parker Pass, southern shore of small lake, moist turf, metamorphic (carbonaceous marble) substrates headwaters of Parker Creek along the trail between Parker Pass and saddle between Koip and Parker Peaks Dean Wm. Taylor 9207. 1 Aug 1987. ( UC1540195 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in moist meadow near creek east of Mount Conness, just above waterfall at south edge of Harvey Monroe Hall Nat'l Area, meadow near Slate Creek Jens Clausen 1698. 9 Aug 1937. ( UC648650 ) .

- Tioga Pass, in meadow just east of Tioga Pass near base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 4557. 5 Aug 1943. ( UC1086034 ) . .

Luzula spicata (L.) DC.  Spiked Woodrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated metamorphics near the west rim of Dana Plateau Carl W. Sharsmith 2411. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC642022 ) .

- Ellery Lake, granitic outcrop with moist seepage draining over the surface, with abundant Potentilla fruiticosa scrub Cirque southeast of Ellery Lake dam, 1N25E. Dean Wm. Taylor 11255. 19 Jul 1990. ( JEPS101277 ) .

- Lower Sardine Lake, moist turf underlain by quartzite and dominated by Carex nigricans, C. aurea, Deschampsia caespitosa, and dryer uplands dominated by Potentilla fruticosa in cirque above Lower Sardine Lake, Bloody Canyon, northeast slope Mount Gibbs Dean Wm. Taylor 13100. 8 Aug 1992. ( JEPS101276 ) .

- Parker Pass, moist turf dominated by Salix nivalis, Carex capitata, C. subnigricans, C. aurea on metamorphic (carbonaceous marble) substrate headwaters of Parker Creek along the trail between Parker Pass and saddle between Koip and Parker Peaks Dean Wm. Taylor 9208. 1 Aug 1987. ( JEPS101275 ) . .

Luzula subcongesta (S. Watson) Jeps.  Donner Woodrush. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Cabin Creek, along creek in drier grassy areas along Cabin Creek, Slate Creek Valley, Slate Creek Basin, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area David D. Keck 4713. 1 Sep 1937. ( UC579809 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types including willow shrubland, Ledum thicket; grass/sedge meadow, 1790-2866 m Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5597. 12 Aug 1997. ( UCR1042216 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Artic-Alpine Life Zone; in shaded wet places of slope Timberline Station, Slate Creek Basin, east of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 1109. 22 Jul 1935. ( UC579788 ) .


Calochortus Pursh.  Mariposa Lily. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Jordan Spring, Common, in seed, capsules partly open. Tom Schweich 908. 9/10/2011. . .

Calochortus leichtlinii Hook. f.  Smokey Mariposa. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, Moist, south-facing mountain slope; open spots in woods of Pinus murrayana and P. albicaulis. southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2397. 3 Sep 1962. ( CHSC22964 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone. Gravelly, deep soil, S slope. 3049 - 3201 m North side of Slate Creek Valley. Slate Creek Basin, E of Mt. Conness John Coulter 6. 22 Aug 1932. ( UCR80221 ) .

- Warren Canyon, subalpine forest and meadow Warren Canyon Wilderness, N of Tioga Pass Road on a dirt road that joins the Hwy at the the 9000 ft marker Kathy Harper 16 Aug 1986. ( UCR51085 ) . .

Lilium parvum Kellogg.  Sierra Tiger Lily. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, Mountain slopes. Open, springy spots in Pinus murrayana forest; with Habenaria, Veratrum, Aconitum. southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising, G. Keator, A. Weston 2641.4 25 Aug 1963. ( CHSC22971 ) .

- Tioga Pass, meadow and talus slopes Nunatak trail beside CA-120, about 1 mi S of Yosemite entrance Kiosk. George K. Helmkamp 4404. 13 Aug 1998. ( UCR123121 ) .

- Warren Canyon, subalpine forest and meadow Warren Canyon Wilderness, N of Tioga Pass Road on a dirt road that joins the Hwy at the the 9000 ft marker. Kathy Harper 16 Aug 1986. ( UCR51094 ) .


Toxicoscordion venenosum (S. Watson) Rydb. var. venenosum.  (Syn: Zigadenus venenosus S. Watson var. venenosus ) Meadow Death Camas. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Leaves linear; Infloresence fruit branches 45° from main axis; Fruit 2 cm; Seeds 9 mm, not winged (eliminates Veratrum), brown (eliminates Camassia). (Described from Coll. No. 789, 14 Dec 2011).

- Jordan Spring, In the drying north edge of the wet area, mid way between top and bottom of spring. Tom Schweich, with Kim Kersh 789. 10 Sep 2011. . .

Veratrum californicum Durand var. californicum.  Helleborine, Corn Lily. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, mossy spring on mountain slope, with Acontium columbianum southwest of Saddlebag Lake Robert A. Schlising 2401. 3 Sep 1962. ( CHSC22974 ) .


Platanthera dilatata (Pursh) Lindl. ex Beck var. leucostachys (Lindl.) Luer.  (Syn: P. leucostachys Lindl. ) Sierra Bog Orchid. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. 2927 - 2988 m Lee Vining Creek: Below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5533. 4 Aug 1997. ( UCR108916 ) .

- Lundy Canyon (Upper), Marsh. Lundy Canyon (High Sierra). Robert M. Perkins 444. 15 Jul 1938. ( RSA382877 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Moist south-facing mountain side. Woods of Pinus murrayana and P. albicaulis; shady, mossy streamside. SW of Saddlebag Lake. Sierra Nevada. Robert A. Schlising 2394. 3 Sep 1962. ( CHSC22736 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Cabin Cr, Carnegie Institution Division of Plant Biology field station, Slate Cr Valley E of Mt Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5697. 8 Sep 1948. ( SJSU13209 ) .

- Tioga Pass, TALUS SLOPES EAST SIDE TIOGA PASS A. Lee Haines 15.1 23 Jul 1936. ( YM-YOSE66088 ) moist slope E. G. 9 Aug 1938. ( UCR4316 ) . .

Platanthera sparsiflora (S. Watson) Schltr.  (Syn: Habenaria sparsiflora S. Watson ) Sparse-Flowered Bog Orchid. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Cabin Creek, In Subalpine Forest Community. Banks of creek. Cabin Creek, tributary to Slate Creek, east slope of Sierra Nevada. P. A. Munz 20104. 19 Aug 1954. ( RSA96231 ) .

- Warren Canyon, Shaded streambank, intermittent stream; wet sandy soil; Lilium parvum, Aconitum columbianum, Senecio triangularis, Delphinium glaucum, Populus tremuloides, Salix, Mimulus tilingii. Eastern Sierra Nevada Mtns. Warren Canyon, c. 0.5 mi north of Hwy 120, PLSS: 01N25E12. Ann Howald 2783. 4 Aug 2011. ( UCR240129 ) floor of canyon, very wet meadow Yosemite National Park, Tioga Pass, Warren Canyon, a small canyon N of the road at the 9,000 ft. elevation marker. Kathy Harper 25 Jul 1989. ( UCR62272 ) . .

Spiranthes porrifolia Lindl.  Creamy Lady's Tresses. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, moist turfy margin of creek by Cabin Cr behind cabin of Carnegie Institution Division of Plant Biology timberline field station, Slate Cr Valley, E of Mt Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5564. 3 Sep 1947. ( SJSU13220 ) .


Agrostis exarata Trin.  Spike Bentgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Steep talus slope; moist soil of seep along the road Leevining Grade, State Hwy 120, east of Tioga Pass Beecher Crampton 8358. 16 Sep 1968. ( UCD52326 ) . .

Agrostis humilis Vasey.  (Syn: Agrostis thurberiana Hitchc. , Podagrostis humilis (Vasey) Bjorkman ) Alpine Bentgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Gardisky Lake, subalpine slopes Dean Wm. Taylor 13092. 7 Aug 1992. ( JEPS100611 ) .

- Hummingbird Lake, moist turf margin on south shore of the lake in site underlain by calchornfels and dominated by Carex nigricans, C. aurea, Scirpus clematis Hummingbord Lake, upper Lee Vining Creek watershed (above Saddlebag Lake) Dean Wm. Taylor 13078. 7 Aug 1992. ( JEPS100610 ) .

- Mine Creek, shallow, muddy bottom of small pond with sparse cover of Torreyochloa pauciflora Hall Reserach Natural Area, Mine Creek drainage, between Shell Lake and Fantail Lake (Lee Vining Creek watershed) Dean Wm. Taylor 13086. 7 Aug 1992. ( JEPS100612 ) .

- Mono Pass, dense turf with Carex subnigricans and Muhlenbergia richardsonis dominant Mono Pass at head of Bloody Canyon, on east shore of Upper Sardine Lake near outlet Dean Wm. Taylor 13059. 24 Jul 1992. ( JEPS100602 ) .

- Odell Lake, moist turf margin on s shore of lake, in site underlain by calchornfels above Saddlebag Lake on south shore of Odell Lake, near lake outlet, Lee Vining Creek drainage Dean Wm. Taylor 13084. 7 Aug 1992. ( JEPS91040 JEPS91248 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, on rather dry hillside in semi-shade of Pinus murrayana David D. Keck 4709. 1 Sep 1937. ( UC579807 ) Wet meadow. Growing with A. thurberiana nearby, may be an intergraded form. Harvey Monroe Hall Research Natural Area. Transect 26. Along Slate Creek E. Knapp 7 Sep 1993. ( UCD52733 ) Transect 23, Knapp (1994) Vegetation Survey. Wet meadow area with Salix sp.. Running water throughout season Harvey Monroe Hall Research Natural Area, Inyo National Forest. Approx. 0.5 km W of Carnegie Cabin, 70 m from Slate Creek (N side of Creeek) E. Knapp 25 Aug 1993. ( UCD52767 ) Transect 20, Knapp (1994 Vegetation Survey. Edge of wet meadow area, between stands of Pinus contorta and Pinus albicaulis forest. SE-facing slope near creek Harvey Monroe Hall Research Natural Area. Inyo National Forest. Slate Creek Valley E. Knapp 23 Aug 1993. ( UCD52768 ) On lower slopes; substrate of undifferentiated mesozoic metasediments with loamy soil & thick vegetative turf that is wet, but with visible surface water only during early summer; growing season starts mid-season Hall Natural Area; ridge E of White Mtn., on N-facing 23° slope R. H. Pemble 2.7 26 Jul 1967. ( UCD52758 ) .

- Twin Lakes, Twin Lakes, upper Lee Vining Creek watershed (above Saddlebag Lake) Dean Wm. Taylor 13079. 7 Aug 1992. ( JEPS100613 ) . .

Agrostis idahoensis Nash.  Idaho Bentgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above, 2927 - 3049 m southeast of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of the Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2251.1 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR26470 ) .

- Greenstone Lake, Base of shaded, steep north facing granitic cliffs; in moist shaded rock crevices cirque above Greenstone Lake, Mono Basin, Lee Vining Creek watershed Dean Wm. Taylor 14053. 3 Aug 1993. ( JEPS100283 ) .

- Odell Lake, forest Odell Lake, upper Lee Vining Creek watershed (above Saddlebag Lake), Dean Wm. Taylor 13081. 7 Aug 1992. ( JEPS100284 ) .

- Walker Creek (Upper), moist turf vegetation on solifluction terraces, on calc-hornfel (metamorphic) substrate headwaters of Walker Creek in Bloody Canyon, terraces above waterfall of inflow stream, about 150 m west of escarpment, Upper Sardine Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 15547. 19 Sep 1995. ( JEPS91037 ) . .

Agrostis scabra Willd.  Rough Bentgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass, 40 cm., rhizomes not seen; Leaves, sheath, 30 mm., open, distally retrorsely scabrous, ligule, membranous, 2 mm., auricles, absent, blade, 35 mm. × 0.8 mm. wide, flat, margins, scabrous; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, >leaves, open panicle with ascending branches, 140 mm. × 80 mm. wide; Rachis, not extended; Spikelets, many, 2 mm. × 0.6 mm. wide, similar, borne singly, pedicels 1.7-3.5 mm, scabrous; Compression, lateral; Disarticulation, above the glumes; Glumes, lower, 2.5 mm., keeled, scabrous on keel, veins, #1, upper, 2.4 mm., >lowest floret, keeled, scabrous on keel, veins, 1, awns, 0; Florets, 1 per spikelet, fertile; Lemma, 1.5 mm., <glumes, rolled, glabrous, translucent, veins, ?, tip, obtuse, awns, 0; Palea, 0.3 mm., membranous, colorless; Anthers, 0.5 mm.; Achene, 1 mm., green, glabrous. (Described from Coll. No. 2700.1, 17 Aug 2021).

- Ellery Lake, veg type Lp grass, slope west H. S. Yates 6286. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC576309 ) .

- Junction Campground, meadow Junction Campground, Inyo National Forest, east of Tioga Pass, State Hwy. 120 Beecher Crampton 8350. 16 Sep 1968. ( UCD53344 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927 - 2988 m between Saddlebag Lake and USFS Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5450. 4 Aug 1997. ( UCR109039 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), west base of rocky cliff Leevining Grade David D. Keck 4478. 21 Aug 1936. ( UC648722 ) 10 miles west of Lee Vining, Tioga Pass Road R. Tofsrud Jul 1951. ( UCD53359 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, transplant garden area, moist soil, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone east of Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Basin David D. Keck 4598. 26 Aug 1937. ( UC579754 ) .

- Warren Canyon, on the hillside at the head of a spring east side of Warren Creek, 0.75 miles north of Tioga Pass Road James L. Reveal and Jack L. Reveal 549. 17 Aug 1963. ( UC1147068 ) . .

Agrostis variabilis Rydb.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), frost heaved polygons with high lichen cover in near Pinus albicaulis timberline on metamorphics Bloody Canyon o.2 miles east of Mono Pass summit Dean Wm. Taylor 13058. 24 Jul 1992. ( JEPS104910 ) .

- Conness Lakes, Southeast side of lakes. In flats near lake edge below steep granite slopes with snowmelt. Ata edge of sedgy/grassy flat, at high water line. Plants forming small tufts Conness Lakes; southeast side of the southeastern-most pair of lakes. Near lake edge below slopes. At edge of flat, at high water line L. P. Janeway 7710. 24 Aug 2002. ( CHSC83066 ) .

- Dana Plateau, Dana Plateau east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 9096. 6 Aug 1989. ( SJSU14298 ) .

- Greenstone Lake, Base of shaded, steep north facing granitic cliffs; in moist shaded rock crevices cirque above Greenstone Lake, Mono Basin, Lee Vining Creek watershed Dean Wm. Taylor 14052. 3 Aug 1993. ( JEPS100278 ) .

- Odell Lake, forest Odell Lake, upper Lee Vining Creek watershed (above Saddlebag Lake), Dean Wm. Taylor 13083. 7 Aug 1992. ( JEPS100277 ) .

- Parker Creek (Upper), moist turf dominated by Salix nivalis, Carex capitata, C. subnigricans, C. aurea on metamorphic (carbonaceous marble) substrate Mono Basin, Parker Creek drainage; headwaters of Parker Creek along trail between Parker Pass and Koip Pass; southern shore of a small lake at NW base of steep climb up switchbacks to saddle between Koip Peak and Parker Peak Dean Wm. Taylor 9203. 1 Aug 1987. ( JEPS100543 UC1540201 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types including willow shrubland, Ledum thicket; grass/sedge meadow, 2790 - 2866 m Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lak Scott D. White 5615. 12 Aug 1997. ( UCR104199 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, mountain meadow Lewis S. Rose 68153. 18 Jul 1968. ( SJSU7488 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in moist soil in meadow near transplant garden, Artic-Alpine Life Zone east of Mount Conness, Slate Creek Basin, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area David D. Keck 4592. 26 Aug 1937. ( UC579798 ) Sparse mixed Pinus albicaulis, P. contorta forest. Harvey Monroe Hall Research Natural Area, Inyo Naitonal Forest, Transect 11, S-facing slope N of Carnegie Cabin in Slate Creek Valley E. Knapp 11 Aug 1993. ( UCD53706 ) at the base of dry ridge n of valley garden plot; on sandy soil at base of the dry ridge n of the valley garden plot of the Carnegie Institution in the H. M. Hall Natural Area Jack L. Reveal and James L. Reveal 182. 11 Aug 1962. ( UC1147044 ) On damp slope below snow bank, Subalpine Forest Community N. slope of Middle Ridge, Slate Creek, Sierra Nevada Philip A. Munz 19954. 17 Aug 1954. ( UCD53707 ) on damp soil in high meadow, Subalpine Community, n slope ridge north slope of Middle Ridge, Slate Creek Philip A. Munz 19982. 17 Aug 1954. ( UC1026621 UCD53684 ) .

- Spuller Lake, Rocky metamorphic slope, well-drained, northwest exposure; below crest of metamorphic ridge about Spuller and Fantail Lakes R. H. Pemble 10.7 7 Aug 1967. ( UCD53683 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Veg. Type: near Tioga Pass H. S. Yates 6305. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC574008 ) near Tioga Pass H. S. Yates 6314. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC580755 UCD53783 ) . .

Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn.  (Syn: Ceratochloa carinata (Hook. & Arn.) Tutin ) California Brome. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass, height 60-90 cm., clumped; Leaves, sheath and blade differentiated, soft; Sheath, 80 mm., closed, generally glabrous, except collar somewhat hairy; Ligule, membraneous, 2 mm.; Auricles, absent; Blade, 140 mm. × 7 mm. wide, flat, scabrous, mid-rib prominent; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, >leaves, panicle, 180-200 mm. × 40-90 mm. wide; Rachis, not extended, minutely scabrous on abaxial side; Spikelets, many (#22-26), 36 mm. × 11 mm. wide, similar, 1 per node; Compression, lateral; Disarticulation, between the florets; Glumes, lower, 9.5 mm., veins, #5, distinct, upper, 12 mm., <lowest floret, veins, #7, distinct keeled, membraneous, awns, 0, margins short ciliate; Florets, 6 per spikelet; Rachilla, exposed, scabrous on abaxial side, not extended; Lemma, 13 mm., broad, 2.5 mm. midvein to margin, >glumes,ovate, keeled distally, finely short hairy throughout, veins, #9, glabrous, margins, scarious, tip, entire, awns, #1, 8 mm., straight, attached near tip; Palea, 7 mm., <lemma, keel, ciliate, veins, green, margin, glabrous, tip, entire; Anthers, 3.6 mm., yellow; Ovary, hairy. [Described from Coll. No. 2090, 26 June 2019, which I believe was a commercial cultivar used in revegetation. Keys poorly in most Colorado floras, but quite nicely to B. carinatus var. carinatus in the Jepson Manual, in good part by the length of the lemma awn.]

- Ellery Lake, On roadside bank. Mono Co.: Ellery Lake H. S. Yates 6295. 22 Aug 1936. ( UCD58241 ) . .

Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn. var. carinatus.  California Brome. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, to 40 cm.; Roots fibrous; Stem herbaceous; Internodes hollow; Leaf blade and sheath differentiated; Sheath closed; Ligule membraneous, 2 mm.; Blade flat, to 4 mm wide, short hairy, margin sparse wavy hairy; Inflorescence 3-many, 10-12 cm., panicle, branching evident, longest branch 25 mm., > leaves, spikelets many; Compression lateral; Spikelets similar, 1 / node, 1° and 2° branches, length 30-35 mm., 5-6 florets; Florets 2+ bisexual; Glumes lower 7 mm., upper 10 mm., margins thin translucent, upper glume has 3 prominent veins (keeled), awns 0; Lemma, lower 12 mm., keeled, veins = 3 or 7, outer 2 appear doubled, tip 2-forked, awns 1, 13 mm, straight, attached to back at 9 mm.; Palea, 8 mm, < lemma, keel hairy, margin ciliate; Anthers 3, 0.7 mm., brown; Ovary 5 mm., glabrous below, hairy near tip (Described from Coll. No. 825, 30 May 2012).

- Slate Creek Valley, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone, talus slope, s exposure e of Mount Conness, Slate Creek Basin, on North Mountain, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Jens Clausen 1153. 23 Jul 1935. ( UC579751 ) . .

Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn. var. marginatus (Steud.) Barkworth & Anderton.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Steep talus slopes, moist soil of seep along the road. Mono County: Leevining Grade, State Hwy. 120 east of Tioga Pass, Inyo National Forest Beecher Crampton 8357. 21 Jun 1968. ( UCD59162 ) . .

Bromus ciliatus L.  Fringed Brome. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass, 85-90 cm., caespitose; Sheath, closed, basal sheath retrorsely pilose; Ligule, membranous, 1 mm., auricles 0; Blade, 200 mm. × 4 mm. wide, flat, barely scabrous; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, >leaves, open panicle, 90 mm. × 25 mm. wide, 1-3 branches; Rachis, not extended, scabrous; Spikelets, 10-14, 20 mm. × 6 mm. wide, similar, borne singly, pedicels 20-25 mm.; Glumes, lower, 8 mm., veins, 1, somewhat keeled, upper, 9 mm., <lowest floret, veins, 3, keeled, sparsely pilose toward left margin, awns, 0; Florets, 6 per spikelet, #1 is bisexual; Callus, hairs, 0; Lemma, 11.5 mm., body > glumes, lanceolate, membranous, not strongly keeled, veins, 5, tip, entire, awns, 1, 3.8 mm., straight, attached, end, pilose, hairs concentrated proximally and towards the margins, true for upper lemmas; Palea, 10.5 mm., membranous, veins, green, ciliate; Anthers, 1.3 mm.; Achene, 7-8 mm., green, adhering to lemma. (Described from Coll. No. 2638, 5 Aug 2021.)

- Junction Campground, meadow Mono County, Inyo National Forest, Hwy 120 N. E. of Tioga Pass at jct. with campground Beecher Crampton 8346. 16 Sep 1968. ( UCD33468 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. (Collections made between 4 Aug and 7 Aug 1997) USGS quad: Tioga Pass; Perennial. Occasional-common; mesic slope above stream, w/ pines and sedges. Native ; Central High Sierra Neveda LEE VINING CREEK: Below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, ca. 2.5 road miles NW of jtn. Saddlebag Rd. / Hwy. 120. Ca. 2 air miles E of Yosemite Nat. Park boundary and 4 air miles N of Tioga Pass. Scott D. White, Edith Read, Gene Hawkins, Adrian Sears, Scott Weaver 5476. 4 Aug 1997. ( RSA747508 UCR213563 ) . .

Bromus orcuttianus Vasey.  Orcutt's Brome. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Tioga Crest, in metamorphics NE slope Tioga Crest above Warren Cr Valley, Leevining Cr drainage Carl W. Sharsmith 4471. 26 Jul 1942. ( SJSU13016 ) . .

Bromus suksdorfii Vasey.  Suksdorf's Brome. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Cabin Creek, Scattered perennials in sun on dryish stony slope. Mono Co.: Cabin Creek, tributary to State Creek, Sierra Nevada Philip A. Munz 20019. 19 Aug 1954. ( UCD59739 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, on dry hillside near head of creek e of Mount Conness, near head of Cabin Creek, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Basin David D. Keck 4428. 19 Aug 1936. ( UC648683 ) . .

Calamagrostis breweri Thurb.  Shorthair Reedgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, mountain meadow Lewis S. Rose 68151. 18 Jul 1968. ( SBBG32362 SJSU7497 UCD57460 ) . [ UCD57460 is determined as Calamagrostis muiriana, SBBG32362 and SJSU7497 are determined as Calamagrostis breweri. ]

- Tioga Pass, Meadow. Near Tioga Pass D. F. Howe 4287. 20 Aug 1966. ( SDSU966 ) Tioga Pass, in meadows D. F. Howe 4289. 20 Aug 1966. ( SD64355 ) . .

Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) P. Beauv.  Bluejoint. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass, to 90 cm., rhizomes unknown; Leaves, sheath, 90 mm., open, ligule, membranous, 3-5 mm., collar, minutely hairy, blade, 150 mm. × 6.5 mm. wide, scabrous; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, >leaves, 135 mm. × 25 mm. wide; Spikelets, many, 3 mm. × 1 mm. wide, similar, borne singly; Compression, ±lateral; Disarticulation, above the glumes; Glumes, lower, 3.5 mm., veins, 1, scabrous, purple to brown, upper, 3.0 mm., >lowest floret, scabrous, veins, 3, rounded, purple to brown; Florets, 1 per spikelet; Callus, straight white hairs, 2.5 mm.; Lemma, 2.5-3.0 mm., body < glumes, tip, 2-forked, awns, 1, 2.5 mm., straight, attached middle, included; Palea, 2 mm., <lemma, membranous (Described from Coll. No. 2700, 17 August 2021).

- Cabin Creek, Scattered perennials on moist rotted log in sunny exposure; Subalpine Forest Community. Mono County: Sierra Nevada, tributary to Slate Creek, Cabin Creek Philip A. Munz 20028. 19 Aug 1954. ( UCD57232 ) .

- Ellery Lake, Veg. Type: Lp-grass, w slope H. S. Yates 6283. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC537948 ) .

- Nunatak Meadow, Meadow with dry & wet areas; w/ willows in wet areas. USGS quad: Tioga Pass 7.5' Q.; Occasional; in moist soil.; Sierra Nevada Mtns. along Calif. Hwy 120, 0.5 mi. north of Tioga Pass, Nunatak Meadow area G. K. Helmkamp, E. A. Helmkamp 2367. 11 Sep 1997. ( UCR103832 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, moist open meadow Slate Creek Valley, east of Mount Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 6226. 15 Aug 1954. ( SJSU13206 ) Arctic-Alpine Life Zone east of Mount Conness along creek David D. Keck 4590. 26 Aug 1937. ( UC579821 ) Slate Creek, Hall Research Natural Area, Lee Vining Creek watershed Dean Wm. Taylor 8156. 15 Sep 1982. ( UC1738936 ) .

- Tioga Lake, pond near Tioga Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 8119. 19 Aug 1982. ( UC1738934 ) . .

Calamagrostis muiriana B. L. Wilson & Sami Gray.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Big Horn Lake, Rocky, wet meadow at level spot on northeast-facing slope; granitic parent material. Survey stand 58-67. Mono County: Hall Natural Area, above and west of Big Horn Lake R. H. Pemble 28 Aug 1967. ( UCD57455 ) .

- Dana Plateau, moist open slopes summit of Dana Plateau, 10 km west of Mono Lake G. L. Stebbins, Jr. 5006. 19 Jul 1951. ( UC936097 ) .

- Gardisky Lake, moist turf margin on south shore of the lake, in site underlain Gardisky Lake, on western shore from Saddlebag Lake road, (Lee Vining Creek watershed) Tuolumne Meadows Dean Wm. Taylor 13094. 7 Aug 1992. ( UC1738938 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, narrow grassy flat along stream in canyon, 3150-3300 m Glacier Canyon; flat along stream, n side of mt. Carleton R. Ball, Mrs. H. P. Bracelin, and Beryl Kautz 5 Aug 1931. ( UC1553323 ) .

- Junction Campground, Meadow. Mono County: Inyo National Forest, east of Tioga Pass, State Hwy. 120, Junction Campground Beecher Crampton 8345. 16 Sep 1968. ( UCD57445 ) .

- Mount Conness, On NE-facing 6°slope; substrate of quartz monzonite with loamy soil that stays moist throughout growing season, which starts mid-season. Survey stand 32-67. Mono County: Hall Natural Area; NE flank of Mt. Conness on lower slopes R. H. Pemble 19 Aug 1967. ( UCD57448 ) .

- Parker Creek (Upper), metamorphic (carbonaceous marble) substrates, moist turf along trail beween Parker Pass and Koip Pass; S shore of small lake at NW base of steep climb up switchbacks to saddle between Parker and Koip Peaks Dean Wm. Taylor 9210. 1 Aug 1987. ( UC1540196 ) .

- Slate Creek, On damp banks in Subalpine Forest Community. Mono County: east side of Sierra Nevada, Slate Creek Philip A. Munz 20088. 21 Aug 1954. ( UCD57444 ) .

- Slate Creek Basin, Common, makes large rings in the sod as center of plant dies; Subalpine Forest Community. Mono County: Sierra Nevada, Slate Creek, north slope of Middle Ridge Philip A. Munz 19987. 17 Aug 1954. ( UCD57473 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, rather dry soil, meadow, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone east of Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, near transplant gardens; Slate Creek Basin David D. Keck 4591. 26 Aug 1937. ( UC579794 ) .

- Tioga Lake, Dry rocky slopes facing northwest. Flowering Native ; North end of Tioga Lake. S. J. Darbyshire, J. Cayouette 4560. 8 Sep 1994. ( RSA575727 ) .

- Tioga Pass, near Tioga Pass H. S. Yates 6304. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC569413 UCD57475 ) Yosemite National Park boundary at Tioga Pass Roxana S. Ferris 9824. 16 Aug 1939. ( UC716260 ) . .

Calamagrostis purpurascens R. Br.  Purple Reedgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass, to 40 cm., no rhizomes seen; Leaves, sheath, 12 cm., open, ligule, membranous, 4 mm., auricles, 0, blade, 15 cm. × 3 mm. wide, flat, scabrous, also adaxially densely and minutely hairy between the ribs; Inflorescence, <leaves, 1 per culm, panicle, 110 mm. × 12 mm. wide; Rachis, not extended; Spikelets, many, 8 mm. × 1 mm. wide, similar; Glumes, lower, 6 mm., veins, 1, upper, 5 mm., > lowest floret, veins, 1 (3?), keeled, awns, 0; Florets, 1* per spikelet; *Rachilla, extended beyond upper floret as though there could be another floret up there, hairy; Callus, short straight white hairs; Lemma, 4 mm., < glumes, green, veins, 5, glabrous, tip, toothed, awns, 1, 7 mm., bent, attached, near base of lemma; Palea, 4 mm., < lemma, membranous; Achene, 1.7 mm., green. (Described from Coll. No. 3041, 3 July 2023.)

- Dana Plateau, dry ground among metamorphics Dana Plateau, east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5201. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU12928 ) David D. Keck 4971. 23 Aug 1938. ( UC624820 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, east side of mountain, just below glacier, in metamorphics just below Dana Glacier Carl W. Sharsmith 2128. 23 Jul 1935. ( UC641835 ) Mono County: Mt. Dana, Glacier Canyon John Thomas Howell 202580. 10 Aug 1944. ( UCD57717 ) .

- Mount Conness, e face of mt., granitic area, in dirt-covered places among rocks Mount Conness; e face, area around and above two alpine lakes Jens Clausen 1668. 5 Aug 1937. ( UC648644 ) Granite fell-field at ridge crest. Survey stand 65-67. Mono County: northeast flank of Mt. Conness R. H. Pemble 30 Aug 1967. ( UCD57724 ) Metamorphic ridges, gravelly metamorphic fell-field with some frost patterning. Survey stand 70-67. Mono County: ridge east of Mt. Conness R. H. Pemble 7 Sep 1967. ( UCD57729 UCD57730 UCD57731 ) .

- Tioga Crest, rocky dry soil in metamorphics northeast slope of Tioga Crest above Warren Creek Valley Carl W. Sharsmith 4465. 26 Jul 1942. ( SJSU13038 ) . .

Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler ssp. inexpansa (A. Gray) C. W. Greene.  (Syn: Calamagrostis inexpansa ) Northern Reedgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Junction Campground, meadow Mono County, Inyo National Forest, Hwy 120 N. E. of Tioga Pass at jct. with campground Beecher Crampton 8351. 16 Sep 1968. ( UCD33470 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, rocky ledge in metamorphics cliffs immediately N of Carnegie Inst. Div. of Plant Biology field station E of Mt Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5566. 3 Sep 1947. ( SJSU13043 ) alkaline marsh c. 0.66 mi W of Carnegie Inst. Div. of Plant Biology field station E of Mt Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5568. 3 Sep 1947. ( SJSU13044 ) Alpine-Arctic Life Zone 0.5 mi w; e of Mt. Conness | cabin opposite Ravine Creek | Slate Creek Basin, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Cr David D. Keck 4658. 30 Aug 1937. ( UC579740 UCD57787 ) Slate Creek, Hall Research Natural Area, Lee Vining Creek watershed Dean Wm. Taylor 8153. 15 Sep 1982. ( UC1738932 ) . .

Danthonia intermedia Vasey.  Timber Oatgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, cirque southeast of Ellery lake dam Dean Wm. Taylor 7545. 30 Jul 1979. ( UC1738946 ) .

- Junction Campground, meadow Mono County, Inyo National Forest, Hwy 120 N. E. of Tioga Pass at jct. with campground Beecher Crampton 8348. 16 Sep 1968. ( UCD33469 UCD61065 ) .

- Mount Conness, On NE-facing, 6° slope; substrate of quartz monzonite with loamy soil that stays moist throughout growing season, which starts mid-season. Survey Stand 32-67. Mono Co.: Hall Natural Area; NE flank of Mt. Conness on lower slopes R. H. Pemble 19 Aug 1967. ( UCD61041 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, meadow slope, rather dry meadow slope near cabin and transplant garden, east of Mount Conness David D. Keck 4599. 26 Aug 1937. ( UC579755 ) below Carnegie Institution houses, meadow along creek Jack L. Reveal and James L. Reveal 181. 11 Aug 1962. ( NY1143761 UC1147045 ) .

- Tioga Pass, meadow near Tioga Pass H. S. Yates 6312. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC1131399 ) . .

Danthonia unispicata (Thurb.) Macoun.  Onespike Danthonia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, Rocky ledges above cabin. Flowering Native ; Timberline Station, Carnegie Inst. Wash., Slate Creek Valley. Sierra Nevada Mountains. Arthur R. Kruckeberg 1482. 17 Aug 1941. ( RSA623799 ) below waterfall, pressed in between rocks north of cabin creek, below waterfall, east of Mount Conness Jens Clausen 1609. 2 Aug 1937. ( UC648677 ) . .

Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P. Beauv. ssp. cespitosa.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, on moist ground Dana Plateau, vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2422. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC641893 ) sloping boggy meadow, west slope of Dana Plateau, east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2465. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC641897 ) .

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above, 2927 - 3049 m SE of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of the Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2231. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR26462 ) grass vegetative type; w. slope; moist places under H. S. Yates 6282. 22 Aug 1936. ( RSA126931 UC573998 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. 2927 - 2988 m Lee Vining Creek: Below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, ca 2.5 road mi NW of the junction of Saddlebag Road and Hwy 120. Scott D. White 5466. 4 Aug 1997. ( UCR108707 ) .

- Lundy Canyon (Upper), Cool and shady Lundy Canyon, High Sierras Robert M. Perkins 1/1/1901. ( RSA365018 ) .

- Nunatak Meadow, With willows. Common in the wet portions of meadows. Mono Co.: Along highway CA-120, 0.5 miles N of Tioga pass; Nunatak meadow area G. Helmkamp, E. Helmkamp 2385. 11 Sep 1997. ( UCD73489 UCR103831 ) .

- Slate Creek, Wet meadow of subalpine forest community. Commonly occuring in sunny, wet meadow Fertile Native ; N base of Middle Ridge, Slate Creek, Sierra Nevada Philip A. Munz 19919. 16 Aug 1954. ( RSA89511 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in open meadows 1/8 mile below Carnegie Inst. Hall Natural Area Arthur R. Kruckeberg 3600. 26 Jul 1954. ( UC1116738 ) in meadows near transplant gardens; moist soil; Arctic-Alpine Life Zone e. of Mt. Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area David D. Keck 4593. 26 Aug 1937. ( UC579749 ) Flowering Native ; Upper Slate Creeky Valley, east of Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Palmer Stockwell 1370. 30 Aug 1935. ( RSA34221 ) .

- Tioga Pass, In open ground in wet soil. Fertile Native ; Near summit, Tioga Pass. E. E. Stanford 2031. 14 Aug 1930. ( RSA86757 ) meadow near Tioga Pass H. S. Yates 6298. 22 Aug 1936. ( RSA126937 UC589922 UCD61157 ) saddle east of Tioga Pass Welland A. Watson 27 Jul 1936. ( UC1025250 ) . .

Deschampsia elongata (Hook.) Munro.  Slender Hairgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, grass vegetative type; w. slope H. S. Yates 6284. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC1131471 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Moist, seasonally flooded disturbed areas in Calamagrostis breweri dominated meadow. Mono Co.: Harvey Monroe Hall Research Natural Area. Inyo National Forest. Transect 9. Near Carnegie Cabin, RNA boundary E. Knapp 15 Aug 1993. ( UCD63519 ) .

- Tioga Pass, meadow near Tioga Pass H. S. Yates 6307. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC1131470 UCD63454 ) . .

Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey.  (Syn: E. longifolius (J. G. Sm.) Gould , Sitanion hystrix (Nutt.) J. G. Sm. ) Squirreltail Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass to 50 cm., clumped; Inflorescence, bilateral spike; Rachis, internodes, 6.4 mm., breaking apart when mature; Spikelets, 2 per node; Glumes, #2, subulate, 62-65 mm.; Florets, #3, lowest 2 fertile, upper sterile; Lemma, 10 mm. + awn 50 mm., veins, #5, converging; Palea, 9 mm., 1 of 2 veins slightly extended as bristle. Variety brevifolius if infraspecific names are to be applied. Described from Coll. No. 1717, 28 July 2017.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. USGS quad: Tioga Pass 7.5' Q.; Perennial. Occasional; uplands, in forest.; Central Sierra Nevada Mtns. Lee Vining Creek: Below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, c. 2.5 road mi NW of the junction of Saddlebag Road and Hwy 120, c. 2 air mi east of Yosemite National Park boundary and 4 air mi north of Tioga Pass Scott D. White, E. Read, G. Hawkins, A. Sears, S. Weaver 5480. 4 Aug 1997. ( UCR213560 ) .

- Lundy Pass, In open, rocky whitebark pine woodland with volcanic parent material. Mono County. Inyo National Forest. Near Lundy Pass north of Saddlebag Lake. Christopher R. Dolanc 867. 14 Aug 2008. ( UCD101036 ) .

- Mono Pass, Mono Pass. Alice Eastwood 555. 21 Aug 1907. ( CAS101302 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, In dry places, compressed between rocks. Slate Creek Valley, southeast of Mt. Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, near summit of Middle Ridge Jens Clausen 1624. 3 Aug 1937. ( CAS304426 POM256783 ) . .

Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey ssp. elymoides.  (=Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey var. elymoides ) Squirreltail Grass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial tufted grass to 30 cm.; Leaves, hairy throughout, sheath, 8-9 cm., hairy abaxial, ligule, membraneous, <1 mm., auricle,0, blade, 11 cm., rolled, hairy both sides; Inflorescence, 10-11 cm., internodes 5 mm., disarticulating at axis; Spikelets, 2-ranked, sessile, 2 per node, not embedded in pits; Glumes, 50-55 mm., spreading, some with 2-3 awn-like divisions; Lemma, awns ±=glume awns. Described from Coll. No. 1154, 22 Jun 2015.

- Dana Plateau, rim of plateau, in granitics Dana Plateau Sierra Nevada, vicinity Mount Dana (ne rim) Carl W. Sharsmith 2394. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC642000 ) summit of divide, in unglaciated metamorphics summit of divide eastward from Dana Plateau (between Gibbs Canyon and Leevining Canyon) - Sierra Nevada Carl W. Sharsmith 2507. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC641982 ) .

- Mount Conness, rocky and gravelly saddle on ne side of mt., granitic area on gentle s-facing slope Mt. Conness Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area (saddle on ne side, s-facing slope) Jens Clausen 1652. 5 Aug 1937. ( UC648680 ) .

- Mount Warren, unglaciated granitics plateau on south slope of Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2829. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC641845 ) .

- Timberline Station, Ledges. Carnegie Institution Timberline Station; ledges above cabin G. L. Stebbins, Jr. 3974. 4 Sep 1947. ( UC774220 ) .

- Tioga Crest, summit, in metamorphics e Saddlebag Lake (summit of crest) - Tioga Crest Carl W. Sharsmith 2741. 25 Jul 1937. ( DS266336 GH361981 UC641842 ) .

- Tioga Pass, dryer slopes near Tioga Pass - Mt. Lyell Quadrangle, 1N25E30 H. S. Yates 6309. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC573854 ) .

- Warren Creek, rocky hillside west hillside upper end of first meadow in Warren Creek Canyon, PLSS: 01N25E08. James L. Reveal and Jack L. Reveal 505. 11 Aug 1963. ( UC1147070 ) . .

Elymus sierrae Gould.  (Syn: Agropyron pringlei (Scribn. & J. G. Sm.) Hitchc. ) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above. USGS quad: Mount Dana 7.5' Q.; Uncommon tufted perennial with sprawling stems on granite talus slopes.; Sierra Nevada Mtns. SE of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of the Dana Plateau, 01N25E21. Andrew C. Sanders 2255. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR26447 ) .

- Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Alpine fell field, dry rocky SE slope of metamorphic origin. Mono Co.: Harvey Monroe Hall Research Natural Area. Transect. 4. South of the low point between pt. 11,239 ft and East ridge of Mt. Conners, (Saddlebag Pass) E. Knapp 31 Jul 1993. ( UCD62598 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, on medium rocky slope on slope west from Saddle Bag Lake Welland A. Watson 31 Jul 1936. ( UC1039211 ) .

- Slate Creek Basin, dryish, rocky runlet. Subalpine Forest Community on slope east of Treble Lake, Slate creek Basin, Sierra Nevada Philip A, Munz 20005. 18 Aug 1954. ( RSA96180 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in metamorphic gravels near summit of pass on ridge NW of Carnegie Institution Division Plant Biology field station, Slate Creek Valley E of Mt Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5689. 8 Sep 1948. ( SJSU12931 ) dry gravelly slopes, n side of ridge Middle Ridge; n side near summit, e of Mt. Conness David D. Keck 4586. 26 Aug 1937. ( UC579791 ) over rocks in ravine facing n, dry now, but carrying stream in springtime, very steep slope Hall Area; e of Mt. Conness, in ravine facing n Jens Clausen 962. 8 Sep 1934. ( POM220917 UC547797 ) . [ UC547797 is determined Elymus Sierrae, POM220917 is determined Bromus carinatus. ] .

Elymus trachycaulus (Link) Gould ex Shinners.  Slender Wheatgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass, 75-100 cm., probably not rhizomatous, generally glabrous except as noted; Leaves, sheath, 130 mm., open, ligule, membraneous, auricles, small, 0-1 mm., blade, 25-200 mm. × 3.5 mm. wide, green, flat, scabrous; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, bi-lateral spike, 110 mm × 6 mm. wide; Rachis, internode 4.5 mm.; Spikelets, many, mostly 1 per node, about 1/3 have 2 per node, 17-21 mm. × 2.5-3.5 mm. wide, exclusive of awns, compression, weakly lateral; Disarticulation, between the florets; Glumes, #2, ±equal, lower, 11 mm. × 1.5 mm. wide + awns 2.0-2.5 mm., not quite straight, thick, tough, not keeled, veins, 5, prominent, margins, widest at middle, upper, 13 mm. × 1.8 mm. wide + awn 1.8 mm., veins, 7, >lowest floret; Florets, #4-8, lower bisexual, uppermost sterile; Callus, short straight white hairs; Lemma, rolled, 9-10 mm. + awn 3-22 mm., slightly curved, attached, end, longitudinally symetric, tip, bifid; Palea, 9 mm., <lemma, white except veins green and ciliate, tip, bifid, veins, ciliate; Anthers, 3 mm. or shriveled; Achene, 4 mm., green (Described from Coll. No. 1528, 5 August 2016, and Coll. No. 2647, 5 August 2022. See also #3309, 19 July 2024.)

- Ellery Lake, Veg. Type: Lp, s slope; sandy rock near lake H. S. Yates 6291. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC577594 ) roadside bank H. S. Yates 6294. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC1130617 ) .

- Slate Creek, rocky outcrops along creek near transplant gardens along creek near transplant gardens (e of Mount Conness) - Slat Creek Basin, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slat Cree David D. Keck 4589. 26 Aug 1937. ( UC579826 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, ledges Carnegie Institution Timber Line Station; ledges above cabin G. L. Stebbins, Jr. 3873. 4 Sep 1947. ( UC774221 ) .

- Warren Canyon, hillside at head of a spring, damp soil east side of Warren Creek 1 mile north of Tioga Pass Road James L. Reveal and Jack L. Reveal 17 Aug 1963. ( UC1147066 ) head of spring, in damp soil head of first spring 1/2 mile north of Tioga Pass Road James L. Reveal and Jack L. Reveal 543. 17 Aug 1963. ( UC1147097 ) . .

Elymus trachycaulus (Link) Gould ex Shinners ssp. trachycaulus.  Slender Wheatgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Warren Canyon, side of creek at head of spring e. side of Warren Creek on hillside at head of first spring 1/2 mi. n. of | Tioga Pass Rd. James L. Reveal and Jack L. Reveal 555. 17 Aug 1963. ( UC1147067 ) . .

Festuca brachyphylla Schult. & Schult. f.  Alpine Fescue. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above. 2927 - 3049 m SE of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of the Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2254. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR26469 ) .

- Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Substrate of undifferentiated mesozoic metasediments with bare rock having fine material in cracks, rock debris & gravel which dries during growing season, which starts early or is essentially snow-free. Survey Stand 4-67. Mono County: Hall Natural Area; East Plateau on ridges & crests, mostly level to only gently sloping, on NE-facing 5 degree slope R. H. Pemble 27 Jul 1967. ( UCD65791 ) .

- Mount Conness, Granite fell-field at ridge crest. Stand Survey 65-67. Mono County: northeast flank of Mt. Conness R. H. Pemble 30 Aug 1967. ( UCD65795 ) Gravelly fell-field on metamorphics. Stand Survey 68-67. Mono County: West end of metamorphic ridge running east of Mt. Conness R. H. Pemble 7 Sep 1967. ( UCD65798 ) Gravelly metamorphic fell-field with some frost patterning. Stand Survey 70-67. Mono County: Metamorphic ridge east of Mt. Conness R. H. Pemble 7 Sep 1967. ( UCD65799 ) Metamorphic fell-field with mixed areas of intense frost patterning. Stand Survey 69-67. Mono County: Crest of metamorphic ridge east of Mt. Conness R. H. Pemble 7 Sep 1967. ( UCD65800 ) Fell-field on metamorphics.. Stand Survey 71-67. Mono County: Metamorphic ridge running east of Mt. Conness R. H. Pemble 7 Sep 1967. ( UCD65802 ) .

- Spuller Lake, Rocky, northwest-facing slope. Grayish metamorphics on ridge. Stand Survey 17-67. Mono County: On ridge between Gaylor and Spuller Lakes. R. H. Pemble 8 Aug 1967. ( UCD65797 ) .

- Tioga Crest, Rocky solifluction slope, reddish-brown and dark metamorphics. Stand Survey 23-67. Mono County: Tioga Crest below Dore Cliff R. H. Pemble 12 Aug 1967. ( UCD65792 ) Rocky fell-field with intense frost sorting, light brown metamorphics. Stand Survey 21-67. Mono County: Dore Pass, Tioga Crest R. H. Pemble 12 Aug 1967. ( UCD65793 ) Rocky solifluction slope with extensive frost sorting, dark metamorphics. Stand Survey 22-67. Mono County: Tioga Crest below Dore Cliff R. H. Pemble 12 Aug 1967. ( UCD65794 ) Dry, gravelly meadow on metamorphics. Stand Survey 75-67. Mono County: Tioga Crest R. H. Pemble 10 Sep 1967. ( UCD65796 ) Gravelly, west-facing, metamorphic, screeslope. Stand Survey 18-67. Mono County: Tioga Crest R. H. Pemble 11 Aug 1967. ( UCD65801 ) . .

Festuca brachyphylla Schult. & Schult. f. ssp. breviculmis Fred.  Alpine Fescue. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Conness Glacier, moraine of Conness Glacier Dean Wm. Taylor 1307. 29 Aug 1971. ( JEPS101935 ) .

- Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Densely clumped perennial. Transect 1. Mono County: Inyo National Forest. Harvey Monroe Hall Research Natural Area. E. Knapp 28 Jul 1993. ( UCD65821 ) .

- Mount Conness, alpine slopes slopes southeast of Mount Conness Summit Herbert L. Mason 11293. 23 Jul 1936. ( UC1110535 ) .

- Mount Warren, in unglaciated metamorphics, plateau on s slope plateau on south slope of Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2831. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC642029 ) .

- Parker Pass, north slope in metamorphics vicinity of Parker Pass, north slope of Kuna Peak, on boundary between Mono and Tuolumne counties Carl W. Sharsmith 2678. 21 Jul 1937. ( UC642065 ) .

- Tioga Peak, Talus S side of Tioga Peak, near summit, 01N25E17 Tim Messick 1374. 6 Aug 1980. ( HSC62163 ) . .

Festuca minutiflora Rydb.  Smallflower Fescue. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, granitic outcrop with moist seepage draining over the surface, with abundant Potentilla fruiticosa scrub cirque SE of Ellery Lake dam, Mono Basin, Lee Vining creek drainage, conspicuous granitic nunatak bordered on all sides by scree slopes as seen from the dam Dean Wm. Taylor 11253. 19 Jul 1990. ( JEPS101942 ) .

- Mount Dana, Henry N. Bolander 6100. 1866. ( UC38514 ) .

- Parker Creek (Upper), moist turf dominated by Salix nivalis, Carex capitata, C. subnigricans, C. aurea on metamorphic (carbonaceous marble) substrate. Mono Basin, Parker Creek drainage; headwaters of Parker Creek along trail between Parker Pass and Koip Pass; southern shore of a small lake at NW base of steep climb up switchbacks to saddle between Koip Peak and Parker Peak Dean Wm. Taylor 9209. 1 Aug 1987. ( JEPS101941 RSA407655 ) . .

Festuca rubra L.  Red Fescue. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Warren Canyon, moist Pinus contorta forest with grassy-herb dominated understory adjacent to the creek Lee Vining Canyon, Warren Fork, near end of jeep road 0.4 mi W from Highway 120 Dean Wm. Taylor 13068. 5 Aug 1992. ( JEPS101937 ) . .

Festuca saximontana Rydb.  (Syn: F. saximontana Rydb. var. purpusiana (St.-Yves) Fred. & Pavlick ) Rocky Mountain Fescue. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, 30-60 cm., tufted; Rhizomes, 0; Culm, very sparse scabrous below inflorescence; Leaves, mostly basal, cauline leaves on flowering culms, Sheath, 75 mm., open, minutely scabrous; Ligule, membraneous, 0.2 mm., auricles, 0.5 mm., short hairy distally, Blade, 70 mm. × 1 mm. wide, rolled, minutely scabrous; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, >leaves, 50-115 mm. × 8-9 mm. wide, panicle, 2-3 branches, 2.5 mm.; Rachis, finely scabrous; Spikelets, many, similar, 9 mm. × 2-3.5 mm. wide, 1 per node; Compression, unremarkable; Disarticulation, between florets; Glumes, #2, pubescent only on distal veins and margins, lower, 2.5-3 mm., veins 1; upper, 3.5-4 mm., veins 3, tip mucronate, awns, #0, margins, entire; Florets, #4-6± per spikelet; Axis, few short hairs; Lemma, 4-4.5 mm., >glumes, lanceolate, membraneous, veins #5, obscure but best seen at base, awn, #1, 1.5-2.5 mm., straight, from tip of lemma; Palea, 4 mm., <lemma, glabrous veins green, tip bifid; Anthers, 1.5-2.0 mm. Described from Coll. No. 1667, 16 Jun 2017, and Coll. No. 1853, 18 May 2018.

- Cascade Lake, in granitic sand and gravel between boulders, ridge line, extreme ridge back ridge line between Cascade Lake and Upper McCabe Lake - Mt. Conness Region, Tuolumne Topo Sheet Roger Raiche 30686. 27 Aug 1983. ( JEPS82279 ) .

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated granitics Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2392. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC641752 ) .

- Gardisky Lake, moist turf margin on south shore of the lake in site underlain by calchornfels and dominated by Carex nigricans, C. aurea, Scirpus clematis Gardisky Lake, Inyo National Forest, on western shore (Lee Vining Creek watershed) Dean Wm. Taylor 13091. 7 Aug 1992. ( JEPS101938 ) .

- Hummingbird Lake, moist turf margin on south shore of the lake in site underlain bu calchornfels and dominated by Carex nigricans, C. aurea, Scirpus clematis Hummingbird Lake, upper Lee Vining Creek watershed (above Saddlebag Lake), Inyo National Forest Dean Wm. Taylor 13077. 7 Aug 1992. ( JEPS101939 ) .

- Lee Vining Peak, dry level ground on nw slope, in unglaciated granitics northwest slope of Lee Vining Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 2800. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC641743 ) .

- Lower Sardine Lake, moist turf in site underlain by quartzite dominated by Carex nigricans, C. aurea, Deschampsia caespitosa, and dryer uplands dominated by Potentilla fruticosa Bloody Canyon, NE slope Mount Gibbs; in cirque above Lower Sardine Lake. SW 1/4 01S25E10. Dean Wm. Taylor 13097. 8 Aug 1992. ( JEPS112983 ) .

- Mono Pass, Willis Linn Jepson 4435. 17 Jul 1911. ( JEPS69266 UCD66426 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, talus slope above Hanging Valley in cirque between Mt. Conness and White Mountains, se flank of Mt. Conness David D. Keck 4698. 30 Aug 1937. ( UC579815 ) .

- Upper Sardine Lake, moist turf community on lake shore, underlain by reddish calc-hornfel (metamorphic) substrate headwaters of Walker Creek in; Mono Lake Watershed, turf on shore of lake about 20 meters n of the lake outlet, Upper Sardine Lake, Inyo National Forest | Bloody Canyon Dean Wm. Taylor 15535. 19 Sep 1995. ( JEPS91036 ) . .

Hordeum brachyantherum Nevski.  Meadow Barley. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass, to 60 cm.; Leaves, sheath, 8 cm., glabrous, ligule, membraneous, 0.5 mm., auricles, unremarkable, blade, 11 cm., flat; Inflorescence, single spikes per culm, 9 cm., × 3 cm. wide, 2-ranked, fully exserted at maturity; Spikelets, 3 per node; Disarticulation, at nodes of rachis; Lateral spikelets, pedicelled, reduced, sterile, glumes, 18-20 mm., awn-like, scabrous at base; Central spikelet, glumes, 21 mm., similar in shape to lateral glumes, lemmas, 5 mm., awn, #1, 21 mm. Described from Coll. No. 1214, 16 Jul 2015.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. 2927 - 2988 m Lee Vining Creek: below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, ca 2.5 road mi NW of junction of Saddlebag Rd. with Hwy 120. Scott D. White 5478. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR108905 ) . .

Hordeum brachyantherum Nevski ssp. brachyantherum.  Meadow Barley. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial (?) to 45 cm.; Internodes 2/3 hollow, typical (not woody, not swollen); Leaf differentiated into sheath and blade; Sheath open, glabrous; Ligule membrane; Auricles a very small appendage, < 1 mm.; Blades generally soft, few hairs; Infloresence well-developed, panicle, 2° branched, fully exserted; Compression not remarkable; Disarticulation along the infloresence axis; Spikelets 3 per node, all similar, central spikelet sessile, lateral spikelets stalked; Florets 1 per spikelet (but there is also some other accessory stucture); Glumes 26 mm., generally straight with age, short hairy; Lemma 10 mm + 25 mm awn, 5 veins; Palea tip forked (Described from Collection No. 807, 22 May 2012).

- Ellery Lake, Mono County: Inyo National Forest. Ellery Lake campground, E of Tioga Pass State Hwy. 120 Beecher Crampton 8354. 16 Sep 1968. ( UCD85374 ) .

- Warren Canyon, damp soil, associated with Carex 1/2 mi northof Tioga Pass, east side of Warren Creek, on the hillside, at the head of the first spring James L. Reveal and Jack L. Reveal 554. 17 Aug 1963. ( UC1147069 ) . .

Koeleria macrantha (Ledeb.) Schult.  Prairie Junegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial bunch grass, to 45-55 cm., non-rhizomatous; Leaves, mostly basal or lowest cauline, cauline, sheath, 90 mm., open, ligule, <1-1.5 mm., membraneous, auricles, 0, blade, 40 mm., tip prow-shaped or merely constricted; Inflorescence, panicle, 60 mm. × 9 mm., shiny in anthesis due to exposure of translucent palae, short branches, branches short soft hairy; Spikelets, 5 mm., 1 per node on 1°-3° or indistinct panicle branches; Glumes, lower, 3 mm., veins 1, upper, 4 mm., veins 3; Florets, 3, #1 and #2 pistillate, #3 staminate, or variously mixed bisexual and pistillate, open, i.e., palea separated from lemma; Disarticulation, between florets; Rachilla hairy, extends nearly 1 mm. above upper floret (or not); extension undecorated; Lemma, 4.5 mm., veins 5, short hairy throughout, awn, 0-0.5 mm., short, soft; Palea, =lemma, translucent or colorless, exposed, i.e., outside lemma.; Stamens, 3, 1.8 mm. Described from Coll. No. 1131, 9 June 2015, and Coll. No. 1144, 15 Jun 2015.

- Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Saddle W of East Plateau on upper slopes, on SSE-facing 17* slope. Substrate of metadacite (?) wit gravel, sand and loamy soil that partially dries during growing season, which starts mid-season or earlier. Survey stand 1-67. Mono County: Hall Natural Area R. H. Pemble 25 Jul 1967. ( UCD85953 ) .

- Lee Vining Peak, on divide; in unglaciated granitics Tioga Pass Region on divide between Mount Warren and Lee Vining Peak Carl W. Sharsmith 2814. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC641765 ) .

- Log Cabin Mine, stony soils with Artemisia arbuscula Log Cabin Mine, ridge W of Lee Vining, PLSS 1N25E. Dean Wm. Taylor 7867. 21 Jun 1981. ( UC1738880 ) .

- Slate Creek, Transect 23, Knapp (1994) Vegetation Survey. Wet meadow area with Salix sp.. Running water throughout season. Mono County: Harvey Monroe Hall Research Natural Area, Inyo National Forest. Approx. 0.5 km W of Carnegie Cabin, 70 m from Slate Creek (N side of Creeek). E. Knapp 25 Aug 1993. ( UCD85864 ) .

- Slate Creek Basin, Wet hanging meadow, edge of alpine Fell-field. Mono County: northeast side of East mtn., upper Slate Creek Basin, Sierra Nevada Philip A. Munz 20060. 20 Aug 1954. ( UCD85949 ) .

- Spuller Lake, Gravelly fell-field. Survey Stand 14-67. Mono County: Metamorphic ridge between Granite Lakes and Spuller-Fantail Lakes. R. H. Pemble 8 Aug 1967. ( UCD86031 ) .

- Tioga Crest, Gravelly, west-facing, metamorphic, screeslope. Stand Survey 18. Mono County: Tioga Crest R. H. Pemble 11 Aug 1967. ( UCD85954 ) .

- Warren Canyon, on meadow margin Lee Vining Canyon, Warren Fork, Dean Wm. Taylor 13067. 5 Aug 1992. ( UC1738870 ) on a rocky hillside w of upper end of meadow; assoc w/Castilleja nana & Eriogonom lobbii upper end of the first meadow in Warren Creek Canyon James L. Reveal 498. 11 Aug 1963. ( UC1147073 ) . .

Melica bulbosa Geyer.  Oniongrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, on steep gravelly or shaley slopes, near summit of ravine, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone east of Mount Conness, near summit of ravine leading from Slate Creek to saddle between Mt. Conness and East Plateau, Harvey Monroe Natural Area David D. Keck 4652. 27 Aug 1937. ( UC579827 ) Moist banks. In Subalpine Forest Community. Mono County: Ravine Creek tributary to Slate Creek, Sierra Nevada Philip A. Munz 20076. 21 Aug 1954. ( UCD86370 ) .

- Tioga Crest, Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Herbert L. Mason 11471. 31 Jul 1936. ( UC1108812 UCD86369 ) . .

Melica stricta Bol.  Rock Melicgrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial caespitose grass, to 35 cm., basal or subterranean nodes not swollen; Leaf, sheath and blade differentiated, tips flat; Inflorescence, panicle, 1° and 2° branches, appressed, pedicels sharply bent below spikelets, Spikelets, many, 1 per node, all similar, laterally compressed, Glumes, very short hairy, awns 0, lower, 10 mm., veins 3, <lowest floret, broadly transparent, upper, 11 mm., veins 5; Axis, scabrous or shory hairy, segments not thickened; Callus, glabrous; Florets, (3)4(5) per spikelet, lowest sterile, next 2 bisexual, uppermost vestigal; Lemma, 11 mm., very short hairy, veins 5 faint, awns 0; Palea, 6 mm., keels ciliate, margins. Described from Coll. No. 1187, 26 June 2015.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Mono County: Leevining Canyon, east of Tioga Pass. H. L. Mason 11492. 1 Aug 1936. ( UCD88313 ) .

- Mount Conness, Granitic chimney. Survey stand 48-67. Mono County: northeast flank of Mt. Conness R. H. Pemble 24 Aug 1967. ( UCD88322 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, talus slope; on s exposure of shelf of granite, shallow soil, in seepage; Artic-Alpine Life Zone southeast flank of Mount Conness; above Hanging Valley in cirque between Conness and White Mt. David D. Keck 4668. 30 Aug 1937. ( UC579746 ) . .

Muhlenbergia andina (Nutt.) Hitchc.  Foxtail Muhly. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass, to 70 cm.; Rhizomes, robust, scaly; Internodes glabrous, except retrorsely hairy just below nodes to lowest part of sheath above; Leaves, sheath, open, 60 mm., ligules, 1 mm., membraneous, auricles, absent, blade, 100 mm. × 2.3 mm. wide, tapered to an acute tip, margin and mid-rib slightly scabrous; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, dense interrupted panicle, “appearing furry” per Wingate (1994); Spikelets, with 1 well developed floret; Glumes, lower, 3.5 mm., upper, 3.2 mm., veins, #1, but otherwise glumes very thin; Callus, silky hairs to 2 mm.; Lemma, 2.5 mm., very thin, except 3 green veins, awn, #1, from entire apex, 7.5 mm, straight to wavy; Palea, 1.7 mm. (Described from Coll. No. 2392, 24 Jul 2020).

- Tioga Pass, moist ledges roadside of new Tioga Rd. 3 mi E of Tioga Pass, Leevining Cr drainage Carl W. Sharsmith 4201. 18 Aug 1940. ( SJSU12950 ) . .

Muhlenbergia filiformis (Thurb. ex S. Watson) Rydb.  Pullup Muhly. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Moist, seasonally flooded disturbed areas in Calamagrostis breweri dominated meadow. Mono Co.: Harvey Monroe Hall Research Natural Area. Inyo National Forest. Transect 9. Near Carnegie Cabin, RNA boundary. E. Knapp 15 Aug 1993. ( UCD86665 ) .

- Junction Campground, Meadow. Mono County: Junction Campground, Inyo National Forest, east of Tioga Pass, State Hwy. 120. Beecher Crampton 8349. 16 Sep 1968. ( UCD86602 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in rocky of sandy ground east of Mount Conness, north of Cabin Creek, below waterfall Jens Clausen 1587. 2 Aug 1937. ( UC648707 ) . .

Muhlenbergia montana (Nutt.) Hitchc.  Mountain Muhly. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial grass, to 50 cm., caespitose; Leaves, sheath, open, ligule, membraneous, 4.5 mm., auricles, 0, blade, 110 mm. × 1 mm. wide; Inflorescence, rather sparse contracted panicle, 120 mm.; Florets per spikelet, #1; Glumes, #2, papery, toothed, lower, 1.5 mm., upper, 2 mm., teeth 3; Lemma, 3 mm. + awn 13 mm., flexuous, tuft of hairs at base; Palea, 2.8 mm. Described from Coll. No. 1282, 28 Aug 2015.

- Greenstone Lake, Base of shaded, steep north facing granitic cliffs; in moist shaded rock crevices cirque above Greenstone Lake, Mono Basin, Lee Vining Creek watershed, Inyo National Forest Dean Wm. Taylor 14051. 3 Aug 1993. ( JEPS112944 UC1738850 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), dry rocky ledges near head of Lee Vining Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 4202. 18 Aug 1940. ( SJSU12959 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, rocky gravels of metamorphics by east shore of Saddlebag Lake L. Roesch 8150. 5 Aug 1990. ( SJSU14497 ) .

- Sawmill Campground, dry openings near Sawmill Campground, south of Saddlebag Lake S. A. Junak 3 Aug 1979. ( SBBG81155 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in talus at base of cliff at base of high cliff above cabin of Timberline Station, east of Mt. Conness David D. Keck 4439. 19 Aug 1936. ( POM256754 UC648703 ) under moist Pinus contorta forest Slate Creek, Hall Research Natural Area, Lee Vining Creek watershed Dean Wm. Taylor 8077. 4 Aug 1982. ( UC1738847 ) .

- Timberline Station, Crevices in cliffs at head of Cabin Creek. Mono County: Carnegie Institute Timberline Station, in valley of Slate Creek G. L. Stebbins, Jr. 3811. 5 Jul 1947. ( UCD86815 ) .

- Tioga Peak, metamorphic roc outcrops where vernally moist; S facing slope south-facing slope of Tioga Peak near Ellery Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 8150. 15 Sep 1982. ( UC1738853 ) . .

Muhlenbergia richardsonis (Trin.) Rydb.  Mat Muhly. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, low, 12-15 cm, terrestrial; Rhizomes creeping, subterranean internodes not swollen; Leaf blade and sheath clearly differentiated, sheath open, margin membranaceous; Ligule membranaceous, 1.5 mm; Infloresence mature clearly > leaves, 5 mm wide, much branched, to at least 2°; Spikelet similar throughout plant, many, 2.5 mm, one-flowered, cylindric, axis not extended beside floret, not subtended by bristles or hairs; Glumes 2, unequal, < 2 mm, not swollen at base, not awned or long-pointed, glabrous, not ciliate-keeled, < lemma; Lemma vein 3, glabrous, awn 0; Palea 2-veined; Stamens 3 (Described from Coll. No. 673, 6 Nov 2011).

- Dana Plateau, in unglaciated granitics north end of plateau in vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2384. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC641905 ) .

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above. 2927-3049 m. southeast of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of the Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2243. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR26474 ) under Lp, slope s H. S. Yates 6292. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC1132393 ) .

- Junction Campground, Mono County: Inyo National Forest, State Hwy. 120, east of Tioga Pass, Junction campground. Beecher Crampton 8352. 16 Sep 1968. ( UCD86910 ) .

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Mono County: 10 mi. W. of Leevining, Tioga Pass road R. Tofsrud 1 Jul 1951. ( UCD86975 ) .

- Mount Conness, Gravelly fell-field on metamorphics. Stand Survey 68. Mono County: West end of metamorphic ridge running east of Mt. Conness. R. H. Pemble 7 Sep 1967. ( UCD86958 ) Metamorphic fell-field with mixed areas of intense frost patterning. Stand Survey 69. Mono County: Crest of metamorphic ridge east of Mt. Conness R. H. Pemble 7 Sep 1967. ( UCD86959 ) Gravelly metamorphic fell-field with some frost patterning. Stand Survey 70. Mono County: Metamorphic ridge east of Mt. Conness. R. H. Pemble 7 Sep 1967. ( UCD86960 ) .

- Mount Warren, in metamorphics near summit of Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2838. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC642020 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Sun, mixture of rocks and moist loam in meadow Saddlebag Lake, at base of dam; High Sierra Nevada Carl B. Wolf 5337. 17 Aug 1933. ( RSA7464 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, talus slopes Sierra Nevada Mountains; East Plateau, Hall Area Arthur R. Kruckeberg 1429. 17 Aug 1941. ( RSA623821 ) At base of high cliff in talus Slate Creek Valley, east of Mt. Conness, harvey monroe Hall Natural Area, above cabin of Timberline Station; David D. Keck 4442. 19 Aug 1936. ( POM256755 UC648716 ) In damp soil at base of talus, in Subalpine Forest Community Near Ravine Creek tributary to Slate Creek, Sierra Nevada Philip A. Munz 20071. 21 Aug 1954. ( RSA96037 ) .

- Spuller Lake, rocky ledge Above Spuller Lake, Hall area in and around Slate Creek Valley, Sierra Nevada Mountains Arthur R. Kruckeberg 6292. 14 Sep 1941. ( RSA623820 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in metamorphics summit of Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2755. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC641908 ) Mono County: Tioga Crest. R. H. Pemble 11 Aug 1967. ( UCD86956 ) Rocky fell-field with intense frost sorting, light brown metamorphics. Stand Survey 21. Mono County: Dore Pass, Tioga Crest R. H. Pemble 12 Aug 1967. ( UCD86957 ) Dry, gravelly meadow on metamorphics. Stand Survey 75. Mono County: Tioga Crest. R. H. Pemble 10 Sep 1967. ( UCD86961 ) .

- Warren Canyon, in rocky areas in rocky area above small tarn lakes, near summit of the base of the talus slopes, west fork of Warren Creek Canyon James L. Reveal 532. 11 Aug 1963. ( UC1147071 ) . .

Phleum alpinum L.  Alpine Timothy. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bloody Canyon (upper), Bloody Canyon, half-way from top to bottom Willis Linn Jepson 4459. 18 Jul 1911. ( JEPS70608 ) .

- Cascade Lake, se expsoure with rich vegetation; along one of cascades rushing down the slope along one of the rushing cascades above Cascade Lake; ne of North Peak, border of Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Jens Clausen and A. Kruckeberg 1933. 16 Aug 1941. ( UC1154014 ) .

- Ellery Lake, Veg. Type: ; w slope H. S. Yates 6285. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC1132454 UCD89608 ) .

- Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, On lower slopes, on E-facing 25 degree slope; substrate of metadacite(?) loamy soil & thick vegetative turf that has flowing water over its surface through much of growing season, which starts mid-season. Survey stand 36-67. Mono County: Hall Natural Area; saddle W of East Plateau R. H. Pemble 14 Aug 1968. ( UCD89328 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. 2927 - 2988 m Lee Vining Creek: Below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, ca 2.5 road mi NW of the junction of Saddlebag Road and Hwy 120 Scott D. White 5452. 4 Aug 1997. ( UCR108940 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types including willow shrubland, Ledum thicket; grass/sedge meadow. 2790 - 2866 m. Ansel Adams Wilderness: Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5609. 12 Aug 1997. ( UCR104215 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, in the meadow below the Carnegie Institution houses along creek along Slate Creek in the H. M. Hall Natural Area, below the Carnegie Institution houses Jack L. Reveal and James L. Reveal 183. 11 Aug 1962. ( UC1147058 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Veg. Type: near Tioga Pass H. S. Yates 6303. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC1132450 ) . .

Phleum pratense L.  Timothy. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), adjacent to spring, eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada eastern slope Sierra Nevada, Leevining Canyon Carl W. Sharsmith 369. 13 Aug 1933. ( UC612962 ) . .

Poa cusickii Vasey.  Cusick's Bluegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Dana Plateau by east side of Mount Dana A. Fauver 19 Jul 1990. ( SJSU14493 ) Dana Plateau east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 9096.5 6 Aug 1989. ( SJSU14299 ) . .

Poa cusickii Vasey ssp. cusickii.  Cusick's Bluegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, On lower slopes, on NE-facing 6* slope; substrate of quartz monzonite with loamy soil that stays moist throughout growing seasons, which starts mid-season. Survey stand 32-67. Mono County: Hall Natural Area; NE flank of Mt. Conness R. H. Pemble 19 Aug 1967. ( UCD90904 ) . .

Poa cusickii Vasey ssp. epilis (Scribn.) W. A. Weber.  Cusick's Bluegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mount Dana, Mono County: Mt. Dana. North slope. John Thomas Howell 20228. 10 Aug 1944. ( UCD90947 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, summit of ravine; steep gravelly or shaley slopes; Arctic-Alpine Life Zone east of Mount Conness, Slate Creek Basin, near summit of ravine leading from Slate Creek to Saddle between Mt Conness and East Plateau David D. Keck 4651. 27 Aug 1937. ( UC579828 ) Damp edge of high meadow in Subalpine Forest Community. North slope. Mono County: Middle Ridge, Slate Creek, Sierra Nevada. Philip A. Munz 19985. 17 Aug 1954. ( UCD90954 ) .

- Tioga Lake, South-facing slope. Mono County: above Tioga Lake, about 1 mile east of summit of Tioga Pass. J. M. Tucker 2169. 15 Jul 1951. ( UCD90976 ) .

- Tioga Pass, Sierran Subalpine Forest. Great Basin Drainage Lyman Benson 12138. 27 Jul 1946. ( UCR51254 ) . .

Poa fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey ssp. longiligula (Scribn. & T. A. Williams) Soreng.  Muttongrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Log Cabin Mine, stony soils with Artemisia arbuscula Ridge west of Lee Vining, PLSS location 1N25E. Dean Wm. Taylor 7866. 21 Jun 1981. ( JEPS101869 ) . .

Poa glauca Vahl ssp. rupicola (Nash) W. A. Weber.  Timberline Bluegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Dana Plateau by east side of Mount Dana A. Fauver 11 Jul 1990. ( SJSU14495 ) in unglaciated metamorphics west rim of Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2416. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC642005 ) in unglaciated metamorphics south end of Dana Plateau vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2494.2 15 Jul 1937. ( UC641724 ) Dana Plateau David D. Keck 4961. 23 Aug 1938. ( UC821079 ) On ridges and crests, mostly level to gently sloping on west facing 4* slope; substrate of quartz monzonite with rock debris, gravel and sand that dries during growing season, which starts early or essentially snow-free. Survey Stand 87-68. Mono County: Dana Plateau R. H. Pemble 4 Sep 1968. ( UCD91083 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, Mono County: Glacier Canyon, Mt. Dana. John Thomas Howell 20260. 10 Aug 1944. ( UCD91073 ) .

- Mount Conness, alpine slopes southeast of summit Herbert L. Mason 11312. 23 Jul 1936. ( UC1110534 ) .

- Mount Warren, in unglaciated metamorphics plateau on south slope near summit of Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2832. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC641725 ) in metamorphics near summit of Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2845. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC641729 ) .

- Tioga Crest, Rocky fell-field with intense frost sorting, light brown metamorphics. Survey Stand 21. Mono County: Dore Pass, Tioga Crest R. H. Pemble 12 Aug 1967. ( UCD91080 ) .

- White Mountain, Separated from a sheet of Poa scabrella collected by Robert Tofsrud. Mono County: near summit of White Mountain R. Tofsrud 1 Aug 1951. ( UCD91089 ) . .

Poa keckii Soreng.  Keck's Bluegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, unglaciated granitics northeast rim on Dana Plateau in vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2391. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC641874 ) dry ground in metamorphics west rim of Dana Plateau in vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2410.1 19 Sep 1936. ( UC641876 ) unglaciated metamorphics summit south end of Dana Plateau in vicinity of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 2496. 15 Jul 1937. ( UC641878 ) dry metamorphic gravels Dana Plateau east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5202. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU12990 ) .

- Mount Warren, in metamorphics south slope near summit of Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2843. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC641865 ) . .

Poa leptocoma Trin. ssp. leptocoma.  CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, bog on upper end of Saddlebag Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 8105. 13 Aug 1982. ( JEPS101905 ) .

- Tioga Pass, western base of Mount Dana at Tioga Meadows Dean Wm. Taylor 7546. 30 Jul 1979. ( JEPS101865 ) .

- Warren Canyon, moist meadow in Pinus contorta forest, on margin of stream Warren Forn of Lee Vining Creek drainage Dean Wm. Taylor and Kathleen A. Teare 9983. 16 Jul 1988. ( JEPS83789 ) . .

Poa pratensis L. ssp. pratensis.  (Syn: P. pratensis L. ssp. agassizensis (B. Boivin & D. Löve) Roy L. Taylor & MacBryde ) Kentucky Bluegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial to 40-60 cm, dioecious; Roots fibrous; Rhizomes slender, 0.8 mm. dia., to 12 cm.; Culm, not bulbous at base, not strongly flattened; Nodes; Leaf blades and sheath differentiated, soft, Sheath, 130 mm., open at least ½; Auricles 0; Ligules membraneous, ≤1  to 1.8 mm.; Blade, lower involute or folded, upper flat, 75 mm. × 3 mm. wide, tip ±prow-shaped (or not); Inflorescence terminal, 10-13 cm., panicle, shape at maturity unknown, >leaves, branches scabrous; Spikelets 5 mm., similar throughout plant, singly pedicelled on 2°-5° branches; with both pistillate and staminate florets; Compression lateral; Disarticulation above the glumes; Florets per spikelet (2) 3-4 (eliminates Agrostis), flowers mostly unisexual; Glumes, keeled, glabrous or with small line of stiff hairs distally, lower, 2.0-2.5 mm., <lowest lemma, veins 3, upper, 2.5 mm.; Callus long cobwebby hairs (distinctive!), or with some cobwebby hairs, but cobwebby hairs also elsewhere; Lemma 2.7-3.0 mm., glabrous, veins 3-5, may be conspicuous and ±evenly spaced (leads to Melica, which this is not), short hairy or keel and margins cobwebby proximally, margins scarious, tip broadly acute, Awns 0; Palea 2.5 mm., green, esp. on veins, keel serrate; Anthers 3, 1 mm., purple (streaked); Stigma white. Described from Coll. No. 470, 28 Nov 2011, and Coll. No. 860, 23 Jun 2012, Mono County, CA, and Coll. No. 1118, 28 May 2015, Jefferson County, CO.

- Big Horn Lake, granitic substrates margin of snowmelt cascade above Bighorn Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 8125. 26 Aug 1982. ( UC1576748 ) rhizomatous in deep golden moss along snowmelt stream leaving icefield, on granite; well above timberline in a pristine setting cirque above Big Horn Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 16968. 22 Aug 1998. ( JEPS96628 ) .

- Ellery Lake, west slope H. S. Yates 6287. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC1132716 ) .

- Tioga Pass, meadow, dryer slopes near Tioga Pass H. S. Yates 6308. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC1132676 ) . .

Poa pringlei Scribn.  Pringle's Bluegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, east slope east slope of Dana Plateau Welland A. Watson 28 Jul 1936. ( UC1025260 ) . .

Poa secunda J. Presl.  (Syn: P. nevadensis Vasey ex Scribn. ) Sandberg Bluegrass.. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above. Southeast of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of Dana Plateau. Andrew C. Sanders 2256. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR26465 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types incl. willow shrubland. Ledum thicket, grass/sedge meadow [near creek] Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake about 3 air miles southwest of public campground at Silver Lake Scott D. White 5588. 13 Aug 1997. ( UCR104213 ) . .

Poa secunda J. Presl ssp. nevadensis (Scribn.) Soreng.  Sandberg Bluegrass.. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, small ephemeral pond just north and uphill from junction Saddlebag Lake road with Highway 120 Dean Wm. Taylor 8154. 15 Sep 1982. ( JEPS101906 ) . .

Poa secunda J. Presl ssp. secunda.  (Syn: P. sandbergii (Thurb.) Benth. Ex Vasey ) Sandberg Bluegrass.. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, to 50 cm., not rhizomatous; Internodes, hollow, glabrous; Sheath, 60 mm., open; Ligule, membranous, 4 mm., auricles, 0.2-0.3 mm.; Blade, 20-37 mm. × 2 mm. to 1 mm. wide, flat, tip folded and fused (prow-shaped), mid-rib and margins sparsely scabrous; Inflorescence, 1 per culm, >leaves, panicle, 80 mm. × 11 mm. wide, 1-5  branches, 3-7 mm., spikelets, many; Rachis, sparsely scabrous, nodes yellowish; Spikelets, many, similar, 1 per node, 5-6.2 mm. × 1.5-2 mm. wide, 2-many flowered; Compression, unremarkable; Glumes, lower, 2.5 mm., veins, #3, upper, 3.2 mm., veins, #3, awns, #0; Florets, 3 per spikelet, fertile; Axis, sparsely hairy; Lemma, 3.5 mm., ±=glumes, lanceolate, membranous, rounded proximal ½ to weakly keeled above, wavy hairy (to 0.5 mm.) proximally, not cobwebby, color, green, veins, #5, ±parallel, tip, entire, obtuse, awns, #0; Palea, 3.2 mm., ±lemma, membranous, glabrous, greenish at base and margins, Anthers, 1.3 mm. Described from Coll. No. 1855, 18 May 2018.

- Dana Plateau, unglaciated metamorphics s end Dana Plateau (vicinity Mt Dana) - Sierra Nevada Carl W. Sharsmith 2494.1 15 Jul 1937. ( UC641758 ) gravels composed of metamorphics, forming dense colony Dana Plateau E of Mt Dana, Sierra Nevada Carl W. Sharsmith 7860. 8 Aug 1972. ( SJSU6221 ) .

- Ellery Lake, rocky south slope H. S. Yates 6289. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC1132634 ) rocky west slopes H. S. Yates 6290. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC1132847 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, Tioga Crest summit on east side of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2753. 25 Aug 1937. ( UC641753 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, steep gravelly or shaley slopes; near summit of ravine near summit of ravine leading from Slate Creek to saddle between Mt Conness and East Plateau - Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area David D. Keck 4639. 27 Aug 1937. ( UC579793 ) black, shallow loamy soil n side of valley above cabin Timberline Station - Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Valley David D. Keck and J. Clausen 3879. 19 Jul 1935. ( UC579825 ) .

- Tioga Pass, FS Vegetative Type Map Herbarium #18260 near Tioga Pass - Mt Lyell Quadrangle H. S. Yates 6299. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC1132839 ) . .

Poa stebbinsii Soreng.  Stebbin's Bluegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mount Conness, meadow slopes, moist places saddle between Mount Conness and East Plateau, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area David D. Keck 4634. 27 Aug 1937. ( UC579777 ) .

- Tioga Pass, meadow, on damp soil large meadow east of highway 1/4 mile northeast of highway Jack L. Reveal and James L. Reveal 615. 10 Aug 1963. ( UC1147096 ) .

- White Mountain, thick meadow sod north flank of White Mountain, Slate Creek Basin Alpine Terrace David D. Keck 4366. 16 Aug 1936. ( UC648687 ) . .

Poa wheeleri Vasey.  Wheeler's Bluegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Bennettville, metamorphic rocks near streamside Dean Wm. Taylor 8142. 12 Sep 1982. ( JEPS101902 ) .

- Cascade Lake, granitic sand and gravel between boulders ridge line between Cascade Lake and Upper McCabe Lake Roger Raiche 30687. 27 Aug 1983. ( JEPS82280 ) .

- Conness Lakes, in granite gravel Conness Glacier Lake, not at the highest small lake, also on Conness moraine David D. Keck 4993. 29 Aug 1938. ( UC624815 UC820937 ) .

- Dana Plateau, grass growing in a northwest slope collected in the Dana Plateau, above Glacier Canyon, east of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5016. 26 Jul 1944. ( UCSB39571 ) Mount Dana Plateau Herbert L. Mason 11424. 28 Jul 1936. ( UC936208 ) Mount Dana Plateau Welland A. Watson 28 Jul 1936. ( UC1025261 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats, 2927 - 2988 m below Saddlebag Lake and above USFS Sawmill Campground Scott D. White 5443. 5 Aug 1997. ( UCR108777 UCR108904 ) .

- Mount Conness, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone; damp, gravelly slope; drier rocky places east of Mount Conness, north side of Middle Ridge near summit David D. Keck 4585. 26 Aug 1937. ( UC579790 ) steep gravelly or shaley slopes; Arctic-Alpine Life Zone east of Mount Conness, near summit of ravine from Slate Creek to saddle between Mt Conness and East Plateau David D. Keck 4641. 27 Aug 1937. ( UC579792 ) alpine slopes slopes southeast of summit of Mount Conness Herbert L. Mason 11314. 23 Jul 1936. ( UC1110524 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types incl. willow shrubland. Ledum thicket, grass/sedge meadow [near creek], 2790 - 2866 m Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake Scott D. White 5593. 13 Aug 1997. ( UCR104093 UCR144077 ) . .

Stipa x bloomeri Bol.  (=Achnatherum x bloomeri (Bol.) Barkworth) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mono Pass, Isotype: Stipa bloomeri H. N. Bolander 6116. 1866. ( UC38998 ) . .

Stipa elmeri Piper & Brodie.  (=Stipa occidentalis Thurb. ex S. Watson) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Canyon (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. Central Sierra Nevada Mtns. Lee Vining Creek: Below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, c. 2.5 road mi NW of the junction of Saddlebag Road and Hwy 120, c. 2 air mi east of Yosemite National Park boundary and 4 air mi north of Tioga Pass. Scott D. White, Edith Read, Gene Hawkins, Adrian Sears, Scott Weaver 5481. 4 Aug 1997. ( UCR213718 ) . .

Stipa kingii Bol.  (=Ptilagrostis kingii (Bol.) Barkworth) Sierra False Needlegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Glacier Canyon, in small meadow area Glacier Canyon, east base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 5188. 17 Aug 1944. ( SJSU12919 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. (Collections made between 4 Aug and 7 Aug 1997) USGS quad: Tioga Pass; Perennial bunchgrass. Abundant in meadow and occasional at streamside. [Stipa nevadense (B.L. Johnson)] Native ; Central High Sierra Neveda LEE VINING CREEK: Below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, ca. 2.5 road miles NW of jtn. Saddlebag Rd. / Hwy. 120. Ca. 2 air miles E of Yosemite Nat. Park boundary and 4 air miles N of Tioga Pass. Scott D. White, Edith Read, Gene Hawkins, Adrian Sears, Scott Weaver 5477. 4 Aug 1997. ( RSA747499 UCR213361 ) . [ RSA747499 is determined Ptilagrostis kingii and UCR213361 is determined Stipa nevadensis. ]

- Parker Creek (Upper), southern shore of small lake at nw base of steep climb up switchbacks to saddle; moist turf; on .... on trail between Parker Pass and Koip Pass; between Kip and Parker Peaks, Mono Basin, headwaters of Parker Creek Dean Wm. Taylor 9201. 1 Aug 1987. ( UC1540194 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone; near transplant gardens in meadow below cabin east of Mount Conness; Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Basin, Sierra Nevada David D. Keck 4594. 26 Aug 1937. ( UC579796 ) Arctic-Alpine Life Zone; on slope below cabin east of Mount Conness; Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Basin, Sierra Nevada Jens Clausen 934. 7 Sep 1934. ( UC547772 ) .

- Tioga Pass, meadows near Tioga Pass H. S. Yates 6306. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC1131593 UC569489 ) .

- Upper Sardine Lake, moist turf community on lake shore, underlain by reddish calc-hornfel (metamorphic) substrate headwaters of Walker Creek in Bloody Canyon; Mono Lake Watershed, turf on shore of lake about 20 meters n of the lake outlet, Upper Sardine Lake, Inyo National Forest Dean Wm. Taylor 15541. 19 Sep 1995. ( JEPS91038 ) . .

Stipa lemmonii (Vasey) Scribn.  (=Achnatherum lemmonii (Vasey) Barkworth) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Junction Campground, meadow Mono County: Junction Campground, Inyo Natl. Forest, n.e. of Tioga Pass, State Hwy. 120 Beecher Crampton 8347. 16 Sep 1968. ( UCD50634 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone, dry meadow slopes near transplant gardens and cabin east of Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Slate Creek Basin David D. Keck 4595. 26 Aug 1937. ( UC579773 ) Arctic-Alpine Life Zone; meadow east of Mount Conness, meadow below cabin near creek Jens Clausen 1002. 1 Sep 1934. ( UC556346 ) .

- Tioga Pass, near Tioga Pass H. S. Yates 6310. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC1133092 UCD50552 ) . .

Stipa nelsonii Scribn.  (=Eriocoma nelsonii (Scribn.) Romasch.) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats. USGS quad: Tioga Pass 7.5' Q.; Perennial. Occasional; meadow.; Central Sierra Nevada Mtns. Lee Vining Creek: Below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, c. 2.5 road mi NW of the junction of Saddlebag Road and Hwy 120, c. 2 air mi east of Yosemite National Park boundary and 4 air mi north of Tioga Pass Scott D. White, E. Read, G. Hawkins, A. Sears, S. Weaver 5467. 4 Aug 1997. ( RSA747500 UCR213362 ) .

- Rush Creek (Upper), Pinus murrayana forest on uplands; variety of riparian types including willow shrubland, Ledum thicket; grass/sedge meadow. USGS quad: 7.5' Koip Peak Q. & adjacent Mt. Ritter Q.; Perennial; occasional in patches, mesic uplands.; Central Sierra Nevada Mtns Ansel Adams Wilderness: Rush Creek between Waugh Lake and Gem Lake. c. 3 air mi SW of public campground at Silver Lake on"June Lake Loop." Scott D. White, E. Read, G. Hawkins, A. Sears, S. Weaver 5645. 12 Aug 1997. ( UCR104094 ) . .

Stipa nelsonii Scribn. var. dorei (Barkworth & J. R. Maze) Dorn.  (=Achnatherum nelsonii (Scribn.) Barkworth ssp. dorei (Barkworth & J. R. Maze) Barkworth) Mountain Needlegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, Sparse mixed P. albicaulis/P. contorta forest. Harvey Monroe Hall Research Area. Inyo National Forest. Plot 11. S slope N of Carnegie cabin in Slate Creek Valley. Mono County E. Knapp 11 Aug 1995. ( UCD50786 ) . .

Stipa occidentalis Thurb. ex S. Watson.  (Syn: Stipa elmeri Piper & Brodie ) (=Eriocoma occidentalis (Thurb. ex S. Watson)) Western Needlegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Junction Campground, dry soil, among rocks Mono County: Junction Campground, Inyo National Forest, east of Tioga Pass, State Hwy. 120 Beecher Crampton 8353. 16 Sep 1968. ( UCD50972 ) .

- Tioga Crest, Gravelly, west-facing, metaphoric, scree-slope. Survey stand 18-67. Mono County: Tioga Crest R. H. Pemble 11 Aug 1967. ( UCD50923 ) gravelly, west-facing, metaphoric, scree-slope R. H. Pemble 1867. 11 Aug 1967. ( UCD50923 ) . .

Stipa occidentalis Thurb. ex S. Watson var. californica (Merr. & Davy) C. L. Hitchc.  (=Eriocoma occidentalis (Thurb. ex S. Watson) ssp. californica (Merr. & Burt Davy) Romasch.) California Needlegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Mount Conness, granitic chimney Mono County: northeast flank of Mt. Conness R. H. Pemble 4867. 24 Aug 1967. ( UCD51156 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, dry meadow slopes east of Mount Conness, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area near transplant gardens and cabin David D. Keck 4596. 26 Aug 1937. ( UC579795 ) . .

Stipa occidentalis Thurb. ex S. Watson var. occidentalis (Error looking up Synonym =20Erioccocc). Western Needlegrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Lemma hairy; Palea << lemma; Awn all segments hairy, lowest hairs < hairs on upper lemma (Described from Coll. No. 671, 5 Nov 2011).

- Ellery Lake, Veg Type: 4p Atr Slope: s H. S. Yates 6288. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC1133191 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone; on large rock in shallow pockets of dry soil east of Mount Conness, on rock beside cabin, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area David D. Keck 4654. 29 Aug 1937. ( UC579830 ) Arctic-Alpine Life Zone; on rock and dry slopes east of Mount Conness, Slate Creek Basin, around cabin and meadow Jens Clausen 1003. 11 Sep 1934. ( UC556351 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in metamorphics Tioga Crest, east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2754. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC641922 ) . .

Stipa pinetorum M. E. Jones.  (=Eriocoma pinetorum (M. E. Jones) Romasch.) CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Dana Plateau, Mount Dana Plateau Welland A. Watson 28 Jul 1936. ( UC1025254 UCD51281 ) .

- Glacier Canyon, dry rocky ground in metamorphics Glacier Canyon by east base of Mount Dana Carl W. Sharsmith 4206. 19 Jul 1940. ( SJSU12917 ) .

- Mount Warren, in unglaciated granitics divide between Lee Vining Peak and Mount Warren Carl W. Sharsmith 2822. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC641914 ) .

- Tioga Crest, in metamorphics summit of Tioga Crest east of Saddlebag Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 2756. 25 Jul 1937. ( UC641923 ) dry, gravelly meadow on metamorphics R. H. Pemble 75. 10 Sep 1967. ( UCD51238 ) .

- Tioga Pass Resort, Camp Tioga, by road 2 mi ne | Tioga Pass summit R. F. Hoover 5397. 4 Jul 1941. ( UC769931 ) .

- White Mountain, On upper slopes, on E-facing 20 degree slope; substrate of quartz monzonite with rock debris & gravel that dries during early starting growing season Mono County: Hall Natural Area; ridge N of White Mtn R. H. Pemble 3067. 14 Aug 1967. ( UCD51265 ) . .

Torreyochloa erecta (Hitchc.) G. L. Church.  Spiked False Mannagrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Gardisky Lake, desiccating mud of bottom of pond by Gardisky Lake Carl W. Sharsmith 9104. 10 Sep 1989. ( SJSU14238 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, wet ground Cabin Cr (Carnegie Institution Division Plant Biology Field Station) E of Mt Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5698. 8 Sep 1948. ( SJSU12983 ) . .

Torreyochloa pallida (J. Presl) G. L. Church var. pauciflora (J. Presl) J. I Davis.  Pale False Mannagrass. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Fantail Lake, In shallow water, with Callitriche palustris and Isoetes bolanderi. White Mountains, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area, Fantail Lake. J. C. Clausen 1760. 13 Aug 1939. ( NY1160368 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, mud bordering pond by shallow pond Slate Cr Valley E of Mt Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5811. 26 Aug 1950. ( SJSU13204 ) .

- Wasco Lake, in a lake near Wasco Lake, above Saddlebag Lake Dean Wm. Taylor 1301. 29 Aug 1971. ( UC1738792 ) . .

Trisetum spicatum (L.) K. Richt.  Spike Trisetum. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

Perennial, 13cm; Stem, herbaceous, soft hairy; Leaf sheath and blade differentiated, sheath open, blade soft, soft hairy; Ligule ciliate, 1 mm.; Inflorescence spike-like panicle 4.5 cm., barely exceeding leaves, purple interior; Compression lateral; Spikelets similar, 2-8 per node on 1° and 2° branches, Florets 4± per spikelet, bisexual; Glumes, lanceolate, lower 3.5 mm < upper 4.5 mm.; Lemma 4 mm., veins 3+, awns 1 attached to back (Desccribed from Coll. No. 833, 18 Jun 2012).

- Cascade Lake, in granitic sand and gravel between boulders; ridge line ridge line between Cascade Lake and Upper McCabe Lake - Mt. Conness Region, Tuolumne Meadows Topo Sheet Roger Raiche 30689. 27 Aug 1983. ( JEPS82278 ) .

- Conness Glacier, dry granitic gravels by creek draining Conness Glacier on E side of Mt Conness Carl W. Sharsmith 5549. 9 Aug 1947. ( SJSU13027 ) .

- Conness Lakes, In flats near lake edge below steep granite slopes with snowmelt. Plants loosely tufted, in flats only somewhat moist Central High Sierra Nevada. Conness Lakes; southeast side of the southeastern-most pair of lakes L. P. Janeway 7709. 24 Aug 2002. ( UC83257 ) .

- Dana Plateau, ne rim of plateau, in unglaciated granitics northeast rim of Dana Plateau Carl W. Sharsmith 2381. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC641768 ) southwest rim of plateau, in metamorphics southwest rim of Dana Plateau Carl W. Sharsmith 2421. 19 Sep 1936. ( UC641718 ) .

- Ellery Lake, Rocky slope at about timberline; a wide shallow canyon between cliffs on a steep N-facing slope. Scattered groves of dwarfed pines on lower slopes, dwarf willows & herbs above, 2927 - 3049 m SE of the dam that forms Ellery Lake, north side of the Dana Plateau Andrew C. Sanders 2250. 2 Aug 1981. ( UCR26471 ) semi-barren, open west slopes H. S. Yates 6293. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC1133292 ) .

- Lee Vining Creek (Upper), Uplands are Pinus murryana forest on glacial substrate; willow riparian at streamside; grass/sedge meadow on alluvial flats 2927 - 2988 m Lee Vining Creek: below Saddlebag Lake; above USFS Sawmill Campground, ca 2.5 road mi NW of junction Saddlebag Road w/ Hwy 120 Scott D. White, E. Read, G. Hawkins, A. Sears, S. Weaver 5511. 7 Aug 1997. ( UCR108774 ) .

- Lee Vining Peak, northwest slope of peak, in unglaciated granitics Lee Vining Peak, northwest slope Carl W. Sharsmith 2799. 28 Jul 1937. ( UC641714 ) .

- Nunatak Meadow, Meadow with dry & wet areas; w/ willows in wet areas. USGS quad: Tioga Pass 7.5' Q.; Uncommon; edge of meadows.; Sierra Nevada Mtns. along Calif. Hwy 120, 0.5 mi. north of Tioga Pass, Nunatak Meadow area G. K. Helmkamp, E. A. Helmkamp 2369. 11 Sep 1997. ( UCR102597 ) .

- Saddlebag Lake, by stream draining glacier by stream draining Conness Glacier near north end Saddlebag Lake, Sierra Nevada, Tioga Pass region Carl W. Sharsmith 299. 6 Aug 1933. ( UC641711 ) by stream draining glacier by stream draining Conness Glacier near north end Saddlebag Lake, Sierra Nevada, Tioga Pass region Carl W. Sharsmith 300. 6 Aug 1933. ( UC641716 ) .

- Slate Creek Valley, grassy slopes, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone east of Mount Conness, 200 yd west of cabin David D. Keck 4983. 24 Aug 1938. ( UC822259 ) in meadow in meadow below Carnegie Institution houses, H. M. Hall Natural Area Jack L. Reveal and James L. Reveal 180. 11 Aug 1962. ( UC1147057 ) .

- Tioga Pass, meadow near Tioga Pass H. S. Yates 6302. 22 Aug 1936. ( UC1133284 ) saddle east of Tioga Pass Ranger Station Welland A. Watson 27 Jul 1936. ( UC1025251 ) .

- White Mountain, North-facing slope, drainage area: Mono Lake, Veg type: Alpine. Fertile Native ; Sierra Nevada; Central Sierra Nevada region Northeast base of White Mountain edge of H.M. Hall Natural Area. Sierra Nevada mtn range. Mono Lake drainage area. Lyman Benson 12757. 9 Aug 1947. ( POM293845 ) Alpine. Sierra Nevada; Central Sierra Nevada region Northeast base of White Mountain edge of H.M. Hall Natural Area. Sierra Nevada mtn range. Mono Lake drainage area. Lyman Benson 12766. 9 Aug 1947. ( POM293780 ) . .

Trisetum wolfii Vasey.  Wolf's Trisetum. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Warren Canyon, on damp soil east side of Warren Creek, on the hillside, at the head of the first spring, 0.5 miles north of Tioga Pass Road James L. Reveal and Jack L. Reveal 550. 17 Aug 1963. ( UC1147092 ) .


Potamogeton gramineus L.  Variableleaf Pondweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Yost Meadow, Lodgepole pine forest Yost Meadow NW of June Mtn. ski lift, between June Mtn. & Carson Peak Wayne P. Armstrong 1294. 18 Aug 1988. ( SD129781 ) . .

Potamogeton richardsonii (A. Benn.) Rydb.  Richardson's Pondweed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Yost Lake, lodgepole pine forest Yost Lake, NW of June Mtn. ski lift, between June Mtn. & Carson Peak Wayne P. Armstrong 1293. 18 Aug 1988. ( SD129784 ) .


Maianthemum stellatum (L.) Link.  (Syn: Smilacina stellata (L.) Desf. ) Starry False Lily of the Valley. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, talus of metamorphic rock above and north of Cabin Creek (a tributary of Slate Creek), Lee Vining Creek drainage Carl W. Sharsmith 5686. 2 Sep 1948. ( SJSU13091 ) south-exposed talus slope on south-exposed talus slope northwest of cabin, Slate Creek Basin, Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area Jens Clausen 1636. 5 Aug 1937. ( UC586784 ) .


Triteleia ixioides (S. Watson) Greene ssp. anilina (Greene) L. W. Lenz.  Pretty Face. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone east of Mount Conness, Slate Creek Basin, Timberline Station Jens Clausen 1111. 22 Jul 1935. ( UC577281 ) . .

Triteleia montana Hoover.  Sierra Triteleia. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Slate Creek Valley, Arctic-Alpine Life Zone east of Mount Conness,200 yards west of cabin on grassy slopes, Slate Creek Basin David D. Keck 4980. 24 Aug 1938. ( UC624823 ) .


Sparganium angustifolium Michx.  Narrowleaf Bur-Weed. CalPhotos. Jepson eFlora. SEINet Taxon.

- Saddlebag Lake, herb growing in a small lake collected near Saddlebag Lake Bruce Orr and A. M. Howald 432. 10 Aug 1981. ( UCSB40072 ) Harlan Lewis 1567. 31 Aug 1940. ( UCR11865 ) .

- Tioga Lake, in shallow water at edge of roadside pond on Tioga Pass Road 0.2 niles north of Tioga Lake Annetta Carter 1778. 20 Aug 1946. ( UC1099808 ) pond below Tioga Lake Herbert L. Mason 12689. 7 Sep 1945. ( UC1099810 ) .

- Tioga Pass, shallow pond 0.25 miles east of Tioga Pass Carl W. Sharsmith 6925. 3 Sep 1962. ( SJSU3633

Total number of taxa: 627
Native Taxa:
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Exotic Taxa:
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Nativity Undetermined:
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Listed Weeds:
Identified as Weed


† -- Data provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria (ucjeps.berkeley.edu/consortium/).
‡ -- Southwest Environmental Information Network, SEINet. 2009-2014. http//:swbiodiversity.org/seinet/index.php. Accessed from July 2009 to September 2014.


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